COURSE DESCRIPTION Health information technology (HIT) has long been used by healthcare corporations to undermine the skill and professional judgment of registered nurses in an effort to shift the responsibility of direct patient care onto nonnurses or even automated systems. In addition to deskilling, HIT reshapes the healthcare industry and redefines what it means to be both a nurse and a patient. This class will connect the dots between the redefinition of patient care and the larger restructuring of the healthcare industry by focusing on the common role of HIT in both of these transformations. We will relate these changes in healthcare to broader social, economic, and political trends. For example, we will learn how the technological restructuring of nursing reflects a more general automation of work and how this relates to rising social and economic inequality. We will also consider the different meanings and functions of HIT in a healthcare system that focuses on patients rather than profits. The class will culminate in a discussion of how to resist technological restructuring at the bedside and beyond through a focus on systemic healthcare reform. TIME TO CARE: RN Patient Advocacy in the Age of Technological Healthcare Restructuring TUESDAY, JUNE 9 COURSE OBJECTIVES CHICO, CA 1. Articulate what healthcare restructuring is and how it fundamentally transforms the relationship among RNs, patients, access to care, care settings, and healthcare/insurance companies in ways that could eventually undermine the nursing profession. 2. Evaluate how health information technology — such as electronic health records, clinical decision support, and RN- and patient-tracking devices — facilitates healthcare restructuring. 3.Identify the relationship between technological health-care restructuring and wider social, economic, and political trends. 2000 Franklin Street | Oakland CA 94612 Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to: FOR DIRECT- CARE AND STAFF RNs Provider Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider #000754 for 6 contact hours (CEHs) DATES, TIME, & LOCATION REGISTRATION & FEE INFORMATION REGISTRATION FORM Tuesday, June 9, 2015 9:00am – 4:00pm Register early as space may be limited and pre-registration is required. Please register no later than one week before the class. Registrants should arrive 15 minutes prior to class and sign-in. Please register me for the class indicated below. Optional: Additional hour of class available 4:00pm – 5:00pm Oxford Suites Chico 2035 Business Lane Chico, CA 95928 Chris Nielsen Name: __________________________________________ CE Course: FREE to CNA/NNU members. Street: __________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION FACULTY A completed form is necessary to insure registration. Please print legibly. CNA/NNU reserves the right to substitute qualified faculty for those listed. Free parking lot and street parking available. Absolutely no recording or videotaping of courses allowed. Attendees must remain for the full session to receive CE credit (6 CEHs). Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. CEHs will be mailed to your home address after the class. City: ________________________ Zip:_________________ Work Phone: ( ) ____________________________ Cell Phone: ( ) _____________________________ Home Phone: ( ) ___________________________ Home Email:_____________________________________ Work Email:______________________________________ Name of Employer/Facility:_________________________ Job Classification:_________________________________ RN License #:____________________________________ For processing CE certificate only. ❏ June 9, 2015 | Chico, California MAIL, FAX, OR ONLINE REGISTRATION: CNA/NNOC/NNU Attn: Nursing Practice/CE 2000 Franklin Street, Oakland CA 94612 Fax: 510-663-2761
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