
Global Debate Forum
Round Table Debate
April 2, 2015
Resolved: Globalization has done more harm than good.
The articles and videos are divided into Pro and Con, but many of the articles include both sides of the
debate. There is also a website run by Emory’s Sociology Department with background information for a
deeper understanding of the multifaceted issues of globalization.
1. This article explores the intersection of economic globalization with the limited availability of
energy resources. The author poses that as a result of globalization we have increased our use
and demand of non-renewable energy resources. The increase in use of non-renewable energy
resources is a leading factor in global climate change. The article also briefly explores other
negative impacts of globalization including taxation, unemployment, and dependence.
Twelve Reasons Why Globalization is a Huge Problem
by Gail Tverberg, February 22, 2013
2. This is a video from the YouTube channel, Crash Course World History. This channel gives
fast-paced and entertaining lessons on subject matters in 15 minute or less videos. This video
largely focuses on the negative aspects of globalization.
Globalization II – Good or Bad?
Crash Course World History #42
1. This article provides reasons for why globalization is particularly beneficial to developing
countries in providing a better quality of life for its citizen with foreign investments.
Why Globalization is Good
by Robyn Meredith and Suzanne Hoppough, Forbes Magazine March 30, 2007
2. This paper explains how economic factors push for globalization. At first glance, this paper
seems fairly dense but is an easy read. The author covers many reasons why globalization can
benefit economies the world over and how globalization is becoming increasingly easier
considering our technologies available. There is a section of the paper explaining some negative
consequences to globalization too.
The Issue of Globalization – An Overview
by Gary G. Wells
Congressional Research Service, May 1, 2001
3. This is a video from the YouTube channel Crash Course World History. This channel gives fastpaced and entertaining lessons on subject matters in videos that are 15 minutes or less. This
video largely focuses on the benefits of globalization. There are a few moments that touch on
the negatives of globalization.
Globalization I – The Upside
Crash Course World History #41
Overviews of types of globalization:
This website is produced by Emory University’s sociology department. It is a good resource for
an academic understanding of globalization. The most useful information from the website is
overviews of the different types of globalization.
The Globalization Website
World System Theory
World-Polity Theory
World Culture Theory