PAGE FOUR (Second Section) THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNTAINEER Noted Family Relations Authority Says America Needs To Spend More On Divorce Research By ADELAIDE KERR AH Newsfeatures Writer In this country, "we pour billions into research on radio and atomic energy and neglect research on the prevention of divorce. Yet divorce is producing more human wreckage than bombs ever have." The speaker w as evelyn Millis luvall, executive secretary of the ReNational Council on Family lations The council, which has headquarters in Chicago, is the clearing house for 3,000 teachers, doctors, psychologists and marriage councilors working on the problem of how to make marriage stick "Figures from the United Stales National Office of Vital Statistics show that in 1937 we hid 1.9 divorces per thousand people and in 1946 there Here 4.:t divorces per thousand people." Dr. Duvall said. "In less than a decade the figure more than doubled. In other countries divorce is increasing. "The reason is that the family is! mu . Bar Retailers of A orth Carolina . Ah usiness, incidentally, that brought $1,784,821.12 in tax money for the third quarter of 1947 alone, to the counties and municipalities of North Carolina wherein beer is licensed to be sold. (Hereafter, distribution of this tax money will be made annually and local government units will continue to profit generously.) To the beer industry, the beer retailer owes careful guarding of its good reputation. Assisting in the fulfilling of these obligations is this Committee's major work. Our program of begun in 1939, has had notable success in weeding out those who treated these obligations lightly. Success, yes and it has come largely from support given by our North Carolina public, press and agencies. Thank you and let's continue our cooperative work ! NORTH CAROLINA COMMITTEE UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION SAM M. BLOL'XT, Suite. 7 laiuranc Stale Director Buildiif , Raleiik, North Ciroliu Distributed By us." CARRYING A GIANT POSTCARD demanding passage of universal military training by Congress. Carl Miller (left), legislative director of Wayne t'nuntv, Mich . AMVETS. a veterans group, arrives in Washington. He is greeted by AMVETS Commander Edgar C. Corry Jr. The card, which bears over 200 names, including that of Detroit's mayor, will be pre(International) sented to the Michigan delegation in Congress. About liyM lly M in 50 NOTABLE BOOKS OF 1917 The Kitty Notable liooks of 1947" list represents a compilation of the opinions of stalf groups of 12 selected libraries, varied in size and geographical location, plus the individual opinions of about fifteen to went v individual librarians, iiins ;iihI library patrons. Titles of over three hundred books were stiKiif.slcd by one or more people. There u as a substantia :iKi cement on titles of the SI) The ii'iiKiinmg IIS titles were selected more or less arbitrarily by a siikiII committee Dos of the Moines l'uhlic Library stall' who and that are constant! j in touch with the family life has rocked many have split on the rock of di- interests of library patrons. She concluded: "On all vorce." Th' list contains American pubsides we see the human wreckage lications for adult readers pubalcoholics, reckless lished in the United States during that results drivers, men and women so wracked 15)47 Some English authors are Condensations, antholowith emotional pain that they work 'iicliidi'il badly. Yet we have done almost gies, edited journals, letters, and nothing to help them or prevent diaries were omitted. That explains the absence of such importheir repetition. "We have a crying need of two tant hokos as The Lincoln Header, things. The first is basic research Die i'arknwin Journals, and I Distinctly. Hooks were We need to delve into study on how to effect good adjustment be- included because of their usefultween people and the disagree- ness; their contribution to permaments that lead to divorce. This nent literature and their timeli-- , They are books primarily would have to be done by univer- nes. sities and research centers. Mil- for reading rather than for refer-"iicTechnical and special sublions should be spent on it." ject books or monographs were not During an 1879 Indian raid in included. Emphasis was placed on hooks that have literary quality Challis. Idaho, a fort was constructed hastily from sacks of ",ol! ind also social significance, particore worth $2,000 a ton. The fort, ularly those that throw light on the long since gone, has become known problems of the present day. as the "richest fort in the world.'' All books that are starred will he found in the Haywood County Library. Anv others may he borrowed from the Library Commission. Uracv, Tile Oarretson Chronicle lirooks. The Times of Melville and Whitman. Hums. The Gallery. Hutterfield. The American Past in Hyrnes, Speaking Frankly. Macon and Swain Counties Canby. American Memoir Co uni. Life and Dream. Commission on Freedom of the Press, A Free and Responsible i Jackson Better Equipment Means Better Farming r LAFF-A-DA- Conant. (In t'ndei 'standing Science. Cruni, Behind the Silken Curtain. Dallin, Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. Davidson, The Steelier C'lilT. Dean, The U. S. and Hussia DeV'olo. Across the Wide Missouri Duncan, Cms the Great. Fischer, Gandhi and Stalin. Frost. Steeple Bush. Hiunther, Inside the U. S. A. 'Guthrie, The Big Sky. Haines, Command Decision llobson. Gentleman's Agree- inent. Johnson, Soviet Hussia Since the War. Johnson. William Allen White's America. Kantor, Hul Look the Morn. Keith, Three Came Home. I.auterhaeh, Danger From the East. "Lecoinle du Nouy, Human Destiny. Levi. Christ Stopped at Eboli. Levin, My Father's House. Lewis, Kingsblood Royal l.cindberg. Modern Woman; The Lost Sex. Matthiessen, The James Family. Mauldin, Back Home. Meyer, Peace or Anarchy. Millis. This Is I'eari: Morison, The Battle of the A- ... Mott. Golden Multitudes. Murphy, Logbook for Grace. Nevins, Ordeal of the Union, 2v. Paul. Linden on the Saugus Branch. Roberts. Lydia Bailey. Shirer, End of a Berlin Diary. Spcnce, Vain Shadow Stone. Adversary in the House. Taylor, Richer in Asia. Toynbeo, A Study of History i. bridged '. U. S. President's Committee on Civil Rights. To Secure These Rights. Walker. The Quarry West, The Meaning of Treason. Williams. House Divided. The United Stales has about million dairy cows 'll:, ur '""Hill Bettor ButvJ CJ Stay MAKING his first appearance In :, Or., .,. New York as a "third party" Presidential candidate, Henry Wallace m)i'e than appeals for the election of Leo Isacson, an American Labor party ti candidate for Congress In the 24th trap. k came U Bronx district. His stand was taken I,.,, .. .. mniai 'he elriM,,,. as a test of strength, since Wallace '""MU rejected flatly Mayor William "'"'"'K O'Dwyer's bid to rejoin the Demo(Infernottonal) cratic party. brought tb(l ALWAYStJ FAIRLY AT CM GROCER! TRY OO MY YOURE ANO STORED THEY ARE de pen dab: 2fi mmm warn mmm WHAT A BUY MEAT For Pastry - Biscuits - Cakes MAKES THE m QUEEN OF THE PANTRY FLOUR j 5 LB. 47c 10 LB. BAG 89c ocid J L,D. nnc iinu ifo in 3..13 RAISINS You'll be a BETTER COOK WEINERS ARMOUR'S LEG-O-LAM- ISpni 3 LB. CAN STAR I B WILSON'S SPECIAL WESTERN with SPRY' 7 T-BO- 44c C SIRLOIN QUAKER MAID THIS IS NOT 1; i STURDI MIX BISCUIT MIX, 2 lb. Pkg. 39c LdLy LARGE .11' NT ANOTHER Si ()VMnv lb. Bottle 17c TF2A,'F or w,,0,'e nrvij 33c " 2 For LARGE V mk fcT MM m. a. VI 1 1 36c LARGE HLAD LETTUCE NICE CRISP 1 5c CELERY PACKAGE GREEN 3 CABBAGE Drawn Chase Small 42.C Needs BRANDS CIGARETTES Mountain Supply Co. Dearborn Farm Equipment ftp, Trfruff Vl((irtf ttr WiU f .Jht- "Pardon the interruption, but this gentleman wants to know if he can kiss the bride NOW ... he has to catch a & 32-O- I. Mb. Can lbs. NOODfl Sanborn COFFEE 56c lb. ROCKHOOD'S COCOA POPULAR Main Street 01 NTS 19c 6 We Can Supply All Your STE I LB. CAN S1.22 SYRUP 4 SKINLESS BAG Y And Accessories 461 :n l'iuani ,rm ""N m "Ki I 0uU ik. ii pond,.,,, MEDIUM - Tractor & Horse Ford Tractors f he ,1,., " pose K n tlantic. With DEARBORN FARM EQUIPMENT and All Parts Phone "1 d said Roto Tillers Mowing Machines hat ,. V FRESH Double & Single, Solid & Slatted Mouldboard Plows REMEMBER :. MY DEAR,FOR VEGETABLES THAT ARE LOVELY AND Lime Spreaders Cultivators V ff juil-- "is SEE US FOR Disc Harrows ujjv tle87 SO EXPENSIVE, TOO. AliGAIi JOHNSTON County Librarian u": "Hi ''N"H "dllSCll. the tj .. slag(-r,- , "1 SUCH WILTED VEGETABLES, LOOK AT THEM AND THEY WERE KT faded drunkei ""Pa .i,uua son h. Hans..,, Judge books are the United million 400 printed annually States. Library Notes Mountain Supply Go. Haywood Mu f n To his fellow citizens, tlie beer dealer owes conduct of a business which they have given him license to operate . . arge davs." Bob NEW ORLEANS Hamilton of Reynolds, Ky., finished with a flourish to win $2,000 first prize money Sunday in the $10,000 New Orleans open by a single stroke. Hamilton stroked 280 for the 72 holes with Fred Haas, Jr., the local pride, finishing in a second place tie with Lawson Little of Cleveland. Ohio, and Roberto de Vicenzo of Buenos Aires. Argentina. . "Today my teen-ag- e daughters can step out of the door, into a car and In 10 minutes be where nobody knows them. Other worn-etravel around the world by Mrs. Grundy can't keep air. up with that pace. The old social controls that used to keep people in line are not there any more." Dr. Duvall tiled nine other important changes in family life including these: Millions have left the farm for the city. Families have grown much smaller and seek more diversion outside Father no longer rules the family with a rod of iron. Millions of women earn their own living. "In the midst of all these changes it is no wonder that the boat of A (AP) Family relations councilor EVELYN DCVALL P1 HAMILTON WINS THE NEW ORLEANS OPEN ones. In western civilization we are in the process of moving out of an old house into a new one and have not found ourselves. All the confusions of moving day are upon THIS OBLIGATION Rests on 'The '5 1 J Prisoner (UP) The Indianapolis Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in AMERICA (E. P. E. B S. Q. S. A.) has a new championship trio. Its members not only harmonize perfectly, but they befuddle their neighbors as well as their own family. They are triplet sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris of Muncie, Ind. They are six years old and love to sing "Sweet Adeline" and "Sweet Sue." INDIANAPOLIS Ep-le- suddenly quieted down in the cab and Epley looked into his rear view mirror. The holdup men were asleep. Epley swung his cab around and headed for the police station. Police said the weapon with wnicn cpiey was threatened was toy water pistol. c. anient, Stiff In Strength Test Triplets, Aged 6, Form Barber Shop Trio S-- (UP) Roy a taxicab driver, deposited his assailants at the police station. He told officers the two men stuck a pistol in his back and ordered him to drive to nearby Mooresville. En route, Epley said, they talked of "bumping this guy if INDIANAPOLIS Dr. Duvall, who recently led a marriage course at New York Town Hall, sketched sbme social changes in a state of transition. It has which have made marriage and been catapulted out of the old sit- the family different tnan they were uations which used to hold it sta- in grandmother's day. ble and has not settled in new "When I was a girl in upstate New York." she recalled, "no nice girl smoked, dranK, peucd, wore very sheer stoekinys or went out to dinner with a married man. My America's Btmraft Moderation Deau called lor nie with a horse and buugy. We rarely could get so lar away that somebody did not know one of us. And even if they didn't recognize us, somebody TWO-FOL- D would be sure to spot the horse. So we had to conduct ourselves accordingly. Mrs. Grundy behind the lace curtains was a very powerful force. BELR AMVETS URGE MILITARY TRAINING Sleepy Holdup Men Land In Police Station , ,.kkenb1 i6oz',AB JAR DILL FLAVOlllf 15c PICKLES DUFF'S $1.35 MIX HOT ROLL ')
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