CMC 761 761-1-N - Nuisance or Nuisance Activity" "Nuisance" or "nuisance activity" shall mean any of the following activities, conduct, or behavior whenever engaged in by premises owners, operators, occupants, or persons associated with a premises: (a)Assault, aggravated assault, or felonious assault as defined in C.M.C. 908-5 or as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2903.11, 2903.12, or 2903.13; (b)Menacing, aggravated menacing, or menacing by stalking as defined in C.M.C. 908-3, 908-7, or 908-9 or as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2903.21, 2903.22, or 2903.211; (c)Inducing panic, making a false alarm, or perpetrating a hoax weapon of mass destruction as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2917.31, 2917.32, and 2917.33; (d)Disrupting public services as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2909.04; (e)Curfew violation as defined in C.M.C. 911-27 (f)Attendance at school violation as defined in C.M.C. 910-1 (g)Disorderly conduct as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2917.11; (h)Discharging firearms in violation of C.M.C. 708-27 (i)Drug sale or use as defined in C.M.C. 910-21 and 910-23 and Ohio Revised Code Chapter 2925; (j)Compelling or promoting prostitution, procuring, soliciting, or loitering to engage in solicitation, or prostitution as defined Ohio Revised Code Sections 2907.21 through 2907.25, inclusive; (k)Public gaming as defined in C.M.C. 906-9 or in Ohio Revised Code Section 2915.04; (l)Unauthorized possession, sale, or discharge of fireworks as defined in C.M.C. 1213-7 or in Ohio Revised Code Section 3743.65; (m)Loud noises as defined in C.M.C. 910-7 Problems/explanations of the ordinance CPD PROPOSED CHANGES WINBURN PROPOSED CHANGES 761-1-N - Nuisance or Nuisance Activity" 761-1-N - Nuisance or Nuisance Activity" "Nuisance" or "nuisance activity" shall mean any of the Same as original following activities, conduct, or behavior whenever engaged in by premises owners, operators, occupants, or persons associated with a premises: (a)Assault, aggravated assault, or felonious assault as defined in C.M.C. 908-5 or as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2903.11, 2903.12, or 2903.13; (b)Menacing, aggravated menacing, or menacing by stalking as defined in C.M.C. 908-3, 908-7, or 908-9 or as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2903.21, 2903.22, or 2903.211; (c)Inducing panic, making a false alarm, or perpetrating a hoax weapon of mass destruction as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 2917.31, 2917.32, and 2917.33; (d)Disrupting public services as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2909.04; (e)Curfew violation as defined in C.M.C. 911-27 (f)Attendance at school violation as defined in C.M.C. 910-1 (g)Disorderly conduct as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2917.11; (h)Discharging firearms in violation of C.M.C. 708-27 (i)Drug sale or use as defined in C.M.C. 910-21 and 910-23 and Ohio Revised Code Chapter 2925; (j)Compelling or promoting prostitution, procuring, soliciting, or loitering to engage in solicitation, or prostitution as defined Ohio Revised Code Sections 2907.21 through 2907.25, inclusive; (k)Public gaming as defined in C.M.C. 906-9 or in Ohio Revised Code Section 2915.04; (l)Unauthorized possession, sale, or discharge of fireworks as defined in C.M.C. 1213-7 or in Ohio Revised Code Section 3743.65; (m)Loud noises as defined in C.M.C. 910-7 1 (n)Loud, dangerous, or vicious dog as defined in C.M.C. 701-4, 701-5, 701-6, 701-7, or 701-27 (o)Kidnapping as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2905.01. 761-1-O. – Occupant Occupant" shall mean the person residing in or having use of a premises. The same person or persons can be owner and occupant. 761-1-01. - Operator "Operator" shall mean any person, firm, company, corporation or association, including their employees, agents, or contractors, that controls, operates, or manages a premise(s). 761-1-02. - Owner "Owner" shall mean any person, partnership, firm, or corporation, who alone or jointly with others, shall be in possession of or have control of any premises or is listed as the owner of a premises on the records of the Hamilton County Auditor. 761-1-P. – Person Associated With "Person associated with" shall mean any person who, whenever engaged in a nuisance or nuisance activity, enters, patronizes, visits; attempts to enter, patronize or visit; or waits to enter, patronize, or visit, a premises or person present on a premises, including any officer, director, customer, agent, employee, or independent contractor of a premises owner. 761-1-P1. – Property or Premises "Property" or "premises" shall mean a platted lot or part thereof, or unplatted lot or parcel of land, or plot of land either occupied or unoccupied by any building or structure, equipment, or property of any kind. ADDED SECTION Confusion in the manner the police judge what is a property results in some calls for service not being properly accounted. For example when one apartment building has multiple addresses. The original definition was upheld as sufficient at the appeal hearing. (n)Loud, dangerous, or vicious dog as defined in C.M.C. 701-4, 701-5, 701-6, 701-7, or 701-27 (o)Kidnapping as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2905.01. 761-1-O. – Occupant Same as original 761-1-O. – Occupant Same as original 761-1-01. - Operator Same as original 761-1-01. - Operator Same as original 761-1-02. – Owner Same as original 761-1-02. – Owner Same as original 761-1-P. – Person Associated With Same as original 761-1-P. – Person Associated With Same as original 761-1-P1. – Property or Premises "Property" or "premises" shall mean a platted lot or part thereof, or unplatted lot or parcel of land, or plot of land either occupied or unoccupied by any building or structure, equipment, or property of any kind or a building with its own street address 761-1-P1. – Property or Premises Same as original 761-1-U. Unit “Unit” shall mean an individual residential dwelling in which the occupant(s) have a right to exclusive possession, including but not limited to an individual 2 apartment within an apartment within an apartment complex or an individual dwelling within a multi-family home. 761-3. –Notification That Premises May Be a Chronic Nuisance (a)The police chief or his or her designee may notify a premises owner in writing that the premises is in danger of becoming a chronic nuisance when either of the following circumstances has occurred at the premises: (1)When three or more nuisance activities have occurred at the premises on separate days during a thirty-day period; or (2)When, within a one-year period, the following number of nuisance activities has occurred at the premises: (A)Premises with 2 or 3 residential units: 6 nuisance activities (B)Premises with 4 to 19 residential units: 14 nuisance activities (C) Premises with 20 to 39 residential units: 18 nuisance activities (D)Premises with over 40 residential units: 11 nuisance activities (b)The notice provided for in Section 761-3(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County Auditor. If the notice is returned as undeliverable, the notice shall be deemed properly delivered if it is either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if it is delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2)A description of the nuisance activities that have occurred at the premises, including the dates of the nuisance activities; (3)A statement that the premises owner shall respond to the police chief or his or her designee within 10 761-3. –Notification That Premises May Be a It would be wise to have one person 761-3. –Notification That Premises May Be a Chronic Nuisance Chronic Nuisance for all districts to oversee: (a)The police chief director of the department of city • the statistical information for (a)The police chief or his or her designee may notify a planning and buildings (“the director”) shall be premises owner in writing that the premises is in all the districts, provided in a database-compatible electronic danger of becoming a chronic nuisance when either of • analyze that the premises is in format nuisance activity records encompassing the following circumstances has occurred at the danger of becoming a chronic calls for service, arrests, and reported crimes premises: (1)When three or more nuisance activities nuisance on separate days related to possible violations of Chapter 761 have occurred at the premises each • send out the letters during a thirty-day period; or The director, or his or her designee, shall review • the billing notifications (2)When, within a one-year period, the following the nuisance activities to determine whether there • the citations number of nuisance activities has occurred at the is sufficient evidence of actual nuisance activity premises: having occurred at premises. (A)Premises with 2 or 3 residential units: 6 nuisance The director or his or her designee may notify a Landlords complained that it wasn’t activities premises owner in writing that the premises is in equal between sizes of apartment danger of becoming a chronic nuisance when either of (B)Premises with 4 to 19 residential units: 14 nuisance buildings. Though these numbers the following circumstances has occurred at the activities were determined by standard premises: (C) Premises with 20 to 39 residential units: 18 nuisance deviation and amount of time police activities (1)When three or more nuisance activities have occurred spent at these larger buildings (D)Premises with over 40 residential units: 11 nuisance at the premises on separate days during a thirty-day activities period; or (2)When, within a one-year period, the When both of the following have occurred: following number of nuisance activities has occurred A. Pursuant to a request for a search warrant at the premises: for the premises, a court has determined (A)Premises with 2 or 3 residential units: 6 nuisance activities probable cause exists that possession, manufacture, or delivery of a controlled (B)Premises with 4 to 19 residential units: 14 nuisance substance or related offense as defined in activities ORC 2925.01 through 2925.58 has occurred (C) Premises with 20 to 39 residential units: 18 nuisance on the premises within the previous thirty activities days, and (D)Premises with over 40 residential units: 11 nuisance B. The police chief or his or her designee has activities determined the search warrant was based (b)The notice provided for in Section 761-3(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to on evidence of continuous or repeated nuisance activities at the premises. the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County Auditor. If the notice is returned as (b) The notice provided for in Section 761.3(a) is a lawful order. Each directive undeliverable, the notice shall be deemed properly 3 days of the date of the owner's receipt of the notice with a written plan to abate the nuisance activities that is acceptable to the police chief or his or her designee; (4)A statement that the cost of future enforcement at the premises as a result of nuisance activities may be billed to the premises owner and could become a lien against the property if not paid. contained in the notice is a separate lawful order and failure to obey any directive is subject to penalties pursuant to Section 761.7 herein. (b)(c)The notice provided for in Section 761-3(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County Auditor. If the notice is returned as undeliverable, the notice shall be deemed properly delivered if it is either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if it is delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2)A factual description of the nuisance activities that have occurred at the premises, including the dates of the nuisance activities; (3)A statement that the premises owner shall respond to the police chief or his or her designee within 10 days of the date of the owner's receipt of the notice with a written plan to abate the nuisance activities that is acceptable to the police chief or his or her designee; (4)A statement that the cost of future enforcement at the premises as a result of nuisance activities may be billed to the premises owner and could become a lien against the property if not paid. (5) A statement that the requirement the owner provide a written plan to abate the nuisance is a lawful order and that failure to provide a written plan could subject the owner to penalties pursuant to Section 761-7 delivered if it is either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if it is delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2) A description of the nuisance activities that have occurred at the premises as follows: (A) Calls for Service: event number; address including Apartment Number, where available; incident description; dispatch narrative; location on premises where the incident occurred; call disposition; badge number and names of responding officer(s); and occurrence date and time. (B) Arrests; offense address; name of person arrested; charge or offense; arresting officer; date of occurrence; and arrest report number. (C) Reported Crimes: incident number; offense; address; and date of the reported crime. (3)A statement that the premises owner shall respond to the police chief director or his or her designee within 10 days of the date of the owner's receipt of the notice with a written plan to abate the nuisance activities that is acceptable to the police chief director or his or her designee; the director or his or his designee may consult with the police chief or his or her designee as necessary to determine whether the written plan submitted by the owner is acceptable to the police chief or his or her designee in relation to remedying the ongoing nuisance activities at that premises; (4)A statement that the cost of future enforcement at the premises as a result of nuisance activities may be billed to the premises owner and could become a lien against the property if not paid. 4 ADDED SECTION Acceptable plans were not defined. This caused confusion. Yet the plan is not really important. The abatement of the nuisance is. This section appears to give too much time to fiddle around with the “plan” and not to abating the nuisance. After notice “Timely” submit plan (10 days) “Timely” arrange meeting (7 days) “Timely” submit plan “Timely” implement plan to bring property into compliance (30 days) Section 761-4 Owner’s Proposal and Implementation of Acceptable Plan (a) If within 10 business days after an owner receives a notice under Section 761-3, the owner submits in good faith a proposed plan, or, in the event of ambiguity as to what the plan should include, the owner timely arranges a meeting with the police department for more information regarding the nuisance activities at the owner’s property to enable the owner to develop an acceptable plan, then the owner shall not be subject to fines for the same nuisance activities at the same street address that occur prior to the owner’s timely implementation of an acceptable plan. If the owner fails to timely submit or timely implement an acceptable plan, the owner shall be subject to the provisions of Section 761-7 herein for the same nuisance activities, at the same address that caused the owner to receive a notice under Section 761-3. To “timely” arrange a meeting, the owner must contact the police department personnel identified on the letter sent to the owner within 7 days of the date the letter is marked as sent. To “timely” implement an acceptable plan, the owner must bring the property into compliance with the plan’s requirements within 30 days from the date the plan is determined acceptable. Phased-in plans and seasonal plans shall be recognized as being “timely” when implemented in conjunction with the acceptable plan’s timeline. Failure to submit a plan shall be deemed failure to obey a lawful order. (b) (1) An acceptable plan shall include remedying building code violations, fire code violations, evicting problem tenants identified as responsible for the nuisance activities where 5 (c)If the plan is submitted and excepted as a good plan and the owner continues to use the plan and even update the plan then if the nuisance occurs within the next six months and the owner corrects the problem in the plan within 10 days there will be no “fine” appropriate, implementing CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principals as set forth in the Cincinnati police department’s informational brochure entitled “Tactics to Reduce Crime through CPTED,’ attending Cincinnati Landlord Education training provided through the Cincinnati police department, and implementing siteappropriate strategies described in the “Cincinnati Landlord Education Manual” available through the Cincinnati police department. The plan shall outline the abatement actions the owner or property manager will take to abate nuisances on their property. An acceptable plan may include reasonable measures to abate nuisance activities that occur on streets, alleys and/or sidewalks that are contiguous to or abut the owner’s premises. (2) In the event a plan is determined to be unacceptable, the police department will notify the owner of this determination by written notice. A plan may be deemed unacceptable if it does not include site-specific strategies with the purpose of abating said nuisance(s). Failure to provide an acceptable plan shall be deemed failure to obey a lawful order. (c) If after submitting an acceptable plan, an owner uses reasonable effort to implement the plan and continues to implement and update the plan in cooperation with the police department, then the owner shall not be subject to fines for the same nuisance activities at the same address that occur within six months after the date of the notice to the owner required by Section 761.3. Failure by the owner to use such reasonable effort to implement the plan and continue to implement such plan in cooperation with the police department shall 6 761-5. –Determination That Premises is a Chronic Nuisance (a)Whenever the police chief or his or her designee determines that an additional nuisance activity has occurred at a premises for which a notice has been issued pursuant to Section 761-3, and this nuisance activity occurs more than 13 days after the notice has been issued, the police chief or his or her designee may determine that the premises is a chronic nuisance and order that the owner abate the nuisance within 30 days of the owner's receipt of the notice. The police chief or his or her designee also may calculate the cost of enforcement for this and any subsequent nuisance activities, notify the owner that the owner is being billed for the cost of this and any subsequent nuisance activities, and bill the owner for the cost of enforcement. be deemed failure to obey a lawful order. An owners efforts are “reasonable” for purposes of this chapter when an acceptable plan is completely and timely implemented and when the owner makes repairs, performs the maintenance, or takes the action necessary to continue to comply with the plan within 10 business days after the owner or the operator of the premises becomes aware or should have become aware of the need for repair, maintenance, or action. (d) If the owner attempts to evict a problem tenant whose unit or building has been identified as the source of a nuisance activity, then an officer with sufficient information to attend court will attend the eviction hearing to testify regarding the owner’s reasonable belief that a nuisance activity actually occurred at the unit or building if the owner sends a subpoena to the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander at the police district headquarters for the district in which the premises is located. 761-5. –Determination That Premises is a Chronic 761-5. –Determination That Premises is a Chronic Nuisance Nuisance (a) The director shall be provided in a database(a)Whenever the police chief or his or her designee compatible format nuisance activity records determines that an additional nuisance activity has encompassing calls for service, arrests and occurred at a premises for which a notice has been issued pursuant to Section 761-3, and this nuisance reported crimes related to possible violations of Chapter 761. Whenever the police chief The activity occurs more than 13 days after the notice has director or his or her designee shall review the been issued, the police chief or his or her designee determines that an additional nuisance activity may determine that the premises is a chronic nuisance report to determine whether there is sufficient and issue a lawful order that the owner abate the nuisance within 30 days of the owner's receipt of the evidence of an actual subsequent has occurred notice. The police chief or his or her designee also at a premises for which a notice has been issued may calculate the cost of enforcement for this and any pursuant to Section 761-3, and this nuisance subsequent nuisance activities, notify the owner that activity having occursed more than 13 days after the owner is being billed for the cost of this and any the notice has been issued. subsequent nuisance activities, and bill the owner for Upon determination that an actual additional the cost of enforcement. Failure to abate the nuisance nuisance activity occurred more than 13 days 7 (b)The notice and order provided for in Section 761-5(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County auditor. If the notice and order are returned as undeliverable, the notice and order shall be deemed properly delivered if they are either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if they are delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2)A description of the nuisance activity or activities for which the premises owner is being billed, including the dates of the nuisance activity or activities; (3)An order that the nuisance activity be abated; and (4)A statement that the premises owner may appeal the determination that the owner's premises is a chronic nuisance or may appeal the amount of the bill as provided in Section 761-9 (c)A determination that a premises is a chronic nuisance subject to bills for the cost of enforcement pursuant to Section 761-5 and subject to fines or criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 761-7 shall be effective for a two-year period beginning with the date of the first nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to the premises owner for that specific premises. shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. (b)The notice and order provided for in Section 761-5(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County auditor. If the notice and order are returned as undeliverable, the notice and order shall be deemed properly delivered if they are either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if they are delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2)A description of the nuisance activity or activities for which the premises owner is being billed, including the dates of the nuisance activity or activities; (3)An order that the nuisance activity be abated; and (4)A statement that the premises owner may appeal the determination that the owner's premises is a chronic nuisance or may appeal the amount of the bill as provided in Section 761-9 (c)A determination that a premises is a chronic nuisance subject to bills for the cost of enforcement pursuant to Section 761-5 and subject to fines or criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 761-7 shall be effective for a two-year period beginning with the date of the first nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to the premises owner for that specific premises. after the notice has been issued, the director or his or her designee shall initiate a review of the premises by the City of Cincinnati code enforcement response team made up of representatives of the departments of police, fire, health, law and city planning and buildings no later that thirty days after the date on which such additional nuisance activity occurred at the premises. No later than ten days after reviewing premises, such members of the code enforcement response team shall provide a written report to the director regarding the code enforcement response team’s assessment of the premises in relation to existing code enforcement violations. The director shall take the code enforcement response team’s report into consideration prior to any declaration that a premises constitutes a chronic nuisance. Upon review of the report of the code enforcement response team, the director shall based only upon the preponderance of the evidence, declare the premises the police chief or his or her designee may determine that the premises is a chronic nuisance and order that the owner abate the nuisance within 30 days of the owner's receipt of the notice. Upon being provided by the police chief or his designee with applicable cost data regarding the cost of enforcement regarding nuisance activities at the premises, tThe police chief director or his or her designee also may calculate the cost of enforcement for this and any subsequent nuisance activities, notify the owner that the owner is being billed for the cost of this and any subsequent nuisance activities, and bill the owner for the cost of enforcement. (b)The notice and order provided for in Section 761-5(a) shall be deemed properly delivered if sent by first class mail to the address for the owner listed on the records of the Hamilton County auditor. If the notice and 8 Sec. 761-7. - Citations For Multiple Nuisance Activities; Criminal And Civil Penalties. (a)Whoever violates this chapter or fails to obey any lawful order issued by the police chief or his or her designee to abate a chronic nuisance, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the first offense and guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree on the order are returned as undeliverable, the notice and order shall be deemed properly delivered if they are either posted on the front door of the premises that is the subject of the notice and order or if they are delivered in person to the owner. The notice shall contain the following information: (1)The street address or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises; (2)A description of the nuisance activity or activities for which the premises owner is being billed, including the dates of the nuisance activity or activities; (3)An order that the nuisance activity be abated; and (4)A statement that the premises owner may appeal the determination that the owner's premises is a chronic nuisance or may appeal the amount of the bill as provided in Section 761-9 (c)A determination that a premises is a chronic nuisance subject to bills for the cost of enforcement pursuant to Section 761-5 and subject to fines or criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 761-7 shall be effective for a two-year period beginning with the date of the first nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to the premises owner for that specific premises. (d) A chronic nuisance premises shall be deemed abated for purposes of this chapter when the premises does not accrue subsequent nuisance activities above the threshold provided for in Sec. 761(a)(2) during a period of twelve (12) consecutive months from the date stated on the notice declaring the premise a chronic nuisance. Criminal penalties are an important Sec. 761-7. - Citations For Multiple Nuisance Sec. 761-7. - Citations For Multiple Nuisance component of this ordinance. Also, Activities; Criminal And Civil Penalties. Activities; Criminal And Civil Penalties. if everyone is doing their jobs and (a) Whoever violates this chapter or fails to obey any (a)Whoever violates this chapter or fails to obey any following the steps within this lawful order issued by the police chief or his or her lawful order issued by the police chief or his or her ordinance, these penalties would designee to abate a chronic nuisance, is guilty of a designee to abate a chronic nuisance, is guilty of a never be used except for in an misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the first offense misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the first offense extreme situation. and guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree on the and guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree on the 9 second and subsequent offense. Each day's second and subsequent offense. Each day's continuation of a violation or failure to comply is a continuation of a violation or failure to comply is a separate offense. separate offense. (b)(a)As an alternative to criminal prosecution, the (b)As an alternative to criminal prosecution, the police chief or his or her designee may cite a person who police chief or his or her designee may cite a person for violates any provision of this chapter or fails to obey additional nuisance activities that occur at the any order to abate a chronic nuisance. premises after the premises is declared a chronic (1)Citations for nuisance activities shall be imposed nuisance in accordance with the following: who based on the number of bills for enforcement sent to violates any provision of this chapter or fails to obey a premises owner for a specific premises within a twoany order to abate a chronic nuisance. year period beginning with the date of the nuisance (1)Citations for nuisance activities shall be imposed activity that is the subject of the first bill for based on the number of bills for enforcement sent to enforcement sent to the premises owner for that a premises owner for a specific premises within a twospecific premises. (2)Whenever a premises owner has year period beginning with the date of the nuisance been billed on three or more separate dates within a activity that is the subject of the first bill for two-year period beginning with the date of the enforcement sent to the premises owner for that nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for specific premises. (2)Whenever a premises owner has enforcement sent to the premises owner for that been billed on three or more separate dates within a specific premises, the police chief or his or her two-year period beginning with the date of the designee shall issue a citation to the premises owner as nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for follows: As already: enforcement sent to the premises owner for that (A)For the fourth bill within a two-year period, a citation specific premises, the police chief or his or her • Letters have gone out of $250.00 shall be imposed; designee shall issue a citation to the premises owner as • Plans have been written (B)For the fifth bill within a two-year period, a citation of follows: • Numerous meetings and $500.00 shall be imposed; (A)For the fourth bill within a two-year period, a citation discussions have been held (C)For the sixth bill within a two-year period, a citation of of $250.00 shall be imposed; • The property has been $750.00 shall be imposed; (B)For the fifth bill within a two-year period, a citation of declared a chronic nuisance (D)For each bill after the sixth bill within a two-year period, $500.00 shall be imposed; (C)For the sixth bill within a • The property has been a citation of $1,000.00 shall be imposed. two-year period, a citation of $750.00 shall be imposed; billed for compensation for (D)For each bill after the sixth bill within a two-year period, services rendered at least a citation of $1,000.00 shall be imposed. four times in two years (b)If a premises is determined to be a chronic • And the nuisance is still not nuisance pursuant to Section 761-5, and an abated individual unit on or within the premises is the • A citation/fine should be source of subsequent activities resulting in three high enough to finally get or more bills for the cost of enforcement issued their attention pursuant to Section 761-5(a) on separate dates within a two-year period beginning with the date of the first nuisance activity that is the second and subsequent offense. Each day's continuation of a violation or failure to comply is a separate offense. (b)As an alternative to criminal prosecution, the police chief director of the department of city planning and buildings or his or her designee may cite a person who violates any provision of this chapter or fails to obey any order to abate a chronic nuisance. (1)Citations for nuisance activities shall be imposed based on the number of bills for enforcement sent to a premises owner for a specific premises within a twoyear period beginning with the date of the nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to the premises owner for that specific premises. (2)Whenever a premises owner has been billed on three or more separate dates within a two-year period beginning with the date of the nuisance activity that is the subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to the premises owner for that specific premises, the police chief director or his or her designee shall issue a citation to the premises owner as follows: (A)For the fourth bill within a two-year period, a citation of $250.00 $500.00shall be imposed; (B)For the fifth bill within a two-year period, a citation of $500.00 $1,000.00shall be imposed; (C)For the sixth bill within a two-year period, a citation of $750.00 $1,500.00 shall be imposed; (D)For each bill after the sixth the seventh bill within a two-year period, a citation of $1,000.00 $5,000.00 shall be imposed.(E) For each bill after the sixth seventh bill within a two-year period, a citation of $1,000.00 $10,000.00 shall be imposed. (c) In addition to the remedies provided in this section, the city may take any other action available to remediate activity prohibited by this chapter or creating a public nuisance, including without limitation, seeking injunctions or other equitable relief and/or 10 761-9.-Appeals (a)A premises owner may appeal the determination of the police chief or his or her designee pursuant to Section 761-5(a) that a premises is a chronic nuisance or may appeal the amount of the bill for enforcement related to nuisance activities at the premises pursuant to Section 761-5(b) within 30 days from the date of the notification from the police chief or his or her designee that the premises is a chronic nuisance or within 30 days from the date the bill is issued. (b)An appeal of the determination that a premises is a chronic nuisance or the amount of the bill for enforcement related to nuisance activities at the premises must be made in writing and directed to the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander, who shall be appointed or designated by the police chief. A written notification of the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination will be sent within 30 days subject of the first bill for enforcement sent to filing a receivership action. the premises owner for that specific premises, the police chief may; (1) Request the solicitor’s office to file a complaint with the court of common pleas in order to enjoin the use or occupancy of that particular unit for a period of up to one year from the initial date of closure;and/or (2) Charge the premises owner with any cost or expense incurred by the city in connection with abatement conducted by the city pursuant to this Section 761-7. Costs and expenses incurred by the city in connection with abatement actions shall be assessed against the property and shall constitute a lien against the property until expense is fully paid to the city (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of this chapter, the city solicitor is authorized to file suit under state and local law to abate nuisances existing at property or premises, including seeking injunctive relief. 761-9.-Appeals 761-9.-Appeals Same as original (a)A premises owner may appeal the determination of the police chief director or his or her designee pursuant to Section 761-5(a) that a premises is a chronic nuisance or may appeal the amount of the bill for enforcement related to nuisance activities at the premises pursuant to Section 761-5(b) within 30 days from the date of the notification from the police chief director or his or her designee that the premises is a chronic nuisance or within 30 days from the date the bill is issued. (b)An appeal of the determination that a premises is a chronic nuisance or the amount of the bill for enforcement related to nuisance activities at the premises must be made in writing and directed to the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander, who shall be appointed or designated by the police chief city manager. A written notification of the Chronic 11 of receipt of appeal. No change in the chronic nuisance status of the premises may be made without going through the written appeal process. (c)A premises owner may appeal the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination that the premises is a chronic nuisance or the determination regarding the amount of the bill for enforcement within 30 days from the date of the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination by requesting that an administrative hearing be conducted by a hearing examiner with the Office of Administrative Hearings. A premises owner may appeal the issuance of the citation pursuant to Section 761-5(c) within 30 days from the date citation is issued by requesting an administrative hearing be conducted by a hearing examiner with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The hearing examiner will issue a written determination on any appeal brought pursuant to Section 761-9 ADDED SECTION Section 761-10 Eviction or Retaliation Prohibited (a) It shall be unlawful for a landlord to terminate the lease agreement or periodic tenancy of any tenant without good cause or otherwise retaliate against any tenant because that tenant complained to the police about nuisance or criminal activities on the landlord’s premises or made calls for service to the police related to nuisance or criminal activities on the landlord’s premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a tenant’s lease agreement or periodic tenancy may be terminated as provided in ORC Chapter 5321. A landlord’s failure to renew a lease agreement or periodic tenancy upon expiration of such lease agreement or periodic tenancy shall not be deemed a violation of this subsection. (b) A citation of $250.00 shall be imposed for the first violation of Section 761-10. A citation of Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination by the city manager will be sent within 30 days of receipt of appeal. No change in the chronic nuisance status of the premises may be made without going through the written appeal process. (c)A premises owner may appeal the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination that the premises is a chronic nuisance or the determination regarding the amount of the bill for enforcement within 30 days from the date of the Chronic Nuisance Reduction Commander's determination by requesting that an administrative hearing be conducted by a hearing examiner with the Office of Administrative Hearings. A premises owner may appeal the issuance of the citation pursuant to Section 761-5(c) within 30 days from the date citation is issued by requesting an administrative hearing be conducted by a hearing examiner with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The hearing examiner will issue a written determination on any appeal brought pursuant to Section 761-9 Section 761-14. Eviction or Retaliation Prohibited. (a)It shall be unlawful for a landlord to terminate the lease agreement or periodic tenancy of any tenant without good cause or otherwise retaliate against any tenant because that tenant complained to the police or other city official or employee about nuisance activities on the landlord’s premises or made calls for service to the police related to nuisance or criminal activities on the landlord’s premises. It shall be unlawful for a landlord or any person acting as an agent for the landlord to intimidate or actively discourage a tenant and/or persons associated with a tenant from calling the police to report nuisance activity associated with the property. It shall be presumed that any attempt to increase charges, reduce services, or to otherwise harass or retaliate against the tenant during the 12 month period following receipt of 12 $500.00 shall be imposed for the second and each subsequent violation of Section 761-10 Sec. 761-11. - Liens. Bills for enforcement and citations that are not paid will become liens on the premises to the extent permitted under applicable law. ADDED SECTION Sec. 761-11. - Liens. Same as original As no one seems to know what is actually going on in terms of enforcement of this ordinance, a centralized report would be a mechanism to keep track of it. the complaint by the chief of police or the director of building and inspections constitutes unlawful retaliation under this section. Such presumption shall be rebutted by the preponderance of evidence that the actions taken by the landlord were based upon good cause. “Good cause” as used in this subsection means that a landlord must show good cause for his or her actions, other than one related to or caused by the operation of this section. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a tenant’s lease agreement or periodic tenancy may be terminated for failure to pay rent; committing nuisance activity as defined in Section 761-1-N; committing waste upon the premises; violating the terms and conditions of the lease agreement or periodic tenancy; or as otherwise provided in O.R.C. 5321. A landlord’s failure to renew a lease agreement or periodic tenancy upon expiration of such lease agreement of periodic tenancy shall not be deemed a violation of this subsection. (b) Penalty. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the first offense and guilty of a misdemeanor on the second and subsequent offense. Sec. 761-11. - Liens. Same as original Section 761-12. Status Reports to City Coucil (a) The director or his designee shall give a monthly update on the progress in abating known nuisance properties before the public safety committeeor the appropriate committee of council unless that committee determines that such report is not necessary. The monthly update shall 13 Sec. 761-13. - Rules and Regulations. The city manager shall establish rules and regulations for the maintenance of information, notification of violations, calculation of bills for enforcement services, imposition of fines, determination of when calls for service are counted for purposes of this ordinance, Sec. 761-13. - Rules and Regulations. The city manager Cincinnati police department shall establish rules and regulations and policies for the maintenance of information, notification of violations, calculation of bills for enforcement services, imposition of fines, determination of when calls for service are be a full accounting of chronic nuisance enforcement actions and progress by police district for the fifty properties in the city that have the greatest number of chronic nuisance calls for service. The report shall include the following for the thirty-day period covered by the report: 1. New initial nuisance notification letters sent in the thirty-day period covered by the report; 2. Nuisance abatement plans received that have been deemed acceptable; 3. Subsequent nuisance activities identified pursuant to Sec. 761-5(a) at any premises included in the report; 4. Change in status letters sent to premises; 5. Billing notices and appeals related to any premises included in the report; 6. Civil citations and appeals related to any premises included in the report; 7. Decisions on any appeals related to any premises included in the report. And 8. Any litigation filed by the city seeking to have a receiver appointed for any premises determined to be a chronic nuisance. (b) The director shall submit a copy of the monthly chronic nuisance premises status report to the members of the public safety committee or the appropriate committee at least one week prior to the scheduled committee meeting. Sec. 761-13. - Rules and Regulations. Same as orginal 14 appeals of decisions made, and all other relevant issues as he or she deems necessary for implementation of this chapter. The rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be published in the City Bulletin 30 days prior to their effective date. ADDED SECTION counted for purposes of this ordinance, appeals of decisions made, training for police officers and all other relevant issues as he or she deems necessary for implementation of this chapter. The rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be published in the City Bulletin 30 days prior to their effective date. Section 761-15 Severability. (The provisions of any part of this Chapter are severable. If any provision or subsection hereof or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the other provisions, subsection, and applications of such ordinance to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. It is declared to be the intent of this section that the same would have been adopted had such invalid provisions, if any, not been included herein. 15
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