Coupled vs decoupled approaches for PDE/ODE systems modeling intercellular signaling Thomas Carraro1 , Elfriede Friedmann, Daniel Gerecht Institute for Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University, INF 293/294, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Abstract We consider PDE/ODE systems for the simulation of intercellular signaling in multicellular environments. Since the intracellular processes are described by few ODEs per cell, the PDE part dominates the solving effort. Thus, it is not clear if commonly used splitting methods can outperform a coupled approach. Based on a sensitivity analysis, we present a systematic comparison between coupled and decoupled approaches for this class of problems and show numerical results. Keywords: Coupled PDE/ODE systems, Sensitivity analysis, Multilevel preconditioner, Intercellular signaling 1. Introduction Cellular signaling has been mathematically described by a variety of different models mostly relying on large systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE) [1]. These earlier models were extended by partial differential equations (PDE) 5 to accurately consider the spatial concentration distribution, localized effects and signal ranges [2, 3, 4, 5]. In these cellular signalling models the PDE part captures the diffusion of the signaling proteins and the ODE part the chemical processes in some parts of the domain which can be considered in a specific context as well mixed (e.g. cell surface, nucleus). The coupling between these 1 Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] Preprint submitted to Journal of Computational Physics April 17, 2015 10 parts occurs in linear and nonlinear terms and through Robin-type boundary conditions. The analysis and numerics of such models can not be investigated by standard methods and depends strongly on the structure of the equations [6]. In this paper we focus on the numerical treatment of such coupled systems. There are mainly two strategies for implicit solvers of coupled systems: (1) 15 nonlinear methods among them the nonlinear multigrid method also called “full approximation scheme” (FAS) [7, 8], (2) linearization based approaches (Newton-type). These methods can be used in a combined approach, where for example a Newton-type method is applied as smoother for a FAS or a linear (or nonlinear) multigrid method is used as a preconditioner for a Newton-type 20 method. Our intention in this work is not particularly the comparison and discussion of advantages and disadvantages of these strategies that depend on many aspects like, e.g. the accuracy of the Jacobian approximation [9]. Moreover, since in the considered coupled PDE/ODE system the linearization is not a critical point we choose a Newton-type method preconditioned by a linear 25 multigrid method and study the effect of splitting the PDE part from the ODE part in the linearized system of equations. A splitting solution approach is often used when restrictions on accuracy can be relaxed in order to allow an easier numerical treatment of complicated problems. Such an approach makes it possible to reuse existing solvers and is widely used in numerical methods 30 for coupled systems, see [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. In case of strongly coupled equations, this strategy can only be implemented at high computational costs through very small time steps or a higher number of iterations in the splitting scheme. We consider PDE/ODE systems for the simulation of intercellular signaling in multicellular environments. Since the ODE part does not lead to a 35 large discretization system like the PDE part, it is not clear if a splitting method can outperform a coupled approach. In this context, the scope of our work is to present a systematic comparison between coupled and decoupled approaches for this class of problems. The method is based on a sensitivity analysis to compute the strength of the coupling. Ad- 40 ditionally, we compare a multigrid method in which the coupling is considered 2 only at the coarsest level to a fully coupled approach. We focus on the solution of local problems. In our test cases we consider systems with eight cells. Therefore, this solution process can be used for example as local solver for nonlinear preconditioner of Newton-type methods [16] or 45 domain decomposition methods [17]. Application. We solve a coupled PDE/ODE system describing Interleukin-2 (IL-2) signaling between different types of T cells. The underlying model has been derived by Busse et al. [5] to study immune regulation. The resulting system consists of one PDE for the intercellular area and of three ODEs for 50 each biological cell. The coupling occurs in linear and nonlinear terms of the equations, as well as in the Robin type boundary conditions. This system is prototypical for all signaling models for intercellular communication by diffusing messengers. Other coupled PDE/ODE models for cellular signaling describe the interaction with multiple diffusing proteins and more detailed intracellular 55 processes [4] or allow for receptor gradients on the cell surface [2, 3]. Busse et al. [5] performed two-dimensional (2D) simulations to analyze the dynamics and pattern formation of intercellular signaling between 170 cells. The solution of this model in the three-dimensional (3D) case is much more involved and requires numerical treatment that goes beyond the method used in 60 the cited work. Therefore, we have developed the numerical method, presented in this paper, to efficiently solve the model in realistic 3D environments with up to 5000 cells [18]. The numerical results have shown that 3D effects have an important influence on the cell interaction. Thus, new insights into the study of the immune response have been gained. 65 Outline. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we give an abstract description of the model. We present the mathematical formulation and the functional setting. We discretize the coupled PDE/ODE system by the finite element method (FEM) in section 3. We use a sensitivity approach in section 4 to analyze the coupling of the PDE/ODE system and in section 5 we present 70 different solving approaches for the coupled system. We present the numerical 3 results exemplary for a particular application and discuss numerical aspects in section 6. 2. Mathematical Models for Intercellular Signaling A model for intercellular signaling consists of a PDE equation for the inter75 action between the cells in the intercellular area Ω coupled with ODEs for the intracellular processes. We denote by Nc the number of cells in Ω and indicate by Γi the boundary of each cell i for i = 1, . . . , Nc . The outer boundary of Ω is denoted by Γout . (a) 8 interacting cells with surfaces Γi , different colors for different cell types (b) Intercellular area Ω (cutting plane through intercellular area) Figure 1: Visualization of the computational domain Depending on the type of intercellular signaling, different nonlinear operators describe the dynamics in the intercellular area (AΩ ), e.g. degradation, the dynamics on the cell surfaces (AΓi ) of each cell and the intracellular processes (Bi ). We denote the solution of the PDE part by u and the vector of solutions 4 of the ODE part by v. A general formulation of the model can be written as ∂t u(t, x) − D∆u(t, x) + AΩ (u(t, x)) = 0 for (t, x) ∈ (0, T ] × Ω, D∂n u(t, x) − AΓi (u(t, x), vi (t)) = 0 for (t, x) ∈ (0, T ] × Γi , D∂n u(t, x) = 0 ∂t vi (t) + Bi (˜ ui (t), vi (t)) = 0 (1) for (t, x) ∈ (0, T ] × Γout , for t ∈ (0, T ], with given diffusion coefficient D and initial values u(0, x) = u0 , v(0) = v 0 . We denote the average of u on the surface of Γi by u ˜i and by vi the associated ODE values with this cell. R u ˜i (t) = Γi u(t, s) ds |Γi | (2) Similar systems arise in different applications, e.g. in closed-loop cardiovascular 80 simulations where the PDE part is coupled with the ODE part on the surfaces for in- and outflow, see Moghadam et al. [10]. Remark 2.1. To study the dynamical process and validate the model we compute the entire trajectory. Nevertheless, the simulations mostly converge to a stable steady state. Therefore we consider the implications on a coupled solver 85 for a computation of the steady state in section 6.3.1 as well. 3. Discretization For a variational formulation we introduce the Hilbert space V p , e.g. V p = H 1 , for the PDE part of the equation and the vector space V o = Rn , where n denotes the number of ordinary differential equations in the system. We define 90 the product space V := V p × V o . We consider the implicit Euler method as time stepping scheme, and discretize spatially the computational domain Ω by continuous finite elements. Remark 3.1. For practical use one applies higher order time marching schemes, e.g. Crank-Nicolson would be a proper choice for the PDE part of the system. 5 95 The ODE part could be solved by higher order Runge-Kutta or backward differentiation formulas. To simplify the implementation we choose the unconditionally stable implicit Euler method for both parts. For the goal of this work, the numerical results regarding the strength of the PDE/ODE coupling are even more meaningful for higher order schemes as well, see Remark 6.2. Considering a time step k we use the semi-discretized weak formulation of the equations (1) to compute (un+1 , v n+1 ) ∈ V in each time step for all ϕ ∈ V p : (un+1 , ϕ)Ω + kD(∇un+1 , ∇ϕ) + k(AΩ (un+1 ), ϕ)Ω X +k (AΓi (un+1 , vin+1 ), ϕ)Γi = (un , ϕ)Ω , i≤NC X v n+1 + k (3) Bi (˜ un+1 , vin+1 ) = v n . i i≤NC 100 To discretize spatially the system (3), we define a grid {Tl }0≤l≤L , which consists of a subdivision of the domain in quadrilaterals cells K. The diameters of the cells hK define a mesh parameter h by the piece-wise constant function h|K = hK . The discrete solution component uh is sought in the finite dimensional space Vhp ⊂ V p . We choose Vhp as the space of Q1 -elements, the space 105 of functions obtained by transformations of bilinear polynomials defined on a reference regular unit cell. Only the PDE part needs to be discretized by the FEM, but due to the coupled system the ODE part of the discretized solution vh ∈ V o depends on the spatial discretization as well. Then we can write the fully discretized version of system (3) for all ϕh ∈ Vhp as follows: (un+1 , ϕh )Ω + kD(∇un+1 , ∇ϕh )k + (AΩ (un+1 ), ϕh )Ω h h h X n+1 n +k (AΓi (˜ un+1 h,i , vh,i ), ϕh )Γi = (uh , ϕh )Ω , i≤NC X vhn+1 + k (4) n+1 n Bi (˜ un+1 h,i , vh,i ) = vh . i≤NC A nonlinear coupled system arises as discrete system (4) and needs to be 6 solved for each step of the time marching scheme. For the resulting discrete nonlinear coupled system we introduce the shorter notation Ah (u, v) = fh , (40 ) Bh (u, v) = gh . We use the subscript h also for the operator Bh to indicate its dependence on the spatial mesh discretization through the coupling with the PDE part. We omit the subscript h for the solution components u and v to simply the notation 110 in the next sections. 4. Sensitivity Analysis of the Coupled System A splitting solving scheme allows solving both parts of the system with a solver at hand, possibly tuned to solve that specific part of the problem. The coupling can be implemented in an external (to the two solvers) framework 115 allowing an easy implementation of the more complex coupled problem. Let Sh : v 7→ u and Th : u 7→ v denote the solution operator for the decoupled PDE part and ODE part of the discretized system of equations (40 )respectively. The first equation, u = Sh (v), is solved for a given value of v, then the second equation, v = Th (u), is solved with the resulting value of u and the cycle is iterated until a given tolerance is reached. This process can also be written as a composition of the two operators: un+1 = Sh Th (un ) . (5) A fixed point iteration to solve the system (40 ) has a slow convergence rate (typically only linear) and the number of fixed point iterations depends on the nature of the coupling and the model parameters. Nevertheless, a splitting linear solver can be considered advantageous as part of a Newton scheme. Thus, in120 stead of solving the update of the solution using the Jacobian of the full system, one updates iteratively the two decoupled parts. In the following sections we 7 will present these two solution approaches, based on a (quasi) Newton method, in which we compare two different strategies to solve the Newton update. In the rest of this section, we present a sensitivity approach to decide whether 125 a fixed point iteration or the full system update should be used. As we show later, the choice depends on the actual model parameter and the method gives a quantitative index that can be used for practical implementations. We use the well known fact that a fixed point iteration can converge only if a specific condition on the iteration operator is fulfilled. Considering the formulation (5) we write the Jacobian of the fixed point operator as J= ∂Sh ∂Th ∂v ∂u (6) According to the Banach fixed point theorem the following criterion has to be fulfilled for the convergence of the fixed point iteration kJk < 1, (7) in some norm k · k. A more convenient criterion is the substitution of the norm with the spectral radius of the matrix J: |λmax (J)| < 1. 130 (8) If this condition is fulfilled a simple fixed point approach converges, therefore this criterion has been used, e.g. in [19], to define whether the coupling of the system (40 ) is strong. As will be shown in section 6.3.1, the considered PDE/ODE system for intercellular signaling is strongly coupled and thus a full coupling is more effective than a decoupled method. Decoupled methods can 135 still converge for strong coupled systems if embedded in a Newton’s scheme but require a large number of fixed point iterations, as we show in our numerical results. We proceed now with the calculation of the largest eigenvalue of the Jacobian 8 J. Therefore we differentiate the discretized operators Ah and Bh and obtain the sensitivity equations A0h,u (ˆ u, vˆ)uδv + A0h,v (ˆ u, vˆ)δv = 0, ∀δv ∈ V o , (9) 0 0 Bh,v (ˆ u, vˆ)vδu + Bh,u (ˆ u, vˆ)δu = 0, ∀δu ∈ Vhp . (10) and where we have used the notation uδv := ∂u (δv), ∂v vδu = ∂v (δu) ∂u for the sensitivities and we have written A0h,u and A0h,v for the derivatives of Ah 0 0 with respect to u and v and analogously Bh,u and Bh,v for the derivatives of 140 Bh . In the decoupled system, uδv indicates the variation of the PDE solution perturbing the solution of the ODE system and equivalently vδu is the variation of the ODE system for a perturbation of the PDE system. Since the sensitivities in the linear solver strongly depend on the used time stepping scheme, we consider only the sensitivities for a computation of the 145 steady state. Then, the equations (9) are stationary PDEs to be solved for each component of δv, while the ODE part (10) consists of algebraic equations solved for each δu. Therefore we compute the sensitivity matrices ∂Sh /∂v as a N o × N p matrix and ∂Th /∂u as a N p × N o matrix, where N o denotes the number of ODE equations and N p the dimension of the PDE discretization. 150 Remark 4.1. In the PDE/ODE system, which we present in section 6, the coupling between the two parts appears only at the boundaries Γi and only with the first two components of v. Thus, the product ∂Sh /∂v ∂Th /∂u decouples into a block diagonal matrix consisting of 2 × 2 matrices for each biological cell. In addition, we only need to calculate the sensitivities (10) for the restriction of 155 δu on the boundaries Γi , which are nonetheless algebraic equations, so that the 9 major costs to calculate the sensitivities are given by the PDE part (9). For nonlinear systems of equations the sensitivity analysis depends on a given point of linearization (ˆ u, vˆ). We compute an approximate numerical solution of the system (40 ) for characteristic values of the parameters and choose the 160 computed solution as point of linearization. 5. Numerical Schemes In this section we present different approaches for a solver of a strongly coupled PDE/ODE system. Their numerical comparison is presented in section 6. 165 5.1. Nonlinear solver Newton-type methods provide a flexible and reliable framework for nonlinear problems by solving a series of linear equations. We present both a splitting and a fully coupled solver of the linearized subproblems. 5.1.1. Fully coupled Newton’s method To apply Newton’s method we linearize the system and solve in each Newton step the system: fh − Ah (un , v n ) , = 0 0 δv n+1 gh − Bh (un , v n ) Bh,u (un , v n ) Bh,v (un , v n ) 170 A0h,u (un , v n ) A0h,v (un , v n ) δun+1 (11) to obtain the Newton updates δun+1 and δv n+1 used to calculate the next iterates un+1 = un + δv n and v n+1 = v n + δv n+1 . 5.1.2. Decoupled inexact Newton’s method Next, we consider a splitting solving scheme for the linear systems defined in each Newton-step. In a typical decoupled scheme the two systems are solved 175 iteratively in separate solvers. In each Newton step the coupled system is solved by this decoupled scheme until the residual of the system fulfills a certain accuracy or a maximum of iterations is reached. 10 A standard algorithm for a decoupled Newton’s method is shown in Algorithm 1 which iterates until the approximated solution fulfills a prescribed accuracy (T OLnewton ). In this scheme we solve in each time step m with a Newton-type method the solution for the next time step (un+1 , v n+1 ) by calculating a few iterations of the decoupled subsystems. For each Newton step n the decoupled system is solved by the following fixed point iteration A0h,u (un , v n ) 0 δui+1 fh − Ah (un , v n ) = 0 0 gh − Bh (un , v n ) − Bh,v (un , v n )δui Bh,v (un , v n ) δv i+1 A0h,v (un , v n ) (12) until the Newton updates (δui+1 , δv i+1 ) fulfill the linear residual of the system (11) to an accuracy (T OLiter ). 180 A common approach to accelerate such a solution process is a Quasi-Newton iteration in which the Jacobian matrix is only approximated up to a certain accuracy. In this way the costs per Newton iteration are reduced, while the number of Newton iterations increase. A trade-off between accuracy and total costs can enable a reduction of computing time with respect to a full Newton 185 method. Such a Quasi-Newton scheme is obtained if a low accuracy (T OLiter ) or a small maximum number of fixed point iterations (M AX iter ) is chosen. Algorithm 1: Decoupled algorithm: inexact Newton scheme n=0 repeat i=0 repeat compute Newton updates (δui+1 , δv i+1 ) by solving (12) evaluate the residual resiter of the linear system (11) i=i+1 until resiter < T OLiter or i = M AX iter update the iterate un and v n by δun+1 and δv n+1 evaluate the residual resnewton of the nonlinear system (40 ) n=n+1 until resnewton < T OLnewton 11 This decoupled method is compared to the fully coupled Newton method for different parameters in numerical tests of section 6.3.1. 5.2. Multigrid scheme 190 In this section we introduce a multilevel preconditioner which can cope with the strong coupling between PDE and ODEs. Such a coupling arises in the solver of the linear subsystems if the fully coupled Newton method is used instead of a splitting scheme. Coupled problems are commonly preconditioned by block preconditioning approaches, e.g. by simple block diagonal methods 195 or a preconditioning of the Schur complement [20]. We will not use a block preconditioning approach because of the small dimension of the ODE part but instead set up a coupled preconditioner based on the linear multigrid method. In fact, it is well known [21, 8] that the most efficient preconditioner for the PDE block is a multilevel preconditioner. In general the number of iterations of the preconditioned linear solver is independent of the mesh refinement. We compare this approach to the previously described decoupled solving scheme in Figure 2. We consider a hierarchy of meshes {Tl }0≤l≤L , where the index 0 denotes the root mesh, i.e. the coarsest mesh from which all other meshes are derived by refinement. In this section we use the following notation for the system matrix of (11) A0,l h,u Kl := 0 Bh,u A0,l h,v 0 Bh,v (13) where the index l indicates the grid refinement level. Note, that we do not use 0 the notation with superscript l in the blocks of the ODE part. In fact, Bh,v does 200 0 not depend on mesh level, while Bh,u does depend on the mesh level through the coupling term u ˜h on the cell boundary, but we use the following approximation: To reduce the computational costs, and simplify the implementation, the coupling ODE/PDE block is calculated at each level with the term u ˜h computed at the finest level. In this way the whole ODE part does not depend on the 205 refinement level l. We have observed that this modification does not influence 12 considerably the performance of the multilevel algorithm. The multigrid scheme is used as a preconditioner for a Krylov method applied to the system matrix Kl . We use a generalized minimal residual (GMRES) 210 method because of the asymmetry of the system matrix, but a different Krylov method as, e.g., the BiCG or BiCGStab would also be appropriate for our purpose. We show numerically in section 6.3.1 that the efficiency of the preconditioner is independent of the mesh size. The work presented here is based for the PDE 215 part on previous work by Janssen and Kanschat [22], while for the coupling PDE/ODE we present some new results. 5.2.1. Transfer operators For the transfer operators we use the following notation Rll−1 : Vl → Vl−1 (restriction), Pll−1 : Vl−1 → Vl (prolongation). (14) The restriction and prolongation operators act only on the PDE part, i.e. the finite element discretization, while the ODE part is transferred by the identity in both directions. The restriction and prolongation for the PDE part are implemented as intergrid transfers induced by the natural embedding of hierarchical meshes [22]. In matrix notation the restriction of the whole residual is given by application of the operator Rl−1 l 0 0 I , (15) where I ∈ Rn×n denotes the identity matrix of the ODE part. The prolongation of the whole residual is defined analogously. 13 220 5.2.2. Smoother In case of strong coupled problems a common strategy for the smoothing process is to consider the full coupling only at the coarsest level and to smooth the two parts separately (decoupled) on the finer levels. Since in our case the ODE part is small in comparison with the PDE one, 225 we expect that the marginally more expensive smoothing of the whole coupled system at all levels would be efficient given the strong coupling. Therefore, we compare the two strategies of (1) smoothing the whole system or (2) smoothing only the PDE part. For this comparison every efficient smoother would be appropriate, we have chosen the incomplete LU factorization (ILU). The two 230 smoother are denoted S1 and S2 : S1 : Incomplete factorization (ILU) of the whole matrix Kl (13); S2 : incomplete factorization (ILU) of the PDE block as part of a Block Gauss Seidel scheme. 6. Numerical Results 235 In this section, we make a comparison between the different numerical schemes presented in the previous section. The following computations were performed using the C++ library deal.II, see Bangerth et al. [23], with the UMFPACK library applied as direct solver on the coarse grid level [24]. Further implementation details can be found in [25]. 240 6.1. Model Exemplary, we focus on a model for signaling of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) between T cells in the lymph node presented by Busse et al. [5]. Interleukin concentrations in the intercellular area regulate the type and strength of the immune response. The model consists of a reaction-diffusion equation describing the 245 distribution of IL-2 between the T cells in the intercellular area Ω coupled with ODEs for the intracellular processes by a Robin boundary condition. We use the following notation: 14 • u(t, s) : [0, T ] × Ω → R describes the concentration of IL-2 in the intercellular area. 250 • Ri (t), Ci (t) and Ei (t) : [0, T ] → R describe the number of IL-2 receptors (IL-2R), built IL-2/IL-2R receptor-complexes and internalized complexes for each of the simulated T cells. The receptors are distributed homogeneously on the cell surfaces. The mathematical model consists of a PDE ∂t u(t, x) = D∆u(t, x) − kd u(t, x) for all (t, x) in (0, T ] × Ω, D∂n u(t, s) = qi (t, s) − kon Ri (t)u(t, s) + kof f Ci (t) ∂n u(t, x) = 0 for all (t, s) in (0, T ] × Γi , for all (t, x) in (0, T ] × Γout , (16a) coupled with three ODEs for each T cell ∂t Ri (t) = wi0 + wi1 Ci (t)3 − kon Ri (t)e ui (t) K 3 + Ci (t)3 − kiR Ri (t) + kof f Ci (t) + krec Ei (t) for all cells i = 1, . . . , Nc , ∂t Ci (t) = kon Ri (t)e ui (t) − (kof f + kiB )Ci (t), ∂t Ei (t) = kiB Ci (t) − (krec + kdeg )Ei (t), R u(t, s) ds , u ˜i (t) = Γi |Γi | (16b) for given initial conditions u(0), Ri (0), Ci (0) and Ei (0) for all cells i ≤ Nc . The 255 used parameters are described in Table 4. Details about the biological processes, parameters and initial values are presented in [5]. We consider two cell types which share the same receptor dynamics but differ in the IL-2 secretion rate: • Secreting T cells, which omit IL-2 with the secretion rate qi = 2500 mol/h, 260 • Responding T cells with qi = 0. 15 Remark 6.1. We evaluate this system of equations with the sensitivity analysis presented in section 4. For different numbers, size and distribution of biological cells, as well as moderate secretion rates q in the biological range, see [5], there exists a unique stationary state, thus it is possible to use a stationary solver. We obtain maximal eigenvalues λ of the sensitivity matrix such that 5 < λ < 100. Therefore, this analysis shows quantitatively that the interaction between the PDE and the ODE part of the system of equations is strong. We consider a test problem for the numerical computations of eight cells equidistantly distributed in a 3D environment. The configuration is displayed in Figure 265 1: the responding T cells are in white and the secreting T cell is highlighted. For this test problem a unique stationary state exists and we obtain a maximal eigenvalue of the sensitivity matrix λ = 8.88 which indicates a strong coupling between the PDE and the ODE part. 6.2. Multigrid preconditioner 270 We compare the different smoothers S1 and S2 in a series of numerical tests for a stationary solver of system (16a), such that the comparison is not influenced by a time stepping scheme. We compute the number of GMRES steps over all newton steps (Σn) and the average reduction rate (r) of the residual in each GMRES step. We proceed with the Newton scheme until an accuracy of 10−6 is 275 reached. Since the number of Newton steps only depends on the coupling, the nonlinearity of the equation and the accuracy of the solver, it is independent of the grid refinement. Each of the Newton steps is solved for an accuracy of 10−11 . We refine the grid globally until the finest grid with 885673 degrees of free- 280 dom compared to 367 on the coarse grid for the PDE part. Additionally 24 degrees of freedom of the ODE part are coupled to the PDE part. We set in both smoothers the number of iterations to three. This parameter does not 16 influences our comparison. Next we apply the two smoothers S1 and S2 in the multilevel scheme. Hence, we compare two main approaches: smoothing only the PDE part or smoothing the whole matrix. Since the coupling between the Table 1: Reduction rates of different preconditioners MG-S1 (ILU) MG-S2 (Bl.-ILU) L log10 r Σs log10 r Σs 2 2.00 46 1.41 69 3 1.92 51 1.27 77 4 1.85 54 1.21 81 5 1.81 54 1.15 84 Notation: Σs GMRES iterations in all Newton steps r average reduction rate L refinement level 285 PDE and the ODE part in the system is strong, we expect that a good smoother acting on the coupled system works better. In fact, it can be observed that the coupled ILU smoother S1 is 35% more effective than S2 with much higher reduction rates. Therefore we choose to apply the smoother S1 in the following 290 sections. 6.3. Comparison of coupled and decoupled schemes In this section we compare the described coupled and decoupled scheme in different test cases. Hence the two approaches are: • a Newton-type method in which the linearized coupled system (11) is 295 solved by a GMRES solver preconditioned by the multigrid method described in section 5.2 with smoother S1 , • a Newton-type method in which the linearized system is solved in a decoupled manner by a fixed point iteration defined by the system (12). The PDE block is solved by a GMRES solver preconditioned by a multigrid 300 method following the implementation of [22]. The solver of choice for the symmetric part would be the conjugate gradient method (CG), but 17 we use instead the GMRES method for a direct comparison. Nevertheless, we have observed that, in combination with the preconditioner, both solvers have similar performance. 305 To make the schemes comparable we use a Newton-type method with the same accuracy of the GMRES solver of T OLiter = 10−11 for both linearized systems. In this way the number of Newton steps to solve the nonlinear problem is independent of the approach and we can compare the total number of GMRES steps to solve for an accuracy of T OLnewton = 10−6 . Figure 2: Schematic representation of the considered coupled and uncoupled schemes (a) coupled scheme (b) decoupled scheme Newton-method Newton-method ↓ ↓ Krylov-solver Fixed point iteration ↓ . Multigrid-preconditioner Direct solver & Krylov-solver ↓ ↓ Smoother S1 Multigrid-preconditioner ↓ PDE Smoother 310 6.3.1. Stationary solver We compare the two solvers to compute the steady state solution of the system (16a). The tests comprehend simulations with biological parameters that correspond to strong coupling and simulations with artificial parameters which correspond to a weakly coupled system. 315 • In the simulations with biological parameters the maximal value of the eigenvalues of the sensitivity matrix is λ = 8.88. We expect thus a strong PDE/ODE coupling and hence that the decoupled approach is far less effective than the coupled one. 18 • A weakly coupled test case is created artificially by increasing the parame320 ter kd from 0.1 to 1000. The consequent increment of the degradation of u diminishes the influence of the uptake of the cells which depends directly on the components of v. Thus the PDE part is ‘decoupled’ from the ODE part: the sensitivity analysis yields a maximal eigenvalue of λ = 0.01, which indicates that the coupling is very weak. 325 In Table 2 we compare the number of Newton steps (n) and the number of total GMRES iterations (Σs) needed to obtain a solution of accuracy (T OLnewton ). In each Newton step the decoupled scheme described in Algorithm 1 is iterated until a residual resiter < T OLiter is reached without a given maximum for the number of fixed point iterations M AX iter . The aver- 330 age GMRES iterations per Newton step is denoted by s¯ and the sum over all GMRES steps by Σs. We globally refine the coarse grid three times up to a number of 114929 degrees of freedom. Table 2: Coupled vs decoupled solver biological problem λ = 8.88 L n decoupled s¯ Σs n coupled s¯ Σs modified problem λ = 0.01 n decoupled s¯ Σs coupled n s¯ Σs 2 7 748 5236 7 6.6 46 3 11 33 3 7 3 7 921 6444 7 7.3 51 3 11 33 3 7 4 7 957 6699 7 7.7 54 3 11.7 35 3 7 Notation: Σs GMRES iterations during all Newton steps n Newton steps s¯ average GMRES iterations per Newton step L refinement level λ largest eigenvalue of the sensitivity matrices 21 21 21 The results show that the number of Newton steps is independent of the used solving approach due to the high accuracy of the Jacobian, which in the 335 decoupled method is obtained using a small T OLiter . This accuracy comes at great cost for the decoupled solver, the sum of GMRES iterations is significantly higher (by a factor of more than 100) for the strong coupled biological problem. The coupled solving scheme is very efficient both for the strong and 19 weak coupled problem. The multigrid preconditioner of the coupled scheme 340 reduces the number of GMRES iterations even in the strong coupled problem to around seven. The decoupled approach is more competitive for the weak coupled problem, though the coupled solver is still 40% faster. 6.3.2. Non-stationary solver Instead of applying a stationary solver we solve in this section the time- 345 dependent system (4) until a stationary solution is reached (20 hours using a dimensional time variable). In each time step a coupled non-linear system has to be solved. In contrast to the stationary case, the strength of the coupling is reduced when using small time steps. We choose the maximum number of fixed point iterations in each Newton 350 step (M AX iter ) between one and four and compare the fully coupled Newton method to the decoupled Quasi-Newton scheme. Table 3: Decoupled and coupled solving of the non-stationary problem M AX iter decoupled ∆t = 0.1 Σn Σs ∆t = 0.01 Σn Σs 1 2 3 4 1393 3375 5566 14016 754 3792 3395 15217 547 4363 2880 21153 448 4775 2871 23658 coupled 356 1799 2868 11299 Notation: Σn Newton steps in all time steps Σs Krylow iterations in all Newton steps M AX iter maximum of iterations per Newton step In Table 3 we report the number of computed newton steps (Σn) and the number of computed GMRES steps (Σs) over all time steps. The results are listed for computations on a once refined spatial grid (2189 degrees of freedom) 355 with 200 (∆t = 0.1) or 2000 (∆t = 0.01) time steps. A higher maximal number of fixed point iterations per Newton step increases the accuracy of the linear solver and thus reduces the number of Newton steps. The decoupled solving scheme with a maximum of four fixed point iterations re20 sult in near the same number of Newton steps compared to the coupled solving 360 scheme but with more than twice the number of computed GMRES steps. Nevertheless, it can be observed that the number of total GMRES steps decreases with a reduced number of allowed fixed point iterations per Newton step. Thus more than one fixed point iteration per Newton step should be avoided, if the Quasi-Newton method is still converging (this condition cannot be asserted a 365 priori). As already remarked, the effectiveness of the decoupled solver depends on the strength of the coupling and thus on the size of the time step. In fact for time steps ∆t = 0.1 the coupled solver needs around half of the iterations of the decoupled solver, while for smaller time steps (∆t = 0.01) the iterations of 370 the coupled solver are reduced by 20% compared to the decoupled solver with M AX iter = 1. Remark 6.2. The use of a higher order time scheme, e.g. the Crank-Nicolson scheme, allows for larger time steps, and hence leads to a stronger coupling during the time integration. Since the coupled solving method is more effective 375 (even for small time steps) in the implicit Euler scheme, it works even better in a higher order scheme. 7. Conclusion and Outlook In this paper, we considered a coupled nonlinear system consisting of a parabolic partial differential equation and many ordinary differential equations, 380 which emerges e.g. in systems biology by modeling intercellular signaling pathways. We presented the numerical treatment for an application in immunology: the dynamics of cytokine (Interleukine-2) signaling between different types of T cells in the lymph node, an intercellular signaling pathway which controls the immune response. 385 The presented methods are valid for a larger class of signaling pathways involving more diffusing signaling molecules and more chemical interactions be- 21 tween them or for intracellular signaling pathways like in [6] or for other applications modeled by systems of coupled PDE/ODE. In this paper, we showed in a systematic way a numerical comparison be390 tween coupled and decoupled approaches for a class of models which special structure (coupled PDE/ODE system) could be effectively exploited. For numerical tests a subproblem of eight T cells was considered. Moreover, we used a sensitivity analysis and its numerical implementation to study the coupling/decoupling strategy. This approach, applied to the model for Interleukin-2 395 signaling, indicated that a coupling strategy is better suited for a biologically relevant range of model parameters. We implemented a solution method based on a Newton-type solver with a multigrid preconditioner and showed that the coupling strategy used for all levels of the multigrid is advantageous. Depending on the time step length, up to around 50% of the computing time is saved by a 400 reduction of the linear solver iterations. We remark that discretizations consisting of globally refined space and time grids have been used for the computations in this publication. As final comment, we indicate a possible strategy for reducing the computation time additionally by using local mesh refinement both in space and time. Different time grids for 405 the PDE and the ODE part allow, depending on the strength of the coupling, to decrease the number of time steps for the computationally expensive PDE part of the model. The essential question is how to choose the two time grids without decreasing the overall convergence rate of the method. An a posteriori error estimator for the errors of the PDE and ODE discretization is necessary 410 to reach a certain accuracy efficiently by iterative adaptive refinement. The use of a refinement strategy based on such an error estimator allows to control the two time grids separately and obtain an optimal time discretization for both parts of the system. The complex realization of such a method goes beyond the scope of this paper and is subject of our current research. 415 22 Parameters Table 4: Biological Parameters, see [5] Symbol Value Parameter qi D kd wi0 wi1 K kon kof f kiR kiC krec kdeg r d 0 − 22000 mol./cell/h 36000 µm2 /h 0,1/h 150 mol./cell/h 3000 mol./cell/h 1000 mol./cell 111,6 /nM/h 0,83/h 0,64/h 1,7/h 9/h 5/h 5µm 5µm IL-2 secretion rate Diffusion coefficient of IL-2 Extracellular IL-2 degradation Antigen stimulated IL-2 receptor expression rate Feedback induced IL-2 receptor expression rate Half-saturation constant of feedback expression IL-2 association rate constant to IL-2 receptors IL-2 dissociation rate constant from IL-2 receptors Internalization rate constant of IL-2 receptors Internalization rate constant of receptor complexes Recycling rate constant of IL-2 receptors Endosomal degradation constant IL-2 receptors Cell radius Cell to cell distance Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. Thomas H¨ofer, DKFZ & BioQuant Heidelberg, for his support, for fruitful discussions and provisioning this concrete 420 application in immunology. 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