NEUROMARKETING WORLD FORUM B A RCE LO N A M A RCH 25-27 2015 GLOBAL INSIGHTS ON BUYING BEHAVIOR! YOUR ONE-STOP-NEUROMARKETING-SHOP > > > > > Latest Findings Newest Technologies Unique Keynotes Top of the Field: Academics, Clients & Vendors Neuro Market Place INCLUDING: > Seminar “Introduction to Neuromarketing” In English & Spanish! > Neuromarketing Leaders Meeting > The Best Neuromarketing Networking in the World! WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: Robert Heath Douglas Van Praet Michelle Adams Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy Nick Southgate rEGISTER tODAY! WWW.NEUROMARKETINGWORLDFORUM.COM Wim Ubachs Osman Dilber And many more... NEUROMARKETING WORLD FORUM T U E S DAY & W E D N E S DAY TUESDAY MARCH 24, 2015 B A RC E LO N A M A RCH 25-27 201 5 WELCOME TO BARCELONA! Barcelona: the Neuromarketing Capital of the World For the fourth time the Neuromarketing Capital of the World has moved. In the creative heart of Europe, advertisers, market researchers, neuromarketing vendors and academics will converge for the once in a year opportunity to learn the latest findings. AT A GLANCE DAY WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA Tuesday March 24 Wednesday March 25 Themed ‘Understanding Creativity’ we address the trend we see from pure market research to a more behavioral-oriented or integrated approach where a better consumer understanding is the starting point for the creative process. Networking drink 17:00 - 18:00 Neuro Tapas Party 20:00 - 22:30 Neuromarketing World Forum #4Students 13:45 - 17:00 Looking forward to welcome you in Spain! Thursday March 26 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROMARKETING (English) INTRODUCTION TO NEUROMARKETING (Spanish) 10:00 Neuromarketing Fundamentals > What is neuromarketing? > Neuromarketing methodologies Bernd Weber - University of Bonn / Life&Brain GmbH Fundamentals of Neuromarketing > What is neuromarketing and how is it useful for business? > Available methodologies: pros and cons of each Cristina de Balanzó - Founder, Walnut, Marketing Sciences 11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break 11:30 Understanding Advertising > Choice and behavioral economics > Brain as a predictor for successful advertising Ale Smidts - Professor of Marketing Research, Rotterdam School of Management, EUR Fundamentals to Neuromarketing (continued) > Understanding the advertising communication and brands from the perspective of the brain Cristina de Balanzó - Founder, Walnut, Marketing Sciences 12:30 Practical Examples of Market Research with Consumer Neuroscience > Opportunities for better consumer understanding > Business cases Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy - Copenhagen Business School / Neurons Inc. Fundamentals to Neuromarketing (continued) > Practical applications of using consumer neuroscience in market research > Opportunities for integration with existing techniques > Review of case studies and applications Cristina de Balanzó - Founder, Walnut, Marketing Sciences 13:15 Lunch Lunch 14:00 Applying Neuromarketing to the Creative Process A practical, results-oriented afternoon for brands, shopper marketers, agencies, and advertisers. Based on actual studies conducted in neuromarketing for branding, packaging, in-store, and advertising, Michelle and Caroline walk through a strategy for successfully applying neuromarketing to the creative process. Michelle Adams - Founder, Marketing Brainology Caroline Winnett - Founder, BrandNeuro Neuro Strategy Applied to Business > How to formulate a neuromarketing strategy > Translating the neuromarketing strategy into a brief for agencies and specialists Lluis Martinez Ribes - Associate Professor, ESADE Business School 15:30 Examples of creative success due to neuromarketing: > Visuals and details > How the process worked –client actions for success > The creative process and agency buy-in Michelle Adams - Founder, Marketing Brainology Caroline Winnett - Founder, BrandNeuro 15 Cannes Lions Winners Analyzed > EEG study on (un)successful creative elements > Exposure times: the difference in engagement and emotional connections Javier Minguez - co-founder Bit&Brain Technologies 16:30 Neurotalent of the Year 2015 17:00 Drinks 20:00 Neuro Tapas Party SOCIAL EVENTS Introduction to Neuromarketing in English 9:30 - 17:00 Neuromarketing Leaders meeting 9:30 - 17:00 Neuromarketing World Forum * 8:45 - 17:00 Networking drink 17:00 - 19:30 Dinner at Casa Battló 20:00 - 22:30 Friday March 27 Neuromarketing World Forum * 9:30 - 17:00 With break-out sessions Networking drink 17:00 - 19:30 * Language: English (Spanish simultaneous translation available) WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Join us for a one-of-a-kind event that brings together leading: > Market researchers > Neuromarketers > Marketing directors / CMOs > Neuroscientists > Managers of Consumer Insights > Advertising Creatives > Media Executives > Neuroscientists Join professionals from over 35 countries and build an impressive international network. Register now at Early bird rates apply until February 15. Opening Reception WEDNESDAY MARCH 25, 2015 Opening reception 17:00 - 18:00 Introduction to Neuromarketing in Spanish 9:30 - 17:00 We look forward to the meeting and are convinced that these three days will once again be the year’s most inspiring event! Carla Nagel Executive Director, NMSBA 20:00 FIND OUT WHY THIS MEETING IS FAMOUS FOR ITS SOCIAL EVENTS! Opening Reception, March 24, 8pm-10pm Opportunity to meet-up with NMSBA members and attendees of the forum. Neuro Tapas Party, March 25, 8pm-10pm After a full day of inspiration, CMOs, marketers, neuromarketing CEOs and students meet at the Neuro Tapas Party. Exclusive dinner in ‘Casa Batlló’ The Gaudi landmark in Barcelona March 26, 9pm-11pm An exclusive networking dinner in Casa Batlló, a renowned building located in the center of Barcelona and one of Antoni Gaudí’s masterpieces. Business Case: Binter Airlines Maintenance > Steps taken to integrate neuro findings in the marketing strategy > What lessons can be drawn from the business case Barbara Iglesias - Commercial Director, Binter EXPERIENCE IN NEURO? Attend the Neuromarketing Leaders Meeting rEGISTER tODAY! WWW.NEUROMARKETINGWORLDFORUM.COM W E D N E S DAY M A RC H 25, 2015 T H U R S DAY M A RC H 26, 2015 INDUSTRY LEADERS MEETING NEUROMARKETING & CREATIVITY SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION IN SPANISH AVAILABLE ALL DAY! The day for everyone experienced in neuromarketing 08:45 Three reasons to attend the Industry Leaders Meeting > Discuss the future of neuromarketing with peers > Learn how collaboration can grow our field of study > Actively discuss and contribute to how we can jointly develop and promote neuromarketing 09:00 Am I an Industry Leader? > CEOs/ Managing partners from neuromarketing companies > CMOs using neuromarketing > Professors in neuromarketing and related fields 09:30 Registration & Welcome Coffee 10:00 Global Trends in Neuromarketing > Worldwide developments > Outlook for market research and neuromarketing in particular 2015-2020 Carla Nagel - Executive Director NMSBA 10:30 What CMOs Want The NMSBA partnered with the Chief Marketing Officers Council to research the knowledge and demands of CMO’s on neuromarketing. > Knowledge about neuromarketing at the global marketing departments > Biggest challenges and opportunities Leon Zurawicki - Professor of Marketing, University of Massachusetts-Boston 11:00 Speed Dating Among Participants 11:15 Coffee Break 11:45 Neuro Against Smoking: Project Findings Results of the very first international collaboration in neuromarketing on evaluating “Anti Smoking Warnings” on cigarette packages Michal Matukin - Scientific Director, NEUROHM and 24 Participating Partners 12:15 Nielsen Neuro: An Inside Look > The challenges and the progress since the acquisition of NeuroFocus > Industry-wide barriers to growth > Identifying opportunities to increase adoption and widespread use of neuro Joe Willke - President, Nielsen Neuro 12:45 International Cooperation Round Table Discussions 13:15 Lunch 14:15 Love isn’t in the Air (but in the Heart) The brain vs. the body: a critical comparison of EEG vs. physiological emotion measuring techniques Jaime Romano - Founder and CEO of Neuromarketing S.A. de C.V. 14:45 Accreditation and Certification: New Standards in Neuro An introduction to the process of the new accreditation process the NMSBA will launch as a quality mark for companies in the field of neuromarketing. Presented by the new NMSBA Board. 15:15 Coffee Break 15:30 Business Case: Neuromarketing in B2B 15:45 Bringing Neuroscience Mainstream Round Table Discussions 16:15 Wrap-Up 16:30 Final Neurotalent of the Year 2015 Competition The grand final of the Neurotalent of the Year competition! The three finalists will present their research led by the Neuro Personality of the Year (the most enthusiastic young ambassador of the field). 17:00 Networking Drink Enjoy a networking opportunity with other participants. 20:00 Neuro Tapas Party 09:45 Welcome to Barcelona! > Facts and figures about neuromarketing in Spain > Presentation of the Neuromarketing Yearbook Carla Nagel - Executive Director NMSBA Antonio Casals Mimbrero - Local Chair of Spain, NMSBA Why is Creativity so Important for Advertising? > Does it increase attention? > What else does it do? > Can it be measured? Robert Heath - Associate Professor of Advertising Theory, University of Bath School of Management How Neuroscience can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing > The business case for creativity > The need for better understanding the ‘why’ of advertising and branding Douglas Van Praet - marketing consultant and author of Unconscious Branding 12:30 Lunch Break EMOTIONS IN ADVERTISING 13:30 The Emotional Impact of Sound vs. Visuals in Advertising > The role of music, visuals and words to drive emotions from advertising > How to inject emotions into your briefs and campaigns Elissa Moses - Chief Neuro Officer and Head of Neuroscience & Emotion Innovation Centre, Ipsos 14:15 Get High on Emotions Create Ads With Impact > Beyond entertainment and surprise: how to obtain real connections > Higher-order emotions that serve customer loyalty Rafal Ohme - Founder NEUROHM 15:00 Coffee Break APPLYING NEUROSCIENCE INTO BUSINESS 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 The Biometrics and Effects of Humor in Media > Effects of Humor in Media > Practical examples where humor serves and where it goes wrong Duane Varan - CEO, MediaScience® & Professor of Audience Research 11:30 Winning the Super Ad Bowl Using Integrated Neuroscience > Expanding the model for understanding emotional engagement with TV advertising > Moving closer to a definitive neurobiology of advertising engagement Carl Marci - Co-founder and Chief Science Officer, Innerscope Research, Inc. 12:00 Best Practices Emerging from Global Scale Consumer Neuroscience > Types of information the brain can process fluently > Design elements that might distract from the message > Types of imagery that appeal to consumers Michael Smith - Director of Industry Relations, Nielsen Neuro 15:30 The Neuro Journey of an Ad Guy One of the most creative advertising people from the Netherlands spent a whole year learning the consequences of neuromarketing for advertising creatives. From end-result comparison to front-end advice. Wim Ubachs - Creative & Strategy Director - Het ei van Ubachs (The egg of Ubachs) 16:15 Subconscious Drivers to Inspire More Effective Briefs and Communications > What every marketer should know about behavioral economics Nick Southgate - Behavioral Economics Consultant at the UK’s Institute of Practitioners in Advertising 21:00 Exclusive Dinner in Antonio Gaudi’s Casa Battló Become inspired by Gaudi’s extraordinary creativity while wining and dining with your colleagues from over 35 countries. rEGISTER tODAY! WWW.NEUROMARKETINGWORLDFORUM.COM F R I DAY M A RC H 27, 2015 SPANISH SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION AVAILABLE! NEURO-INGREDIENTS OF SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING 09:30 10:00 10:30 The Neuroscience of Effective Storytelling > How the brain processes stories and how this is helping your brand > Maximizing the impact on lasting brand memories Sarah Walker - Global Neuroscience Practice Director, Millward Brown How to Predict Social Media Success > Fueling social media performance wit facial expressions analysis > Human emotion meets big data - the ultimate emotional intelligence for marketers > Lessons for more engaging video content Mihkel Jäätma - CEO, Realeyes The Creative Brain and Advertising (In)Effectiveness > How creativity can be enhanced > Factors that reduce the effectiveness of otherwise highly creative advertising Richard Silberstein - Chairman Neuro-Insight Pty. Ltd. 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Tropicana’s Tone of Voice The success of PepsiCo´s Tropicana launch in Turkey powered by neuromarketing Osman Dilber - NCB (Non-Carbonated Beverages) Marketing Manager, PepsiCo Yener Girisken - CEO, Thinkneuro BREAK-OUT SESSIONS choose from: PRACTICE 13:45 14:15 14:45 NEUROMARKETING IN BUSINESS 12:00 12:30 Practitioner’s Point of View: Fostering Creativity by Neuroresearch > Next step: the why of measured emotions > The impact of different media environments on the message Tadeusz Zorawski - CEO, Universal McCann Poland Turner Broadcasting Testing Emotional Engagement and Advertising Effectiveness Pablo Verdin - Global Head of Research, Turner Broadcasting (a Time Warner Company) Marc Rothuizen - Owner, Neurensics Latin America The Moltex Case Using neuromarketing to validate human-centric marketing strategies Dr. María López - CEO of Bit&Brain Technologies, a spin-off company of the University of Zaragoza Neuromarketing & Clothing Product Design > Testing the sense of touch Angelica Micallef Trigona - Chief Marketing and Operations Officer, AAT Services Ltd. THEORY 13:45 The Selection of Neuromarketing Tooling Peter Hartzbech - Founder/CEO, iMotions A/S Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy - Copenhagen Business School / Neurons Inc. 14:15 How Consumers Process TV Commercials Insights into brain responses to different execution styles Linda Couwenberg - PhD Candidate, Rotterdam School of Management, EUR 14:45 Language is Claimed by Creativity > Effectiveness of thoughtful messages Nora Sarmiento Prüter - Psychologist University Konrad Lorenz, Colombia NEURO MARKET PLACE: Your one-stop-neuromarketing-shop 15:15 Coffee Break During lunch, the stage will be filled with five- minute speed pitches by neuro vendors, in the hall vendors will present better and innovative ways to help you to understand your customers and prospects. > Learn more about neuromarketing technologies > Listen to the five minute pitches > Learn about the newest technologies A note to vendors: this is your time to shine, pitch in five minutes to prospective new clients (subject to availability). 15:45 Keynote Speaker; to be announced 16:45 Conference Wrap-Up and Announcement of Next Year’s Host City 17:00 Farewell Cocktail Hour VENUE The Neuromarketing World Forum will take place at the Barcelona World Trade Center located near the old harbor and within walking distance of Las Ramblas in downtown Barcelona. Address: Moll de Barcelona s/n, 08039, Barcelona. HOTEL / ROOM BLOCK The NMWF has a room block in the Eurostars 5* Grand Marina Hotel GL, next to the WTC. Moll de Barcelona WTC, Ciutat Vella, 08039 Barcelona, Spain Book before Jan 19 € 170 + 10% IVA (for conference nights) single use* including breakfast and WiFi ** To take advantage of the special rate, book your hotelroom via the conference registration form. More info: [email protected] ATTRACTIVE AIRFARES FOR PARTICIPANTS The airlines of SkyTeam, Official Alliance Network for our event, are offering participants attractive airfares. SkyTeam comprises 20 leading international airlines, serving 1,052 destinations. To book your flight now, visit the SkyTeam Global Meetings website and enter Event ID: 2754S IMPORTANT: YOU MIGHT NEED A VISA TO ENTER SPAIN! If you are traveling to Europe, please check which documents are necessary to enter the country! ENGLISH & SPANISH English is the official language of the conference. There will be simultaneous translation into Spanish at all sessions on Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, the “Introduction to Neuromarketing” will be held in both English and Spanish to stimulate interactivity. The Neuromarketing Leaders Meeting is only in English. PROGRAM COMMITTEE The Neuromarketing World Forum program committee 2015 consists of the following individuals: Elena Gispert, Market Research Manager, Danone (Spain / FMCG) Guilherme Horn, CEO ORAMA (Brazil / Banking) José Paulo Marques dos Santos, Assistant Professor ISMAI (Portugal / Science) Josep Hernandez, Senior Director of Communications Planning, Mondelez International (Spain / FMCG) Patryk Zamorski, Business Development & Marketing Director, Dentons (Poland / Law firms) Tanusree Dutta, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ranchi (India / Science) Wim Ubachs, Creative & Strategy Director, Ei van Ubachs (Netherlands / Creative Industry) NEUROMARKETING SCIENCE & BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (NMSBA) Lunch Break During the lunch break, the main stage will be taken over by the Neuro Market Place (optional) The Neuromarketing World Forum is the annual event of the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA). The NMSBA is headquartered in the Netherlands. For all your questions about the NMSBA visit or contact us via the contact details below. Preferably within Dutch business hours (GMT+1) or by appointment. Burgemeester van Rijnsingel 20B 5913 AN Venlo, the Netherlands Phone: +31 777 850 090 Email: [email protected] THE #NMWF15 TEAM Carla Nagel, Managing Director Marisol Bisschops-Alvarez, Project Coordinator Femke van Zandvoort, Registration and Logistical Information Sara Hoeflaken, Sponsoring and Exhibition Simone Oude Luttikhuis, Marketing and Media rEGISTER tODAY! WWW.NEUROMARKETINGWORLDFORUM.COM NEUROMARKETING WORLD FORUM B A RCE LO N A M A RCH 25-27 2015 SPONSORS Platinum Gold Silver Media Partners: CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISEMENT OPPORTUNITIES To review a complete list of conference sponsorship & advertisement opportunities with associated benefits, please contact Sara Hoeflaken: [email protected] ORGANIZED BY: NMBSA Events Burgemeester van Rijnsingel 20B, Venlo, The Netherlands [email protected], +31 77 850 090 (GMT +1:00) Registration Costs Early Bird Regular Conference pass € 1899 € 2199 Special rates apply for NMSBA members! Save up to 15% on your registration: join today on Early bird ends February 15, 2015 rEGISTER tODAY! WWW.NEUROMARKETINGWORLDFORUM.COM
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