North Anderson Baptist Church A small Church, In a small Town, Serving a Big GOD. “A Light of God’s Love” The Lighthouse Volume 16 Issue 5 May 2015 God’s Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…”To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities.” National Day of Prayer - The 64th Anniversary of the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7, will be observed in Anderson, South Carolina, at 12 noon on the Anderson County Court House steps. The public is invited to participate. Pastor Sam Duncan of Gethsemane Baptist Temple is chairing the event. The 2015 National Day of Prayer Theme is: Lord, Hear Our Cry. It is based on the Bible verse found in I Kings 8:28 "Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day." Prayer leaders include: Congressman Jeff Duncan, US House of Representatives, 3rd District; Rev. Sam Duncan, pastor, Gethsemane Baptist Temple; Rev. Bill Rigsby, pastor, North Anderson Baptist Church and Chaplain for the Anderson City Fire Department and Anderson Sheriff's Office; Rev. Mark Daniel, pastor, West Anderson Church of God; Rev. Herbert Moore, pastor, Victory Baptist Church; Rev. Elva Martin, Coordinator of Anderson Internet Prayer Task Force; and Bobby Mayfield, Vietnam Veteran. Prayers will be lifted up for revival in America, for repentance and spiritual warfare, for evangelization of America, for government leaders, for the United States military, and for law officers, firemen and rescue workers. The program will include the Pledge of Allegiance led by Jeff Hales, Starr-Iva Gideon Camp; Presentation of Colors by the Westside High School Color Guard, led by Major Daniel Rancourt; the National Anthem, by the TL Hannah High School Band, directed by Richard Baskin. Lisa William will perform a solo. Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 2 From Your Pastor… I like the month of May because it brings to mind schools ending, summers beginning, and being with family and friends on vacation. May brings Pastor Bill Rigsby excitement from young people of all ages as they anticipate school being out. I wished our adults had that kind of enthusiasm for the Word of God and the worship of our Father in heaven. It is my prayer that our congregation, this May, will continue to be faithful and constantly showing their joy and excitement in the Lord Jesus as we sing, praise and worship the Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Great things are happening in our Deaf congregation. The Deaf leadership met recently to make plans to be more intentional in reaching other Deaf in our community. They also decided to have their own worship service twice a month which will help to bind them together greater and build opportunities for Pastor Billy Sistrunk to preach to his congregation. We are fortunate to have good leadership in Bible study and in the worship area of our Deaf Ministry. Please pray for them all but specifically pray for the leadership who are seeking to follow the will of God and to reach out to the lost and dying Deaf in our area. If you ever meet a Deaf person you don’t recognize, invite them to join our Deaf church. You can do that through writing a note. May God use NABC to touch lives of all people for whom God has sent His Son to die and give eternal life. Pastor Bill Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 3 From your Minister of Administration & Education… I am writing this article a few days after the yard sale. I would like to thank each person who contributed items to the yard sale. Without your support the yard sale would not be possible. I would also like to thank each person who helped out with the sale; it means so much to me when you take from your time to help out for our children’s programs. The yard sale made approximately $675. Our children will have a great time this summer with the summer programs, TNT, and camps. Our boys will be going back to Camp McCall this year in June. June 6-8 will be our father/son camp for boys first through fourth grade. Fathers you will enjoy camp McCall. I have been with my son for three years and have chaperoned for numerous years and each time I enjoy it more and more. I have already signed up and registered the boys and fathers for camp, if anyone else would like to go please see me. Girls, Girls, Girls, if you would like to go to Camp La Vida this year please see me. Our first through third grade girls have the opportunity to go on a mother daughter minicamp. Our older girls can go on a weeklong trip to Camp La Vida. Please see your GA leader, Pam Parker, or myself for dates and cost. This year North Anderson will be attend CentriKid at Gardner Webb University in Boiling Springs, NC. This is for our 4 th, 5th and 6th graders and it will be our first time going away for the week for camp. I am excited to have six kids attending this camp. The camp dates are June 29 – July3. If you know of any other 4 th- 6th graders who may want to attend please let me know as soon as possible. VBS this year will be July 26 – 29. Please mark these dates down on your calendar. This year’s theme is Journey off the Map. More information will be out later, but if you think you might be interested in helping this year please see call the church office or see me. We could not do VBS without your support. As mention above TNT will start this year on Tuesday June 9 th. TNT is our summer program for children each Tuesday morning through the summer. We start at 8:30 in the morning and finish around 12:30 noon. Each week we do something different. Some of the past activities have been swimming, crafts, movie day, going out to Calaham’s Orchard, Hartwell Damn tour, going to the park, the Greenville Zoo, the Children’s Museum, and going out to Richardson’s daylilies. I am working on the schedule this week and will have the registration cards out soon. Please join us this summer. JOURNEY OFF THE MAP When: July 26 – 29 Where: NABC Time: 5:45 – 8:30 pm We are looking for individuals to help with VBS this year. If you would like to help please contact Dennis Walker. And remember to be praying for our VBS this year. Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse If you are ever wondering? HERE’s HOW!!! Attention Knitters and Crocheter’s! Every October we send homemade hats to Charleston to distribute to seafarers who come into the ports at Charleston. Since it takes a while to make these, we are asking that those who knit or crochet begin making stocking type hats for this project. This is a project that you can do at home all through the year. If you'd like to participate, contact Judy Brown (864-933-3234) for information and patterns if you need them. If you need yarn, we may be able to help with that as well. “GOD’S GIFTED HANDS MINISTRY” If you are interested in learning how to make prayer shawls, lap blankets, blanket buddies, scarves & hats, to help “God’s Gifted Hands Ministry” WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW! Please contact Diana Beall at 225-2575 or email: [email protected]. NEW ADDITION to ministry: We are now doing “Baby Caps, Baby blankets for Anderson Care Pregnancy Center, AU girls Kentucky mission trip.” See Pam Parker for this. Waterproof mats made out of grocery bags please contact Mary Simmons, if you are interested in quilting, please contact Peggy Capell. Mission Project will continue for April - May During April and May, we will be collecting items for the Foothills Child Advocacy Center. The mission of Foothills Child Advocacy Center is to promote successful community response to childhood sexual abuse. The center is committed to Page 4 creating a safe place for a child's voice, an effective team for intervention, a community strong in prosecution, and an avenue of healing for the child and family impacted by sexual trauma. We will collect small (8oz) bottles of water, small stuffed animals, journals, and toilet tissue. Thank you for your support of our mission projects. Relay for Life Saturday, May 16th Sign up to be on our team at RelayForLife/RFLCY15SA? team_id=1772358&pg=team&fr_id=6486 6&_ga=1.198221871.1267218017.14199 95821 Look for special fund raising for Relay coming soon! Join us on Saturday, May 16 to support our survivors! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SISTERS – Ladies remember to encourage your sister. Write a note, send a card or make a call to your sister. If anyone would like to participate in the Women’s Ministry “SISTERS” program please let Gayle Staton know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has clipped BoxTops for Lilly and Lauren Stone! Our homeschool co-op greatly benefits. We haven't heard the final tally yet, but at last count, our co-op was leading the association's competition. Also, it's not too late!!! Please keep turning in your BoxTops to Kerri. Thank you again to everyone who has contributed and to those who continue contributing! Thanks! Kerri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As ALWAYS with NABC you Don’t Have to Be A Member to Join In and “Get Involved.” Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 5 HOW YOU MAY BECOME A MEMBER 1.By Profession of Faith and Baptism: If you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord and follow Him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into our fellowship. 2. By Letter: As a Baptist whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into our church family should God lead you here. We will take care of writing for your church letter. 3. By Statement: If your church membership records are not available for a transfer of membership or if you have received Christ as your Savior and then were baptized by immersion in another denomination we will accept you upon your statement of Faith. 4. By Watchcare: As a student whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into our church family under “Watchcare.” Your letter will not be transferred, we will notify your church that we will watch over you while you are away from home. There’s plenty of room in our family for you. Come and join us! In Christ, Bill Rigsby, Pastor You are invited and encouraged to become a part of our exciting fellowship here at North Anderson Baptist Church. There are programs and ministries for every member of your family. Do you know “How To Get To Heaven” from Anderson, SC? Join us at one of the below service OUR WORSHIP TIMES times and we will introduce you to Jesus, the only way to heaven. SUNDAY Choir Practice …………….… 8:45 am Sunday School ….. 9:15 am College & Career Sunday School...9:15 am with Matt & Robin George Youth Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Deaf Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Pastor’s Prayer Meeting……..10:20 am Morning Worship ..… 10:30 am Youth Bible Drill……...5 pm Youth Ministry……....6 pm Small Groups.…………6 pm WEDNESDAY Deaf Ministry Bible Study...6:45 pm Youth Bible Study ….. 6:45 pm Adult Prayer Meeting/Bible Study … 6:45 pm Preschool Mission Friends ….. 6:45 pm RA’s & GA’s ………………... 6:45 pm Exception is 1st Wednesday Night Supper Supper……..5:30-6:30 pm All above regular Wednesday Night activities will start at 6:30 pm THURSDAY Men’s Bible Study ….. 7:30 am (Mama Penn’s) Call us at:(864) 225-2575, Fax (864) 225-2181 Email: [email protected] Visit our web site at: Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 6 Ray Manley (2015) 225-6446 Sherrill (Ackerman), Tommy, Dakota Martin Brian & Cynthia Adams, Corey, Zoe, Zane Ginger Adams Erik & Kim Aiken, Jessy, Destiny, Maranda Frank & Kathy Alexander Jessie Alexander James Anderson Michael & Teresa Applewhite, Dillon, Connor Frank & Sharon Arthur Janice Ash Kim Ash, Roy, Kaitlyn Morgan Ash Carolyn Bailey Judy Bailey Matt & Mary Ann Ball Matt White (2015) 314-3220 Diana Beall Mary Bickers Waldron Blackman, Jr. Doris Blackwood Millie Boatman Linda Bowman Sallie Bowman Maston & Carole Boyd Dewey & Julia Bramlett James & Barbara Bramlett Daniel Branyon, Rylee Hugh & Orene Brinson Jim Broome Alan & Sylvia Brown, Rachel Beth Brown Bruce & Judy Brown Jake Brown Jeremy Brown, Eli Wendal & Latoya Brown, Omari & Markel Hatten, Aleya Brown Tamara “Tami” V. Brownlee Jerry Wilson (2016) 261-7558 Tammy Ebbler Heather (Slaton) Ebernickle, Garrett, Case Connie Ehrlich Paul & Pam Ehrlich Duane Elrod JL & Ann Elrod Randy & Bobbie Elrod Helen Emerson Roy & Sybil Ethridge Bo & Mary Ruth Evans Sandra (Potter) Fincannon John Floyd Lina Fonseca Cathy Freeman King & Jackie Fulton Bob Gaillard Don Johnson (2016) 332-7553 Matt & Robin George, Caleb, Eli, & Josie Steve & Mickie Gibson Greg & Carol Gillespie, Bryson, Abbey, Corbin Kellie Gillespie, Rick, Jacob, Lydia, Mollie, Madison Bob & Marilyn Glanowski, Lauren Judy Harris, Jack Charlie Harter Caroline Haynes, Brianna, Brayden Betty Herring, Bob Deloris Hill Steve Hill Jim & Anne Holbrook, Taylor, Hannah Summer Holbrook Gene & Paula Holland Frances Houser Greg & Didi Humphries Bruce Brown (2017) 933-3234 Ben & Hannah Morgan, Blaise, Caleb Christine Morgan Steve Morgan, Brenda Michael Morris Henry & Judy Morrison Juanita “Sadie Nash Christina Nixon Russell & Amanda O’Dell John & Jennie Outlaw Pam Owens Willadean Parales Alan Parker Bob & Pam Parker Kristen Pierce Hannah Polan Tuma “Skip” Recklaw Robert & Elza Reeves Rick & Mandy Riendeau Rick Riendeau (2017) 642-5472 Bill & Lynda Rigsby Charline Roberson Eunice Robertson Justin Armstrong, Austin Armstrong Craig Saxon Jennifer Saxon, Zachary Durkee, Nicholas Cartee, Rayna Saxon Nick & Vanessa Seaver, Trenton, Kiley BJ & Aimee Sharp, Addison Bob & Mary Simmons Billy & Jeanelle Sistrunk, Elisabeth, Will, Ethan Lisa Skelton Angela Slaton, Gabriel, Malachi, Moses Jerry & Brenda Slaton Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Josh Stamps (2015) 940-7127 Buck & Virginia Buchanan Joe & Lisa Burden, Kylie (granddaughter) Joan Burriss Bruce & Kathy Byce Chers'e Canarina, Ben Nick Canarina Cain Cantrell Tina Cantrell, Anna Gilliland, Jackson Cantrell Derrell & Peggy Capell Chuck & Julia Carver, Zackery, Erika, Erin Juvencio & Amanda Castro, Juvé, Amanda & Gabriel Pearl Cheek Frank Clark Judy Cockrell Jonathan & Marie Coley, Julia Rose Marti Compton Matt & Missy Cooley, Austin Page 7 Bo Evans (2015) 225-7174 Heather Covert, Chuck, Allison, Aiden Harry Craft Betty Crisp Craig & Tish Crittendon, Tommy, Kelly, Michael Avernell Cromer, Joe Eloise Cronk Tim & Nancy Danyels James Lamar David Gary Davis Gordon & Gladys Davis Will Davis, Christine John & Nancy Dill Anita Donley, Ronny Katarina Doolittle Margie Duncan Johnny & Lisa Corn Matt George (2016) 224-2475 Don & Linda Johnson Tom & Joyce Johnson, Jr. Bill & Melissa Jones, David, Zachary, Brielle Erica (Rigsby) Kent, Ian Connie King Chuck & Nancy Kroll Lona Lacour Fredda Lee Lisa Sean & Elinor Lister, Millie, Maggie, Andy David & Mandy Little, Hampton, Campbell Christie Looney Kevin Looney Louise Looney Michael Lopez Matt Ball (2016) 332-1522 Ray & Dana Manley, Taylor Kaitlin, Manley, Liam Colin White Lucy Marett Velma Martin Kim Matthews, Taylor & Jordan Mike & Stephanie McCollum, Luke Sam McCollum Sandi McCoy Angela McLeskey John McLeskey, Morgan Anne Mehaffey Mike & Kim Merck, Isaac Jonathan & Wendi Merrell Jesse Moon, Landon, Kaydence, Sidney Butch & Elaine Moore Sean Lister (2017) 940-5063 Kirk & Sharon Smith, Kelsey Ann Lillie Smith Matt Smith, Kelly, Holly, Hannah, Sara-Grace, & Mattie Yon Katey Yon Roy Smith Al Snyder, Evelyn Mike Spearman Joshua & Jennifer Stamps, Joslyn Leigh, Juliana Lyn Joann Staton Ronald & Gayle Staton JoAnn Stephens Michael & Kerri Stone, Lillian, Lauren, Luke, Levi Tim Strawn Peggy Thrasher BJ Sharp (2017) 226-3501 Charles Thrift Jesse Tollison Chris & Lisa Voss, Grace, Steven, Daniel Dennis & Becky Walker, Maria, Daniel Carl & Tammie Wells Earl & Kimberly Wells, Jesse, Nicholas, Gage, Kira Jimmy & Jane White Matt & Taylor White George Whitfield, Kimberly Rex & Kim Whitehead John & Teresa Whitfield Sharon Whitlock, Kristina Carolyn Whitworth Bobbie Williams James & Gloria Wright Underlined names are new members from September 2014 to present. Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 9 An Open Letter So, you are in your late teens or early 20’s. Now what? You are making some of life’s major decisions that will have long term impacts: What career path will you take? What friendships will you make? Who will you marry? Will I marry? What about money? The potential to make choices similar to your peers and follow the trends of our culture are enormous. But, are these the best choices for you? Many of your peers will make choices that lead to deepening debt, relationship issues, possible addiction issues and a generally unfulfilled life. Your life can be different. Come fellowship and study God’s Word with us as we seek to learn how to use Biblical principles to lay a solid foundation for the future. God’s plan is to prosper you, not harm you, to give you a hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) But, the catch is, you have to do it His way. See you Sundays at 5 pm. Tim Danyels, Lead Teacher NORTH ANDERSON BAPTIST CHURCH You’ll find us to be a Christ-centered, friendly church committed to reaching people and growing believers. WATCHCARE MINISTRY We offer a unique membership opportunity for college students. NABC will be your “home away from home.” You are invited to Join our Watchcare Ministry. As a Watchcare member you will participate in NABC as a full member, yet you maintain a permanent membership in your home church. Questions? Need Help? Text…email…call…Anytime NEXT GENERATION @ HOME One Sunday each month we plan to meet in a member’s home instead of at the church; an opportunity to relax and enjoy a home environment. Tim & Nancy Danyels [email protected] Tim – 864-934-2351 Nancy – 864-934-2382 Mike & Stephanie McCollum [email protected] Mike– 864-376-8273 Stephanie– 864-376-8272 Matt & Robin George [email protected] Matt – 864-276-4087 Robin – 864-933-6256 Jerry & Judy Wilson [email protected] Jerry – 864-230-7722 Judy – 864-230-7766 Sunday at 9:15 am COLLEGE & CAREER SUNDAY SCHOOL Matt & Robin George will lead studies. Class meets upstairs behind the sanctuary. Greeters will be glad to assist you. Watch for Upcoming Events Volume 16, Issue 5 The Lighthouse Page 9 May 2015 Nursery & Health Team Schedule (5 week month) NURSERY - 1st Sunday Sunday 8:45 am NURSERY - 3rd Sunday Choir Practice Sharon Whitlock *Vanessa Seaver BJ & Aimee Sharp Mary Ann Ball, Robin George Latoya Brown Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 yr olds) (2 - 4 yr olds): Choir Practice ____________________*Velma Martin Bobbie Elrod *Velma Martin Michael & Kerri Stone Judy & Jerry Wilson Youth Bible Drill, Bible at 5 pm Youth Bible Drill at 6 pm Youth Ministry Service in the Sanctuary at 6 pm Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team Matt & Robin George 1st Sunday Health Team Robin George 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 6:40 pm: Youth Ministry Service in the Sanctuary Nursery Pam Ehrlich Health Team Tim & Nancy Danyels 3rd Sunday 3rd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Nursery NURSERY - 4th Sunday NURSERY - 2nd Sunday Sunday 8:45 am Health Team Pam Parker 3rd Wednesday Choir Practice Jo Ann Stephens *Taylor White Pam Owens, Sharon Smith Gene & Paula Holland ___________________________ Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Choir Practice Cynthia Adams *Heather Covert Sean & Elinor Lister Jennifer & Josh Stamps _________________________ “ “Next Generation” College & Career at 5 pm NO Evening Services Happy Mother’s YouthDay Ministry Youth Ministry Service in the Sanctuary at 6 pm Youth Bible Drill, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies at 6 pm Small Groups . Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 2nd Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp 4th Sunday 2nd Wednesday Health Team Paul Ehrlich 4th Wednesday 2nd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Judy Brown Weatheris Information Nursery in need of Please refer to one of following for upVolunteers!!! dates on church office closings or church service due to We arecancellations in great need ofinclement volunteers weather. for nursery on Sunday nights CBSthe WSPA (channel 7) or go to for a complete listing. and Wednesday nights during NBC WYFF (channel 4) service times. for a complete listing Please contact Jennifer Fox WHNS (channel 21) Stamps or foryou a complete listing. Taylor White if can help fulfill this great need. Messages on the answering machine will be checked from remote. Health Team Pam Parker, Jennifer Saxon Health Team Jennifer Saxon 4th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Kim Merck 5th Sunday Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): Stephanie McCollum *Jennifer Saxon Carole Boyd, Judy Brown *Jennifer Saxon Lynda Rigsby, ___________________ (2 - 4 yr olds): NO Evening Services (start of summer schedule through July 19th) Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 5th Sunday 5th Wednesday 5th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Health Team Aimee Sharp Health Team Nursery North Anderson Baptist Church 2308 N Main St Anderson, SC 29621 May Birthdays Phone: 864-225-2575 Fax: 864-225-8785 Web site: 4 Holly Smith 5 Bob Glanowski, Sharon Smith Church Staff Pastor ……….....……………..Bill Rigsby [email protected] 6 Anita Donley 7 Chuck Kroll, Case Ebernickle 8 Teresa Whitfield, Anna Gilliland Worship Leader..……......Steve Gibson [email protected] 9 Kylie Glenn Minister of Deaf…………..Billy Sistrunk [email protected] 11 Jesse Tollison, Jack Harris Administrative Assistant…...Diana Beall [email protected] 15 Carolyn Bailey 16 Bruce Byce, Earl Wells 17 Caleb Morgan 18 Mike Merck, Nick Canarina 19 Maggie Lister May 21 Aiden Covert DEACONS 22 Ray Manley 24 Matthew Cooley 25 Linda Johnson 26 Gary Davis, Zachary Durkee Minister of Administration & Education ...….……..Dennis Walker [email protected] Be sure to visit our new and improved web page to see current photo’s, an audio of the Sunday Morning messages, information on our Deaf Ministry and to view the Sunday message signed by an ASL interpreter. Sunday, May 10th 3 Don Johnson 10 Jerry Wilson 17 Bruce Brown 24 Rick Riendeau 27 Jennifer, Saxon 31 Josh Stamps 28 Don Johnson 30 Gladys Davis, Carole Boyd, Michael Applewhite, Lisa Voss, Matt Davis GREETERS January, May, September Marti Compton, Cathy Freeman February, June, October Kathy Alexander, Amanda O’Dell March, July, November Lillie Smith, Bobbie Williams April, August, December JoAnn Stephens, Sybil Ethridge Welcome Center During SS Mandy Riendeau, Latoya Brown Youth Substitutes: Velma Martin & Carolyn Bailey. If you can’t be here on your scheduled Sunday please call Velma or Carolyn. Prayer box for our Military men and women: Nicholas A. Lacour Jeb Kramer Tim Custer Jesse Moon Cliff Cribb Don Riendeau Wednesday, April 29th by 4 pm Saturday, May 16th – Deadline to place or cancel your reservation for NABC Deaf Ministry the 1st Wednesday Night Super on May 6th. To Car Wash/Bake Sale Fundraiser place or cancel a reservation, call or email the 10 am – 3 pm. church office to leave a message at (225-2575) Front parking lot at church. or [email protected]. Sunday, May 17th – Celebrate “Cinco De Mayo” with a fiesta night. Menu: Deaf Ministry Worship Service, starting at Taco’s, Taco Salad, Rice, Beans, toppings, Dessert & Tea. Cost is $5 per person and a cap at $20 per family. 9:15 am in the upstairs choir room. Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Saturday, May 2nd – Morning Worship at 10:30 am Congratulations to our Message by Pastor Bill Next Generation “College & Career” Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Graduates from Anderson University (For His Church and for you as an individual) Sarah Eckert “The Power of the Fullness of Christ in You” Samantha Guest Colossians 2:6-15 Anna Madden at 6 pm in the sanctuary “Questions for the PasCarrie McManus tor” and at 6 pm Youth Ministry Corey Stevens Wednesday, May 20th – Chery Workman Youth BBQ Fundraiser 5:30-6:30 pm STARTING Sunday, May 3rd – BBQ, baked beans, chips and dessert The Flocks are BACK!!! Arriving at a home Thursday, May 21st – near YOU!!! See Hannah Morgan for more info. DMA meets at 12 noon with a covered dish lunch. Last meeting for DMA until September. Sunday, May 3rd – Deaf Ministry Worship Service, starting at Sunday, May 24th – 9:15 am in the upstairs choir room. Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Message by Pastor Bill Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Recognition of Senior Adult of the Year (For His Church and for you as an individual) Message by Pastor Bill Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” “Let the World be Dead to You” (For His Church and for you as an individual) Colossians 2:16-23 “Making Known His Glorious Riches” at 6 pm in the sanctuary “Questions for the Colossians 1:24-29 Pastor” and at 6 pm Youth Ministry Church-Wide “PotLuck Lunch” following the Monday, May 25th – morning worship service Memorial Day at 6 pm in the sanctuary “Questions for the Pastor” and at 6 pm Youth Ministry 2015 Wednesday, May 6th – 1st Wednesday Night Supper “Cinco De Mayo” with Tacos, Taco Salad, Beans, Rice, Toppings, Dessert and Tea – 5:30 – 6:30 pm Sunday, May 10th – Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Mother’s Day Message by Pastor Bill Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” (For His Church and for you as an individual) “To Know the Mystery of God” Colossians 2:1-5 No Evening Services Friday, May 15th – Knitting and crocheting group will meet at Mary Simmons house at 10 am til? Church Office will be closed Monday, May 24th Wednesday, May 27th by 4 pm – Deadline to place/cancel reservations for 1st Wednesday Supper June 3rd to beach songs, have a light lunch and play bingo. Watch for more information in your June Newsletter. Ham & Beans, Greens, Rice, Cornbread & Dessert Sunday, June 14th – Deaf Ministry Worship Service, starting at Friday, May 29th – 9:15 am in the choir room ups stairs. God’s Gifted Hands Ministry meets from 10 am Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am – 12 noon. Morning Worship at 10:30 am Message by Pastor Bill th Saturday, May 30 – Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Women’s Ministry Team Meeting at Panera (For His Church and for you as an individual) Bread “Christ is Supreme – Serve Him” st Sunday, May 31 – Colossians 3:18-25, 4:1 Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am NO Evening Services Morning Worship at 10:30 am Sunday, June 21st – Message by Pastor Bill Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am (For His Church and for you as an individual) “Your Hidden Life in Christ” Message by Tim Danyels Colossians 3:1-11 Music by Jenkins Holler NO Evening Services ( through July 19th) NO Evening Services ] Congratulations to Pastor Bill & Lynda on their 24th Anniversary here at North Anderson Baptist in June. Thank you for all that you do for the Kingdom of God, and bringing God’s message to us and helping us daily to grow stronger in His word. Sunday, June 7th – Deaf Ministry Worship Service, starting at 9:15 am in the gym with a covered dish lunch fellowship afterwards. Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Message by Pastor Bill Sunday, June 28th – Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Message by Pastor Bill Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” (For His Church and for you as an individual) “Exercise Prayer & Grace” Colossians 4:2-6 NO Evening Services Sunday, July 5th – Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Message by Pastor Bill “Celebrate the America God Established” NO Evening Services Sunday, July 12th – Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:15 am Morning Worship at 10:30 am Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Message by Pastor Bill (For His Church and for you as an individual) “Characteristics of God’s Chosen People” Series: “Colossians - The All Sufficiency of Christ” Colossians 3:12-17 (For His Church and for you as an individual) NO Evening Services “Getting Personal” Colossians 4:7-18 Saturday, June 13th – NO Evening Services Senior Adult Beach Blanket Bingo 11 am – 2 pm Sunday, July 26 th — Serving a light lunch and playing Bingo. Wednesday, July 29th This will be a free event for ALL Senior’s, not just ladies. It’s a beach theme so be sure to V.B.S. wear flip flops and beach clothes. Come listen
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