ФГУП <<BнИиФТРи)) Сертификационный центр взрывозащищенных средств измерений, контроля и элементов автоматики СЩ ВСИ кВНИИФТРИ) Аттестат аккредитации ОС ВСИ Ns РОСС RU.0001.11ГБ06 от 25.04.13 г. Аттестат аккредитации ИЛ ВСИ Ns РОСС RU.0001 .2lИП09 от 25.04.13 г. |41570, Московская обл., п/о Менделеево, тел./факс: (а95) 526-6з0з Щополнение к к Сертификату соответствия Срок действия Всего листов - 1 Лист 1/стр.1 1 Ех-приложению тс RU с_Iт.гБOб.в.00383 с 18.11.2014 по l7.11.2019 Nь Магнитные уровнемеры серии 2000 Стеклянные уровнемеры серии T/R Расходомеры серии TMN, TMG, TMS Визуальные индикаторы расхода серии IVF Код ТН ВЭД ТС 9026 10 290 9 Код ОК 005 (ОКП) 42 |300 Маркировка взрывозащиты см. п. 5, таблица 1 изготовитель Officine ОrоЬiсhе S.p.A. (Италия) Via Serena, 1 0-24010 Ponteranica, Bergamo, Italy на основании Протокопа испытаний J\b 14.1826-01 от 18.03.2015 г. (ИЛ ВСИ кВНИИФТРИ> РОСС RU.0001.21ИП09) Изменения в Ех-приложении к сертификату соответствия ЛЬ ТС RU С-IТ.ГБOб.В.00383 согласно настоящему .Щополнениlо 1. Г.Е. Епржина N#"ъь W"\_-> Н.Ю. Мирошникова Ех-приложение Щополнение 1 икатy J\Ъ Тс RU С-IТ.ГБ06.В.00383 к Таблица 2 Температурный класс т1 Лист МаксимzшьнЕUI температура поверхности, ll стр.2 ОС 440 290 т2 тз т4 т5 тб 195 130 95 80 11 Перечень документов, содержащих сведения о взрывозащите 11.4 Щекларация о соответствии от марта2015 11.5 Протокол испытаний ИЛ ВСИ кВНИИФТРИ) ]ф 14.1826-01 Остальные данные без изм Руководитель ОС ВСИ (В эксперт ]ф РОСС RU.0001. Эксперт J\b Г.Е. Епихина РОСС RU.0001 Н.Ю. Мирошникова 14 апреля2015 г. Эксперт ft ФТРИ) Г.Е. Епю<ина f{.Ю. Мирошникова Translated Draft CUSTOMS UNION CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY No.RU C-IT.ГБ06.B.00383 Series RU blank No.0189993 CERTIFICATION ORGANof EX- measuring, control and automationdevices FGUP "VNIIFTRI" (OS VSI “VNIIFRI”) Address: Russia, 141570, Moscow region, Solnechogorsky district, Mendeleevo Tel./fax +7(495)526-63-03; [email protected] Accreditation Certificate № POCC RU.0001.11ГБ06 from 25 April 2013 issued by Rosacreditaciya APPLICANT ZAO "Severo-ZapadnoeMontazhnoeUpravlenieSevzapenergomontazh” Russia, 193079, Saint-Petersburg, Octyabrskaya embankment, 108 OGRN - 1027806063207; Tel: (812) 496-5375; Fax: (812) 496-5379, [email protected] MANUFACTURER Officine Orobiche S.p.A. (Italy) Via Serena, 10-24010 Ponteranica, Bergamo, Italy PRODUCT Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF Serial production CUSTOMS CODE 9026 10 290 0 CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS of Customs Union Technical Regulation TR TS 012/2011 “For safety of equipment operated at explosive atmosphere” CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ON THE BASE OF 1. Test report No.14.1826 от 23.10.2014 ILVSI “VIIFTRI” (POCC RU.0001.21ИП09 from 25 April 2013) 2. Facility audit report dated 15.07.2014. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Conditions and terms of service life - in accordance with the manufacturer's IOM The Certificate is valid with the EX-Supplement on 3 sheets Certification procedure – 1c PERIOD OF VALIDITY since 18.11.2014 till 17.11.2019 Chief executive of Certification Organ G.E. Epihina Expert N.Yu. Miroshnikova Stamp here FGUP «VNIIFTRI» Centre of certification of measuring, control and automation devices SC VSI «VNIIFTRI» OS accreditation license No. РОСС RU.0001.11ГБ06 dated 25.04.13. IL accreditation license No. РОСС RU.0001.21ИП09 dated 25.04.13. 141570, Moscow region., Mendeleevo, tel./fax: +7(495)526-63-03 Total pages – 4 Page 1/4 ЕХ – SUPPLEMENT To certificate of conformity No.TC RU С-IT.GB06.B.00383 Period of validity since 18.11.2014 till 17.11.2019 1. Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF OK code 005 (OKP) TN VED TC code 9026 10 290 0 42 1300 2.Ex-marking See point 5, Table 1 3. Manufacturer Officine Orobiche S.p.A. (Италия) Via Serena, 10-24010 Ponteranica, Bergamo, Italy 4. Application conditions 4.1 Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF are to be used in accordance with explosion proof mark, requirements of CU TR 012/2011, GOST 31438.1-2011 (EN1127-1:2007), GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), other normative documents regulating application of non-electrical equipment in explosive areas, and manufacturer’s instruction manual. 4.2 Applicable explosive areas and condition of the level gauges and flowmeters use, categories and groups of explosive air mixtures with gases and vapors are in accordance with GOST 30852.52002 (IEC 60079-4:1975). Possible explosive dust atmospheres, areas of application of devices measuring the level and flow - in accordance with GOST 31438.1-2011 (EN1127-1: 2007). 4.3 For use in explosive dust environments, the dust layer must not exceed of 5 mm. 4.4 The level gauges / Flowmeters design modification related to explosion proof method is to be coordinated with licensed test laboratory. 5. Scope, design and specification of items Certificate of Conformity covers Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF. The Level Gauges / Flowmeters have no electrical circuits. Ex marking is shown in table 1. Table 1 Device Magnetic level gauges series2000 Glass level gauges series Т Glass level gauges series R Flowmeters series TMN250, TMG250, TMS Flowmeters series TMS100 Sight glasses series IVF Ex marking For application in For application in explosive explosive gas environment dust environment III Db c T200 оС III Db c T350 оС III Db c T427 оС II Gb c T1…Т6 III Db c T180 оС III Db c T150 оС III Db c T130 оС 6. Function and field of application Level gauges series 2000; Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF are destined to determine the level of liquid or flow of fluid or gas. Level gauges series 2000; Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF belong to explosion proof equipment of Group II as per GOST 31441.1-2011 and destined for use in explosive areas and explosive dust environments as per described explosion proof mark. 7. General technical data 7.1. Explosive mixtures as per GOST R 51330.11 .............................................................. IIA, IIB, IIC groups T1…T6 7.2. Explosion proof type .................................................................. construction safety «с» protection 7.3. Explosion proof mark ................................................................................... as per Table 1 7.6. Operating conditions - Ambient temperature, оС ................................................................................. from -40 to +40 - operational media temperature, оС level gauges series 2000 ......................................................................................... from -40 to +200 level gauges series Т ............................................................................................. from -40 to+350 level gauges series R ............................................................................................. from -40 to+427 Flowmeters series TMN250 ................................................................................... from -40 to +180 Flowmeters series TMG250 ................................................................................... from -40 to +180 Flowmeters series TMS100 .................................................................................... from -40 to +150 Sight glasses series IVF.......................................................................................... from -40 to +130 - maximum surface temperature for level gauges and Sight glasses for application explosive gas environment, depending on the temperature class is shown in Table 2. Table 2 temperature class Т1 Т2 Т3 Т4 Т5 Т6 maximum surface temperature, оС 450 300 200 135 100 85 7.5 Dimensions, mm .............................................................................. as per technical documentation 7.6 Weight, kg ........................................................................................ as per technical documentation 8. Description of design details and explosion protection means 8.1 Level gauges series 2000 consist of a body (pipe lenght) inside of which a magnetized float is placed that by magnetic strength induce rotation of colored metal slats placed in an external case. Level indication is displayed on the scale located on the side of the housing. The liquid level is determined by the position of non-ferrous metal cylinders scale Glass level gauges series Т/R are made of body pipe with suitable process connections and equipped with glass windows on both (T) or one (R) side that allow you to see the level of fluid inside. Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS are made of body pipe with suitable process connections. Inside the body is placed a magnetized float, that by magnetic strength induce the movement of a piston placed in an external case. On the front side of the case the scale of the display is placed. Sight glasses series IVF are made of a body pipe with suitable process connections and equipped with glass windows that allow you to see the flow of the fluid inside. 8.2. Explosion proof of level gauges is provided by the following means. 8.2.1. Structurally, the level gauges, flowmeters and Sight glasses does not contain sources of sparks and ignition hazards from heated surfaces in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31441.5 2011 8.2.2 Parameters safe distances between moving and stationary parts of couplings correspond to the requirements of GOST 31441.5-2011. 8.2.3 Friction intrinsic safety ensured by the choice of construction materials. 8.2.4 The mechanical strength of the shell meets the requirements of GOST 31441.1-2011 for equipment with a high risk of mechanical damage. 8.2.5 The maximum heating temperature design of the level gauges and Sight glasses does not exceed the values permitted for the respective temperature class according to GOST 31441.1 2011 depending on the temperature of measured media (Table 1). 8.3 Ex-marking nameplate is located on the body of level gauges, flowmeters and Sight glasses. 9. Inspection data Results of construction examination and conformity testing of level gauges, flowmeters and Sight glasses as per requirements of GOST 31441.1-2011, GOST 31441.5-2011 are listed in report № 14.1826 dated 23.10.2014 issued by IL VSI «VNIIFTRI». In the level gauges/ flowmeters operation documentation are listed required regulations, according to assemble conditions and safety operation. 10. Ex-marking Taking in account the results of technical documentation and manuals, construction examination, explosion protection testing and according to requirements of CU TR 012/2011, GOST 31441.12011 (EN13463-1:2001), GOST 31441.5-2011 (EN13463-5:2003) Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF are given Ex-marking that shown in the table 1 Ex mark to be applied to equipment and specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation must contain a special character explosion under Annex 2 TR CU 012/2011 "On the safety equipment for working in hazardous environments." 11. List of documents indicating explosion protection data 11.1 IOM Manual 11.2 Declaration of conformity 11.3 Test report of IL VSI «VNIIFTRI» Chief executive of SC VSI “VNIIFTRI” IST.162-1, IST.168-1, IST.167-1, IST/145-1, IST/145-1, IST/160-1, IST/161.1 АТЕХооb05-009, АТЕХооb06-008, АТЕХооb02-009, АТЕХооb01-009 14.1826 G.E. Epikhina Expert No. POCC RU.0001.31015028 Expert No. POCC RU.0001. 31011039 N.Yu. Miroshnikova FGUP «VNIIFTRI» Centre of certification of measuring, control and automation devices SC VSI «VNIIFTRI» OS accreditation license No. РОСС RU.0001.11ГБ06 dated 25.04.13. IL accreditation license No. РОСС RU.0001.21ИП09 dated 25.04.13. 141570, Moscow region., Mendeleevo, tel./fax: +7(495)526-63-03 Total pages – 1 Page 1 ЕХ – SUPPLEMENT To Ex Annex To certificate of conformity No. TC RU С-IT.GB06.B.00383 Period of validity since 18.11.2014 till 17.11.2019 1. Magnetic level gauges series 2000; Glass level gauges series Т/R; Flowmeters series TMN, TMG, TMS; Sight glasses series IVF TN VED TC code OK code 005 (OKP) 9026 10 290 9 42 1300 2. Ex-marking See point 5, Table 1 3. Manufacturer Officine Orobiche S.p.A. (Italy) Via Serena, 10-24010 Ponteranica, Bergamo, Italy Based on Test report No. 14.1826-01 dated 18.03.2015 (IL VSI «VNIIFTRI» POCC.RU.0001.21ИП09) Changes in Ех-annex to Certificate of Conformity No. ТС RU C- IT.ГБ06.В.00383 as per this Supplement 1. 7.Main technical data 7.7 Operating conditions - ambient temperature, оС ................................................................................................. from -60 to +40 - operating media temperature, оС Magnetic level gauges series 2000 ............................................................................. from -60 to +200 Glass level gauges series Т ........................................................................................ from -60 to +350 Glass level gauges series R ........................................................................................ from -60 to +427 Flowmeters series TMN250 ....................................................................................... from -60 to +180 Flowmeters series TMG250 ....................................................................................... from -60 to +180 Flowmeters series TMS100 ....................................................................................... from -60 to +150 Sight glasses series IVF .............................................................................................. from -60 to +130 - maximum heating temperature of level gauges, flow meters and sight glasses surface for use in explosive gas atmospheres according to temperature class is given in Table 2 Table 2 Temperature class Т1 Т2 Т3 Т4 Т5 Т6 Maximal surface temperature, оС 440 290 195 130 95 80 11. List of documents indicating explosion protection data 11.4 Declaration of conformity dated March 2015 11.5 Test report of IL VSI «VNIIFTRI» Chief executive of SC VSI “VNIIFTRI” Expert No.РОСС RU.0001.31015028 Expert No. РОСС RU.0001.31011039 14.04.2015 14.1826-01 G.E. Epikhina N.Y. Miroshnikova
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