Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to

Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences
for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models
arXiv:1505.04870v1 [cs.CV] 19 May 2015
Bryan Plummer
Liwei Wang
Chris Cervantes
Juan Caicedo
Svetlana Lazebnik
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julia Hockenmaier
ize the mentioned entities [1, 3, 12, 18, 19, 22, 24, 36], or
has relied on detectors that were trained for different purposes [6, 21, 27, 38]. A number of recent works have taken
a more conceptually satisfying approach of inducing mappings of image regions to words or phrases in the captions
[5, 16, 15, 37], but have had to treat these mappings as latent. It is reasonable to believe that the accuracy of the
latter methods would be enhanced if they were given access to explicit supervision at training time. Likewise, at
test time, ground-truth region-to-text correspondence could
help to evaluate how accurately methods associate phrases
with specific image locations.
In this paper, we introduce the Flickr30k Entities dataset,
which builds on the Flickr30k dataset from Young et al.
[39]. The original dataset, which is used in many recent
works on image description [1, 3, 5, 10, 16, 15, 18, 19, 22,
24, 36, 37], contains 31,783 images that depict a wide variety of everyday scenes and events, and 158,915 English
captions (five per image). Flickr30k Entities augments the
original dataset by identifying which mentions among the
captions of the same image refer to the same set of entities,
resulting in 244,034 coreference chains, and which image
regions depict the mentioned entities, resulting in 275,775
bounding boxes. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of our annotations on three sample images.
The dataset most closely related to ours is Microsoft
Common Objects in Context (MSCOCO) [23], which includes over 300k images with over 2.5m labeled object instances from 91 pre-defined categories, as well as five captions per image. However, while MSCOCO is an order
of magnitude larger than our dataset, it does not include
any image-to-caption or cross-caption coreference. Indeed,
the MSCOCO region-level annotations were produced independently from its captions, and phrases in the captions are
not linked to these regions or to each other in any way. By
contrast, each bounding box in Flickr30k Entities is explicitly linked to multiple mentions in multiple sentences, and
the mentions that refer to the same entities are grouped into
coreference chains. Another related dataset is ReferIt [17],
which augments the IAPR-TC dataset [11] of 20K photographs with 130K isolated entity descriptions for 97K ob-
The Flickr30k dataset has become a standard benchmark
for sentence-based image description. This paper presents
Flickr30k Entities, which augments the 158k captions from
Flickr30k with 244k coreference chains linking mentions of
the same entities in images, as well as 276k manually annotated bounding boxes corresponding to each entity. Such
annotation is essential for continued progress in automatic
image description and grounded language understanding.
We present experiments demonstrating the usefulness of our
annotations for bidirectional image-sentence retrieval and
text-to-image coreference. These experiments confirm that
we can further improve the accuracy of state-of-the-art retrieval methods by training with explicit region-to-phrase
correspondence, but at the same time, they show that accurately inferring this correspondence given an image and a
caption remains really challenging. Our dataset is available for download at http://web.engr.illinois.
1. Introduction
Semantically rich scene understanding is an important
goal of computer vision research: it is not enough to know
which objects are in a scene and where they are located,
but how those objects relate to one another and to the
scene in which they appear. Grounded language understanding, which requires systems to relate linguistic mentions to phenomena that manifest themselves in images or
video, is a challenging natural language problem. Therefore, the task of sentence-based image description, which
combines both of these goals, has received a lot of recent attention from both vision and language researchers
[1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 36, 38].
Existing datasets for image description pair each image
with one or more captions [11, 12, 23, 30, 39]. Unfortunately, none of these datasets provide an explicit grounding of where the entities mentioned in the captions appear
in the image. As a consequence, most work has either focused on learning global associations between images and
sentences without any explicit attempt to detect or local1
A man with pierced ears is wearing glasses and an orange hat.
A man with glasses is wearing a beer can crotched hat.
A man with gauges and glasses is wearing a Blitz hat.
A man in an orange hat starring at something.
A man wears an orange hat and glasses.
During a gay pride parade in an Asian city, some people hold
up rainbow flags to show their support.
A group of youths march down a street waving flags showing
a color spectrum.
Oriental people with rainbow flags walking down a city street.
A group of people walk down a street waving rainbow flags.
People are outside waving flags .
A couple in their wedding attire stand behind a table
with a wedding cake and flowers.
A bride and groom are standing in front of their wedding
cake at their reception.
A bride and groom smile as they view their wedding
cake at a reception.
A couple stands behind their wedding cake.
Man and woman cutting wedding cake.
Figure 1: Example annotations from our dataset. In each group of captions describing the same image, coreferent mentions (coreference
chains) and their corresponding bounding boxes are marked with the same color. On the left, each chain points to a single entity (bounding
box). Scenes and events like “outside” or “parade” have no box. In the middle example, the people (red) and flags (blue) chains point to
multiple boxes each. On the right, blue phrases refer to the bride, and red phrases refer to the groom. The dark purple phrases (“a couple”)
refer to both of these entities, and their corresponding bounding boxes are identical to the red and blue ones.
jects (image regions), only 10K of which have more than a
single description. While some of the ReferIt descriptions
contain spatial relations to other objects, they typically do
so only if that was necessary to uniquely identify the object in the image. The average number of identified objects
per image (8.9 bounding boxes) in our dataset is significantly higher than in the ReferIt dataset (4.8), and on par
with MSCOCO (7.7).
Section 2 describes our crowdsourcing protocol, which
consists of two major stages, coreference resolution and
bounding box drawing. Each of these stages is split up into
smaller tasks to ensure both efficiency and quality. Section 3.1 demonstrates the utility of the Flickr30k Entities
dataset for bidirectional (image-to-sentence and sentenceto-image) retrieval, showing that performance on these
tasks can be improved by training with explicit region-tophrase correspondence. Our annotations also enable us to
conduct quantitative evaluation for new benchmark tasks,
such as text-to-image coreference [20]. Section 3.2 presents
baseline results for this task, demonstrating that while a
flurry of new methods have achieved unprecedented performance on global image description, accurately localizing
specific entities in an image remains really challenging.
We believe that Flickr30K Entities will be an important
resource for developing richer models of image description
and grounded language understanding, and we plan to make
all our data, code, and baseline results publicly available.
2. Annotation Process
We used Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) to collect the
Flickr30K Entities annotations. As can be seen from Fig-
ure 1, our desired annotations are highly structured. What
is more, their complexity can vary greatly from image to
image, since images vary in the numbers of clearly distinguishable entities they contain, and sentences vary in their
level of detail. There are also ambiguities involved in identifying whether two mentions refer to the same entity or set of
entities, how many boxes (if any) these entities require, and
whether these boxes are of sufficiently high quality. Due to
this intrinsic subtlety of our task, compounded by the unreliability of crowdsourced judgments, we developed a multistage pipeline of simpler atomic tasks to ensure high-quality
final annotations while keeping the budget reasonable.
Our pipeline consists of two stages: coreference resolution, or forming coreference chains that refer to the same
entities (Section 2.1), and bounding box annotation for
the resulting chains (Section 2.2). The reasons for this
workflow are twofold: first, identifying coreferent mentions
helps to reduce redundancy and save box-drawing effort;
and second, coreference annotation is intrinsically valuable,
e.g., for training cross-caption coreference models.
2.1. Coreference Resolution
To start with, we rely on the chunking information given
in the Flickr30k captions [39] to identify potential entity
mentions. With the exception of personal pronouns (he, she,
they) and a small list of frequent non-visual terms (background, air), we assume that any noun-phrase (NP) chunk
is a potential entity mention. NP chunks are short (avg.
2.35 words), non-recursive phrases (e.g., the complex NP
[[a man] in [an orange hat]] is split into two chunks).
Mentions may refer to single entities (a dog); clearly delineated regions of “stuff” (grass); multiple distinct entities
(two men, flags, football players); groups of entities that
may not be easily identified as individuals (a crowd, a pile
of oranges); or even to the entire scene (the park). Finally,
some NP chunks may not refer to any physical entities (wedding reception, a trick, fun).
Once we have our candidate mentions in a group of sentences corresponding to the same image, we need to identify
which ones refer to the same set of entities. Since each caption is a single, relatively short sentence, pronouns (he, she,
they) are relatively rare in this dataset. Therefore, unlike in
standard coreference resolution in running text [33], which
can be beneficial for identifying all mentions of people in
movie scripts [29], we ignore anaphoric references between
pronouns and their antecedents and focus on cross-caption
coreference resolution, or identifying whether pairs of noun
phrases from two different captions refer to the same set of
entities [13]. Like standard coreference resolution, our task
partitions the set of mentions M in a document (here, the
five captions of one image), into subsets of equivalent mentions such that all mentions in the same subset c ∈ C refer
to the same set of entities. In keeping with standard terminology, we refer to each such set or cluster of mentions
c ⊂ M as a coreference chain.
Binary Coreference Link Annotation. Because the task
of constructing an entire coreference chain from scratch is
too cognitively complex and error-prone, we broke it down
into simpler atomic tasks of collecting binary coreference
links between pairs of mentions. A coreference link between mentions m and m0 indicates that m and m0 refer
to the same set of entities. In the manual annotation process, workers are shown an image and the two captions
from which m and m0 originate (the mention text is highlighted). The workers are asked whether these mentions refer to the same entity. If a worker indicates that the mentions
are coreferent, we add a link between m and m0 . Given a
set of mentions M for an images, manual annotation of all
O(|M |2 ) pairwise links is prohibitively costly. But since M
typically contains multiple mentions that refer to the same
set of entities, the number of coreference chains is bounded
by, and typically much smaller than, |M |. We can therefore reduce the number of links that need to be annotated
to O(|M ||C|). Given a set of already identified coreference
chains C and a new mention m that has not been annotated
for coreference yet, we only have to ask for links between m
and one mention from each element of C due to the transitivity of the coreference relation [25]. If m is not coreferent
with any of these mentions, it refers to a new entity whose
coreference chain is initialized and added to C.
In the worst case, each entity has only one mention, and
this process will require annotation of all |M |2 possible
links. But in practice, most images have more mentions
than coreference chains (in our final dataset, each image has
an average of 16.6 mentions and 7.8 coreference chains).
We further reduce the number of required annotations by
making two simplifying assumptions. First, we assume
that mentions from the same captions cannot be coreferent,
as it would be unlikely for a caption to contain two nonpronominal mentions to the same set of entities. Second, we
categorize each mention into eight coarse-grained types using manually constructed dictionaries (people, body parts,
animals, clothing/color1 , instruments, vehicles, scene, and
other), and assume that mentions belonging to different categories cannot be coreferent.
Coreference Chain Verification. To handle errors introduced by the coreference link annotation, we verify the accuracy of all chains that contain more than a single mention.
Although false negatives (missing coreference links) lead
to an oversegmentation of entities that increases the time
required to draw boxes for each set of entities, we can identify this redundancy post-hoc since the associated boxes are
highly likely to have significant overlap (see Section 2.3 for
details on box merging). False positives (spurious coreference links) are more harmful for our purposes, since they
may result in mentions being associated with incorrect entities or image regions. We use a Coreference Chain Verification task to detect these false positive coreference links.
Here, workers are shown the mentions that belong to the
same coreference chain and asked whether all the mentions
refer to the same set of entities. If the worker answers True,
the chain is kept as-is. If a worker answers False, that chain
is broken into subsets of mentions that share the same head
noun (the last word in a chunk).
2.2. Bounding Box Annotations
The workflow to collect bounding box annotations is
broken down similarly to Su et al. [35], and consists of
four separate AMT tasks, discussed below: (1) Box Requirement, (2) Box Drawing, (3) Box Quality, and (4) Box
Coverage. In each task, workers are shown an image and
a caption in which a representative mention for one coreference chain is highlighted. We use the longest mention in
each chain, since we assume that it is the most specific.
Box Requirement. First, we collect judgments from workers as to whether the entities that the representative mention
refers to require boxes to be drawn. A mention does not require boxes if it refers to the entire scene (in [the park]), to
physical entities that are not in the image (pose for [the camera]), or to an action or abstract entity (perform [a trick]).
Given an image and a caption with a highlighted mention,
we therefore ask workers to determine whether (1) at least
one box can be drawn (2) the mention refers to a scene or
place or (3) no box can be drawn.
If the worker determines that at least one box can be
drawn, the coreference chain proceeds to the Box Drawing
1 In Flickr30k, NP chunks that only consist of a color term are often
used to refer to clothing, e.g. man in blue.
task (below). Otherwise, we ask for a second Box Requirement judgment. If the new judgment disagrees with the initial judgment, we collect a third, and use the majority to
break the tie. If the majority agrees that no box needs to be
drawn, the coreference chain is marked as “non-visual” and
leaves the bounding box annotation workflow. After preliminary analysis, we determined that entities that contain
mentions from the people, clothing, and body parts categories so frequently required boxes that they immediately
proceeded to the Box Drawing task, skipping the Box Requirement task altogether.
Box Drawing. In this task, we collect bounding boxes for
entities that were deemed to require them. The key source
of difficulty here is due to mentions that refer to multiple
entities. Our annotation instructions specify that we expect
individual boxes around each entity if these can be clearly
identified (e.g., two people would require two boxes). But
if individual elements of a group cannot be distinguished
(a crowd of people), a single box may be drawn around the
group. We show workers all previously drawn boxes for the
representative mention (if they exist), and ask them to draw
one new box around one entity referred to by the mention,
or to indicate that no further boxes are required.
If the worker adds a box, the mention-box pair proceeds
to the Box Quality task. If the mention has no previous
boxes, and the worker indicates that no boxes are required,
the mention accrues a “no box needed” judgment and returns to the Box Requirement task to resolve the disagreement between this judgment and the initial one that led to
it being passed to the Box Drawing task. If the mention already has one or more boxes and the worker indicates hat
no further boxes are required, the mention accrues an “all
boxes drawn” judgment and proceeds to Box Coverage.
Box Quality. This task was performed for each individual
box. Since we want to avoid redundant boxes, we highlight the box of interest, but also show all previously drawn
boxes for the same mention. Workers are asked whether
the highlighted box is good. Good boxes have to be tightly
drawn around the entire entity a mention refers to and no
other box covers already. When mentions refer to multiple entities that can be clearly distinguished, these have to
be associated with individual boxes. If the worker marks
the box as ’bad’, it is discarded and the mention is returned
to the Box Drawing task. If the worker marks the box as
’good’, the mention proceeds to the Box Coverage task to
determine whether additional boxes are necessary.
Box Coverage. In this step, workers are shown the boxes
that have been drawn for a mention, and asked if all boxes
have been drawn for that mention. If the initial judgment
says that more boxes are needed, the mention is immediately sent back to Box Drawing. Otherwise, we require
a second worker to verify the decision that all boxes have
been drawn. If the second worker disagrees, we collect a
third judgment to break the tie, and either send the mention
back to Box Drawing, or assume all boxes have been drawn.
2.3. Quality Control
Identifying Trusted Workers. Since annotation quality
on AMT is highly variable [34, 30], we only allow workers who have completed at least 500 previous HITs with
95% accuracy, have successfully completed a corresponding qualification test for each of our six tasks, and have sufficient accuracy on their first 30 items. For Box Drawing,
Boxes have to pass Box Quality. For the binary tasks, we
use verification questions for which we know the answer.
For the binary tasks, they then have to maintain high accuracy on the 2% of items that are also verification questions.
Additional Review. At the end of the crowdsourcing process, we identified roughly 4k entities that required additional review. This included some chunking errors that
came to our attention (e.g., through worker comments), as
well as chains that cycled repeatedly through the Box Requirement or Box Coverage task, indicating disagreement
among the workers. Images with the most serious errors
were manually reviewed by the authors.
Box and Coreference Chain Merging. As discussed in
Section 2.1, coreference chains may be fragmented due to
missed links (false negative judgments). Additionally, if an
image contains more than one entity of the same type, its
coreference chains may overlap or intersect (e.g., a bride
and a couple from Figure 1). Since Box Drawing operates
over coreference chains, it results in redundant boxes for
such cases. We remove this redundancy by merging boxes
with IOU scores of at least 0.8 (or 0.9 for “other”). This process has some restrictions (e.g. clothing and people boxes
cannot be merged). Afterwards, we merge any coreference
chains that point to the exact same set of boxes.
2.4. Dataset statistics
Our annotation process has identified 513,645 entity or
scene mentions in the 158,915 Flickr30k captions (3.2 per
caption), and these have been linked into 244,034 coreference chains (7.7 per image). The box drawing process has
yielded 275,775 bounding boxes in the 31,783 images (8.7
per image). Figure 2 shows the distribution of coreference
chains, mentions, and bounding boxes across types, and Table 1 shows additional coreference chain statistics. 48.6%
of the chains contain more than a single mention. The number of mentions per chain varies significantly across entity
types, with salient entities such as people or animals being
mentioned more frequently than e.g clothing or body parts.
Aggregating across all five captions, people are mentioned
in 94.2% of the images, animals in 12.0%, clothing and
body parts in 69.9% and 28.0%, vehicles and instruments
in 13.8% and 4.3%, while other objects are mentioned in
91.8% of the images. The scene is mentioned in 79.7%
Figure 2: The total number of coreference chains, mentions, and
bounding boxes per type.
body parts
Table 1: Coreference chain statistics. The number of mentions
per chain indicates how salient an entity is. The number of boxes
per chain indicates how many distinct entities it refers to.
Training Set
All NP chunks
Resampled, N = 1
Resampled, N = 10
All augmented phrases
Resampled, N = 1
Resampled, N = 10
Table 2: Training set sizes for the experiments in Table 3.
of images. 59.1% of the coreference chains are associated
with a single bounding box, 20.0% with multiple bounding
boxes, and 20.9% with no bounding box, but there is again
some wide variety across entity types. The people category
has significantly more boxes than chains (116k boxes for
60k chains) suggesting that many of these chains describe
multiple individuals (a family, a group of people, etc.).
3. Experiments
3.1. Image-Sentence Retrieval
Image description methods are commonly evaluated in
two ways: (1) bidirectional retrieval: given an image, retrieve a relevant sentence from a database, and vice versa;
and (2) sentence generation: given an image, produce a sentence description from scratch. In this section, we demonstrate the potential of our annotations by presenting baseline
results for image-sentence retrieval.
Protocol and baseline. We use a standard protocol for
evaluating both image-to-sentence retrieval (or image annotation) and sentence-to-image retrieval (or image search).
Following [10, 19, 24, 15], we use 29783 images for training, 1000 for validation, and 1000 for testing. Our split is
the same as in [10]. Because each image comes with five
ground-truth sentences, for image annotation, we have a set
of 1000 query images and 5000 candidate sentences, and
for image search, we have 5000 queries and 1000 candidate
images. Our evaluation metric is Recall@K (K = 1, 5, 10).
This is the percentage of queries for which the top correct
match has rank of at most K.
Many methods for bidirectional retrieval learn an embedding model that maps image and sentence features to a
shared semantic space. This space can be learned in various
ways, from recurrent neural networks [15, 24, 18] to Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) [10, 19]. Even though
CCA is a classic technique [14], Klein et al. [19] have recently achieved remarkable retrieval results with a CCA embedding. Key to their good performance is using state-ofthe-art features for images (deep activation features from
VGG net [31]) and sentences (Fisher vector pooling [28] on
top of word2vec vectors [26] of individual words). Due to
the simplicity, high accuracy, and speed of this model (on
Flick30K, training of CCA only takes a couple of minutes,
while recurrent neural networks may need tens of hours),
we adopt it as our own baseline.
We follow the implementation details in [19]. Given
an image (or image region), we represent it using 4096dimensional activations from the 16-layer VGG model
(like [19], we average these features over ten crops). Given
a sentence (or phrase), we represent each word with a 300-D
word2vec feature. Then we construct a Fisher Vector codebook with 30 centers, resulting in sentence features of dimensionality 300 × 30 = 9000. One difference from [19]
is that at test time, we use the normalized CCA formulation
of [9], where we scale the columns of the CCA projection
matrices by a power of the eigenvalues and normalize feature vectors projected by these matrices to unit length. In
the resulting space, we use the Euclidean distance to rank
sentences given images and vice versa.
Table 3(b) shows our basic retrieval results using wholeimage and whole-sentence features, which are close to those
of [19]. As can be seen from Table 3(a)), this simple
baseline outperforms more complex RNN-based models
of [15, 18], and even comes close to the current best performance for image-sentence retrieval, which, to our knowledge, is achieved by Mao et al. [24].
Region-phrase correspondences for training. Our dataset
allows us to go beyond global image-sentence modeling by
providing ground-truth correspondence between bounding
boxes in images and simple phrases (NP chunks) in sentences. Therefore, a key experimental question is how this
annotation can help with learning a better embedding for
image-sentence retrieval.
As a first attempt, we train a CCA embedding on the
set of all ground-truth regions from the dataset and the NP
chunks of the corresponding mentions. For mentions asso-
Methods on Flickr30K
(a) State of the art
(b) Image-sentence CCA
(c) CCA on regions
and NP chunks
(d) CCA on regions
and augmented phrases
(e) Combined image-sentence
and region-phrase (using
augmented phrases, N = 10)
BRNN [15]
MNLM [18]
m-RNN [24]
GMM FV [19]
GMM FV (ours)
All NP chunks
Resampled, N = 1
Resampled, N = 10
All augmented
Resampled, N = 1
Resampled, N = 10
Joint Training
Weighted Distance
Image Annotation
Image Search
Table 3: Image-sentence retrieval results (see Section 3.1 for details).
ciated with multiple regions, we merge these regions into
a single bounding box. As shown in Table 2, there are
427,356 such pairs in the training set. The results of this
model for image-sentence retrieval are given in the top line
of Table 3(c). This model does not perform well for several
reasons. For one, the distribution of image region counts for
different NP chunks is very unbalanced: a few NP chunks,
like a man, are extremely common, while others, like tattooed, shirtless young man occur quite rarely. To estimate
the impact of this issue, we have tried simply keeping a
small number N of random image regions for each chunk
(1 and 10 in our experiments). The size of each resampled
training set is listed in Table 2. As shown in the rest of
Table 3(c), this resampling procedure helps to improve performance, but the resulting accuracy is still far below that
of the image-sentence one.
A second problem is that the NP chunks that constitute
our annotated mentions leave out crucial parts of sentences
such as verbs and adverbs. To remedy this problem, we
automatically augment the set of ground-truth NP chunks
and corresponding bounding boxes as follows. We first
obtain a parse tree for each sentence using the Stanford
parser [32]. Then, for possible relational phrases (prepositional and verb phrases), we use the method of Fidler et
al. [7], where we start at the relational phrase and then traverse up the tree until we reach a subject or noun phrase
node, and return the nouns in the left child as the first entity in an (entity1 , rel, entity2 ) tuple. The second entity
is given by the noun phrases on the right side of the relational phrase. For verb phrases, we augment our data with
the subject-verb as well. For example, given the sentence
a dog in a field barking at a cat, the extracted NP chunks
would be a dog, a field, and a cat. The relationships would
be (a dog, in, a field) and (a dog, barking at, a cat), which
would augment the original NP chunks with a dog in a
field, a dog barking at a cat, and a dog barking. For relational phrases, we also combine the ground truth bounding
boxes of the constituent entities by taking their minimum
x1 , y1 and maximum x2 , y2 coordinates. In our example,
the boxes for the original dog and cat mentions would be
augmented with a new box surrounding both boxes and the
text a dog barking at a cat.
As can be seen from Table 2, augmenting the initial set of
NP chunks with complex phrases and corresponding bounding boxes increases the number of training pairs almost by
a factor of two. It is reasonable to hope that the resulting
CCA models might match or even exceed the performance
of the global image-sentence model, since the training set
in this case is much larger, and it includes a variety of fairly
long sentence fragments and large image regions. However, while the resulting models (Table 3(d)) do improve
over the NP chunk ones (Table 3(c)), they are still far below
the global image-sentence model (Table 3(b)).
Clearly, it is not sufficient to train an embedding only on
parts of images and sentences; we must incorporate whole
images and sentences into the training as well. The most
obvious way to do that is to simply concatenate the imagesentence and region-phrase training sets. The result for this
joint training model is shown in the top line of Table 3(e),
and frustratingly, it still has worse performance than training on images and sentences alone. Thus, it appears that
image-sentence and region-phrase data have fundamentally
different properties, and cannot be combined in a naive way.
As a more sophisticated combination strategy, we adopt
the Stacked Auxiliary Embedding (SAE) method of Gong
et al. [10] where embedded features learned from auxiliary
sources are concatenated with the original features to form
a stacked representation. In the case of Gong et al. [10],
the auxiliary data came from Flickr images and unstructured tags, while we use our region-phrase pairs instead. As
shown in the second line of Table 3(e), the resulting model
finally gives us the desired substantial improvement over
the image-sentence one. This demonstrates in principle that
adding region- and phrase-level correspondences can help
to train better bidirectional retrieval models. Of course, this
demonstration is not fully satisfactory, since SAE does not
care about the nature of the auxiliary data and does not take
into account the actual structure and relationships between
whole images and sentences and their parts. Nevertheless,
our results help to establish a strong baseline and indicate
that further investigation is likely to be fruitful.
Region-phrase correspondences for retrieval. Apart from
the opaque nature of the training procedure, another unsatisfactory aspect of the above SAE result is that it still applies a global image-sentence model at test time, without
attempting to establish a correspondence between regions
in a query image and phrases in a candidate matching sentence. To address this limitation, we adopt a latent correspondence framework similar to that of Karpathy and FeiFei [15]. Specifically, given a test image, we extract top 19
region proposals using the R-CNN detector [8] and add the
whole image as the 20th region. Then, given a test sentence
that we want to rank with respect to the image, for each
phrase feature pi , i = 1, . . . , L from that sentence, we find
its nearest neighbor r(pi ) from the 20 candidate regions in
the embedded CCA space. Then we compute the following
distance between the sentence defined as a set of phrases
and an image defined as the set of regions:
1 X
||pi − r(pi )||22 ,
= γ
L i=1
where the exponent γ ≥ 1 is meant to lessen the penalty
associated with matching images to sentences with a larger
number of phrases. Such sentences tend to mention more
details that are harder to localize and therefore receive larger
phrase-to-region distance scores than matches from shorter,
more generic sentences. Experimentally, we have found
γ = 1.5 to produce the best results. Finally, we define a
new image-sentence distance as
ˆ IS = αDIS + (1 − α)DRP ,
where DIS is the squared Euclidean distance between
CCA-projected global image and sentence features.
The final line of Table 3(e) shows results of this weighted
distance with α = 0.7 (by itself, the performance of eq. (1)
is very poor). Compared to just using DIS for retrieval,
we get a small but consistent improvement of around 1%.
While this demonstrates in principle that retrieval can be
improved by attempting to infer the correspondence between regions and phrases at test time, there is clearly need
for further investigation. In particular, how accurate is our
matching procedure at localizing textual mentions? In the
next section, enabled by our annotations, we investigate this
question quantitatively.
3.2. Evaluation of Text-to-Image Coreference
We are interested in the task of general text-to-image
coreference [20], i.e. grounding or localizing textual mentions of entities in an image. To our knowledge, Kong et
al. [20] is the only work that deals directly with this task,
but it is focused on using sentences to help with 3D parsing of RGB-D images. Up to now, in the absence of the
kinds of annotations provided by Flickr30k Entities, it has
not been possible to use general text-to-image coreference
as a benchmark task for image description.
Given an image and a sentence that describes it, we want
to predict a bounding box for each entity mention from that
sentence. To obtain candidate image regions, we take the
top 100 proposals returned by the EdgeBox method [40].
Note that this is different from the 20 proposals from Section 3.1, but weighted distance (eq. 2) with 100 EdgeBox
proposals gives almost identical retrieval results to those
from Table 3(e). Using the CCA model trained on augmented phrases resampled with N = 10, we compute the
distance between each phrase in the sentence and our set
of proposals. Our test set for this task consists of the same
1000 test images as in Section 3.1 paired with each of their
ground truth sentences.
We use several metrics to evaluate localization performance. As our weighted distance formulation (eq. 2) uses
the top-ranked proposal in the retrieval task, we report recall for the top one proposal. This is simply the percentage
of phrases for which the top returned region is correctly localized (we deem a localization successful if it has IOU ≥
0.5 with the ground truth bounding box). To get an idea of
the upper bound of localization performance given our set
of region proposals, we also report Recall@100. Further,
since we get a ranking of regions from test set images for
each unique phrase from the test sentences, we can evaluate our output using standard detection methodology [4].
To this end, we report average precision (AP), as well as
average precision following non-maximum suppression of
predicted boxes with at least 0.5 IOU (AP-NMS).
Table 4 shows the above metrics for our major phrase
types, and Table 5 shows performance for 24 most frequent
phrases. While our average precision is poor, this can be
at least partially explained by the fact that our model was
trained for retrieval, not localization. In order to know that a
ball is in an image, you have to see a good portion of it, so a
predicted box should do a relatively good job at localization.
But to know whether a person’s head is in a picture, it is
sufficient to find the whole person. Performance also suffers
due to the small number of object proposals we consider,
which results in low recall on some entity types. On the
other hand, not shown in Table 5 are 601 phrases that have
AP of 100 (e.g., elephant, canoe, piano), but occur six or
fewer times in our test set.
Figure 3 shows example results for three image-sentence
pairs, and helps to illustrate the challenges inherent in textto-image coreference. In the left example, we correctly associate bedroom with the entire image, find the boy, the toy,
and a section of the floor. In the center example we find a
plausible box for the man, but the box for parted hair lands
8.12 (mean)
9.71 (mean)
Table 4: Localization performance using our CCA model to rank 100 object proposals per image. We report recall for the top one and 100
proposals, average precision (AP), and average precision with nonmaximum suppression (see Section 3.2 for details).
little girl
little boy
two women
two men
young man
white shirt
young boy
young girl
two people
Table 5: Localization performance for the 24 most common phrases in the test set.
A small Asian boy [0.77] is sitting on the floor [1.13] of
a bedroom [1.21] being entertained and smiling at
a lego toy [1.11] that looks like a bug [1.27] on wheels [1.19].
A man [1.03] with parted hair [1.22] and wearing glasses [1.00]
is seated outdoors on a bench [1.04] where he is reading.
A woman [1.03] pushes a child [1.01] on
a swing [0.60] while another child [0.88] looks on.
Figure 3: Example localization results. For each image and reference sentence, phrases and top matching regions are shown in the same
color. The CCA matching score is given in brackets after each phrase (low scores are better). See Section 3.2 for discussion.
on the bench off to the side. To deal with such errors, incorporating spatial constraints into our localization model will
be crucial. The right example is especially tricky. Here, our
model finds bounding boxes around each child, but they are
the opposite of what the sentence context suggests. In order
to properly interpret the sentence cues, we need to determine from image evidence which child is being pushed by
the woman and which one looks on, and this is still challenging even for vision systems equipped with all the latest
deep features. All in all, while methods for global image
description have been improving rapidly, the results of this
section suggest that our current models are still quite weak
at grounding specific textual mentions in local image regions. Since this ability seems essential for “human-level”
scene understanding, datasets like ours are needed to continue to make progress on the problem.
4. Conclusion
This paper has presented Flickr30k Entities, the first
image description dataset that provides detailed groundtruth correspondence between regions in images and
phrases in captions. We have presented preliminary results
demonstrating that training with this correspondence can
help to improve the accuracy of image-sentence ranking
models. Our annotations can be used to benchmark
tasks like text-to-image coreference, for which up to now
large-scale ground-truth information has been lacking.
Because our dataset is densely annotated with multiple
boxes per image linked to their textual mentions in a larger
sentence context, it will also be a rich resource for learning
models of multi-object spatial layout [6, 7, 21]. Other
potential applications include training models for automatic
cross-caption coreference [13] and distinguishing visual
vs. non-visual text [2]. Our dataset can be obtained at:˜bplumme2/
Acknowledgements: This material is based upon work
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants
No. 1053856, 1205627, 1405883, IIS-1228082, and CIF1302438 as well as support from Xerox UAC and the Sloan
Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or any sponsor.
We thank the NVIDIA Corporation for the generous donation of the GPUs used for our experiments.
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