Welcome To The 2015 Arabian Rally in the Valley Double Judged Region 4 Arabian Show March 26-29, 2015 2015 Judges Jim Hitt (Judge A - show 150412783)…………….........……..…Elizabeth, Colorado Duane Esser (Judge B - show 150412784) .....................................Cleves, Ohio Show Officials Show Manager ....................................................... Heather Engstrom, Eugene, Oregon Show Secretary .................................................... Heather Engstrom, Eugene, Oregon USEF Show Steward .............................................. Barbara Zellner, Beaverton, Oregon Veterinarian ............ Del Oeste Equine Hospital, LLC, Eugene, Oregon, (541) 689-0205 Show Staff Ringmaster ................................................................ Kimberly Moser, Marcola, Oregon RV Manager………………………………………….. Heather Engstrom, Eugene, Oregon Paddock Manager ............................................................. Rene Filley, Eugene, Oregon Announcer ................................................................ Carolyn Claman, Eugene, Oregon Out Gate/Ribbons .................................................... Beth Hogan, Junction City, Oregon EMT ....................................................................................... Lane Rural Fire & Rescue Farrier ................................................................................. Zach Morris, Dallas, Oregon 2015 Arabian Rally in the Valley Show Features As an Executive Table Sponsor, you will enjoy a private ringside table with seating for six throughout the show. You will also be listed on the day sheets and announced as an executive sponsor during the weekend. The tables will offer complimentary wine and Hors D' Oeuvres for six during the evening sessions and coffee and tea during the morning and afternoon sessions. Each table will be $250 and are limited so make reserve yours soon! If you have more than six people in your group you can purchase extra tickets for the evening Hors D' Oeuvres. Don't worry about dinner on Wednesday night! We have you covered! Competitors, trainers, grooms & guests, please join us for a complimentary welcome dinner Wednesday night from 5-7pm. Kevin Sheffield from our very own Feed Room Restaurant is sure to treat us to a great meal to kick off this year's Rally in the Valley! Bring your horses as early as Tuesday March 24th to practice in our pens or stay as late as Monday March 30th for no extra charge! We have six Opportunity Classes for this year’s Rally. Thirteen non-judged Warm Up classes, including one non-judged trail Warm Up class and three non-judged reining Warm Up classes are spread throughout the show. Opportunity and Warm Up classes are open to all breeds and entries are exempt from USEF fees! Entry forms must. . . Be filled out correctly. Care should be taken to enter each horse in its proper class. (Exhibitors are responsible for their errors and those of their agents in making out entry forms.) Be signed by the exhibitor, rider, driver, handler, coach (if applicable) and trainer or his/her agent. In the case of a rider under the age of 18, his/her parent or guardian, or if not available, the trainer must sign an entry on the minor‘s behalf. All entries must have the trainer line signed, as that is the adult person who has care and custody of the horse at the show. (If owner and trainer are same, sign twice). All entries must have the coach line signed if that person is coaching on the grounds, whether or not he/she is being paid for that particular occurrence. Include the mailing address and phone number of owner and trainer. Include all current USEF and AHA membership cards & numbers for each and every owner, rider, handler, lessee, agent, trainer and coach. Include copy of registration papers with description of all horses. (including contract of sale if horse is not registered in exhibitor’s name.) Include your payment! Numbers will not be released until entry forms are complete and all copies of papers and cards are submitted! FEES AND PREMIUMS ENTRY FEES Regular Performance Classes Halter Classes JTR & JOTR Classes Opportunity Classes –Open to all breeds Walk/Trot Classes Championship Classes Jackpot Championship Classes Post Entry Fee $34 per class ($17 per judge) $34 per class ($17 per judge) $30 per class ($15 per judge) $20 per class ($10 per judge) $20 per class ($10 per judge) $50 per class ($25 per judge) $60 per class ($10 into jackpot) $20 per horse (One time fee if not postmarked by 3-16-15) ADDITIONAL FEES Stall Fees (Wednesday-Sunday) .................................................... ……… $80 per stall Trainers - bring horses with four different owners and receive a free tack stall! (one per four owners entered - not to be used for horses) Early Arrival Tuesday March 24th & late departure Monday March 30th. ... No Charge Baled Shavings ....................................................................................... $7.00 per bale Day Stall (7am-1/2hour after last class) ............................................... $35 per day/stall Grounds Fee (Horses without a stall must pay Grounds Fee) ............. $25 a day/horse USEF Testing Fee .................................................................................... $16 per horse ($8 Drug & Medication Fee, $8 USEF Fee) Office Fee ................................................................................................. $12 per horse USEF Show Pass Fees .......................................................................... $30 per person Each Handler, Rider, Driver, Owner, Lessee, Coach, Agent and Trainer must be a USEF Member OR pay a non-member fee. AHA Single Membership Fee ................................................................. $35 per person AHA RESOLUTION #9-90 Fee .................................................................. $5 per horse RV Reservations ........................ (Make reservation at www.OregonHorseCenter.com) SPECIAL - $10 off to owners who send in COMPLETE entry forms! That means any entry that has ALL the information we need including copies of registration papers, all signatures, and copies of all the cards needed including renewal or single event membership forms filled out will get $10 off their entry forms. AWARDS Ribbons or cups through sixth in all performance classes. Classes with cash prizes will pay to three places split between each judge’s placings. PREMIUM: $100 $150 1 $50 $75 ST 2 $30 $45 ND 3 $20 $30 JACKPOT $200 1 50% ST 2 30% RD ND 3 20% RD JACKPOT CLASSES – $10 FROM EACH ENTRY FEE WILL BE ADDED BACK IN FOR THE JACKPOT CLASSES. THE ADDED MONEY WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE JACKPOT CLASSES. Premiums/Jackpots will be mailed out within 25 days of the end of the show. PRE-ENTRIES CLOSE & MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE Monday - March 16, 2015 2015 Rally in the Valley Class Schedule Thursday 7am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 179 691 210 645 216 651 219 654 216 651 1027 211 646 217 652 $10 $34 $34 $20 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $30 $30 $20 $50 $50 $50 $50 Thursday 5:30pm continued Warm Up Trail Class Arabian English Trail Horse Open HA/AA English Trail Horse Open Opportunity Trail Class Arabian Western Trail Horse Open HA/AA Western Trail Horse Open Arabian Western Trail Horse AATR HA/AA Western Trail Horse AATR Arabian Western Trail Junior Horse HA/AA Western Trail Junior Horse Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR 18 & Under HA/AA Western Trail Horse JTR 18 & Under Walk/Trot Trail 10 & Under Arabian West Trail Horse Open Championship-$150(QC:5, 9) HA/AA West Trail Horse Open Champ-$150 (QC: 6, 10) Arabian West Trail ATR Championship - $150 (QC: 7, 11) HA/AA West Trail Horse ATR Champ - $150 (QC: 8, 12) Thursday 1pm 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 183 605 190 309 925 733 759 83 620 1327 752 290 515 1640 620 950 $10 $34 $20 $34 $34 $34 $30 $34 $34 $34 $34 $30 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $30 Warm Up Class Arabian English Trail ATR (To run after class #3) Opportunity Hunter Pleasure HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Open (To run after class #73) Arabian Western Pleasure Geldings Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 18 & Under HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Mares/Stallions HA/AA English Show Hack ATR Arabian English Pleasure ATR HA/AA Western Pleasure Geldings Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Arabian Hunter Pleasure Mares/Stallions HA/AA English Pleasure Open HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR HA/AA Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride AHA Western Horsemanship Medal JTR 18 & Under Thursday 5:30pm 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 190 1138 321 640 1328 907 190 733 $10 $34 $30 $34 $34 $30 $20 $34 $34 Warm Up Class Arabian Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under Arabian English Show Hack ATR HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under Walk/Trot Western Equitation 10 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure Mares/Stallions HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Geldings 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 290 95 620 $34 $34 $34 671 230 $10 $34 $30 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride Arabian Country English Pleasure Open HA/AA Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride TBA Warm Up Reining HA/AA Reining AAOTR Arabian Reining JTR 18 & Under Friday 8am 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 $10 1326 524 754 2976 890 1329 636 1633 75 1631 556 733 190 619 60 660 230 $20 $30 $34 $34 $34 $20 $30 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $10 $34 $34 Warm Up Class TBA Opportunity Western Pleasure Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under HA/AA English Pleasure ATR HA/AA English Show Hack Open HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Select ATR Walk/Trot English/Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 18 & Under HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Arabian English Pleasure Open Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse Arabian Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Arabian Park Horse Open Warm Up Reining HA/AA Reining Open Arabian Reining ATR $10 $30 $34 $34 $34 $30 $34 $34 $30 $34 $30 $34 $30 $34 $34 $30 Warm Up Class AHA Saddle Seat Equitation Medal JTR 18 & Under Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Western Pleasure Mares/Stallions Arabian English Show Hack Open HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 18 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure AATR HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under Arabian Country English Pleasure Select ATR HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure Novice Horse Arabian Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride HA/AA Reining JTR 18 & Under Friday 1pm 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 924 305 620 315 1339 206 531 1337 1836 1335 733 1325 190 290 665 Friday 1pm continued Saturday 1pm continued 89 90 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 240 668 $34 $34 Arabian Reining AAOTR HA/AA Reining Junior Horse Friday 5:30pm 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 590 170 2236 733 115 748 190 290 3136 540 733 665 931 225 $10 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $10 $34 $30 $34 Warm Up Class HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Open Arabian Ladies Side Saddle ATR Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select ATR HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Arabian Western Pleasure Open Arabian Hunter Pleasure Geldings HA/AA Western Pleasure Select ATR HA/AA Country English Pleasure Open HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride Warm Up Reining HA/AA Reining ATR AHA Reining Seat Medal JTR 18 & Under Arabian Reining Open Saturday 8am 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 939 939 1378 940 90 1336 1630 290 1837 1936 111 560 620 204 307 1635 $10 $30 $30 $34 $50 $20 $34 $30 $34 $34 $50 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $50 $50 Saturday 1pm 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 $10 938 290 208 749 84 $30 $34 $34 $50 $50 Warm Up Class Hunter Seat Equitation JTR 13 & under - Not to Jump Hunter Seat Equitation JTR 14-18 - Not to Jump Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump AATR Hunt Seat Equit Not to Jump ATR Buckle Champ(QC:108,109,110) Opportunity Saddle Seat Pleasure Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open Arabian Country English Pleas Select ATR Champ (QC:82) Arabian Western Pleasure Select ATR Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR HA/AA Western Pleasure Open Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Arab Hunt Pleas AATR Champ-$150 (QC: 23, 45, 64, 87, 94) HA/AA Hunt Pleas JTR Champ-$100(QC:38, 58, 78, 95, 102) 755 306 637 1178 105 932 1376 933 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $20 $30 $34 $50 HA/AA English Show Hack Open Champ - $100 (QC: 57) Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Champ - $100 (QC: 75) HA/AA West Pleasure Junior Horse Champ - $100 (QC: 61) Arab West Pleas JTR 18&Und Champ-$100(QC:29,37,55,67,118) Arab Country Eng Pleas ATR Champ- $100 (QC: 62, 85, 96) Opportunity Reining Reining Seat Equitation JTR 18 & Under Reining Seat Equitation AATR Reining Seat Equitation ATR Buckle Champ (QC: 139, 140) Saturday 5:30pm 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 150 951 951 1357 952 890 620 734 191 316 1636 516 234 661 231 $10 $34 $30 $30 $34 $50 $20 $34 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $36 $34 $60 $60 Warm Up Class Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open Western Horsemanship JTR 13 & Under Western Horsemanship JTR 14-18 Western Horsemanship AATR West HorsemanshipATR Buckle Champ(QC:144,145,146) (To run following class #154) Walk/Trot Western Pleasure 10 & Under HA/AA Western Pleasure Novice Horse HA/AA Hunter Pleas Open Champ-$150(QC:25,44,66,84,95,102) Arab Western Pleas Open Champ-$150(QC:22,37,43,67,86,98) Arabian English Show Hack Open Champ - $100 (QC: 77) Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Champ-$100(QC:41,45,60,87,94) HA/AA English Pleasure Open Champ - $100 (QC: 32, 80) Walk/Trot English/Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under (QC:59) Arabian Reining Junior Horse HA/AA Reining Horse Open Champ-$200+Jackpot(QC:71,90) Arabian Reining ATR Champ- $200+Jackpot (QC: 51, 72, 89) Sunday 8am 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Leadline 6 & Under (Exhibition Class) 170 Warm Up Class 171 TBA 172 AHA National Hunter Seat Medal JTR 18 & Under 173 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse 174 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Champ - $100 (QC: 97) 175 Arabian English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 27) 176 177 26 26 27 26 27 1 1 2 1 2 14 14 15 14 15 400 400 401 400 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 Arabian Yearling In-Hand Gelding Arabian Gelding In-Hand Two Year Old Arabian Junior In-Hand Gelding Junior Champ(QC: 159, 160) Arabian Gelding In-Hand Three and Over Arabian Senior Gelding In-Hand Championship (QC: 162) Arabian Yearling Filly Arabian Mare Breeding Two Year Old Arabian Junior Filly Championship (QC: 164, 165) Arabian Mare Breeding Three and Over Arabian Mare Breeding Championship (QC: 167) Arabian Yearling Colt Arabian Stallion Two Year Old Arabian Junior Colt Championship (QC: 169, 170) Arabian Stallion Three and Over Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship (QC: 172) HA/AA Yearling Filly HA/AA Mare Two Year Old HA/AA Junior Filly Championship (QC: 174, 175) HA/AA Mare Breeding Three and Over Sunday 8am continued Country English Pleasure 46 Arabian Country English Pleasure Open $34 65 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse $34 101 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Open 119 Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse $34 199 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Open Championship - $100 (QC: 65, 101) 204 Arabian Country Eng Pleasure Open Championship -$100 (QC: 46, 119) $34 County English Pleasure ATR $34 33 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR $34 62 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR $34 82 Arabian Country English Pleasure Select ATR $34 83 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under $34 85 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under $20 96 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR $30 117 Arabian Country English Pleasure Select ATR Champ - $100 (QC: 82) $30 120 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR $34 137 Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 62, 85, 96) $50 210 HA/AA Country English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 33, 83, 120) Sunday Not to Start before 10am English Pleasure 195 $10 Warm Up Class 32 HA/AA English Pleasure Open 196 322 $50 Arabian English Show Hack ATR Championship (QC: 39) 63 Arabian English Pleasure Open 197 165 $34 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Open 80 HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse 198 907 $20 Walk/Trot English/Hunter Equitation 10 & Under 113 Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse 199 541 $50 HA/AA Country Eng Pleas Open Champ- $100 (QC: 65, 101) 154 HA/AA English Pleasure Open Championship - $100 (QC: 32, 80) 200 638 $50 HA/AA Western Pleas AATR Champ-$150(QC:34,40,47,68,100) 202 Arabian English Pleasure Open Championship -$100 (QC: 63, 113) 201 397 $50 Arab West Pleas AATR Champ-$150(QC:37,67,79,118,130, 215) English Pleasure ATR 202 76 $50 Arabian English Pleasure Open Champ-$100 (QC: 63, 113) 27 Arabian English Pleasure ATR 203 621 $50 HA/AA West Pleas Open Champ- $150(QC:28,34,47,76,121,149) 56 HA/AA English Pleasure ATR 204 96 $50 Arab Country Eng Pleasure Open Champ-$100(QC:46,119) 132 Arabian English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 27) 205 750 $50 HA/AA Hunt Pleas AATR Champ-$150(QC:30,58,95,102,115) 209 HA/AA English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 56) 206 2165 $50 HA/AAWest Pleas JTR18&UnderChamp-$100(QC:34,47,81,100,114) English Show Hack 207 205 $50 Arab Western Pleasure Junior Horse Champ - $100 (QC: 122) 57 HA/AA English Show Hack Open 208 TBA 77 Arabian English Show Hack Open 209 525 $50 HA/AA English Pleasure ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 56) 133 HA/AA English Show Hack Open Championship - $100 (QC: 57) 210 550 $50 HA/AA Country Eng Pleas ATR Champ- $100(QC:33,83,120) 152 Arabian English Show Hack Open Championship -$100 (QC: 77) 211 291 $50 Arab Hunter Pleasure Open Champ-$150(QC:31,45,87,99,116,129) English Show Hack ATR 212 $60 Opportunity Reining Championship- $100+Jackpot (QC: 138) 26 HA/AA English Show Hack ATR 213 226 $60 Arabian Reining Open Champ-$200 + Jackpot (QC: 106, 156) 39 Arabian English Show Hack ATR 214 666 $60 HA/AA Rein Horse ATR Champ-$200+Jackpot (QC:50,88,104) 196 Arabian English Show Hack ATR Championship - $100 (QC: 39) 215 198 $34 Arabian Western Pleasure ATR 19-39 (To run after class #93) Equitation Classes 216 TBA 24 Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 18 & Under 217 TBA 108 Hunter Seat Equitation 13 & under - Not to Jump 2015 Rally in the Valley Division List 109 Hunter Seat Equitation 14-18 - Not to Jump AHA Medal Classes 110 Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump AATR 35 AHA Western Horsemanship Medal JTR 18 & Under 111 Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump ATR Buckle Champions(QC:108,109,110) 74 AHA Saddle Seat Equitation Medal JTR 18 & Under 139 Reining Seat Equitation 18 & Under 105 AHA Reining Seat Medal JTR 18 & Under 140 Reining Seat Equitation AATR 128 AHA National Hunter Seat Medal JTR 18 & Under 141 Reining Seat Equitation ATR Buckle Championship (QC: 139, 140) 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 401 450 450 451 450 451 34 28 9 21 468 418 918 918 918 1371 919 HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship (QC: 177) HA/AA Yearling Colt/Gelding HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Two Year Old HA/AA Junior Colt/Gelding Championship (QC: 179, 180) HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Three and Over HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship (QC: 182) Arabian Gelding In-Hand ATH Arabian Gelding In-Hand Two Years & Over AAOTH Arabian Mare Breeding ATH Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH Showmanship Walk/Trot 10 & Under Showmanship JTH 13 & Under Showmanship JTH 14-18 Showmanship 19 & Over AATH Showmanship ATH Buckle Champ (QC: 191, 192, 193) Equitation Classes continued 144 Western Horsemanship 13 & Under 145 Western Horsemanship 14-18 146 Western Horsemanship AATR 147 Western Horsemanship ATR Buckle Championship ( QC: 144, 145, 146) Halter 159 Arabian Yearling In-Hand Gelding 160 Arabian Gelding In-Hand Two Year Old 161 Arabian Junior In-Hand Gelding Junior Championship (QC: 159, 160) 162 Arabian Gelding In-Hand Three and Over 163 Arabian Senior Gelding In-Hand Championship (QC: 162) 164 Arabian Yearling Filly 165 Arabian Mare Breeding Two Year Old 166 Arabian Junior Filly Championship (QC: 164, 165) 167 Arabian Mare Breeding Three and Over 168 Arabian Mare Breeding Championship (QC: 167) 169 Arabian Yearling Colt 170 Arabian Stallion Two Year Old 171 Arabian Junior Colt Championship (QC: 169, 170) 172 Arabian Stallion Three and Over 173 Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship (QC: 172) 174 HA/AA Yearling Filly 175 HA/AA Mare Two Year Old 176 HA/AA Junior Filly Championship (QC: 174, 175) 177 HA/AA Mare Breeding Three and Over 178 HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship (QC: 177) 179 HA/AA Yearling Colt/Gelding 180 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Two Year Old 181 HA/AA Junior Colt/Gelding Championship (QC: 179, 180) 182 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Three and Over 183 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship (QC: 182) 184 Arabian Gelding In-Hand ATH 185 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 2 Years & Over AAOTH 186 Arabian Mare Breeding ATH 187 Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH 188 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH 189 HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH Hunter Pleasure 25 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Mares/Stallions 31 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Mares/Stallions 44 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Geldings 45 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride 66 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse 75 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 84 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open 87 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 95 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride 97 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 99 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Geldings Hunter Pleasure continued 102 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 116 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open 129 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse 131 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship - $100 (QC: 97) 134 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship - $100 (QC: 75) 150 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open Championship-$150(QC: 25, 44, 66, 84, 95, 102) 211 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open Championship-$150(QC:31,45, 87, 99, 116, 129) Hunter Pleasure ATR 23 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 30 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 38 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under 41 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under 45 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride 58 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Select ATR 60 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 18 & Under 64 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR 78 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 18 & Under 87 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 94 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select ATR 95 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Ladies to Ride 102 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 115 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR 123 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship - $150 (QC: 23, 45, 64, 87, 94) 124 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship - $100 (QC: 38, 58, 78, 95, 102) 153 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship - $100 (QC: 41, 45, 60, 87, 94) 205 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship -$150 (QC: 30, 58, 95, 102, 115) Leadline Classes 125 Leadline 6 & Under (Exhibition Class) Mounted Native Costume 92 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Open 143 Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open Opportunity Classes 4 Opportunity Trail Class 20 Opportunity Hunter Pleasure 54 Opportunity Western Pleasure 112 Opportunity Saddle Seat Pleasure 138 Opportunity Reining 212 Opportunity Reining Championship- $100+Jackpot (QC: 138) Park Horse Classes 69 Arabian Park Horse Open Reining Classes 71 HA/AA Reining Open 90 HA/AA Reining Junior Horse 106 Arabian Reining Open 156 Arabian Reining Junior Horse 157 HA/AA Reining Horse Open Championships -$200 + Jackpot (QC: 71, 90) 213 Arabian Reining Open Championship - $200 + Jackpot (QC: 106, 156) Reining Classes ATR 50 HA/AA Reining AAOTR 51 Arabian Reining JTR 18 & Under 72 Arabian Reining ATR 88 HA/AA Reining JTR 18 & Under 89 Arabian Reining AAOTR 104 HA/AA Reining ATR 158 Arabian Reining ATR Championship - $200+Jackpot (QC: 51, 72, 89) 214 HA/AA Reining Horse ATR Champion-$200+Jackpot (QC: 50, 88, 104) Showmanship 191 Showmanship JTH 13 & Under 192 Showmanship JTH 14-18 193 Showmanship AATH 194 Showmanship ATH Buckle Championship (QC: 191, 192, 193) Side Saddle Classes 21 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Open (To run after class #73) 93 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle ATR 197 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Open TBA Classes 19, 48, 53, 69, 82, 93, 117, 127, 155, 196, 208, 215, 216, 217 Trail Classes 2 Arabian English Trail Horse Open 3 HA/AA English Trail Horse Open 5 Arabian Western Trail Horse Open 6 HA/AA Western Trail Horse Open 7 Arabian Western Trail Horse AATR 8 HA/AA Western Trail Horse AATR 9 Arabian Western Trail Junior Horse 10 HA/AA Western Trail Junior Horse 11 Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR 18 & Under 12 HA/AA Western Trail Horse JTR 18 & Under 14 Arabian West Trail Horse Open Championship - $150 (QC: 5, 9) 15 HA/AA West Trail Horse Open Championship - $150 (QC: 6, 10) 16 Arabian West Trail ATR Championship - $150 (QC: 7, 11) 17 HA/AA West Trail Horse ATR Championship - $150 (QC: 8, 12) 19 Arabian English Trail ATR (to run following class #3) Walk/Trot Classes 13 Walk/Trot Trail 10 & Under 42 Walk/Trot Western Equitation 10 & Under 59 Walk/Trot English/Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under 148 Walk/Trot Western Pleasure 10 & Under 155 Walk/Trot English/Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under Champ (QC:59) 190 Showmanship Walk/Trot 10 & Under 198 Walk/Trot English/Hunter Equitation 10 & Under Warm Up Classes 1 Warm Up Trail Class 18 Warm Up Class 36 Warm Up Class 49 Warm Up Reining Warm Up Classes continued 52 Warm Up Class 70 Warm Up Reining 73 Warm Up Class 91 Warm Up Class 103 Warm Up Reining 107 Warm Up Class 126 Warm Up Class 142 Warm Up Class 195 Warm Up Class Western Pleasure 22 Arabian Western Pleasure Geldings 28 HA/AA Western Pleasure Geldings 34 HA/AA Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 37 Arabian Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride 43 Arabian Western Pleasure Mares/Stallions 47 HA/AA Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride 61 HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse 67 Arabian Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 76 HA/AA Western Pleasure Mares/Stallions 86 Arabian Western Pleasure Novice Horse 98 Arabian Western Pleasure Open 121 HA/AA Western Pleasure Open 122 Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse 135 HA/AA West Pleasure Junior Horse Championship - $100 (QC: 61) 149 HA/AA Western Pleasure Novice Horse 151 Arabian Western Pleasure Open Championship-$150(QC: 22, 37, 43, 67, 86, 98) 203 HA/AA Western Pleasure Open Championship-$150(QC:28,34,47, 76, 121,149) 207 Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship - $100 (QC: 122) Western Pleasure ATR 29 Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under 34 HA/AA Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 37 Arabian Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride 40 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 47 HA/AA Western Pleasure Ladies to Ride 55 Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under 67 Arabian Western Pleasure Gentlemen to Ride 68 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR 79 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR 81 HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under 100 HA/AA Western Pleasure Select ATR 114 HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under 118 Arabian Western Pleasure Select ATR 130 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 136 Arab West Pleas JTR 18 & Under Championship-$100 (QC: 29, 37, 55, 67, 118) 200 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Championship -$150 (QC: 34, 40, 47, 68, 100) 201 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Championship-$150(QC:37, 67, 79, 118, 130, 215) 206 HA/AA West Pleasure JTR 18 & Under Champ-$100(QC: 34, 47, 81, 100, 114) 215 Arabian Western Pleasure ATR 19-39 (To run after class #93) Sponsorship Form for the 2015 Arabian Rally in the Valley March 26-29, 2015 Oregon Horse Center Eugene, Oregon EXECUTIVE TABLE SPONSOR LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE (MUST BE IN BY MARCH 15) LISTED ON DAY SHEETS PRIVATE RINGSIDE TABLE WITH SEATING FOR SIX COMPLIMENTARY HORS D' OEUVRES & WINE DURING EVENING SESSIONS COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE & TEA DURING MORNING SESSIONS 20 X 30 DISPLAYED COLLAGE OF SPONSOR & CLIENTS TO TAKE HOME FROM EVENT SEATING FOR EIGHT PEOPLE ($275) OR SEATING FOR TEN PEOPLE ($300) ANNOUNCED THROUGHOUT SHOW BUCKLE SPONSOR $175 NAME ON A CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS LISTED IN PREMIUM & PROGRAM ANNOUNCED DURING CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS SPONSOR - TBA OR REGULAR $50 NAME ON A CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS LISTED IN PREMIUM & PROGRAM ANNOUNCED DURING CLASS CLASS SPONSOR - TBA OR REGULAR $250 $25 NAME ON A REGULAR CLASS LISTED IN PREMIUM & PROGRAM ANNOUNCED DURING CLASS Name of Sponsor: City, State and Zip: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: Email: First Class Choice: Second Class Choice: If you are sponsoring a TBA Class - Which TBA Slot would you like?: Please include payment with sponsorship Deadline for a Buckle Sponsorship is March 23, 2015. Deadline for TBA Class Sponsorships by March 23, 2015. Deadline for Regular Class Sponsorships by March 23, 2015. 2015 TBA Slot List 19, 48, 53, 69, 82, 93, 117, 127, 191, 155, 196, 208, 215, 216, 217 The following classes are classes you may sponsor for $25 ($50 if the class is a Championship). There are only 15 slots allowed in our schedule. They will be handed out first come first serve. TBA Sponsorships must be in by March 23, 2015. Any Class on the AHA Class List or that is recognized by AHA with the exception of Dressage, Sport Horse, Cutting, Working Cow Horse, Reined Cow Horse, Working Hunter, Team Penning, Jumper, Eventing, Carriage Pleasure Driving, Combined Training, Driven Dressage, Endurance, Competitive Trail, Formal Driving and Roadster. Thank you to our Sponsors: Oregon Horse Center CTS Photos Major Defoe Carrie Anderson Shelby Preston Kristin Seibold Heidi Sause Laurie Mostowich Debbie Canaday PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT/ONLY ONE OWNER PER ENTRY FORM. All entries must be complete. Enclose correct fees, copies of horse registration papers, purchase contract (if applicable), USEF/EC membership cards, amateur certification (if applicable), AHA Competition level membership cards for each rider, driver, handler, trainer and owner. Rally in the Valley 2015 Entry Form SEND TO: Oregon Horse Center Attn: Arabian Rally in the Valley 90751 Prairie Rd – Eugene, OR. 97402 (541) 689-9700; Fax (541) 689-2723 Pre Entry Deadline: 3/16/15 Name of First Horse Reg. No. Sire Dam DOB Sex Color Height Horse USDF # Entry Fees Rider/driver/handler AHA # Class Numbers Class Numbers USEF/EC # Rider/driver/handler $ AHA # USEF/EC # For more than two riders with same horse, use next table, leaving horse data blank Name of First Horse Reg. No. Sire Rider/driver/handler $ DOB Sex Color Dam Height Horse USDF # AHA # Class Numbers Class Numbers Entry Fees USEF/EC # Rider/driver/handler $ AHA # USEF/EC # For more than two riders with same horse, use next table, leaving horse data blank Name of First Horse Reg. No. Sire $ DOB Sex Color Dam Height Horse USDF # Entry Fees Rider/driver/handler AHA # Class Numbers USEF/EC # Rider/driver/handler $ AHA # Class Numbers USEF/EC # $ For more than three horses request additional forms or make photocopies Each person signing this entry form acknowledges that he/she has read the front and reverse of this Entry Form and agrees to the applicable terms, conditions, waivers, releases, indemnification and consent as set forth herein. Each person agrees that the information is accurate to the best of his/her knowledge. ALL OWNERS, TRAINERS, RIDERS, DRIVERS & HANDLERS MUST SIGN ON THE BACK. Minor entrants must also have parent/guardian signature(s) on the back. OWNER (as appears on reg. papers or contract) Name _______________________________________________ AHA # ___________________________ Address _____________________________________________ USEF/EC # _______________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Email Address _______________________________________ Rider Address _______________________________________ _________________________________ Trainer _____________________________________________ AHA # ___________________________ Address _____________________________________________ USEF/EC # _______________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ TOTAL CLASS FEES $________ Post Entry Fee @ $20 Stalls @ $80 Tack Rooms @ $80 Day Stall @$35 (not over night) Bales Shavings @ $7.00/bale Ground/Trailer Fee (if no stall) @ $25 per day/horse $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ Non-Membership Fees assessed per show (AHA/USEF) USEF Show Pass Fee @ $30 AHA Single Event Member- Fee @ $35 per person Mandatory Fees USEF/Drug Fees @ $16 per horse $________ $________ (includes $8 Drugs & Medications fee, $8 USEF) $________ Amateur Owner Relationship to Horse Owner : _____________________________________________________ Resolution 9-90 (Education) @ $5 per horse $________ Arrival Date: _______________________________________________________________________________ $________ STABLE WITH : _____________________________________________________________________________ Office Fee @ 12.00 per horse Free Tack stalls - one per four entered owners. # of stalls______(not used for horses) Number of Expected Guests attending FREE Welcome Dinner on Wednesday Night___________________________ Sponsorships $________ $10 off for complete entry per owner! $________ ENCLOSED TOTAL FEES $________ Pay with Visa or MC – Simply mail or fax with credit card info to (541) 689-2732 Visa MC Discover American Express There will be a $5 credit card transaction fee. Name _____________________________________________________________ Ver # ___________ Card # _____________________________________________________________ Exp ______/______ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ __NC____ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Oregon Horse Center or OHC Pre Entry Deadline: March 16, 2015 EC WAIVER – I hereby certify that every horse, rider and/or driver is eligible as entered and agree for myself and my representatives to be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the Equine Canada at this competition. It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk and that no helmet or protective equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept this risk and hold harmless the EC, the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees and their representatives. (EACH OWNER, TRAINER, RIDER, DRIVER, HANDLER AND THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS IF MINORS MUST SIGN.) AHA 090046 (Rev. 3/10) AHA ENTRY AGREEMENT I have read the rules concerning competitions as printed in the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) Handbook / Directory and Competition Prize List and agree to be bound by and subject to those Rules. AHA ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION This document waives very important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. In consideration for AHA permitting me to participate in this Competition, and by signing the entry blank, I agree as follows: I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in this Competition, as a rider, driver, handler, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, junior exhibitor, or as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I AM FULLY AWARE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HORSE SPORTS AND PARTICIPATION IN THIS COMPETITION INVOLVE SERIOUS RISK OF HARM INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, RISKS OF ACCIDENT, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, BROKEN BONES, HEAD INJURIES, TRAUMA, PAIN, AND SUFFERING, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. I ASSUME ALL RISKS OF HARM TO ME, MY HORSE OR MY PROPERTY. I AGREE for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to release AHA, the Competition, the facilities leased by the Competition and the owner(s) of the facilities, and all of their respective officers, officials, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers, affiliated organizations and insurers (collectively, the "Released Parties") from any and all claims for damage, loss, or injury to myself, other persons, horses or other property belonging to me to the fullest extent permitted by law that arises out of or relates in any way to the Competition and my participation in the Competition INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES, LOSS, OR INJURY RESULTING FROM ANY ACTS, FAILURE TO ACT, NEGLIGENCE OR NEGLECT OF OTHER ENTRANTS, THE RELEASED PARTIES, THEIR CONTRACTORS OR INVITEES, as well as for theft, vandalism, fire, other casualty damage, or damage arising out of any defects in the premises. I AGREE to indemnify and hold harmless (that is pay all losses, damages, attorneys fees and costs of) the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, demands, penalties, actions, losses, costs, damages, injuries, liabilities and obligations (including attorneys fees) of whatsoever kind and nature, which may be asserted against or incurred by any of them as a result of (1) my participation in the Competition or (2) any act, failure to act, or neglect (a) by me, my agents, employees, riders, handlers, trainers, coaches, drivers, contractors or invitees, or (b) by any animal owned or exhibited by me or in my custody or control. I AGREE and represent that I am qualified and eligible to enter and/or participate in the Competition, and every horse I am entering is qualified and eligible as entered. I AGREE to accept AS FINAL any decision of AHA, the Show Commission or Show Officials concerning my qualification or the qualification of my horse to enter the Competition or any results of the Competition, except to the extent that the Rules of AHA, the Competition, CEF or USA Equestrian permit a protest or hearing of such decisions. Should a hearing be requested, I agree to accept AS FINAL the decision of the particular hearing body. I agree to release, hold harmless and not to sue AHA, the Competition Sponsor, their officers, directors, employees, volunteers or members concerning any decision of AHA, the Competition, its Show Commission, Show Officials or any hearing body that relates to my qualifications or my horse(s)’ qualifications to enter the Competition or any results of the Competition. I AGREE that AHA has the sole right to control, sell, supervise or give away (or assign to others the right to do so) the exclusive rights to broadcast, televise, reproduce, transmit and disseminate all or part of this event, and I agree that AHA may use or assign, in any way AHA sees fit, photographs, films, videos, audios, cablecasts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition or AHA. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way which implies endorsement of any company, product, product category or service. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. By signing below as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and agree to all of the above provisions, and further agree to assume all of the obligations of this AHA Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification personally and on behalf of the child. This AHA Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification is governed by the Laws of the State of Colorado and is intended to be interpreted as broadly as possible. I agree that exclusive jurisdiction and venue (place) for any legal action against AHA, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in the local district courts or the federal court of the State of Colorado. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, all other parts shall remain effect. Federation entry agreement By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of this Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable - casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Federation release, assumption of risk, Waiver, and indemnification this document waives important legal rights. read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that the “Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. BOD 1/23/11 Effective 12/1/11 Owner ** Mandatory Trainer or Custodian of horse @ show ** Mandatory Rider 1 ** Mandatory Rider 2 ** Mandatory if there is a 2nd rider Rider 3 ** Mandatory if there is a 3rd rider Rider 4 ** Mandatory if there is a 4th rider Coach – (if applicable) USEF # Print Minor Name Here Print Minor Name Here Print Name Print Name Print Name Print Name Print Name Print Name Print Name Print Parent/Guardian Name Here Print Parent/Guardian Name Here Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature ****** EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER FOR EXHIBITOR MUST BE SIGNED IN AT LEAST 3 PLACES BY ADULTS ONLY AHA or USEF/EC Membership is not required for Parents/Guardians signing for minors. RULES – These Horse Shows are conducted in accordance with the rules of the U.S. Equestrian Federation of the United States (formerly USAE), rule XVI, Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo Arabian Division. The official Rule Book of USEF will prevail for this show. This Prize List is based on rules of the current Rule Book; any changes or corrections of rules will automatically become a part of the Prize List. Each participant in this show is responsible for knowledge of and is subject to the USEF Rules. Every class offered herein which is covered by the Rules and Specifications of the current U.S. Equestrian Federation Rule Book will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith. The Show Committee shall decide questions not covered by USEF Rules and its decisions will be final. RV/OVERNIGHT PARKING – Exhibitors may stay overnight in an RV, Trailer or Camper in the designated RV spaces. Spaces are pre assigned thru OHC office so check in when you get to the show for your spot. There are electrical hook-ups (limited water). Reserve your space at www.oregonhorsecenter.com SHOW OFFICE FEE – There will be a fee of $12 per horse. SHOW OFFICE AND REGISTRATION – Registration at the Horse Show Office by the exhibitor is required. The Horse Show Office will be open on Wednesday, March 25 at 9 AM & remain open until 7 PM. During the show, office will be open ½ hour before start of each session through ½ hour after each session ends. VETERINARIAN – A veterinarian (Del Oeste (541) 689-0205) will be ON CALL and information will be posted at the show office. All animals are subject to physical inspection by the Show Veterinarian at the discretion of the Show Committees. The Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry onto the show grounds to any horse exposed to, or which may be harboring a communicable disease. SHOW AND WARM-UP ARENAS (3) – There are three (3) arenas for your use. The main Silverado Show Arena is 285 x 116. The Logan Warm-Up Arena is 200 x 120, and the Emerald Warm-Up Arena is 200 x 100. Arenas are comprised of a mixture of native soil and sand. STABLING ASSIGNMENTS – Exhibitors wishing to be stabled together note that on your entry form. Regular stalls with full doors are available for $80 per stall for the entire weekend. Bedding is available at a cost of $7.00 per bale. No straw allowed for bedding on the grounds. Each horse must be assigned to a separate stall (exception: broodmares with suckling foals). Horses must be placed in the stalls assigned. No changes will be permitted without express consent of the Secretary. CLEANING OF STALLS – Manure dumping will be at the North and South corners of the show stall barn. Barrels are placed at the end of aisles for refuse. Deposit refuse directly in barrels provided. Do not mix manure and other refuse. SHOWING FROM TRAILERS – Exhibitors may show from their trailers at the fee of $25.00 PER HORSE PER DAY. Every horse is required to pay a stall fee, daily stall fee or a grounds/trailer in fee. Horses on the grounds overnight must be stalled. HAY & GRAIN – H & E Feed is located ½ mile from the Center for any additional needs. Contact H & E Feed for preorders (541) 688-3214. HALTER CLASSES – We will be utilizing the halter scorecard system as described in the 2012 AHA Handbook. The show will be utilizing the IN-RING procedure as described in the 2012 USEF Rule Book. AHA MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT EACH COMPETITOR (THIS INCLUDES AT LEAST ONE RECORDED OWNER AND ALL TRAINERS, DRIVERS, RIDERS, HALTER HANDLERS, COACHES AND THE PERSON(S) SIGNING THE ENTRY BLANK) IN AN ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZED ARABIAN DIVISION, AT THE TIME OF ENTRY INTO A COMPETITION, MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF A VALID AHA MEMBERSHIP/COMPETITION CARD, JOIN AHA OR PAY AN AHA SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP FEE PER COMPETITOR. WHEN AN AGENT SIGNS FOR THE OWNER AT AN AHA RECOGNIZED COMPETITION, BOTH THE OWNER AND AGENT MUST BE MEMBERS OF AHA OR PAY THE AHA SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP. SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AT AHA REGIONAL OR NATIONAL COMPETITIONS. EXHIBITORS IN WALK-TROT CLASSES ARE EXEMPT FROM AHA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS AT QUALIFYING COMPETITIONS, BUT MUST HAVE AN AHA MEMBERSHIP WITH COMPETITION CARD AT AHA REGIONAL AND NATIONAL COMPETITIONS. EXHIBITORS IN LEAD LINE CLASSES OR PARENTS/GUARDIANS SIGNING FOR MINORS ARE EXEMPT FROM AHA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS. (BOD 5/12) USEF AMATEUR CERTIFICATION – Every exhibitor who has reached his/her 19th birthday and competes in classes for amateurs must possess amateur certification. Any person who has not reached his/her 19th birthday is an amateur and will not be issued an amateur certification. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS – ARABIAN HORSES - Horses shown in this division must have been issued a certificate of registration from the Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc. and/or the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry; or if under one year of age, be eligible for registry & registration applied for and must be entered under their full registered name. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS – HALF ARABIAN/ANGLO ARABIAN HORSES – Horses shown in this division must have been issued a certificate of registration from the International Arabian Horse Association in the Half Arabian or Anglo Arabian Registry; or have been issued an International Arabian Horse Association (Canadian Partbred Arabian Register) CPAR PERMIT or if under one year of age, be eligible for registry and registration applied for and must be entered under their full registered name. AGE OF HORSES – For horse show purposes, any horse shall be considered to be one year old on the first day of January following the actual date of foaling. A JUNIOR horse is one that is 5 years old and under. MAIDEN, NOVICE AND LIMIT CLASSES – Maiden, Novice & Limit classes are open to horses which have not won one/three/six first place ribbons respectively, at Regular Member Competitions of USEF or CEF in the particular performance section in which they are shown. WARM UP CLASSES- Open to all riders and horses. Class will be called like a normal class and you will line up at the end. Non-judged. Feel free to school your horse and use Warm Up equipment. WARM UP TRAIL & REINING CLASS – Each horse/rider will have three minutes in the arena by themselves to school their horse. OPPORTUNITY CLASSES – Open to all riders and horses. Class will be judged like a normal class. Horses do not have to be registered as an Arabian or HA/AA. SCRATCHING OR CANCELING CLASSES – As a COURTESY to the GATEMAN, ANNOUNCER and the SHOW OFFICE exhibitors are requested to notify the GATEMAN & SHOW OFFICE when it is necessary to scratch or cancel a class entered. This courtesy will enable the Show to run more efficiently. Your consideration will be appreciated. REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS – To encourage early entries, the Management agrees to cancel and refund entry and stall fees on any horse not fit to show providing written notice is given to the Show Secretary on or before an entry closing date of March 16, 2015. Horses may be scratched from the show at the owner’s option. Refunds will be considered for any horse suffering from illness or injury upon the presentation of veterinarian’s certificate to the Show Secretary PRIOR to 9 P.M. March 16, 2015. Request of any refund due to the illness or injury of the exhibitor will be considered and will be subject to the Management’s decision. ALL REQUESTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A VETERINARIANS CERTIFICATE OR DOCTORS LETTER AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE SHOW SECRETARY PRIOR TO THE START OF THE SHOW. On approved refunds, class fees will be refunded. No refunds will be made on stalls or tack room after March 25, 2015. Substitution of horses will be permitted in accordance with USEF Article 1506.2 OHC RULES - Smoking is never permitted in any of the Oregon Horse Center buildings (stables, office, arenas, concourse etc.) Dogs are to be leashed or securely tied in a safe place away from horses, people and other dogs- at all times. MOTORIZED VEHICLES STATEMENT – In accordance with GR1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT – Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. ************************************************************** Horsed entered in Amateur Owner & Junior Owner must be registered in the name of the competitor of a member of the competitor’s family. Contracts of sale or bill of sale will not be accepted on horses in Amateur Owner or Junior Owner Classes. The sale of a horse does not eliminate this registration requirement. Horses registered in an arm/ranch/syndicate/partnership/corporation name may be shown in Amateur Owner classes provided the family is the sole owner of the farm or entity as defined by USEF. Travel on I-5 to Eugene and take Beltline Exit 195b. Head West towards Junction City/Airport. After traveling approximately six miles West on Beltline, take the N.W. Expressway Exit 7b. Turn right at the stop sign. Proceed 2 miles (heading North) on N.W. Expressway to 90751. The Oregon Horse Center is on the right-hand side of the road. If coming from HWY 99, turn east on Awbrey Lane (Awbrey Lane is adjacent to the Eugene Airport). Go approximately 1 mile to the end of Awbrey Lane. The Oregon Horse Center will be visible in front of you. Turn right and you will see the Oregon Horse Center entrance immediately on your left. For additional Oregon Horse Center information Phone: 541-689-9700 * Fax: 541-689-2723 Website: www.oregonhorsecenter.com Email: [email protected] Office hours are 9am– 6pm Monday through Friday and 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. The Oregon Horse Center is pleased to announce it’s Call 541-284-0707 and ask for the Oregon Horse Center rate of $79.00 plus tax. Or visit their website at www.hieugenehotel.com Feed Room Restaurant Open for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Hot & Cold Beverages etc. Come enjoy a wonderful treat! Rally in the Valley 317660 N – Arabian N – Half/Anglo Arabian N – Junior Exhibitor Arabian N - HA/AA Jr. Exhibitor Oregon Horse Center 150412783 & 150412784
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