HOTEL INFORMATION Crowne Plaza Hotel 1901 University Blvd., N.E. Albuquerque, NM Toll Free: 866-384-4934 or Local: 505-884-2500 MAKE YOUR ROOM RESERVATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR BEFORE APRIL 23rd. Room Rate: $83.00 plus tax for Single or Double Occupancy Call the Hotel directly to make your room reservations and ask for the NEW MEXICO LEAGUE OF ZONING OFFICIALS ROOM BLOCK. In order to receive this special room rate, you must make your reservations before Thursday, April 23rd. IMPORTANT: There are a limited number of rooms in our block which is on a first come (call), first served basis. Therefore it is possible they will be sold out prior to the cut-off date of April 23rd, and the hotel may get full with other groups. So reserve your hotel room soon to avoid having to make lodging arrangements at another hotel/motel. Hotel Cancellation Policy: By 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival otherwise you will be charged for one night. May 6th - 8th Crowne Plaza Hotel Albuquerque TO: NEW MEXICO LEAGUE OF ZONING OFFICIALS FROM: Clyde Strain, CZO, President – NMLZO Planning Director - City of Gallup SUBJECT: MAY 6-8, 2015 NMLZO SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING/WORKSHOP DATE: March 18, 2015 ARE YOU A MEMBER? THE NEW MEXICO LEAGUE OF ZONING OFFICIALS The Semi-Annual Meeting/Workshop of the New Mexico League of Zoning Officials (NMLZO) is scheduled for May 6th through the 8th. It will be held in Albuquerque at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1901 University Blvd. N.E.,, (South of Menaul). This meeting will offer the Third Workshop of Series Fourteen. Each Series offers four workshops toward the completion of the NMLZO Basic Certification Program, and toward credits for the Continuing Certification Program (CCP). The sessions offered at this meeting will be part of the core certification requirements. Delegate registration for the meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 6 th. Thereafter, the meeting will commence at 1:30 p.m. and will conclude at noon on Friday, May 8th. This conference program will offer an interesting line up of timely issues. Refer to the attached Preliminary Program which will also be posted as part of this booklet on our website at, click on Subsections then on Zoning Officials or click on Events/Training then go to May events. In order to be eligible to run for the Board of Directors, to serve on any Committee, to vote on any issue, to apply for scholarships, to become a Certified Zoning Official (CZO), or to Recertify, you must be a Member of the New Mexico League of Zoning Officials for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. SPECIAL NOTE: Encourage your Commissioners to attend this entire meeting or the Thursday session that specifically offers training for them. Please make this packet available to them. If you are unsure whether your Membership Dues Renewal Invoice of July 1, 2014 was paid or whether you are a member or not, please refer to the Membership List on the website address listed below. The registration fee for the meeting is $185.00 if you register by April 22 nd, thereafter, it will be $230.00. So register early and save! Fill out the attached Registration Form and return it to the NM Municipal League office no later than Wednesday, April 29 th so that adequate meal and space arrangements can be made. If your name does not appear on the Membership List then please join the NMLZO by filling out the NMLZO Membership Application form (download from website). Please mail it along with your payment to the New Mexico Municipal League. URGENT: Attendance at all NMLZO Workshops is very important and attendance is monitored and verified. Therefore, if you register for the Workshop, plan to attend ALL of the workshop sessions. Credit will be given only if you actually attend all of the sessions for the basic certification program, and for the continuing certification program. This is an effort to sustain the credibility of our Workshops as well as our Association. For sleeping accommodations, refer to the attached Hotel Information. This booklet can also be found on our webpage at We hope to see you in Albuquerque! Do you know someone or a group (P&Z Commission, etc.) who is not a MEMBER of the NMLZO? If you know of anyone who is interested in becoming a NMLZO member, please feel free to make the membership application available to them or ask them to retrieve it from our website address as listed below. IMPORTANT: To retrieve the Membership List and Application, go to; click on Subsections, then click on Zoning Officials. NEW MEXICO LEAGUE OF ZONING OFFICIALS 2014-2016 District Representative Committee (A SUBSECTION OF THE NEW MEXICO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE) CHAIR SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING/WORKSHOP Kerrie Maes Valencia County May 6-8, 2015 Crowne Plaza Hotel - Albuquerque REPRESENTATIVE -SERIES FOURTEEN – WORKSHOP THREE- ALTERNATE District 1 Evette Montano Village of Milan Donica Sharpe City of Bloomfield District 2 Lucia Sanchez Rio Arriba County Dominic Gonzales City of Santa Fe District 3 Damian Casias Village of Cimarron WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 11:30 AM REGISTRATION 1:30 - 5:00 PM AFTERNOON GENERAL SESSION Presiding: 1:30 PM Maria Perea City of Las Vegas 1:45 - 3:30 PM Elpidia Solis City of Texico VACANT Speaker: District 6 Samantha Mendez Lincoln County Gilbert Morales City of Ruidoso Downs Erica Giron Bernalillo County 3:45 - 5:00 PM METROPOLITAN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY – ZONING AND INFILL REDEVELOPMENT Speaker: Joyce Jordan City of Rio Rancho Charlie Deans, Principal CommunityByDesign BREAK & NETWORKING Hermelinda Vasquez City of Sunland Park District 8 Overview of the NM Metropolitan Redevelopment Code Statute Overview of the NM Arts and Cultural District Statute Principles of Great Town Centers Communities, Case Studies, and Lessons Learned Interactive Exercise: Does your community have what it takes to use these revitalization tools? 3:30 - 3:45 PM District 7 Raymond Chavez City of Truth or Consequences REVITALIZATION USING METROPOLITAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA PLANS AND ARTS & CULTURAL DISTRICTS: The Tools to Creating Great Town Centers District 5 Laura Brock City of Lovington WELCOME & OPENING REMARKS Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO, President, NMLZO District 4 Sandra Little City of Clovis Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO, President, NMLZO Planning Director - City of Gallup Role and Goals of the MRA Enabling Legislation Current MRA Projects Zoning and Infill Redevelopment Rebecca Velarde, Metropolitan Redevelopment Manager City of Albuquerque EVENING FREE S P O U S E / G U E S T R E G I S TR AT I O N (Includes all functions, meals, etc.): THURSDAY, MAY 7 Registration will not be processed unless payment is enclosed. 7:30 AM REGISTRATION - Continues 8:00 AM WELCOME Early Registration Speaker: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Presiding: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Honorable Richard J. Berry, Mayor – City of Albuquerque MORNING GENERAL SESSION After April 22nd - $85 NAME: EMAIL: (For registration confirmation) Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO, President, NMLZO LAND USE OFFICIALS TRAINING (Planning & Zoning Commissioners, City Council, County Commission, Municipal & Magistrate Judges, Etc.) CHAPTER ONE – INTRODUCTION A. Citizen Participation B. Commission Member Responsibilities CHAPTER TWO – SERVING ON THE COMMISSION A. Membership on a Commission B. Commission Organization CHAPTER THREE – COMMISSIONER MEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT – “Do The Right Thing”: Everyday Ethics For Commissioners Speaker: Late Registration By April 22nd - $70 Randy Van Vleck, General Counsel - NM Municipal League Spouse/Guest will attend: Luncheon (5/7/15) Social (5/7/15) I prefer a vegetarian meal For dietary restrictions or special needs, contact Colette at (800) 432-2036. PAYMENT INFORMATION: Check made payable to NMML Check Enclosed (Include registrant name on check/stub.) Included on Registrants Purchase Order. Attach copy or provide PO# __________ Charge registrant & spouse/guest fee to registrant’s VISA/Master Card to the left. Charge my registration fee to: VISA or MasterCard listed below. The NMML is authorized to use the card below to pay all applicable registration fee(s) in the amount of $ . 10:00 - 10:15 AM BREAK & NETWORKING Card #: ________ Exp. Date: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM LAND USE OFFICIALS TRAINING (continued) Name of Card Holder: _______________________ __________ ___________ (If different from registrant name) CHAPTER FOUR – COORDINATION WITH GOVERNING BODY, STAFF AND OTHERS A. Coordination with Governing Body Relationship to Governing Body Communications from the Governing Body Communications to the Governing Body Completed Commission Work Governing Body Meetings and Agendas B. C. Speakers: Coordinating with Staff Duties of Assigned Staff The Relationship between Assigned Staff and the Commission Relations with Other Commissions, Outside Agencies and the General Public Other Commissions Outside Agencies General Public Individual Commissioners Press and Other Media The Proper Meeting Conduct Brennon Williams, CZO, Code Compliance Manager City of Albuquerque Juanita Garcia, CZO, Zoning Administrator Bernalillo County RETURN BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th TO: Valerie Maes [email protected] P.O. Box 846 Santa Fe, NM 87504 Phone: (800) 432-2036 or (505) 982-5573 Fax (505) 984-1392 NMML REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION POLICY: • After April 29th you must register on-site. • Cancellations must be received in writing by April 29th. • A $25 fee charged for all cancellations received before April 29th. • No refunds after April 29th. • No partial refunds. • Pre-registered no shows are responsible for full registration fee. • Credit card transaction(s) processed immediately. • Receipts available upon registration check-in. • Registration confirmations will be emailed. • This policy applies to Spouse/Guest Registrants. • Weather related no shows will be charged $25. • By submission of this form, I agree to all registration/cancellation policies. 2015 NMLZO SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING/WORKSHOP THURSDAY, MAY 7 - Continued 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM ADVANCE REGISTRATION CHAPTER FIVE - COMMISSION RULES OF PROCEDURE A. General Provisions B. Procedures C. Rules of Order Register on-line at with Credit Card, P.O. or Bill Me Options. Contact [email protected] for login information. Full Meeting: (Includes Commissioners’ training Early Registration By April 22nd Late Registration After April 22nd $185 $230 & all functions/meals etc.) Luncheon (5/7/15) Social (5/7/15) Full Meeting Registrant will attend: Commissioners’ Training Only: $130 $155 Speaker: 12:00 - 1:00 PM Presiding: 1:15 - 5:00 PM Presiding: (Thursday only includes luncheon and social) Luncheon (5/7/15) Social (5/7/15) One-Day Registrant will attend: 1:15 - 5:00 PM TITLE: EMPLOYERS NAME: (Municipality or County) MAILING ADDRESS: (Including City/State/Zip) BILLING ADDRESS: LUNCHEON/AWARDS CEREMONY Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO, President, NMLZO AFTERNOON GENERAL SESSION Michael Garcia, CZO, President-Elect, NMLZO Assistant Planner – Rio Arriba County LAND USE OFFICIALS TRAINING (continued) CHAPTER SEVEN – FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. The Requirement that the Order Be In Writing B. The Requirements of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law C. Preparation of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law D. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law E. Filing the Decision of the Commission F. Service of the Decision (Including City/State/Zip) PHONE: (For registration confirmation) Vegetarian Meal Randy Van Vleck, General Counsel – NM Municipal League CHAPTER SIX – COMPLYING WITH BATTERSHELL A. Battershell v. City of Albuquerque 108 N.M. 658, 777 p.2d 386 – Due Process Requirements B. Swearing of Witnesses C. Cross Examination D. Ex Parte Communications E. Sample Provisions a. Testimony Under Oath b. Manner of Presentations to the Commission i. Applicants ii. Opponents iii. Members of the Public iv. Evidence NAME: EMAIL: LAND USE OFFICIALS TRAINING (continued) For dietary restrictions or special needs, contact Colette at (800) 432-2036. PAYMENT INFORMATION: Check made payable to NMML Check Enclosed Will Bring to Meeting (Include member ID on check/stub.) Purchase Order Attach copy or provide PO# Charge registration fee to: Visa or Master Card listed below. CHAPTER EIGHT – OPEN MEETINGS ACT/INSPECTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Speaker: Randy Van Vleck, General Counsel – NM Municipal League The NMML is authorized to use the card below to pay all applicable registration fee(s) in the amount of $__________. 3:00 - 3:15 PM BREAK & NETWORKING Card #: 5:15 - 9:00 PM SOCIAL Dinner & Musical Entertainment will be provided. Exp. Date: Name of Card Holder: (If different from Registrant Name) NM League of Zoning Officials FRIDAY, MAY 8 9:00 - 11:15 AM Presiding: 9:00 - 11:15 AM MORNING GENERAL SESSION Ron Vonderhaar, CZO, Immediate Past President, NMLZO Impact Fee Coordinator – City of Albuquerque (Planning Com)MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE A mock public hearing of the fictitious NMLZO Planning Commission. This session will utilize and employ the methods, procedures, and requirements of the public hearing process as presented during the general sessions of Thursday’s workshop. A mock hearing will be conducted and issues such as legislative vs. quasi-judicial actions, rules of procedure, and findings of fact & conclusions of law will be addressed in an enjoyable inappropriately educational atmosphere. Speaker: Facilitators: NMLZO Board of Directors BREAK & NETWORKING 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM BUSINESS MEETING 12:00 PM President Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO Planning Director City of Gallup P.O. Box 1270 Gallup, NM 87305 (505) 863-1244 Fax (505) 722-5131 [email protected] President - Elect Michael Garcia – CZO, CFM Assistant Planner Rio Arriba County 1122 Industrial Park Road Espanola, NM 87532 (505) 747-5308 Fax (505) 753-4732 [email protected] Vice President Loretta Hatch, CFM Planning & Zoning Officer Village of Bosque Farms P.O. Box 660 Peralta, NM 87042 (505) 869-2358 Fax (505) 869-3342 [email protected] Immediate Past President Ronald Vonderhaar, CZO Impact Fee Coordinator City of Albuquerque Planning Dept. 600 2nd St. N.W., Suite 201 Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 924-3984 Fax (505) 924-3967 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer William F. Fulginiti Executive Director NM Municipal League P.O. Box 846 Santa Fe, NM 87504 (800) 432-2036 Fax (505) 984-1392 [email protected] City Board Member Cynthia Lopez, CZO Senior Planner City of Farmington 800 Municipal Drive Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 599-1448 Fax (505) 599-1299 [email protected] County Board Member James Naranjo, CZO Code Enforcement City/County of Los Alamos 1000 Central Ave., Suite 150 Los Alamos, NM 87544 (505) 662-8054 Fax (505) 662-8079 [email protected] Member-At-Large Stella Rael Planning & Zoning Administrator City of Alamogordo 1376 9th St. Alamogordo, NM 88310 (575) 439-4208 Fax (575) 439-4343 [email protected] Brennon Williams, CZO, Code Compliance Manager City of Albuquerque 10:15 - 10:30 AM Presiding: 2014-2016 Board of Directors Clyde “C.B.” Strain, CZO, President, NMLZO DISTRIBUTION OF ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES & ADJOURNMENT URGENT: To obtain/points toward certification, attendance at all sessions is required and will be monitored. Points for any missed sessions will need to be made up.
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