Pte Zac Robinson Edition 1185 March 20, 2008 AFGHAN ROLE FOR GUNNERS The Taliban will be in the sights of 15 gunners from 8/12 Mdm Regt who will deploy to Afghanistan with the British task force. It will be the first time since 1971 that artillerymen have manned a gun line on operations. Report Page 3 Boot change Soldiers will have more choice on how they march into combat with the CA issuing an interim combat boot policy. The policy authorises soldiers to purchase and wear four types of nonissue boots. Of the boots shown here, the soldier on the left is wearing the standard issue boot while the soldier on the right is lacing on a pair of Altama Desert Boots. Photo by Cpl Michael Davis P2 Army March 20, 2008 2 NEWS Fresh boot policy By Cpl Mike McSweeney SOLDIERS will have more choice on how they march into combat with the CA issuing an interim combat boot policy. The policy authorises soldiers to purchase and wear four types of non-issue boots. “The CA has released this policy to provide soldiers with a greater range of choice when on exercise or operations. In barracks we’ll continue to wear the Terra boot,” Col Andrew Bottrell, Director Logistics – Army, said. The four endorsed boots are the Altama 4158 3LC Hot Weather; Belleville M590 Hot Weather; Bates 30501 Durashock Desert; and Crossfire Peacekeeper Plus. Col Bottrell said Land Engineering Agency was assessing non-issue boots against a wide range of criteria, ensuring they at least met the same specifications as the current in-service boot, and that more boots could be added to the initial list. From June 2, only issued boots or endorsed boots will be authorised for wear. If non-issued boots need replacing in the field, they will be replaced with the current inservice boot. The interim policy will be in place until the next generation of combat footwear is introduced, which is unlikely to be known before mid to late 2009. CA Lt-Gen Peter Leahy said the majority of soldiers were satisfied with the in-service boot, which has seen five versions developed from user feedback and advances in technology since it was introduced in 1999. He said Army was operating in a wide variety of geographic and climatic conditions which were THE CHOICES Soldiers can wear the in-service boot or choose to buy one of the following non-issue boots: Altama 4158 3LC Hot Weather; Belleville M590 Hot Weather; Bates 30501 Durashock Desert; and Crossfire Peacekeeper Plus. THE POLICY Stepping out: The Australian standard issue combat boot and the Altama Desert Boot. Photo by Cpl Michael Davis not envisaged when the requirements for the current in-service boot were stated. It is clear that one boot cannot meet the requirements of all soldiers or be suitable for desert, tropical, temperate and cold weather wear. The CA said the Zamberlan extreme cold weather boot was performing well. To ensure the proper fitting of the in-service boot, he had directed that a boot fitting specialist be permanently posted to Army point-of-entry Q-stores. Col Bottrell said in addition to an independent Combat Boot New Deputy Chief of Army appointed MAJ-GEN David Morrison has taken up the role of Deputy Chief of Army. His predecessor, Maj-Gen John Cantwell, has been appointed as the senior military member of the Defence White Paper team and will head the force structure and engagement elements of the project. Maj-Gen Cantwell had held tenure as DCA since January 2007. Maj-Gen Morrison most recently was Head of Military Strategic Commitments. Review, soldiers’ feedback to the CA had influenced the interim policy. “The views of soldiers have played a role in shaping the policy and they’ll continue to shape the views for the new boot as well,” Col Bottrell said. “AHQ will develop the user requirements for the replacement boot in the later part of this year.” He said it would take into consideration the variety of environments Australian soldiers operated in now and could be expected to operate in the future. It was yet to be determined whether the recommendations to the Defence Materiel Organisation would be for one boot or a range of boots. Lt-Gen Leahy said COs were to ensure that those personnel who elected to purchase their own combat footwear completed a questionnaire on the Speak to the Chief website. The feedback from this questionnaire would be used to inform development of the next generation combat footwear. » Soldiers or commanders who wish to have additional boots added to the list of endorsed boots should contact the SO2 Clothing, AHQ, on (02) 6265 2051. Soldiers who choose to wear non-issue boots must buy them themselves. Boots must be from the endorsed list. More boots can be nominated by phoning (02) 6265 2051. Boot must be similar colour to in-service boot. No black-coloured boots unless serving on TAG duties. Non-issue boots for exercises and operations only. Soldiers are to wear the in-service boot in barracks or when directed by their CO when wearing Dress Order Numbers 4A, 5B and MP5. If non-issued boots need replacing in the field, they will be replaced with the issue boot. Members are still entitled to be issued medically indicated non-standard footwear. All footwear relating to trades and personnel in Army Aviation will need to comply with safety guidelines in relation to foreign object damage and possible flammability issues. Comd 16 Bde (Avn) will play a role in determining suitable boots for flying duties that might be added to the authorised list of boots. THE IN-SERVICE BOOT The Terra Combat Boot was introduced into service in 1999 as the replacement for the General Purpose boot. Since that time, five versions have been issued, taking advantage of advancements in technology and user feedback. Army is now involved in a wide variety of geographic and climatic conditions which were not envisaged when the requirement for the in-service boot was stated. A recent, independent Combat Boot Review identified the need for a new generation combat boot, or range of boots, to meet the demands of Australian soldiers. While the Defence Materiel Organisation develops this new range, the interim policy will allow soldiers to wear non-issue boots. Ration pack trials a hot issue A PROTOTYPE hot weather ration pack is set to undergo trials in the field at Tully in Far North Queensland. The results of the trial will be used to further refine the contents of the new ration pack that is expected to enter into service later this year. The Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) is developing the ration pack that is intended to make it easier for soldiers to maintain their nutritional levels. Beef jerky and energy bars are set to revolutionise the ration pack for soldiers serving in hot climates, according to Defence Science and Personnel Minister Warren Snowdon. “We’ve found that soldiers operating in high temperatures often discard food from their ration packs because cooked, hot, meals aren’t appetising, or they’re not hungry due to the heat,” Mr Snowdon said. “This can mean soldiers don’t eat enough to meet their energy requirements. “While the current ration packs serve the Army extremely well, Face of Army The Soldiers’ Newspaper Director Rod Horan: (02) 6265 4650 Editorial Editor David Edlington: (02) 6266 7609 Deputy Editor Lt Peter Martinelli: (02) 6266 7612 Reporters: Cpl Andrew Hetherington: (02) 6266 7614 Cpl Mike McSweeney : (02) 6266 7608 Cpl Corinne Boer: (02) 6265 2427 Cpl Jane Ashby-Cliffe: (02) 6266 7606 Hugh McKenzie: (02) 6265 2151 Sports Editor Barry Rollings: (02) 6265 7219 Sydney Photographer: Bill Cunneen: 0413 302 669 Email: [email protected] NOTE: This is not a Defence domain, so include “SEC=UNCLASSIFIED” in the subject line. Fax: (02) 6265 6690 Mail: The Editor, Army, R8-LG-038, Department of Defence, Canberra ACT 2600 Website: Advertising Advertising Manager Geoff Howard: (02) 6266 7605; Mobile: 0405 310 074; Fax (02) 6265 6690 Email: [email protected] Advertising Representative Tim Asher: (07) 3332 7651; Mobile: 0414 552 667 Email: [email protected] a specialised ration pack that is even more effective in hot environments will help our soldiers undertake strenuous activity in harsh environments.” DSTO’s research has shown that sports drinks, fruit, trail mixes and savoury biscuits are some of the most popular items soldiers would like included in hot weather rations. Subscriptions (02) 6266 7607 Email: [email protected] Disclaimer Army is published fortnightly by Defence Newspapers. It is printed under contract by Capital Fine Print. The material published is selected for its interest. The views expressed in published articles are not necessarily those of Defence or Army. Every advertisement is subject to the Directorate of Defence Newspapers approval and the Directorate of Defence Newspapers may, at its discretion, refuse to accept an advertisement for publication. The Directorate of Defence Newspapers accepts no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss due to the failure of an advertisement to appear or if it appears in a form which is not in accordance with the instructions received by the Directorate of Defence Newspapers. The fact that an advertisement is accepted for publication does not mean that the product or service has the endorsement of the Department of Defence or Army. Timor task: Pte Zac Robinson, 2RAR, is serving in Timor-Leste. “It’s awesome to have been deployed so soon after finishing my training. It’s a dream come true,” he says. Photo by Cpl Rachel Ingram Army March 20, 2008 NEWS 3 Gunners target Taliban GUNNERS will deploy to Afghanistan in the first use of Australian artillerymen in their primary role since the Vietnam War. Fifteen soldiers from Darwin’s 8/12 Mdm Regt will deploy to Afghanistan as part of the UK’s Task Force Helmand to man and operate L118 Light Guns from forward operating bases within Helmand province. Australians have not manned a gun line on operations since the last batteries were withdrawn from Vietnam in November 1971. “This deployment into a complex operational environment in support of one of our longest-standing military partners is an excellent opportunity for the Royal Australian Artillery, the Australian Army and the ADF,” CA Lt-Gen Leahy said. The gunners will deploy with 7 Para Regt Royal Horse Artillery and have finished a six-month intensive work-up and training phase in the UK. “These soldiers have worked extremely hard in the preceding months and have formed a key component of Task Force Helmand’s fire support capability,” Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said. The gunners will provide fire in support of task force troops in contact with the Taliban. But it is unlikely that the L118s would be used to support Australians of the RTF, as the vast majority of Oruzgan province is out of reach of Task Force Helmand’s forward operating bases. Australian rules of engagement (ROE) will be followed in accordance with the bilateral agreement between the UK Ministry of Defence and the ADF, and are consistent with UK ROE being followed in Afghanistan. 7 Para Regt RHA traces its history back 200 years and is the only airborne light gun regiment in the British Army. It is based at Merville Barracks, Colchester, and provides artillery support for 16 Air Assault Bde. The deployment of the 8/12 Mdm Regt personnel will be followed by a similar embedding of gunners from Townsville’s 4 Fd Regt late in 2008. L118 LIGHT GUN Ammunition: 105mm HE with different fuses, smoke, illum. Range: Approx 17km, very accurate but no guided weapon capability. Background: Used by UK and similar to ADF’s L119 Hamel Gun. Differences include length of barrel, sighting system and make of ammunition. Training team to help Afghans the skills of the Afghan security forces to enable them to do the job that is currently being undertaken by coalition forces.” The Australian training team will begin operations later this year The Operational Mentor and in Oruzgan province. It will mentor Liaison Team (OMLT) program aims to develop the Afghan National and advise key commanders within an Afghan battalion, known as a Army. Kandak, in training and operations. “The introduction of this trainThe OMLTs will include highly ing team will be an important step skilled officers and senior NCOs in assisting the development of the with experience in light infantry Afghan security forces,” Defence operations, and specialists to assist Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said. the Kandak headquarters in other “The training team will develop AUSTRALIAN soldiers in Afghanistan will be training their Afghan counterparts under a new program announced by the Defence Minister in parliament. areas, such as “logistics and personnel management, force protection planning and coordinating combined operations”. The OMLT will also include a small force-protection element and protected mobility for the Australian advisers. Mr Fitzgibbon said while the OMLT commitment would not increase overall Australian troop numbers in Afghanistan, it would not detract from the missions of the RTF, SOTG, Rotary Wing Group and the Control and Reporting Centre. Gun drill: Gunners from 8/12 Mdm Regt move a 155mm howitzer into position for a fire mission during a training activity at the Mount Bundy Training Area. Fifteen gunners from the regiment have completed six months’ training with the British and will deploy to Afghanistan, where they will operate L118 Light Guns, which are similar to the ADF’s L119 Hamel Gun. Photo by AB Bradley Darvill STILL DRIVING THAT OLD CAR? VEHICLE SALARY PACKAGE INSTEAD DRIVE A NEW CAR AND SAVE DOLLAR$ IN TAX* FFER DO LIMITE Twin Headrest mounted DVD player with 7 inch screens or GPS Satellite Navigation with 3D moving maps† limited offer while stocks last, DVD player or GPS Satellite navigation can’t be claimed in conjunction with any other offer. 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Celebration: Capt Geoff Quinn and Sig Brett Cunnington cut the cake at an EWW DFSS all ranks morning tea. Photo by Capt Cameron Jamieson Photo by AC Grant Macey Special day: Tpr Clint Gordon presents arms during the Army’s 107th birthday parade in Blamey Square in Canberra on March 3. Photo by Cpl Andrew Hetherington History, tradition mould Army By Cpl Andrew Hetherington ARMY celebrated its 107th birthday in style with a parade, a service, a barbecue and a birthday cake. The service was led by Principal Chaplain Russell M u t z e l bu rg , a t B l a m ey Square, Russell, on March 3. He received the Army Banner from the Federation Guard and said prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. In his address, CA LtGen Peter Leahy asked those present to reflect on the service and sacrifice of soldiers who moulded Army into what it is today. “History and tradition are the glue that holds our organisation together. We honour our past and seek to learn from it,” Lt-Gen Leahy said. “However, today is not a day for analysis or lessons learned in the tactical sense. It is more an occasion of modest celebration and sombre reflection. “There is no such thing as a safe operational deployment, but in the case of our men and women deployed in the global war on terrorism and in the Middle East, the nature of the threat to them is grave. They face an implacable enemy.” He also reminded the gathering of the significance of the Army uniform and the place of the Army in Australian society. “None of us should ever permit routine and habit to dull the pride and sense of privilege that accompanies wearing our uniform,” he said. “Furthermore, through our fidelity to the core values of the Army – courage, teamwork and initiative – we must demonstrate that we are worthy of such public esteem. “Every one of us is a role model. Ours is not merely a job or even a career; it is a way of life.” Pte Mitchell Doorey, Federation Guard, participated in the parade and said he looked forward to the remainder of 2008 in his new job. “The Federation Guard is a new start for me this year … I enjoy the Army, so my year is always going to be good,” Pte Doorey said. “We have a few parades coming up and I’m also looking forward to doing some adventure training.” He has served 5½ years in the Army and was positive about what it had to offer him. “I love the PT and the mateship; you can’t really beat that. I like the Army life- Youngest digger: Pte Nick Reed, the youngest member of the Federation Guard, cuts the Army birthday cake with CA Lt-Gen style,” he said. Peter Leahy at the Army’s 107th Birthday Parade in Canberra on March 3. Photo by Cpl Andrew Hetherington Don’t just switch off, switch over. Unhappy with your private health insurer? Then switch to Defence Health today. Defence Health understands the Defence community and can offer you and your family great value health insurance. Switching to Defence Health couldn’t be easier. If you switch to an equivalent level of cover, we will recognise any waiting periods you have already served. Join Defence Health online at or call 1800 335 425. Army March 20, 2008 NEWS 5 13th team sets off Duty’s done By Cpl Jane Ashby-Cliffe in Baghdad FAMILIES farewelled loved ones from Secdet 13 at Darwin airport on March 7. Two platoons and a headquarters element from 7RAR, a troop from 2 Cav Regt and an MP detachment set off for a six-month deployment in Baghdad. Commander 1 Bde Brig Michael Krause said their main role was to protect our diplomats so they could help to reconstruct Iraq. “It is a dangerous mission and that is why we are sending soldiers,” Brig Krause said. “The soldiers have been very well trained for this, they have very good equipment including the ASLAVs over there, which are a magnificent vehicle and so I think they are very well prepared.” Section commander 3 Pl, 7RAR, Cpl Brent Thomson has served in the ARA for seven years and looked forward to his fourth deployment. “I feel that Secdet 13 will be the better deployment out of all deployments in the ADF at the moment,” Cpl Thomson said. Pre-deployment training started on January 4, allowing the soldiers to build on their skills and work together on combined-arms training. “We have had a good lead up period the predeployment training was not too long as some of them can be, everyone is well prepared for the deployment,” Cpl Thomson said. The 7RAR diggers are By Capt Cameron Jamieson THE 110 diggers of Secdet 12, the security detachment that protects the Australian Embassy and its staff in Baghdad, are coming home. Farewell: Cpl Brent Thomson, 7RAR, spends a moment with his girlfriend, Photo by Capt Lachlan Simond Lisa Maree Stratulatos, before leaving for Iraq. a mixture of old hands and soldiers on their first deployment. “Some senior guys come from 2 Cav Regt and the MP element, so there is quite a mixture of experience, which is good,” Cpl Thomson said. “Everyone is happy and all are keen to get over there and hit the ground running – that is what we train to do and we are just looking forward to it and to getting home after a successful mission.” His girlfriend, Lisa Maree Stratulatos, said it was not something that she wished, “but I know that this is what he wants to do so I support him and stick by him and just pray for him to come home safe and sound”. Land Engineers ATTAIN CHARTERED STATUS THROUGH PARTICIPATION ON THE LAND ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LEPDP) The LEPDP has been developed as part of the wider implementation of Army’s revised technical regulatory framework and encourages land engineers to enhance their professional development through participation on the professional development program delivered through Engineers Australia (EA). The LEPDP is open to all full time practicing four-year engineering degree qualified professional land based engineers in Army or the Army program. Professional engineers wishing to take part in the LEPDP should complete an application form, which can be downloaded from the HQTC-A website and fax or mail the application to the contact address below for approval. HQTC-A LEPDP intranet address: LEPDP. Go to Training Operations For further information on the Land Engineer Professional Development Program contact: Phillip Nelson LEPDP Manager HQTC-A Victoria Barracks Paddington NSW 2021 Tel: 02 9339 2446; Fax: 02 9339 2462 Mobile: 0416 030 844 Email: [email protected] With over 500 close personal protection tasks within Baghdad’s International Zone, about 100 runs outside the International Zone into the “Red Zone” and upward of 300 armed escort tasks under their collective belts, the soldiers are looking forward to some time off after a job well done. Secdet 12’s infantry were regularly rotated through the Embassy protection task, a job that platoon commander Lt Nathaniel Gerhardt said required a modified approach for the soldiers. “It’s a different job for an infantryman,” he said. “It’s not your typical seek out and close with the enemy task ... however the soldiers adapted well.” Cavalry Troop commander Lt Craig Malcolm said he would look back on his deployment as a privileged time. “The experiences I’ve had with the guys, the leadership development opportunities and dealing with the various things that happen on operations were all enjoyable,” he said. “The Cavalry Troop successfully completed all missions Queensland Propert roperty y es Salales assigned and maintained a good public image for the Iraqi people.” Back at Secdet 12’s main base, a key morale-boosting function was provided by two cooks, who worked tirelessly to bring a taste of home and a taste of the exotic to their busy co-workers. Caterer WO2 Shane Michelle said food was a great way to help keep up the spirits of soldiers who were away from home for many special occasions. “A birthday cake and a bit of cheer from the rest of Secdet help a lot,” he said. “We also swap rations with our coalition partners, so we can provide a wide range of food to sustain our people and maintain good relations with our allies at the same time.” OC Secdet 12 Maj Mark Neich said he was proud of his soldiers’ achievements. “Throughout their time the soldiers have been agile and robust enough to deal with any situation that confronted them,” he said. “They have also enhanced the coalition’s opinion of the ADF. They are well regarded, and when they go home they will know that they have done an excellent job of providing the Ambassador and his staff the freedom to move around Baghdad to conduct their diplomatic operations.” M A (Rick) O’Shea JP - Ex RAEME WO2 Managing Director of QPS You don’t have to be wealthy to invest....... but you do have to invest to be wealthy!! Queensland Property Sales will show you how you can use your Defence advantage to create wealth to enjoy now AND throughout your life. QPS specialises in arranging quality property investments for Military Members and understands the unique nature of your employment. We can also arrange finance and make the process easy for you, even if you are on deployment overseas!! QPS identifies median priced properties in good growth areas, close to transport links, shopping centres, schools and recreational areas. 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When you thought it couldn’t get any easier QPS will also give you a FREE Quantity Surveyors Report for your completed property with a 10 year depreciation schedule plus organise and pay for your first accountants prepared Section 15 Income Tax Withholding Variation making tax time a breeze and putting money back in your pocket sooner!! Remember the decision to do nothing will stop you from leading the life you dream of!! Call QPS today on freecall 1800 155 611 for more information.! Army March 20, 2008 6 NEWS History updated in second edition By Cpl Mike McSweeney CA Lt-Gen Peter Leahy launched the second edition of Duty First: A History of the Royal Australian Regiment at RMC on March 5. The second edition was launched in the year of the RAR’s 60th birthday, and borrows its title from the regiment’s selfless motto. Edited by David Horner and Jean Bou, the book includes two new chapters to bring the regiment’s history up to 2006. “It’s a great update on a great book,” Lt-Gen Leahy said. Duty First details the history of the Regiment from its birth in 1948. The CA said it covered “the wide spectrum of operations from peacekeeping to war fighting in various locations around the world from Africa, the Middle East, southeast Asia, to Timor and the Solomon Islands.” Lt-Gen Leahy said the new version indicated just how busy Australian infantry had been over the past few years. As an indication of how active the land force had been, 65 per cent of its members were preparing for, on, or returning from deployment, he said. “During 2006, every commanding officer of the then six battalions of the regiment served on an operation somewhere overseas with at least part of his battalion,” Lt-Gen Leahy said. “When you read the book, I ask you to think of the many young men of the regiment who are currently in harm’s way in several theatres around the world. “Think of those who have paid the supreme sacrifice and think also of those who are about to deploy. All of those men carry on a proud heritage.” » Duty First: A History of the Royal Australian Regiment is on sale at book stores and corps shops. A review is on Page 28. Best wishes: B Coy, 5RAR, parades at the birthday and farewell for those deploying to Timor-Leste. Photo by Gnr Shannon Joyce 5RAR celebrates By Cpl Jane Ashby-Cliffe 5RAR had two reasons to celebrate on March 6 when soldiers and their families farewelled those deploying to Timor-Leste and marked the unit’s second birthday since delinking from 7RAR. Platoon commander 4 Pl Lt Nicholas Andrew will lead his soldiers when the platoon deploys with 3RAR as part of Timor-Leste Battle Group 4. The platoon is the first element of B Coy 5RAR to deploy since delinking from 7RAR in 2006 and the only element to represent the battalion and the brigade in Timor-Leste. Lt Andrews said they would take Second edition: CA Lt-Gen Peter Leahy with Jean Bou who co-edited Duty First with David Horner. Photo by LAC Aaron Curran a mixed group of soldiers from new march-ins right through to veterans who had done two or three operations. “We will be the battle group QRF, and we will also be involved in patrolling and other key leadership engagements,” Lt Andrew said “During the operation we will continue to train and build our focus on our operation with the M113.” CO 5RAR Lt-Col Jake Ellwood said as a commander of people about to go on operations “you are always watching, knowing that they will do their best because they are well trained”. Celebrations began as LtCol Ellwood assisted the battal- Bronze reward for efforts By Cpl Andrew Hetherington Smart Soldier Smart Soldier is a Restricted publication that comes out three times a year. It is produced by the Centre for Army Lessons and is sent free to your unit. Smart Soldier is full of operational, training and general lessons, observations and tips. All soldiers should read Smart Soldier. If you’re not getting it, ask your chainof-command for a copy or call 03 5735 7102 to see if it is being delivered to your unit. Inside your latest issue of Smart Soldier Training on Deployment Safe Sandbagging Provides considerations and examples of training that can occur on deployment. This article covers a wide variety of tips on how to sandbag. Load Carriage DSTO and Land 125 research contribute load carriage thoughts. A summary of the most frequently recorded observations from CTC staff, on topics such as weapons and combat. Ballistic Eyewear Convoy Lessons Win your own pair of protective sunglasses. Check this article to see how. Firing from a Vehicle CTC - Training Trends Coalition lessons are provided in this article. It also includes convoy planning considerations in a vue tue style format. a team of 20 Americans, A CAPTAIN who was embedwhere our daily ded with US forces in Iraq has responsibilities been awarded a Bronze Star for were analysing his contribution to fighting the IED threats threat of IEDs. and providing Capt Daniel Graham, HQJOC, advice to units,” served with Task Force Troy, the Capt Graham multi-national counter-IED task said. Awarded: Capt force based at Camp Victory in “Personally Daniel Graham. Baghdad. and profession“I was a part of their counally I achieved a lot, as I hadn’t ter-IED effort and worked with worked in this area before and it NXekX^i\Xk_fd\cfXe6 KXb\pflig`Zb% Jk%>\fi^\_XjX^i\XkiXe^\f]_fd\cfXej#jfk_\i\¼j fe\k_Xk¼ji`^_k]fipfl1 LEf;\gfj`k?fd\CfXe L=fi\`^e:lii\eZp?fd\CfXej LGfik]fc`f?fd\CfXej L9lj`e\jjFne\i¼jCfXeGXZbX^\ LI\cfZXk`feCfXej LJ\e`fij8ZZ\jjCfXej L=`o\[IXk\?fd\CfXe L9Xj`Z?fd\CfXe :XccpfliDfik^X^\:fee\ZkDfY`c\C\e[\i DXib@in`ekf[Xp#fe'+(0-'+-*)fi'.*/,.-(/+% Good Idea Expo See details on the winning entry, from Coalition information has been sourced the Nth Qld Good Idea Expo 2007. to provide tips for firing from a vehicle. Dat Do Minefield was very rewarding for me to be able to apply my skills.” Capt Graham said he felt privileged to work with a highly professional group of soldiers deployed in such a vital role. “It was humbling to receive the award because I was very lucky to work with some of the best soldiers I have worked with in my career so far,” he said. “They all put in a lot of hard work and they were very committed to helping the units on the ground.” UNIT PLAQUES & TROPHIES Aust Army Approved Manufacturer Over 25yrs of service to Defence Quality supplier of plaques, trophies, medallions, desk name-plates, glassware, hat badges, general engraving Call John NOW Combat Tactical Challenge Crowd Control. Log-on to the Centre for Dr Palazzo provides a short history and Army Lessons intranet website and offer lessons from this Vietnam minefield. a solution. CAL intranet website: ion’s youngest soldier, Pte James Oakford, 17, to cut the battalion birthday cake. “No matter how old or new, your best unit is the one you are in and you certainly get the feeling that everyone is proud to be a part of the battalion,” Lt-Col Ellwood said. “Every day is a source of pride – I love this battalion.” To recognise its high tempo, the battalion organised a variety of fun activities for the soldiers and their families. “We need to get involved with the families and make them feel part of the team because, as far as I am concerned, they are a part of the battalion ,” Lt-Col Ellwood said. Ph: 07 3408 2444 Fax: 07 3408 2679 Jk%>\fi^\9XebC`d`k\[89E0)',,,(*'.'8=JC`Z\eZ\Ef%)+'00.%0-)+&/*-':')&'/ email: [email protected] Army March 20, 2008 NEWS 7 Drivers achieve first By Cpl Mike McSweeney NSW-based 12/16 Hunter River Lancers held the first Protected Mobility Vehicle drivers course outside of the Mounted Combat Wing, Puckapunyal, in February. Mudlark: A Bushmaster negotiates difficult terrain in the Singleton training area. XO Maj Dean Simmons said 12/16HRL – the first 2 Div unit to receive Bushmasters – conducted training with a long term view to deploy members with B Sqn, 3/4 Cav Regt. “Anyone who’s been qualified and available has gone overseas on ops,” Maj Simmons said. “By running this drivers course we’ve been able to get another pool of people who are ready to go if required.” Last year 12/16HRL had 20 members deployed on operations, included Iraq, Afghanistan and Timor-Leste. “The ones in the Middle East were PMV trained,” Maj Simmons said. “We had 11 go for 12 months with B Sqn and then we’ve had other members go with the training team as crew commanders and drivers on the PMV.” About half of the reservists who deployed to Iraq joined the ARA. Those that returned to 12/16HRL were offered CFTS for an MEAO trip later this year. Maj Simmons said the PMV course was in high demand at Mounted Combat Wing, so it was necessary for 12/16HRL to hold their own courses while they transitioned from M113s to PMV. “Our focus is to get the capability up and running in this unit and supplement the ARA when required for ops,” Maj Simmons said. “It’s taken a fair bit of work to get all of our Trade Testing Officers qualified. “Being a 2 Div unit we don’t have priority on the courses, so we’ve just been sending guys at short notice if a position hasn’t been filled.” The XO said it was a challenge to get reservists with full-time jobs away for 11 weeks to qualify as TTOs. “We’ve been very fortunate with the level of commitment these guys have shown in order to get this capability up and running.” Being the first course run outside of Puckapunyal, there were a few teething problems, some associated with the muddy conditions. “We had to change the order we did things based on environmental concerns and a lack of range space,” Maj Simmons said. “But we just had to work through that.” A combination of ARA and GRes TTOs qualified 21 students at the end of February. Maj Simmons said 12/16HRL would likely run other courses in May and September. 1800 809 308. MORE POWER TO YOU. The new, more powerful line up of Land Rovers is here. With a list of beneÞts for the Australian Defence Forces that includes 3 years/100,000kms free scheduled service, 3 years/100,000kms factory warranty, factory corporate rebates on all models, reduced new vehicle delivery cost, even free passenger compartment ßoor mats. Range Rover Vogue is available in the ultimate Supercharged V8 with 291kW petrol of power, and the reÞned and acclaimed TDV8 diesel, that delivers a huge 640Nm of torque. Range Rover Sport is also now available in Supercharged and TDV8, as well as V8 and TDV6. Discovery 3 TDV6 has a maximum torque of 440Nm, while the V6 Petrol has 160kW of power and 220kW of power for the V8 petrol. All New Freelander 2 has a choice of 3.2 litre i6 petrol engine with saloon car performance, or economical 2.2 litre TD4 turbodiesel with an exceptional 400Nm of torque. 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The anniversary took on a more significant meaning this year as a catafalque party from 8/9RAR, the custodians of the colours and traditions of 8RAR, participated in the commemorations on February 28. A large number of former serving members of 8, 9 and 8/9RAR attended the service. RSM 8/9RAR WO1 Wayne Lampard said that the soldiers and officers enjoyed the opportunity to meet the veterans. “It was really good for the diggers to hear about the previous generation and their stories,” WO1 Lampard said. The composition of the catafalque party struck a special cord with a number of the veterans at the memorial. “The catafalque party was comprised entirely of members from 1 Pl, Alpha Company,” WO1 Lampard said. “This is significant because it was 1 Pl, 8RAR that was involved in a mine incident.” On February 28, 1970 a patrol from 8RAR was caught in a minefield, resulting in eight deaths in one day. To com- memorate this, the anniversary of Long Hai was set on this date. 8/9RAR CO Lt-Col Simon Stuart said the commemorations were “important in connecting the shared history”. “It is one thing to read about an event, but to actually meet the people involved, it’s quiet different” Lt-Col Stuart said. After 10 years off the Army’s Order of Battle, 8/9RAR was re-raised in October 2007, and has started a new chapter in the RAR’s history. The establishment of 8/9RAR is a major component of the Enhanced Land Force plan and provides Army with another motorised battalion, bringing the RAR to its higher level of manning since the Vietnam War. “The re-raising of 8/9RAR is a major part of the ELF plan, and along with growth in C2, engineers and logistics, will really put 7 Bde back on the map,” Lt-Col Stuart said. The battle of Long Hai comprised a number of actions in early 1970 in the Minh Dam Secret Zone of South Vietnam. The battle saw 8RAR engaging the enemy on numerous occasions and inflicting a number of casualties. For their actions, 8RAR was awarded the Republic of Vietnam’s Gallantry Cross Unit Citation Advice: 8/9RAR RSM WO1 Wayne Lampard receives some words of wisdom with Palm on October 29, 1970. Photo by Sgt Adam McGuire from Vietnam veteran Graham Fox. * * 32 player for Xbox360 © 2008 THQ Inc. Developed by Kaos Studios. Frontlines: Fuel of War, Kaos Studios, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Microsoft, Windows, the Windows Vista Start button, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies, and ‘Games for Windows’ and the Windows Vista Start button logo are used under license from Microsoft. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA Logo, GeForce and “The Way It’s Meant to be Played” Logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. THE search is on for those people who were at the forefront of the recruiting line-ups throughout the land for the Citizen Military Forces (CMF Army) and Citizen Air Force (RAAF) in 1948 and the RAN Reserve in 1950. The Reserve Forces Day Council is preparing to publish a colour booklet commemorating that momentous occasion 60 years ago when the parttime Army, Navy and Air Force came into being after the mass reduction in forces size at the end of World War II. These men and women – the originals of 1948 and 1950 – will be specially recognised at this year’s Reserve Forces Day Parades and ceremonies scheduled for early July. Author David Cooper already has some invaluable material in the form of photographs and memories of those nostalgic times but he needs more. He can be contacted on (02) 9144 2867. Army March 20, 2008 NEWS 9 A satisfying 40 years By Cpl Andrew Hetherington MANY soldiers serve 20 years in the Army but fewer double that – Maj-Gen Jim Molan is one of the few. Over the past 40 years, Maj-Gen Molan has served as a platoon commander with the Pacific Island Regt, flown Kiowas and fought bushfires from the air. He joined the Army on January 26, 1968. “Service life and the attitude in the ’60s was so security oriented, for some reason military life attracted me. In retrospect my personality and military life have been perfectly matched,” he said. “The Army offered me an environment in which values such as trust, duty and service are real.” While he was in training at Duntroon, Maj-Gen Molan and his class mates expected to be deployed to Vietnam. “I was absolutely disappointed at not being sent to Vietnam,” he said. His first posting after Duntroon was in the unusual position as a platoon commander in the Pacific Island Regt in Papua New Guinea. “I was there three years and spent eight months of each year in the jungle, rarely speaking a word of English,” MajGen Molan said. “We made maps, built wells, provided medical assistance, local administration and frequently came across people who had never seen a white man. For a young guy ... it was a fascinating posting. PNG is an extraordinary country and the Kokoda Track was literally our close training area.” This experience with nation building was to be repeated in Indonesia, Timor, the Solomons and Iraq. Maj-Gen Molan lived for five years in Indonesia where Bahasa was the daily fare. “In our dealings with our neighbours, language is the key,” he said. The most significant influence on his professional outlook was attending the US Warfighter Battle Command Training Program in Washington State. “It taught me what we call operational art,” he said. “I learnt for the first time how to really manoeuvre troops on the battlefield and that generalship can be created.” For many years he has flown fixedwing aircraft and helicopters, which he learnt to fly during a posting to 1 Avn Regt. “I flew Kiowas for three years and I’ve flown civil helicopters in my spare time ever since,” he said. “Each Christmas I work for helicopter firms, the SES or bushfire brigades. Recently I indulged myself by buying an aeroplane – a Cessna 310 – but to afford it I have had to mortgage my children.” In his 40 years of service he has seen significant changes in the Army and its culture. “Almost every worthwhile change I think that has occurred in Army has taken place since Timor, since 1999. These changes have been extraordinary; the equipment, the attitudes created by an operational focus and after each operation our level of confidence goes up. “The ADF is far from perfect but is in the best state it has been in since the end of the Vietnam War. When the equipment that has been promised over the next 10 years is delivered, it will then be the ADF I wanted to join in 1968.” He believes he could never have found a better and more satisfying career than the Army. “It’s a career that can develop you, can allow you to serve the nation and it rewards you,” he said. Now in charge of Joint Warfighting Lessons and Concepts, he still has two main passions; how to create “generalship” and how to create a truly joint force at the operational level in the ADF. “In my view these are the two things that will most challenge the ADF in the future,” he said. Maj-Gen Molan has written a book about his experience running operations in Iraq. The book, sponsored by the Army History Committee, is expected to be available in August or September. — The choice of Service Personnel — Links with the ADF for more than 25 years Making history: Maj-Gen Jim Molan (centre) with an Australian security detail during his deployment with the Multi-National Force – Iraq. His book on his experiences in Iraq will be published this year. Think bigger with our low rate personal loans Whether you’re after a pool, a holiday or even a new Military Compensation kitchen, with a Defcredit Personal Loan you can afford to take the plunge and splash out on the finishing touches. All states, all services Protect your position NOW! Freecall - 1800 773 880 Our fully featured personal loans can offer you: • A competitive rate to keep your monthly payments lower • No early repayment fees so you can pay it off as quick as you like • Choice of repayments that won’t restrict your current lifestyle. Think bigger with our low rates. To apply, log onto visit your local Defcredit branch or call 1800 033 139. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request. DEF1240_AANN Wyatt Attorneys 903/276 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 (Next to Defence Plaza) 02 92627338 [email protected] Defence Force Credit Union Limited ABN 57 087 651 385 AFSL 234582 Army March 20, 2008 10 NEWS Tetum taps new skills “I got the opportunity to go to THE focus will soon switch from the country last December. Visit baby talk to Tetum for a 3RAR coordinator Lt-Cmdr Tamara Sloper the language school and I’m hoping appealed to her Army contacts to to continue my studies in greater interpreter. Pte Richard Neal is looking forward to the birth of his first child in the near future, after which he will deploy to Timor-Leste with other 3RAR members. Pte Neal recently had the chance to exercise his Tetum language skills when he translated for four Timor-Leste orphans who visited Australia but could not speak English. Father Chris Riley, of Youth Off the Streets, brought the youths to provide a translator for the Tetumspeaking teens, aged between 15 and 17. “3RAR came to the party,” Lt Cmdr Sloper said. Pte Neal, a graduate of the School of Languages, joined the orphans for their visit, which included a Sydney Harbour Bridge climb and a stop at Maria Regina Pre-School, Avalon Beach, NSW. He turned to languages after he suffered parachute-related injuries. depth,” he said. He said 3RAR had “a number of people doing training in Tetum in Melbourne prior to our deployment”. The visit by the orphans was arranged in conjunction with the Alola Foundation, which works to improve the lives of women and children. » Information on the Alola Foundation can be found at www. Linguistics: Pte Richard Neal, 3RAR, with some of his Timor-Leste charges and pupils of the Maria Regina Pre-School at Avalon. Photo by Bill Cunneen IN BRIEF Defcom scheme ends DEFENCE has ceased involvement with the Defcom card System. The end of Defence’s participation in the scheme took effect on February 21. ADF members and their spouses who have membership with Defcom will need to pay to maintain their membership and privileges. Defcom Pty Ltd will still continue to operate as a private scheme. Due to the proliferation of similar schemes throughout the country Defence has no current plan to introduce a replacement system. Graduation honours SCDT Catherine Quinn, UNSWR, was awarded the Sword of Honour and the Field Marshal Sir Thomas Blamey Memorial prize for exemplary conduct and performance at the graduation of the Part-Time First Appointment Course at RMC on February 23. Other award winners were: SCdt Tyson Brock, QUR, received the scholarship for the most effective leadership qualities; SCdt William Lodder, WAUR, the prize for exemplary field skills and tactical knowledge; and SCdt Noel Woollard, WAUR, the award for best physical fitness standard. 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More details about the product are contained in the PDS which you can obtain by visiting or by calling 1800 335 425 (a freecall). The product is promoted by Defence Health Limited ABN 80 008 629 481 AFSL 313890. For the complete brochure of the above programs please contact Learning Network Solutions on 02-95852304 or email [email protected] Army March 20, 2008 WORLD NEWS 11 Mountain manhunt By Cpl Corinne Boer AN airmobile operation was launched in Same and areas south-west of Dili this month to catch rebels linked with attacks on the Timorese President and Prime Minister. Timor-Leste Battle Group 3 mounted the operation to clear areas around Same. The self-declared rebel leader, former soldier Alfredo Reinado, was shot dead on February 11 during the shooting attack on President Jose Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. OC A Coy, 3RAR, Maj Andrew Barge said in the operation to find the remaining rebels, TLBG 3 had conducted vehicle checkpoints (VCPs) and foot patrols. “We were undertaking key leadership engagement which involves speaking with the local chiefs, local police and school teachers,” Maj Barge said. Same is a small village nestled among hills near some of Timor-Leste’s highest mountains. Vegetation made movement by foot difficult. “The biggest challenge we face is the terrain and the effects of terrain on military operations,” Maj Barge said. “Foot movement is extremely hard, covering short distances of even a couple of kilometres can take hours. The rugged terrain also makes communicating a continuous challenge.” The mountainous terrain, dense vegetation and poor roads also made logistics an issue. “We can only move supply by helicopter as it often can’t get there by road,” Maj Barge said. Despite the increased presence of troops in the area, the reception from the locals to the International Stabilisation Force (ISF) has been positive. TIMELINE Feb 25: Composite 2RAR-3RAR company deploys. Feb 25-28: VCPs, key leadership engagement and township patrols conducted. Feb 28: Transition to a clearance operation. Feb 29-Mar 2: Previous operation resumes with focus on new areas. “This region of Timor-Leste is extremely isolated,” Maj Barge said. “In many places the locals weren’t even aware that something had gone on in Dili and we were the first to tell them the news.” In some areas the reception was a little cold, however. Maj Barge said the reaction arose from the villagers’ fears of what the ISF was there to do. “They thought we came to take their single television away,” he said. “Once we engage with them and tell them what we’re actually here for they’re all right.” Most of the patrols were accompanied by an interpreter. Some have served with the ADF since 2002, and some members of the ISF also had a good command of Tetum. Section commander Cpl John Hockley was based in Alas to conduct VCPs to control movement. “It’s been pretty quiet. For a few days we were running VCPs with only a section,” Cpl Hockley said. “The troops have been going well out here and morale is still high but it’ll be good to get back to the Forward Operating Base to have a break and a shower.” Hearts and minds: Pte David Novelli poses with kids in Alas at the end of the operation to clear the area around Same in Timor-Leste. Photo by Cpl Corinne Boer SAVE TIME AND MONEY Regional Manager Southern Vivien Allen SAVE TIME AND MONEY Whatever you need to borrow for, we can help you get it – a new car, a home entertainment system, a computer, or just a loan to get you through a high debt period. What’s Special about a Loan from ADCU? We’ve been lending to members of the Defence community since 1959, so we understand you needs. 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Australian Defence Credit Union ABN 48 087 749 741 AFSL 237 988 Army March 20, 2008 12 WORLD NEWS Kick the bucket to stay well By Cpl Corinne Boer tracting the virus when they are in towns communities not out bush or in the ADF personnel serving in tropical and field,” he said. countries should kick the bucket to “They breed in containers like buckets reduce the risk of dengue fever. and tyres and are active during the day Environmental Health Officer in Timor-Leste Capt Tim Hayden recommends bringing back unit dry days, a practice that was common during the Vietnam era. “It involves soldiers walking around the unit and kicking over the containers with water where the mosquito breeds and breaking it’s life cycle,” he said. Dengue fever is endemic throughout Timor-Leste and is a real threat to ADF personnel serving in tropical countries including the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Symptoms include fever, headaches with pain behind the eyes, joint and muscular pain, and a sunburn-like rash. “The virus is spread through a specific mosquito called the Aedes aegypti more commonly known as the Dengue mosquito,” Capt Hayden said. “Acedes albopictus is another mosquito which can carry the virus but is not as common”. Capt Hayden said the dengue mosquito had different habits to other mosquitoes. “It likes to live around humans and it’s found in urban areas so people are con- not at night.” Dengue fever is not like malaria where medication like Doxycycline is available as a preventive measure. The disease is viral, so the only way to prevent it is to apply personal protective measures like insect repellent and wearing cams dipped in peregin. “Soldiers should also try the Army repellent – it’s effective and it’s free,” Capt Hayden said. The Army repellent contains 35 per cent DEET, just enough to keep mosquitoes away. The issue repellent is an oily gel designed to stay on the skin. The repellent is not toxic. Cams should be dipped in peregin solution once a month or every four cold washes. Australia is not the only country to dip uniforms. It is common practice in America and many European nations. Cams dipped in peregin do not smell when dry and do not cause rashes. FUGLIES only $45 delivered Mozzie alert: Cpl Megan Lavis checks mosquito larvae samples at Camp Phoenix (above) while Sgt Ian Myles analyses mosquito larvae found at bases around Dili. (left). COMBATING DENGUE: POINTS TO REMEMBER Made to fit your fugly head Australian designed eye protection for the ADF Polarized fuglies – Polarized, grey smoked, UV 400, heavy gauge 1.1mm acrylic lenses. Fuglies logo on outside arm (as pictured). ADF fuglies – Ballistic (40 m/s), grey smoked, UV 400, anti-fog, polycarbonate lenses. Fuglies logo discreetly placed on inside arm. Both models include: impact resistant, lightweight, matt black polycarbonate wraparound frames, with durable steel screwed hinges; detachable, adjustable, elasticised strap with pivoting side mount; soft foam rubber, vented, non-slip eyepiece inserts. Fuglies float on water and comply with ASODs. Discounts available to unit DPRI stores. Send $45 cash, cheque or money order to S. Linane, 211 Talbot St Sth, Ballarat VIC 3350. Sole Supplier of ADF Fuglies. For internet banking transfers or credit card payments email order to [email protected] Each soldier must ensure that cams are fully dried before they are worn. If the solvent has not evaporated the skin can react. Cover up even during the day. Soldiers wearing PT gear must ensure repellent is applied to exposed skin. Commanders must ensure their soldiers know about the disease and how it is spread. Photos by Cpl Corinne Boer Doxycycline tablets do not stop dengue fever. Projects build ties By Capt Christopher Linden month, amid crowds of interested local people. AUSTRALIAN soldiers have paid Lt-Col Websdane said the for a park in an Iraqi city where positive reception during this visit smiles have replaced grenades as indicated the province’s improving greetings. security situation. Local contractors built the “These projects have been pospark and a school building in Ash sible because the Mayor and the Shatrah, the second largest city in people of Ash Shatrah have worked Dhi Qar province. with the Iraqi Security Forces to Ash Shatrah was not always so make the community safe,” Lt-Col receptive to the coalition. When Websdane said. Australians visited the town in mid“There was construction 2007, insurgents attacked them with throughout the city, which indicates small-arms and rocket propelled a growing economy and better prosgrenades. pects for these people.” CO OBG (W) 4 Lt-Col Chris The construction was completed Websdane and Ash Shatrah’s Mayor, with coalition forces and Australian Mr Hussain Aziz Chalab, officially Civil Military Cooperation money. opened the park and the new buildThe project injected about $375,000 into the local economy. ing in the Al Lathiqah school last Mr Hussain thanked the Australian forces of OBG (W) 3 and 4 for their ongoing support. “[The Australians] have provided the Ash Shatrah community with three schools and a playground,” he said. Al Lathiqah and a girl’s school have been completed, and a third is half finished. “The people of Ash Shatrah consider the Australian forces as friends whose main purpose is [to assist] construction,” Mr Hussain said. Diggers from the battlegroup’s Combat Team Heeler provided security during the visit, alongside members of the Iraqi Security Forces. Ash Shatrah in northern Dhi Qar has about 400,000 residents. SAVE TIME AND MONEY Combine your debts into one simple repayment APPLY ONLINE - WWW . ADCU . COM . AU - APPLY BY PHONE - 1300 13 23 28 OR VISIT YOUR LOCAL BRANCH Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply and are available on application. Australian Defence Credit Union ABN 48 087 749 741 AFSL 237 988 Army March 20, 2008 WORLD NEWS 13 Hopeful in Honiara Progress: Lt Stuart Nicholls and Cpl Luke Bentley (above left) move forward during a perimeter patrol around the palm-oil plantation at Mbalisuna, while Pte Jim Morrison greets some local children (above). Cpl Mike McSweeney tracks the progress of West Australian, Tasmanian and South Australian reservists deployed with the multinational Op Anode task force in the Solomon Islands. Photos by LAC Guy Young. You can have TV on the go with Bigpond TV ADF Mobile, Ph: 1300787915 or ext. 6157 a CReST ‘onboard service’ HMAS Cerberus Portable skills Watchful: Pte Eamonn McGarry keeps a close eye on the Rove Prison from his observation post in Honiara. and tents for accommodation. The signallers enter the barbwire compound and say a quick g’day to their New buildings are now popping infantry mates. Their recently qualified “geek”, up everywhere since rioters razed Sig Kim Tyler, gets straight to work parts of the capital city, a sign that the Regional Assistance Mission to on the FOB’s laptops. As he taps away, a vehicle-mounted patrol is the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) is preparing to leave. working. Patrol commander Cpl Matthew With 140 soldiers providing support to an international police force, Daulby says they’ll be out for about three days, gathering “atmospherthere is still work to be done. The monsoonal downpours slow ics”. “We patrol to each of our sectors to a drip overnight and give way to to gather information about the vila brilliant blue day. lages and pass on information about Army signallers are making their way from their headquarters at the role of RAMSI,” Cpl Daulby says. Guadalcanal Beach Resort to three “We find out what the villagers Forward Operating Bases. think of us, what they think of the Troop Sgt Rod Parry, 109 Sig police, if there’s any issues stewing Sqn, explains it’s a regular occurand generally how they’re living.” rence to ensure there are no probThe soldiers say the locals are lems with the vital connection very receptive and often invite them between the bases. The first stop is Mbalisuna (pro- to stay in the village overnight. “We’ll get into a village in the nounced Bala-soon-a), about 40km to the east of Honiara. It is the heart afternoon, establish that rapport and that night we’ll take some music of the Solomon Islands’ growing export industry – palm oil and plan- along and the kids will get up and tations line the road for most of the dance – they really love it.” The soldiers enjoy interacting trip. with and helping the locals, and The soldiers use the shell of a small building for their headquarters although the vast majority of the AT the foot of Guadalcanal’s rugged, jungle-covered mountains sits Honiara. Want to get BROADBAND Internet? (Wireless/ADSL/Cable) Call us or email [email protected] Solomon Islanders are friendly, the task force cannot let its guard down. “While the threat level is low, it certainly is there and we need to be prepared to respond accordingly,” task force CO Lt-Col Stephen Coggin says. Lt-Col Coggin commands the multi-national CTF 635, which includes soldiers from New Zealand, PNG and Western Australians from 13 Bde. A handful of South Australians and Tasmanians from 9 Bde reinforce the WA reservists. “When we came in early December it was the highest tempo this operation’s had in 18 months,” Lt-Col Coggin said of the change of government in the country. The important role the reservists play in regional stability has been noted in Canberra. “They are providing excellent capability, not only in the professional and technical skills, and their ability to work with the police over there, but they’ve also got their civil skills,” says CA Lt-Gen Peter Leahy. “In that sort of environment it’s something which is making quite a bit of difference.” BECOME A QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER & START YOUR OWN BUSINESS Enrol now in our Cert IV in Bookkeeping AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES & ACCOUNTING Certificate IV in Bookkeeping allows you to become a professional independent bookkeeper. 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Unassuming off stage, Mr Williamson brought a vibrancy to the concerts that moved even the younger, mostly West Australian soldiers. “It was excellent,” Mr Williamson said. “It was a fantastic vibe.” The crowd at the final concert True blue: John Williamson (above) cranks out the classics in the Solomons was treated to the soon-to-be-recordPhotos by LAC Guy Young ed Sidey, but it was True Blue and with entertainer Jed Zarb (right). Waltzing Matilda that had them all singing along. “Tonight was just awesome,” driver Pte Dale Walker, 13CSSB, said. “I love his passion and I loved the concert.” Pte Walker said his mother used to play John Williamson’s music when he was growing up. “He’s a legend and it was good to meet him.” The entertainers met more than 100 soldiers from 13 Bde and 9 Bde, and stayed at their headquarters near Honiara. Ami Williamson said she didn’t know much about the Army before the tour but felt lucky to experience Army life first hand, including trying on protective equipment. “It’s been a great opportunity to meet the soldiers and find out what they are doing over here,” Ms Williamson said. “We’re really appreciative of what they do and they’re really appreciative of us being here.” The final concert was played on a flatbed truck with Guadalcanal beach as a backdrop. Ms Williamson showed her versatility with some opera, but had the crowd helping out with the chorus when she sang a folk version of The Angles’ Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again. Australian country music rising star Nicki Gillis, who also entertained troops in Iraq, struck a cord with her fellow West Aussies. Each of the entertainers thanked the troops, and said they enjoyed the brief look into their world. “All Aussies should be proud of them,” Mr Williamson said. Game entrants feel the pinch By Cpl Mike McSweeney PROPERTY INVESTMENT WILL SECURE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Quality selected home & land packages in high rental demand areas throughout South East Queensland All homes come ready to rent with quality inclusions & fittings such as: Stainless Steel Appliances Light Fittings Carpets & Ceramic Tiles from as little as Air-Conditioning Deal direct with the developer/builder Ceiling fans & save thousands !! Turfing Verticals Finance assistance is also available Full depreciation shedules are also Fencing supplied with every package and much more $269,000 FOR DEFENCE MEMBERS ONLY WE ARE NOW OFFERING One full years rent paid in advance “Some conditions apply” This payment is in addition to your standard rental return & will allow you to run your own rental guarantee please call us for further information or check out our web site at Phone today 1800 000 916 THEY might have been left smelling like a seal colony, but a team of soldiers savoured victory in a Friday Night Live contest in the Solomon Islands. They devoured scores of sardines as part of a series of zany challenges in the special edition of the game show that Big Brother’s Mike Goldman hosted for the soldiers and police. Following two elimination races, Army’s Team Karmen – named after medic and coach Pte Karmen Sampson – narrowly won the team event with a peg-off, placing more pegs on their faces than police team O-R-G. “I’ve been running corporate events all over Australia, but these guys really got into it and it was probably one of the most neck-and-neck challenges that we’ve ever seen,” Mike Goldman said. The television host visited the Solomon Islands as part of a Forces Entertainment group. Mr Goldman’s fiancée, Tanya Arlidge, co-hosted the event, organising the teams to fumble with coconuts and race with mouths full of biscuits. “It was all good fun tonight, it went Pegged: Pte Andrew Wright imitates a clothesline during the games. Photo by Cpl Mike McSweeney really well,” Ms Arlidge said. “Everyone had a great time, I think except for the people that ate the sardines.” Cpl Michael Peachey, 10/27RSAR, said, “I’m not a huge fan of sardines but I had to do it for the ADF.” Individual runner-up Pte Andrew Wright, 11/28RWAR, said he didn’t mind sardines, and came back to help out his mate, Pte Matthew Watters. He then won the next elimination, stuffing more marshmallows into his mouth than should be legal. “It was hard and there was some gag reflex going on but I pushed through and got there in the end,” he said. PHILLIP DAHLER ACCOUNTANT/TAX AGENT The services provided are: • Completion & Lodgement of Personal Tax Returns • Bookkeeping and General Accounting Services • Tax and Business Advice • Home and Business Loans • Completion & Lodgement of ABN applications • Completion & Lodgement of monthly and quarterly BAS statements To make a booking please contact us on; Phone: 02 4648 3910 Fax: 02 4647 7087 Email: [email protected] PO Box 437, Narellan NSW 2567 Army March 20, 2008 16 CENTREPIECE 17 Teamwork: 3RAR soldiers man a machine-gun during a platoon live-fire exercise. Watchful: Soldiers conduct dismounted vehicle drills. At his post: An engineer helps build a mock police outpost. Let’s go, let’s go: A 3RAR soldier commands his troops during an assault as part of the live-fire activity. Boom time: RTF 4 diggers fire the 84mm Carl Gustav rocket launcher during training for Afghanistan. WE’RE READY READ Y Soldiers from RTF 4 honed their skills during a mission rehearsal exercise at Queensland’s Wide Bay before their coming deployment to Afghanistan. Photographer Cpl Neil Ruskin was there to capture the action. Double protection: Troops in Bushmasters provide security at Wide Bay Training Area during the pre-deployment training. Tuned in: Cpl James Hintz mans the radio. On target: An RTF 4 mortar crew practises drills in wet conditions at Wide Bay Training Area. Army March 20, 2008 18 HISTORY OUTLINE OF OP PINNAROO Hills are alive: Soldiers from D Coy, 3RAR, move towards the Long Hai hills with APCs and Centurion tanks during Operation Pinnaroo. They are wearing flak jackets and steel helmets as protection in the heavily mined country. Photo AWM Neg. No. BRN/68/0261/VN Savage hills of Long Hai HONOUR ROLL Two Vietnam War veterans tell Cpl Andrew Hetherington their recollections of a major operation that began in February 1968. F ORTY years ago Pte Brian McKenzie and 2Lt Norm Bell risked their lives patrolling around the Long Hai hills in Phuoc Tuy province South Vietnam. The operation lasted six weeks and was named Operation Pinnaroo. In the area below the Long Hai hills Pte Brian McKenzie, a rifleman and member of 6 Pl, B Coy, 3RAR, was frequently patrolling from his base at Fire Support Base Herring. “We were situated a little distance away from the Long Hai hills and our role was purely to patrol the area to protect the base, where 161 Fd RNZ Bty was providing fire support for the operation,” Mr McKenzie said. The hills and the surrounding area contained a large underground Viet Cong base, which concealed elements of D445 Battalion, numbering 2000 soldiers. “Operation Pinnaroo was very nerve-wracking because of the mines and the enemy minefields were placed indiscriminately,” Mr McKenzie said. “They used our mines after they had lifted and redistributed them from our minefields.” To counter the threat, platoons called on Army engineering specialists to clear lanes for safe travel. “I had tremendous respect for the engineers,” Mr McKenzie said. Mines were not the only threat. On March 20, 1968, Mr McKenzie and his platoon lost one of their mates to enemy fire. “We were on a fighting patrol when our scout, Pte John ‘Dusty’ Rapp, came across a barb-wire fence obstacle,” Mr McKenzie said. “The country consisted of low but rather thick scrub, which made our vision difficult beyond a few metres. “About 1030hr Pte Rapp made a decision to cross the fence and immediately the platoon came under machine-gun fire and there was a loud explosion.” Pte Rapp died after being wounded in the neck and chest. “The fence became quite an obstacle as it prevented any movement forward and we were unable to recover our mate’s body despite attempts by our section commander and 2Lt David Morgan attempting to do so,” Mr McKenzie said. “It was at this time that 2Lt Morgan was wounded and the enemy was throwing grenades and making our recovery efforts impossible. “Also our artillery was impacting on the enemy camp’s surrounds, which was so close that shrapnel was cutting through the trees above and around us. The enemy tried to encircle or outflank us but were driven back.” The platoon called on APCs from 3 Cav Regt for assistance, but the M113s initially mistook Pte McKenzie and another soldier, Ken Mooney, as the enemy. “The .50-cal rounds impacted around us ... miraculously no harm was done. I still remember the face of As they were: 2Lt Norm Bell (above left) just before being posted to South Vietnam in 1967, and Pte Brian McKenzie holding his SLR a day before departing for Operation Pinnaroo. the very apologetic crew commander once he recognised that we were on his side,” Mr McKenzie said. Other elements of B Coy went back to the location with tanks and APCs the next day and destroyed what was a sizable enemy camp. In the Long Hai hills, 2Lt Norm Bell, commander of 1 Pl, A Coy, 3RAR, performed a different role, hunting enemy around and deep inside the underground caves. “We were there for six weeks between February and March of 1968 and most of the time my platoon provided protection to the engineers and pioneers who were clearing safe lanes to enable us to get at the entrances to the large limestone caves,” Mr Bell said. “Our aim was to get access to the caves to try to flush the enemy out, destroy their facilities and deny them future access.” The engineers and pioneers often had to enter the caves in search of the enemy. On one occasion, Mr Bell entered an extensive tunnel system concealing Viet Cong emplacements. “I went into the tunnels to see what our soldiers were dealing with and it was pretty scary,” he said. “It was claustrophobic, hot, requiring that Operation Pinnaroo was conducted in the Long Hai hills in Phuoc Tuy province of South Vietnam between February 27 and April 15, 1968. It was planned as a reconnaissance-in-force operation intending to isolate the Long Hai hills to deny the enemy use of the area. The operation also was the first time Centurion tanks from 1 Armd Regt were used on Australian task force operations in Vietnam. What the Australian soldiers did find during their dangerous task was a significant number of minefields and boobytrapped tracks. Overall Australian casualties during the six-week operation were 36 wounded and 10 dead. Operation Pinnaroo was seen as a success at the time of the Australian pull-out of the area, clearing the Long Hai hills of the large Viet Cong presence. Later, after the Vietnamese regional forces were withdrawn, Viet Cong forces returned to the area. you crawl on your hands and knees and you always had the danger you could be confronted by the enemy or a snake. He was surprised by what the pioneers had found. “One contained a workshop where the Viet Cong were sewing uniforms and they had a number of sewing machines set up,” he said. “Another had large numbers of fairly old Russian and Japanese weapons taken during the end of World War II, large numbers of explosive devices and unexploded bombs, which they would re-use to make booby-traps or roadside bombs.” He said the Viet Cong cunningly modified the tunnels so they could escape from Australian soldiers by going up or down to another level. “The tunnels then opened out into a cavern about the size of a medium size lounge room; where we found living quarters, store houses and meeting rooms. “It gave me a great appreciation of how determined and innovative our enemy was. The Vietnamese on their own soil were absolutely dedicated and prepared to fight and, in many cases, were well trained to do so.” Australians who lost their lives on service in Vietnam between February 6-April 13, 1968: Feb 8: Pte G.R. Godden, 3RAR; 2Lt L.A. Taylor, 3RAR Feb 9: Pte G.F. Mathews, 3RAR Feb 10: T/Cpl T.J. Grose, 2RAR; Pte J. Rogers, 2RAR Feb 13: Sgt G.T. Baines, 1 SAS Sqn Feb 16: Pte K.R. Wilson, 2RAR Feb 18: Pte T.J. De Vries Van Leeuwen, 3RAR; Pte J.A. Doherty, 3RAR; Spr J.E. Garrett, 1 Fd Sqn; Sgt C.W. McLachlan, 1 Fd Sqn; LBdr J.L. Menz, Det 131 Loc Bty; Spr A.G. Pattison, 1 Fd Sqn; Spr D.J. Steen, 1 Fd Sqn. Mar 1: Pte D.B. Plain, HQ 1ATF Mar 2: Pte P.J. Lyons, 2RAR Mar 20: Pte J.R. Rapp, 3RAR Mar 22: Pte K.G. Coles, 3RAR; Spr G.J. Coombs, 1 Fd Sqn; Spr V.J. Tobin, 1 Fd Sqn Mar 24: 2Lt J. Fraser, 3RAR Apr 5: S/Sgt P.J Gollagher, 1 Fd Sqn Apr 12: Spr K.R. Nicholson, 1 Fd Sqn RAE Apr 13: Pte G.R. Polglase, 3RAR The Honour Roll follows on from that published in the February 7 edition of Army. The above information has been sourced from On the Offensive: The Australian Army in the Vietnam War 1967-1968 by Ian McNeill and Ashley Ekins – the eighth volume in The Official History of Australia’s Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948-1975 (Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, 2003) DIARY ACCOUNTS To view and download Australian Army commanders diaries from the Vietnam War go to http://www. asp. To view the commanders’ diary which recorded the incident (at left) that Brian McKenzie was involved in on March 20, 1968, go to cms_images/AWM95/7/AWM95-73-59.pdf and scroll down to pages 89-92 in the document. FLEETNETWORK FOR VEHICLE SALARY PACKAGING 08 92482225 THE SPECIAL AIR SERVICE REGIMENT Special Forces Panelling Board 29 April, 2008 SAS SELECTION COURSE Starts 28 July, 2008 Application Process can be found on the DRN under Army then click Documents click Defence Instructions (Army) then choose Personnel Then search for : DI (A) 149-1 Selection for service with the Australian Special Forces Enquiries: SAS WO Selection Wing SFTC on 02 65750315 Admin procedures : SFTC Selection Clerk: 02 65750190 SFTC Website: E-mail: [email protected] Army March 20, 2008 20 TRAINING Reserves tested trans-Tasman By 2Lt Robert Bradley MONTHS of training paid off for about 120 southeast Queensland Army reservists from 11 Bde who participated in the annual exercise Tasman Reserve 2008 on New Zealand’s North Island during February. Open spaces: A 9RQR soldier patrols through the New Zealand Army’s Waiouru Training Area. Photo by 2Lt Robert Bradley Learn to operate a Dump Truck Would you like a career in Mining or Civil Construction? IMOT can train you on: •Dump Trucks •Excavators •Front End Loaders, •Graders & •Skid Steer Loaders •Construction Safety Awareness (Blue Card) Qualified Workplace Trainers & Assessors Registered Training Organisation Issuance of Nationally Recognised Certification RE SETTLEMENT TRAINING FOR THE ARMED FORCES Tel: (08) 9404 6060 — Fax: (08) 9405 8175 Email: [email protected] The right home loan could $ave you thousands Former soldier knows your situation Find us next to the Noodle Box– cnr Samford Rd & Wardell St, Enoggera Ex-solider Daren Stevens, director of Enoggera Home Loan Connexion, has a unique understanding of life as a soldier. So he and his team know how to provide you with service and products that suit your lifestyle and needs—they specialise in loans for Military personnel and you can talk to Daren outside business hours! Talk to HLC Enoggera about how correctly structuring your loans to suit your individual circumstance can save you money. Talk to HLC Enoggera about home loans, investment property loans, car and motorbike loans and almost anything else. With access to over 30 lenders we’ll help you find the loan that’s easy to manage and EXACTLY right for you. Come in today and have a chat with us about what you WANT! Ph: 3855 8122 After Hours: 0438 188 313 [email protected] The exercise, which fosters military links between Australia and New Zealand, was highlighted by a military skills competition. Working in platoons, the soldiers completed various stands around the training area. The competition placed emphasis on skills that both Australian and New Zealand soldiers will use on deployments overseas. Following the platoon competition a march and shoot was held, and the three Australian platoons performed admirably. One platoon took first place in the platoon competition and another was first in the march and shoot competition. The contingent was led by OC Maj Kardean Pittard and CSM WO2 Guy Kesby. CO 11 Bde Brig Bruce Scott visited the contingent, escorted by 9RQR RSM WO1 Ian D’Arcy. “This was a great opportunity for the Australian Army Reserve to work with NZ forces in their environment and to learn about the similarities and differences of our NZ equivalent, the Territorial Forces,” Brig Scott said. As part of the reciprocal exchange, 120 New Zealand Territorial Force soldiers deployed to Canungra Field Training Area. They experienced the close country training areas of Canungra in an exercise designed to prepare them for future deployments to the Solomon Islands. Hosted by 9RQR, the Kiwis progressed through a series of stands which tested their Infantry Minor Tactics. The exercise culminated with the Kiwis conducting a sub-unit cordon and search and using the extensive ranges in Canungra. Peak fitness, sharp tactics: 3RAR ready SOLDIERS from 3RAR h ave r e a c h e d t h e i r peak fitness levels and sharpened tactical skills through demanding training at Holsworthy. On February 6 the soldiers began what proved to be a vigorous training schedule, which continued until February 27. C Coy’s CSM, WO2 Pete Richards, said the training was designed to make the battalion’s soldiers robust and able to handle difficult situations. “They are not triathletes, but we ensure they maintain their battle fitness and the soldiers have a good level of aerobic fitness,” WO2 Richards said. The training scenarios were primarily focused on urban operations and were run as a bull-ring with each of the companies rotating through each activity. The activities consisted of a week at the range, a week of force prep training and a week on intelligence gathering. WO2 Richards said the activities taught soldiers how to deal with confrontations and gave them experience in assessing different situations. “The soldiers have been reacting to incidents which occur during patrolling, ranging from detainee handling through to searching and cordoning off a building,” he said. Intruder: Pte Chris Forte is secured and removed by (from left) Pte Lachlan Messner and Pte Matt Stephenson during a training scenario. Photo by Bill Cunneen Army March 20, 2008 TRAINING 21 French test for soldiers By Cpl Jane Ashby-Cliffe SOLDIERS from 1 Bde will take part in a multi-national exercise in New Caledonia from March 28-April 12. Forces from Australia, France, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga and Vanuatu will participate in the combined joint Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO), known as Croix Du Sud 2008. Maj Paul Carson, 1 Armd Regt 2IC, said a squadron from 1 Armd Regt and a platoon from 7RAR would be engaged in the exercise. “This will be a good chance for us to work with different nations,” Maj Carson said. “We are hoping to establish a very good working relationship with the French and later this year they will come across to Darwin to see what we do.” The scenario for Croix Du Sud 2008 involves an intervention in an unstable environment caused by opposing ethnic groups. The four-phase operation will test the French procedures to rescue, extract and withdraw the forces involving helicopter and beach assaults. ADF equipment and personnel will assist 120 French paratroopers to conduct the required training to qualify for the Australian Paratrooper Badge. On completion of the exercise, the participants will unwind with a friendly sports competition. Close observation: Lt-Col Collin Fortier, Senior Observer Trainer at CTC, joins staff in monitoring a mission rehearsal excercise from the Exercise Control Centre. Photo by Sgt Katrina Johnson CTC rates among the best By Capt Joe Nyhan AUSTRALIA’S Combat Training Centre (CTC) is world class and as good or better than any in the US, according to an American exchange officer. Lt-Col Collin Fortier will soon return to the US after an 18-month posting to the Townsville-based unit. He came to Australia soon after completing two years on operations in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division and took on the role of Senior Observer Trainer on CTC’s battle staff. Lt-Col Fortier said one of the things that impressed him most about the CTC was its recognition that the ordinary soldier was the key to success on operations and in battle. “It’s all about ... making the diggers even better at what they do,” he said. “The staff are always working to ensure the battle groups and their diggers are equipped to carry out their mission to the utmost.” Lt-Col Fortier has been through combat training centres throughout the US and Europe, but believes Australia’s CTC is at the cutting edge of preparing soldiers for operations. “We have four CTCs in the US. The Australian CTC provides world-class training and is in the top two of all CTCs I’ve seen,” he said. Lt-Col Fortier said the exchange of personnel between nations was vital to successful joint operations and the development of future leaders. “Exchanges such as this keep us connected as armies on a personal level as well as on doctrinal and training levels and I think I’ll be a better leader after working with some of the leaders here,” he said. In March, during the MRE at Wide Bay Training Area in Queensland for the fourth rotation of the Reconstruction Task Force, Lt-Col Fortier was honoured with a Land Commander’s Commendation. He expressed his admiration for Australian soldiers. “They’re open and honest and I haven’t seen one who hasn’t given it 100 per cent,” he said. Lt-Col Fortier hopes to take some “digger spirit” with him when he takes command of his own battalion later in the year. “Even in adverse situations, most Australian diggers handle things with a smile. It would be nice to inject some of that spirit back home.” A Deal Worth Recording! 20 MO % RE inc lud ed cal ls ^ • Choose a Samsung U700 or Nokia 6500 Classic handset for $01 upfront when you sign up to a $49 or $79 Optus Icon Employee Cap Plan for 24 months • Receive $360 or $660 includ ed calls** • Receive a FREE# Samsung Camcorder FREE# Ca m val cord er u $4 ed at 2 Sam s ung Camcorde r 9.0 0 Exclusive Optus Icon Employee Cap Plan offer for employees of the Department of Defence valid only till 30th April 2008 Call the hotline today on 1300 550 018 Camcorder image may vary from model received Term s and Conditions: The Optus Icon Employee Cap Plans are only available under special offers to full-time or part-time employees of an Optus approved corporate or government entity. Excludes Optus resellers, customers and contractors of those Optus approved corporate or government entities. 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Offer valid while stocks last. **Pay the first ‘cap plan’ worth of national voice calls and text, international SMS, national video calls, national MMS, VoiceMail, PTT each billing period, after which these services are free up to a maximum of the ‘included value’ per billing period. You will pay the ‘minimum cap’ amount each month even if you do not make calls to that value. For the part month, you will pay only part of the minimum spend and you will also receive only part of the Cap amount. Included value excludes some service, call and message types. VEHICLE SALARY PACKAGING AT FLEETNETWORK.COM.AU Army March 20, 2008 22 FEATURES Easy does it: Cdt Cpl Nicholas Winters, 47 ACU Loud and clear: Two NT Cadets keep the lines SA, climbs up the ropes to the top of the obstacle of communication open supervised by LCpl Jamie at the Holsworthy course Photo by Tpr Michael Franchi Akers (centre) at Robertson Barracks, in preparation for CA’s Challenge. Photo by Gnr Shannon Joyce True grit: Cdt Cpl Katilin Champion, 72 ACU NT, crawls out of the barbed wire on the obstacle course at Holsworthy Barracks. Photo by Tpr Michael Franchi Where to from here: CUO Richard Cherry, 308 ACU Vic, gives his orders to his team at the beginning of CA’s Challenge. Photo by Tpr Michael Franchi Cadets rise to CA’s challenge By Capt Ben Robinson (AAC) NOT mud, water, obstacle courses, night insertion and navigation, not weariness and fatigue nor rations on the run could stop 80 Cadets from accepting CA’s Challenge. They came from all over Australia to Holsworthy, forming up in teams of 10, each representing one of the eight Australian Army Cadet regions across the country. The only thing on their minds was winning the CA’s Challenge for their unit and their state. “It’s a prestigious award,” Cdt WO2 Travis Grundell said before the contest. “I’m expecting to be really challenged but I want to have some fun along the way.” The Cadets were required to assist in a UN Mission, beginning on March 8, conducting surveillance operations starting with a night insertion. Each section was to night navigate to an AO and from there begin operations. In the early hours of the morning the sections had to find cached rebel stores. They were then directed to a range fire activity. “It was a great opportunity to fire under the supervision of professional soldiers,” said Cdt LCpl Laura Bailey. “I really enjoyed the range activity.” Assessment of the Cadets had begun at the moment of their insertion into the challenge and they Ultimate winners: CA Lt-Gen Peter Leahy with the West Australian team which was lead by CUO Hayden Wolfgram. Photo by Tpr Michael Franchi were watched closely as they reconnoitred a ransacked food distribution centre and were given instructions that brought them, through the night, to the Holsworthy Obstacle Course. According to CUO Craig Stephens, the Obstacle Course was a highlight of the weekend. “It both pushed each of the individuals to test their limits, and also brought them together as a team as they had to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses to achieve their goals,” he said. Winners of the CA Challenge were the Western Australian team. South Queensland won the RSM-A Trophy for Drill. Presenting the awards, CA Lt- Gen Peter Leahy said he was particularly interested to see that the activity could readily fit both its military context through its realistic portrayal of Army training and wider community values in providing cadets with a valuable experience in teamwork, persistence and goal achievement. “It was impressive to see the dedication of the Cadets and the determination put in by all of the teams,” he said. “It’s important for the Army to continue to support Army Cadets as these young people are the future leaders of Australia; not only in the ADF but also in the wider community.” Army March 20, 2008 LETTERS 23 Give us more incentives HERE are some retention ideas for those government sections responsible for keeping the green greener. 1. Make a tax-free incentive for continuing service rather than tax the all-goodness out of it. 2. Push to get dependant family members to access free medical through the 1800 IMSICK resource. 3. Allow members to opt for living in or renting out their investment property when being posted into the same location as the house. 4. Introduce a national vehicle registration (maintenance standard and one fixed price) and licence scheme for members and their vehicles to stop the constant transfer from one state to another on posting. (Model it on the most stringent state requirements.) This will allow current state transport agencies to administer the scheme but the revenue will go to the Federal Government and members will have less stress because their vehicles and licences are good to go. 5. Give Defence families free child care or at a minimum 75 per cent rebate on childcare fees. (My wife and I are both serving members.) These are just some ideas that come to mind. I know that the official responses will have the doctrinal answer, but when does the discharge rate outweigh the financial expenditure to keep quality soldiers in? I believe there are sections within the system that could look at and implement these ideas, because they are the ones who keep shooting letters like this down, saying that it can’t be done for whatever reason. Help us so we can do our job without worrying about what the pay will go towards this time. Cpl Rick Turner ATW - AAvnTC Oakey, Queensland Pip Taylor, Recruitment and Retention Implementation Staff, responds: THANKS for your ideas on retention – it’s great to see some constructive suggestions, and in a lot of ways you’ve been thinking along the same lines as the people at this end. On the other hand, a couple of the suggestions just won’t fly. Here are the responses to your ideas from the relevant areas, in the order you listed them: 1. Defence does its best to minimise imposts on ADF members when introducing bonuses and allowances, and about 85 per cent of allowances paid by Defence that attract FBT are excluded from FBT reporting on members’ payment summaries. Defence pays the FBT liability in all cases, so public money is already being spent supporting ADF members. But there is an expectation that the personal income tax burden will be shared evenly, and in the end the Treasury decides which allowances will be excluded from taxation and which will not. Daddy’s back: A writer suggests that free child care might help members’ retention. Photo by Gnr Shannon Joyce 2. The current Government brought with it a commitment to extend free basic medical and dental care to spouses and children of ADF members. Right now Defence is working on options to meet this commitment, with the initial focus being on families in remote and regional areas. 3. The purpose of housing assistance is to facilitate the mobility of the ADF by providing accommodation to ADF members and their dependants in posting locations where they do not own a suitable home. Defence supports this goal by providing a range of subsidies and entitlements, and from July the new Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme will provide even greater benefits for many members. But where a member owns a suitable home in the posting location, it would not normally be considered reasonable for the Commonwealth to spend extra money, in effect, subsidising their personal investment strategy. To do so could jeopardise the concessional tax treatment the loan scheme and housing assistance currently attract. 4. Vehicle registrations and drivers’ licences are a state/territory responsibility. Defence has been discussing national standards with the relevant authorities in each state, but depends on the states and territories reaching their own agreement – and they haven’t yet achieved this. However, there has been progress in recent years over the cost of transferring registration and licences between states, which the states/territories have made cost-neutral for people relocating. 5. If Defence were to provide free child care it would attract FBT, affect members’ eligibility for some government family assistance benefits, and impact on members who pay child support (as it would be included in their payment summary). As a result it may be more beneficial to higher income earners than to those on lower incomes – not quite the equitable outcome you’d expect on the face of it. The current Defence Child Care program assists mobile ADF families in many ways such as offering priority of placements, and FBT-exempt salary sacrificing is available in some circumstances. The government already subsidises the cost of child care through the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate, which will both increase on July 1. The rebate will increase to 50 per cent of out-ofpocket expenses up to $7500 per child in approved care. This is a significant subsidy for most families, particularly those on lower incomes, and many ADF families find that they are financially better off than with the Defence provisions. Naturally, Defence is always looking into new ideas to make it easier for members to make that all-important decision to stay Army. Other schemes that are being developed or improved at the moment include help for kids changing schools, assistance for spouses looking for a job in their new location, and continuing to reform the OR pay structure. If you’re interested in keeping up to date with what’s going on, the Stay Army website is an excellent first port of call. 6%()#,%3!,!290!#+!').'!4 No way to live I AM preparing to deploy overseas with my unit and have become concerned with our conditions of service with respect to living-in members deploying for periods of six months or longer. As a living-in member, and as a section commander with a number of my soldiers being living-in members, I believe that the current policy of soldiers not being entitled to maintain their accommodation while deployed is simplistic and outdated. I fully understand that while I am deployed overseas, the Army believes I am not entitled to accommodation within barracks in Australia as my equipment and I are accommodated elsewhere. When this condition of service was set, I have no doubt that it was merely commonsense, however, the days of a rifleman packing all his worldly goods into a trunk, an echelon bag and a pack and deploying overseas are gone. Young, single living-in members own just as many possessions as their living-out counterparts, and storage at Commonwealth expense must surely be an expensive option for the ADF in the case of a company, battalion or larger sized deployment. Having said that, I am sure most people would agree with me when I say that the single best part about returning home from operations is just that: returning to a home. When soldiers have had their possessions stored during a deployment, and have no accommodation to call their own, all they have to look forward to is transit lines until suitable accommodation is made available to them. They do not even really have access to their possessions until a removal to their new livingin accommodation. In the current climate of post-deployment retention, surely this is an issue worth addressing. Simply having somewhere to hang your hat and call home is possibly of more value to our soldiers than financial retention incentives and service medals ever will be. Cpl Charles Allan Spt Coy, 3RAR Holsworthy Barracks Robert McKellar, Director Housing and Removals Policy, responds: THE policy on the requirement for members without dependants to vacate their living-in accommodation or rent allowance accommodation when deployed for more than six months has recently been reviewed. However, the implementation of any changes to this policy is contingent upon the decisions of Defence senior committees and the allocation of necessary funds. your al future ci es s u o finan as H afe S s a is e after th e f i l r o F rces ou d y e r o m f r A ay ing tod n n a l p Start Investing in property while you Extra Special Bonus Military Personnel are serving can give you options for yourr FINANCIAL FUTURE when yo you elect to discharge Save $3,200 in Purchasing costs HURRY for a limited time only! • FREE Quantity Surveyors Report to maximize your tax deductions on your new property, worth over $500.* • FREE Independent Builders Report on your new property to ensure any minor defects are rectified by our builders, worth over $300.* • FREE preparation and submission of your new Taxation Variation form with the ATO, worth over $150.* • REDUCTION of the leaseback fee of 50% if this will be your second OzInvest property in the leaseback program, and zero if it is your third or more OzInvest property.* • ELIMINATION of the OzInvest Administration Fee on the purchase of any OzInvest property, saving you up to $750.* • REBATE of 100% of your Conveyancing Fees if you use one of our three appointed Panel Solicitors, saving you $1,500.* *Conditions apply OzInvest is a specialist property investment company that offers a 10 year leaseback guarantee Imagine no rental arrears or vacancies with a guaranteed rental income for a minimum of 10 years We Can Even Arrange Finance “The rent just keeps coming in month after month for 10 years” - Brad Lahey “Without doubt the best decision we have ever made was to buy a property through OzInvest” - Paul and Diane Van-Aken Call Now: +61 2 9659 2400 WWWmEETNETWORKCOMAU Army March 20, 2008 24 PEOPLE Milestone: Lt-Col Jennifer Cotton, CO QUR, Sgt Elona Drain and Brig Bruce Scott, Comd 11 Bde, in front of the ‘Golden Typewriter’ awarded to Sgt Drain for 30 years’ service to the ADF. Sgt Drain joined the Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps in 1978 and was originally a member of the Corps of Transport before being converted to the RAAOC. Cold comfort: Sun slowly setting in the background, OC Combat Team Waler Maj Chris McKay (left) and Lt Sam Hattar (right) set up stretchers in the cold evening air after a day patrolling in the southern desert of Al Muthanna. Photo by Cpl Rob Nyffenegger Utilising the Defence Housing Program to grow your wealth is a smart thing to do. Ian did during his 30 years in the Defence Force. He is now offering you his expertise in both the Defence Housing Program and also his vast knowledge in the property sector. With Ian’s experience and desire to help others, you will be on your road to success. This week IAN PETERSON recommends At the ready: WO2 Tania Harmer begins the day at the Medical Civil Action Program in Al Toum village in Iraq by unpacking and preparing supplies in a treatment room. Photo by Cpl Rob Nyffenegger FROM $399,000 Artist impression Artist impression Aitkenvale, Townsville Consisting of 4 one bedroom and 16 two bedroom apartments, a resident of Precinct Apartments is guaranteed the ultimate in luxury. The Benchmark design team has carefully selected all the essentials that make living in a tropical climate more comfortable. Features include: Master Ensuite, Air Conditioning, Stainless Steel Rangehood, Ceramic Cooktop, Wall Oven, Stainless Steel Dishwasher, In-sink Garbage Disposal Unit, Coded Security Access, Secure Basement Carpark, On-site Managers, Swimming Pool & BBQ Area. Artist impression Contact IAN PETERSON 0407 670 672 or [email protected] Like this: Spr Buddy Usher, 3CER, explains power drill techniques to a soldier from Timor-Leste. Photo by Cpl Rachel Ingram Army March 20, 2008 PERSONNEL 25 Views on Appointment a first retention sought By Capt Dale Hopcraft HISTORY has been made with the appointment of the Army’s first female combat engineer sergeant. SOLDIERS, their families and civilians working in Army have been invited to brainstorm about retention. T h e D e f e n c e S t r a t eg i c Retention Framework (DSRF) project team recently conducted focus groups to gain service members’ insight into retention. “Defence needs its people more than its people need Defence,” one member said. All permanent and reserve personnel, public servants working in Army and their families, can make submissions to the project team. “While much has been done to improve retention, we need to ensure that the most suitable, cost effective approaches are identified, implemented and maintained across Defence,” project leader, Air-Cdre Ken Birrer said. He said while the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme and Military Superannuation were important, other factors including pay, career management, housing and HAVE YOUR SAY All submissions to the DSRF will be confidential, and will only be used in the project. Submissions can be sent by email to michaele. [email protected] or by mail to: DSRF Project; BP33-4-029; Brindabella Park, Piallago ACT 2600. Inquiries should be directed to WgCmdr Bryan Teisseire on (02) 6127 2184. the work-life balance, should be harmonised to maximise the benefit to the member and Army. The DSRF was commissioned within People Strategies and Policy, previously known as the Personnel Executive, to identify an enduring, cost-effective policy framework to improve retention. The project aimed to align retention activities to retain the skills, knowledge, expertise and experience needed to meet Defence’s current and future capability needs. 3 Case Study 3 Bank interest $42,500 Weekly amount $817/wk to ensure that the regiment continues to maintain the skills necessary to sustain the corps’ heavy crushing capability. Sgt Ince said she had always been of the belief that hard work always paid off and her advice to other females within the CE stream who wished to rise up through the ranks was “if you want to do it, go for it”. income for life... that’s financial fitness. Spectrum have supplied specialised financial and investment services to the Defence INVESTMENT HOUSE $500,000 Bank interest $42,500 Rent Rec’d - $400/w $20,800 Tax refund @30c a t Vi c t o r i a B a r r a c k s , Melbourne. In her new role as troop sergeant of Quarry Tp, Sgt Ince will coordinate and supervise the section commanders Imagine having enough assets to create Phil is considering buying a property. He has 2 options: buying his own home or an investment property. $500,000 Well done: Recently promoted Sgt Fiona Ince is congratulted by 22 Const Regt CO LtCol John Raike. Photo by Cpl David Chapman Get financially fit. For life. When rent money is not dead money OWN HOME At 22 Const Regt’s last parade for 2007, CO Lt-Col John Raike proudly promoted Sgt Fiona Ince. What paved the way for Sgt Ince’s promotion was last year’s review of the RAE trades streams that resulted in several amendments to the manual of employment. These changes now allow combat engineer servicewomen to be employed in all RAE ECN, but they are precluded from serving in ARA squadrons of combat engineer regiments. Sgt Ince enlisted in the Army Reserve in 1997 and from the start had her sights set on working her way up the ranks. She has always been posted to 22 Const Regt, but her service has included an 18-month stint on CFTS as an instructor at the Watermanship and Bridging Wing at the School of Military Engineering, Moorebank, and she also completed the ARA Subject 4 Corporal course. In her civilian career, Sgt Ince recently gained the position of a chief engineer within Defence Materiel Organisation $6,510 Left to pay $15,190 Weekly amount $292/wk Forces since 1982. For a FREE financial fitness assessment call 1300 784 246 or visit Rent to pay to live in equivalent house Less: Rent Assistance Total outlay $817/wk Total outlay $400/wk $125/wk $567/wk Assumptions: 8.5% Interest Rate, Borrow 100%, Pay Interest Only. So by investing and continuing to pay rent Phil would be $250 per week better off! Other advantages of Phil continuing to rent are: • He can rent a nicer home than he can afford to buy. • His investment property can be purchased in a good capital growth area and not tied to a location close to work. • Not having to continually buy and sell as he is posted around the country. Spectrum also considered what benefits DHOAS could provide to Phil and when he should take advantage of this offer. Spectrum’s wealth creation strategies include: • Shares & Managed Funds • Property Investments • Tax Planning • Loan Structures • Superannuation • Defence Home Ownership 15649 INCREASED KNOWLEDGE + TIME FRAME WITH A PLAN + DISCIPLINED APPROACH = SUCCESS Army March 20, 2008 26 LIFESTYLE DIKKO By Bob Dikkenberg CROSSWORD GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1. In the solar system, what is the fifth planet from the sun? 2. Who painted the Mona Lisa? 3. What is date of St Patrick’s Day? Answers 1. Jupiter 2. Leonardo da Vinci 3. March 17 4. New York 5. Jens Stoltenberg 6. Barcelona, Spain 7. Abu Dhabi 8. 238 9. 17 10. Four from: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin. 4. In what state was the Australian-United States actor Mel Gibson born? 5. Who is the prime minister of Norway? 6. Which city and country played host to the 1992 summer Olympic Games? 7. What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates? 8. What’s 14 x 17? 9. How many sides does a heptadecagon have? 10. Name four of the creators of the Monty Python’s Flying Circus TV show. Big rate for a limited time on term deposits Right now, you can open a new Defcredit Premium Term Deposit and lock in a high rate of 7.7%p.a.* for 12 months. But be quick, an offer this good can’t last. 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The winner will be published on April 17. % p.a.* for 6 months *This rate is only available on funds that are not currently deposited with Defcredit. Rates are based upon minimum deposit of $50,000, are correct at the time of printing and are subject to change. Conditions apply, please refer to the Products and Services Conditions of Use. Fees and charges may also apply, please refer to the Fees and Charges Schedule for details. Defence Force Credit Union Limited ABN 57 087 651 385 AFSL 234582 58 Origin 59 Willow 60 Halt 61 Interior 62 Conger 63 Telephone Say again, over Term Deposit To invest in a Defcredit Term Deposit, call 1800 033 139 or visit your local branch. DEF1225_AANN ACROSS 1 Slops 5 It is 8 English race course 3 An age 14 Idiot 15 Diminish 16 Hurl 18 Knowledge 19 Repulse 20 Bliss 22 Sea ear 24 Detestable 26 Prayer ending 28 Relax 31 Creamy, iced confection 33 Money charged on loans 35 Act on each other 39 Wool 42 Require 43 Belgian river 44 Cinema employee 49 Adhesive decal 51 Windborne 54 Series 55 Commercials 57 Black and white Chinese animal And the winner from February 21 is ... No-one knew how many months the ostrich egg had lain in the sun, so they thought it best to take precautions. LCdr Annete Nelson Campbell Park Congratulations, you’ll receive a copy of Battle Order 204 by Christopher Mattingley We also liked ... “Now watch carefully what happens when it hits the fan guys!” Capt Gavin Murphy Enoggera “No, I’m not convinced. I still think it’s easier to wear deodorant when playing sport. PO David Vowell RAAF Pearce Jeeeeze cobber, them Kiwis could do with a shower. WO1 Wayne Small HQJOC Army March 20, 2008 LIFESTYLE 27 SWEATY PALMS Got a poker face? World Series of Poker 2008: Battle for the Bracelets Activision Xbox 360/PS3/PS2/PC PG By Sean Roberts 3.5 ONSIDERING how easy it is to download free card games, you have to question spending top dollar on a next-gen edition of Poker. So what is it that will give you your money’s worth once you’ve dished out your hard-earned cash? I’ll hedge my bet on two things: novelty and online competition. The novelty factor becomes evident quite quickly. The tournaments in Vegas are presented just as the televised series with commentators and camera work which emulates the show. Rather than simply displaying your cards on screen, the player has to hold a button to covertly peek at what they’re holding, which is pointless but entertaining. It gets deeper once you plug in an Xbox Live Vision Camera which can be used to photograph your face and digitally map yourself to put you at the table for real. The AI is decent but online is where the real action is. You can’t play with real money but this doesn’t affect the fun that can be had with human players. The graphics might be on the poor side and the voice acting pretty terrible but it’s doubtful you’ll pick this title up with either of these factors in mind. C Bug problem: It’s vital you kill the Akrid for their thermal energy. Hunting for energy Lost Planet Capcom PS3/Xbox 360/PC M 3.5 By LS Yuri Ramsey I T’S the future and humanity has finally reached the stars. We have colonised a planet called E.D.N III. However, it’s far from a Garden of Eden. In reality it’s a bitterly cold, freezing wasteland of snow and ice. You need to hike across E.D.N III, taking on Akrid (big bugs) and pirates with the help of giant robots called Vital Suits. Throw in the odd epic boss-battle now and again and you have the elements for a rather standard shooter. To be a bit different, instead of ‘life’, your character relies on T-ENG or thermal energy needed to stay alive in the cold environments. Your T-ENG is consumed rapidly and constantly so it serves to give each level a sense of urgency, keeping you moving on the hunt for more T-ENG. Fortunately it’s not that hard to find as all enemies leave behind pools of T-ENG after you destroy them. The Vital Suits are great fun to use. They are very powerful, being equipped with miniguns, rocket launchers and rail guns. They come in different configurations that allow you to fly for short periods, transform into a snow-mobile or perform higher jumps. The downside is it doesn’t take much to destroy them, so most of your time is spend slogging through knee-deep snow on foot. Lost Planet is a good game but considering it came out more than a year ago on the Xbox 360 it has kind of lost its appeal. If you’re interested in an arcady shooter for your PS3 that can give you a few hours of light entertainment, Lost Planet is probably worth a look. Get into the action: Online mode is where Battle for the Bracelets shines. Quirky: Disgaea is a fine strategy romp. Dark, funny tale Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness 4 Koei PSP PG By Sean Roberts HIS is a port of an older PS2 game that has been improved and funnelled onto the PSP platform. Don’t let this dissuade you; Disgaea is a deep, quirky, addicting turn-based strategy romp. As the Prince of the Netherworld you are woken from deep sleep to discover your father has died and you have missed your chance at the throne. What follows is a darkly funny tale with a sharp “anime” visual style that features art with so much character it doesn’t require a manga enthusiast to appreciate it. The gameplay is made up of moving yourself and assorted minions in turns on isometric grids that make up the games levels. From here it would seem the usual tactical fare but the game throws curveballs at you in the form of proximity based combo attacks, geo symbols that apply effects to certain areas of the grid, and the ability to pick up and even toss other units. Should this be your cup of tea, Disgaea for PSP is enormous value given the newly added multiplayer mode and ability to keep playing almost indefinitely. And who could dislike a game that features psychotic knife wielding penguin minions that can be chucked like grenades. T Exclusive benefit program for ADF and Police Association Members 7323_ADLP Join now & enjoy a 20% saving on accommodation at over 120 Accor hotels and resorts throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands. Only $50 for a 5 year full membership and $25 for Partner / Retired membership. Representing a technological innovation with a new vision of service for business orientated upscale travellers. These hotels and apartments offer spacious comfort and quality, expressing the spirit of their locations. An international network of convenient, modern hotels for business and leisure travel, located in key cities and resort destinations. Each hotel is unique in style offering a warm friendly welcome reflecting their location and region. For further information call 61 2 9280 9536 or join online at All Seasons Hotels offer distinctive personalities, friendly service and flawless attention to detail in holiday, country and city locations. Friendly helpful staff, comfortable rooms, services and amenities that make your stay more enjoyable. Hotels the way you like them. Army March 20, 2008 28 LIFESTYLE OFF THE SHELF REV UP Quality uncompromised Duty First: A History of the Royal Australian Regiment Edited by David Horner and Jean Bou Allen and Unwin $50 By Cliff Curran T HIS book tells the story of the RAR in an easy-to-read, informal style, even though it is laden with facts which would usually bog down the reader. I read Duty First in just over two days and, as an ex-1RAR (Vietnam) veteran, I found it a riveting and informative read. Written by various authors and edited by historians David Horner and Jean Bou, Duty First highlights the importance the government must put on the training, equipment and money needed by the RAR to achieve its missions. Duty First tells how from Korea onwards, the RAR overcame the lack of equipment and funding to set the standard on jungle warfare, which included stealth, patience and units which supported each other to an exceptional degree. The book successfully argues that present and future governments must ensure adequate funding and equipment to ensure the RAR can do its job, adapt to changing roles, and further its education and training to a high standard. Its analysis of the RAR’s history and its role in world affairs is better than other books on the subject. This is the second edition of the book, which was first released in 1990, and has two extra chapters that cover from that date to the present. To incorporate the extra text, the editors cut out parts of the first edition to fit within the page limits, yet this has not compromised the book’s quality. SLIPPED DISC By Cpl Andrew Hetherington Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex the Laughing Man 4 By LS Yuri Ramsey T aking place in a future, people have replaced parts or even their entire bodies with cybernetic systems. The internet is now accessed directly by people’s cyber-brains, which allows skilled hackers, i.e. the Laughing Man, to hack people’s cybernetic systems to make them see and do what he/she wants. It’s up to our main characters (all cybernetic to some degree) to capture the elusive cyber-criminal. Animation and storytelling is top notch. This DVD actually compresses nine hours of the acclaimed Anime series of the same name into a seamless 2½-hour film. It’s a great introduction to the series. ANNUAL RA REVIEW Defence Housing Australia (DHA) wish to advise you that the annual Rent Allowance review will commence in April 2008. Price: $39,990 + on-road costs. Power: 169kW of power @ 5200rpm and 320Nm of torque @ 2800rpm from a 2.5-litre DOHC turbo boxer engine. 0/100km/h: 5.8 seconds. Fuel consumption and type: Premium Unleaded 95 10.7L/100km (combined). CO2 emissions: 252 grams/km. Safety: All wheel drive, anti-lock brakes with electronic brake force distribution, brake assist, vehicle dynamics control, six airbags and a five-star ANCAP occupant protection rating. For: Marvellous acceleration for a car in this price range, great handling, extensive standard equipment list, looks great and instant street cred. Against: Materials used on the dash look a little cheap and luggage space is a little small. Best suit: Anyone who wants a bargain hot hatch needing to carve through the city traffic and can still comfortably cruise the highway with passengers and luggage with power to spare. Insurance: $2921 for 12-month comprehensive insurance for a 25-year-old male living in Sydney. My rating: 4.5 stars out of 5. F or WRX fans, me included, the release of the latest incarnation of Subaru’s iconic bargain performance hot hatch was eagerly anticipated. Various body shapes and engines have made the WRX one of the most sought-after performance cars on Australian streets for 15 years. Externally, Subaru has subdued the aggressiveness of its styling a little, making it more appealing for more potential buyers outside the typical WRX-buyer age group. The whole car has had a facelift, creating a body shape with minimal sharp edges, which works well – creating a sleek hatch with modern curves. It’s shod with 17-inch alloy wheels and low-profile rubber, offering ridiculous grip levels, inducing huge grins and mad scientist-like laughs. Internally, the driver and front seat passenger are restrained on sports seats, covered in a hard-wearing black fabric, which have just enough side bolstering to hug you as you turn into and accelerate out of every tight corner you can find. In-dash instruments are dominated by a large rev counter, which constantly reminds you of the huge amount of torque at your disposal from a very low, useable 2800rpm. The driver is given feedback from the road through a leather-clad wheel, featuring well thought-out stereo and cruise-control buttons. The review is to establish if there have been any changes to your domestic circumstances that would affect your Rent Allowance. If you are currently in receipt of Rent Allowance, you might receive a statement, letter and reply paid envelope. If you receive a letter from DHA you will need to respond by the advised cut-off date. CV Writing $250 Professionally written by ex Army human resource managers You will need to complete the statement and provide details about your current rental situation. Specialists in creating CV’s for ex military people interested in humanitarian (UN and NGO’s) and commercial work overseas It is important you respond to this review. If you do not respond, then, after establishing a non-operational situation with your unit, with the support of Defence, your Rent Allowance will be ceased until a response is received. Further assistance available Phone: 1300 733 613 Email: [email protected] Web: hmaC079608 Photo by Cpl Andrew Hetherington Rex pleases Subaru WRX 5door hatchback Great introduction to series Madman Entertainment 160 min $34.95 M Iconic: Instant street cred, this is more than just a facelift. The remainder of the dash is a new and simple design, similar to the company’s Tribeca and new Forrester range, accommodating an MP3-compatible in-dash six-CD player and climate control air-conditioning. All switches are easy to read, reach and use. At night, in-cabin lighting is provided by roof-mounted map lights. Exterior lighting features fog lights and selflevelling xenon headlamps with washers, instilling a level of nightdriving confidence I had not experienced before. Cabin leg room is above average for this class of car. Luggage room in the back is a little small, but can be increased by folding down the 60-40 split rear seats. From the time of getting behind the wheel, you will want to exploit every one of the 169 kilowatts and 320 newton metres of torque you have access to through the accelerator pedal and slick-shifting five-speed gear box. The 2.5-litre boxer loves to be revved and kept above 3000rpm, is never disappointing and provides eye-bulging acceleration and composed cruising. Handling is surefooted and body roll through corners is a little more than I expected, but is not unnerving. You can still throw the car into wet corners, knowing you will exit the other side much faster than other non-AWD cars without losing grip. The 2008 WRX is another great evolution of a great cult car, sold at a bargain price and created to impress a wider buying audience. Army March 20, 2008 LIFESTYLE 29 PHYSICAL FACTORS Pushing yourself Lt Rob Orr examines the muscles involved, and the correct technique, when doing push-ups. P erhaps the most well-known exercise in the ADF is the push-up; it can be performed at home, is part of the BFA and is a PTI’s favourite reward. Muscles used: There are a range of muscles we develop every time we do push-ups. These are: Prime movers: Pectoralis major (chest), anterior deltoid (front of the shoulder), serratus anterior (fingerlike muscles along your ribs below your chest) and triceps brachii (back of your upper arm). Stabilisers: Abdominals, erector spinae (lower back). Technique: The basis of an effective, safe push-up is body alignment. With this in mind we will break down the alignment areas into segments: The head: The head should be held in a neutral position – in the fully lowered position the nose touches the floor first. If the head is tilted back (looking up) excess strain is placed across the neck and breathing can become more difficult. Many people tend to look under themselves at their feet. This again places stress across your neck and causes you to round your shoulders, adding stress to your upper back. More importantly, for those being tested, a lowered head causes a false sense of upper arm depth. The hips: Almost all shoulder and lower back pains felt during or after push up training is caused by hip alignment. The hips provide a pivot point between your upper back and heels. For correct alignment your hips should be in a straight line between your heels and shoulders and slightly curled inwards. Holding this position requires abdominal endurance. It is the lack of this abdominal endurance that leads to lower back injury – the hips sag, thereby increasing the lumbar (lower back) curve which in turn shifts the central pivot point from hips to lower back. Alternately, by raising your hips you place greater shearing forces across your shoulders in the lowered position. The correct lowered position has your body in a horizontal position. If, however, your hips are raised your upper body is no longer horizontal but diagonal. This changes the body weight distribution more to the upper body and causes your humerus (bone of the upper arm) to grind against the front of your shoulder capsule as your body weight, combined with gravity, forces the bone into the capsule. Breathing: You should breathe each repetition out on the up (main exertion) and in on the way down. Range of motion: As with all resistance training exercises, the push up should be performed throughout the full range of motion, that is up until the arms are just short of locked out and down until the nose touches the floor. Push-ups on the knees: The technique for this version of push-up is the same except that alignment is now from shoulders through hips to knees and the weight moved is slightly less. Next edition we will look at the variations in hand and foot placement. Practice does not make perfect … Perfect practice makes perfect. You’ll hurt yourself: Cpl Jason Akarana, RAAF PTI, displays the wrong push-up position (above). Proper technique: Cpl Akarana demonstrates the correct position for the perfect push-up (right). Photo by LAC Aaron Curran Victorian Military Health Conference 2008 >> Future Military Medicine — the Role of Defence Health Services in Future War WHEN Saturday 3 May 2008 WHERE Victoria Barracks, St Kilda Road, Melbourne WHO Tri-Service Health Personnel of all ranks are welcome REGISTRATION FREE Registration Registration closes 18 April 2008 ENQUIRIES Telephone: 03 9827 0960 Email: [email protected] Speakers in attendance: RADM Graeme Shirtley RFD — Surgeon General ADF AVM Tony Austin AM — Head Defence Health Services Division The Victorian Military Health Conference 2008 is proudly sponsored by Defence Reserves Support. For further information: Call 1800 803485 or visit Australia’s Reserve Forces Army March 20, 2008 30 SPORT Finale on at Ainslie By Barry Rollings CANBERRA’s Ainslie Oval will be the venue again for the Australian Services Australian Fo o t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n Championships in April before the titles move to Melbourne’s Whitten Oval next year. Team mates: Sgt Adam Spry, 1 CSR, (left) and Pte Gary Robertson, 1 Avn Regt, in Canberra during the Australian Hockey League tournament. Photo by LAC Aaron Curran Sticking together By Barry Rollings ARMY’S hockey brothers-in-arms Sgt Adam Spry and Cfn Gary Robertson took their camaraderie to the next level when they represented the NT Stingers in the Australian Hockey League (AHL) tournament. Sgt Spry, 1CSR, captained the Stingers, while Cfn Robertson, 1 Avn Regt, was making his AHL debut. Both play for East Darwin in club competition. The tournament was played in Canberra from February 25 to March 8. For 26-year hockey veteran Sgt HOCKEY RESULTS Victoria 6 b NT 0, WA 3 b NT 0, Queensland 8 b NT 0, SA 3 b NT 2, Tasmania 4 b NT 1, ACT 4 b NT 2, NSW 7 b NT 0. Spry – who toured Fiji in 2006 with the Australian Country representative side – it was his third year playing in the AHL but the first as captain. He described the NT performance at this year’s event as “fair”; pointing out that the team was not blessed with the opportunity for a great deal of preparation or the playing depth. “Our best result at AHL level was our sixth last year,” Sgt Spry said. “This year we began slowly but improved with every game. “This has definitely been the toughest AHL tournament I have contested, being a two-week tournament instead of being held over eight weeks. “When you include the fact that it is an Olympic year and all the younger, elite players are here vying for selection, that makes it just a little bit harder.” Cfn Robertson described his hockey background as short. He played for two years in Cessnock but had two years off when first joined the Army. Since then he has played for four years in Darwin. Twice he has represented the ADF in hockey and three times for the NT ADF team. Cfn Robertson, an inside-forward at club level, played as a forward for the AHL event. “I found it slick and fast; the best hockey I have seen,” he said. “I expected it would be quick and knew I would be nervous but it was faster than I expected.” His aspirations are “to go as far as I can in the sport and keep enjoying it”. The championships will be held from April 18-22 with Army defending both the Jim Smail Trophy for men and the Grant Ledger Cup for women. Organisers will be well pleased if the event proves as successful as last year when all three Services recorded wins and the title was decided in Army’s favour on percentages. After an opening ceremony at 11am on April 18, Army and Air Force women and men will face off in the opening games at noon and 2.15pm respectively. On April 20, the loser of the opening women’s game will face Navy at noon, with the men’s loser also facing Navy at 2.15pm. N av y w i l l t a ke t h e field again on April 22 at noon and 2.15pm when its women will play the winner of the opening game and the men also play the fir-game winner. The post carnival presentation function will be held at Ainslie Football Club on April 22. A pre-carnival briefing at 4pm on Thursday, April 17 at a venue to be advised will focus on the umpires’ interpretation of rules. T h e A S A FA a n n u a l meeting will be held during the carnival, on April 20 at about 8.30am. ASAFA officials are pursuing other options for a representative game this year because the annual match against the National Emergency services team has been cancelled. Army March 20, 2008 SPORT 31 Gymnastics on a motorbike From Page 32 Cpl Apps has finished second and third in numerous competitions and is seeking a win in 2008. His skills have been harnessed through his instruction on drivers’ courses offered by the ADF and his current posting to 7 Sig Regt. “Being in the ADF has helped my motorcycling, especially because I’m in RACT,” he said. “I really enjoy getting out on the bikes and teaching others how to ride on drivers’ courses and things like that.” The ADF Motorcycle Association is open to any member, regardless of experience, and has assisted Cpl Apps’ involvement in the sport. “Join the ADFMA and make sure you’re aware on ADF policy on sport,” Cpl Apps said. “Just because you do something extreme like ride bikes, don’t automatically think you can’t do it.” OFFICIAL POLICY Freestyle motocross not an approved ADF sport. Participation in non-approved sports requires chain of command concurrence. Recognition as an elite sports participant may entitle ADF personnel to be eligible for additional support such as special posting considerations, additional leave, provisions for attending training and special rationing. ADF personnel participating in other than approved ADF or single-Service sports may not be eligible for compensation, public liability or income protection. ADF policy recognises the value of participation in elite sports at the national and international level. The ADF policy on sport can be found in DI(G) Pers 14-2. SPORTS SHORTS Road races in April Flat out: Capt Kirstan Hoppitt, AFSU, (left) and WO2 Gavin Wickham starred in the inaugural long course triathlon championship held at Huskisson on the South Coast. Photos by Capt Brendan Robinson Wickham wows ‘em ARMY’s WO2 Gavin Wickham was the standout performer at the Australian Defence Sports Triathlon Association’s recent inaugural long course triathlon championship at Huskisson on the NSW south coast. The titles were run in conjunction with the 2008 Australian Long Course Triathlon Championships, with 11 personnel from the ADF and APS vying for the Defence crowns. The event comprised a 2km swim, 83km bike ride and a 20km run. WO2 Wickham, ALTC, won in 3hr 59min and 4sec (27:58 swim, 2:10:48 bike ride and 1:17:42 run), more than 25min ahead of second placegetter, Pte Stuart Borwickm, 39 ADE, in 4:24:21 (35:43, 2:22:02, 1:26:35). WO2 Wickham finished an impressive 19th overall in the Australian championship, which boasted a hot field of elite competitors including former Australian long course champion and runner-up in the Hawaiian Ironman Championship Craig Alexander. Navy finsihed third with Leut Troy Watson finishing in 4:28:48 (29:27, 2:27:54, 1:31:27). Army again dominated in the wom- en’s event, with Capt Kirstan Hoppitt, Army Financial Services Unit, leading from the first leg. Capt Hoppitt exited the swim with a 10sec lead, and extended this margin to win in 4:52:47 (35:40, 2:32:48, 1:44:18) from APS member Ms Christina Thorne 4:56:44 (35:50, 2:38:06, 1:42:47). Navy claimed its second bronze medal for the day with LS Samantha Morley taking third place in 6:21:38 (42:27, 3:05:09, 2:34:02). » For full results of the titles, visit the ADSTA website at: http://intranet. comweb.asp?page=Home THEY will all be in it for the long haul when the Australian Defence Running and Athletics Association stages the Defence 10km Road Championship on April 2. Race director Capt Frank Kresse (RAN) said the event would start at 2pm at Westerfolds Park in Templestowe, Melbourne. The championship is open to all Defence personnel. Event details can be found on the association’s website at www.adf. Further inquires can be directed to Capt Kresse on 0424 148319 or email frank. [email protected] Hockey call to arms THE ACT section of the Australian Defence Hockey Association has issued a call to arms for all interested hockey players from the ACT and Wagga region to nominate and attend the 2008 ACT inter-Service competition on April 16. The event, between 1pm and 4.30pm at Lyneham Hockey Centre, will help select ACT Combined Services teams for the ADF Hockey Championships at Albury Hockey Centre in NSW from May 31 to June 6. For further information contact WOFF Chapman on (02) 6128 7049 or email [email protected]. Diggers’ bowls ALL DEFENCE Force current and former Service personnel are invited to contest the National Diggers’ Bowls Carnival in Dubbo from September 16-18. The Diggers’ section of Dubbo Railway Bowling Club is promoting the carnival, which will carry $10,000 prizemoney and will be staged jointly with West Dubbo Bowling Club. The event has been restricted to current Defence Force Service and all exService personnel. Nomination forms and inquiries should be registered through or Eric Chamberlain on 0447 139 737. ARMY NEWS CLASSIFIEDS JETPETS ANIMAL TRANSPORT “Your pet’s comfort always comes first” AUSTRALIA WIDE DOOR TO DOOR BOARDING FACILITIES CRATE HIRE & SALE PLEASE ASK FOR YOUR DEFENCE DISCOUNT FREE CALL 1300 668 309 (03) 9339 4300 GOLD & SILVER BULLION HAND EMBROIDERY Cap and pocket badges, presentation frames (any size), flags, banners. Cloth embroidery, nametags, clothing supplied. Obligation Free Quotes Jakal Enterprises PO Box 85, Happy Valley SA 5159 Ph: 08 83543003 0418 805991 or 0417842884 Email: [email protected] Your paper Nothing,s as good as PH: (02)6026 4411 for THE BEST LITTLE STUBBY HOLDER EVER PRODUCED • Made from neoprene (wetsuit material) • Excellent fundraisers or advertising • Most durable on the market • Available Australia wide SCADS Pty Ltd 23 Craig Drive Bellbridge Vic 3691 Fax: (02)6026 4518 • Extractors • Performance Exhausts • Standard Mufflers & Brakes • Shocks & Suspension • Car Servicing • Road Worthy Certificate 44 Pickering St Enoggera Ph: 3355 3455 ‘we’ll beat any price’ is now ONLINE Darwin soldiers play for Stingers Page 30 March 20, 2008 HIGH-FLYER Gymnastics on a bike By Lt Yvette Pavlis FREESTYLE motocross rider Cpl Ryan Apps has gone from traction to tricks with the some “crusty” dirt bike pros. Dirt demon: Cpl Ryan Apps, ranked in the top 10 freestyle motocross riders in Australia, gets some air. Photo by Chris McCallum Cpl Apps was asked to ride with the Crusty Demons of Dirt 2008 Australian tour – five years after he broke both legs in a motocross race. He was approached to perform after he manned a Defence Recruiting stand at the Demons’ Brisbane show last year. “They took my bike and all my gear and had me as the main attraction for recruiting,” Cpl Apps said. Defence Recruiting asked him to man their stand thanks to his involvement with the ADF Motorcycle Association. “The experience and exposure was absolutely awesome,” he said. After recovering from his accident, followed by a posting to Timor-Leste, Cpl Apps decided with some mates to build a ramp and practise their skills. “We built a ramp and began playing around on that. I found I was better at jumps and tricks than racing,” Cpl Apps said. He described freestyle motocross as “gymnastics on a motorcycle”. Competition consists of a timed run over a course and airborne tricks. Crowd reaction counts to the final score. Cpl Apps is ranked in the top 10 in Australia and he will compete in his first international event in May. Continued Page 31
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