The fluid, bold forms of this collection were inspired by the visual lines created by natural light. ORGANIC LINES reflects both the balance and the imperfections of nature. Contrasting textures, shapes and a dynamic colour palette create natural yet structural designs. Designed on the shores of New Zealand, these rugs have been woven by hand on a loom in india. Two master weavers work together in perfect harmony to create a textured, flat weave rug that is foldable and robust. Rough and soft, light and shadows. This is created through the combination of cotton, jute and banana silk yarns. The unique design and traditional weaving techniques result in an engaging, tactile experience. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Available colours featured above in 30x30 samples 1. ink + duck egg + coral | 2. ink + duck egg + fuchsia | 3. ink + duckegg + un-dyed jute 4. white + un-dyed jute + duck egg | 5. ink + duck egg + white | 6. stone + duck egg + white 7. tan + duck egg + fuchsia | 8. coral + duck egg + un-dyed jute | Opposite: ink + duck egg + un-dyed jute Made from jute, cotton, and banana silk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Available colours featured above in 30x30 samples 1. coral + duck egg + white | 2. fuchsia + duck egg + tan | 3. ink + duck egg + stone 4. ink + duck egg + coral | 5. petrol + duck egg + tan | 6. petrol + undyed jute + white 7. tan + duck egg + ink | 8. tan + duck egg + white | Opposite: duck egg + coral + white Made from jute, cotton, and banana silk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Available colours featured above in 30x30 samples 1. duck egg + coral with stripe | 2. duck egg + petrol with stripe | 3. duck egg + stone with stripe 4. duck egg + tan with stripe | 5. natural + tan with stripe | 6. un-dyed jute + duck egg with stripe 7. un-dyed jute + fuchsia with stripe | 8. un-dyed jute + white with stripe | 9. ink + fuchsia with stripe 10. un-dyed jute + stone with stripe | Opposite: un-dyed jute + petrol with stripe Made from jute, cotton, and banana silk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Available colours featured above in 30x30 samples 1. duck egg + stripe | 2. petrol + stripe | 3. stone + stripe 4. un-dyed jute + stripe | 5. white + stripe | 6. fuchsia + stripe | Opposite: stone + stripe Made from jute, cotton, and banana silk LO O P E D N O D I STA P L E S UN-DYED JUTE WHITE STONE INK DUCK EGG 100% jute with a cotton warp | Hand woven looped rugs LO O P E D N O D I STA P L E S WHITE + DUCK EGG WHITE + INK WHITE + STONE WHITE + UN-DYED JUTE Mix of cotton + jute | Hand woven looped rugs T H E O RG A N I C L I N E S C O LO U R PA L E T T E WHITE INK DUCKEGG TA N STONE N AT U R A L CORAL FUSCHIA PETROL RUG STYLE THE ORGANIC LINES SIZES & PRICES A special thanks to our clever friends George + Willy for letting us use your trestle table & swing, Marta Buda for your wall hanging and cushion all featured in the styled shots, and Sam Lewis for creating this catalogue and all our NODI Graphics. See their websites for details | | Size 1 60x120 Size 2 70x140 SIZE 3 120x180 Size 4 140x200 Size 5 160x230 Size 6 170x240 Size 7 200x300 Size 8 250x350 Size 9 300x400 No.1 $375 $515 $1,130 $1,465 $1,925 $2,135 $3,135 $4,575 $6,275 No. 2 $375 $515 $1,130 $1,465 $1,925 $2,135 $3,135 $4,575 $6,275 No. 3 $375 $515 $1,130 $1,465 $1,925 $2,135 $3,135 $4,575 $6,275 No. 4 $375 $515 $1,130 $1,465 $1,925 $2,135 $3,135 $4,575 $6,275 Looped $235 $325 $710 $920 $1,210 $1,340 $1,975 $2,875 $3,945 Looped $295 two-tone $410 $895 $1,165 $1,535 $1,695 $2,495 $3,645 $4,995 Sizes in centimetres [email protected] 0279110700
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