Laboratory Resource Guide to accompany Human Biology Laboratory Manual Seventh Edition Sylvia S. Mader Prepared by Evelyn Jo Hebert Laboratory Resource Guide to accompany HUMAN BIOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL, SEVENTH EDITION SYLVIA S. MADER Published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2002, 2000, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1990, 1988. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may be reproduced in print form solely for classroom use with Human Biology Laboratory Manual, provided such reproductions bear copyright notice, but may not be reproduced in any other form or for any other purpose without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. iii Contents Suppliers Preface iv v Laboratory Chapter Title Page 1 Scientific Method 1 2 Metric Measurement and Microscopy 5 3 Chemical Composition of Cells 12 4 Cell Structure and Function 19 5 Human Body Tissues 25 6 Basic Mammalian Anatomy I 29 7 Chemical Aspects of Digestion 32 8 Energy Requirements and Ideal Weight 37 9 Cardiovascular System 39 10 Features of the Cardiovascular System 42 11 Basic Mammalian Anatomy II 46 12 Homeostasis 49 13 Musculoskeletal System 55 14 Nervous System and Senses 58 15 Human Development 62 16 Mitosis and Meiosis 65 17 Human Genetics 69 18 DNA and Biotechnology 74 19 Human Evolution 79 20 Effects of Pollution 83 Appendix A: 88 Common Materials: Preparation and Organization Microscopes: Supplies and Slide-Cleaning Procedures Test Tubes: General Management and Volume Measurement Reagents: Mixing and Dispensing Culture Methods: Pond Water Hot-Water Bath Appendix B: Organizational Hints Hints for the Instructor Hints for the Laboratory Assistant 92 iv Suppliers Aldrich/Fluka Chemical Co. 1001 W. St. Paul Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53233 (800) 558-9160 (414) 273-3850 Fax: (800) 962-9591 Amersham Pharmacy & Biotech 800 Centennial Ave. Piscataway, NJ 08855 (800) 526-3593 Fax: (877) 295-8102 Carolina Biological Supply 2700 York Rd. Burlington, NC 27215 (800) 334-5551 Fax: (800) 222-7112 Fisher Science Education 485 So. Frontage Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60521 (800) 955-1177 Fax: (800) 955-0740 Sigma Chemical Co. P.O. Box 14508 St. Louis, MO 63178-9974 (800) 325-3010 Fax: (800) 962-9591 Thornton Associates, Inc. 1432 Main Street Waltham, MA 02451 (800) 642-4418 (781) 839-6400 Fax: (781) 890-5507 Triarch, Inc. P.O. Box 98 Ripon, WI 54971 (800) 848-0810 Fax: (920) 748-3034 USB Corporation 26111 Miles Rd. Cleveland, OH 44128 (800) 321-9322 Fax: (800) 535-0898 Grau-Hall Scientific 6401 Elvas Ave. Sacramento, CA 95819 (800) 331-4728 (916) 455-5258 VWR Scientific Sargent-Welsh Div. 911 Commerce Ct. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (847) 459-6625 (800) 932-5000 Fax: (856) 467-3336 Lab-Aids, Inc. 17 Colt Ct. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (800) 381-8003 Fax: (631) 737-1286 Wards Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P.O. Box 92912 Rochester, NY 14692-9012 (800) 962-2660 Fax: (800) 635-8439 Modern Biology, Inc. 111 North 500 West West Lafayette, IN 47906 (800) 733-6544 Fax: (765) 743-7612 YSI, Inc. 1725 Brannum Lane Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (800) 765-4974 (937) 767-7241 Fax: (937) 767-9353 NASCO P.O. Box 901 Ft. Atkinson, WI 53538-0901 (800) 558-9595 Fax: (920) 563-8296 v Preface This Resource Guide is designed as a supplement to the Laboratory Manual that accompanies Human Biology, 7th edition, by Sylvia Mader. Each Laboratory Manual chapter has a corresponding Resource Guide chapter, which contains: • “Time Estimates’’ and “Special Requirements’’ of the laboratory. These are provided at the beginning of each Resource Guide chapter. The instructor can tell at a glance how much time the laboratory involves and if the laboratory requires any special preparations or materials. • “Seventh Edition Changes.’’ This section makes note of all changes from the sixth edition. In addition to these changes, each lab has uses numbered lists and other design elements to make the exercises visually easier to follow. • “Materials and Preparations.’’ Each main laboratory topic is listed separately under “Materials and Preparations,’’ followed immediately by a complete materials list (including Carolina catalog product numbers) and preparation instructions for those exercises. This enables the instructor to have all the materials and information at hand for the exercises. Each item in the materials list is preceded by a short line. Use these lines to record the number you required of each item. • “Answers to Exercise Questions’’ and “Answers to Laboratory Review Questions.” These sections include the lab manual questions in boldface type for better visibility, with the answers following in italics. Tables contain expected experimental results, which are also in italics. Laboratory 1 Scientific Method (LM pages 1–8) Time Estimate for Entire Lab: 2.0 hours Special Requirements 1. Living material (order to arrive as close as possible to date of use): live garden snails, Helix aspersa 2. Fresh material (obtain locally, close to time of use): iceberg lettuce for snails Seventh Edition Changes This is a completely new lab, which focuses on and introduces the student to the scientific method. Preparation for this lab is minimal. MATERIALS AND PREPARATIONS1 1.2 Observing the Garden Snail (LM pages 2–6) _____ garden snails, Helix aspersa, live (Carolina 14-1140) _____ correction fluid pen, white (or correction fluid, white, one bottle) _____ iceberg lettuce, one untrimmed head per 50 snails _____ magnifying lenses or dissecting microscopes _____ graduated cylinders for observing snail movement _____ stopwatch _____ rulers, 30 cm plastic Live snails. Obtain 50 snails for a class of 20 to 35 or more students. Order snails so that they arrive as close as possible to the date they will be needed, so they will be lively. Between laboratories, keep snails in a dry shoe box, no more than about 25 per box. This method requires no cleanup; keeping snails in a terrarium can be very time-consuming because of the need to remove slime, which otherwise fosters bacterial growth. There is no need to feed or water snails unless they are stored for more than a month. To feed and water, remove snails from the shoe box and put them in a container of moist cornstarch or lettuce for several hours or overnight. After feeding, return the snails to a clean shoe box. Stored snails may need to be rehydrated before laboratory use. To do this, dip the snail into water or let it sit in a petri dish containing a few mm of water. If snails are hiding in their shells, spritz them with water or place them on a moist paper towel out of direct light. Depending upon how long snails have been stored, it may take a few minutes or several hours for the snails to “wake up” and come out of their shells. If snails seem sluggish, spritz with warm water. Present the snails to students on an untrimmed head of iceberg lettuce. Use white correction fluid to number the snails for identification. Snail movement. Snails usually move up an incline. On a flat surface, the direction a snail moves is difficult to predict and/or control. If placed in a downhill or side position, snails will usually turn and move up. 1.3 Formulating Hypotheses (LM page 5) _____ garden snails, Helix aspersa, live (Carolina 14-1140) _____ small beakers, 35-mm film cans, watch glasses, or small petri dishes for distributing test substances _____ petri dishes, preferably 150 mm (or else 100 mm) for testing the snails _____ cotton and Q-tips _____ beaker of clean water for rinsing snail 1 Note: “Materials and Preparations” instructions are grouped by exercise. Some materials may be used in more than one exercise. 2 Suggested test substances: _____ potting soil, slightly moist ____ flour _____ cornstarch _____ liquid soap for hand washing dishes _____ baking soda _____ fat-free milk _____ orange juice _____ vinegar _____ honey _____ water Miscellaneous test substances. After discussion about controls and variables, have students choose six to ten substances and appropriate combinations for testing. Keep in mind that salt and laundry detergent are lethal to snails. Control hints. Plain water might be used as a control for liquids. Fine sand could be used as a control for powders. Wet and dry powders would have water as a variable. If water is the variable, it is the water that is being tested, not the substances. Experimental design. These methods are recommended: For a dry substance, make a circle of the test substance in a petri dish and put the snail in the center of the circle. For a liquid, make a circle of cotton soaked with the test substance in a petri dish or soak the cotton end of a Q-tip and put the Q-tip in the path of a crawling snail. Any cleanable flat surface, such as a plastic tray, can also be used. Wash the snails by dipping them in water between testing procedures. Cleanup. Cleanup is easier and the experiment goes well if students are restrained in their use of the test substances. Substances can be distributed to several stations in small beakers, 35-mm film cans, watch glasses, or small petri dishes. Testing snails in 150 mm petri dishes works well. A brush or other abrasive in combination with a liquid detergent speeds removal of the snail slime. EXERCISE QUESTIONS 1.1 Using the Scientific Method (LM page 2) The arrow in Figure 1.1 indicates that research often enters a cycle of hypothesis–experiments and observations–conclusion–hypothesis. Explain. A conclusion from one experiment often leads to formulating a hypothesis for another experiment. How is a theory different from a conclusion? A conclusion is based on data from one type of experiment/observation. A theory is based on many conclusions from many experiments/observations. 1.2 Observing the Garden Snail (LM page 4) Observation: Garden Snail’s External Anatomy (LM page 2) 2. Is your snail still growing? As stated in the laboratory manual, an upward curl at the front edge of the shell indicates that the snail is fully grown. Observation: Garden Snail’s Motion (LM page 3) 1. Describe the wave action of the foot and any motion you see in the pneumostome. The snail’s foot, when viewed from the bottom, shows an undulating, wavelike motion as the snail moves. The pneumostome opens and closes as the snail moves. 2. As you watch the snail, identify behaviors that might a. protect it from predators The snail pulls into its shell. b. help it acquire food The snail moves from place to place. c. protect it from the elements The snail pulls into its shell. d. allow interaction with the environment The snail’s eyes on its tentacles move around. 3. Allow a garden snail to crawl on your hand. Describe how it feels. The foot feels “slimy,” and the undulating motion of the foot tickles. 3 Table 1.1 Preferred Direction of Motion* Snail Direction Moved Comments 1 Crawled up Tried to crawl off the edge 2 Did not move Pulled into shell and did not move in any direction 3 Crawled sideways, then diagonally up Moved fast, then slower; seemed to wander 4 Mostly moved up, but not always Moved really fast *Answers will vary. The answers provided here are examples. Table 1.2 Snail Speed* Snail Centimeters Traveled Time (min.) 1 14.2 cm 1 minute Average Speed (cm/min.) 14.2 cm/min. 2 26.4 cm 2 minutes 13.2 cm/min. 3 12.8 cm 1 minute 12.8 cm/min. 4 4.0 cm Did not finish Snail pulled into shell. *Answers will vary. The answers provided here are examples. 1.3 Formulating Hypotheses (LM page 5) 2. Hypothesize in Table 1.3 how you expect the snail to respond, and offer an explanation for your reasoning. The following is an example of three possible student hypotheses regarding flour. Table 1.3 Hypotheses About Snail’s Reaction to Common Powders and Liquids Substance Tested Hypothesis. . . Reasoning for Hypothesis Flour Snail will show no reaction. Flour is a bland substance. Flour Snail will be repelled. Flour is a dry substance. Flour Snail will be attracted. Flour is a white substance. 1.4 Performing an Experiment (LM pages 6-7) Table 1.4 Snail’s Reaction to Common Substances* Substance Tested Snail’s Reaction Flour Snail moved toward flour and began to eat it. Cornstarch Snail crawled onto cornstarch and began to eat it. Baking soda Snail began to foam and pulled into shell. This substance contains sodium. Moist potting soil Snail crawled into it. Honey Snail moved away. Vinegar Snail avoided the vinegar. Fat-free milk Snail showed no interest. Water Snail moved into water. Liquid soap for handwashing dishes Snail moved away. Orange juice Snail showed no interest. *possible student observations 1. Does your experiment contain a control sample? Explain. See “control hints” above. 2. Did other students get results that support your hypothesis? Answers will vary. 3. What is needed by other experimenters in order for them to repeat your experiment? Other experimenters will need to know the conditions of the experiment, the substances tested, and the criteria used for determining attraction or repulsion. 4 Conclusions (LM page 7) • Study your results, and decide what factors may have caused the snail to be attracted to or repelled by a substance. Any conclusion by students is acceptable; however, in general snails are repelled or harmed by acidic solutions (vinegar, orange juice) and by powders that go into solution (salt, laundry detergent, sugar). Snails show no reaction to, or are attracted to, such things as moisture, flour, and cornstarch. • Test this new hypothesis, and describe what your results show or do not show. Can you come to a conclusion? As an example, a student might hypothesize that snails are repelled by any substance that contains sodium, such as sodium bicarbonate and salt, etc. Testing these substances either supports or does not support the hypothesis. LABORATORY REVIEW 1 (LM page 7) 1. What kind of phenomena do scientists study? natural 2. What is a tentative explanation of observed phenomena? hypothesis 3. What do you call the information scientists collect when doing experiments and making observations? data 4. What step in the scientific method follows experiments and observations? conclusion 5. What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment and does not contain the factor being tested? control 6. What do you call an experiment that can be done by someone else in exactly the same way? repeatable 7. Can data prove a hypothesis true? (Yes or No) no Indicate whether statements 8 and 9 are hypotheses, conclusions, or theories. 8. The data show that vaccines protect people from disease. conclusion 9. All living things are made of cells. theory 10. Wavelike contractions along what organ allow a snail to move? foot 11. How many body divisions does a snail have? three 12. Name one criterion you used to formulate your hypotheses regarding snail behavior toward various substances. direction of movement 13. What can be concluded if a snail withdraws into its shell? nothing 14. Snails that foam are (attracted to/repelled by) a substance. repelled by Thought Questions 15. What is a theory? A theory is a concept that ties together many conclusions into a generalized statement. 16. Why is it important to test one substance at a time when testing a snail’s reaction? Only then can you be certain of the snail’s reaction to that particular substance.
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