THE SEC TWICE-A-WEE- . f!l""" MM ti News of City and County 4 Thefe is no substitute fof Royal Baking Powder fof making tie best cake, fciscmt and pastry. Royal Is Absolutely Pute and tne O. C. Smith for Page fence. 83-- 1 tf Meet me at the Xew SeotL J. M. Justin spent Sunday visiting ' in Oregon City. Meet me at the Xew Scott to hear the concert Sunday evening. Many come miles to dine at the GaiL . We cut, fit and make our own G7- -t suits. Phil Begin. Xmas postal cards, 10 cents a dozen at Mrs. Gregory 's Variety store. Si lt Ash's music store is headquarters for the Singer Sewing Machine. 81-Call at the Ash music' store for all kinds of holiday goods. . Prices right. made from Royal grape cream of tartar. ' 0 Dr. McXicol. Osteopathic Physician, The Singer Sewing Machine. 81-- r i i Leather Seated Chairs for the Dining Room Spanish Leather Lounging Chairs for the Library Leather Couches for the Living Room Davenports in Genuine Leather Rocking Chairs in all sizes and quality China Cabinets for the Dining Room Reading Lamps, a fine assortment Rugs in all sizes for every room 1 at Home LOW ROUND TRIP FARES They f m 1 TUT U 1 1 jiej. j? all points in from points in California Washington and Idaho oooooesoseooaooeooeooeseoeoeeoeoeeeeeeeeee ooe Superior Train Service ! i t ' r The Magic Grill To frill or broa or fry on ths Electric Grill is to know if sin the joy of children's play. You can scarcely beUert It till you see the tteamini steaks or chops which it prepares rifht on the table while the chatter of foests goes merrily on. It U a desirable companion appliance to the chafing dish and is as convenient and necessary. A Christmas surprise, whose usefulness and charm will grow from day to day. a :, if. il! Other Electric Christmas Gifts CHATCX0 DISHES PERCOLATORS TEA KETTLES BREAD TOASTERS HEATING PADS DESK LAKFS MASSAGE VIBRATORS FLAT IRONS LIBRARY LAKFS ELECTRIC TOTS TREE LIGHTING OUTFITS CIOAR LIGHTERS VACUUM CLEANERS SEWING MACHINE Dandruff USE PARISIAN SAGE. yon have dandruff it is because the scalp is too drr and flakes off. Freshen ur the scalp lubricate it and dandruff disappears. Surely trv a 5ue. bottle of Parisian i Sage. It cleanses the hair, nourishes it. stops falling hair and itching scalp. It is just what too need toi make the scalp healthy and immedi-- i ately remove dandruff. --Coarad Staf- - j ' j tin. j CONRAD STAXBCT.) If FOR TRADE A good high-cia- ss automobile for property either improved or unimproved. Address X. 76-t- f. r. Z, Observer. Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker JUST THE COAT FOR DRIVING when RAINS rr ma Nimo. i fawtal mm til wmWI Christmas .$3.00 SATBFAOTO GUARANTEED A. J. TOwnt BOSTON CO. toTOs We have 605 Court Street Phone 24 P. 0. Box 405 J.' S. COOPER, Jr. OREGON Writes all kinds of Insurance and collects Bad Bills GIVE ELM A TRIAL Goodbye Groceries Oregon Power Company! INDEPENDENCE, ; Home Bake Sale. WANTED A solicitor for the oldest The W. C. T. C. will have a home and best Poultry Journal on the bake sale at the Siafrin drug store. coast. Nee Jones, at the Xew Scott 81-l- t. Saturdav. December 13th, Hotel. Dallas Oregon. " x MOTORS SEE DISPLAYS AT Smith A Ellison Electric 8oppy Company The Craves Hardware Company and Our Office Phone Main 7811 ' j them. A grand assortment of Mincemeats, Pickles, Celery, Lettuce, Nuts, Candies, Dates, Figs, in fact, everything needed for the dinner. We will appreciate your trade. Free delivery, , Phone us a trial order. HoIman&Boydston FOR SALE OR TRADE A food small faro vithia ill miles of Dallas, with a food fran room house, barn. oad haase. machine and ehickeo booses, runniny rater, fin veil at house, boose is veil painted sad has a good porch in front sad back, plenty of ground under plow for all "par-pose- s, snail orchard in bearing for borne Bsc. a lot of ss good pranc land est it as there is in the plenty of wood for ail uase. vooid eoo-sid- er a residence in Dallas or some other good ton in exchange for part and gire good time eat baliBrc. t H. a CAMPBELL DALLAS. OREGOX a We Are Going Out of The Jewelry Business To Give My Entire Attention to the Optical Business Fixtures, Furniture, Safe and Furnishings for sale. If you are going to buy Christmas presents now is the time and this is the place. WATCHES Gold Filled Watches for Ladies " " " " Gents . Boys $3.00 Watches . Boys' f 1.50 Watches $7.30 up 6.30 up . . $1.65 . 75c RINGS $35.00 Diamond Rings " $25.00 " " $20.00 $18.00 " " $24.00 ." . . " . 17.00 14.85 . 11.35 6.65 $1.50 up $3.65 . $9.00 Reconstructed Rubies . . . Large Ladies' Set Rings " ' Roger's 1S47 Knives and Forks . Beautiful articles for Xmas Gifts from 25c up Signet Rings from 95c up. $2 Fine Umbrellas 98c This stock must be sold in a limited time and there will be no sparing of the slaughter of prices. Chas. H. Hinges ' Jeweler and Optician Next door to U. S. Bank Bldg. 191J, ..4: 1 i Christmas and New Year Holidays ttl Hill 12th, j Dallas becomes famous through j f excellency of Gail meals. We cut, fit and make our own 67-t- f. suits. Phil Begin. Buv tout ladv a nice hand ba at , 81Jt-;- : Mrs. Gregory's." Eat at the Dallas Xew Dining!' Meal, at all hours. Short' Room. order service. j' Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett of Salem is . nsiuur at present with the fanulv of IL H. Belt of Dallas. ; , The street commissioner is doing1 good work by having the accumulated dirt hauled off Main Street. : j 81-l- t. : A nice line of sheet music, musical G. L. Matney and son T. L., of instruments, and a good assortment Salem were in Dallas Wednesday, of records at the Ash music store. transacting business. , 81-l- t. Simmon's kid gloves make a good Why not take your family to present for a 1 a pair at Mrs. the New Scott Sunday evening and 8-Gregory' Variety store. enjoy not only the concert but a good j Clay Frazier of Buel Idaho is visit- dinner. ing friends and relatives in Dallas Chas. Anderson who has been in ' this week. Oregon reports times as If you want anything in the line Surprise your wife and daughter Remember that when vou purchase southern sec-- '; of jewelry or eut glass, you will find with a new piano for Xmas present. a piece of jewelry of MORRIS, he is hard and business dull in that tion. no better place to purchase it than Prices right at the Ash music store. here to stay and if it is not, as repre81-1The Dallas City Bank gave the conat Morris' the reliable jeweler. Si lt. sented, you know where to find him. tract for beating - pipes to be con81-l- t. structed in the room now occupied Boys! remember that if you take by that institution. little thirurs from back of the build The Msonie Lodge this week gave ings, it will become a habit that will their contract oot for the heating of make it easier to take more valuable lodge room which is to be their ones as you crow older, then vou will to the big heating plant which x land in jaiL There are some boys in is nearing completion. Dallas who know what is meant by Judge Teal was busy a short time this article. yesterday holding court in the case The Forest Grove News savs that E. V. D. Paul vs. Peter Berzel. Mr. and Mrs. Georse Ortmsn of Dal of H. H. Belt was attorney for the las were guests of their parents. Mr. plaintiff and obtained judgement for and Mrs. B. Oilman, and Mr. and the amount claimed. X'Mrs. Charles Van Doren of the Da The finest line of watches, diavid 'a Hill country. They were acVIA THE companied home by Clarence Ort- monds, scarf pins, cut glass and novelman. who had been visiting the young ties in the jewelry line can be found 81-l- i. people at Dallas, and that Mr. and at Morns the jeweler. Mrs. Joseph Crowther came down Christian Science. from Dallas Snndy evening to visit Christian Science service held Sun with his mother and other relatives. I I lotootasMsm 11 day 10 Xatioual Bank at I - I ROUTES I I They were on tbeir way to Portland. building. a. m. at The greatest thing in Dallas Subject of sermon. "God a meal at the Gail. The Preserver of Man." Sunday school at It) a. m. Gifts for everybody at Mrs. Greg- Reading "room, same address. ol-l- t. ; ory s anety store. Tha Exposition Line, 1915 The public is cordially invited. Postmaster Walker of Buell made 'The Observer a social call vesterday. Assessors Are to Meet. S. Dunckel calls Tour attention to Between Oregon also The State Tax Commission Monday (card in the observer. He guarantees called a meeting of connty assessors all his work. in Salem, December IS anil 19. The Oregon to W. F Schafer of McCov. a stock assessors will be reimbursed for their buyer was transacting business in the actual and traveling expenses. The county seat yesterday. following is a part of a letter written J. W. Luke of Portland, represent- to the asssors by the Commissitn: SALE DATES AND LOUTS have in mind anv in- ing Gould .& Co was in Dallas this "If week looking over the new beating ! quiries, suggestions or plans in to matters of assessment and plant. Christmas Holidays: Between all points in Oregon; also from A seven-pouu- d sirl was born to taxation for the vear 1914. we should Southern Pacific points in Washington and Idaho Dec 18 to 21 havisg a brief written appreciate !Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Belt at their incltmv. Between Oregon and California points Dec 20 to 25. home in Dallas on Thursday. Decem- statement of the same sent to this office at once. This request is made Return limit all points Jan. 5, 1914. ber 4th. McMinnville Register. that the progress and discussion may The J. K. Arms by Packing Co. be arranged to the best advantage New Yean Holidays: Dee. 27 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. shipped a ear of prunes to Salt Lake and that ideas and conclusions of the Citv the first of the week and started greatest practical 5, 1914. The Xew Tear Fares apply only between points in value may be deanother car load to Germany. Oregon and between Oregon and California. rived from the meeting." Mrs. J. W. Quick of Ballston whr has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Pure Jersey Milk. Mrs. D. P. Stauffer of this city re--j Order your milk from turned home tndav. Her son. Dani Loughary Grocery. 77 :f accompanied her and will visit at OBSERVATION CAES, DINTJfO CASS AND Bid. WASJI Ballston for a short time. ALL-STEE-L Morris the jeweler has been in DalCOACHES. All Trains Solidly Vestibuled. BTJSIWESS LOCALS las a long time and he has made a selling good reputation articles. of Call on the nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars. FOR SALE When he sells you solid gold, it is train schedules, specific fares, etc 81-l- t. that, and no plated article. FOR SALE Good farm team, weighing 1250 lbs., for sale. $30.00. EverThe Only Pen. ett Gwinn. Dallas Oregon. Sl-ltJOHK M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent, " Portland, Oregon The L. F Waterman Ideal fountain pen is the onlv pen and if vou want FOR SALE 3 burrows. 15, f.20. j to make him or her a Christmas pres 25, including 2 saddles, blankets, ent i rial win oe apprenaiea. caii ai ropes and covers. M. O. Harris. the Rexall drug store of Conrad Staf-ri-n 7St.-- x and see the new line he has just Black Rock. Oegon. 81-l- t. received. MTSCEIXAJfEOrs. only baking powdef FRIDAY, DECEMBER POLK COUUTT OBSERVER K Salem, Oregon W. X. Ash. the mrosir store miaa Dallas Wood snd Coal Tarda. W. has the Dallas acrary f,-- r Ur Suwer L. Barber, proprietor A phonograph would be a nic Offu. l u Xmas present at the Ash ssnsic store. Scwirn Harbin. residence 663. 81--
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