Thank you for your interest in baking some tasty treats to raise

Supported by London's leading kids baking company:
In association with
World Osteopathy Day
(22nd June 2015)
Host anytime between 22nd June-2nd August 2015!
Thank you for your interest in baking some tasty treats to raise ‘dough’ for the
OCC! With your help we can continue providing osteopathic
treatments to children with a variety of health issues.
So what are you waiting for? Get together with your family, friends an colleagues
to host your own ‘Bakerama’ event!
1. Choose any date between 22nd June2nd August 2015 and invite your guests.
Choose a venue: at home, work, a local
club or school etc. Then, spread the word
about your ‘Bakerama ‘using the poster
and materials included!
2. Start baking! We have lots of delicious
recipes at for
you to try!
3. Decorate the venue and get together
with your family, friends and colleagues.
Raise your ‘dough’ by asking them to
make a donation for each tasty treat!
4. Send your money along with your
completed donation form(s) to us at (The
‘Bakerama’), Osteopathic Centre for
Children, 22a Point Pleasant, London,
SW18 1GG.
We are hosting a bake sale to help raise dough for the
Osteopathic Centre for Children
Children.. It is a charity that
specialises in providing osteopathic treatments for
children aged 0
0--18 years with a variety of health issues.
Osteopathic Centre for Children, 22a Point Pleasant, London, SW18 1GG
Registered Charity No: 1003934
For immediate release (date, month, year)
Local (man/woman) holds ‘Bakerama’ event in aid of the Osteopathic Centre for Children.
(Your full name) from (town/ village name) is inviting local residents around for a slice of cake and a cuppa in aid of the
Osteopathic Centre for Children (OCC), after the charity (say briefly what support you have
received from the OCC or why you’re raising funds for OCC).
The (age) year-old (your profession) will be serving a selection of cakes on (date) as part of the OCC’s ‘Bakerama’. The OCC aims to
raise £40,000 this year so they can continue providing osteopathic treatments to children with a wide range of health issues. The
event is supported by ‘Cookie Crumbles’ - London’s leading kids baking company and will commence from 22nd June—2nd August
2015 (in association with World Osteopathy Day) which is on 22nd June 2015.
(Your name) said: “I’m passionate about helping children and their families and I hope others will support this very worthy cause
by coming along and enjoying some cake with us”. (Please explain why you are supporting the OCC e.g. personal experiences).
Patricia Farrell, the OCC’s Chief Executive, said: “We are very grateful to (your name) for taking part in our ‘Bakerama’ and
supporting our work”.
“Every penny helps, and our £40,000 fundraising target this year will help us to continue providing our much needed services. The
OCC’s pioneering model of practice and training has been recognised and adopted throughout Europe and further afield. After
more than 20 years, the OCC is still the only charity of its type in the world, making osteopathic care accessible to all children
and championing paediatric osteopathy all over the world.”
(Add details of your cake sale including date, location, etc).
To find out more about the OCC ‘Bakerama’, please visit
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For further information contact (your full name and contact details).
About the OCC:
Since its beginning in 1991, the OCC has achieved world-wide recognition for its work and, today, it is an established model
of practice:
In our full-day clinic, open Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Wandsworth and on Thursday in Shoreditch, we are able to
treat 17,000 babies, children and women in the peri-natal period each year.
A team of osteopaths regularly works alongside hospital staff in the neo-natal unit of Barnet General Hospital, building
awareness of the benefits of paediatric osteopathy and importance of our work within the ward’s staff and local
It is a world-recognised learning institution. Each year, we offer 25 qualified osteopaths places on our unique Diploma in
Paediatric Osteopathy course. To date, more than 200 osteopaths have graduated from our two-year programmes.
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DCS, 1
Sponsorship Form
In aid of the
Osteopathic Centre for Children
Charity registration no. 1003934
The Osteopathic Centre for Children is the first and only charity of its kind in the UK. Each year we offer 30,000
life-improving treatments to babies, children, pregnant women and post-partum mothers. It costs £1million each year
to run the OCC’s clinics, so your gift really will help us make a difference..
At no extra cost to you, £10 is suddenly £12.50. That’s the magic of
Gift Aid! All you need is a simple tick and we can reclaim the tax. *
Sponsor Name & Full Home Address
SW18 1GG
(necessary for Gift Aid)
John Smith, 22a Point Pleasant
Tick for
Gift Aid
Tick to
learn more
Sheet no _____
Sponsor Name & Full Home Address
(necessary for Gift Aid)
Tick for
Gift Aid
Tick to
*Sponsors: there is a way of increasing your donation at no extra cost to you. Under Gift Aid, we
reclaim tax at 25p for every £1 you give. To qualify you must pay enough UK tax to cover the amount
reclaimed, give your name, address and postcode AND tick the Gift Aid column. By ticking, you
confirm that you meet the above requirements and wish for us to treat every donation you have
made to the OCC since 06/04/00 and any future donations as Gift Aid gifts.
Please tick the ‘Tick to Learn More’ box to be added to our newsletter mailing list.
Osteopathic Centre for Children, 22a Point Pleasant, London,
SW18 1GG
paying in form
I enclose my gift of £
Please make cheques payable to ‘Osteopathic Centre for Children’
please debit my
CAF Charity card
Card No:
(The last 3 digits above your card’s signature strip. We are unable to accept your
donation without this – we do not retain this once your donation has been processed)
Card Security Code:
Expiry Date:
Valid From:
Switch Issue No:
Ms Other .............................................................................................................
First name: .......................................................... Surname: ......................................................................
Address: .....................................................................................................................................................
Email: .........................................................................................................................................................
Tel: .............................................................................................................................................................
Signature ............................................................................................ Date ..............................................
Please tell us how you heard about the OCC ‘Bakerama’:
Social Media e.g. Facebook or twitter
OCC website
Email from the OCC
Other (please specify).............................................................................................................................
To make your gift to the OCC worth 25% more at no extra cost to you please send in your completed donation form(s)
with this paying in form and your money.
Please return your completed forms to: The OCC ‘Bakerama’, Osteopathic Centre for Children, 22a Point Pleasant,
London, SW18 1GG
Osteopathic Centre for Children Registered Charity No: 1003934
We’d like to keep in touch with you to tell you more.
If you don’t want to hear from the OCC in the future please let us know.