PETR NOVIKOV +7 (960) 050 4783 | [email protected] | pnoviko@Skype | Objective: Data Scientist/Software Engineer Education PhD in Statistics, Moscow State University (2010) Drop-out, University of Toledo (Ohio, USA) (2008) Integrated MSc in Mathematics, Kazan State University (2000–2005) 02.2015–present Employment History Kazan Federal University Higher School for Information Technologies and Information Systems Assistant Kazan, Russia Teaching classes of R Programming and Analytic Geometry 04.2013–10.2014 Applied Logistics R&D Research Analyst Moscow, Russia Applied research work, Reliability Theory and Operations Research Software engineering (MSVC and Delphi) 09.2012–01.2013 RoboCV Research Programmer Moscow, Russia Software engineering and technical writing in the fields of Robotics and Computer Vision 09.2011–present Izvestiya Vuzov – Mathematics Journal Translator Kazan, Russia (Remote work) Translation of scientific articles from Russian into English 01.2010–09.2011 Kazan State University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Engineer Kazan, Russia Theoretical research in Statistics, teaching class of Information Retrieval 01.2008–12.2008 University of Toledo Teaching Assistant Toledo, OH, USA Tutoring, grading, teaching class of Statistics I 10.2005–03.2013 Private tutor (Self-employed) Teaching high school-level Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science Kazan, Russia / Moscow, Russia Key Professional Skills Statistics, Data Mining, Operations Research, Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Optimization, Programming, Technical Writing, Translation, Teaching Mathematics and Data Science Tools R, Scikit-learn, Mathematica Programming Languages R, Python, Delphi, C, C++ (MS Visual Studio, Qt) Language Skills Russian (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Chinese (elementary) Projects 04.2014–09.2014 Applied Logistics ILS Suite / Weibull Analysis 08.2013–12.2013 Applied Logistics Best Stock for Branching Supply Chain A subroutine for performing parameter estimation of Weibull distribution and Kolmogorov– Smirnov goodness-of-fit test, part of a larger project. Finds best stock for a geographically distributed supply chain in the sense of providing minimal cost while keeping the overall availability ratio above a pre-defined value. Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 Borland Delphi Scheduling of Aircraft Maintenance Jobs 04.2013–05.2013 Applied Logistics A computer adaption of Petrov & Tomich’s paper1: a maintenance scheduling problem is considered as a constrained optimization problem with respect to service intervals. I implemented the numerical solution of this optimization problem. 1 Research and development of determining of rational service intervals of functional systems of an aircraft. Trudy LII No. 524, 1987. (Russian). Borland Delphi 09.2012–12.2012 RoboCV Autonomous Navigation System ROS/C++ Linux Ubuntu I was in the team of software developers of an autonomous navigation system for robotic platforms. We combined data from gyroscope, odometer, accelerometer and infrared camera to get a better approximation for the position of the robot. I also made a significant contribution to the company’s Technical Report for the first stage of the investment. Selected Teaching Experience Spring 2015 R Programming We covered the R programming language from scratch. In order to learn R’s capabilities, we worked with real-life’s data sets PAKDD2014 and Otto Group Product Classification. Spring 2010 Bioinformatics Algorithms We followed Jones & Pevzner’s book An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms. Fall 2009, Fall 2010 Information Retrieval We covered common methods of Information Retrieval. As the course was designed for hardcore math students, we emphasized the connection between state-of-the-art IR methods and fundamental mathematics providing theoretical ground to these methods, such as Eckart– Young theorem for Latent Semantic Analysis, theory of Markov chains for PageRank and KKT for Support Vector Machines. Kazan Federal University, High School ITIS Kazan State University, Faculty of CS Kazan State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Publications Novikov A.A., Novikov P.A. Locally most powerful sequential tests of a simple hypothesis vs. one-sided alternatives for independent observations, Theory Probab. Appl., 56(3), 449-477, (2011). Novikov P.A. A locally directionally maximin test for a multidimensional parameter with order-restricted alternatives, Russian Mathematics (Iz. Vuz), 54(1), 33--41 (2011). Novikov P.A. Locally most powerful sequential tests for discrete-time Markov processes, Theory Probab. Appl., 55(2), 322--325 (2010). Novikov A., Novikov P. Locally most powerful sequential tests of a simple hypothesis vs. one-sided alternatives, J. Stat. Plann. Inference, 140(3), 750--765 (2010). Conferences Novikov P., Novikov A. Locally Most Powerful Group-Sequential Tests when the Groups are Formed Randomly. Stochastic Optimization and Optimal Stopping, Moscow, Russia, September 24--28, 2012. Novikov A., Novikov P. Locally Most Powerful Sequential Tests for One-Sided Alternatives Based on Independent Observations. 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Dublin, Ireland, August 21--26, 2011. Novikov A., Novikov P. Locally most powerful sequential tests for discrete-time stochastic processes. Third International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies, Stanford University, June 14--16, 2011. Novikov P. Locally optimal tests for multivariate parameter with order-restricted alternatives. Prague Stochastics 2006. Book of Abstracts of the joint session of 7th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics and 15th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, held in Prague from August 21 to 25, 2006, P. 68 (2006).
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