FINAL SENIOR TROJAN NEWSLETTER A Note From Your Counselors…Well, the moment you have been dreaming of for the past four years is almost here…GRADUATION! We are so proud of your accomplishments and we wish you well in your future endeavors. We hope you will come back to share your success stories with us. Best Wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 2015!! SCHOLARSHIPS Please see Ms. Elmore in the School Counseling Office if you are interested in any of the scholarships listed. If you need a paper application, please complete one of the yellow “Scholarship Request Forms” outside of Ms. Elmore’s office. Scholarships with a red asterisk (*) do not have paper applications available. Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology Scholarship Deadline: May 15, 2015 Amount: $1,000 and $1,500 Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology has two scholarships available that can be used towards tuition. A scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to a 2015 graduating high school student with a minimum unweighted 2.7 GPA. A scholarship in the amount of $1,500 will be awarded to a student with a minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA. Student must plan to attend Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology. Please see Ms. Elmore for additional information. Alpha Alpha Gamma Psi Christian Sorority, Inc.* Deadline: May 15, 2015 Amount: $500 Alpha Alpha Gamma Psi Christian, Sorority, Inc. is offering this scholarship to a high school senior with a permanent residence status in Chester or York County, SC. Criteria: Female, permanent residence status in Chester or York County, legal permanent U.S. resident, minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA, must be accepted full-time to a 2-4 year college/university for upcoming semester, 20 hours of community service and financial need. Interested applicants must email [email protected] for an application. SunTrust “Off to College” Scholarship Sweepstakes* Deadline: May 15, 2015 Amount: $500 SunTrust will award thirty $500 scholarships to high school students and current undergraduate college students for education expenses at a college/university. It is free to enter and eligibility is not based on GPA or financial need. Participants can enter once every two weeks up to 15 times during the sweepstakes period. Two winners will be randomly chosen every two weeks from October 31, 2014 to May 15, 2015. Enter at suntrusteducation.comscholarshipsweepstakes Sheriff’s Foundation of York County, Inc. Deadline: May 18, 2015 Amount: $2,000 The Sheriff’s Foundation of York County, Inc. will award a minimum of two $2000 scholarships to high school seniors from York County. Applicants are limited to those who intend to pursue a law enforcement-related area of study such as criminal justice, detention/corrections, forensic science, criminology, social work, etc. Must have a minimum “B” average and have an acceptance letter from an accredited college or university. Please see Ms. Elmore for an application. York County Education Association Deadline: May 22, 2015 Amount: Not Specified This scholarship is sponsored by the York County Education Association (YCEA). It is for students who plan to pursue a career in teaching. See Ms. Elmore for an application. Applications are due to Ms. Elmore by 5/22/15. Touchstone Energy Scholarship Deadline: May 30, 2015 Amount: $1000 This scholarship is sponsored by York Electric Cooperative. YEC will award this scholarship to a high school senior at each one of these schools: Clover High School, Fort Mill High School, Indian Land High School, Nation Ford High, Northwestern High, Rock Hill High, South Pointe High, Westminister Catawba Christian School and York Comprehensive High. You MUST BE served by YEC to apply. See Ms. Elmore for an application or download one from SCABSE Deadline: May 31, 2015 Amount: Not Specified This scholarship is sponsored by the South Carolina Association of Black School Educators (SCABSE). The scholarship will contribute to the recipient’s 2015-16 academic costs and will be paid directly to the recipient’s school when proof of university/college matriculation is received. Criteria: U.S. Citizen, African-America high school senior, minimum 3.0 GPA, plan to attend two or four year college/university, and have completed a minimum of 100 hours of community service from January 2013 to date of application. See Ms. Elmore for an application. Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship* Deadline: June 15, 2015 Amount: $500 This scholarship is sponsored by the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in memory of Suzannah Blackwell who was an ESOL teacher. TESOL endowed this scholarship to recruit and advance students whose first language is not English and/or teacher candidates entering into an ESOL certification program. Applicants must be accepted full-time to an accredited university. Applications are available at SMC Scholars Program* Deadline: June 30, 2015 Amount: Full-tuition For the 13th year in a row, Spartanburg Methodist College is pleased to announce that they will continue their practice of offering high school seniors who will graduate with a 3.0 GPA, a full tuition package for the 2015-16 academic year. Students must complete the FAFSA by June 30, 2015, to determine their eligibility for Pell Grants and the SC Tuition Grant program. SMC will make up any difference between their tuition and public grants for which the student may qualify with institutional scholarship funds. Visit their website at to complete an admissions application. Call Me MISTER program * Deadline: Not specified Amount: $5,000 This scholarship is designed for African-American males who are interested in pursuing a career in education. MISTER is an acronym for Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models. Applicants must apply and be accepted to one of the participating institutions (Anderson, Benedict, Claflin, Clemson, College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina, Greenville Tech, Midlands Tech, Morris College, South Carolina State University, Tri-County Tech, Trident Tech or USC-Beaufort). Once you complete the college admissions application, you must complete the Call Me Mister online referral application. This can be accessed at _____________________________________________________________________________ UNIQUE SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Students Saving Summer Scholarship Program Local students have the opportunity to earn scholarships by organizing and hosting a summer blood drive June through September. There are three basic elements to this community service project each participating student must accomplish in order to qualify for the Students Saving Summer Scholarship: 1. Choose a blood drive location. 2. Recruit friends, family members and neighbors to donate. 3. Collect a minimum of 25 units. To learn more about the Students Saving Summer Scholarship Program, please contact Kim Jones at 704-972-4727 or via email at [email protected]. IMPORTANT: PALMETTO FELLOWS LATE AWARDS Seniors who are in the top 6% of the class and have NOT made the required SAT/ACT score have three opportunities to retest and qualify to be a part of the Late Awards. The test dates are: SAT May 2nd, and June 6th (graduation day) ACT June 13th. If you register for the June ACT/SAT administration, you MUST have your scores sent directly to CHE using the following codes: SAT 4313 and ACT 6326. Score reports MUST be received by the Commission Office by July 31, 2015, in order to be considered for the Late Awards. If you have questions about Palmetto Fellows, see Mrs. Hill in the Counseling Office. UPCOMING IMPORTANT DATES May 1, 2015 May 2, 2015 May 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 21, 2015 May 9-22, 2015 May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015 May 29, 2015 May 31, 2015 June 1, 2015 June 5, 2015 June 6, 2015 June 6, 2015 June 13, 2015 Senior Day SAT Trojan Way (Mandatory senior meeting in the NHS Auditorium) Registration deadline for June 13th ACT Registration deadline for June 6th SAT 3rd & 4th Block Senior Exams (full day) Late registration deadline for June 13th ACT 1st & 2nd Block Senior Exams (half day for seniors) Late registration deadline for June 6th SAT Awards Day at 9:00 a.m. in NHS Auditorium Baccalaureate at 7 p.m. at North Rock Hill Church Friends of Northwestern Academic Reception at 6:30 p.m. (F Gym) Mandatory Graduation Practice @9:00 a.m. (F Gym) GRADUATION at 10:00 a.m. at Winthrop Coliseum (must arrive by 9:15 a.m.) SAT ACT Make-up School Dates: May 9th, May 12th, May 14th, May 16th, May 19th, May 21st and May 30th. 11 Lessons for Graduates and You 1. You are here for a reason and the most important thing you can do in life is to find, live and share your purpose. It’s the one thing in life that truly matters and if you don’t pursue it, everything else is meaningless. 2. Follow your passion. It so often leads you to your purpose. You may not know what your passion is right now. That’s ok. The important thing is to make it your life mission to find it, live it and share it. To help find your passion, seek out jobs and experiences that allow you to use your strengths and gifts. Do what energizes you. 3. Beware of hobbies. Just because you love spending time on Facebook doesn't mean you would enjoy working for the company. And just because you love to cook doesn't mean you would enjoy owning a restaurant. For example, I owned restaurants but I realized I didn't love the food business. I loved the service and marketing aspect of the business. 4. Quit for the right reasons. Don't quit because work is hard or you're experiencing challenges. Quit because in your heart you know there is something else for you to do. Quit because you are not benefitting yourself or the organization you work for. Quit because you are absolutely certain you are no longer supposed to be there. 5. Learn from every job and experience. Every job, good or bad, prepares you for the work you were ultimately born to do. 6.Your current job may not be your ultimate purpose but it can serve as a vehicle to live and share your purpose. 7. Whatever job(s) you take after graduation simply decide to serve. When you serve in small ways you'll get more opportunities to serve in bigger ways. 8. Your dream job is likely not the one you dreamed about. So often we end up in amazing careers that have nothing to do with our college degree or childhood dreams. 9. The quest for your purpose is not a straight line. It is filled with mystery, signs, obstacles, victories, dead ends, delays and detours. Your job is to stay optimistic and faithful on your quest. 10. Don't rush the future. There is a process that seeds must go through in order to become all they are destined to become, and you must go through this same process to become the person you are meant to be and do the work you are meant to do. You may want things to happen NOW but more than likely if you got what you wanted NOW you wouldn't be ready for it. The purpose process prepares you, strengthens you, shapes you and grows you to be successful, not in your time, but in the right time. 11. Be the Seed. Seeds surrender themselves to the ground so they can be used for a greater purpose. Wherever you work, decide to plant yourself where you are and allow yourself to be used for a greater purpose. When you plant yourself and make a difference you grow into the person you were born to be and produce a harvest that will benefit others and change the world. Excerpt taken from The Seed by Jon Gordon Please make sure you are using the correct contact information for your counselor on your college and scholarship applications. Please use the information below when requested. NHS SCHOOL COUNSELORS Department Chair: Bobby Page Last names: La-LL and T-Z Telephone: 803-981-1216 E-Mail: [email protected] Sharon Bybee Debbie Cabaniss Bridget Elmore Kim Howell Rena Hill Last Names Lo-Pa Last Names A-Ca Last Names Ce-Ga Last Names Ge-Ku Last Names Pe-S [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 803-981-1891 803-981-1215 803-981-1214 803-981-1237 803-985-3522 The School Counseling Department is on Facebook and Twitter. Twitter: @Guidance_NHS Facebook:
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