OraChrom, Inc. The Vanguard of Liquid Chromatography. 10-B Henshaw Street Woburn, MA 01801 USA Phone (781) 932 0151 Fax (781) 932 0787 E-mail: [email protected] www.orachrom.com APPLICATION NOTE Navelbine: Fast Detection in Urine Sample with STYROS 2R/XH. Navelbine is a semi-synthetic vinca alkaloid with antitumor activity. It is the ditartrate salt of Vinorelbine. CH3 N Navelbine H The chromatograms show the speed and accuracy with which the treating physician can access this crucial information to make an informed judgment during treatment. At present, the only short term guide is the patient’s symptoms during the following days. The long term side effects as well as the cumulative ones are less clear. Often times the symptoms are irreversible and the treatment needs to be discontinued. Table 1. Operating parameters for the chromatograms. Mobile Phase N OCH3 CH3 CH3O H O N + 2 COOH-CHOHCHOH-COOH H O H3C OH O CH3 1.071 0.806 100 The metabolisms of vinca alkaloids are known to be mediated by hepatic cytochrome P450 isoenzymes in the CYP3A subfamily. It is therefore important to consider any hepatic dysfunction as well as any potent metabolic inhibitor when administering the drug to these patients. The metabolites of Vinorelbine in excess doses have been detected in the blood, plasma and urine. However, in therapeutic doses of up to 30 mg/m2, hardly any metabolite can be detected either in the blood or in the urine. The present application shows how one can effectively gauge the excess drug after its intravenous administration during a short chromatographic run. Judging by the patient’s blood count, Vinorelbine’s effect can be seen for up to 14 days. However, no detectable peek can be recorded after 12 hrs during chromatographic run using urine samples. 1 2 3.402 3 4 Min T= 1 hr 3.564 Chromatogram 1 STYROS 2R/XH 4.6 X 50 mm Samples of urine taken after injection of Navelbine. T= 1 hr Navelbine 3.396 3.396 3.564 2.785 3.137 2.388 2.577 1.722 2.016 % Buffer B 0 T= 6 hrs 3.564 T= 12 hrs T= 8 days 3.396 3.137 2.577 2.785 2.016 2.388 Navelbine T= 6 hr T= 12 hrs Flow rate Gradient Temperature Detection Injection volume Sample: O CH3 The clinical pharmacology suggests that the drug’s action results in its interference with microtubule assembly. Navelbine concentration in plasma rapidly decreases after intravenous injection. This represents the peripheral distribution to the point of saturation. The excess drug is flushed out in urine within an hour. Using urine samples from the patient one can monitor excess drug and therefore adjust the injected amount to prevent any unnecessary and rather harmful overdose. 0 Agilent 1100 STYROS 2R/XH 4.6 X 50 mm A: 0.075% TFA in H2O B: 0.075% TFA in ACN:H2O (95:5) 1 ml/min (360 cm/hr) 5% B for 0.3 min., to 100% B in 4 min. 37C 252 nm 25 l As indicated. HPLC System. Column N H O 3.35 2.0 3.0 3.4 3.45 3.5 3.55 3.6 3.65 Min Min AN071904-35
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