NJ Electronic Security Association About the Course CEU Classes for Licensure 2015 Significant Changes Update John Drucker TRAINING CLASS 2015 Significant Changes Update 8 CEU Credits: TECES-16(02)CO75 This seminar is an all-encompassing code update as New Jersey prepares to adopt the 2015 International Codes with New Jersey Amendments. The seminar will cover all of the significant changes in the building, residential and mechanical codes, the 2014 NEC Electrical Sub-code, and the 2013 NFPA-72 Reference Standard, including, but not limited to, fire alarm, access control, low voltage systems, pathway survivability, supervising station monitoring, voice evacuation and mass notification based on the proposed NJ Code Adoption. This is a Tuesday, April 28 8:00 am—4:30 pm must attend for system designers, contractors and users who want to know about the changes ahead. This is a full day seminar. Sponsored by: NJ LAW REQUIRES THAT INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES HOLD A LICENSE TO PERFORM ALARM AND LOCKSMITH SERVICES No person shall advertise that he is authorized to engage in, or engage in the alarm business, or otherwise engage in the installation, service or maintenance of burglar alarm, fire alarm or electronic security systems or be engaged in the provision of locksmithing services unless he satisfies the requirements of this act. The Advisory Committee is authorized to seek a penalty of $10,000 for the first violation and not more than $20,000 for the second and each subsequent violation when it can verify that an individual or business is engaged in the installation, service or maintenance of burglar alarm, fire alarm or electronic security systems or engaged in the provision of locksmithing services while unlicensed. The Advisory Committee has been licensing individuals who perform alarm and locksmith services since 2004 and businesses engaged in providing alarm and locksmith services since 2008. As of April 30, 2010, the Advisory Committee has licensed 3,507 individuals engaged in the alarm and locksmith businesses and 596 businesses that provide alarm and locksmith services. The Advisory Committee is aware that there are individuals and businesses performing alarm and locksmith services in the State of New Jersey although they are unlicensed. The Advisory Committee is aggressively pursuing those individuals and businesses. The Advisory Committee suggests that both consumers and licensees file a complaint when an unlicensed individual or business is alleged to be performing alarm and locksmith services. Complaint forms are located on the Advisory Committee website: http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ ca/fbl/ click “Consumer Information” to obtain a Complaint form. Important Details COURSE LOCATION: NJESA Training Course Registration Form 2015 Significant Changes—4/28/15 If registered before 4/21: _____ $300 NJESA Member _____ $400 Nonmember 2 Stahuber Avenue Please make checks payable to: NJESA Mail check to: 96A Vanderburg Road Marlboro, NJ 07745 Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Advisory Committee FOR 8 CREDITS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS. 800-296-9000 _____ $450 Nonmember are required to be licensed and renewed every three years. _____ $350 NJESA Member Name:___________________________ License # (if you have one): Burglar:_________________________ Fire:____________________________ No refunds will be issued for class cancellation after April 21, 2015. The NJ Division of Consumer Affairs - If registered on or after 4/21: NJ alarm dealers & installers ~~~ Full payment must be made prior to start of class. ~~~ THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY Union, NJ 07083 Company:_________________________ Please take note of the following: Photo ID is required for entry into the class. A CEU Certificate will not be issued to an attendee for the class if more than fifteen minutes of the class is missed including tardiness. Refunds will not be issued for tardiness. Courses start promptly. Class may be cancelled due to attendance requirements. Registrants will be notified by email and cell phone and a full refund will be issued. Address:_________________________ ________________________________ Email: ___________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Payment Type (please circle): Check Visa Mastercard Amex Card #: _________________________ Exp Date: _______________________ Signature: _______________________ Credit card payments can be emailed to: [email protected]. or register online by clicking HERE. Questions? Christine Higgins @ 609-695-4444
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