Roy Rogers Spirit Night Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Solomons, Maryland Dear OLSS Parishioners, We call ourselves a Eucharistic Community, and so we are. The word means Thanksgiving and each time we celebrate Mass, The Eucharist, we give thanks to God for His love and forgiveness. Today, I want to express our collective Thanks to all of you who worked so hard and so generously to make the Father Alexander Gala a tremendous success. The organizing committee, chaired by Mary Ann Dale and composed of Julie Losh, Cindy Joy, Dave and Debby Spigler, Peggy Clark, and adjunct members Barbara Sewell, Colleen Muldoon, Sue Mann and Rich Anderson. In addition, so many individuals offered their time and talent both in the Rectory, the School and from the Parish. The Knights of Columbus, the Men's Group, The Home and School Association all participated. Several businesses and individuals offered their financial support: Jan Kleponis from O'Brien Realty, Dave Spigler from Century 21, Medart Galleries in Dunkirk, Reel Good Home Improvements in Lusby, Port of Call Wine and Spirits, Angie Rivera from Long and Foster, Back Creek Inn, The Dale Family Foundation, Spiggy and Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alves, Deacon and Mrs. Bob Connelly, Deacon and Mrs. Chris Jensen, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Suarez-Murias, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stephanak, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walent, Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Wilkinson Jr., Stephanie McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meidenbauer, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Callan. Thanks to the many who donated gifts and talent and to all who so generously supported our Raffle and Auction. A very special thanks to Eric and Kingfishers for catering an excellent meal. Finally, congratulations to Bill and Carolyn Keefe and SMILE, INC, for all that they have done for Calvert County and for being the recipients of the Father Alexander Awards this year, and to Gwen and Lonnie LeDoux (and all their new best friends) who won the Cruise to Bermuda. Msgr. Mike Please visit Roy Rogers in Solomons for our Spirit Night fundraiser on Monday, May 4, from 5-8pm. Remember to mention OLSS when you place your order. PARISH STAFF - 410-326-3535 Rev. Msgr. Michael Wilson Pastor Barbara Sewell, Secretary [email protected] TJ Parkes, Bookkeeper Ron Yates, Facilities Mgr. 410-326-3535 [email protected] Joanne Pensenstadler Youth Minister 240-925-3034 [email protected] Faith Formation: Joanne Pensenstadler /middle school Shannon Walent/elementary . SISTERS OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE Convent: 410-326-3306 Sister Ruth Parent, CDP Tutor & Ministry of the Sick Sister Peggy Jacobs, CDP Ministry of the Sick Sr Carolyn Marie Betsch, CDP OLSS Teacher DEACONS Deacon Robert Connelly 410-394-3234 Deacon Moise DeVillier 410-586-2830 Deacon Jack Etzel 410-586-0703 Deacon Christopher Jensen School Principal - 410-326-3171 [email protected] Fifth Sunday of Easter MASS SCHEDULE ~ May 4th-8th Check weekly for changes MONDAY No Mass TUESDAY 9 - 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. No Confessions Adoration in Historic Church Mass in Historic Church WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m. Mass in Convent Chapel THURSDAY 5:30 p.m. Communion Service in Historic Church FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Communion Service in Convent Chapel Mass in Historic Church SATURDAY 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Confessions in Parish Church Vigil Mass in Parish Church SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Mass in Parish Church Mass in Parish Church Readings for May 10th Acts of the Apostles 10:25–26, 34-35, 44-48 “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people…?” 1 John 4:7-10 Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God. John 15:9-17 “I have told you this so that your joy might be complete.” REMINDERS: The wheelchair from our Parish Church is missing. If you have borrowed the wheelchair, kindly return it or contact the Parish Office to let us know where it is. Thank You! HELP US SAVE SOME $$$ and take a moment after Mass to pick up your new set of Offertory envelopes. OLSS Pack 854 invites all elementary boys to their Join Scouting Night on May 11th at 7 p.m. in the Providence Room. Call Beth at 410-394-0944 for more info. MASS INTENTIONS Indicates deceased L Indicates living May 8, Maggie DeVillier May 10, 8 a.m, Members of Our Lady’s Guild Welcome into Full Communion with Our Community MASS ASSIGNMENTS ~ May 9th-10th 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. LECTORS F. Briggs S. Perrin J. McCoy S. Ude A. Werking J. Hamilton MASS SERVERS A. Gerber A. Bland J. Anderson C. Capristo A. Pensenstadler S. Hiers J. Capristo T. Perrin J. Kleponis EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS J. Biggins D. Alves J. Capristo M. Alves L. Capristo A. Cannedy C. Gross A. Gagnon M. Gutowski T. Gagnon D. Quinn G. LeDoux B. Zwissler C. Leveillee D. Zwissler G. Miedzinski K. Crane J. Crane G. Dickinson M. Gault P. Gault L. McDevitt C. Maldonado V. Maldonado GREETERS Balderson Family Ballman Family Cook Family GIFT CERTIFICATES L. Checkley K. Weakley S. Stump ANNOUNCEMENTS C. Gross C. Leveillee B. Strauss Join us for the Knights of Columbus Mother’s Day Breakfast in the Providence Room after 8 a.m. Mass next weekend. Cost is by donation. Front row: Bonnie Gateau, Terris Bynum, Taylor Hockenberry, Christian Icaza, Shelby Medenwald Back row: Kelly Patton, Lucas Walker, Fr. Mike, Johanna Icaza, Jerred Medenwald Not shown: Katie Finnecy, Joan Gateau Our Lady Star of the Sea Solomons, Maryland The 5th Annual Seahawk Scramble Golf Tournament is May 8, 2015 at Chesapeake Hills Golf Course in Lusby. Register on the School Website at OLSS Vacation Bible School dates are July 6th through July 10th, from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. VBS is for children in grades K through 5. Forms are available at the Parish Office or download one from the Youth Ministry or Faith Formation website: VBS ends on Friday with Mass, picnic & entertainment! Loyola on the Potomac - Marian Day of Prayer: "Most Blessed Are You!" is May 11, 2015. Coffee, fruit, juice & pastries & lunch. Retreatants are invited to spend time in quiet meditation reflecting on this theme. Confessions are offered and there is a celebration of the Eucharist. Fee is $40. Register at: email [email protected] or call (301) 392-0801. Everyone is invited to the annual Law Enforcement Appreciation and Memorial Ceremony on May 12th at 7pm at Calvert Lighthouse Church (40 Clay Hammond Road). This is a great opportunity for us to honor our local law enforcement personnel who serve and protect the citizens of Calvert County. A candle lighting service will remember all fallen correctional & police officers and military personnel who have paid the ultimate price for service at home and abroad. The Parish Health Ministry of Middleham and St Peters Church will be presenting "Knowing the basics of Alzheimer's" on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 7PM in their Parish Hall, located at 10210 H.G. Trueman Road, Lusby. Optional potluck supper at 6:16PM. For more info call 410-326-4948. Heavenly Presents at 22697 Washington St., in Leonardtown is now stocked with First Communion & Confirmation gifts. Store hours are Wed & Fri, 10am 6pm, Tues, Thurs & Sat, 10am -3pm. -Ph# 301 475-9770. May 3, 2015 SAVE THE DATE FOR THE OLSS Yard Sale June 6th from 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. In the Providence Room & the parking lot Watch the bulletin for space rental information OLSS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #9258 PRESENT THEIR 5th ANNUAL COMEDY KNIGHT IN SOLOMON’S SATURDAY JUNE 6TH 7-9pm OLSS PROVIDENCE ROOM Featuring the return of Mark Matusof & Starring Robert Mac Tickets are $25.00 for 21 and Older (All beer, wine & Beverages included in cost) $20.00 for 20 and Under (All kids’ drinks, soda, juice included in cost) Food for sale ($3.00 Combo Platter) Doors open at 6pm For more info Contact Richard Anderson 410-394-1949 Proceeds benefit our Council’s Scholarship Program Charismatic Prayer Group meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper Room. Call Joe & Sally Hamilton at 410-326-4054 or Lynn Coffey at 410-326-3837. OLSS Men’s Group meets Saturdays at 6:30 the Historic Church for Mass, then conversation, coffee & donuts. The Rosary is prayed every Sunday at 7:30 a.m If you are interested in becoming a Rosary leader, please contact the Parish office. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed every Sunday after the 8 a.m. AND 10:45 a.m.Masses in the Parish Church. Baptisms by appointment on Saturdays and Sundays at Mass or individual times. Please call Father Mike to arrange a meeting & then schedule the Baptism. Weddings Registered parishioners should contact the pastor at least six months in advance of the planned date which should not be finalized until church arrangements are made. OLSS Choir meets every Wednesday evening at 7PM in the church to rehearse. All are welcome. Choir does not meet during summer months. For more information contact Debbie Kelley at 240-508-8768. Prayer Shawl Ministry If you would like to join our ministry please call Mary Ann Dale at 301-863-3333. The Prayer Shawl group meets the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Office. Does not meet during summer months. Boy Scout Troop 427 meets Mondays at 7:00 p.m. For information please call Rob McAlister at 301-862-2002.Cub Scouts meet Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Call Beth Oster at 410-394-0944 for more info Solomons Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Room. Al-Anon group meets every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Room in the Historic Church.
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