because good research needs good data Using CRIS to power research data discovery Alex Ball1 Christopher Brown2 Laura Molloy3 Veerle Van den Eynden4 David Wilson3 1 DCC/UKOLN, University of Bath 2 Jisc 3 DCC/HATII, 4 UK University of Glasgow Data Archive 12 May 2015 Except where otherwise stated, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence: EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Supported by Outline Vision Phase 1 RIF-CS Mapping from CERIF to RIF-CS Phase 2, with added CRIS? EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Scope and purpose UK Research Data EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Scope and purpose Discovery Service for UK Research Data EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Scope and purpose Discovery Service for UK Research Data data impact funder value Data sharing and reuse researcher credit EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris better record 2015-05-12 Where does RDRDS fit in? BADC x ... UKSSDC ADS Oxford NERC DCS DataCite Jisc RDDS International aggregators Search engines EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris ... Edinburgh x Other UK registries 2015-05-12 UKDA Phase 1 pilot É É Discovery service based on ORCA (Research Data Australia) Participating data repositories: É É É É É É 9 universities: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Lincoln, Leeds, Oxford, Oxford Brookes, St Andrews, Southampton UKDA Archaeology Data Service 7 NERC Data Centres: BADC, BODC, EIDC, NEORC, NGDC, PDC, UKSSDC Harvested metadata in six standard formats Harvested metadata according to three protocols: É É É É native XML export OAI-PMH CSW (Catalogue Services for the Web) (but we had to cheat a little bit with the last two) EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Research Data Registry & Discovery About Collections Parties Activities Browse by Subject Area Services Themes Browse by Map Coverage Advanced Search What’s in the Research Data Registry and Discovery Service Spotlight on research data Collections (49) Research datasets or collections of research materials. Parties (36) Researchers or research organisations that create or maintain research datasets or collections. Activities (0) Projects or programs that create research datasets or collections. Who contributes to the Research Data Registry and Discovery Service? 5 research organisations from around the UK contribute information to Research Data Australia. Services (0) See All Services that support the creation or use of research datasets or collections. Share Research Data Australia is an Internet-based discovery service designed to provide rich connections between data, projects, researchers and institutions, and promote visibility of Australian research data collections in search engines. Read more about us... ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative. Home About Contact Us Disclaimer Developers All Collections All Parties All Activities All Services ANDS Online Services About RIF-CS É Profile of ISO 2146 (Information and Documentation – Registry Services for Libraries and Related Organizations) É Optimized for collection services registries É Maintained by ANDS: see documentation/rifcs/1.6/guidelines/rif-cs.html É ‘Gateway drug’ for CERIF? EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Data model COLLECTION PARTY ACTIVITY SERVICE repository group program create COLLECTION PARTY ACTIVITY SERVICE registry person project generate COLLECTION PARTY ACTIVITY SERVICE collection administrativePosition course transform COLLECTION ACTIVITY SERVICE dataset event report COLLECTION ACTIVITY catalogueOrIndex award EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 ... Example set of related objects COLLECTION dataset CSV file EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Example set of related objects SERVICE COLLECTION create sensor dataset CSV file produces EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Example set of related objects ACTIVITY program UTLS hasPart SERVICE COLLECTION ACTIVITY create sensor dataset CSV file project produces EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris hasOutput 2015-05-12 utls_egrett Example set of related objects PARTY ACTIVITY group program isFunderOf NERC UTLS hasPart SERVICE COLLECTION ACTIVITY create sensor dataset CSV file project produces EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris hasOutput 2015-05-12 utls_egrett Example set of related objects PARTY ACTIVITY group program isFunderOf NERC UTLS hasPart SERVICE COLLECTION ACTIVITY create sensor dataset CSV file project produces hasOutput isPrincipalInvestigatorOf isPrincipalInvestigatorOf PARTY person J Whiteway EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris utls_egrett 2015-05-12 Example set of related objects COLLECTION PARTY ACTIVITY repository group program BADC NERC isFunderOf UTLS hasPart isLocationFor SERVICE COLLECTION ACTIVITY create sensor dataset CSV file project produces hasOutput isPrincipalInvestigatorOf isPrincipalInvestigatorOf PARTY person J Whiteway EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris utls_egrett 2015-05-12 Metadata flows Oxford ADS Hull Subject data centre NGDC Glasgow PDC DataCite Edinburgh Jisc RDDS Ox. Brookes NERC DCS BODC Uni. data repository UKSSDC DataCite 3 DDI Codebook Southampton NEODC EIDC St Andrews Lincoln BADC Leeds UKDA EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris EPrints 3/ ReCollect MODS 3.5 OAI-PMH Dublin Core UK Gemini 2.2 2015-05-12 Problem statement COLLECTION PARTY dataset key name ... group hasAssociationWith key name ... isPrincipalInvestigatorOf PARTY person name ... EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Problem statement COLLECTION PARTY dataset key name ... group key name ... isPrincipalInvestigatorOf isFunderOf PARTY ACTIVITY person project key name ... EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris isPrincipalInvestigatorOf key name ... 2015-05-12 From CERIF to RIF-CS: Projects cfProj cfFedId/cfFedId cfFedId/cfFedId_Class cfProjId cfProjTitle cfAcro cfURI cfProjKeyw cfProjAbstr cfStartDate* cfEndDate† ACTIVITY project identifier[@type=?] identifier[@type=local] name[@type=primary]/namePart name[@type=abbreviated]/namePart location/address/electronic[@type=url]/value subject[@type=local] description[@type=full] coverage/temporal/date[@type=dateFrom] coverage/temporal/date[@type=dateTo] * deprecated; see also ‘Awarded’ cfProj_Class/cfStartDate, ‘Funder’ cfProj_OrgUnit/cfStartDate. † deprecated; see also ‘Awarded’ cfProj_Class/cfEndDate, ‘Closed’ cfProj_Class/cfStartDate, ‘Funder’ cfProj_OrgUnit/cfEndDate. EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 From CERIF to RIF-CS: Organisations PARTY group cfOrgUnit cfFedId/cfFedId identifier[@type=?] cfFedId/cfFedId_Class identifier[@type=local] name[@type=primary]/namePart cfOrgUnitId cfOrgUnitName cfAcro cfURI cfOrgUnitKeyw cfOrgUnitResAct cfEAddr name[@type=abbreviated]/namePart location/address/electronic[@type=url]/value subject[@type=local] description[@type=full] location/address/electronic[@type=email]/value location/address/physical[@type=postalAddress] cfPAddr/ . . . EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris /addressPart[@type=addressLine] 2015-05-12 From CERIF to RIF-CS: Data creators PARTY person cfPers cfFedId/cfFedId identifier[@type=?] identifier[@type=local] cfFedId/cfFedId_Class name[@type=primary]/namePart[@type=family] cfPersId cfPersName/cfFamilyNames name[@type=alternative]/namePart[@type=family] name[@type=primary]/namePart[@type=given] cfPersName/cfFirstNames name[@type=alternative]/namePart[@type=given] subject[@type=local] cfPersKeyw cfEAddr cfPAddr/ . . . EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris location/address/electronic[@type=email]/value location/address/physical[@type=postalAddress] /addressPart[@type=addressLine] 2015-05-12 From CERIF to RIF-CS: Datasets COLLECTION project cfProj cfFedId/cfFedId cfFedId/cfFedId_Class cfResProdId cfResProdName cfResProdAltName ??? cfURI cfResProdKeyw cfResProdDescr cfResProd_GeoBBox cfResProdVersInfo cfOrgUnit_ResProd ‘Publisher’ identifier[@type=?] citationInfo/citationMetadata/identifier[@type=?] identifier[@type=local] name[@type=primary]/namePart citationInfo/citationMetadata/title name[@type=alternative]/namePart dates[@type=dc.issued]/date[@type=dateFrom] citationInfo/citationMetadata/date[@type=publicationDate] location/address/electronic[@type=url]/value subject[@type=local] description[@type=full] coverage/spatial[@type=iso19139dcmiBox] citationInfo/citationMetadata/version citationInfo/citationMetadata/publisher EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 From CERIF to RIF-CS: Relationships cfProj ‘Principal Investigator’ ‘Researcher’ Person Project Engagements ACTIVITY Pers project hasPrincipalInvestigator isPrincipalInvestigatorOf ACTIVITY cfProj ‘Participant’ Person Project Engagements Pers project cfProj Person Project Engagements Pers project isParticipantIn cfProj Organisation Project Engagements OrgUnit EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris project 2015-05-12 person PARTY isManagedBy isManagerOf ACTIVITY ‘Funder’ person PARTY hasParticipant ACTIVITY ‘Manager’ PARTY person PARTY isFundedBy isFunderOf group From CERIF to RIF-CS: Relationships ACTIVITY cfProj ‘Originator’ Project Output Roles ResProd project COLLECTION hasOutput isOutputOf PARTY cfPers cfPers ‘Affiliation’ Person Organisation Roles ‘Creator’? ‘Contributor’ Person Output Contributions OrgUnit person PARTY ResProd person PARTY isMemberOf hasMember cfResProd Inter-Product Relations ResProd EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris collection 2015-05-12 group isPrincipalCOLLECTION InvestigatorOf hasPrincipalInvestigator COLLECTION ‘Part’ dataset dataset COLLECTION hasPart isPartOf dataset From CERIF to RIF-CS: Relationships COLLECTION cfResProd ‘Built on’ Inter-Output Relations ResProd dataset COLLECTION isDerivedFrom hasDerivedCollection dataset COLLECTION cfResPubl ‘Built on’ Inter-Output Relations ResProd dataset isReferencedBy RIF-CS could also express É the party that manages the dataset; É the party that owns the dataset; É a publication that cites the dataset; É a publication that documents the dataset; É a publication to which the dataset is a supplement. EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 publication Example party record: without CRIS About Collections Browse by Subject Area Parties Activities Services Themes Browse by Map Coverage Advanced Search Home / EPrints / Party Alan Cresswell Connections Collections Share Validated radiometric mapping in 2012 of areas in Japan affected by the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear accident Research Data Australia is an Internet-based discovery service designed to provide rich EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 Example party record: with CRIS? Person Peter Gravestock Save to MyRDA Contact Information [email protected] RMIT University Viewed: 14 Brief description Peter Gravestock is a cinema studies academic and a Library officer at the AFI Research Collection (AFIRC), School of Media and Communication, RMIT University since 2011. He has completed a PhD Building 21, Level 4, AFI Research Collection, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne VIC 3000 thesis analysing the constructive editing techniques of Hong Kong action films for Flinders University, South Australia. He is currently studying a Graduate Diploma in Information Management through Curtin University, Western Australia. Subjects Film and Television | Studies in Creative Arts and Writing | Related Data Collector of Star Wars: Articles, Books, Stills and Clippings Files Collector of Brian Trenchard-Smith Collection Collector of Leonard Teale Collection Collector of Hugo Weaving Collection Collector of John Woo Collection Identifiers URI : View all 56 related data EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12 because good research needs good data Merci beaucoup pour votre attention Thank you for your attention DCC Website: UK RDDS Phase 2 home page: http: // EuroCRIS Membership Meeting, Paris 2015-05-12
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