F.No.CPS 18-1I2015-NFSM Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (NFSM-Cell) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 27.05.2015 Sub: Administrative Approval of Project proposal on Millets under NFSM during 2015-16 submitted by Directorate of Millets Development, Jaipur-reg. the .I am directed to convey that the competent authority of this Department has approved . fr.,oject proposal on Millets under NFSM during 2015-16 as submitted by Directorate of Millets Development under Centrally Sponsored Scheme ofNational Food Security Mission (NFSM) for the financial year 2015-16 with an total outlay of Rs. 8.80 lakh • (Rup~es eight lakh eighty thousand only). The component-wise budget approved 'is as under. . (Rs. in lakh) Sl Particulars N o. I 2 Exposure visits of farmers, extension of State workers Department to Centre of Excellence on Maize, MPUA&T, Udaipur. Organization of 2 days State Level Training on coarse cereals for 20 Extension workers Organization of 2 days National on coarse Seminar/workshop cereals KVK/S AUslN GOI SAUs/I CAR 2 @ Rs. 0.40 One I @3.0 lakh 3.00 5 Making Technical of leaflets/booklets, display materials, poster/banner etc. on Jowar, Barja, Maize, Ragi, small millets and barley. DMD, Jaipur - 6 Strengthening of Directorate of Millets Development, Jaipur (Scanner, Color Laser Printer). DMD, Jaipur 7 Miscellaneous (Stationery, etc.) DMD, Jaipur 3 4 I· Exposure visits of fanners and extension of State workers Department to Centre of Excellence -on Pearl millet, CCS HAU, Hisar. Proposed by DMD, Jaipur Unit amou Agency Nos/ha & nt /state cost of Unit Propo sed KVKlS 1.50 2@Rs.. 0.75 AUslN lakh/visit GO/SH One in G Rajasthan & one in Guiarat KVK/S 2 @Rs.0.75 1.50 AUslN lakh/visit One in Rajasthan GO/SH & one in G Gujarat Total I • 0.80 Agency Unit Nos & cost of Unit SAUs!KV KlICAR Institutes 2@Rs. SAUs!KV KlICAR Institutes Total amount Approv ed 1.50 0.75 Iakh/visit One in Rajasthan & one in Gujarat [email protected] lakh/visit One in Rajasthan & one in Gujarat 1.50 SAUs/KV K/ ICAR Institutes SAUs/KV KI rCAR Institutes 2 0.80 1 3.00 1.00 DMD, Jaipur - 1.00 - 1.00 DMD, Jaipur Scanner, Colour Laser Printer 0.50 - 0.50 DMD, Jaipur - 0.50 9.30 .- in Rajasthan & one in Gujarat "!"" Approved by NFSM-Cell 8.80 The above project has been approved with the following conditions: 1. ll. iii. IV. v. vi. Vll. DMD-Jaipur will give the details of National Level/State Level trainings to be organized along with the schedule of training, officials of the states to be participated, lectures to be delivered and name of the institute. National Level & State level trainings as propo~ed by DMD-Jaipur are restricted for two days as per cost norms ofNFSM -commercial crops operational guidelines. The training organizing institute will submit thedetailed report of the training organized. The exposure visit for the extension functionaries and the progressive fanners are allowed as per ATMA cost norms. DMD-Jaipur will provide- the details of the exposur~ visits to be organized along with place, purpose of visit and duration of visit and submit the detailed report. The publication of technical literature, leaf lets, making of display material, poster/ banner on coarse cereals may be consulted with SAU/lCAR institute. The equipments like colour lazer printer, scanner are allowed. Distribution: 1. 2. 3. 4:'" 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Commissioner of Agriculture, Govt. of Rajathan, Jaipur Director of Agriculture, Govt. of Gujarat, Ahmadabad Director-in-charge, Directorate of Millets Deyelopment, Jaipur Under Secretary (Finance), DAC, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Under Secretary (CA-V), DAC, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Sr. PS to Agriculture Commissioner, DAC, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. PS to JS (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. PS to Director/ Additional Commissioner (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Guard file.
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