'U,L' w. rfrrrrrl1t1t 1r.,.. tt.,r.( ..... . ((iwfl)llMWIMMBinT.T1n.WBw..-- Polk County Observer " f.r aijtWT H. M. CAKE WILL SPEAK x Republican Candidate for EDITOR AND PUBLI8HER. United States Senator at 11.30 per Year. Published Will Deliver AdBtrlctlj- in Advance. dress in Dallas. matter March 1, 1907, Entered .a J. C. HAYTER, y - aecond-clas- a at the poat ottlce at Dallas, Oregon, Act of Congreaa ol March 8, 1879. under the 1908. (, nmnfri l ".u whn you buv Dr. Plor;s'f r..f,:cnes f'.r all the Ingredi Into them are printed on ents raprprs and their lormului tho bar.;--Wood For Sale, b'J.'tg complete under oath aile-teInquire at Backet Store. F. S, are and correct. Von know Just hat you arc Ramsey. are Ingredients pavl:ig for end that the gathered from Nature's laboiatory, being Eggs For Sale. valuable native belLCtcd from the mo-mow found growing in our Full blooded Plymouth Bock eggs medicinal foresCral.yhile potenttocurt American for sale at Veazie farm. are perfect?;: harmlqriQ'oi to the most delicate woinciintJyniiJTgrn N?t a droj. Cow For Sale, into tnwr r (" 1T"1?"I ac-ns i n ;..n nrrx- Good milch cow for sale. W. P. Annul, cZuuyi va. ummij Marrs. Dallas, Oregon. 4 Sat 5 IV I -- "'" "" limn ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft S"-lir- u.-- l.i r. 'll.I'S i. -- il mi Uit-ff- VIZ- tnl"" IJ'll'f lb aireut possesses Intrinsic nu'Jxiiliil properties ol its own ana anil most, VHluakleantiseptlc beiii:; a ferment, nutritive and soothing demul cent. Glycerine plays an Important part In Dr. 1'ierce a Uo den Medical uiscaverv tlie cure of indices! ion, dyspepsia and nuk stomach, attended by sour'risiiifrs. heart-burfoul bieatn, pour annetite. gnawing and sch. hilioiis-nesBieiits of the stomach, liver and bowels. ne. Spring Showing ft to t AH Lines Are Ready for Inspection Spring Waists and Muslin Underwear, ft Laces, Embroideries and Flouncings, ft ft h&rSi. ft Shadow Taffeta, Chiffon Taffeta, Mohair, Serges, besides curinir all the above distressing aliments, tli-- ." Uoldeu .Medical uiscovery ft Is a specilic for all diseases of the mucous s membranes, as cutarrh, whether of tiie nasal passages or of the stomach, bowel or pelvic organs, fcven in its mcerati Haies It will vie d to this sovereicti nm sdy if its us he persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passazes. it Is well. while takinz the "(iolden iledical lls- Mvery" for the necessary constitutional '.reatnient. --to cleanse ine nassaKes tree.v lwii or tli r.- times a day with Ur. Safe's tf 1 ''''ha,iM'M " enti-ri!-- . h A1', ""ITr i Hon. H. M. Cake, a Repub candidate for the nomi lican The way to build up Dallas is to patronize Dallas people. nation for the office Apple Trees For Sale. united states senator, and one of Oregon's best known For sale cheap, 125 T. C. King apple trees. Inquire of G. O. Grant. citizens, will open his cam Found. paign in Polk county next found, In Dallas, a fountain pen Owner can have same by paying for Thursday night, when he this notice. will deliver an address in the Shingles For Sale. A carload of Star A Star shingle; Courthouse. Mr. Cake is received this week by the Soehben logical and entertaining Warehouse Co. Cockerels For Sale. and his masterly AS TO INNOCENT PURCHASERS. speaker, have a few full blood, rose comb I of important Rhode Island Red cockerels for sale. The lumbermen and mine owners presentation will make a determined stand against questions Mas. J. J. Fidi.er, confronting the that portion of Congressman Hawley's Wood Saw For Sale. resolution which provides that those American people will prove New 4 horse Gasoline wood saw for who have heretofore purchased land from the O. & O. Itailroad Company of interest to everv voter. sale at a discount. E. Lipton, Falls shall be Included In the suit to compel The address will begin at 8 City, Or. the forfeiture of the grant land. HunEggs For Sale. The public is cordially dreds of sawmills la Oregon, includ- p. m. White Leghorn eggs from 208 hens ing three of the principal mills in invited. guaranteed So per cent fertile. N. M Polk county, are running today on DALLAS, OREGON, MABCH6, "l'""r"ll"1""""'""""""M"' fr f .r..rl...-Tr- s ft ft ft ft ft Catarrh Kenedy. TliisthoroiiKhcoiii.se generally cures the worst of cases. In I'nurrha und hoarseness caused by bron- cli;al. thiont pud lunir alrwtlous. except in (rs advuueed stages, tiie "Gulden " lit a Diot enieirnt reruMedical ecly, espei-iHli.In tlnise ultimate, han'-o- r, cou','liseaiis; ij by Irritailon and congestion of the lin nehia' niiicoun membranes. I he ''i)is" for acute cnuirhs ans- coven" is no- - hofc-ooinir rrurn suiiuen colds, nor must It be ex peeled to cm-- ? eonsnmption In its advanced ! aires no ni di'Mne will do that but for all bo olistinate. chronic eouuhs, which. If niv- ocieu. or tiaiiry irenred. lean uptoconsump-'.ii.ifs l he ;.el riiedielnu Ibat can lie talv; X Lamise, rongee ana biiK Waistmgs, Homespun Silk, Printed Silk Tissues, Silver Stripes, 4 Soie Tonkin, Soiesette, Savenay Lace Effects and Batiste. 1 & Fisher Our Spring line of Kuhn-Natha- n "Sincerity" clothes has arrived, and the styles and prices are right. Come in and look the ft ft I Y Y Y Y 3g Gbast. land purchased from the railroad company. None of these holders COURT HOUSE NOTES Carpet For Sale. ft bought for speculative purposes, but New homo made carpet and rugs for on the contrary, bought to develop the Items of Interest From the Records sale. Mabtha Thompson. ft in the County Offices lumber industry. White Leghorn Eggs. ft Briefly Told. The Polk County sawmill and the Notice to Creditors. Cone mill above Falls City are built Pure bred White Leghorn eggs. $3 ft PROBATE. per hundred. J. E. Mh.ler, Cooiidge on railroad land. The Willamette Notice in herehv eiven tlmt the mii1erlirtifr! ft hflti been annniuLeri Hitmtiiiflimtnr with tho Estate of Rebecca Smith, duceased Valley Lumber Company's big mill arm, Rickreall, Oregon. will annexed, of the eUnte of Elizabeth M. ft Wriifht. (leeuflHL'd. bv the Countv llmirt nf the In Dallas could not exist long without Andrew Kershaw appointed appraiser. ui iireKun, lor rum county, anil nua oinic For Service. ft It, nor could the Dallas Lumber Com Estate of W. T. Haley, deceased reAll persona havinif claiuia iiKalnst the snid ealate are hereby notllied to ureaent the Registered yellow Jersey bull for same, pany, nor the Spauldlng Logging port of sale filed; set for bearing ft properly verilied, together with Droner 1,1b service, two miles from Dallas on vouehera therefor, to the uiiilemipTifd. Company. It Is said that nearly 400 March 20, at 10 o'clock a. m. VI w, mi- in ihii, yAiy, in HHl'l county, within six rialem T. Pierce. Mutual minima R. road. sawmills In Oregon would be put out irom trie nereol. aale REAL ESTATE. lyos. Haled hebruary U, of business by the enforcement of the A N Gilbert et al to Oertrude Mor. phone, Rickreall line, 61. JAMKS T. f'HAMHEKLAIN, V terms of the Hawloy resolution. Admiiiistratnr with will annexed, gan, land in t 6 s, r 3 w, 20,ooo. Oak Wood. Estate of Elizabeth M. Wright. H. Flower, Attorney. in any stops tno Government may United States to John Dart, 160 J. grub oak heator wood for take to oompel the railroad to sell Its acres, t 8 s, 7 w, sale. E. M. Cochran. Leave orders r patent. grant lands, innocent purchasers Administrator's Notice. Burkh trt Young to A C Ouyer, 160 at Webster's confectionery store. noma not be Included. After the acres, 0 s, r 6 vr$l. t Government has knowingly looked on Noiiee is hereby riven, to whom it may concern, that the tnideraiened. adminislraior ol for 40 years and seen these mon investFor Rent. DHGardetjiu t A G Robinson, theealnteof MhIiIoii Ouy, deceased, Administrator's Sale. tiled ing their money in purchasing this lots In Moniiioiiih, 12. furm, from one to four years, his llual account In said estate with thehasCounty Court Folk County, of Oregon, said and Court and land developing It. no step should Frank Rowell et ux to W H Woavor Good buildings und wutcr. All kinds has aet the same lor hearing; on Sanirday, Notiee in hereby uiven that bv virtue and in be taken at this late day to throw a et ux, lots in Dallas, $2i0. 14th, IDUS, at the hum of 10 o'clock a. m pursuance of an order of the County Court of fruit. 12 acres plow land, rest ofMarch snld day, al which time any nud all pertains the State of Oreeon, for I'olk County, fcittlnir in cloud on Innocent purchasers' titles. pasture. Percy Hadley, bavin A. ohjeelions, if any there be, to said llual probate, made and entered of record in bald Alrlle. D. Till lo Kolas to Lllllo K Collyer, 40 account are hereby notllied to appear and pre- Court on the 3d day of February, lyos, In the Buoh a course would only result In acres, t 7 h, r 6 w. $1000. Critehlow, DallaB. matter of the estate of Amnsa J. Croaiar. de- sent Hie same fur adjudication. Hated at Dallas, Polk Comity, Oregon, this (caseii, dtreciin the undermined, aB adminisirreparablelnjury tothoso purchasers, English Walnut Trees. Bank of Monmouth to M G Flyn trator of paid estate, to Bell the real property of bllli day of February, HKls. and would in no way benefit the people et HHid estate, hereiiinfter described, wholly, at B. M. OVY, ux, lots In Fulls City, $30. For the next 30 days I will sell walrivate sale, for canh, in the manner nreBeribed Administrator of said estate of who are seeking to tllo upon the by law, the undersigned as such administrator At. uuy, deceased. MUi lynn et ux to A F Courter et nut trees In quantities of from 1 to oioiey oe Kaaiu, Atlys. unsold portion of tho railroad grunt. will, from and after Monday, the lfith day of March, 1!KW, at the hour of one o'eloek p. m. of 1000, at tho reduced rate of 10 cents ux, lots In Falls City, 1200. nh id day, at the law oflice of Oscar Htiyter, in The Albany Herald swlies Dean each. E. E. Bkkzlky, Falls City. the City of Dallas, in said Countv. Droeeed to Bridget Flynn and hd to A Administrator's Notice. sell the said real proierty wholly, at private Collins' poems and runs them In lis HHie. iur chmii in riHiiu ou uoy oi Kaie. in oouiier et ux, u.io acres, t 8 8, r 6 W, with the said order of bale and in the man editorial oolumns. It must seem $1200. Notice is hereby given that thp iimlnrUi.ra.i ner prescribed by law, subjeet to confirmation Farm For Sale. ad in in Id ra lor of the estate of Francis Kueher' ref reshing to tho readers of that sleepy by said County Court: Baid real property being deceased, has tiled tils Until In iw1 Fulls City Lumber Compunv to ucueriueu hs ioiiows, Good dairy and stock furm, estate with the Hon. County aeeoiiiit. old sheet to get some real llvo stuff t ouit of I'olk puriii'iiiHriy The North half (''j) of the Northeast quarter Clarence oregou. me Aikman.lund iniiiijr, name Int8s, aim rOw,$l lias uccii by smd C4) and the East half two miles from railroad ; good grass ourt set for lieariux on once In a while. (i) of the Xorthwettt Saturday, March 2Mh quarter of Section eleven (1!) in Township eniM, at the hour of COMMISSIONERS' COURT. o'clock p. m. ol said day and farming land ; plenty of running at (ti) South, of Ra ntrc four (4) West of the six which all lime tierMius havina- ohiei limia Willamette Meridian, in Polk County, The petition of D. G, Rempel and water; good housoVand barn and therein, if any there la', are notllied State of Jim Hears Is still after former Secreto ipnear 'reirim.coniHining one nundrea una sixty (160) in sum l ourt at Dallas, in said Cnumy and ucres. tary of Htato Dunbar, and the case la othors for a county road wus sustained sheds. Cull on or address James A State and present the same for adjustment Dated this 14th day of February, 190ft. now being threshed out In Judge uounty Hurveyor instructed to vlow Giuhon, Sheridan, Or., R. F. D. 1. ,Kf!AKU KbCUKK, Administrator. NATHANIEL CROSIAR. ftibleyA Kakln, Attys. Administrator of the estate of uauoways court In BHlem. Sears out proposed roiul on March 18. Aninsa J. Croeiar, deceased. conU-ndZ II Petition of Hnyter, hmIiiiw and others Oscar Attorney. that Dunbar was entitled to Implements. Executrix's Notice. for a county roud between Falls City oolleot no more than his constitutional All parties Intending to buy Imple salary while serving the state, and and muclt Jtoelt continued until April ments had better see P. J. Wucrner NotlTOii hereby Kiven that the CnDdidatea petitions for nomlna- nai thli tiny boen ap.HiIiileil by the Hon. oiintv thut be should be compelled to turu t"rm or Court. before making their purchases. of, ",,k ""ty. r. t?on. Kxecutrix of the tiou to offices in Polk county for sale I'T1 over all foes to the stnto treasury. of hilvvln l.Mdwell, uillcliil bonds of Henry Voth, G. O, All eruiii at this office; aUo, Joint District kiiowiiiKthemaelves Indebted to Hnid emate are uunDsr is lighting to retain the fees, Hutler and Pe rcy 11 ml ley as Road hereby notified to cm II mih. petitions for Polk and Lincoln aetllement Uiereof and all person, holding Eggs For Hatching. Olalmlngthat In putting them In his Supervisors approved. claims axalimt aiildentate are hereby notllie.l to pocket be was clearly within his the aauie dulv verilied, to the Errs from a very choice pen of R. I. l on or before six months from the dale Notice of Final Settlement. rights and was but following the Heils, f l.fln 13. White Leghorns. Hal.il at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, thisMh precedent set by a long lino of Heere Nntlr'f it hcrhY f IVPtl tlmt llli nnriprKlirniHl extra nice birds. $1 for 13. One It. I day of lmw. ailmimi'ratnr ot thf tiait ul !VUr M tulr, Ketl cockerel, a big flue bird at 1.50. lanes before him. It Is said that JKNNIE M. ( ADH KI.I,, , mmi MI Illinl Kxecutrix of the estate of llw If Dunbar's attorneys are willing to taken at once. J. 8. Maoomukk, '". nun inni HIM, Kakln. A tli lilh iliiv stipulate that the fees amounted to iiiitmy. phone 85, Mutual Black Dallas, Or, April, 1WH, mi the hour lit n'rlm'k In tl, V 40,000. Hears' attorneys believe that in wiiii iinv. II till I iiiirl fti..m i.f il,.. In Die cn ol liallm, Notice to Creditors. they amounted to oenrly twleo that mhi (oucilylinn Cnurl, IMU'IIIU'II iH'rn mtlil hv Wood For Sale. I, Hi , Inr li.i li.,uplB ..I niri I'm unit sum. The outcome of tho ruse will be oiiJiHMIiiiia tn mhi iiinil touuiit ami tin' iviile you need wood? We want to Noiiee is hervby Riven that the uo undendirned awaited with considerable Interest by lUI'lll llll'll U. been duly appointed remind you that the block wood from ha adtniniHtratrix PAI'l. Kt'NDMAN, f the eMate of J.hn Campbell, the taxpayers. A.lmilitalratiir nf tti vulale n tho Willamette. Valley Lumber Com .uvense,! by the Cunty Curt of the Male Jrof lvii-Mlut lir, tlt'i'iaail for I'olk County, and llavlpr, llfH liwar Alluriii'V. pany's rawmlll is the best and cheap Onemi. All liermllia bavllia a m UR. lta si... The new ruling of the PoHtoflloe ...i.i HkHhI ai.it Ural iuliliinil Man h fl, law. are herehv mill Med to Mlat (he sain,' est you wood can buy. f 1.75 per load. ;l u ly ven lied l, Department which limits tho length her .11. t he pro.ir von her. Notice of Final delivered. Mutual phone Uu7,or leave Settlement. ," "'"lerslmiMl at her residence I of time a newspaper may be sent to a ''y.itl.in six mum ,. orders at Webster's confectionery Irom n"'!","'1!1 thm notice. Notice la hiriUiv ulviui lhal thn iiii.i..pi I subscriber afur the expiration of the nailmlliulraliir "I the all ul Marv HlliV store. 1'ate.l and rln-- l imhliahed KebruarT 7 Vloa paid subscription, Is going to ptove iliiaatil, haa lllnl Ii la llual hit. mini In 11,. M Ud.AKKI' rAM'l'HKi.l.' unity Cniirl ef llii Rtalf- - ul fur I'ulk A.lii.ini.tralrix of the elale of howman unos. popular with the reading public The iiitily. OLD TIME STATIONERY anil tliMi MmiiUv. Him i:ih .i John m,lK!ll, Jr V.VK. al I hi- Imiir' if llayter, Attorney. n i'Iim k In Odsskvir mailed out statements of April, Notice to Creditor. made writing a task. Our lie liirrn,.i ill aahl ilay, al lha l uiirt nmin ol coouni Wednesday to all subscribers inn mhi i ninny i in in I lly nlDallMa stationery makes it a pleasure. Be haa la'cn apuiiliM l.v anlii Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ta hereby lven that the llndendcneil who were In arrears, and was kept orritiMi, r 'nun aa tliu mi- - a nil lhi ol sure those letters you send to your la lieen duly antmtiil.! .lml,,i.i,... ... olijiitli.lia In the aalil Dual aiiiiuiil and I he busy all day yesterday writing .Miner, ueeeaMsl. Iij- Ihet'iiiinlv ,. ......, ".., I'ttleuuMil UiertHil. friends are written on and with Notice I. hereby (riven that the IMP I irKUlll, l..r I'olk nndeMemM receipts ror money. Dene subscribers. I'AI'l. Kt'NDMAN, i iiuauneil ""'"I OUR DAINTY STATIONFRY. Ailinliilairatnr ul th talalv ol d.ieaaeil, . fMal I tiled ha. III. ITia iieranna Btfui I Iia ah ar n.t iihii i"l witnouia single exception, expressed Mary lllh y, e tat i. nr..u...i i ill llr,.,.n In. I... t. Come and get i.un oi iniitlt Owar llnyler. All.irm-y- . your supply now. So "T 1 l .iunty and that tily vriilci weir hearty approval of the new plan n! tAiit. Monday, ll'th ,,( the dav lall ami rl imliliahril Man h lh, lw. hrtfor. I i ho uu.ieratriKM, f n"ur,0' 'en o'cioik In the m any people put off Uieir buvlnir ho rar we have not lost a subscription, .. Miali,a In Wniamina. Vamhtllht lla v. . .JL a, uii'iourl r.N.tn nf ,,,e hj. Summons. .. In H. . iron, or al lh orttit of th mlniito tlmt JVM lt ana judging from present Indication! " .mi.t. i i..,r :.l i...i. said loilntv i .niri reon. Un til the last i,7.i7 T i... ..i i.,, hs our It does not seem likely that we will Dy providing early for fnm th lai of Uila no'ii-Iur ;h', h"r'tn,rf",i,j, J,;.' ;i.e tun. In lh rin utl rort of ihp miid of Orrw-tyour stationery requirements. IUJ ami tlnt nihiiahts1 February imvt In conducting a credit business, this mm inr acivuntauditieKiiieim.nt ny i iMi 2. if.diiimriil hereof. AM'KKrt kKKSIlAW l uiufnrth, I'Uiiiilir v Kmina Mnli. paper always endeavored to use mJohn PATL Ft XOMAX. A.lmlntairaioroi the iirii. wi.iow. j A Unk-- alltilmi.I.lak i.trtr.i.ir Admlnii.iralor ot IheeMateol William Miller, dctvtnn!. II il.. II. fill Judgment as to whose names were rilllfV, III WHO. IU) ler, Altoru. laoar lli Urton, deceased ' iin.s A H K.nlf h.I Hrlen K htnlv I..tl'c, War H.vt.T. Alli.rn.-placed on the lint and whose were left hu tlf S H Kiti!r n,l IVtl A. Hiilrr, ,u lalel and hral iubhs':ed Febrnary II, lsnw. Dallas, Oregon iibiu n. ri uinnairt-l- , H f n j, halhe off, and by so doing we have kept sub wnr,unman -. Kmiik 4.it.M.ti au.t Hi rah t.n. Mitt. homakMaiul OlhfH. scription losses down to the nilnltnuui. .Ml, t)U h.a wilt. J H l utnaia ami Ant I'm If the now ruling of the Department rnakT. nt. Mt iff. JamMiwrr. unmarritNl, and t rUnsj, niuiiRrrMil, iirjf K frii.lattta Is satisfactory to the aubsorilwrs, t u Ti Kmmi Kmtrv M Hrulf J A it....... Hit It H Ma II Mnlt hnlrr. certain that it will be welcomed by the trus i. . Kinlt-HiiU-vK V Knil-- y I'mrl publishers. Any business man would Kliilev, IHlrn uln H. Klntrv. Sal If II k,",.!- -- Vr,.k mhi Karah i.iia n. Jam.-till. nut limrt rather do business for cash than on a K MUtllnir. Ih lUnt iiainitl Is only expensive to people who credit basis, even though his loae on In lh Name of U Mal of V.t ....4 l n rvuiiirol to apptar at'-- t wasteful and careless. To you, who bad debts be kept at the lowest notch. tli ft.ti y,u In lh So It would appear that the Depart- ats.M rntilltNl nit nn r artntHatuMav ih Mh day of April. naturally careful, thai hrnltlaM lor does not ment Is satisfied and the readeis and youf afl"i aix or niMrt It an of ihia i vnrt hr th iut.ir.it..n f n, publishers aro satisfied a rasa of OMtr come high. Hiaimoa auu ii oy ibh in at tar or utiwtr, W line over. Y Y Our line of Spring Shoes is the Y Y largest and most complete quiil-itie- mi. 1 1 i j I Dallas Mercantile Co. T I ( 1 f s ( under-mie.- tr ft H W l WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTk Under New Management Strictly White Help. BiSampIe Room and Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. RATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day WHEN Chlpman THE HORSE SEES THE WHIP It knows Its master means business. To train your horse perfectly and put it unaer best control and subjection, RIDING OR DRIVING WHIPS in newest styles is a part of tho display we call attention to, to those visiting our harness store. Anything In the harness line that's worth buying can be had from us. F. SalficKy, Prop. & Farmer, Props. LOOK HERE! The City Express I Transfer Co. does all kinds of hauling st reasonable rates, Stand and both phones at Webster's Confectionery Store. STOW BROS. Dallas Harness Shop 0d. mm Y Y Successor to Ellis & Keyt accora-auc- 300-acr- e W Proprietors DALLAS, OREGON I 11 0-NIf- fl . V , If yon ara faellnf inKif-.iirtao na) Tafc. to, and yen will fo.1 Utut Inlate morulnc. 1"k r"U ,M 1"" " th. "fcATUBt'S .rl7r.'. 'strcnsthciis KEMEDV" t:. Stomach, Llyer, Kldnaya anil parities th Bleod. daea its work tlioroughly and . or rl"- '"' " th."""" iS.'w! maklnf mt Utl stronger and batter. . ' 11. OiK-a- r - Better Than PilU For Liver 111. Sick Rradaeha, Loaa of Indl,tl.n, App.tlt, Sallow Comnleilnn . I r,. I... Plmpl na Irnptloc, Chill., Usl.rla, Blllon.naaa. Rhnmar Urn '..lorpl1 LT or Inactlra Kldnaia C. ail taabaa rl.lna from th. disMtiy, orgHw. c,.i.i. plait-In- i ""' dwi-aav- ud 111 hrrt-l.- inei-iai- Get a h..-ih-- r..L u .,,' . W. H. ROY $ BELT & CHERR1NQT0N, CO. i iy Electricity for LiRhtina K M A N Ktm-i- r are Oh-tii- K tnt m-rrw i iniinirr ., the ih ar: rrtsovvwarnnainot 'onri for thv re! iff ta bit 'oniiaitii hwT-ii- i, Ui tr 1 hat l lwliuill la lhs ownrr In tW p1ntl of lhs Your Blood u( Ih Ki.Uiali.g dra ntjr--J Umta ftml twit trvmia u m H A ... 7, AH ot I Ma If Tea lark sracth, are rwrroas, . in it, t: in.t H In ih 4 01 ounii. M app41U. dool slerp well, frt tlrrd v ! il l t run t arm in IVtk roirnalnl 'aa an. r.rmyour blond a In tutd rufxUUt-oon lh M.t Ui o aahl - no a rrtnl Yoa cannot b atroruj without psr, run ol wwd In ih ofTfoa of th louut t of olk t OH'. IT, tHtYiMt. blood. Hood's Karaaparilus BuUca food, That ih lirnUita har n- rteht. lit! or tick blood and keeps K fwd. o lnir-that ih Ivtnul thrin lothrvtoatl aula b at kwih br nawrt the Dyspepsia -- Twr aootnha mt rm vaai eat of axWr with drrrMi aatur of thir r latin taatl an1aaiHl rmw Kiaa it k..nrw ia T. n. II an thya, haf. lhal m l .aim a of or nHr of tha, hum a currd turn. Jo. t. f h lftlnfl M a krr of Ihi Conn, that tt l ai. unaa. jraw lvt. ti.ti.it a h I rrTf-r n atvl t.4arrvJ tnm aarrtlnaT an Ul a ht-r- r ia or lo mr.-- t ariM-tits- x wit 9 r-- r hmd tan. la .r an M trWt.' to th.a f nm 9 f lilt. an4 Kr t'trfc oik arsl ftiri r H M u kii rm tail Uwi'j'BKw-Bft4r.iiAhI aan-.Mirt ih aa l I'UMUjitl ! Thia Hiatwiiw ta l t.f t t iormtT MhMTIlMk n M ? M-- r v wt in in of Ih Hmi A i UM dslkiair iJ t t trruu i rt tsf irr mi f, lh t (Minty r... 4 I'm A, artt h MaVl aai t or ot i Nam hr r. In h City ot la i ta .la nu. i of Marra. ih M ho n pflUi.-iKi it at.l o th ata a at tNs) loot fv.t U? 4 Marrfe. t . o H Boot firNpriiia u mad of Ar-- il. ioo atHi lb tfrrtaaia ta.fedat 2a ti ami liquid, or ta Wbbt lurm Bil4 krt' i'i---r- l M(.i t oa,ajat ot tsrKsr h nt day Of AOfll ' o 100 Dom Oo DoUt. A i t ,.NT aaiy by C L Hood Co LowtU, Mm ilor rsBiotiff. lot satisfaction all around. are .t- -t tr,rj It How Is br ull, Ont.MM rii aih r.u.ri E rpii nii.raarrm ,n4 rt a.la it 4t nnjilwi raatab. rnd ta ortl it Buckwheats and Haple Syrup Whod.irt ni4 wtlvm tlii. rvcul-Urltncakf Com ud jfrt aonieof our rtrw crop buckwheat flour and a bottle of the y rbooea: BOYD & SON Reit M. Mutual 114. s Jtt- - a r.,;,'.. Ir j i,..h,iV:"" uWto..r.i'CT "f Mutual Donh Large Reduction in the price of Lumber. To encourage more building, we are making prices on Lumber as follows: Manager for Palla. tb Court House. Phone Bell 10 TO 84 FEET Rough 1x4 anrl l. a Sized to Si Rough !' Sheathing and Sized tllOO 11.00 1x6 Fencing rrr Uftolxn Boxing ISS0 113.50 f 1.50 faStomil tuoo tllOO 13 00 Ut0 4xl moo tuoo 14.00 (14.50 I 114.00 1x6 & lxS com. Shiplap Jd nai v.o. rif. Ii4 t30.00 $24.00 Rustia Til to. J Bd I1 (17-0- lj (2SO0 I70 Finish up to 12io. in widia (2S 00 (25 00 (25 00 (15.00 Celling &FTOF1. 125 00 W2.m Shingles Sidewalk lix6in. & Sin. 4S1. HO. 1 " Stepping Willamette Valley Company E. W. K EARNS, Effective Feb. 20, 1908 ft .?...' .mi d niaplo yruf. Tbey will be decided chance from the tummer a ii.t " Am.-rl.-a- rraU. THE VEKY F.Est ORtKTERIES arc a r. ature of tbt More. You mar hav beard thia but the knowing will do you no good utile-- you a.t Oo It. Suppoev yoa find it out for yourself by glTioir us a trial onirr. l economical beau, n can l quickly turned off wnen not needr! no gna or kerose there i. the tern Ration to let Ugh Tburn whTn not Dv.tt to nave the electric light l.ilU amount U) onlv one dollar. month. . lou can rrot. r ire ..., lli, but doe, i. than electric vou .nv 'i rtunitl.-for work and recrr.tion-ii- n, evJilb. U fP" your wall. -- mar, decoration, 5"" ,m, Colli I nnt.ly ,re a dollar tomorrow l.v Min ZT,rX T but It ouldut tMnomr. ., . It la- n--.-- --w ZL'""'vnu "urave,m but mum bow vou ave that couuta. M ILMETTK VALLEY CO. RATES- - Rridenoe on meters, per month. l n Sue. RATES ni'lM-H-j- v v "l',JI-lerdnn.and: JW per kilow.rt nn ia m FOR over in Jm V per Kilowatt up fci 40 drop,; over 40 Imp. T,c per drop and Sc per k iiowatt. A drop figurM r less. I or iwr.-- rale, at i lv at the oflnv. VI iT "'MT to explain tri1 ndoutlof th. call on u, or Dallas, Oregon Dallas Lumber Company V anr One Tablet Local Price List of the K 6 7 rr wm ' 1 y7-fr- $13.00 32.00 2.50 2.60 -- 1L00 be Pleased to furnish you figures on hoxtu or dryer bilL "":
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