Midwest Health Plan, Inc. Provider Newsletter January 2013 Medical Director’s Report Dr. Mark Tucker PHARMACY UPDATE MIDWEST HEALTH PLAN HAS A NEW PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGER (PBM) Effective January 1, 2013 Midwest Health Plan has engaged 4D-Pharmacy Management, Inc. as our PBM for all lines of business. DO NOT contact or send PA requests to CVS-Caremark. New Prior Authorization forms may be obtained from your Provider Representative or on the Midwest Health Plan Web Site. New Contact Numbers are: FOR MEDICAID / CSHCS / COUNTY HEALTH PLANS / HEALTH CHOICE Providers: 888–274–2031 Prior Authorization FAX: (248) 341-8133 Pharmacies: 888-378-4743 RxBin: 600428 RxPCN: 01990000 FOR MEDICARE ADVANTAGE Argus Health Systems Help Desk: 888-445-5540 Customer Service: 888-445-5580 Prior Authorization FAX: (248) 341-8133 Pharmacies: 888-445-5540 RxBin: 012353 RxPCN: 06171000 MIDWEST HEALTH PLAN’S PHARMACY, BENEFITS AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Midwest Health Plan’s Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee met on November 13, 2012. All changes are effective on December 1, 2012. The drug classes that were reviewed include: Glaucoma Agents o No changes Ophthalmic Anti-Infectives o No changes Ophthalmic Anti-Inflammatories o No changes CHARGING CO-PAYS FOR ABW AND HEALTH CHOICE PROGRAMS Midwest pays Medicaid Fee for Service rates for both the well visit and sick visit when conducted on the same day. Effective 10/1/12, Providers are to charge ONLY ONE copay to the member when both the sick and well visits are conducted on the same day. If you have any questions, please contact your Provider Representative: Nehya Ahmed #313-586-6055 Linda Chammout #313-586-60313 Brian Flemming #313-586-6069 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PROVIDERS TO CONDUCT FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE TRAINING In order to satisfy the regulatory requirements to establish and implement an effective training and education program as part of measures to prevent, detect, and correct Medicare fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has developed a standardized FWA training module. Instructions on how to access this module are included at the end of this newsletter. It’s easy to do and the slides are easy to follow. After reviewing the information, please complete the form that is included at the end of the slides and fax it back to Kathy Harkness at 313-827-5694. Remember, this is mandatory from the Federal Government as well as from Midwest. Section 2.2.2 of your Provider contract with Midwest states “Rules and Regulations. Provider agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, medical laws, and CMS instructions applicable to the provision of Covered Services and with all state laws requiring health professionals to comply with reporting requirements for communicable diseases and other health indicators. Provider agrees to comply with all applicable rules, regulations, policies and 2 procedures as set forth in the PCP Provider Manual, and all requirements under any contracts between Plan and any Program that are applicable to Plan’s subcontractors, including but not limited to cooperating with and complying with quality improvement programs, grievance procedures, appeal procedures and utilization management procedures.” If you have any questions, please contact Kathy at #313-586-6063. MIDWEST HEALTH PLAN’S WEBSITE Be sure to visit MHP’s website at www.midwesthealthplan.com. On MHP’s website, providers will find the following information: Member eligibility lists “Quick Reference Guide” that tells you when you need referrals and authorizations Which codes are included in capitation How to request an appeal and the appeals process Free educational programs for our members Monthly provider newsletters MHP’s QI program, QI plan and annual evaluation Pharmacy information, including the formulary and preferred drug list MHP’s entire Provider PCP Administrative manual, (this includes our preventive health and clinical guidelines, policies and procedures on confidentiality, member’s rights and responsibilities, medical record documentation, fraud/abuse/false claims, safety information on area hospitals, our formulary, formulary updates and pharmacy procedures, affirmative statement regarding UM decision making, etc.) This web site also includes information for our members such as our free educational programs, our policies and procedures and even the entire membership guide/handbook that tells the members what their MHP benefits are! Hope you visit our website. If you would like a hard copy of any of the information on our website, please contact me. Let us know what you think about it. If you have any questions or comments, please call Kathy Harkness at #313-586-6063. BALANCE BILLING MEMBERS This serves as a reminder that Midwest Health Plan and Midwest Advantage beneficiaries cannot be balance billed for services. For our Midwest Advantage members, you are required to bill Midwest for the Medicare services and bill the State of Michigan for any co-pays, coinsurance and deductible amounts (similar to how you bill the State for the Medicaid Fee For Service patients). The member should not be balance billed. Please refer to our website of www. Midwesthealthplan.com in the provider section under Administrative Manual for this information as well as additional information on member benefits, rights and responsibilities. MEDICAID AND MICHILD ACCESS As a reminder, Medicaid and MIChild members may receive services at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Rural Health Centers (RHC), Tribal Health Centers (THC), and Child and Adolescent Health Centers (CAHC). A list of these centers is available by calling your Provider 3 Representative. Prior authorization is NOT required for in network FQHC, RHC, THC and CACH. If a member wishes to visit one of these facilities that are out of network, they must receive a prior authorization. As a reminder, Women who want to see an OB/GYN doctor for a well woman check up or for pregnancy can make an appointment with any OB/GYN in MHP’s network, without a PCP referral. If you need help finding an OB/GYN for your member, call customer service at 888654-2200. Your members under 18 years old may see any pediatrician in MHP’s network for well child visits without a PCP referral. If you need help finding a Pediatrician for your member, call Customer Service at 888-654-2200. HEALTH SERVICES: Member Appeals Midwest Health Plan (MHP) recognizes that participating providers may choose to exercise their right to appeal a utilization management decision. The appeals process is established to facilitate this right. If a provider disagrees with a utilization management decision the provider may file an appeal. The provider must make the appeal in writing to the Midwest Health Plan Medical Director. Midwest Health Plan will accept verbal appeals only in emergent situations. If the MHP Medical Director cannot reverse the adverse determination: o A physician not involved in the initial denial will review the case. o The physician reviewer will be of the same specialty of the requesting physician with similar credentials and licensure. o The appeal will be resolved within 15 calendar days (up to 30 calendar days total for all levels of appeal) of the request for appeal. When the request for urgent care is denied by the MHP Medical Director, MHP gives members and practitioners confirmation of the decisions within 72 hours of receipt of the request. Verbal notification is given within 72 hours of receipt of the appeal request, with written notification within 3 calendar days. Case Management Midwest Health Plan has a telephonic case management program. Case Management Services include: Education on current disease process Coordination of services Referral to community agencies Support with adherence to plan of care 4 Claims, utilization reports, discharge planners and utilization review staff, disease management, providers and member/caregiver self-referral, may identify members who may benefit from case management services. The program is voluntary and requires the involvement of the member or caregiver. The case manager will assess the needs of the member, develop a plan of care with the member and health team, establish mutual goals, and implement interventions designed to reach Health Services Registered Nurse will set up a specific care plan. The RN will contact members via phone to discuss goals and the plan to attain the goal. Please contact Midwest Health Plan Health Services Department (313) 586-6031 to initiate an evaluation for case management services. Community Resources: 2-1-1 2-1-1 is the health and human service equivalent of 9-1-1 to give or get help spearheaded by United Way. 2-1-1 is a free, easy-to-remember telephone number that connects people with resources that improve their lives. The 2-1-1 call specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 a days a week, and are ready to provide information about a wide range of community services – including health care, job training, childcare, mortgage foreclosure assistance and more. 2-1-1 is available in all of the MHP service area, including Wayne, Washtenaw, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, and Livingston counties. Anyone can ask a 2-1-1 call specialist about resources for: Rent/Utility Assistance Food Legal Assistance Shelter Support Groups, and more Help your patients get in touch with community resources by telling them about 2-1-1! For more information go to: http://www.uwsem.org/gethelp/index.html InterQual Criteria The Health Services Department of 5 Midwest Health Plan utilizes InterQual Care Criteria® for making clinical decisions. The criteria are evidence based and utilized as a guideline. The criteria ass ist with managing care processes and resources in a way that fosters evidence-based practice and ensures patient safety while controlling medically unnecessary care. InterQual Care Planning Criteria helps Midwest Health Plan to evaluate the appropriateness of care-related interventions including diagnostic testing and procedures. InterQual Level of Care Criteria aid in recommending the right level of clinical care or setting for patients—from acute through outpatient treatment. Using information found in the medical record or supplied by healthcare providers, the Midwest Health Plan reviewer determines whether a patient’s clinical status matches the criteria for a specific intervention or placement at a specific level of care. When there isn’t a match, a reviewer or physician advisor can work with the attending physician to decide on an appropriate course of action. If you would like to review or discuss the InterQual Criteria, please contact your Provider Services representative or the Director of Health Services at 313-586-6031 or toll free at 888654-2200. As always you may discuss specific cases with the Midwest Health Plan Medical Director. Copies of specific InterQual Criteria are available upon request. Access to Health Services Staff Members and Practitioners of Midwest Health Plan have a right to contact Midwest Health Plan staff to discuss UM Issues. All Health Services staff is accessible for members or providers who have questions regarding any UM process. Staff is available during normal business hours. Midwest Health Plan has a toll free number (888)654-2200 for members or providers calling in regards to UM Issues. Midwest Health Plan (MHP) recognizes that participating providers may choose to exercise their right to appeal a utilization management decision. The appeals process is established to facilitate this right. The Midwest Health Plan Medical Director is available for providers who need to discuss a denial. You may contact the Medical Director at (888)654-2200. See the online provider manual for additional information Behavioral Health Care By our contract with the State of Michigan, Midwest Health Plan members are allowed 20 outpatient mental health visits per calendar year. MHP members requiring Mental Health Services may obtain these services by: Obtaining a referral from their Primary Care Physician to a contracted psychiatrist or behavioral health provider. Direct contact of a behavioral health care provider. This may be a contracted or non-contracted provider. 6 In a crisis, self-referring to the nearest emergency room that provides psychiatric services. Services for Substance Abuse Services for substance abuse are not a covered benefit of MHP. Members seeking those services should be referred to the Community Mental Health board of their county of residence. The following is a listing of phone number that may be accessed by members when requesting SA services: City of Detroit – 800-467-2452 Washtenaw County - 800-440-7548 Wayne County – 800-686-6543 Macomb County – 586-541-2273 Oakland County - 248 858-5200 St. Clair County – 888-225-4447 Livingston County – 800-615-1245 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 2012 HEDIS Survey The 2012 HEDIS survey is officially complete. After the survey results are audited, MHP review nurses will either hand deliver or mail the Performance Feedback Reports. These reports will provide your personal HEDIS scores as compared to NCQA benchmarks and MHP’s reported score (total of all providers). In order to maintain our HEDIS scores, MHP will continue to perform medical record review throughout the year. We appreciate your generosity in allowing our staff to perform this task. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lynn Gregory at 313-827-5564 or Kimberly Weaver at 313-586-6077. Medicare QI Program and Evaluation During the calendar year 2011, Midwest continued to make improvements in the quality and safety of the care our members receive. MHP serves Dual Eligible Special Needs members in Wayne and Oakland counties. We continually evaluate our internal structures and processes and make changes based on results of surveys, audits, and feedback from our providers, office staff and members. Information on the Annual Evaluation is placed in the Provider Newsletters with the entire annual evaluation available by hard copy upon request. Hard copies of all documents (QI Programs, Chronic Condition Improvement Projects, HEDIS results, Model of Care, Medication Therapy Management Program, etc.) are available upon request please call the QI Department at 313-586-6063. Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis For children, ages 2 to 18, diagnosed with pharyngitis and are prescribed an antibiotic, Midwest Health Plan will reimburse PCP offices $20 for a strep test performed at the time of 7 diagnosis. . This applies to Medicaid members only and claims/encounters submitted with the following codes: ICD-9-CM (any of the following diagnosis codes): 462=acute pharyngitis 463=acute tonsillitis 034.0=streptococcal sore throat CPT codes (any of the following CPT codes): 87070 87071 87081 87430 87650-87652 87880/87880QW Lead Screening Michigan State law states that all Medicaid-enrolled children, between the age of 12 and 24 months or 36 and 72 months if not tested previously, must have a blood lead test. NO EXCEPTIONS OR WAIVERS EXIST! For more information, please go to the MDCH web site at 8 http://www.bridges4kids.org/lead/MCDH8-03.html Clinical and Preventive Health Guidelines MHP’s Clinical and Preventive Health Guidelines include: Acute Bronchitis in Adults Asthma Cancer Chronic Heart Failure Chronic Kidney Disease Deep Venous Thrombosis Diabetes Heart Failure Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Low Back Pain Major Depression Obesity Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Otitis Media Pharyngitis Prenatal & Postpartum Care Prevention of Unintended Pregnancy in Adults Preventive Health Guidelines from birth to over age 65 Stroke Substance Use Disorders Tobacco Control 9 These guidelines are found on our website of www.midwesthealthplan.com. Please review these guidelines. These guidelines are developed based on nationally recognized sources — each guideline lists the sources. These guidelines were endorsed by the Medical Directors of the Michigan Quality Improvement Consortium (MQIC) and/or the Michigan Association of Health Plans Medical Directors. You can also find the guidelines along with physician tools on the MQIC website at www.mqic.org. If you would like a hard copy of these guidelines, or have any comments or suggestions for revisions, please contact the Quality Improvement Department at #313-586-6077. HEALTH MANAGEMENT Effective Antibiotic Prescribing: The power to prevent antibiotic resistance is in your hands CDC has launched the program “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work.” Visit the website at http://www.cdc.gov/getsmart Here you will have access to educational tools for parents and children, along with information for providers and pharmacists. Antibiotics cure bacterial infections, NOT viral infections such as: • Colds or flu • Most coughs and bronchitis • Non-strep sore throats • Runny noses Midwest Health Plan educates members about antibiotics to reduce prescription requests for colds, influenza or sore throats. We ask providers to support appropriate antibiotic testing by performing strep tests and not prescribing antibiotics for viral infections. This supports clinical guidelines and National CDC initiatives. To obtain URI and pharyngitis clinical practice guidelines, visit www.midwesthealthplan.com or call the Health Management Department at 313-586-6071. ROSEBUD® Pregnancy Education Program Midwest Health Plan would like to remind you of our telephonic case management and education program for pregnant members and their infants. ROSEBUD® is staffed by nurses who specialize in perinatal care and case management. The Perinatal Case Management program targets women at risk for complications during pregnancy. The program supports the healthcare provider’s plan of care as well as provides ongoing education to the expectant mother and her family. You may refer members to this program, by calling the Health Management Department at 313-586-6071. You may also fill out the Notification of Pregnancy form and fax it to 313-8275694, Attention: Health Management Department. Thank you for your assistance! The Notification of Pregnancy form can be found on our website at http://www.midwesthealthplan.com/MidwestHealthPlan/Providers/Forms.aspx VaxtextSM Immunization Reminders The VaxtextSM program is a mobile text program intended to help busy parents and caregivers ensure that their infants receive vaccines according to the CDC-recommended vaccination schedule for babies 0-24 months of age. The text messages include simple, timely reminders about which vaccines are due next and information that supports the importance of vaccines. VaxtextSM aims to help parents and caregivers stay on track with the recommended childhood immunization schedule and understand why vaccines matter. Patients can register by texting CARE to 38132 or visiting the website at www.vaxtext.com It’s important to note that message and data rates associated with a participant’s calling plan will apply. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stresses the need for the supplemental dose of Prevnar 13® A CDC data review, published in November 2011, shows that children under 5 years of age who have not had a dose of Prevnar 13® (PCV13) continue to develop invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) that results from the 6 serotypes unique to the vaccine. Therefore, the CDC is emphasizing the need to administer the supplemental dose of Prevnar 13 ® to children 15 months to 5 years of age who have received 4 doses of PCV7. To help prevent IPD among children, the CDC and AAP are reminding health care professionals to administer a single supplemental dose of Prevnar 13 ® to all children under 5 years of age who have received 4 doses of PCV7 in order to provide additional protection against the 6 serotypes unique to Prevnar 13®. Health care providers should take advantage of opportunities to provide the supplemental dose of Prevnar 13® during any health care visit. Due to the importance of the catch up vaccine, Midwest Health Plan has partnered with Pfizer to notify our members ages 17 through 56 months who, according to our claims data, have not had a Prevnar 13®. Members will receive a phone call followed by a postcard with a reminder to schedule an appointment with their doctor for the vaccine. Reminder: As a Medicaid provider, you are required to get your vaccines through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. Contact your local health department if you have questions about the VFC program. 11 If you have any questions about this project, please contact the Health Management Department at (313) 586-6071. For more information on the supplemental dose of the vaccine, please refer to the CDC. Thank you in advance for your efforts to have your members fully immunized. Screening for Depression Primary Care practitioners play an important role in screening for and treating depression. Midwest Health Plan recommends the use of PHQ-9 Questionnaire as a depression screening tool. The Tool is available online as part of the MacArthur Initiative on Depression & Primary Care at Dartmouth and Duke at: http://www.depressionprimarycare.org/clinicians/toolkits/materials/forms/phq9/. You will find useful information and a Depression Management Tool Kit on their website that includes the following: Recognition and Diagnostic Information Patient Education Materials Treatment Information Monitoring and Follow-up Information Bibliography Please remember to screen for depression in asthmatic, diabetic and post-partum patients and refer patients for behavioral health services if needed. You can find behavioral health providers in the Midwest Provider Directory which is online at www.midwesthealthplan.com . If you have questions about the depression screening tool, please call the Health Management department at 313-586-6071. 12 FREE GLUCOMETER PROGRAM ATTENTION PROVIDERS: Midwest Health Plan (MHP) provides glucometers FREE of charge to our diabetic members. Below is the form that must be completed in order for members to receive the FREE glucometer. You do not have to complete a MHP referral form, only the attached form. The form is also available on the MHP website at: http://www.midwesthealthplan.com/MidwestHealthPlan/Providers/Forms.aspx There are two types of glucometers available, the Bayer Breeze 2 and Bayer Contour. The glucometer can be shipped to your office for the member to pick up, or mailed directly to the member’s home. Because diabetic supplies (i.e. alcohol swabs, lancets, and test strips) are billed under the prescription drug benefit, your patient will need a prescription to take to the pharmacy for those items. If you have questions regarding this program, please call Customer Service at 888-654-2200. 13 14 Instructions for Accessing the FWA Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) Training Module 1. To take a web-based training course, go to http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-andEducation/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNProducts/index.html?redirect=?MLNProducts on the CMS website. 2. Under “Related Links”, at the bottom of the page, click on “Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses”. 3. Click on Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training, not the icon next to it. 4. At the top of the Course Description Window, you will be able to click on either “Login” or “Register”. 5. If you already have an MLN account, click “Login” and enter your User ID and Password. 6. If you do not have an MLN account, click “Register”. You will be re-directed to a page with an e-mail address field stating “Please type your E-mail address and press Submit”. Enter an e-mail address and click “Submit”. The next screen will read: “No account was found matching your search criteria. Please click here to proceed with registration”. Click the word “Here” to continue with registration. 7. After logging in or completing the registration, you will be re-directed to your home page. 8. Click on the “Web-Based Training Courses” link. 9. Click the Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training title, not the icon next to it. 10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Please click here to access Provider Compliance Web Page” not the “Take Course” button. 11. You will be re-directed to the Provider Compliance Web Page. 12. Under “Downloads” click on Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training. 13. You will be asked whether you would like to “Open” or “Save the File”. Choose which option you prefer. 14. After you unzip the file, you will see two versions of the same training slides – one in PDF format and the other in PPT format. Choose either version to access the training. 15. Once you have finished the training, go to slide 59 for a “Certificate of Completion” template that can be used to document course completion. If you choose to use this certificate, click on slide 59 in the PowerPoint format, clear the existing fields - “Type Your Name Here” and “Insert Today’s Date” - and replace the contents with your name and the date that you completed the training. FAX THIS COMPLETED FORM TO KATHY HARKNESS AT # 313-827-5694. This form will be used a proof you complied with Quality Improvement as well as State and Federal requirements as stated in your contract with Midwest. ** 16. Congratulations! You have successfully accessed the Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training! 15 **Provider contract excerpt: Section 2.2.2 Rules and Regulations. Provider agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, medical laws, and CMS instructions applicable to the provision of Covered Services and with all state laws requiring health professionals to comply with reporting requirements for communicable diseases and other health indicators. Provider agrees to comply with all applicable rules, regulations, policies and procedures as set forth in the PCP Provider Manual, and all requirements under any contracts between Plan and any Program that are applicable to Plan’s subcontractors, including but not limited to cooperating with and complying with quality improvement programs, grievance procedures, appeal procedures and utilization management procedure. WIN CANDY: Your office will have the chance each month to win a free box of candy. All you have to do is answer the questions toward the last page of the newsletter and fax the page to us at 313-8275694. If your answers are correct, the candy will be mailed to your office. Please refer to our website at www.midwesthealthplan.com for the list of winners. If you do not answer the questions correctly, you will not receive the candy. So keep up the good work and keep responding. If you’re not participating, you should. It’s quick and easy and all you have to do is read the newsletter and answer the questions. Please try it. Congratulations to those offices who responded correctly. We hope you are enjoying the candy! The December office winners include: Dr. Kamala Vanaharam, My Family Doctor, Dr. Rekha Shah, C A Murphy My Family Health Center, Dr. Madan Gupta,Southfield. 16 JANUARY CANDY CONTEST 2013 1. True or False (circle one) Medicaid and MIChild members may receive services at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Rural Health Centers (RHC), Tribal Health Centers (THC), and Child and Adolescent Health Centers (CAHC). . 2. True or False (circle one) Midwest pays Medicaid Fee for Service rates for both the well visit and sick visit when conducted on the same day. Effective 10/1/12, Providers are to charge ONLY ONE co-pay to the member when both the sick and well visits are conducted on the same day. 3. Midwest Health Plan’s Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee met on November 13, 2012. All changes are effective on December 1, 2012. The drug classes that were reviewed include: ___________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________ 4. Members and Practitioners of Midwest Health Plan have a right to contact Midwest Health Plan staff to discuss UM Issues. All Health Services staff is accessible for members or providers who have questions regarding any UM process. Staff is available during normal business hours. Midwest Health Plan has a toll free number _____________________ for members or providers calling in regards to UM Issues. Name: _________________________________ From the office of Doctor: ______________________ PIN _______ Office Site Name: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________ ****************************************************** 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers for the December 2012 CANDY CONTEST TRUE TRUE Colds Or Flu, most coughs & Bronchitis, non-strep sore throat, & runny nose 2-2-2 17 Notification of Pregnancy Form Phone number: 313-586-6071 Fax number: 313-827-5694 MEMBER DATA Date Date of Birth Last Name First Name Address Phone # City Alternate Phone # ZIP Recipient ID HEALTHCARE PROVIDER DATA PCP Name Address Zip OB Provider PCP ID # Ste Phone # OB Phone # PERINATAL INFORMATION Maternal: LMP EDC Date last Pap test Date Chlamydia screen RISK FACTORS / COMMENTS Midwest Health Plan thanks you for notifying us of members who are pregnant. 18 19
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