Program Annual General Meeting (Members only) 11:00 a.m.–11:45 a.m. Member Recognition Luncheon Noon–1:30 p.m. CEO Executive Roundtable Report 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. CME Nova Scotia Recognition Awards At CME Nova Scotia, we believe that we have some of the best members in Canada. That is why we want to honor our members with the first Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters NS recognition awards. The awards will be organized as a luncheon hosted by the CME Nova Scotia Advisory Board and supported by key sponsors. There will be a major awards section and milestone awards recognizing years of membership. The three major awards will be Workplace Excellence, Innovation and Global Leadership. They will be selected by a special nominating committee and presented to members by their sponsors. Innovation — nominees represent “game changing” innovations in terms of processes, products and services. They exhibit outstanding leadership in an ongoing system of innovation in their enterprise and are “world class” in developing solutions. Workplace Excellence — nominees represent outstanding leadership in creating healthy, safe and rewarding places to work in Nova Scotia. Global Leadership — nominees have made a significant commitment and contribution to Nova Scotia. Through their impact and influence, they are recognized as leaders who are world class and compete on an international stage. The milestone awards will be presented to members for their years of membership and leadership in the organization. Workplace Excellence Award Sponsored by Innovation Award Sponsored by Global Leadership Award Sponsored by CEO Executive Roundtable Report Nova Scotian manufacturing numbers are still below pre-recession levels. Global competition, innovation, and technological change are all competitive drivers, as well as business environment cost structures. There is much speculation on what it would take to see marked growth in manufacturing and exporting in Nova Scotia. CME Nova Scotia implemented a series of engagement events across the province this spring to focus on the future on manufacturing and exporting in Nova Scotia. These CEO Executive Roundtables were hosted by members from Yarmouth to Sydney. The objective was to bring together a select group of CEOs and senior leaders to gather and share their perspectives on how to grow and develop the manufacturing and exporting sector in the province. The key findings and results of these CEO Roundtables will be presented in a report on June 11, 2015 immediately following the CME Nova Scotia Recognition Awards. Report will be in a presentation format and available online after June 11, 2015. Cost to attend: Members: $45 | Non-Members: $55 | Corporate Table of 8: $350 To register: << CLICK HERE >> QUESTIONS? Contact Jacqui Squires at [email protected] or 902-422-4477 Ext. 2 CEO Executive Roundtable Sessions Sponsored by
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