Town of Chesterfield Board of Selectmen MINUTES April 15, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jim Larkin called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Others in attendance were Jon McKeon, Brad Roscoe and Rick Carrier, Town Administrator. FOR SIGNATURE Manifest #16 Selectmen Minutes – April 8, 2015 Intents to Cut – Foley Road Trust, Furlone & Kray Yield Tax Certifications (4) Timber Tax Warrant Transfer Station Facility Report Eversource Pole License Payroll Change Notice APPOINTMENTS 6:15 p.m. Road Agent Search Committee Attending: Barbara Girs, Jon McKeon, Davis Peach and Lawrence “Stubb” Thomas Larkin stated that he approached the ZBA members for a volunteer to work on the committee. The selectboard assigned the search committee to review the applications, schedule the interviews and make the committee’s recommendation to the selectboard. Roscoe suggested that the advertising process needs to be broadened to job search online advertising for more exposure for the road agent position. The selectboard set a spending cap of $1,000 for online advertising for this job opening. The committee requests that the application deadline be extended to April 29 at noon. Thomas asked for an outline of questions to be asked of the candidates. McKeon will provide an outline to all committee members at the next committee meeting. The Search Committee set the next meeting date for April 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Offices to discuss the Selectmen’s decisions made at this meeting for the road agent. 7:00 p.m. Richard Drew Richard Drew, a surveyor, was advised by the Planning Board to meet with the selectmen about subdividing five acres from a 49-acre parcel on Stone Mill Road, which is a Class VI road. Drew asked if a non-building lot could be created. Larkin suggested that the board research the request and get back to Drew following the April 29 board meeting. Selectboard Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015 Page 1 7:30 p.m. Joe Warhall Warhall asked for an appointment with the board for a follow up on Bennett Road to ensure that the property road line is adhered to. He inquired as to when the highway department would be putting down the cold patch in the ditch as well. McKeon stated that the road agent and David Gale will meet to discuss a method of conveying the water runoff from the north side of the road to the south side of the road and to eliminate the trench that is currently in place. The road agent stated, at an earlier meeting, that he would be adding cold patch to the ditch after the weather was warm enough for it to bind to the material in place. McKeon added that this board will follow up that meeting and ask if the weather is warm enough for the cold patch work to be done. Warhall stated that he has had his property surveyed. McKeon stated that Warhall’s survey references other properties but is doesn’t lay out the road. McKeon added that the board should revisit items to be addressed or removed from their previous letter to the property owners. The board needs to look at the ditch issues and to have the repairs done to the second bump in the road. The schedule of David Gale will need to be taken into consideration as to when the meeting will take place. McKeon added that the board will need further discussion as to how the road property boundaries will be determined. FOR DISCUSSION RFP Town Hall Annex Project/Schedule The board confirmed the pre-RFP meeting will be held on May 20, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. Highway Department Work Outline The board reviewed a monthly outline schedule from the interim road agent for 2015-2016 for the Highway Department. Roscoe suggested that the road names be listed that will be worked on. McKeon also suggested that coordination and logistics of scheduling roads should be tracked. Larkin requested that a month-to-month post report by the road agent be sent to the selectboard for review that includes man hours and equipment expense. McKeon requested that a summary of findings and a schedule of plans for the upcoming month should be included on the monthly report. Website Posting Chesterfield School requested that the E Waste Day be put on the Town’s website. The board agreed to not use the town’s website as an advertising bulletin board and felt that this request was an appropriate one. The board members felt that if the requests are a benefit to our community, those requests should be allowed to be posted. Carrier will work with Prospect Park to create a community events page for residents for such postings. Route 9 Rumble Strips New Hampshire DOT sent a letter informing the selectboard that they will be installing rumble strips along Route 9 in Chesterfield next year. Selectboard Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015 Page 2 Town Office Suggestion Box The board made the selection from suggestion box options. The box will be installed in the main lobby of the Town Offices. Submitted suggestions will be opened and reviewed by the selectboard members. Town Office Water Filter Carrier reported that gunk and jell has built up in the Town Offices faucets and toilets buildup since a recent well issue occurrence. The board will discuss water filter options at the next board meeting. Lake Level The board requested that the Highway Department put enough boards in the dam to bring the water elevation up to summer level. May/Summer Meeting Schedule The selectboard will start their normal summer meeting schedule beginning on May 27 as a non scheduled meeting date and tentatively meet every other week. Next Week’s Manifest There will be sufficient board member signatures for next week’s manifest approval. PROJECT LIST Enclosure for Transfer Station Cardboard Bales: Larkin noted that Leon Dunbar will be meeting with Ron Bell. Research Broadband Options: Roscoe left messages with Argent, Fairpoint, Y Valley and Comcast to discuss options available to the town. More information will be reported as information is received from those companies. Town Buildings CIP: Carrier will plug in purchase and install dates for the Town Office. OLD BUSINESS Rudolph Junkyard: The code enforcement officer will check on the status of the junkyard. Tax Deed Old Chesterfield Road Property: The asbestos test results have not be been received. Complaint Policy: McKeon will tailor a sample of a complaint that is most specific to Chesterfield. TH Annex Engineer Review: The pre RFP should appear in the first line of the schedule of events. A final copy will be sent to be board before the next meeting. Advertising will be Selectboard Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015 Page 3 discussed at the April 29 meeting. McKeon will get information for architects as to where they would look for RFP information. OTHER BUSINESS Jeff Scott inquired as to how permits are obtained for firearm sales. Larkin replied that the police department issues the permit and the selectboard sign the permit. McKeon inquired as to whether the storage file area is being locked in the Town Office building. Carrier replied that it is not. The board requested that a lock be installed on the door for security. Town officials will be required to get a key for the lock from the Selectmen’s secretary or town administrator to review materials. All others will request the secretary or the administrator to make the materials available for their review in the Selectmen’s office. It was noted that Argent has been upgrading their internet system and the service has been down in many sections of town. McKeon stated that Argent is required to let their customers know when they are servicing their system per their franchise agreement. Carrier will be sending Argent a letter for an explanations to why their notices are not going out to their customers. McKeon noted that he has sent the snow guard information to Leon Dunbar for the 2 and 3 rail fasteners with specifications for the transfer station roof. Carrier stated that the selectboard has been invited to attend the NHDOT meeting scheduled on April 22 at 10:00 a.m. at their District 4 office on Base Hill Road to discuss mitigation on the traffic study for the Mill Road project. Carrier emailed Erik Barnes requesting the lifeguard salary review. Barnes replied with an hourly structure of $9.00 with no experience, $9.50 with 1-4 years experience and $10.50 for 4 years and up. Carrier responded that the board needed the review of other towns rates of pay. Carrier has not received any further information. McKeon stated that paperwork on this research needs to be available for the selectboard. Larkin reported on the ZBA meeting of April 14 with the two applications from GS Precision. The meeting was well attended and the ZBA approved both applications for the commercial/industrial zone on Mill Road. McKeon noted that the State is well aware of the applications of GS Precision. McKeon moved to go into Non-Public per RSA 91-A:3 II (a&c). The motion was seconded by Roscoe, which carried. McKeon moved to come out of Non-public session. The motion was seconded by Roscoe, which carried. With no other business to conduct, Roscoe moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. The motion was seconded by McKeon, which carried. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Grace, Secretary to the Selectboard Selectboard Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015 Page 4 Approved by: ____________________________________________ James M. Larkin, Chairman _____________________________ Date ____________________________________________ Jon P. McKeon _____________________________ Date ____________________________________________ Brad Roscoe _____________________________ Date Selectboard Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015 Page 5
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