Taking Pediatrics to New Heights! #OhioAAPAM

Taking Pediatrics to New Heights! #OhioAAPAM
Featuring Paul Offit, MD, FAAP
Friday, September 11, 2015
Keynote: Immunization Refusal & Missed Opportunities
Receive 60 Points of Brand NEW MOC Part II
Infectious disease expert Paul Offit, MD, FAAP will take you through the history of the anti-vaccine movement and provide
Paul Offit, MD, FAAP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
you with solid tactics to use in practice that will directly address parental fear. Attendees will also receive a free copy of Dr.
Diagnosis & Treatment of Pediatric Acne and Eczema
This session will focus on the identification, classification, treatment, and management of pediatric and adolescent acne in the
Patricia Whitman, MD, FAAP, Nationwide Children’s
Offit’s new book Bad Faith: When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine.
primary care setting.
Consent and Confidentiality on Adolescent Health Care
James Fitzgibbon, MD, FAAP, Akron Children’s Hospital &
Paula Braverman, MD, FAAP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to describe the concepts and laws applicable to issues of consent
and confidentiality in adolescent health care and discuss the practical issues related to providing confidential services including
payment for services, HIPAA, and documentation in the medical record.
Medical Center
MOC Part II: Foster Care Self-Assessment (20 Points)
Mary Greiner, MD, FAAP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center & Jonathan Thackeray, MD, FAAP,
This course is designed to provide resources for physicians to improve delivery of care for children in foster and out of home
care at routine well child visits of all ages using developmentally-, age-, and behavior- appropriate counseling strategies to
improve the physical and behavioral health care of these children.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
MOC Part II: Injury Prevention Self-Assessment (20
Sarah Denny, MD, FAAP, Nationwide Children’s Hospital &
Michael Gittelman, MD, FAAP, Cincinnati Children’s
This session will provide attendees with an understanding of the top causes of injury in two age groups: children birth to 4
years of age, and adolescents. The importance of providing appropriate anticipatory guidance to parents to increase safety
behaviors will also be discussed. Topics covered will include safe sleep, child passenger safety, water safety, teen driving, and
sports injuries.
Hospital Medical Center
Early Career/Resident Mock Shark Tank
Shark Tank Game: Based on the popular TV show, Ohio AAP early career and resident physicians will compete for the “Most
Outstanding Project or Poster” designation and win a $250 prize and a format from the Chapter to present their innovative
Medicaid Payment Innovation Q&A with John McCarthy
John McCarthy, MPA, Ohio Medicaid & Melissa Wervey
Listen as Melissa Wervey Arnold asks Director McCarthy YOUR questions about Medicaid payment and how what happens in
Ohio Medicaid Office affects your practice and bottom line.
Arnold Ohio AAP Executive Director
President’s Address and Awards Reception
5th Annual Ohio AAP Foundation Casino Night
Join us for champagne and hors d’oeuvres as President, Andrew Garner, MD, PhD, FAAP gives an update on Ohio AAP
initiatives and we celebrate our champions for Ohio children during Annual Awards Ceremony, including a special presentation
for the Ohio AAP for receiving The Outstanding Very Large Chapter Award from AAP for the third consecutive time!
Since 2011, the Casino Night fundraiser has drawn big crowds and even bigger payouts for Ohio’s children! Held during Ohio
AAP Annual Meeting, this fundraiser brings together leaders from Ohio pediatrics with community supporters and industry
professionals for a night of games, food, dancing, and fun. The biggest winner of this event is the Ohio AAP Foundation, which
profits enough from Casino Night to purchase up to 1,000 bicycle helmets each year!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
MOC Part II: Foster Care Self-Assessment (20 Points)
See Description Above
MOC Part II: Adolescent Immunizations (20 Points)
This course will address a broad range of topics relating to immunization of children and adolescents. These areas are;
Robert Frenck, MD, FAAP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
MOC Part II: Good4 Growth (20 Points)
Robert Murray, MD, FAAP, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
epidemiology, study design, issues related to vaccine avoidance and ways to improve compliance with vaccine schedules,
discussion of vaccines in the “adolescent platform” and updates on vaccines in development.
This course is designed to show the connection between early life adverse events, toxic stress, and
social-emotional skills in terms of health, mental health, academic achievement and economic
outcomes. Outlining the ways of supporting the parent/child relationship in primary care practice,
highlighting attachment theory. Using shared creative play as a means of enhancing parent-child
interactions and using purposeful play as a means to enhance the fundamental motor skill