2.1.1 Study: The Big Bang Theory Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Light takes time to reach Earth, and the characteristics of light change as objects in the universe are constantly expanding outward. Main Idea #2: Scientific evidence theorizes that all of the matter and energy in the universe compressed into a tiny, dense ball, and then exploded outward during the Big Bang. Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.1.2 Study: Galaxies Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea: The universe came together into groups of stars, known as galaxies, through the force of gravity. Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.1.3 Study: Star Life Cycles Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Stars are extremely dense masses that are so hot that nuclear fusion occurs within them. Main Idea #2: When fuel is burned from within a star, it disrupts stellar equilibrium. The total mass of a star will help determine its life cycle. Main Idea #3: Nebulae left over from a star’s death will collapse under their own gravity to form another star. Copyright © 2014 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use . Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning ® and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of Apex Learning Inc. 2.1.5 Practice: Everything in the Universe Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Practice Assignment Name: ____________________ Points possible: 50 Date: ____________ Answer the following questions thoroughly. 1. Name three forms of evidence used to support the Big Bang Theory. (9 points) 2. The speed of light indicates how fast light can travel in a vacuum. (6 points) A. What star is closest to our solar system? (3 points) B. If you could travel at the speed of light, how long would it take to travel from our solar system to the nearest star? (3 points) 3. If you could travel at the speed of light, how long would it take to travel from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other?(5 points) 4. Some stars are so far away that their light hasn't reached Earth yet. A million years in the future, will the sources of light we see when we look up at night be the same? Why or why not? (10 points) 5. Stellar equilibrium relies on fusion and gravity to maintain stars in their current form. (10 points) A. What will the sun turn into when it runs out of fuel for fusion? (5 points) B. Do you think this will mean the end of life on Earth? (5 points) 6. The SETI project constantly is searching for life on other planets. A. Given what you know about the size of the universe, do you support the hypothesis that there is life on other planets? Why or why not? (5 points) B. Why is it difficult to find evidence of life on other planets? (5 points) 2.2.1 Study: Planet Formation Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Gravity attracts matter together to create solar systems. Main Idea #2: An object orbiting around another object will take an elliptical path. Date: ____________ Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.2.2 Study: Comets and Asteroid Belts Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea: Objects other than planets and moons orbit the sun. Date: ____________ Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.2.3 Lab: Exploring Orbits Dry Lab Name: ____________________ Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Points possible: 50 Date: ____________ If you do not have access to a laboratory, then use this dry lab data to complete the lab activity. Make sure you understand the procedure so you can interpret the data provided. This dry lab accompanies the "Exploring Orbits Lab" in Investigation 23 on page 145 of your Prentice Hall Earth Science Lab Manual. PreLab Discussion (pp. 145146) Answer questions 1 – 5 in the space provided in your lab manual. Procedure (pp. 147148) Part A: Drawing Ellipses and Calculating Eccentricity (pp. 147148) Data Table 1: Ellipse Measurements Ellipse Major Axis (cm) Focal Length (cm) 1 10 5 2 44 16 3 12 3 4 30 4 5 27 2 Measurement data for the major axis and focal length of each ellipsis are listed in Data Table 1. 1. Examine Data Table 1. 2. Use the length of the major axis and focal length to calculate the eccentricity of each ellipse. Record these values in Data Table 1 in the "Observations" section on page 148 of your lab manual. The eccentricity of each ellipse is calculated by dividing focal length by the length of the major axis: Part B: Observing Properties of Ellipses (p. 148) Data Table 2 Position of C Length of AC (cm) Length of BC (cm) 1 3 7.6 2 4.6 6 3 7.5 3.1 4 2.2 8.4 Data Table 2 lists distances between each focal point, A and B, and a third point, C, along an ellipse. 1. Examine Data Table 2. 2. Calculate the length of AC + BC for each position of C. Record these values in Data Table 2 in the "Observations" section on page 148 of your lab manual. Analysis and Conclusions (pp. 149150) Answer questions 1 – 6 in the space provided in your lab manual. From Prentice Hall Earth Science Lab Manual Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Used by permission. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.3.4 Study: The Gas Giants and Pluto Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea: The planets formed farther from the sun than Mars are very large, with a lot of gravity and atmospheres primarily composed of hydrogen, helium, and ice. Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.3.6 Journal: Choose a Planet Journal Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Name: ____________________ Points possible: 15 Date: ____________ 1. Choose the planet other than Earth that interests you most. 2. Create a newspaper article, real estate advertisement, or letter that describes the characteristics of your planet. Be sure to include the following information in your writing: Which planet did you choose? How is its environment different from that of Earth? What are the advantages of this planet? What are the disadvantages of this planet? What new technology would you need to be able to live there? What would you take with you? Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.4.1 Study: The Moving Earth Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: The model of how our solar system moves has changed with the advancements of technology and evidence. Main Idea #2: Earth is constantly moving through space within our solar system. Main Idea #3: The seasons and day length we experience on Earth are caused by the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation. Copyright © 2014 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.4.2 Practice: Stopping the Revolution Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Practice Assignment Name: ____________________ Points possible: 50 Date: ____________ Answer the following questions thoroughly. 1. Earth rotates around its axis. (15 points) A. What are the effects of Earth’s rotation? (10 points) B. If Earth didn't rotate, what would be one major obstacle life would have to overcome? (5 points) 2. Earth moves through space in two ways — rotation and revolution. (10 points) A. Around what does Earth revolve? (2 points) B. What are two ways life would be different if Earth did not have the motion of revolution? (8 points) 3. Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees. What is one change you would see on Earth if its axis was not tilted? (5 points) 4. When Earth is closest to the sun, the Northern Hemisphere is in winter. (20 points) A. Why is this true? (10 points) B. Given the effects of precession, will this still be the case in 13,000 years? Explain your answer. (10 points) Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.4.3 Study: The Living Planet Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea: Specific characteristics make Earth habitable for life. Date: ____________ Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.4.4 Study: The Moon Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Study Sheet Name: ____________________ Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: The moon orbits Earth. Date: ____________ Main Idea #2: The sun, moon, and Earth block one another as they orbit. Main Idea #3: The moon can exert a gravitational pull on Earth. Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse) 2.5.1 Review: Where Is Earth? Earth Science Core Sem 1 (S2871444) Review Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ The Universe Key Terms arms astronomers Big Bang Theory black hole blueshift core cosmic microwave background radiation Doppler effect elliptical galaxy extrapolating fusion galaxy gravity halo irregular galaxy light pollution Milky Way nebula neutron star particle accelerators planetary nebula radio telescopes red giant redshift solar system speed of light spiral galaxy stellar equilibrium stellar mass supernova visible light white dwarf Objectives The Big Bang Theory 1. Summarize the Big Bang theory about how the universe formed. 2. Describe the scientific methods used to determine the age of the universe. Galaxies 1. Describe the Milky Way galaxy and our place in it. 2. Describe the other types of galaxies in the universe. 3. Differentiate the structure of different types of galaxies. 4. Explain the scale of intergalactic distances. Star Life Cycles 1. Describe the process of fusion in stars. 2. Analyze the sun's life cycle. 3. Classify the types of stars and describe their life cycles. 4. Demonstrate the behavior of star nurseries. 5. Give examples of the cyclical nature of star birth and death. The Big Bang Theory Light moves faster than anything else in the universe, at a speed of 300,000,000 m/s. Light reaching us from distant galaxies started traveling a long time ago. The Big Bang Theory is the leading theory of the formation of the universe. It states that 10 to 20 billion years ago, the universe began expanding, starting as a tiny, hot and dense ball of matter. The Doppler effect is when light changes colors due to the light source or detector moving. Astronomical measurements show that all distant galaxies are redshifted, which means that they are all moving away from us the universe is expanding. The cosmic microwave background determines the temperature of outer space, which is about 270.4 ºC. This is thought to be the heat left over from the Big Bang. Particle accelerators are used to perform experiments that can recreate and test the conditions that occurred during the Big Bang. These experiments lend evidence to the Big Bang Theory Sample Questions 1. List the evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. 2. Why is looking at distant galaxies a bit like looking into the past? 3. How does the Doppler effect change light? Galaxies A galaxy is a huge collection of stars and their accompanying solar systems. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way and contains 100 to 200 billion stars. All of the stars we see in the sky at night are in the Milky Way galaxy. There are more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe. Galaxies formed under the influence of gravity after the universe had cooled enough to allow matter to clump together. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, with a core, halo and spiraling arms. The arms spin around the center of the galaxy. Other types of galaxies include elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies. The centers of galaxies often hold supermassive black holes. The enormous gravity of these black holes cause the stars in the galaxy to rotate around the center. We cannot see into the center of our galaxy directly because a huge cloud of dust is in the way. Sample Questions 1. Is our galaxy considered a typical galaxy? 2. Why can't we see outside of our galaxy when we look into the sky? 3. Does our galaxy contain planets outside of our solar system? Solar Cycles Stars, like our sun, use nuclear fusion to create energy. Stellar equilibrium is achieved by balancing the outward pressure and the inward force of gravity. Our sun formed about 5 billion years ago, and is about halfway through its life cycle. At the end of its cycle, it will expand to form a red giant, then collapse into a white dwarf. Stars larger than our sun will either supernova and then form a neutron star, or, if they are very large, supernova and then form a black hole. Stars form when a solar nebula collapses under the force of gravity. Nuclear fusion takes place throughout the star's life cycle, and when it is over, it releases the elements it has created through fusion into outer space, forming a new nebula, from which other bodies may eventually form. Sample Questions 1. How were the elements on Earth initially formed? 2. List the steps of our sun's life cycle. 3. What three final outcomes are possible at a star's death? Solar System Formation Key Terms accretion disk asteroid astronomical unit (AU) comet ellipse elliptical orbits extrasolar planet foci focus gas giants Kuiper Belt main asteroid belt meteor meteorite meteoroids NearEarth Asteroid Oort Cloud solar nebula Objectives Planet Formation 1. Explain how scientists think the solar system formed. 2. Demonstrate the many effects of gravity in the solar system. 3. Describe the orbits of planets and other objects. 4. Differentiate the competing theories of planet formation. 5. Evaluate the attempts to find extrasolar planets. Comets and Asteroid Belts 1. Classify the types of objects orbiting the sun. 2. Describe the behavior of comets, asteroids and meteors. 3. Explain the existence of the asteroid belt. 4. Analyze the goal of recent attempts to study comets and asteroids. Planet Formation The solar system began a solar nebula, a large ball of gas and dust. An accretion disk formed from the nebula, which eventually formed into the solar system. Gravity is the driving force behind the formation of solar systems and the objects in them, including stars and planets. There are two competing theories for planet formation: gravitational instability theory and the core accretion theory. All orbiting bodies follow paths that have elliptical shapes. Many extrasolar planets have been found, but few have been observed directly. The extrasolar planets that have been found have so far all been large gas giants. Sample Questions 1. What are the differences between the two planetary formation theories? 2. Why are we not certain which planetary formation theory is correct? 3. What methods are used to find extrasolar planets? Comets and Asteroid Belts Comets contain organic compounds and reside in the Kuiper Belt on the outskirts of our solar system, or possibly in the hypothetical Oort Cloud. Comets are noticeable due to their large tails, which are actually huge trails of melted ice. Asteroids do not contain organic compounds and reside mostly in the Main Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. The Main Asteroid Belt is thought to be the remnants of a planet that could not form due to the competing gravity of Mars and Jupiter. Meteoroids are chunks of asteroids or comets that have broken off. When they enter Earth's atmosphere they are called meteors, and if they make it to the ground before burning up they are called meteorites. Comets and Asteroids all move under the influence of gravity, and tend to orbit the sun in elliptical orbits. Earth has been hit by several large comets and asteroids, including one 65 million years ago that is thought to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Sample Questions 1. What is the difference between comets and asteroids? 2. When you see a shooting star in the sky, what is it? 3. What planet resides in the Kuiper Belt? Our Neighborhood Key Terms astronomical unit (AU) chromosphere convection zone corona Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) gas giants Jovian planets nuclear fusion photons photosphere plasma prominences radiation radiative zone solar flares sunspots terrestrial planets Objectives Here Comes the Sun 1. Explain how the sun creates energy. 2. Differentiate between the layers of the sun. 3. Describe the effect and magnitude of the sun's energy on Earth. 4. Explain the development of the heliocentric theory of the solar system. The Inner, Rocky Planets; the Gas Giants; and Pluto 1. Demonstrate the many effects of gravity in the solar system. 2. Classify the types of planets in the solar system. 3. Describe each planet with one simple phrase. 4. Explain the differences in the planets based on their location. 5. Analyze the differences between gas and rocky planets. 6. Evaluate the classification of Pluto. Here Comes the Sun Nuclear fusion in the sun's core creates gamma rays, which slowly work their way out of the sun over the course of one million years. After the core, there is the radiative zone, where the energy moves outward in the form of photons, and the convective zone, where energy moves via the movement of gas. The photosphere is the surface of the sun, and this is where the visible light is emitted. The chromosphere lies just outside the photosphere, and leads to the corona, which extends outward from the sun, and is mysteriously much hotter than the photosphere. The corona ejects a large amount of charged particles known as the solar wind. The surface of the sun features temporary changes, such as sunspots, prominences and solar flares. Sunspots occur in an 11year cycle, which is not presently understood. Sample Questions 1. How does the sun compare to other stars? 2. When is the corona most visible? 3. What conditions are required for nuclear fusion to occur? Inner, Rocky Planets The inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets have rocky surfaces, unlike the gas giants. Mercury is the smallest of the inner planets. It has very little atmosphere due to its small size, intense heat and close proximity to the sun. It is very old and has a heavilycratered surface similar to Earth's moon. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in size, but due to the runaway greenhouse effect, has the highest temperature of any planet in the solar system. It is uninhabitable. Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to currently harbor life. Mars is the most habitable planet other than Earth, although it is very cold and has violent weather patterns. It is about half the size of Earth, and may have had liquid water at some point in its past. Currently, it does not appear to have liquid water. Sample Questions 1. Why is Venus hotter than Mercury, even though it is further from the sun? 2. What causes the aurora on Earth? 3. Which planet has enormous dust storms? Gas Giants The gas giants are much, much larger than the rocky planets and are composed mostly of gas instead of rock. Their composition varies, but are generally composed of hydrogen and helium gas. They all have rings, although only Saturn's are easily visible. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, more than 10 times larger in diameter than Earth. Due to its immense gravity, Jupiter has over 60 moons, including some that may contain liquid water. Jupiter's red spot is an enormous storm system. Saturn has rings that are composed of many small rocks, each orbiting Saturn under the influence of gravity. Saturn's moon Titan has a rich nitrogen atmosphere, and may be similar to the early Earth. Uranus and Neptune are the next two gas giants after Saturn. Due to Pluto's unusual orbit, Neptune is actually the farthest planet about 8 percent of the time. Pluto is a small rocky planet that is actually smaller than many moons in the solar system. Many consider it not to be a planet, but merely the largest object in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto has a moon, Charon, that is only half its size, so they are often considered a double planet. Pluto's orbit is tilted on a different axis from all the other planets. Sample Questions 1. Why do the gas giants have more moons than the rocky planets? 2. How large is Jupiter compared to the sun? 3. Why is Pluto often considered to not be a true planet? Planet Earth Key Terms apogee axis of rotation ecliptic equinoxes greenhouse effect heliocentric model leap year lunar cycle lunar eclipse perigee phases of the moon precession Ptolemaic model revolution rotation solar eclipse summer solstice waning water vapor waxing winter solstice Objectives The Moving Earth 1. Differentiate between rotation and revolution. 2. Describe the effects of Earth's rotation. 3. Explain the cause of Earth's seasons. The Living Planet 1. Demonstrate the aspects of Earth that make it habitable for life. 2. Examine the existence of Earth's atmosphere. 3. Classify the bodies in the solar system in terms of habitability. The Moon 1. Evaluate the evidence for moon formation theories. 2. Demonstrate the moon's effect on Earth. 3. Analyze the cause of the moon's phases. The Moving Earth The rotation of Earth is responsible for the rise and setting of the sun. Earth rotates about every 24 hours. The revolution of Earth is Earth's orbit, which happens about every 365 days. Earth rotates at a 23.5º angle to the ecliptic. This tilt of Earth's axis is responsible for the seasons, and the variation in the length of daylight throughout the year The summer solstice is the day with the most sunlight, and the winter solstice is the day with the least sunlight. The equinoxes are days with exactly 12 hours of sunlight, and when the sun rises highest in the sky. The axis of Earth precesses, completing a cycle every 26,000 years. Sample Questions 1. How does the tilt of Earth affect conditions on the planet? 2. What is the shape of Earth's orbit? 3. About how far apart are the summer and winter solstice? The Living Planet Earth is the only body in the solar system that is easily habitable by humans. The following features contribute to Earth's pleasant environment: Atmosphere: Earth has enough gravity to hold an atmosphere. Humans and plants work together to keep the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere stable. Liquid Water: Earth contains liquid water, while most other bodies only contain frozen water. Temperature: Earth is a comfortable distance from the sun and has a greenhouse effect that is not too extreme. Magnetic Field: Earth's magnetic field deflects charged particles from the sun. Ozone Layer: Earth's ozone layer blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Sample Questions 1. Why don't smaller planets have an atmosphere? 2. What is meant by the term "free oxygen"? 3. Do planets other than Earth have magnetic fields? The Moon The moon formed about 4.5 billion years ago when a large body struck Earth, breaking off a section. This section formed into the moon under the influence of gravity. The moon is similar to Earth, but features no iron. The moon orbits Earth about once every 28 days. It also rotates about its axis in this time, meaning that the same hemisphere of the moon always faces Earth. The phases of the moon are caused not by Earth's shadow, but by the reflection of the sun changing as the moon orbits Earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is in Earth's shadow. A solar eclipse occurs when Earth is in the moon's shadow. The moon's gravity pulls harder on the near side of Earth than the far side, which results in Earth bulging out slightly. This causes the ocean tides. Sample Questions Why is the moon heavily cratered but Earth is not? Do any other bodies in the solar system have phases like the moon? Why don't eclipses happen monthly? Copyright © 2012 Apex Learning Inc. (See Terms of Use at www.apexvs.com/TermsOfUse)
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