SOUTHERN ARIZONA OA MEETING LIST: Updated July 5, 2015 for the most up to date list visit: www.oasouthernaz.org
DAY& TIME GROUP NAME & NUMBER LOCATION CONTACT & IR NOTES TUCSON AREA MIRACLES HAPPEN 4180 W. Sweetwater Dr. Adena 404-­‐8466 WC Literature Varied Format #23957 Look for OA signs (NORTHWEST) IR: OPEN HOPE, LOVE & ACCEPTANCE Streams In The Desert Lutheran Church Susan C. 747-­‐5018 WC Varied Format: Tradition/Step and 1-­‐ Classroom A in Fellowship Hall IR: Patty C. 307-­‐3654 1/2 hr Big Book Study #45377 5360 E. Pima (CENTRAL) SEEKING THE POWER UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MEDICAL CENTER Michelle M-­‐K 270-­‐2130 FF* WC TH
11 STEP MEETING #49744 1501 N. Campbell (CENTRAL) IR: Niki 480-­‐330-­‐5077 **Parking Rm. E/F (S end of Café) nd
READING, WRITING & RECOVERY Mountain View Retirement Village, 2 Floor Lana 270-­‐0702 Please sign in JUST FOR TODAY # 7900 N. La Canada Dr. (NORTHWEST) IR: Rene Taylor 395-­‐7250 at Reception FAR EAST ABSTINENCE / STEP STUDY Abounding G race C hurch, Mickey M. 885-­‐6861 WC #40522 2450 S. Kolb Rd. (FAR EAST) IR: Julie 248-­‐760-­‐7169 NW TENDER SOLUTIONS Dove of Peace Lutheran Church Neva S. 877-­‐8420 WC OA 12 & 12/ Sharing #40963 665 W. Roller Coaster Rd. (NORTHWEST) IR: Jen Greene 544-­‐2384 West of Oracle Rd. (Meeting in lower level room, park in rear of church. Entrance is through gate on the right.) St. Frances Cabrini Church, Ed. Bldg. Rm. 3 (E of Ann S. 395-­‐2503 FF* Early Morning Big Book Study church) Central IR: Nancy K. 241-­‐0019 Service dogs 3201 E Presidio only WELCOME HOME Streams In The Desert Lutheran Church, Janet G. 795-­‐7492 Beverage Sharing Ginsler Hall S. Side of Church Judith H. 323-­‐9845 only #04330 5360 E. Pima (CENTRAL) IR: Deb B. 248-­‐7531 nd
KEEP IT SIMPLE Mountain View Retirement Village, 2 Floor Lana 270-­‐0702 Please sign in Just for Today #52972 7900 N. La Canada Dr. (NORTHWEST) IR: Katie S. 720-­‐380-­‐8023 at Reception SUNDAY 11:00 -­‐12 Noon SUNDAY 5:30-­‐6:30 PM SUNDAY 5:30-­‐6:30 PM MONDAY 5:30-­‐6:30 PM MONDAY 7:00-­‐8:00 PM TUESDAY 10:45-­‐12 Noon Wednesday 7:00-­‐8:00 AM WEDNESDAY 11:30-­‐12:30 PM WEDNESDAY 6:00-­‐7:00 PM THURSDAY SEEKING THE SPIRITUAL PATH Oro Valley Urgent Care, Comm. Ed. Room Diane 638-­‐5583 10:45-­‐11:45 AM Book study #00439 13101 N. Oracle Rd (Oro Valley FAR NW) IR: OPEN THURSDAY OVER AND UNDER MEETING St. Frances Cabrini Church, Ed. Bldg., Rm. 5 (E. Beth M. 349-­‐0810 5:30-­‐6:30 PM Lifeline/Discussion #50226 of c hurch) IR: Sandra R. WC 3201 E. Presidio (CENTRAL) [email protected] THURSDAY BIG BOOK STUDY #47942 Abounding G race Church WC 7:00-­‐8:00 PM 2450 S. Kolb Rd. (FAR EAST) IR: OPEN FRIDAY FRESH START #49600 St. Frances Cabrini Church, Ed. Bldg., Rm. 3 (E. Ann S. 395-­‐2503 FF* 7:30-­‐8:30 AM of c hurch) IR: Nancy K. 241-­‐0019 Service dogs 3201 E. Presidio (CENTRAL) only FRIDAY LIVING IN THE SOLUTION Streams In The Desert Lutheran Church Elisa R. 881-­‐1670 FF* 10:30-­‐11:30 AM Sharing #14251 Class Room B in Fellowship Hall IR: Junardi 306-­‐8225 5360 E. Pima (CENTRAL) nd
Friday New Beginnings! Mountain View Retirement Village, 2 Floor Lana 270-­‐0702 Please sign in at Reception 5:30-­‐6:30 Tools of Recovery (ask receptionist for directions) IR: OPEN 7900 N. La Canada Dr. (NORTHWEST) SATURDAY FAR EAST SATURDAY GROUP Eastside Covenant Church Cheryl L. 747-­‐2387 WC 9:00-­‐10:00 AM Varied Format #45696 551 N. Camino Seco (FAR EAST) IR: Mickey M. 885-­‐6861 SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING STUDY GROUP St. James Methodist Church Chris B. 887-­‐7188 WC 9:00-­‐10:00 AM #12117 3255 N
. Campbell (CENTRAL) IR: Randi Z 825-­‐4625 (N of Ft. Lowell; W side of Campbell) IR=Intergroup Representative WC=Wheel Chair Accessible **No parking fees at UMC on Sundays *FRAGRANCE FREE: In consideration of members who suffer from allergies, please refrain from wearing cologne or perfume. XX=no summer meetings MEETING LIST CHANGES: Please send corrections or changes to Gina B. at [email protected] >>>OVER WEBSITES: OA World Service: www.oa.org OA Region 3: www.oaregion3.org OA Southern AZ: www.oasouthernaz.org 7/5/2015 July 2015 TUESDAY 4:00-­‐5:00 PM GREEN VALLEY DISCUSSION St. Francis of the Valley Church #49982 600 S. La Canada Dr Library DISCUSSION St. Francis of the Valley Church #49982 600 S. La Canada Dr Library STEP AND TRADITION STUDY St. Francis of the Valley Church #34898 600 S. La Canada Dr Library SIERRA VISTA MONDAY NIGHT MIRACLES Church of Christ Literature study #17537 815 El Camino Real Room 1 NEWCOMERS Church of Christ #39367 815 El Camino Real Room 1 Varied format Church of Christ #40592 815 El Camino Real Room 1 PATAGONIA PATAGONIA TUESDAY OA United Methodist Church Varied Format #50474 387 McKeown Ave PATAGONIA OA United Methodist Church Big Book Study #51744 387 McKeown Ave BENSON BENSON TUESDAY Sobriety House th
Rotating Format #47074 225 E. 6 St TUESDAY 6:00-­‐7:00 PM BISBEE TUESDAY VARIED FORMAT TUESDAY 7:30-­‐8:30 PM SAFFORD TUESDAY BIG BOOK STUDY #52833 SATURDAY 9:00-­‐10:00 AM SAFFORD SATURDAY OA 12X12 MEETING #53645 TUESDAY 7:45-­‐8:45 AM THURSDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM SATURDAY 9:00-­‐10:15 AM MONDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM THURSDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM SATURDAY 11:00-­‐12 Noon TUESDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM THURSDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM MONDAY 1:00 – 2:00 PM TUESDAY 6:30-­‐7:30 PM BISBEE Bisbee Chiropractic 120 Naco Road. Old Bisbee SAFFORD St. Rose of Lima Church St. Luke’s Room 311 S. Central Ave. Marj M. 248-­‐9043 WC IR: OPEN Marj M. 248-­‐9043 WC IR: OPEN Marj M. 248-­‐9043 WC IR: OPEN. Jan F. 520-­‐678-­‐0369 WC IR: Jan F. 520-­‐678-­‐0369 Marilyn 520-­‐417-­‐1645 WC IR: OPEN Jan F. 520-­‐678-­‐0369 WC IR: Nancy R. 520-­‐ 227-­‐3817 Adrienne H. 520-­‐404-­‐3490 FF* IR: Jan H. 520-­‐275-­‐6439 Adrienne H. 520-­‐404-­‐3490 FF* IR: Jan H. 520-­‐275-­‐6439 Peggy 520-­‐456-­‐1676 WC IR: Darlyn R. 505-­‐681-­‐7478 Lynda 520-­‐432-­‐5126 IR: Paul P. 520-­‐353-­‐5828 Timi R. 928-­‐322-­‐8647 IR: Nora G. 520-­‐255-­‐0784 Safford Ranch Clubhouse 3201 E. Hwy 70 YUMA YUMA MONDAY Gloria DeCristo Church th
October thru May 10 #47822 11273 E. 40 St. Timi R. 928-­‐322-­‐8647 IR: Timi R. 928-­‐322-­‐8647 JUST FOR TODAY Desert Rose Retirement Home th
Rotating Format #49443 1545 S. 14 St. Lorraine 928-­‐782-­‐1305 WC IR: OPEN BJ 928-­‐782-­‐4019 XX IR: Connie O. 928-­‐305-­‐0682 THURSDAY YUMA THURSDAY #00520 Central Church of Christ BJ 928-­‐782-­‐4019 12:00-­‐1:00 PM 651 W. 28th St. IR: OPEN IR=Intergroup Representative WC=Wheel Chair Accessible **No parking fees at UMC on Sundays *In consideration of members who suffer from allergies, please refrain from wearing cologne or perfume. XX=no summer meetings MEETING LIST CHANGES: Until 1/16/2015, please send corrections or changes to Gina B. at [email protected] OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA INTERGROUP #09078 P.O. Box 43221 Tucson, AZ 85733-­‐3221 (520) 733-­‐0880 SE Arizona Intergroup Board Officers Committee Chairs Chair Janis R. 325-­‐4441 PIPO Mollie H., Sara J. 271-­‐3754 , 343-­‐3090 Vice Chair Chris N 661-­‐1991 Meeting List Gina B. 390-­‐3985 Secretary Angela C. 808-­‐2091 Newsletter Peggy P. 520-­‐456-­‐1676 Darlyn R. 505-­‐681-­‐7478 Treasurer Rhonda S. 370-­‐5100 Special Events OPEN Sr. Delegate Neva S. 877-­‐8420 Media Library/Lifeline OPEN Jr. Delegate Sally H. 795-­‐1022 429-­‐5318 IR Trainer Susan C. 747-­‐5018 Telephone Diane G. 638-­‐5583 12 Step Within OPEN 349-­‐0810 Web Site Cheryl L. 747-­‐2387 th
Retreat Mike A. 445-­‐6630 SE AZ Intergroup meets the third Saturday of the month at 10:45AM, St. James United Methodist Church, 3255 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson 7/5/2015 July 2015