2015 rockies tickets

Colorado Rockies – 2015 Season
Friday, May 22 @ 6:10 pm
Section L323
Sunday, June 21 @ 2:10 pm
Section L323
Friday, July 10 @ 6:10 pm
Section 117
Friday, July 10 @ 6:10 pm
Section 155
(move to infield to watch fireworks)
Sunday, Sept 6 @ 2:10 pm
Section 119
San Francisco Giants
Fireworks Game
Milwaukee Brewers
Father’s Day
Atlanta Braves
Fireworks Game
Atlanta Braves
Fireworks Game
Limit 6 tickets
Limit 6 tickets
Limit 6 tickets
Limit 6 tickets
San Francisco Giants
Labor Day Weekend
Limit 6 tickets
Ordering 2015 Colorado Rockies Tickets
SCEA tickets are limited to all games.
Tickets are available to current employees who were SCEA members as of 1/31/15. Children 2 years and older need a ticket. Tickets
may not be resold at a higher price or used in any type of contest or drawing.
Make your money order or personal check payable to SCEA. SCEA does not accept orders or payment from non-members. Each
member must mail their payment and order form in their own envelope. Do not send cash. Credit card sales are not available.
You can send one payment for all your Rockies tickets. If you purchasing tickets to other events, include separate payments for
those events.
If using company mail, send your order and payment to Denver SCEA. If using US Mail, send to Denver SCEA, 6900 S Yosemite St,
Centennial CO 80112.
Tickets will be returned to work locations by the armored car service or company mail. If you want your tickets mailed to your home
include a large SASE (9.5 in x 4.25 in) with $1 in postage on the envelope.
SCEA is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets.
These events are not sponsored by Safeway Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. SCEA and Safeway Inc. assume no responsibility or liability for
SCEA events or tickets. SCEA event participants are deemed to have expressly released SCEA and Safeway Inc. from any and all liabilities and damages
that may arise from events or participant’s involvement.
COLORADO ROCKIES – TICKET ORDER FORM (cut out and send with payment)
SCEA Member Name
Work Location
Home Phone #
Home Email Address (print clearly)
Game Information
Number of Tickets (limit 6 per game)
Total Cost per Game
Fri 5/22, San Francisco Giants, $30
Sun 6/21, Milwaukee Brewers, $13
Fri 7/10, Atlanta Braves, $35
Section 117
Fri 7/10, Atlanta Braves, $30
Section 155
Sun 9/06, San Francisco Giants, $13
Total Amount Enclosed _________________________ (make personal check or money order payable to SCEA)