The Presidential Plenary: “Pain Management” Stefan J. Friedrichsdorf, MD, FAAP Medical Director, Department of Pain Medicine, Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine, Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School [email protected] Twitter: @NoNeedlessPain Pain after burn injury: Multifactorial ✤ Acute Pain ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Tissue damage, repetitive trauma Procedural Pain Dressing changes, Intravenous access Neuropathic Pain Portilla AS1, Bravo GL, Miraval FK, Villamar MF, Schneider JC, Ryan CM, Fregni F J Burn Care Res. 2013 Jan-Feb;34(1):e48-52. A feasibility study assessing cortical plasticity in chronic neuropathic pain following burn injury. xxJ Schneider JC1, Harris NL, El Shami A, Sheridan RL, Schulz JT 3rd, Bilodeau ML, Ryan CM ✤ ✤ Psycho-spiritual-spiritual Pain Chronic Pain ✤ Pain can persist after healing Dauber et al. Chronic persistent pain after severe burns. A survey of 358 burn survivors. Pain Med 2002; 3:6-17. ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ n=358; burns covering an average of 59% of their bodies 12 years laster: 52% of respondents reported ongoing burn-related pain Discuss the four WHO-principles of acute pain management & review concept of multimodal analgesia Review the evidence for importance of managing procedural pain (from IV access to dressing changes): topical anesthesia, positioning, and distraction (& sucrose if <12 months) plus/minus sedatation Appreciate high prevalence of neuropathic pain in patients with burn injuries and discuss a step-by-step treatment approach Today’s Presentation ✤ Part 1: Acute Pain ✤ Part 2: Procedural Pain ✤ Part 3: Neuropathic Pain Pediatric Pain - Status Quo ✤ ✤ Under treatment of pain in children Parents expect pain to be relieved Forgeron PA, Finley GA, Arnaout M. Pediatric pain prevalence and parents' attitudes at a cancer hospital in Jordan. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2006; 31(5):440-8. ✤ Parents’ greatest distress: failing to protect their child from pain Tiedeman, M. (1997). Anxiety responses of parents during and after the hospitalisation of their 5 - to -11 year old children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 12(2), 110-119. Melnyk BM. Intervention studies involving parents of hospitalized young children: an analysis of the past and future recommendations. J Pediatr Nurs. 2000 Feb;15(1):4-13. ✤ Assumption: everything possible is done Anand’s neonatal surgery studies Pediatric Pain - Status Quo ✤ USA: adults receive more than two - three times as many analgesic doses as children (with identical diagnoses) (1) Eland JM, Anderson JE: The experience of pain in children. In: Jacox A (ed). Pain: a source book for nurses and other health care professionals. Boston: Little Brown & C0; 1977:453-78 (2) Beyer JE, DeGood DE, Ashley LC, Russell GA. Patterns of postoperative analgesic use with adults and children following cardiac surgery. Pain. 1983 Sep;17(1):71-81. (3) Schechter NL, Allen DA, Hanson K. Status of pediatric pain control: a comparison of hospital analgesic usage in children and adults. Pediatrics. 1986 Jan;77(1):11-5. ✤ The younger children are, the less likely they receive appropriate analgesia Broome ME, Richtsmeier A, Maikler V, Alexander M. Pediatric pain practices: a national survey of health professionals. J Pain Symptom Manage. 1996 May;11(5):312-20.; Nikanne E, Kokki H, Tuovinen K. Postoperative pain after adenoidectomy in children. Br J Anaesth. 1999 Jun;82(6):886-9. ✤ Compared to adults, pediatric patients receive fewer and/or incorrectly dosed analgesics in daily routine 2002;18:262-269. Ellis JA, et al. The Clinical Journal of Pain. Inappropriate Analgesia: Why Bother...? ✤ Children with persistent pain suffer more physical symptoms in adult life, more anxiety and more depression Development Study ✤ 1946 Medical Research Council and 1958 National Child Inadequate analgesia for initial procedures in children diminishes effect of adequate analgesia in subsequent procedures Weisman SJ, Bernstein B, Schechter NL: Consequences of inadequate analgesia during painful procedures in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998. 152:147-9 ✤ NICU: increased morbidity & mortality Anand KJ, Barton BA, McIntosh N, Lagercrantz H, Pelausa E, Young TE, et al. Analgesia and sedation in preterm neonates who require ventilatory support: results from the NOPAIN trial. Neonatal Outcome and Prolonged Analgesia in Neonates. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999 Apr;153(4):331-8 Trauma & post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ✤ US soldiers after serious injury: Use of morphine during trauma care reduces risk of subsequent development of PTSD ✤ Holbrook TL, Galarneau MR, Dye JL, Quinn K, Dougherty AL. Morphine use after combat injury in Iraq and post-traumatic stress disorder. The New England journal of medicine. 2010 Jan 14;362(2):110-7. 6-16 year-olds (n=24) with acute burns: Children receiving higher doses of morphine had greater reduction in PTSD symptoms over 6 months Saxe G, Stoddard F, Courtney D, Cunningham K, Chawla N, Sheridan R, et al. Relationship between acute morphine and the course of PTSD in children with burns. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2001 Aug;40(8):915-21. ✤ Children (n=48) with injury that led to hospital treatment: Morphine was associated with lower levels of PTSD at follow-up 6 months later Nixon RD, Nehmy TJ, Ellis AA, Ball SA, Menne A, McKinnon AC. Predictors of posttraumatic stress in children following injury: The influence ofappraisals, heart rate, and morphine use. Behaviour research and therapy. 2010 Aug;48(8) 810-5. ✤ 12- to 48-month-old (n=70) children with acute burns admitted to major pediatric burn center: Management of pain with higher doses of morphine associated with decreasing number of symptoms of PTSD in months after major trauma. Stoddard FJ, Jr., Sorrentino EA, Ceranoglu TA, Saxe G, Murphy JM, Drake JE, et al. Preliminary evidence for the effects of morphine on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in one- to four-year-olds with burns. J Burn Care Res. 2009 Sep-Oct;30(5):836-43. Myths and Barriers to Using Opioids? Assumptions #1: Addiction ✤ Addiction → a chronic relapsing condition characterized by persistent, compulsive dependence on a behaviour or substance despite adverse consequences ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Tolerance does NOT equal addiction Withdrawal → distressing symptoms occur if opioids discontinued or tapered too fast (or opioid antagonist given) Beware of “Pseudo-addiction” Tolerance → Decrease in drug effect as result to prior exposure to the drug (for analgesia and/or adverse effect) Assumptions #2: Over-Sedation ✤ ✤ ✤ Misconception that goal of opioid use is to sedate ✤ Patients/Parents do NOT have to choose between poor pain control or over sedation Goal is to provide excellent symptom control (pain, dyspnea) while maintaining function Over sedation / Drowsiness / desaturation is occasionally experienced after opioid initiation or dose increase ✤ Good analgesia: decrease dose ✤ Poor analgesia: opioid rotation Common Opioid Assumptions ✤ ✤ ✤ Addiction ✤ Over Sedation / Respiratory Depression Maxwell LG. PAIN MANAGEMENT FOLLOWING MAJOR INTRACRANIAL SURGERY IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY IN THREE ACADEMIC CHILDREN’S HOSPITALS Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: May 2014 - Volume 15 - Issue 4_suppl - p 77. Abstracts of the 7th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care Ileus / Gut hypomobility / Constipation ✤ Medication “Too strong” ✤ Masking symptoms: ✤ Abdominal Pain ✤ Ranji SR, Goldman LE, Simel DL, Shojania KG. Do opiates affect the clinical evaluation of patients with abdominal pain? JAMA 2006: 296:1764-74 Opioids after major cranial surgery in children do NOT result in altered mental status nor respiratory depression ✤ As always... Think first (compartment syndrome?)... analgesia second... Masking symptoms How Do We Manage Acute Pain in Children? No Needless Pain Multimodal Analgesia WHO guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of persisting pain in children with medical illnesses ✤ Dosing at regular intervals (“By the Clock”) ✤ Adapting treatment to the individual child (“With the Child”) ✤ ✤ Using the appropriate route of administration (“By the appropriate route) Using a two-step strategy (“By the Analgesic Ladder”) WHO Principle 1: Dosing at Regular Intervals ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ When pain is constantly present, analgesics should be administered, while monitoring side-effects, at regular intervals ✤ PRN (as needed) only: May take several hours & higher opioid doses to relieve pain ✤ “By the clock” and NOT as an “as needed” (or “PRN”) basis Results in cycle of undermedication and pain, alternating with periods of overmedication and drug toxicity ✤ Regular scheduling ensures a steady blood level, reducing the peaks and troughs of PRN (“as needed”) dosing American Pain Society: Principles of Analgesic Use in the Treatment of Acute Pain and Cancer Pain 2008. 24-27 PRN = Patient Receives Nothing WHO Principle 2: Adapting Treatment to the Individual Child ✤ ✤ ✤ Treatment should be tailored to the individual child and opioid analgesics should be titrated on an individual basis At analgesic dosing: no sedation expected Dose of strong opioids: only the sky is the limit ✤ ✤ The effective dose is what relieves the pain ✤ Effective dose must be adjusted to child’s needs ✤ Assess response frequently Pain Scales ✤ Different children may respond differently to same dose Look for opioid-induced side effects and toxicity ✤ Switching Opioids Differences between opioids in the balance between analgesic crosstolerance level and the level of cross-tolerance to adverse effects can be exploited to clinical advantage. Switching opioids can possibly achieve a more favorable balance between analgesia and adverse effects, hence the rationale for trial of a different opioid in the event of toxicity or inadequate analgesia. Lawlor P (2001) Dose Ratios Among Different Opioids. In: Bruera E, Portenoy RK (ed) Topics in Palliative Care Vol 5; Oxford University Press, pp 247-76 Analgesia Side effects Side effects Analgesia Pain Assessment ✤ Patients simultaneously may experience different qualities, including ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Nociceptive Pain ✤ Somatic Pain ✤ Visceral Pain Psycho-social-spiritual Pain (“Total Pain”) and/or Neuropathic Pain and/or Chronic Pain Be creative when measuring pain: a single pain score often will not be enough: Regular (!) Pain Assessment ✤ ✤ One-dimensional self-report scores Multi-dimensional rating scores Route of Administration i.v. / s.c. i.m. nebulization? Analgesic Drugs transmucosal oral transdermal intranasal (MAD device) sublingual suppository WHO Principle 4: Using a Two-Step Strategy WHO Step 1 Mild Pain Ibuprofen and/or Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Other NSAIDs? Cox-2 Inhibitor? Citius, Altius, Fortius...? ✤ Ibuprofen salts: fast-acting formulations ✤ Moore, R.A., et al., Faster, higher, stronger? Evidence for formulation and efficacy for ibuprofen in acute pain. Pain, 2014. 155(1): p. 14-21. ✤ ✤ produced significantly better analgesia over 6h, fewer remedications than standard formulations 200-mg fast-acting ibuprofen (NNT 2.1; 95% confidence interval 1.9-2.4) was as effective as 400 mg standard ibuprofen (NNT 2.4; 95% CI 2.2-2.5), with faster onset of analgesia. ✤ More rapid absorption, faster initial pain reduction, good overall analgesia in more patients at the same dose, and probably longerlasting analgesia, but with no higher rate of patients reporting adverse events. However, earlier onset preferred in other pain condition, such as chronic nociceptive or neuropathic pain? Peloso, P.M., Faster, higher, stronger: to the gold medal podium? Pain, 2014. 155(1): p. 4-5. Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Thalamus o eur dN 2n n Aδ or C r e fib Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) NSAIDs Injury Brain Regions that Modulate Pain and Emotion Somatosensory Cortex Both Pain Insular Cortex Isnard J, Magnin M, Jung J, Mauguiere F, GarciaLarrea L. Does the insula tell our brain that we are in pain? Pain. 2011 Apr;152(4):946-51. Prefrontal Cortex Thalamus Hippocampus Anterior Cingulate Cortex Apkarian AV, et al. Eur J Pain. 2005;9:463-484; Casey KL, Tran TD. Cortical mechanisms mediating acute and chronic pain in humans. In: Cervero F, Jensen TS, eds. Handbook of Clin Neurology. 2006:159-177; Charney DS, Nestler EJ, Bunney BS, et al, eds. Neurobiology of Mental Illness. 2nd ed. 2004; Schweinhardt P, et al. Curr Opin Neurology. 2006;19:392-400 Amygdala Slide with Permission: Barry Cole, Bob Dworkin, Roy Freeman, Charles Argoff, Howard Fields WHO Principle 4: Using a Two-Step Strategy WHO Step 1 Mild Pain Ibuprofen and/or Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Other NSAIDs? Cox-2 Inhibitor? WHO Step 2 Moderate to Severe Pain Morphine or fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, methadone Morphine Pharmacokinetics ✤ ✤ „A principle of pharmacokinetics teaches us that unless the drug reaches the site of action, it cannot be expected to exert its dynamic effect. With morphine the situation is that when the drug dose not reach the PATIENT, what hope is there for pain relief?” Ghooi & Ghooi: Lancet 1998; 325:1625 WHO Principle 4: Using a Two-Step Strategy WHO Step 2 Moderate to Severe Pain WHO Step 1 Mild Pain Morphine Intermediate Step ? Ibuprofen and/or Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) or fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, methadone Tramadol Other NSAIDs? Cox-2 Inhibitor? Codeine Hydrocodone Current body of evidence cannot support whether the main analgesic effect results from hydrocodone or the metabolite hydromorphone Singla, A. and P. Sloan (2013). "Pharmacokinetic evaluation of hydrocodone/acetaminophen for pain management." J Opioid Manag 9(1): 71-80. Inactive Prodrug: Active Metabolite: Codeine Inactive? Prodrug*: Hydrocodone Morphine Active Metabolite: also CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 2D6 Hydromorphone (Dilaudid®) Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Opioids • Pre-synaptic nerve terminal â Neurotransmitter release Thalamus • Post-synaptic nerve terminal: Membrane hyperpolarization o eur dN 2n => suppress neuronal excitability n Aδ or C r e fib Opioids Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) NSAIDs Injury Multimodal (Opioid-sparing) Analgesia Non-Opioids • Acetaminophen / Paracetamol • NSAIDs Opioids • Tramadol („weak“) • Morphine („strong“) WHO-Principles • “By the clock” • “By the child” • “By the appropriate route” • “By the WHO ladder” Integrative Pain Management ✤ ✤ State of the art pain management in the 21st century demands that pharmacological management must be combined with supportive and integrative, nonpharmacological therapies to manage a child's pain. ✤ ✤ Cognitive behavioral techniques (e.g. guided imagery, hypnosis, abdominal breathing, distraction, biofeedback) Acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy Physical methods (e.g. cuddle/ hug, massage, comfort positioning, heat, cold, TENS) Integrative Pain & Symptom Management ✤ ✤ A Pediatrician’s Top 10 Apps for Distraction & Pain Management Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Periaqueductal grey (endorphins) Thalamus dN 2n on eur ng di en ion sc b i t De nhi I + Integrative (non-pharmacological) therapies o Aδ rC fib er Opioids Injury Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) NSAIDs How does this stuff work...? ✤ ✤ ✤ Distraction significantly increased the activation of the cingulo-frontal cortex including the orbitofrontal and perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as the periaquaeductal gray (PAG) and the posterior thalamus.1 Active distraction techniques, such as imagery, appear to modulate endorphine release in the midbrain, including the periaqueductal grey and thereby increase activity of descending inhibiting pathways thereby decreasing nociception from the dorsal horn resulting in gate pain modulation during distraction.2-4 1.! Valet M, Sprenger T, Boecker H, et al. Distraction modulates connectivity of the cingulo-frontal cortex and the midbrain during pain--an fMRI analysis. Pain. Jun 2004;109(3):399-408. 2.! Tracey I, Ploghaus A, Gati JS, et al. Imaging attentional modulation of pain in the periaqueductal gray in humans. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. Apr 1 2002;22(7):2748-2752. ✤ 3.! Derbyshire SW, Osborn J. Modeling pain circuits: how imaging may modify perception. Neuroimaging clinics of North America. Nov 2007;17(4):485-493, ix. ✤ 4.! Bingel U, Wanigasekera V, Wiech K, et al. The effect of treatment expectation on drug efficacy: imaging the analgesic benefit of the opioid remifentanil. Sci Transl Med. Feb 16 2011;3(70):70ra14. Multimodal (Opioid-sparing) Analgesia Non-Opioids • Acetaminophen / Paracetamol • NSAIDs Opioids • Tramadol? („weak“) • Morphine („strong“) Invasive Approaches • Regional anesthesia • Neuraxial anesthesia - Epidural or intrathecal - Nerve blocks - Neurolytic blocks • [Intraventricular opioids?] • [Percutaneous cervical cordotomy?] Adjuvants WHO-Principles • “By the clock” • “By the child” • “By the appropriate route” • “By the WHO ladder” Integrative Therapies • Massage • Heat/cold • Deep Breathing • Biofeedback • Hypnosis • etc. • Alpha-Agonist • Anticonvulsants • TCA/Antidepressants • NMDA-channel blockers • Na-channel blockers • Antispasmodics • Benzodiazepines • Corticosteroids • Muscle relaxants • Radiopharmaceuticals • Bisphosphonates • etc. Today’s Presentation ✤ Part 1: Acute Pain ✤ Part 2: Procedural Pain ✤ Part 3: Neuropathic Pain Procedural Pain in Children: From IV access to dressing change Procedural Pain Management 5-year Marius requires stitches in ED 2014 Procedural Pain: A call for action ✤ ✤ ✤ What are children most afraid of coming to our clinical service? Needle procedures (incl. vaccine injections) performed in childhood are a substantial source of distress It is estimated that up to 25% of adults have a fear of needles Guideline statement: management of procedure-related pain in children and adolescents.J Paediatr Child Health 2006;42(Suppl 1):S1-29. with most fears developing in childhood Hamilton JG. Needle phobia: a neglected diagnosis. J Fam Pract 1995;41:169-75 ✤ with most fears developing in childhood Hamilton JG. Needle phobia: a neglected diagnosis. J Fam Pract 1995;41:169-75 Pain outcomes in a US children’s hospital: a prospective cross-sectional survey ✤ In past 24 hrs, what was cause of worst pain? ✤ 40% Needle poke ✤ 34% Trauma/injury/other medical ✤ 10 % Surgery ✤ 8% Procedure ✤ 4% Acute illness/infection ✤ 3% Treatment for known disease ✤ Friedrichsdorf SJ, Postier AC, Eull D, Foster L, Weidner C, Campbell F: Pain outcomes in a US children’s hospital: a prospective cross-sectional survey. Hospital Pediatrics 2015. 5(1):18-26 Procedural pain: A call for action Pain ratings at 4-6 months routine vaccination higher for circumcised versus uncircumcised boys Taddio A (1994) Lancet, 344:291-2 ✤ Preterm infants: Poorer cognition and motor function associated with higher number of skin-breaking procedures Grunau RE, Whitfield MF, Petrie-Thomas J, Synnes AR, ✤ Cepeda IL, Keidar A, et al. Neonatal pain, parenting stress and interaction, in relation to cognitive and motor development at 8 and 18 months in preterm infants. Pain. 2009 May;143(1-2):138-46. Memory of previous painful experience has great influence on pain experience during subsequent procedures Versloot J, Veerkamp JSJ, Hoogstraten J: Children’s self-reported ✤ pain at the dentist. Pain 2008. 137:389-94 Inadequate analgesia for initial procedures in young children (8 years or younger) diminishes the effect of adequate analgesia in subsequent procedures Weisman SJ, Bernstein B, Schechter NL: Consequences of inadequate analgesia during painful procedures in children. Arch ✤ Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998. 152:147-9 Essential Components of Procedural Pain Management “Non-Negotiable” ✤ Topical Anesthesia ✤ 0-12 months: Sucrose ✤ Positioning ✤ Distraction (Integrative (non-pharmacological) therapies) Other Considerations ✤ Possibly other pharmacological approaches ✤ Consider appropriate sedation, if excellent analgesia cannot be achieved “Non-negotiable” Components of Procedural Pain Management in Children Topical Local Anesthetics ✤ ! To reduce pain at the time of injection, encourage parents to use topical anesthetics during vaccination of children (grade A recommendation, based on level I evidence). Taddio A, Appleton M, Bortolussi R, Chambers C, Dubey V, Halperin S, et al. Reducing the pain of childhood vaccination: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal 2010 Dec 14;182(18):E843-55. ✤ ! Topical anesthetics are considered safe for children of all ages. However, administration of excessive doses and/or prolonged application times can lead to serious adverse effects, including irregular heartbeat, seizures and difficulty breathing www.hc-sc .gc .ca/dhp-mps/ medeff/advisories-avis/public/_2009/emla ametop_pc-cp-eng.php ✤ ! For children undergoing vaccination, there is insufficient evidence for or against the use of skin-cooling techniques (vapocoolants, ice, cool/cold packs) to reduce pain at the time of injection (grade I recommendation, based on conflicting level I evidence). EMLA versus LMX ✤ EMLA Cream (lidocaine 2.5% and prilocaine 2.5%) vs Ela-Max LMX 4% Lidocaine Topical Anesthetic Cream (1) Koh JL, Harrison D, Myers R, Dembinski R, Turner H, McGraw T: A randomized, double-blind comparison study of EMLA and ELA-Max for topical anesthesia in children undergoing intravenous insertion. Paediatr Anaesth 2004. 14(12):977-82; (2) Eichenfield LF, Funk A, Fallon-Friedlander S, Cunningham BB: A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of ELA-Max (4% liposomal lidocaine) as compared with eutectic mixture of local anesthetics cream for pain reduction of venipuncture in children. Pediatrics 2002. 109(6):1093-9 ✤ Ela-Max LMX: 30 minutes application as effective as 60 minutes ✤ ✤ Analgesia duration: ✤ ✤ EMLA application for preventing pain during IV insertion in Children EMLA 1-2 hours vs. LMX 1 hour Skin time: ✤ EMLA 4 hours vs. LMX 2 hours EMLA® and Neonates In neonates, EMLA reduces the behavioral pain response to venipuncture but not heel lance Effective for neonates > 34 weeks gestation for lumbar puncture Kaur G, Gupta P, Kumar A: A randomized ✤ ✤ Taddio A, Ohlsson A, Einarson TR, Stevens B, Koren G: A systematic review of lidocaine-prilocaine cream (EMLA) in the treatment of acute pain in neonates. Pediatrics 1998. 101(2):E1 trial of eutectic mixture of local anesthetics during lumbar puncture in newborns. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003, 157(11): Single doses have not been associated with methemoglobinemia Taddio A, Ohlsson ✤ A, Einarson TR, Stevens B, Koren G: A systematic review of lidocaine-prilocaine cream (EMLA) in the treatment of acute pain in neonates. Pediatrics 1998. 101(2):E1 1065-70 Application of Cream Cellophane (no Tegaderm®: hurts at time of removal) ✤ Needle pokes without the pain? J-Tip in the Emergency Room (CBS 4 Morning News) J-Tip (Lidocaine) J-tip: single-use, disposable, carbondioxide-powered, needleless lidocaine injector ✤ ✤ Adults: More pain than s.c. lidocaine Cooper JA, Bromley LM, Baranowski AP, Barker SG: Evaluation of a needlefree injection system for local anaesthesia prior to venous cannulation. Anaesthesia 2000. 55(3):247-50 LET Anesthesia 3mL LET-gel: Lidocaine 4%Epinephrine 0.18% -Tetracaine 0.5% ✤ Singer AJ, Stark MJ. Pretreatment of lacerations with lidocaine, epinephrine, and tetracaine at triage: a randomized double-blind trial. Acad Emerg Med. 2000 Jul;7(7):751-6. ✤ ✤ Sitting upright ✤ Distraction ✤ Topical Anesthesia ✤ “Non-negotiable” Components of Procedural Pain Management in Children Sucrose for Children 0-12 months Reduces pain (PIPP, VAS) and cry during painful procedure, such as venipuncture Stevens B, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 3 ✤ Role of endogenous opioids - naloxone blunts effect ✤ Effective dose (24%): 0.05 - 0.5 mL (= 0.012 - 0.12 g) Administration 2 minutes prior to mild - moderately painful procedure ✤ Duration ~ 4 min ✤ Does not prevent development of hyperalgesia Taddio A, Shah V, Atenafu E, Katz J. Influence of ✤ ✤ repeated painful procedures and sucrose analgesia on the development of hyperalgesia in newborn infants. Pain. 2009 Jul;144(1-2):43-8. ✤ Breastfeeding ✤ Effective in term infants (superior to sweetening agents) (1) Shah PS, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3 (2) Gray L, Miller LW, Philipp BL, Blass EM. Breastfeeding is analgesic in healthy newborns. Pediatrics. 2002 Apr;109(4):590-3. (3) Weissman A, Aranovitch M, Blazer S, Zimmer EZ. Heel-lancing in newborns: behavioral and spectral analysis assessment of pain control methods. Pediatrics. 2009 Nov;124(5):e921-6. ✤ Ineffective in preterm infants? Holsti L, Oberlander TF, Brant R. Does breastfeeding reduce acute procedural pain in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit? A randomized clinical trial. Pain. 2011 Nov;152(11):2575-81. Harrison, DM. Be Sweet to Babies (August, 2014). Retrieved from YouTube “Non-negotiable” Components of Procedural Pain Management in Children Pediatric Positioning in 1985 Positioning To reduce pain at the time of injection, do not place children in a supine position during vaccination (grade E recommendation, based on level I evidence). Taddio A, Appleton M, Bortolussi R, ✤ Chambers C, Dubey V, Halperin S, et al. Reducing the pain of childhood vaccination: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal 2010 Dec 14;182(18):E843-55. ✤ When feasible, offer choice to child (parent’s lap?) Comfort Positioning Swaddling, facilitated tucking, kangaroo care Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates “Non-negotiable” Components of Procedural Pain Management in Children Integrative Therapies for Needle Procedures Cochrane Review 2013: 39 trials, 3394 children 2-19 years - needleprocedures (immunizations and injections). Uman LS, Birnie KA, Noel M, Parker JA, Chambers CT, McGrath PJ, Kisely SR. Psychological interventions for needle-related procedural pain and distress in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 10 There is strong evidence that distraction and hypnosis are effective in reducing the pain and distress that children and adolescents experience during needle procedures Promising but limited/no evidence for preparation and information or both, combined CBT, parent coaching plus distraction, suggestion, or virtual reality ✤ Integrative Therapies for Needle Procedures To reduce pain at the time of injection among children four years of age and older, offer to rub or stroke the skin near injection site with moderate intensity before and during vaccination (grade B recommendation, based on level II-1 evidence) Taddio A, Appleton M, Bortolussi R, ✤ Chambers C, Dubey V, Halperin S, et al. Reducing the pain of childhood vaccination: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal 2010 Dec 14;182(18):E843-55. Parent coaching: Certain types of parental behaviours (e.g., nonprocedural talk, suggestions on how to cope, humour) have been related to decreases in children’s distress and pain, whereas others (e.g., reassurance, apologies) have been related to increases in children’s distress and pain. Taddio A, Chambers CT, Halperin SA, et al. Inadequate ✤ pain management during childhood immunizations: the nerve of it. Clin Ther 2009;31(Suppl 2):S152-67.) Distraction Hypnosis in Pediatric Practice: Imaginative Medicine in Action By Laurence Sugarman, MD A documentary for child health professionals Distraction ✤ Reduction of fear and anxiety Determine if the child wishes to watch or be distracted ✤ ✤ Young children: books, bubbles and pinwheels ✤ Coaching roles for parents ✤ Older children: video games and biofeedback How many mistakes can you spot? New York Time 7/2/14: The Price of Prevention: Vaccine Cost Are Soaring ✤ “Non-negotiable” Components of Procedural Pain Management in Children Other Considerations (5) (Intranasal) Systemic Analgesia (6) Sedation Intranasal Opioid Application ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Nasal mucosa richly vascularized Fenestrated epithelium drains by way of the facial and sphenopalatine veins ⇒ Avoiding first pass metabolism Hydromorphone: ER trauma patients - plasma concentration similar to those after IV administration Wermeling DP, Clinch T, Rudy AC, Dreitlein D, Suner S, Lacouture PG. A multicenter, ✤ open-label, exploratory dose-ranging trial of intranasal hydromorphone for managing acute pain from traumatic injury. J Pain. 2010 Jan;11(1): 24-31. Intranasal Opioid Application Drops or spray diluted in normal saline 0.9% Pharmacokinetic profile similar to i.v. in children ✤ Mucosal Atomization Device (MAD) ✤ ✤ Intranasal Opioid Application ✤ ✤ Drops or spray diluted in normal saline 0.9% Pharmacokinetic profile similar to i.v. in children RCT 24 children (4-8 years) ✤ Burn dressing changes ✤ Control: oral morphine ✤ Titrated until pain free ⇒ intranasal dose slightly higher (1.4 mcg/kg + 15mcg Q5min) ⇒ pain relief comparable ⇒ safety profile acceptable, no serious adverse events ✤ ✤ Borland ML, Bergesio R, Pascoe EM, Turner S, Woodger S. Intranasal fentanyl is an equivalent analgesic to oral morphine in paediatric burns patients for dressing changes: a randomised double blind crossover study. Burns. 2005 Nov;31(7):831-7. Intranasal Opioid Application RCT 32 children (4-8 years) ✤ Postoperative analgesia ✤ Control: i.v. fentanyl ✤ Titrated until pain free ⇒ intranasal dose slightly higher (1.4 mcg/kg) ⇒ pain relief comparable ⇒ safety profile acceptable, no serious adverse events Manjushree R, Lahiri A, ✤ ✤ Ghosh BR, Laha A, Handa K. Intranasal fentanyl provides adequate postoperative analgesia in pediatric patients. Can J Anaesth. 2002 Feb; 49(2):190-3. Case report Acute pain ER ✤ 48 children (3-12 years) ✤ Dose applied every 5 minutes as required ✤ Median dose: 1.5 mcg/kg ✤ ⇒ good pain control ✤ ⇒ no side effects ✤ ✤ Borland ML, Jacobs I, Geelhoed G. Intranasal fentanyl reduces acute pain in children in the emergency department: a safety and efficacy study. Emerg Med (Fremantle). 2002 Sep;14(3):275-80. ✤ Sedation If good procedural analgesia not feasible with the “4 Non-Negotiables”, consider: (1) Mild sedation: Nitrous gas Zier, J. L. and M. Liu (2011). "Safety of high-concentration nitrous oxide by nasal mask for pediatric procedural sedation: experience with 7802 cases." Pediatric emergency care 27(12): 1107-1112. or (2) Moderate/deep sedation (e.g. ketamine, propofol) Note: A sedative alone (such as a benzodiazepine) can never be a substitute for procedural analgesia. Thanks to Patricia D. Scherrer MD, Medical Director, Sedation Services Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota IV Access Under Nitrous Gas 22 months-old, LMX in place, needed IV for radiologic procedure, history of challenging IV access in the past Today’s Presentation ✤ Part 1: Acute Pain ✤ Part 2: Procedural Pain ✤ Part 3: Neuropathic Pain Pain after burn injury ✤ Multi-factorial involving tissue damage, repetitive trauma and damage to sensory nerve endings Nedelec et al. Sensory perception and neuroanatomical structure in normal and grafted skin of burn survivors. Burns 2005 Nov , 31 (7): 817-30.; Norman A, Judkins K. Pain in the patient with burns. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain (2004) 4 (2): 57-61. ✤ Neuropathic pain component Portilla AS1, Bravo GL, Miraval FK, Villamar MF, Schneider JC, Ryan CM, Fregni F J Burn Care Res. 2013 Jan-Feb;34(1):e48-52. A feasibility study assessing cortical plasticity in chronic neuropathic pain following burn injury. xxJ Schneider JC1, Harris NL, El Shami A, Sheridan RL, Schulz JT 3rd, Bilodeau ML, Ryan CM ✤ Pain can persist after healing Dauber et al. Chronic persistent pain after severe burns. A survey of 358 burn survivors. Pain Med 2002; 3:6-17. ✤ ✤ n=358; burns covering an average of 59% of their bodies 12 years laster: 52% of respondents reported ongoing burn-related pain Neuropathic Pain ✤ Pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system (IASP 2008) ✤ ✤ Grading System: (1) Definite, (2) Probable; (3) Possible (…but, not all lesions in the somatosensory system lead to neuropathic pain) Neuropathic Pain Assessment ✤ Currently there are no validated neuropathic pain scales for children < 18 years ✤ ✤ ✤ Adults ✤ ✤ Pain Quality Assessment Scale (PQAS) - 20 items t_03_serv_dist_Cduse_pqas.htm Jensen, M.P. (in press). Pain assessment in clinical trials. In D. Carr & H. Wittink (Eds.), Evidence, outcomes, and quality of life in pain treatment. Amsterdam: Elsevier. NPS® Neuropathic Pain Scale 12 items t_03_serv_dist_Cduse_nps.htm Galer BS, Jensen MP. Development and preliminary validation of a pain measure specific to neuropathic pain: the Neuropathic Pain Scale. Neurology. 1997 Feb;48(2):332-8 NSAIDs for Neuropathic Pain ✤ NSAIDs are so widely viewed as being ineffective for neuropathic pain that no major guidelines even mention them in their algorithm.Attal N, Cruccu G, Baron R, Haanpää M, ✤ NSAIDs are commonly prescribed for neuropathic pain Dieleman JP, Kerklaan J, Huygen FJ, Bouma PA, Sturkenboom CJ. Incidence rates and treatment of neuropathic pain conditions in the general population. Pain 2008;137:681-8. Hansson P, Jensen TS, et al. EFNS guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain: 2010 revision. Eur J Neurol 2010;17:1113-e88. ✤ Preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated efficacy for NSAIDs in neuropathic pain states Vo T, Rice AS, Dworkin RH. Non-steroidal anti- ✤ inflammatory drugs for neuropathic pain: how do we explain continued widespread use? Pain 2009;143:169-71.; Cohen KL, Harris S. Efficacy and safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Opioids for Neuropathic Pain ✤ Adult Evidence: Metaanalysis: Opioids, including tramadol, have a consistent efficacy in neuropathic pain Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain. 2010 Sep;150(3):573-81. ✤ Multi-mechanism agent Tramadol: RCTs: polyneuropathy and post-amputation pain Hollingshead, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005 , Sindrup, Pain 1999, 83:85-90; Wilder-Smith, Anesthesiology 2005,103:616-28 ✤ Strong opioids: RCTs: efficacious for neuropathic pain (NP), including phantom limb pain, chronic peripheral and central NP Huse, Pain 2001,90:47-55; Morley Palliat Med 2003, 17:576-87; Rowbotham N Eng J Med 2003, 384:1223-32; Eisenberg E, McNicol E, Carr DB. Opioids for neuropathic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD006146. Integrative, rehabilitative & supportive therapies ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Expected part of treatment protocol; Age-appropriate modalities include ✤ Acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy Physical (massage, TENS, comfort positioning, allowing family for close contact/touch) Rehabilitation (physical therapy, occupational therapy) Behavioral (deep breathing, imagery, hypnosis, smartphone/tablet “apps”) Neuropathic Pain Mechanisms Periaqueductal grey Thalamus Central Sensitization: Activities in C-Fibers drives changes in 2nd neuron on eur dN 2n ng di en ion sc bit De nhi I Glial activation & cytokine release also involved? Result: áexcitability and synaptic efficiency + + Aδ or C Injury induced accumulation of Na-channels => ectopic firing fib Injury er Reduced inhibition in Dorsal Horn Altered Synaptic Transmission: Ca-channel [α-2-δ dysfunction?) + + Peripheral Sensitization: Response to Tissue Injury Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) ✤ 61 RCTs (20 antidepressants): TCAs are effective; NNT of 3.6 (for the achievement of at least moderate pain relief). Saarto T, Wiffen ✤ Loprinzi CL, Sloan JA, Novotny PJ, Soori GS, et al. Phase III evaluation of nortriptyline for alleviation of symptoms of cisplatinum-induced peripheral neuropathy. Pain. 2002 Jul;98(1-2): 195-203. Kautio AL, Haanpaa M, Saarto T, Kalso E. Amitriptyline in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic symptoms. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2008 Jan;35(1):31-9. PJ. Antidepressants for neuropathic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007 Oct 17;(4):CD005454 ✤ No effect of amitriptyline in HIV neuropathy Kieburtz K, Simpson D, Yiannoutsos C, Max MB, Hall CD, Ellis RJ, et al. A randomized trial of amitriptyline and mexiletine for painful neuropathy in HIV infection. AIDS Clinical Trial Group 242 Protocol Team. Neurology. 1998 Dec;51(6): 1682-8. Shlay JC, Chaloner K, Max MB, Flaws B, Reichelderfer P, Wentworth D, et al. Acupuncture and amitriptyline for pain due to HIV-related peripheral neuropathy: a randomized controlled trial. Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. JAMA.1998 Nov 11;280(18):1590-5. No effect in chemotherapyinduced neuropathy (pain not primary outcome) Hammack JE, Michalak JC, ✤ Secondary amine TCAs (e.g. nortriptyline) better tolerated than tertiary amine TCAs (e.g. amitriptyline) with comparable analgesic efficacy Max, N Eng J Med 1992,326:1250-6; Rowbotham, J Pain 2005,6:741-6; Watson, Neurology 1998,51:1166-71 Amitriptyline ✤ Dosage: initial 0.1 mg /kg -> titrate to 0.4 mg/kg p.o., [max. 20-25 mg] (usually not up to 1-2 mg/kg/day) once at night ✤ ✤ wean: decrease gradually! ✤ ✤ Effect: days - weeks; depends on length of symptoms Adverse effects: arrhythmia: EKG (QTc, WPW?), anticholinergic / antihistamine (dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, sedation) Desipramine: anecdotal evidence of sudden death in children Amitai Y, Frischer H: Excess fatality from desipramine in children and adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006. 45(1):54-60 Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Periaqueductal grey (endorphins) Thalamus TCA SSRIs Methadone Tramadol on eur dN 2n ng di en ion sc bit De nhi I + Integrative (non-pharmacological) therapies Aδ or C er fib Opioids Injury Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Tricyclic Antidepressants: (+) Opioid analgesia via serotoninergic mechanism at brainstem NSAIDs Gabapentinoids: Ca-channel α2-δ ligands Voltage-gated Ca-channel α2-δ subunit G [dysfunction?/upregulation role in neuropathic pain] Postsynaptic nerve terminal Presynaptic nerve terminal Glutamate Substance P Gabapentinoids ✤ Gabapentin: 15 studies (1468 participants) (post-herpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, cancer related neuropathic pain, phantom limb pain, Guillain Barré syndrome, spinal chord injury pain, various neuropathic pains) Wiffen PJ, McQuay ✤ HJ, Edwards JE, Moore RA. Gabapentin for acute and chronic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jul 20;(3):CD005452. ✤ ✤ 42% improved compared to 19% on placebo NNT for effective pain relief in diabetic neuropathy 2.9; post herpetic neuralgia 3.9 Pregabalin: Effective in post herpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic polyneuropathy, central neuropathic pain (19 studies, 7003 participants): effective 300 mg-600 mg daily (at 150 mg daily was generally ineffective). Moore RA, Straube S, Wiffen PJ, Derry S, McQuay HJ. Pregabalin for acute and chronic pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jul 8; (3):CD007076. ✤ No overall evidence for superior efficacy for either of these drugs in neuropathic pain, although lower cost may favor gabapentin Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain. 2010 Sep;150(3):573-81. Gabapentin postoperatively? ✤ ✤ 17-day, term infant, 3kg, TGA (post OP day #15), day 10 post ECMO; max. fentanyl 8 mcg/ hr, episodes of severe irritability (pain? withdrawal?) unrelieved by opioids, dexmedetomidine: 04/10/2012: Gabapentin 4 mg/kg Q6h Analgesic adjunct in the immediate postburn period ✤ Gabapentin is ineffective as an analgesic adjunct in the immediate postburn period. Wibbenmeyer L1, Eid A, Liao J, Heard J, Horsfield A, Kral L, Kealey P, Rosenquist R J Burn Care Res. 2014 Mar-Apr;35(2):136-42 ✤ Pregabalin not effective .Pain. 2011 Jun;152(6): 1279-88. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2011.01.055. Epub 2011 Mar 12. Pregabalin in severe burn injury pain: a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial. Gray P1, Kirby J, Smith MT, Cabot PJ, Williams B, Doecke J, Cramond T. Gabapentinoids: Ca-channel α2-δ ligands ✤ ✤ Conversion from Gabapentin (Neurontin) -> Pregabalin (Lyrica) Approximately 6-7:1 Gabapentin 300 mg TID Gabapentin 900 mg / day /6 Pregabalin 150 mg / day Pregabalin 75 mg BID Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Periaqueductal grey (endorphins) Thalamus TCA SSRIs Methadone Tramadol on eur dN 2n ng di en ion sc bit De nhi I + Integrative (non-pharmacological) therapies Combination: Amitriptyline & Gabapentin Aδ or C er fib Inhibitors of excitatory glutamate systems: Gabapentin/Pregabalin Carbamazepine* Valproate Injury Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Opioids NSAIDs Sodium Channel Blocker: Topical Lidocaine ✤ Lidocaine (systemic or local): Decrease of neuropathic pain related to decrease of ectopic ongoing activity in injured afferent nerve fibers Kirillova I, Teliban A, Gorodetskaya N, Grossmann L, Bartsch F, Rausch VH, et al. Effect of local and intravenous lidocaine on ongoing activity in injured afferent nerve fibers. Pain. 2011 Jul;152(7): 1562-71. ✤ Topical Lidocaine 5% patch (Lidoderm®, generic available). Metaanalysis: Data is conflicting Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain. 2010 Sep;150(3):573-81. ✤ Efficacy of IV lidocaine supported by RCTs ✤ Oral mexiletine, tocainide, flecainide are analgesic in neuropathic pain: High side effect liability from oral drugs; generally considered third-line (1) Oskarsson P et al, Diabetes Care, 1997;20:1594-1597 Challapalli et al, Cochrane Database Sys Rev. 2005;CD003345 (2) Portenoy R: The Annual Assembly of American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Austin, TX, 2009 (3) Ferrante FM, Paggioli J, Cherukuri S, Arthur GR. The analgesic response to intravenous lidocaine in the treatment of neuropathic pain. Anesthesia and analgesia.1996 Jan;82(1): 91-7. IV Lidocaine for Burn Pain ✤ As current clinical evidence is based on only one RCT as well as case series and reports, intravenous lidocaine must be considered a pharmacological agent under investigation in burns care, the effectiveness of which is yet to be determined with further welldesigned and conducted clinical trials. Wasiak J, Mahar PD, McGuinness SK, Spinks A, Danilla S, Cleland H, Tan HB. Intravenous lidocaine for the treatment of background or procedural burn pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD005622. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005622.pub4. Opioid induced tolerance and hyperalgesia Opioid mu-receptor stimulation Genes Inhibition of Ca channels: âneurotransmitter release Alter response characteristics of neuron => Suppress neuronal excitability uncoupling Gi/o proteins activation generation Protein Kinase-C Membrane Hyperpolarization (K+ channel) Other neuromodulators Opioid induced tolerance and hyperalgesia Opioid mu-receptor Gi/o proteins activation Chen L, Nature 1992; 365:521-3 Proteine Kinase-C activation NMDA-receptor NMDA-Receptor Channel Blocker Na+ Ca2+ Glycine recognition site Glutamate recognition site Cell membrane Mg2+ K+ 1. Membrane potential at resting level " -> channel blocked by Magnesium Excitatory NMDA (N-Methyl-d-Aspartat) Receptor channel complex NMDA-Receptor Channel Blocker Na+ Ca2+ Glycine recognition site Glutamate recognition site Cell membrane K+ 2. Membrane potential changed as a result of áexcitation â Opioid-sensitivity ! - Central (dorsal horn) sensitization - radiation of pain - spontaneous pain - Hyperalgesia, allodynia NMDA-Receptor Channel Blocker Na+ Ca2+ Glycine recognition site Glutamate recognition site Cell membrane Ketamine K+ 3. Phencyclidin (PCP) - binding sites [uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists with moderate affinity] - Ketamine - Methadone - Levorphanol - (Dextrometorphane?) Ketamine Sedative-Hypnotic-Dissociative Dosing: 1-2 mg/kg/dose IV ✤ ✤ Analgesic (subanesthetic) Dosing: IV: 1-5 mcg/kg/min [=0.06-0.3 mg/kg/hr] ✤ Adverse effects: intracranial hypertension, tachycardia, psychotomimetic phenomena (euphoria, dsyphoria, vivid hallucinations) -> at lowdose?? ✤ 37 RCTs (n=2240): subanesthetic Ketamine effective in reducing morphine requirements in first 24 hours after surgery, reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting; Adverse effects are mild or absent. Bell RF, et al. Perioperative ketamine for acute postoperative pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jan 25;(1):CD004603 ✤ Metaanalysis: NMDA antagonists (& mexiletine) have no consistent clinical relevant efficacy in neuropathic pain Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain. 2010 Sep; 150(3):573-81. Ketamine Steady-state oral/parenteral ratio unclear Bio-availibilty 93% IM/IV; 20% PO ✤ Ketamine -> norketamine ✤ Potency ketamine: norketamine 3:1 (anesthetic); 1:1 (analgesic) ✤ Plasma half-life: ketamine 1-3 hrs; norketamine 12 hrs ✤ Maximum blood concentration of norketamine: oral > IV ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Domino E, Clinical Pharm Therapeut 1984, 36:645-53; Clements JA, J Pharm Scienc 1982,71:539-42 Estimated at 1:1- 1:3 (i.e. 1mg IV = 1-3 mg PO) Benitez-Rosario MA, Salinas-Martin A, Gonzalez-Guillermo T, Feria M. A strategy for conversion from subcutaneous to oral ketamine in cancer pain patients: effect of a 1:1 ratio. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2011 Jun;41(6):1098-105. Other Adjuvant Analgesics / Coanalgesics ✤ α-Adrenergic Agonists (Dexmedetomidine; clonidine) ✤ ✤ Postsynaptic alpha-2adrenergic & mu-opioid receptors activate the same K-channel via inhibitory Gi/ 0 -proteins decrease postoperative opioid consumption, pain intensity, and nausea. Recovery times are not prolonged. Blaudszun G, Lysakowski C, Elia N, Tramer MR. Effect of Perioperative Systemic alpha2 Agonists on Postoperative Morphine Consumption and Pain Intensity: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Anesthesiology. 2012 Jun; 116(6):1312-22. ✤ ✤ Benzodiazepines: gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors Capsaicin: 2 Metaanalyses Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain. 2010 Sep;150(3):573-81. Mou, J., et al., Efficacy of Qutenza(R) (capsaicin) 8% patch for neuropathic pain: a meta-analysis of the Qutenza Clinical Trials Database. Pain, 2013. 154(9): p. 1632-9. SensorySelective (NociceptiveSelective) Nerve Blockade ✤ Schumacher MA, Eilers H. TRPV1 splice variants: structure and function. Front Biosci. 2010;15:872-882. Binshtok AM, Bean BP, Woolf CJ. Inhibition of nociceptors by TRPV1-mediated entry of impermeant sodium channel blockers. Nature. 2007 Oct 4;449(7162):607-10. Nociceptive Pathways & Primary Sites of Action of Analgesics Periaqueductal grey (endorphins) Thalamus TCA SSRIs Methadone Tramadol dN 2n Stimulation of inhibiting GABA system Baclofen Benzodiazepines Valproate on eur ng di en ion sc b i t De nhi I + Integrative (non-pharmacological) therapies o Aδ rC fib er Inhibitors of excitatory glutamate systems: Gabapentin/Pregabalin Carbamazepine* Valproate NMDA-Channel Blockers Ketamine Methadone Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Opioids Role of Cannabis? San Diego, CA ✤ AAP Handout for parents "Despite relaxed regulations, marijuana harms developing brain": 36/3/4.full.pdf+html ✤ Updated AAP policy opposes marijuana use, citing potential harms, lack of research http:// 2015/01/26/aapnews.20150126-1 Injury NSAIDs Sodium-channel blockade carbamazepine* lidocaine Case Example: Multimodal (Opioid-sparing) Analgesia Opioids Non-Opioids • Tramadol? („weak“) • Acetaminophen / Paracetamol • NSAIDs WHO-Principles • “By the clock” • “By the child” • “By the appropriate route” • “By the WHO ladder” • Morphine („strong“) Integrative Therapies • Massage • Heat/cold • Deep Breathing • Biofeedback • Hypnosis • etc. Adjuvants • Alpha-Agonist • Anticonvulsants • TCA/Antidepressants • NMDA-receptor-channel blockers • Na-receptor-channel blockers • Antispasmodics • Benzodiazepines • Corticosteroids • Muscle relaxants • Radiopharmaceuticals • Bisphosphonates • etc. Invasive Approaches • Regional anesthesia • Neuraxial anesthesia - Epidural or intrathecal - Nerve blocks - Neurolytic blocks • [Intraventricular opioids?] • [Percutaneous cervical cordotomy?] Interventional management of neuropathic pain in adults ✤ NeuPSIG recommendations 2013: Due to the paucity of high-quality clinical trials, no strong recommendations can be made. Dworkin, R.H., et al., Interventional management of neuropathic pain: NeuPSIG recommendations. Pain, 2013. 154(11): p. 2249-61. ✤ ✤ 4 weak recommendations based on the amount and consistency of evidence, including degree of efficacy and safety, are: (1) epidural injections for herpes zoster ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ (2) steroid injections for radiculopathy (3) spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for failed back surgery syndrome (4) SCS for CRPS type 1 (who do not respond adequately to noninvasive treatments and sympathetic nerve blocks) Based on the available data, we recommend not to use sympathetic blocks for PHN nor radiofrequency lesions for radiculopathy Regional anesthesia approaches to pain management in PPC ✤ Review of current knowledge limited to case reports and case series: Rork, J.F., C.B. Berde, and R.D. Goldstein, Regional anesthesia approaches to pain management in pediatric palliative care: a review of current knowledge. J Pain Symptom Manage, 2013. 46(6): p. 859-73. ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ central neuraxial infusions peripheral nerve and plexus blocks or infusions neurolytic blocks implanted intrathecal ports & pumps for baclofen, opioids, local anesthetics, and other adjuvants Adult Evidence Based Recommendations Neuropathic Pain ✤ First Line Tricyclic antidepressants & other dual reuptake inhibitors of both serotonin and norepinephrine ✤ ✤ Ca-channel α2-δ ligands ✤ ✤ Select clinical circumstances: Opioids including tramadol ✤ ✤ Some circumstances: certain antiepileptic and antidepressants, mexiletine, NMDA-receptor antagonists, topical capsaicin ✤ Second Line ✤ Third Line Certain antiepileptic and antidepressants, mexiletine, NMDA-receptor antagonists, topical capsaicin Dwokin et al. Pain 2007, 132:237-51 Opioids including tramadol ✤ Management of Neuropathic Pain in Pediatrics: Suggested “Non-Evidence-based” Step-by-Step Approach (8) Regional anesthesia (7) NMDA-receptor-channel blocker [benzodiazepine? α- agonist? IV lidocaine?] (6) Lidocain patch (if localized pain) (5) Tricyclic Antidepressant and Ca-channel α2-δ ligand (4) Tricyclic Antidepressant (or Ca-channel α2-δ ligand) ± ketamine (3) Opioid (plus non-opioid) analgesics [consider Tramadol or Methadone] (2) Integrative therapies; manage comorbidities (anxiety, sleep disturbances) (1) Identify and treat underlying disease process (radiation?) (corticosteroids?) Conclusions Pain ✤ Use multimodal (opioid-sparing) analgesia ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ incl. combination of integrative methods, rehabilitation and analgesic medications Patients/Parents do NOT have to choose between poor pain control or over sedation Opioids should NOT be administered long-term Opioids NOT indicated for chronic pain Treatment protocol for painful procedures is expected standard of care in 21st century: ✤ positioning, topical anesthesia, integrative therapies, sucrose ✤ ✤ ✤ plus/minus sedation; systemic anesthesia Neuropathic pain often underassessed and under-treated Careful step-by-step approach (combining integrative, rehabilitative, pharmacological and interventional therapies) warranted First Line medications: Opioids (?), Amitriptyline, Gabapentin ✤ Low-dose Ketamine may represent a potent adjuvant analgesia ✤ ADDENDUM Non-Opioids (“Simple” Analgesia) ✤ Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) ✤ 10-15 mg/kg PO/PR Q4-6h; dose limit: <2 years: 60mg/ kg/day, >2 years: 90mg/kg/ day, max. 4g ✤ ✤ Has to be watched for rare hepatotoxic side effects (0-6 months of age) was associated with allergic sensitization/history of asthma in girls at 10 years of age Bakkeheim E, ✤ ✤ ✤ FDA 2013: max. 650mg/dose; max. OTC (!) 2.6-3 mg/day Mowinckel P, Carlsen KH, Haland G, Carlsen KC. Paracetamol in early infancy: the risk of childhood allergy and asthma. Acta paediatrica. 2011 Jan;100(1):90-6. ✤ Generally well tolerated Lacks gastrointestinal and hematological side-effects Meta-analysis (30 studies, 2364 patients): IV acetaminophen reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting Apfel, C. C., A. Turan, et al. (2013). "Intravenous acetaminophen reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting: A systematic review and metaanalysis." Pain 154(5): 677-689. Ibuprofen ✤ Ibuprofen: 5-10mg/kg PO TDSQID; dose limit 2400mg/day ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ Least gastrointestinal side effects among the NSAIDs Caution with hepatic or renal impairment, history of GI bleeding or ulcers May inhibit platelet aggregation ✤ Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) & Ibuprofen can usually be used in combination, e.g. scheduled Q6h administered at the same time! Ketorolac (Toradol®): < 2 years: 0.25 mg/kg i.v.; > 2 years: 0.5 mg/kg i.v., max. 30mg, max. 5 days Opioid Sparing ✤ RCT Postsurgical pediatric patients: NSAID vs placebo, with parenteral opioids as rescue analgesics, the NSAID groups typically show lower pain scores and a 30% to 40% reduction in opioid use Vetter T, Heiner E. Intravenous ketorolac as an adjuvant to pediatric patient-controlled analgesia with morphine. J Clin Anesth 1994;6:110– 3. Case Example 1: Andrea ✤ ✤ 10-year-old girl in severe acute (!) pain (e.g. metastasized osteosarcoma, sickle cell crisis); weight: 20 kg PCA pump currently not available ✤ Choice of opioid? ✤ Immediate release morphine ✤ ...unless... Case Example Morphine ✤ Route of administration? ✤ Per kg dosing: Maximum 50 kg ✤ Lean weight for obese children ✤ Please write the order (small group work Case Example Morphine (Immediate Release) ✤ ✤ ✤ Scheduled (round-the-clock) dose ✤ IV: !0.1 mg x 20 kg = 2 mg Q4h ! (= 12 mg/day) ✤ PO: ! 0.3 mg x 20 kg = 6 mg Q4h ! (= 36 mg/day Breakthrough (rescue) dose = 1/10 - 1/6 of daily dose (Q1-2h) ✤ IV:! ! (1.2 - 2 mg)! ✤ PO:! ! 1.2 mg Q1h PRN (3.6 - 6 mg) ! 3.6 mg Q1h PRN if pain score > ...?..../10 and no signs of over sedation Case Example: Sean ✤ ✤ ✤ 10-year-old boy in severe acute (!) pain (e.g. metastasized osteosarcoma, sickle cell crisis); weight: 20 kg PCA pump now available Question: PCA bolus only or continuous infusion plus PCA bolus? ✤ Meta-Analysis: Addition of continuous (or background) infusion to the demand (or PCA bolus) dose for IV-PCA is NOT associated with a higher incidence of respiratory events than PCA bolus alone in pediatric patients (in contrast to adults). George JA, Lin EE, Hanna MN, Murphy JD, Kumar K, Ko PS, et al. The effect of intravenous opioid patient-controlled analgesia with and without background infusion on respiratory depression: a meta-analysis. J Opioid Manag. 2010 Jan-Feb;6(1):47-54. Opioid Dose Escalation for Acute (!) Pain ✤ How to increase the dose? ✤ 50 per cent rule ! Please write PCA Order ✤ Morphine (and Plan B: Fentanyl and Plan C: Hydromorphone) ✤ Patient (or nurse-) controlled analgesia: PCA ✤ (1) Continuous Infusion ✤ (2) PCA- Dose ✤ (3) Lock-Out Time ✤ (4) Maximum number of boluses per hour Continuous Infusion / PCA Dose ✤ ✤ (1) Background (continuous) infusion i.v./s.c.: ✤ Morphine: 15-20 mcg x 20 kg = 0.3-0.4 mg/hr ✤ Fentanyl: 0.5-1 mcg x 20 kg = 10 -20 mcg/hr ✤ Hydromorphone: 2-5 mcg x 20 kg = 40 - 100 mcg (2) PCA- Dose ✤ Same as above / hourly dose (e.g 0.4 mg morphine) ✤ Unless there is a good reason not to... PCA Order Set ✤ (3) Lockout time: ✤ ✤ (5) - 10 minutes (4) Maximum number of boluses per hour: ✤ 4 (-6) ....however, depends on the clinical scenario ✤ Loading dose? ...depends... (hourly dose x 1-4...) ✤ Lower starting dose? ...depends...age... if multimodal analgesia... ✤ How to increase the dose? ✤ 50 per cent rule Example for 50% titration orders: ✤ Patient (or nurse-) controlled analgesia: PCA ✤ Background infusion i.v./s.c.: !! ✤ Bolus i.v./s.c.: 0.4 mg (max 6 per hour); Lockout time: 5 (-10) minutes 0.4 mg/hr Example for 50% titration orders: ÆIf receiving > __ boluses/hour for > __ consecutive hours AND if unrelieved pain AND no over sedation or dose limiting side effects, increase PCA by 50% as follows: Æ Step 1: Continuous infusion 0.6 mg/hr, PCA dose 0.6 mg, max. 6 boluses/hr Æ Step 2: (if á again) Continuous infusion 0.9 mg/hr, PCA dose 0.9 mg, max. 6 boluses/hr Æ Step 3: (if á again) Continuous infusion 1.35 mg/hr, PCA dose 1.35 mg, max. 6 boluses/hr Further Training Education in Palliative & End-of-life Care [EPEC]: Become an EPECPediatrics Trainer | Phoenix, AZ | May 4-5, 2015 8th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class | Minneapolis, MN | June 20-26, 2015 Twitter: @NoNeedlessPain Stefan J. Friedrichsdorf, MD, FAAP Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical Director, Department of Pain Medicine, Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota 2525 Chicago Ave S | Minneapolis, MN 55404 | USA 612.813.6450 phone | 612.813.6361 fax [email protected] Blog: painpalliativeintegrativemed
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