SIGN UP HERE! - No Soft Targets

Basic Handgun Class Date:
q Classroom: Friday, June
26th from 6pm to 9pm
q Range: Saturday, June 27th
from 9am to Noon
FOP Building & Range,
Connersville, IN (See Jackie
for directions)
About the Class:
"If you combine quality training, intelligence and critical thinking,
you'd have a pretty complete picture of Joshua Gideon. Both men and
women are sure to extract excellent information from his instruction. I
would recommend Josh's classes to anyone.
Julie Burford Loeffler (Owner, Mid-Ohio IMB) My colleague Joshua Gideon over at the No Soft Targets blog puts his
executive protection training and experience into explaining what
awareness is in a defensive sense, and proposes that we replace the
term with the much more descriptive "Threat Awareness". Take a class
with Josh today!
Grant Cunningham (Author, Instructor, & Master Revolver Smith)
COST: $40 (Seats are limited) This class will cover the basics of using a handgun in a defensive counter ambush situation. All levels of
student are welcome from beginners to experienced shooters. This is a great opportunity to get current
training from an expert and certified trainer. Certified & Insured Instructor Joshua Gideon will be
conducting the training course.
“I've been around firearms my entire life and truly don't think I've learned more in one sitting than what I did at
No Soft Targets. After taking just the basic handgun fighting class, I was hooked on learning more about
becoming a better defensive pistol shooter. The class was very flexible to suit all different types of shooters,
comprehensive and in depth with factual detail, and completely professional.” – Kade Koger (Student)
To register, please fill out the attached form and take it (with your payment) to the Connersville
Police Department, 100 E 5th St, Connersville, IN. If you have questions, you can contact Jackie at
(765) 825-2111.
First Name: __________________________________ Last Name: __________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City/State: _______________________, ___________ ZIP: ________________ Contact Phone #: (________)__________-­‐________________ E-­‐mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Firearm: Revolver or Pistol Caliber: ________________________ Have you taken a training class: Yes or No Instructor Name: ______________________________