April 19-2015 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Buckingham, PA
Third Sunday of Easter —April 19, 2015
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Gentili, S.T.D., M. Div.
Rev. Robert Ianelli, M.A., M. Div.
Rev. Walter J. Quinn, O.S.A., B.S., M.A.
Deacon Robert Brady, M.A.
Paula M. Furman, M.S., Ed.D.
Margaret Szewczak, M.A.
Gail A. Downing
Edward Zapisek, B.S.
Robert Poleshuk
Parish Office Center
5175 Cold Spring Creamery Road
Second Floor, Suite Four
Doylestown, PA 18902
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone (267) 247-5374
Fax (267) 247-5402
Website: www.olguadalupe.org
3243 Ash Mill Road, Doylestown, PA 18902
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil
5 p.m.
8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Church Address
Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church
5194 Cold Spring Creamery Road
Doylestown, PA 18902
Monday through Saturday
8 a.m.
Daily Rosary at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
“We are a vibrant,
welcoming parish family dedicated
to growing disciples and
from the Pastor
I welcome you to Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman
Catholic Church in Buckingham, PA. If you are a visitor, I
hope you have enjoyed your time in our beautiful church. If
you are a Catholic who has not been to church recently, thank
you for coming, you are always most welcome home.
If you would like to speak with someone about
joining our parish or becoming a Catholic, please visit our
Parish Office or visit the Welcome Booth in the church
narthex after all weekend Masses. All are welcome!
Pondering the Word…
“As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep.” Oh, how
I wish!
Sincerely in Our Lord
Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili
Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Religious Leaders Council
of Greater Philadelphia
Statement on Anti-Islamic
Advertising Campaign
Adopted on October 14, 2014;
April 7, 2015
In September, a New Hampshire-based group known as “The
American Freedom Defense Initiative” (AFDI) sought to
purchase advertising space on SEPTA as part of a campaign
that AFDI has pursued in transit systems in several major
cities across the country, including New York City,
Washington, and San Francisco. SEPTA declined, due to the
derogatory and hurtful nature of the messages. On March 11,
2015 the courts ruled that SEPTA must accept the ads. The
four-week ad run began on April 2 and will appear on 84
SEPTA buses.
While we affirm the constitutional protection of free speech,
that does not diminish our condemnation of irresponsible
speech. The language used in these proposed advertisements
is distorted, prejudicial, and inflames hatred.
It was our hope as religious leaders that hate-filled messages
would not be carried throughout the neighborhoods of
Philadelphia on the sides of SEPTA buses, trolleys, and
subways. We condemn inflammatory messages that serve to
divide, stigmatize, and incite prejudice. We will continue to
reject attempts to stereotype any tradition or community.
Working as spiritual leaders and working with the members of
the diverse faith and ethnic communities within Philadelphia,
our challenge and our hope is to strengthen the ties among all
communities to improve the quality of life.
The Religious Leaders Council calls on the greater
Philadelphia community to join us in opposing intolerance
and building trust and understanding.
The Religious Leaders Council, founded and staffed by the
Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia, represents more
than 30 religious traditions and denominations within our
community. It is led by Co-Conveners Archbishop Charles J.
Chaput, Rabbi David Straus, Imam Anwar Muhaimin and
Bishop Claire Schenot Burkat.
You see the headlines on magazines covers and Facebook
posts: “Teenagers short on sleep; test scores plummet.”
“Obesity tied to lack of sleep.” “Poor sleep linked to strokes
and early on-set dementia.” The list goes on as does the list of
reasons as to why we are losing sleep.
Technology has done wonderful things for our world but has
also created for many people a false sense of control. I rarely
settle into bed without checking my email or the next day’s
weather one last time or finding out the latest news, for what
reason I can’t say. It’s not like I’m “essential personnel”
anywhere! And of course, checking the news will do nothing
to aid peaceful sleep.
Many of us spend our work days sedentary and bleary-eyed
from constant screen time. Then we come home and do the
exact same thing to get our personal business done. For young
people, it can be even worse. Relationships are built via a
touchscreen rather than by real human touch. Our main
source of light is no longer the sun, much less God’s face, but
the blue light emitting from TV and the myriad of electronic
devices that keep us plugged in and perpetually “on.”
What will it take for us to learn that a false sense of control
and power is no match for the peace, gladness, and security
found only in God’s light?
Living the Word…
Does this sound like you? Here’s something I’m trying. See
that spot on the bedside table where you keep your cell phone?
Get one of those flameless candles and put it there instead.
Move the cell phone charger to another outlet or better yet, to
another room. If late night computer use is more of a problem,
do the same—keep the computer out of the bedroom. Turn off
the TV. By the dim light of the candle, use the time for a
nightly examen of your day. Be thankful for the specific
blessings you received. Acknowledge and let go of the things
you could have done better. Look ahead to tomorrow. Name
and pray for the special graces you feel you will need. Recite
the Our Father and let God’s warm light envelope you as you
fall peacefully asleep.
© 2015, Elaine H. Ireland
Week of April 25 and 26
5 p.m.
8 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
Monsignor Gentili
Monsignor Gentili
Father Ianelli
Father Quinn
Monsignor Gentili
Monsignor Gentili
Father Ianelli
Deacon Brady
Schedule is subject to change.
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Picture Installed in
The OLG Difference:
St. Juan Diego Chapel at OLG
We are a vibrant, welcoming parish
family dedicated to growing disciples
and making church matter.
Have you caught the spirit, felt the vibes, joined the cause,
answered the call, seen the DIFFERENCE?
If you are reading this, bet you have.
Have you noticed the “joy” of the ushers and greeters?
Bet you did.
Have you caught the “zeal” of a ministry? Bet you will.
Have you celebrated the OLG “spirit” at socials or at coffee
and donut gatherings after Mass? Bet you have.
Have you enriched your faith? Bet you can.
It’s contagious. It’s going viral. It’s Our Lady of Guadalupe
(OLG) answering the call to grow disciples and make church
matter. Here’s a sample of a few recent remarks:
A picture of St. Juan Diego opening his Tilma (cape) to show
the Bishop of Mexico Our Lady of Guadalupe’s sign that the
Bishop had requested, has been installed in the alcove of St.
Juan Diego’s chapel. Accompanying the picture are free
prayer cards to St. Juan Diego in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Also, on the Parish web site (www.olguadalupe.org)
may be found a copy of the “Nican Mopohua” an Aztec
document translated into English that contains the actual
dialogue between St. Juan Diego and the Mother of God. This
document is perhaps the most lucid example of dialogue with
God in the spirit of a child.
A new Knight of Columbus approaches the Welcome
Booth and says he loves OLG and feels so welcome.
That's a welcoming parish!
A young couple with an infant and toddler said, “We have
been visiting OLG for a few weeks. We love your church.
How do we register? There is so much energy here, you
can really feel it.” Now that's growing disciples!
An older couple has door held and is greeted with "Good
Morning". The gentleman is heard to say. "WOW, they
don't do this at my church. We should come here more
often. Little things make church matter!
The Doylestown Food Pantry and Lord's Pantry were
delighted with 107 baskets,15 hams and $230 donation
for hams. OLG is extremely generous. That's a
vibrant effort!
When these things happen we are a part of the” vibrant
journey to growing disciples and making Church matter”.
Share your joy and enthusiasm. The early Christians
encouraged one another in their faith. Use every opportunity
to share OLG good news. Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit.
When you hear or see good things happening at OLG share it
here. Let’s spread the WORD. Send it to Meg Szewczak
[email protected]. We can share it online and in
the bulletin.
Rice Bowl 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Mother of America, pray for us!
--Ecclesia in America, Saint John Paul II
You can submit your Rice Bowl offerings to the Parish Office,
put your offering in the collection basket, submit your gift
online (http://www.crsricebowl.org/) or send a check to:
Catholic Relief Services
CRS Rice Bowl
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21203-7090
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New Ministry of Evangelization OLG
and FEF (Family Educator in Faith)
OLG and FEF enthusiastically will start
a new ministry focused on Spanishspeaking families. FEF is a lay
movement whose mission is to
"Evangelize and catechize in the family,
for the family and by the family".
Volunteers Needed
FEF ministry needs adult volunteers,
who speak Spanish, to help with this
new ministry. Volunteers can help to promote this ministry,
work with Spanish speaking families and individuals and
more. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more
about FEF, contact Alejandro and Karin Cebado, OLG
parishioners, [email protected] or
[email protected].
About FEF
The education of faith is a real family ministry, and being the
family: the domestic church, the family evangelizes and
catechizes demonstrating a proposal of values and virtues to
both the Church and society. In the Old Testament, God
entrusted to the family the responsibility of teaching the faith
and share it through the life experience of the family and
matrimony. The New Testament also shows the great
privilege of the faith teaching to the new generations through
the life of the family.
FEF is based in the holy scriptures and in Jesus Christ who
loves us teaching and teaches loving us. The maternal
educating sensibility of Our Lady of Guadalupe is applied
also, she was who thought and guided San Juan Diego to
holiness through the beauty of the mystery of God’s love
revealed before him and making him her emissary.
For more information see:
3rd Annual
March for Marriage
Saturday, April 25,
Washington, DC
Please join with thousands of your fellow citizens to show
your support for marriage. This is the last, best opportunity to
reach the U.S. Supreme Court before they decide whether
marriage as it has existed throughout our history is unconstitutional. In recent months, activist federal judges across the
country have issued illegitimate rulings redefining marriage
against the will of 50 million state voters and legislators who
voted to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one
woman. The Supreme Court is expected to consider the issue
this spring and a decision expected by late June 2015.
It's time for the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the legitimacy
of state laws and constitutional provisions defining marriage
as the union of one man and one woman. This is what
marriage intrinsically is, and any ruling forcing states to
abandon this construct of marriage will not be legitimate.
Praying for Our Special Intentions
Please remember in your prayers the sick, home bound and
all the intentions placed in our prayer intention books in the
Shrine, Chapel and Church. All of the intentions in the prayer
intention books are prayed for at each mass at OLG.
In addition we ask that you pray for the following intentions
which are part of the OLG Prayer Line. The OLG Prayer Line
will include people who are in need of prayer more urgently,
on a short-term basis.
OLG Prayer Line
We invite you to join us in praying for the following people:
Anthony  Barry Beitz Bill Buonato  Ruth B. 
Ronald DiSabatino  Mr. Charles “Gerry” Happ
Mrs. Shiela Keenan  Steven K. Tom Lamb  Anna Lee 
J. Lee  Matt  Dr. Ahmed Mazaheri S. Miller Family
Virginia Pirog  Rosemarie Lynne Sharkey
 Lizzie Stimmell  Louise Wasserott Ellen Wright
April 12, 2015 $20,623
April 27, 2014 $18,690
(This was the first Sunday after Easter last year.)
To be a member of the “Prayer Team,” send your email
address/phone number to [email protected], or
call 215-794-7535. Prayer requests are welcome at the same
address and phone.
Current Fiscal Year (started July 1, 2014) Average: $21,139
Amount needed on a weekly basis: $23,000
If every family could donate $5 more per week,
the Parish would reach its weekly goal.
Bulletin Deadline
We would love to hear from you! The bulletin deadline
is the previous Monday at 12 noon. Please email
[email protected] or call the Parish Office with
questions or to submit a request.
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Weekly Intentions
8 a.m.
Monday, April 20, Easter Weekday
Raymond Broglie
Requested by Tom and Rose Hampton
8 a.m.
Tuesday, April 21, Saint Anselm
Maria Gerviasio
Requested by Francine Gerviasio
8 a.m.
Wednesday, April 22, Easter Weekday
Maria Wagner
Requested by Ed and Ada Brouillet
8 a.m.
Holy Thursday, April 23, Saint George
Estelle Startin
Requested by the Quinn Family
8 a.m.
Friday, April 24, Easter Weekday
Jacques Fabert
Requested by Mary Gresh
8 a.m.
Saturday, April 25, Saint Mark
Barbara Kleinot
Requested by Bill Buckman
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
Week of April 19, 2015, Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
A very Special Intention
Requested by the Smith Family
In memory of George and Dorothy Prutky
Requested by Tom and Rose Hampton
Purchase a candle in the OLG Shrine ($10) in honor of your
special intention. Contact the Parish Office.
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 3, 13-15. 17-19
You have killed the prince of life; God,
however, raised him from the dead.
Psalm 4, 2. 4. 7-8. 9
Lord, let your face shine on us.
1 John 2, 1-5
Jesus Christ is the sacrifice that takes away our sins,
and those of the whole world.
Luke 24, 35-48
Peter proclaims the wonders of the Lord: the suffering
Messiah is raised from the dead and has been glorified. This
Jesus is our intercessor, and our offering for sin, our peace.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 4, 8-12, Psalm 118, 1. 8-9. 21-23. 26. 21.
29, 1 John 3, 1-2, John 10, 11-18
Support Our Advertisers
Please consider using the services of our
bulletin advertisers. Their support of Our Lady
of Guadalupe Parish is greatly appreciated!
World Meeting of Families – 2015
Appoints ESM Productions as
Event Producer for Papal Events
on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia anticipates two million visitors
for Pope Francis’ visit
Philadelphia, PA (April 7, 2015) – ESM Productions will be
responsible for managing and executing all facets of the two
closing events for the Eighth World Meeting of Families in
which Pope Francis will be in attendance. These events
include the Festival of Families, an intercultural celebration
of family life around the world, on Saturday, September 26,
and a Papal Mass on Sunday, September 27.
“In under seven months, Pope Francis will be standing on
the iconic Benjamin Franklin Parkway overlooking the
millions who come together to share in this once-in-alifetime moment,” said Donna Crilley Farrell, executive
director of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia
2015. “It will truly be the largest event in Philadelphia’s
modern history and to ensure its flawless success, we enlisted the top tier talents of Scott Mirkin and ESM Productions.
“Being tasked with the responsibility to plan and execute
the Papal events on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the
2015 World Meeting of Families is an absolute honor and
privilege,” said Mr. Mirkin. “When Pope John Paul II
celebrated Mass in Philadelphia’s Logan Circle in 1979, it
was an event unlike any the city had ever seen and one that
people still talk about with reverence and affection to this
day. Now, 35 years later, Philadelphia will once again
welcome and embrace the Holy Father, and ESM
Productions is fully committed to producing two inspiring
events that every Philadelphian will be proud of – and that
every visitor in attendance will never forget.” For more
information regarding the World Meeting of Families 2015,
please visit www.WorldMeeting2015.org.
The Creative Group is Appointed
Event Producer for Papal Events
Outside the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia-based special events planning and production
firm, The Creative Group, Inc., is the event producer for all
Papal events taking place outside the Benjamin Franklin
Parkway during the World Meeting of Families. Details of the
papal itinerary are expected to be released in the spring or
summer of 2015.
“Although there has been no official confirmation from the
Vatican regarding the full Papal itinerary for Philadelphia, I
am confident that Fred Stein and his team have the ability to
seamlessly coordinate and execute any activity the Vatican
requests of us,” said Donna Crilley Farrell, executive director
of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015.
“It is an honor to play such an
integral role in Pope Francis’
first visit to the United States,”
said Mr. Stein.
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PREP, L.I.F.E. and CYO
L.I.F.E. Teen
3 Shades of Blue (3SB)
Christian Rock Concert
Living in Faith Eternally
Saint Martin of Tours
New Hope, PA
OLG Website and L.I.F.E. Teen Page
Saturday, May 9,
7 to 8:30 p.m.
To access the L.I.F.E. Teen page of the
parish website, go to the home page
(www.olguadalupe.org). Permission forms
and flyers can be found by clicking on the
form box at top of the L.I.F.E. Teen page. There you will also
see boxes containing the following: Ways to get involved,
Teen Mass Dates, Photos of Past Events and a link to CYO. A
calendar of events is also posted on this page. From the calendar entry, you can access a Sign Up Genius link.
Upcoming Events
Digging Deeper, Biweekly Teen Discussion Group
(Grades 7-12), Next Meeting, Thursday, April 23
7 to 8 p.m., OLG Parish Office (former chapel)
Through discussion, we hope to help teens better understand
what a powerful tool faith can be in their everyday lives.
Please email your topic idea for our next meeting to Youth
Minister Gail Downing.
The L.I.F.E. Teen calendar is also used for activities at Saint
Martin’s. The calendar will list the dates that this discussion
group will be at OLG as well as Saint Martin’s. An additional
chaperone (with Protecting God’s Children clearance) will be
needed at each session. To sign up to chaperone, use the sign
up genius link on the calendar entry you are interested in.
For more L.I.F.E. Teen Information
For general information on L.I.F.E. teen, or more information
on our summer and fall trips, please contact Youth Minister,
Gail Downing at [email protected]
3SB is a dynamic
Philadelphia – based
Christian Rock Band
consisting of four teens
who have captured the
attention of the national
and international music
scene. All teens and
(friends) in grades 7-12 are
invited to join us for a great night of music. Light
refreshments will be available for purchase. This is a concert
you do not want to miss!
Please bring your own blanket or chair. Tickets can be
purchased from the SMT website (www.stmartinoftours.org).
Click on Parish Giving on the home page and you will be
directed to the entry for ticket purchase. Tickets are $5 in
advance and $10 at the door. Tickets may also be purchased
at the SMT Parish Office (Monday through Friday) between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m.
Teen/Senior Citizen
Country Western Hoe-Down
Sunday, April 26
1 to 4 p.m.
OLMC Gymnasium, Doylestown
Join thousands of other teens from across the
country in the National Catholic Youth Conference!
November 19 to 21, Indianapolis
Parent and Teen Information Meeting
Monday, April 27
7 to 8 p.m., Conference Room 2, OLG Parish Office
This is the largest bi-annual gathering of Catholic high school
teens in the U.S. The participants experience amazing music,
liturgies and workshops; along with endless entertainment.
Plan to be revived along with 20,000 to 25,000 other teens!
Cost is approximately $600 per person. This includes coach
bus transportation, the conference, lodging, and some meals.
All teens and senior citizens are invited to an afternoon
of friendship and country dancing! Pull out those cowboy
hats and come by for an afternoon spent learning classic
country line dances and enjoying some light refreshments.
Bring your friends! Please be in touch with Gail Downing
by April 22 if you plan to attend.
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Parish Ministries
Ladies of OLG
General Group Meeting
Sunday, April 19, 1 p.m. (location TBD)
Service project will follow for anyone who would like to
assist with assembling the toiletry bags. Director of the Thea
Women’s Ministry will be the guest speaker. All ladies of
the parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact Susan MacLeman ([email protected]) if you can join us.
Interested in Playing Golf and/or
Bridge with other Ladies?
Lutzi Fischer has volunteered to coordinate these activities for
interested ladies. Contact her at [email protected].
Running Group
Want to get together and feel strong and
inspired by running with other ladies?
Want to get started but don't know how?
Christine Veltri is coordinating a ladies running group that’s
scheduled to begin on Monday, April 27. Contact Christine
at [email protected] or 215-399-7476 for more details.
Leaders and Walkers Needed!
Grab a path partner and blaze the trails!
Beginning Sunday, May 3
Spring is here. Let’s get healthy and start
walking. Beginning Sunday, May 3 we would
like to have a group of OLG parishioners walk
after every Sunday mass during the nice
weather. We will be walking around Cold
Spring Creamery road and some of the
developments. It will be leisurely at first and we will work
our way up to a brisk pace.
Spend some family time and meet some new friends. If you
are interested in being a Trail Blazer leader please call Meg
Szewczak at 267-247-5374, extension 225.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Health and Wellness Ministry
Food Drive
During All Masses, THIS Weekend, April 18 and 19
The April food drive is for The Lord’s Pantry.
Please leave your donations in the church
narthex. Any nonperishable item is helpful.
The requested items are:
canned meats
fruit juice
chunky soups
cake mixes
toilet paper
plastic baggies
bar soap
tuna fish
baby wipes
peanut butter
spaghetti sauce
paper towels
wax paper
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting
Monday, April 20, 7 p.m., Parish Office
Blessing and Distribution
of Prayer Shawls
Sunday, April 26, 8 a.m. Mass
Monsignor Gentili will bless prayer
shawls during Mass and the Prayer
Shawl Ministry will distribute shawls
after the Mass. These shawls are made
by members of the ministry with love
and prayers. The shawls offer warmth
and comfort to people who are sick, grieving, depressed want
to pray with one, or people who are just cold. In the narthex
after Mass you can get a shawl for yourself or someone in
need. Prayer shawls are always given freely, there is NO cost.
Any questions please contact Maureen Sapelli at
215-794-5764 or maureenm23@gmail,com
The Health and Wellness Ministry
Would Like to Help You
The Health and Wellness Ministry at OLG does a lot of
community outreach, but our most important community is
our parish. If there is anyone in need of clothing, school
supplies, gas cards, food or other needs, please contact us and
we will try to help you. Everything will be confidential.
Contact Maureen Sapelli at 215-794-5764 or
[email protected].
9:30 a.m. Mass
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
All children kindergarten through
second grade are welcome. No
registration necessary. Email Mary at
[email protected] with questions.
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OLG Parish Ministries
OLG Respect Life Committee
One of the qualities that makes Our Lady of Guadalupe such
a vibrant parish is the offering of many diversified ministries
that provide service, friendship and fellowship to the
members of our parish and community.
In the bulletin, we plan to highlight the various ministries to
give you a better idea of their services offered. We realize
that our parishioners have different interests and schedules,
but all are welcome to join a parish ministry. Our Lady of
Guadalupe is proud to offer more than 35 ministries that you
can join at any time of the year to express yourself spiritually
and strengthen your faith. All members of our parish have an
open invitation to contact any of these ministries listed on
the parish website and often in the bulletin.
Ministry of the Week
One Million Rosaries for the Unborn
Ladies of OLG
Saint Michael the Archangel Organization
The recently formed Ladies of OLG is a new parish ministry
that has already brought many women of the parish together.
The group has hosted meetings and small social gatherings,
presented a talk, held a service project and an extremely
successful Designer Bag Bingo, where hundreds of women
from our parish and their friends and family enjoyed a
wonderful afternoon.
Persons participating in this multinational
pro-life prayer event will pray at least one
Rosary on each of these days for an end to the
surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn
human persons. For more information or to register, please go
to http://www.saintmichaelthearchangelorganization.org.
The group’s mission is for all ladies of the parish to join
together to foster fellowship and friendship as they serve God,
their families and community.
Pennsylvania Alternatives to Abortion
Program Turns 20!
More details:
Congratulations to Real Alternatives! Our state's innovative
alternatives to abortion program turns 20 this year. Real
Alternatives is a state-funded program that provides free,
confidential, caring support for moms and babies across
Pennsylvania. Since it began, the program has helped almost a
quarter million moms choose life. If you know someone who
is pregnant and needs help, encourage them to call the Real
Alternatives hotline at 1-888-LIFE-AID.
All ladies in the parish belong to the “Ladies of OLG”
You don’t have to volunteer for anything—just attend
whenever it fits your schedule.
There is something offered that’s of interest to all women
We encourages your suggestions and input
We welcome you to bring a friend, or come out to meet
new friends
Contact one of the co-chairpersons listed below to be added to
our email list for delivery of group news and events.
Susan MacLeman, [email protected], 215-589-8412
Cathy Drew, [email protected], 215-919-4471
Parish volunteers needed
Help out whenever you can!
The Guardians of Guadalupe meet each
Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Mass outside
the Chapel. For about two hours, the
“guardian angels” help with light cleaning of
the church, chapel, pews and narthex area. Contact Pete
Murphy at 267-261-3905 to volunteer.
Friday, May 1 through Sunday, May 3
(From the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation)
Boy Scouts and Venture Crew
Religious Medals
Programs for the Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII Religious
Medals for all Catholic Boy Scouts and Boys and Girls
involved in Venture Crew will start on April 26, 2015.
Meetings will be one to two Sundays per month at Our Lady
of Mount Carmel Church in Doylestown, with completion by
mid-December. Please contact Anne Marie O’Connell
(215-794-5447; [email protected]) for details.
Ad Altare Dei Medal
Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, Grades 7 to 9. Meets at 6 p.m.
Pope Pius XII Medal
Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, Grades 10 to 12. Meets at 7 p.m.
Please consider becoming a part of this
important ministry!
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Upcoming Parish Events
These events are sponsored by the OLG 55+ Club.
OLG 55+ Club Meetings
Teen/Senior Citizen
Country Western Hoe-Down
Sunday, April 26, 1 to 4 p.m.,
OLMC School Gym
Second Wednesday of the Month
11 a.m., Conference Room, Parish Office
This is a great opportunity to meet other parishioners. For
more information, contact Michelene Bolsar
([email protected] or 215 348-4567).
Mothers of Children with Disabilities Retreat
Bus is 2/3 full—reserve your spot today
Monday, May 4, Malvern Retreat House, Malvern, PA
Bishop Timothy Senior will direct a retreat
for mothers who are raising children with
disabilities and also those who have adult
children with disabilities. There will be time to
pray, reflect, and chat with other mothers. To
register or for more information please contact
Malvern Retreat House at 610-644-0400,
malvernretreat.com or Sr. Kathleen Schipani at
215-587-3330, or [email protected] .
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for Healing After Abortion
Myrtle Beach Trip
5 Days and 4 Nights, May 3 to 7, 2015
$750 per person. Call for a brochure.
Make plans to enjoy a wonderful vacation in Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina.
Hotel suites with balcony and beach front view
Visit Charlestown, SC
Trip includes four breakfasts and four dinners
Enjoy a dinner show included with one evening
Bus transportation and drivers gratuity included
April 24 to 26, National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA
Rachel's Vineyard is an extraordinary opportunity for any
person who struggles with emotional and spiritual pain of past
abortion(s). This process is helpful for those who struggle with
forgiving themselves or others. Rachel's Vineyard is a
"therapy for the soul" which combines a unique and creative
process for psychological and spiritual healing.
For more information please call Evelyn at (215) 317-5752.
All requests are strictly confidential. Read more about our
retreat online at www.rachelsvineyard.org.
For more information on these events sponsored by the 55+
Club, contact Pat Price at 215-300-2153, Pat Donnelly at
215-598-9763 or Jean Zielke at 215-794-1188.
The National Catholic Bible Conference is
Returning to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia!
Trip Registration Information
Register Now
In order to book trips a certain number of registrants are
required, so register early to ensure trip will take place.
Trips Open to Everyone
All community members may attend OLG 55+ Club trips.
30-Day Trip Cancellation
In most cases, if you cancel your trip reservation 30 days
prior to the day of the trip you will get a full refund.
June 19 and 20
Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA
The theme is “Scripture and the Family of God.” There, you
will discover how God is calling you to do more than just believe in him.
You will also have the unique opportunity to glean insight and
encouragement from gifted Catholic speakers, including Jeff
Cavins, Mark Hart, Mary Healy, and Edward Sri, Sarah
Christmyer, and more! Registrations are currently being taken,
with an early-bird special available until April 24. For more
information on the conference and to register, please visit
CatholicBibleConference.com or call 1-888-842-2853.
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Coalition to Shelter
and Support the
The Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH) is
seeking financial support to create survival backpacks for
people who are homeless. These packs include a tent, cooking
gear, food, water containers, survival guide, pocket tools,
waterproof matches, tarp, mess kit, first aid supplies and a
sleeping bag. Each pack will allow a person to camp and
survive for three seasons out of the year. The cost per survival
pack is about $200. Please consider sponsoring a backpack or
a portion of one? Because our shelter is an emergency shelter,
only open during the winter season, we need to find ways to
help homeless people who need us the rest of the year.
Please visit our website at www.co2ssh.org for more
information. Donations may be made via the website or
mailed to: CSSH, 60 Noble Street, Sellersville, PA 18960. For
more information regarding OLG’s support of CSSH, contact
Carl Sapelli at (215) 794-5764 or [email protected].
Fast Facts for
the Shroud
of Turin
The public exhibit for the
Shroud of Turin runs from
April 19 through June 24
of this year. You can be
prepared to separate fact
from fiction about the
Shroud by reviewing and
sharing a few “fast facts”,
including the following:
1. Tests have confirmed that the blood stains on the
Shroud were created by human blood, which permeated
this cloth like an artist’s pigment, leaving the textile fibrils thickly coated and encrusted with blood in areas of
2. In contrast, the man’s image on the Shroud was superficially imprinted in ways that are still not completely
explained and definitely NOT created by pigment or even
by a sketch. In essence, the body image has affected only
the SMALLEST FIBRILS of the linen textile wherever
the image was formed on the Shroud, as only the surface
linen fibers bear the yellow-brown color of the image.
3. If an artist had created a man’s image on the Shroud of
Turin, the artist would probably have drawn the body first
and then added the blood stains in areas on the body image that seemed appropriate. Yet evidence indicates that
the blood stained the Shroud BEFORE the body image
was formed.
Encourage others to realize that NO documented information
to date should discourage us from believing that the Shroud
could have held the body of Our Blessed Lord.
For more information, access the link for our Shroud highlights on the OLG Website (http://olguadalupe.org/shroud-ofturin), review excellent summary at either
http://www.shroud.com/78conclu.htm or http://
www.shroudofturin.com/, or read a complete scientific analysis with many images that correspond to the content at http://
Attention Moms!
Come experience God’s peace
and hope when you pray
alongside other moms.
Tuesdays at 9 a.m., St.
Juan Diego Chapel, OLG
Please contact Robyn
Graham, 215-489-9443 or [email protected] or Christine
Junker 215-794-5680 or [email protected] for
information or to register.
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Local Parish News and More
Register Now!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Kindergarten and Pre-K
Registration has begun for the 2015-2106
school year for Pre Kindergarten and
Kindergarten. Please stop by the school for a
registration packet and more details.
Pilgrimage to Greece in the
Footsteps of St. Paul
Join Deacon Jim and Barbara Anne Fowkes, of Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel Church in Doylestown, on a 12 Day Pilgrimage to
Greece from April 12-23, 2016.
Following Easter next year, come and walk in the footsteps of
St. Paul. Find yourself rediscovering the power of St. Paul’s
ministry in Greece and on the Greek Isles.
Information Sessions
Saturday, April 25
3 p.m., St. Mary’s Hall, across the street from OLMC Church
For more information, contact Deacon Jim at 215-348-7515 or
[email protected].
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC)
Peace and Justice Ministry
SAVE THE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2015
Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking,
comes to OLMC to talk about life, death, and social
justice. Don’t miss it!
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