Wellington Orchid Society Bulletin http://wocnz.webs.com/ President’s Ramble Wellington Orchid Society, Inc PO Box 135, Wellington, 6140 nd Meetings: Mainly 2 Sunday February – December (See List) Doors open 1.30pm. Meeting starts 2.00pm. Little Theatre, Library Building, 2 Queens Dr, Lower Hutt 5010 Parking is available down drive next to St James Church and right by pedestrian crossing on Woburn Road. President: Judy Dewar ph 565 0141 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Paul Herd ph 586-1032 Email: [email protected] Editor: David McConachie ph 586 0058 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Merv Dougherty ph 235 8221 Email: [email protected] Librarian: Penelope Lawrence ph 934 2195 HU U HU U Upcoming Events th April 12 AGM and Mike & Leigh Leaity on “Orchids: Sabah to Singapore” th April 18 Manawatu OS Autumn Show, St John Ambulance Hall, Bowen St, Feilding th May 10 th st May 30 -May 31 OCNZ AGM @ Tauranga th June 14 th July 11 Hawkes Bay OS Winter Show, Clive Hall th July 19 th August 16 th th September 12 -13 Hawkes Bay OS Spring Show, Taradale Town Hall th September 13 th th September 26 -27 Manawatu OS Spring Show, Community Leisure Centre, Palmerston North rd th October 3 -4 Wanganui OS Show th th October 9 -11 WOS Spring Show @ the Dowse th th October Fri 16 -17 Wairarapa OC Show, Senior Citizens Hall, Masterton th November 7 Sarcochilus Show, Taradale Town Hall th November 8 F irst off, a big thank you to Roy for his very interesting talk on his recent sojourn to Singapore and then on to Japan to attend the Tokyo Dome Orchid Expo. I know that next time I head overseas, and not just across the drain, I will definitely have a few days in Singapore and visit all the sites Roy showed us. I wish I could grow Phallies like the Japanese, and I plan to get some ‘nice’ pots to show off some of my orchids. Roy, your photos were fine, thank you for spending the time to take them. Well, it’s that time of the year again, AGM time. I am stepping down from President and probably from the committee, I hope you will consider coming onto the committee. We need good numbers on the committee to keep the club functioning and to lessen the load for the committee members. Being on the committee isn’t onerous and you get your chance to have a say on the running of the club and what functions to have, for example. My thanks to the club and committee for your support over the last few years and I wish Wellington Orchid Society continued prosperity, and the enjoyment/passion for growing orchids. Judy. Margery Smith The family of Margery Smith would like to thank the members of the Wellington orchid society for all their help rehoming orchids, for their friendship and for coming to Mum's funeral and telling us about her 'other life' as an orchid enthusiast. Mum really enjoyed orchid society meetings and would have loved to have continued going to meetings if she hadn't become so Ill so quickly. Thanks again Clare, Ian and Moira [email protected]. Contents Plant List for March 2015 ......................... 2 Popular Vote March 2015 ......................... 2 Notes from the Committee ....................... 3 OCNZ News ............................................... 3 March Meeting Photos ............................. 6 Nomination form ..................................... 11 Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Earina autumnalis Grower: Paul Herd Page 1 a little paint on it. Plant List for March 2015 Janice Brown: Dendrobium Zucchini, Masdevallia Hot Shot, Masdevallia Lyn Sherlock ‘C’, Chris de Kruyf: Oncidium Charlesworthii, Paphiopedilum Albion Judy Dewar: Dendrobium Jonathon’s Glory ‘Dark Joy’, Dendrobium Paradise Elisabeth, Masdevallia corniculata, Phalaenopsis Coral Mask, Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Shirasagi, Lois Dougherty: Dendrochilum pangasinaense, Schoenorchis juncifolia Mirth Fraser: Paphiopedilum Garyu, Paphiopedilum parishii, Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura MedellinP’, Phragmipedium schlimii Betty Gillespie: Bratonia (syn. Miltada) Orange Sherbert ‘ Len Lloyd’, Oncidium Annaclaire, Oncidium longipes, Phalaenopsis ‘Floracultura Romancep’ Paul Herd: Earina autumnalis Harold Jane: Oncidium ‘Flexuosum hybrid’ Jenene Moynihan: Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura HelsinkiP’, Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura RavennaP’ John Larcomb: Phalaenopsis ‘Floricultura AirborneP’ Ron Patmore: Dendrobium glomeratum, Miltonidium Memoria Mary Kavanaugh, Phalaenopsis Unknown Grex ‘1’, Phalaenopsis Unknown Grex ‘2’, Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Beauty, Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Dream Girl, Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Leopard, Promenaea Crawshayana Her feeding regime for her plant is the same as for Paphiopedilum Garyu. It gets Nitrophoska scattered on the top of the mix when repotted and is fertilised from time to time using either Nitrosol or Phostrogen. Mirth Fraser and her plant of Paphiopedilum parishii Popular Vote March 2015 1st.) Paphiopedilum parishii Owner: Mirth Fraser Paphiopedilum parishii is epiphytic, or sometimes lithophytic, growing with roots growing through moss and ferns on tree branches, or rocks. It is found through Eastern Myanmar, Western and Northern Thailand, into southern China at altitudes between 1300m and 2500m. It is also one of the parents of Paphiopedilum Garyu, which won the popular vote at the February meeting. Mirth believes that she may have had her plant for at least 20 years but the acquisition has been lost in the mists of time. It doesn’t flower very often for her, so she doesn’t think that she is growing it very well. Mirth has her plant sitting above a container of water, to ensure moist air, on a hotbed. The hot bed switches on in winter and on cold nights to keep the temperature above 10°C. It gets morning light from the east through a window with Wellington Orchid Society 2nd.) Dendrobium glomeratum Owner: Ron Patmore Dendrobium glomeratum is distributed in the Moluccas Islands where it is found in lowermontane old forests between 950-1,500 m altitude. It has also been reported from Irian Jaya and Western Province of Papua New Guinea where plants have been found at low altitude often along swampy rivers. Plants found in the latter locations aren’t cool growing. Ron’s plant is grown in Sphagnum moss under high light conditions. It is fertilised at every watering on the new growth and is kept dryish during the winter. He keeps the temperature above 5°C during winter and below 25°C during the summer. The plant flowers on deciduous canes. April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 2 5) Bus Trip - Saturday 22nd August 2015 Wellington Orchid Society are going on a day bus trip to Feilding stopping at various growers, where we shall see all sorts of things e.g. Royal Doulton collection, craft, orchids and gardens. You will need to take a packed lunch. The maximum cost is $50 each. This may be reduced depending on numbers. Bus will leave from (times approx.) Platform 9 Wellington Station at 8:00am Melling Station 8:15am Haywards Hill carpark 8:25am Paremata Station carpark 8:50am Friends are welcome to join us at the same cost. We have suggested that to make payment easier you can pay $10 per month if you wish. For anyone interested we need numbers by 1st April 2015 to confirm the bus. OCNZ News Ron Patmore and his plant of Dendrobium glomeratum Happy New Year to you all and welcome to the first Council newsletter for 2015. Notes from the Committee 1) Subs are now due and the membership fees form is attached at the back of the newsletter. If you wish to receive a Yearbook, please ensure that your subs are paid by 31st March as this is the cut-off date for the OCNZ capitation fee. 2) The AGM is coming up in April. Please think about who you would like to see on the committee or leading the club. Judy Dewar has advised the committee that she is standing down as President at the AGM as she will be relocating shortly to the Hawkes Bay. Graham Holmes has also advised his intention to stand down as well. 3) Mike Leaity has advised the Committeee that he will be bringing plants for sale at the April Meeting. 4) Bark is available again but there has been a slight increase in price for it. The grades are No 2, No 3, No 4 and the price is Members $13.50 Non Members $15.00. If you wish to get some please phone Marianne Daniel 564 1112 to arrange delivery to a monthly meeting or to arrange pick up from her. Wellington Orchid Society The top orchid awards for the 2014 year have been chosen and the Committee On Awards have great pleasure in congratulating the following winners: ORCHID OF THE YEAR: Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Toulmx' - Bill Pepperell, Waikato CYMBIDIUM OF THE YEAR: Cymbidium floribundum 'Dark Skies' - Grahame Leafberg, Auckland CULTURAL OF THE YEAR: Masdevallia Firebrand 'Cooltan' - Jenene Moynihan, Upper Hutt SPECIES OF THE YEAR: Angraecum sesquipedale 'Mae Delia' - Adelaide Booth, Bay of Islands Preparations are well underway for the next Expo to be held in Auckland in 2016. It is not too soon to be pampering your plants for this show, and indeed your local shows that will be coming up soon. We are delighted to have Carlos Lehnebach, Curator of Botany at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, touring through the North Island from the 14-21 March. He will be speaking on various aspects of New Zealand terrestrial and epiphytic orchids at April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 3 Napier, Tauranga, Auckland, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, and possibly Hamilton. See itinerary at: http://orchidcouncil.co.nz If you require any further information, please contact me (Ruth Coles) at: [email protected] The next countrywide event on the Orchid Calendar is the National Judging Seminar and AGM hosted by the Tauranga Orchid Society, to be held at the Tauranga Racecourse over Queens Birthday weekend. That’s Friday 29th May to Sunday 31st May. It would be great if all societies could be represented, the AGM is on the Sunday afternoon and information has been sent to societies. Nominations are being called for people that you wish to represent you on the Orchid Council. All positions are up for nomination, so please give this some thought and get your nomination in to the Secretary. Positions to be filled are: President, Vice President (1), Secretary, Treasurer, and executive members (5). Our current President Graham Letts will be completing his 3rd term in June and therefore will be stepping down to become Immediate Past President for one year. This being the case, there will only be one position for Vice President for that year so as to keep the executive committee at 10 persons. National Raffle tickets will also be available at the AGM weekend for distribution. Societies will be receiving notification from Anton Wehman, Organiser, with the good news that they will again receive 50% of the takings to enable them to accumulate funds for participation at the 2016 Expo. Please contact Anton for any further queries: [email protected] That’s it for now, look forward to seeing you at the Judging Seminar and AGM on Queens Birthday weekend. Kind regards From the Executive Committee Orchid Council of NZ Inc Annual Report of the Wellington Orchid Society 2014-2015 It is with pleasure that I present the Annual Report for 2014-2015. The Wellington Orchid Society had a good year with numbers at each meeting varying attendances between 30-50. Membership is stable, and we commiserate with families and friends of those who have passed on during the Wellington Orchid Society year and also note that the society had gained new members. A vote of thanks should go to Mervyn for managing the finances of the society so skilfully and for Mervyn and Ron for working with the charities commission to bring the societies finances and operation in to line with the charities requirements. This took some considerable time, done voluntarily by Mervyn, Ron and Geoff Palmer (Wairarapa Treasurer) thank you. Also, a vote of thanks to David for his brilliant photography and for continuing to produce a newsletter that is appreciated and well received by all. Due to ill health Franz Zumbuhl will no longer be writing ‘My Orchid of the Month’ an article I always looked forward to reading, in its place we are now having a commentary by each of the monthly popular plant winners on their winning orchid with a photograph by David. My thanks to the committee; Paul, Lois, Maryanne, Esme, Graham, Mervyn, David and Ron, who give up so much of their precious time to run the society, meetings and in particular our annual show. Without their enthusiasm, we would be a poorer society. I would like to encourage members to put their name forward for committee, a great way to get to know your society better and also have a greater say in planning events over the year. The Wellington Regional Judging group are now part of the Society and again I encourage you to consider becoming a judge. This a great way to learn more about orchids and understand what the judges are looking for when they give ribbons to orchids at shows. We get to view other grower’s collections and see the best of orchids when awarding plants. Over the year we have monthly meetings from February until December. The January meeting is not held as it usually coincides with the Taranaki Summer show that a lot of our members like to attend. The AGM is always in the Month of April. In May 2014 we had Kevin and Helen Western from Adelaide give a very informative talk and show on Sarcochilus and Australian cymbidiums species and their orchid business, some of us were lucky enough to get some of their flasks, hopefully we will get to see some of the orchids in the next year or two. In June, I had the pleasure of welcoming Carlos Lehnebach, Curator of Botany at the Museum of April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 4 New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa who gave an excellent talk on New Zealand native orchids and the insects that pollinate them. The specialist knowledge that Carlos has shared with us, and the shots he had of the pollination process were truly amazing. In July we had a mid-winter Xmas luncheon at the Irish club that was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Thank you to Harold who organised the Irish club and the caterers. Our July meeting was held later in the month due to clashes with other events using the Little Theatre. We talked about the orchids displayed at the July meeting; it is always useful to hear how other people grow their orchids. The August meeting was run by Ron in my absence – thank you Ron. David did a presentation on his ‘Walk about in Victoria’, be careful what you sit on, in the bush was one of the messages from the talk, apart from David’s usual excellent photography. September was all about preparing our orchids for the October show, getting everything labelled correctly and having orchids and pots in tip top condition with no extraneous material! We also had a lively discussion on the various different genera on display and talked about what judges were looking for when awarding orchids. In October it was ‘all hands on deck’ as we prepped for our Annual Orchid show. This year it was held at the Dowse, quite a different set up to the Horticultural Hall and much less space. However for all the fuss and bother that goes into a show, it all went off very well. Lois and team were thanked for their roles of Show Marshall a job that Lois has off pat and family for doing the morning teas, judges lunch etc. and of course all those people who helped with the set up and take down of the show. There were a very good number of public through the show and our trade’s tables all did good sales. I as usual added to my collection. At our November meeting we were very lucky indeed to have Susan Worthington speaking on Botanical Art and explaining what it is. Susan brought along a good selection of her amazing art work which we were privileged to see. Susan will be travelling to HRH Prince Charles estate in South Africa to do drawings of native flowers for the Prince; hopefully we may get to see some of the art in the future. committee decided that we would have a Christmas afternoon tea and monster raffle at our regular December meeting rather than dining out. There was a very good attendance with the afternoon tea going down a treat. We also had an extended plant commentary all of which were well received. Our next meeting was in February with everyone being welcomed back with stories of plants flowering early or late, is it truly global warming? We watched video clips provided by David on Orchid-Hunters Australia, which showed the true passion of orchid enthusiasts in native orchids. The March meeting was again well attended with Roy Walker giving a show and tell on his recent visit to the Tokyo Dome Orchid Expo as well as a stop at Singapore and visits to orchid and garden displays there. How I wish I could grow Phalaenopsis the way the Japanese do. Penelope talked to us about bringing flasks into NZ and the rigmarole one must go through to get through MAF at the airport. The OCNZ Cultural Award of the year was won by Jenene Moynihan with Masdevallia Firebrand ‘Cooltan’. This is the first time a club member of our Society has won this award. This was my last year as President, I would like to thank all of the committee for their enthusiasm and support and also the members of the WOS, as you are what make a club tick. Judy Dewar Phalaenopsis Unknown Grex (Harlequin) ex Supermarket Grower: Ron Patmore As we had a mid-winter luncheon in July the Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 5 March Meeting Photos Dendrobium glomeratum Grower: Ron Patmore Phalaenopsis Airborne Grower: John Larcomb Paphiopedilum parishii Grower: Mirth Fraser Bratonia Orange Sherbert ‘Len Lloyd’ Grower: Betty Gillespie Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 6 Dendrochilum pangasinaense Plant (previous page) and flower Grower: Lois Dougherty Oncidium Charlesworthii Grower: Chris de Kruyf Oncidium longipes Grower: Betty Gillespie Masdevallia Hot Shot Grower: Janice Brown Dendrobium Jonathon’s Glory ‘Dark Joy’ Grower: Judy Dewar Oncidium ‘Flexuosum Hybrid’ Grower: Harold Jane Promenaea Crawshayana Grower: Ron Patmore Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 7 Dendrobium Zucchini Plant (above) and flower Grower: Lois Dougherty Schoenorchis juncifolia Inflorescence (above) and flower Grower: Lois Dougherty Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura RavennaP’ Grower: Jenene Moynihan Paphiopedilum Albion Grower: Chris de Kruyf Wellington Orchid Society Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura HelsinkiP’ Grower: Jenene Moynihan April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 8 Dendrobium Paradise Elisabeth Grower: Judy Dewar Masdevallia Lyn Sherlock ‘C’ Grower: Janis Brown Phalaenopsis Coral Mask Grower: Judy Dewar Masdevallia corniculata Grower: Judy Dewar Miltonidium Memoria Mary Kavanaugh Grower: Ron Patmore Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Phalaenopsis ‘Anthura RavennaP’ Grower: Mirth Fraser Page 9 Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Leopard Grower: Ron Patmore Paphiopedilum Garyu Fully open this month Grower: Mirth Fraser Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Beauty Grower: Ron Patmore Phalaenopsis Unknown Grex Grower: Ron Patmore Oncidium Annaclaire Grower: Betty Gillespie Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Dream Girl Grower: Ron Patmore Wellington Orchid Society Phalaenopsis Romance Grower: Betty Gillespie April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 10 Wellington Orchid Society Bulletin http://wocnz.webs.com/ Nomination form for WOS committee 2015 I wish to nominate ..................................................for the position of ..........................................................................…….on the 2015 Wellington Orchid Society committee. ........................................……………………..(Proposer) .......................................……................…(Seconder) I accept nomination ........................................………………………(Nominee) Nomination form for WOS committee 2015 I wish to nominate ..................................................for the position of ..........................................................................…….on the 2015 Wellington Orchid Society committee. ........................................……………………..(Proposer) .......................................……................…(Seconder) I accept nomination ........................................………………………(Nominee) ________________________________________________________________________ Nomination form for WOS committee 2015 I wish to nominate ..................................................for the position of ..........................................................................…….on the 2015 Wellington Orchid Society committee. ........................................……………………..(Proposer) .......................................……................…(Seconder) I accept nomination ........................................………………………(Nominee) ________________________________________________________________________ Wellington Orchid Society April 2015 Vol 38-03 Page 11
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