Is Barricading a Classroom Door Fast & Easy ? Compare NIGHTLOCK to a Pile of Furniture. Emergency Training programs teach those facing a gunman how to create barricades with classroom furniture and common classroom items. U.S. Department of Homeland Security ACTIVE SHOOTER : HOW TO RESPOND WHEN AN ACTIVE SHOOTER IS IN YOUR VICINITY To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place: • Lock and barricade doors • Blockade the door with heavy furniture See : ALICE TRAINING The ALICE protocol calls for making active decisions, such as barricading classroom doors with anything available (desks, chairs, etc.) while coordinating on-the-spot evacuations, and, if all else fails, attack the shooter. See : U.S. Dept of Homeland Security and A.L.I.C.E. advocate Barricading Classroom Doors but do not Endorse any certain Products . Perfect for Exterior Doors Too Library - Cafeteria - Gymnasium LOCKING HANDLE - Keep it Safe and Available The NIGHTLOCK Lockdown's connecting handle can be conveniently stored in a secure location in the classroom by the teacher. A Wall Box is provided with each unit and can be positioned anywhere in the classroom for quick access to the handle incase of a Lockdown Event. The handle is RED for easy visual locating. Most schools prefer positioning near the door,or at the teacher’s desk. Helpful Questions & Answers Q. What does it cost ? A. Nightlock Lockdown is the most cost effective solution available. Only $49.95 each (Larger quantity discount available). No need to replace existing door hardware which can cost hundreds of dollars per door. Nightlock Lockdown is the most economical way to secure your classroom door, your last line of defense. Q. What if an intruder breaks a classroom door window , reaches in and unlocks the existing door hardware? A. At the floor level, Nightlock Lockdown is out of reach by the intruder. Q. When not in use, where do I keep the removable locking handle safe & readily available ? A. A Wall Box is provided to hold the handle . Mount in a secure place near the classroom door or the teacher’s desk. Q. How can police or administrators unlock the Nightlock Lockdown from outside the classroom if needed ? What if a student gains access to the locking handle and locks the teacher out as a prank? A. A special tool is supplied and available to release the device from outside the classroom. The tool should always be kept in a secure location , such as an administrators office. Q. Is it a Trip Hazard ? A. The Nightlock Low Profile floor plate is used in high traffic areas. It has smooth beveled edges and is only 1/8” inch high. Q. Installation ? A. Easy to install . The Door screws are actually Binding Post - Architect Bolts .They go all the way thru the door and bolt into a tamper resistant rounded head binding nut. They are ADJUSTABLE to fit doors 1-1/2” to 2” thick. The Floor Plate Screws are 2” long and come with cement anchors for installing on tile and cement floors. All fastening hardware is included. Most Classroom doors swing outward, but the Nightlock Lockdown works on both Outward and Inward swinging doors. Q. Local or State Fire Codes ? A. Most lockdown policy procedures for classrooms include “barricading the classroom door”, with items such as desks or furniture. To comply with Local and State Fire Codes, ONLY Barricade doors during actual Emergency Lockdown Events and Drills.
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