How to Draw Krill Order Euphausiacea

How to Draw Krill
Order Euphausiacea
Step One: Roughly sketch the two basic shapes of the body – a large square and a long, narrow cone shape.
Step Two: Alter the square to form the indented shape of the head. Sketch in the six segmented rectangles
of the tail.
Step Three: Add in five segmented legs on the first five segments of the tail. Sketch in six segmented legs
from the upper body region. Add in the eye by colouring a dark circle. Sketch two long antennae coming from
just above the eye. Draw several long rectangular tail pieces on the last tail segment.
Step Four: Darken your lines and erase any extra ones. Shade in the body by rubbing your pencil on an angle.
Use a blending stick or your finger to soften the shade marks.
Created for Beaty Museum Educational use by Lori Petite, education practicum student.
All photos and drawings © Lori Petite, 2013