Manawa Hou Enrolment and Consent Form th Please return these forms to [email protected] before April 9 , 2015 RAKATAHI DETAILS Te kaitono Full name Gender Male Date of birth / Year at school Yr 11 Ethnicity Māori Kāi Tahu Tick here if you are registered with Kāi Tahu Female / Age Yr 12 Yr 13 NZ European/Pakeha Other - state: Iwi affiliations Kāi Tahu Rūnaka affiliations Arowhenua Kaikōura Makaawhio Ōraka Aparima Ngāti Waewae Waihao Postal address Home phone Work Mobile phone Fax Email School/Education Favourite Subjects Interests & Hobbies Career Aspirations Awarua Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki Moeraki Ōtākou Ngāti Wheke Waihōpai Hokonui Koukourārata Ōnuku Ngāi Tūāhuriri Te Taumutu Wairewa 2. NEXT OF KIN/ EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Te whānauka tata Parent/Caregiver Name Full name Postal address Home phone Mobile phone Work h Fax Email Alternative email Emergency Contact 2 Full name Postal address Home phone Mobile phone Work h Fax Email Alternative email 3. PERSONAL HISTORY Mō te kaitono CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE Te taha ahurea To help us plan your course - rate your knowledge of the following cultural practices knowledge Excellent Very good Reasonable Limited No Mahika kai food gathering Pūrākau history/tradition Tikaka/Kawa customs/protocols Waka traditional canoes Kapa haka performing arts Te Reo language 4. RAKATAHI LETTER OF APPLICATION Please tell us why you’d like to register for Manawa Hou and what you hope to get out of the opportunity. 5. MEDICAL INFORMATION Te taha rokoā Please tick if you/your child suffers from any of the following: Blackouts Asthma Sleep walking Migraine Diabetes Back problems Car sickness Fits Dizzy spells Sea Sickness Fear of heights Heart condition Fear of open spaces Please outline any allergies: Please specify any current/past injuries, or any medical condition, that may affect course participation: Does your son/daughter receive any medication? Please tick. Yes No If yes, please specify: Does your son/daughter usually administer the medication themselves? 6. Yes No SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Kā hiahiataka motuhake DIETARY Te kai N/A Gluten free -------------------5 -----------------okay Relates to other rakatahi 1---------------- --------------------5 -----------------Doesn’t feel confident okay communicating with other rakatahi ----------------10 Very fit ----------------10 Communicates with other rakatahi WATER CONFIDENCE Kauhoe Are you confident in water, can swim at least 50metres and are comfortable putting your head underwater? NO YES All rakatahi MUST be able to swim at least 50 metres SMOKEFREE Auahi kore Do you smoke? YES NO If YES - how many do you smoke a day N/A YES NO Vegan Other food allergies/intolerances - provide details of food types, severity & last Vegetarian exclusive reaction: Fitness 1---------------Unfit Dairy free and are you willing to be smokefree on Manawa Hou? 6 PERMISSION FORM / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK -Te whakaaetaka/ te mōhio ki kā mōrearea I approve of my son/daughter, to go on Manawa Hou in Ngāti Waewae from 14-17 April 2015. I agree that he/she should take part in such activities and duties that may be required by staff. I have read the accompanying information and satisfied that my son/daughter will comply. If medical assistance is required I authorise such action to be taken as thought necessary by staff. I understand that if my son/daughter is sent home due to misbehaviour I will be required to meet the costs of the transport involved. I also give permission for photos of my son/daughter to be used for presentational and promotional purposes. My son/daughter is meets all the criteria, including being able to swim at least 50 meters. Signed 7. Date _______ RAKATAHI DECLARATION Te whakapuakika I agree to comply with the kaupapa of Manawa Hou and in particular I will follow all instructions and act with common sense, safety and consideration for others. Signature Rakatahi Date What next? Please return these forms via email to: [email protected] or by post to Manawa Hou, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, PO Box 13046, Christchurch, 8141 before April 9, 2015.
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