Agenda & References

Oregon Synod Assembly 2015
Tree of Life:
Root, Fruit, Scar
Agenda & References
Oregon Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
2015 Synod Assembly
Apr 24—26, Sunriver, Oregon
Table of Contents
Opening of an Assembly / Closing of an Assembly
Organization of the Synod Assembly
Guidelines for Reference and Counsel Committee
Rules for Selection of Voting Members
2015 Lay Voting Members
Parliamentary Procedure for Assemblies
Process for Handling Memorials and Resolutions
Assembly Volunteers
Friday, April 24th
11:30 am
Registration Opens
12:30 pm
Voting Member Orientation
1:00 pm
Opening Worship
2:30 pm
Plenary Session I
Opening of Assembly
Adoption of standing rules
Officers’ Reports
Coffee Break
Sponsored by Mission Investment Fund
ELCA Report—Rev. Susan Engh
Officers’ Reports continued
Announcements and Prayer
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Nominations Close
7:30 pm
Bible Encounter I—It’s All About the Fruit
Revelation 22:1—2
8:30 pm
Optional Session: “A Man Called Beautiful”
Saturday, April 25th
7:00—8:15 Breakfast
8:30 am
Plenary Session II
General Elections
Report of Reference and Counsel
Churchwide Assembly Elections—First Ballot
10:30 am
Breakout Session I
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Plenary Session III
Churchwide Assembly Elections
Bible Encounter II—Acres of Apples
Ezekiel 47:1—6,12
Approval of 2015 Budget
3:00 pm
Breakout Session II
4:30 pm
Close of Saturday’s Sessions
5:00 pm
Quilt Auction Closes
7:00 pm
Anniversary Banquet
Sunday, April 26th
7:00—8:15 Breakfast
8:30 am
Plenary Session IV
Elections and Resolutions
OLYO Report
Installation of OLYO Board and New Synod Council Members
Bible Encounter III—Planting Possibilities
John 7:37—39
10:00 am
Closing of Assembly
Sending Worship
Installation of Rev. Ron Werner and Deb Lambourn, TEEM Candidate
Please stand as you are able.
L: As there are many members in one body,
C: So we, though many, are one body in Christ.
L: Where two or three are gathered together in My name,
C: There am I in the midst of them.
L: I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received, being humble and gentle, eager to
maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
C: Let us pursue justice and peace, for mutual upbuilding.
L: The Lord be with you.
C: And also with you.
L: Let us pray. Lord God, You taught the hearts of Your faithful people by sending them the light of
Your Holy Spirit. Grant that we, by Your Spirit, may have a right judgment in all things and evermore rejoice in His holy counsel; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
C: Amen.
L: I declare this assembly to be in session in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
C: Amen.
Please stand as you are able.
L: You will be my witness
C: To the ends of the earth.
L: I chose you and appointed you
C: To bear fruit which abides.
L: Lo, I will be with you always,
C: To the end of time.
L: The Lord be with you.
C: And also with you.
L: Let us pray. Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with Your most gracious favor and further us with
Your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in You, we may glorify
Your holy name and finally, by Your mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
C: Amen.
L: Lord God our Father, You kept Abraham and Sarah in safety throughout the days of their pilgrimage, You led the children of Israel through the midst of the sea, and by a star You led the Magi to
the infant Jesus. Protect us and guide us now in this time as we set out to travel; make our ways
safe and our homecomings joyful; and bring us at last to our heavenly home, where You dwell in
glory with Your Son and the Holy Spirit, God forever.
C: Amen.
L: I now declare this assembly closed in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
C: Amen.
L: Go in peace. Serve the Lord.
C: Thanks be to God.
1. The assembly of this synod shall be its highest legislative authority. All congregations,
ministers, rostered lay persons, officers, the Oregon Synod Council, the commission, and all
committees shall be bound by all actions pertaining to them taken by the assembly in
conformity with the Oregon Synod Constitution. (S7.01)
2. The voting body at the assembly shall consist of the voting members from each congregation; the ministers on the active roster; lay persons on the active roster of this synod as
defined in 10.41.01b of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s constitution; retired
ministers and retired rostered lay persons, as defined in S7.22.01, on the roster of this
synod; pastors on leave from call on the roster of this synod, who are serving as interim
pastors in a congregation at the time of the assembly; ordained ministers from full communion church bodies who are providing ordained service in an Oregon Synod congregation (S7.27) at the time of the assembly; lay officers of the synod; and duly elected members of the Synod Council who are not otherwise voting members of the assembly under
+S7.21. shall be granted the privilege of both voice and vote as members of the Synod
Assembly. (S7.27)
3. A Credentials Committee of three to five persons shall be appointed by the bishop and have
responsibility for voting members’ credentials and attendance quota status.
4. The Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the official representatives of the
ELCA, representatives from the Regional Center for Mission, pastors and other rostered
persons on the roster of this synod who are on leave from call shall have voice, but not
vote, at this assembly. (S7.23)
5. Each person when recognized by the chair shall state his/her name and congregation or
institution before speaking. No person shall speak longer than three minutes, nor more
than twice on the same subject, unless the voting members, by a majority vote, waive the
provisions of this rule. Each person may either speak to a motion or move to act on a motion, but not both at once. This rule shall not apply to messages and reports by the agencies
and officers of this synod or to guest speakers to whom special time has been allotted.
6. The chair shall have the authority to call items of business before the assembly in whatever
order he/she deems expedient for the conduct of the assembly business.
7. A Reference and Counsel Committee consisting of seven representatives shall be appointed
by the Oregon Synod Council and shall review all proposed changes or additions to the
constitution and bylaws, all resolutions according to the guidelines below, and all other
items brought to the assembly which are not contained in the agenda or Bulletin of Reports. (S10.07.04 m)
8. Election of Oregon Synod Voting Members to the 2016 Churchwide Assembly shall proceed
as follows:
a. The Oregon Synod is allowed 10 Voting Members to the 2016 Churchwide Assembly. One of
these Voting Members must be the bishop of the synod. A second Voting Members must be
the Vice-President of the synod. A third Voting Members must be a person of color or
individual whose primary language is other than English. A fourth Voting Member must be
a Youth or Young Adult. (Age 14-30 at time of election.) The remaining 6 Voting Members
are voted on without restriction other than the fact that at least 60% of the overall delegation must be laity. No more than 40% of the delegation can be clergy.
b. All individuals elected to serve as Voting Members to the Churchwide Assembly must be
active members in good standing of an Oregon Synod congregation at the time of the
Churchwide Assembly.
c. A first ballot shall be cast for the election of a Youth or Young Adult representative and a
person of color or whose primary language is other than English.
d. Once these elections are completed, those Youth or Young Adults, or individuals of Color or
whose Primary Language is other than English who were not elected in the first round will
be added to a single ballot, along with all other nominees, for the remaining 6 positions
open for election. The Assembly will be instructed to ‘Vote for 6’ individuals from this
second, and all subsequent ballots. An election will be declared only if 6 individuals receive
>50% of all legal ballots cast. Six people must be elected altogether, or else no one is elected. Furthermore, this election must assure that at least 60% of the overall delegation is lay.
If any of these criteria are not met there is no election.
e. If required, a subsequent ballot of no more than 20 individuals will be given to the Assembly. Those receiving the fewest votes in the prior election will be dropped from this ballot to
achieve a maximum of 20 people. If fewer than 20 people were on the prior ballot, than a
ballot of 12 individuals will be constructed in the same manner. The ballot must contain at
least as many lay nominees as required to fulfill the 60% minimum laity representation. The
Assembly is once again instructed to ‘Vote for 6.’ An election will be declared only if 6
individuals receive >50% of all legal ballots cast. Six people are elected altogether, or no
one is elected. Furthermore, this election must assure that at least 60% of the overall
delegation is lay. If any of these criteria are not met there is no election.
f. If a ballot of 20 was voted on, the next ballot shall have 12 nominees as defined above.
Once a ballot of 12 nominees is voted on, if there is still no election than a ballot of 10 shall
be constructed as above. The rules for election are the same in all cases. Subsequent ballots of 8 and 7 shall be voted on if needed.
g. Results of all elections shall be recorded by the secretary. Should anyone elected as an
Oregon Synod Voting Member of the 2016 Churchwide Assembly be unable to fulfill their
duties, the individuals to receive the next highest number of votes shall be invited to serve
as an alternative, providing that the 60% laity rule continues to be fulfilled.
9. A member who has spoken on the pending question(s) may not move the previous question(s). A motion to end debate by moving the previous question shall apply only to the
immediately preceding motion. A motion to end debate on all matters on the floor or more
than the immediately pending question is not in order.
10. When a substitute motion is made, secondary amendments may be offered first to the
original motion. After all secondary amendments to the original motion have been disposed of, secondary amendments to the substitute motion may be offered. When all
amendments to the substitute motion have been disposed of, the vote shall be taken on
whether the substitute motion is to be substituted as the original motion or be rejected.
a. Resolutions may be submitted to the Reference and Counsel Committee by congregations
of this synod, current assembly voting members, the Synod Council, committees of the
synod and the commission of this synod.
b. Resolutions will be accepted for consideration by the Reference and Counsel Committee
(be “accepted resolutions”) if received before 30 days prior to the opening of the assembly, making the 2015 deadline March 25. The resolutions received after the foregoing date
will not be accepted for consideration unless 2/3 of the Reference and Counsel Committee
or the Synod Council shall determine that the resolution is 1) of overriding importance, or
2) addresses a previously accepted resolution.
c. All resolutions requiring expenditure of funds will contain an estimate of fiscal impact. Any
proposal to appropriate funds, whether by amendment to the budget or otherwise, which
is presented to a meeting of the Synod Assembly without the approval of the Synod Council shall require a two-thirds vote for adoption. (S10.04)
d. All accepted resolutions will be evaluated by the Reference and Counsel Committee using
the following criteria:
1. Does the proposed resolution address a synodical purpose (as listed in Chapter 7 of the
Oregon Synod Constitution), ministry, administrative matter or other issue affecting the
Oregon Synod?
2. Is action on the resolution necessary to the business of the synod (rather than merely
bringing the assembly’s attention to an issue, organization or event)?
3. Is the action sought by the resolution consistent with the Oregon Synod Constitution,
Bylaws and other governing documents?
4. Is the form of the resolution appropriate and clearly drafted?
5. Are the statements in the resolution accurate and necessary to an understanding of the
e. In evaluating resolutions, the Reference and Counsel Committee may interview the spon8
sor(s) and other interested persons or otherwise seek relevant information. The sponsor of
a resolution may request and shall be given the opportunity to discuss it with the Reference and Counsel Committee.
f. The Reference and Counsel Committee shall adopt a recommendation for each accepted
resolution by majority vote and report that recommendation to the Oregon Synod Assembly. The recommendation may be one of the following:
1. CONSIDER. The resolution complies with the criteria in d. above.
2. REFER. The Reference and Counsel committee moves that the resolution should be
forwarded for consideration or correction to a specified agency, institution, or group without approval or disapproval by the assembly. This resolution fails to comply with the criteria in d. above, but may be corrected for further assembly consideration or acted on by
another body. Reasons for this recommendation will be reported to the assembly with the
3. TABLE. The committee moves that the resolution be tabled. The resolution fails to
comply with the criteria in d. above, and in the opinion of the committee will not be corrected by reference to another body. Reasons for this recommendation will be reported to
the assembly with the recommendation.
g. Acceptance and/or recommendation of the Reference and Counsel Committee will be
communicated to the sponsor of each resolution no later than one week prior to the
assembly. The sponsor may appeal the committee’s decision(s) to the Synod Council in
writing, stating the action or recommendation sought with reasons for such request.
h. The Reference and Counsel Committee shall approve the distribution of all materials to the
assembly’s voting membership.
i. All reports published in the Bulletin of Reports shall be received by the assembly by virtue
of that fact without vote.
j. The minutes of the assembly shall be submitted, meeting by meeting, by the Secretary of
the Oregon Synod to a Committee on Minutes which shall examine the same with care and
make recommendations thereon to the assembly. Approval of the minutes of the assembly
on the final day of the assembly shall be the responsibility of the bishop and the secretary
of this synod.
k. All motions before the assembly must be submitted to the secretary in writing on the
forms provided.
l. Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing parliamentary law of this
assembly. (S7.32)
1. The clergy voting members shall not be more than 40% of the assembly's total delegation.
Clergy must be on the roster of the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America as of 4/23/2015.
2. Those ordained others of the ELCA (chaplains, counselors, teachers, etc.) who are under
call to the judicatory listed above, who serve agencies and institutions located in the
Oregon Synod, ELCA as of 4/23/2015 may be voting members. Exceptions to the residence
requirement shall be made for ordained ministers under call to serve as military and
federal chaplains, missionaries and church-wide staff, and synodical staff members who
are expected to be on the roster of ordained ministers of the synod.
3. The clergy voting membership shall include retired ordained ministers.
4. A clergy person may serve as a voting member only as long as he/she is under a call or
retired. The clergy voting membership shall not include ordained ministers on leave from
call unless a pastor on leave from call on the roster of this synod is serving (at least 1/2
time) as an interim pastor in a congregation of the synod at the time of the assembly. In
such case, he/she may serve as a voting member of the assembly.
5. The clergy voting member shall be a member of an ELCA congregation.
6. Clergy members from a church body with which a relationship of full communion has been
declared and established by the Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA and serving in ordained
service within a congregation of the Oregon synod will be given the privilege of voice and
vote in the Synod Assembly. (S7.27)
7. No ordained clergy on leave from call, retired or serving a social ministry organization shall
serve as a lay voting member.
1. Two voting members shall be allowed per congregation of the Oregon Synod, ELCA.
Congregations are reminded of the organizing principle of the ELCA in which it is the goal
that lay representatives of the Synod Assembly shall be 50% male and 50% female.
2. A congregation of 500 baptized members and above may have an additional voting
member for each 500 baptized members or fraction thereof. (500-999 = l additional voter;
l000-1499 = 2; 1500-1999 = 3, 2000-2499 = 4.) Additional members from each
congregation shall be equally divided between male and female. Baptized membership
statistics to be used are those of 12/31/2013 parochial report figures. (See list on following
page for those membership numbers)
3. Representatives from authorized worshipping communities of the synod as provided in
ELCA Bylaw 10.02.03 (developing ministries on the territory of the synod) may serve as
voting members of the Synod Assembly consistent with S7.21. (S7.26)
4. In addition to those voting members allowed by membership numbers, each
congregation will be allowed additional voting members who are adult members of the
congregation and who are persons of color or whose primary language is other than
English. The registration fee will be waived for these additional voting members.
Congregations are reminded of the organizing principle of the ELCA in which it is the goal
that 10% of the Synod Assembly will consist of people of color or different language.
5. In addition to those voting members allowed by membership numbers, each
congregation will be allowed additional voting members who are youth or young adult
members of the congregation, up to matching the number of lay voting members normally
allowed. The registration fee will be waived for these additional voting members.
6. Lay officers of the synod are voting members of the assembly. Synod Council members
who are not otherwise eligible to vote shall be voting members of the assembly.
7. All retired and active rostered lay persons, as defined in 10.41.01b of the ELCA's
Constitution, shall have voice and vote as lay voting members in the Synod Assembly.
8. Costs of all voting members shall be borne by the congregation, institution or agency that
the voting member represents.
9. The lay voting members shall be at least 60% of the assembly's total voting membership.
Based on Reported 12/31/2013 Baptized Membership
3 Ascension, Medford (504)
2 Atonement, Newport (187)
3 Augustana, Portland (801)
2 Bethany, Gold Beach (268)
2 Bethany, Portland (46)
2 Bethany, Warren (123)
2 Bethel, Portland (123)
3 Bethesda, Eugene (899)
2 Bethlehem, Portland (22)
3 Calvary, Grants Pass (553)
2 Calvary, Hillsboro (326)
2 Casa de Sion, Woodburn (121)
4 Central, Eugene (1138)
2 Central, Portland (213)
2 Christ the Good Shepherd, Salem
2 Christ the King, Milton-Freewater
2 Christ the King, Tigard (256)
2 Christ, Aurora (267)
2 Church of Living Waters, Burns
2 Colton, Colton (40)
2 Community of ChristChurch,
Hillsboro (149)
2 Community of Hope, Wilsonville
2 Creator, Clackamas (248)
2 Emanuel, Cornelius (362)
2 Emmanuel, Willamina (157)
2 Emmaus, Eugene (339)
2 Faith, Albany (270)
2 Faith, Clatskanie (264)
2 Faith, Coquille (161)
2 Faith, Junction City (151)
2 Faith, Keizer (74)
2 Faith, North Bend (82)
2 Faith, Roseburg (255)
2 Fir Lawn, Sweet Home (69)
2 First Immanuel, Portland (336)
2 First, Astoria (443)
2 First, St. Helens (346)
2 Gethsemane, Portland (267)
3 Gloria Dei, Coos Bay (641)
3 Good Shepherd, Albany (626)
2 Good Shepherd, Cave Junction
2 Good Shepherd, Eugene (141)
2 Good Shepherd, Madras (69)
2 Good Spirit, Portland (261)
2 Grace and Mercy, Hermiston (0)
3 Grace First, Bend (825)
2 Grace Lutheran Mission, Portland
2 Grace, Corvallis (447)
2 Grace, Enterprise (32)
2 Grace, Vale (40)
2 Heavenly Peace, Portland (31)
3 Holy Cross, Salem (558)
2 Holy Trinity, Portland (29)
2 Hoodland, Brightwood (159)
2 Hope, Heppner (44)
3 Hope, Klamath Falls (635)
3 Immanuel, Silverton (824)
2 Immanuel, Woodburn (253)
2 Joyful Servant, Newberg (194)
2 King of Kings, Milwaukie (187)
2 LGBTQ Outreach, Portland (0)
2 Luther Memorial, Portland (39)
2 Macksburg, Canby (396)
2 Messiah, Portland (42)
2 Millennial Engagement, Portland
3 Milwaukie, Milwaukie (644)
2 Mision Nuevo Dia, Salem (25)
2 Mission of the Atonement,
Beaverton (84)
2 Mt. Carmel, Portland (132)
3 Nativity, Bend (502)
2 New Life, Florence (156)
2 Our Redeemer, Eugene (150)
2 Our Redeemer, Hood River (103)
2 Our Savior's, Lake Oswego (357)
2 Our Savior's, Prineville (147)
2 Our Saviour, Lebanon (148)
2 Our Saviour's, Eugene (77)
2 Our Saviour's, Seaside (140)
2 Peace, Astoria (368)
2 Peace, Burns (44)
3 Peace, Pendleton (656)
2 Peace, Portland (129)
2 Pilgrim, Portland (17)
2 Portland Taiwanese, Beaverton
2 Portsmouth Trinity, Portland
2 Prince of Life, Oregon City (351)
3 Resurrection, Portland (760)
2 Salt and Light, Portland (394)
2 Shepherd of the Hills, Sisters
2 Shepherd of the Mountains,
Sunriver (58)
2 Shepherd of the Valley,
Beaverton (341)
2 Springfield, Springfield (140)
3 St. Andrew, Beaverton (701)
2 St. James, Portland (215)
4 St. Luke, Portland (1311)
3 St. Mark, Salem (808)
2 St. Mark's, Portland (201)
6 St. Matthew, Beaverton (2282)
2 St. Paul of Damascus, Damascus
2 St. Paul, Ontario (217)
2 St. Paul, Portland (122)
2 St. Peter, Tillamook (38)
3 St. Stephen, Gladstone (521)
2 St. Timothy, Portland (261)
2 Third Space, Gresham (0)
3 Trinity, Dallas (748)
3 Trinity, Gresham (618)
2 Trinity, McMinnville (148)
2 Trinity, Silverton (177)
2 Trinity, Tulelake, CA (29)
2 United, Eugene (284)
3 West Linn, West Linn (690)
2 Wilderness Way, Portland (0)
2 Zion, La Grande (123)
2 Zion, Medford (126)
2 Zion, Oregon City (308)
2 Zion, Port Orford (31)
2 Zion, Redmond (268)
2 Zion, The Dalles (279)
2 Zoar, Canby (323)
To decide on matters in the best interest of the Synod.
Robert’s Rules of Order latest edition, except as otherwise
provided in the constitution and bylaws.
PRINCIPLES OF PARLIAMENTARY Justice, fairness; one thing at a time, majority rule; protecPROCEDURE:
tion of rights of the minority.
ACTION BY COMMON CONSENT: Can be used where general agreement is anticipated.
All motions must be presented in writing to the Secretary
on forms provided.
Privileged Motions
Fix Time at Which to Adjourn
Raise Questions of Privilege
Call for Orders of the Day
Subsidiary Motions
Lay on the Table
Previous Question-2/3
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate-2/3
Postpone to a Certain Time
Commit (or Refer)
Postpone Indefinitely
Main Motion
(To introduce business, rescind, expunge)
Debatable Amendable
Questions of Order and Appeal
Suspension of Rules-2/3
Objection to Consideration of a Question-2/3
Withdraw a Motion
Division of a Question
Division of Assembly
Aff. Only
Pending approval by Reference and Counsel Committee
to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
No memorials or resolutions to the ELCA have been submitted as of March 27, 2015.
Any such petitions would be referred to the next Churchwide Assembly in 2016.
Definition: A memorial is a petition or request passed by a Synod Assembly to the Churchwide Assembly.
A resolution is a petition, request, or statement of concern adopted by a Synod
Assembly or Synod Council and forwarded by the Synod Council to the Church
Council or, if intended for a board, to the Church Council’s Executive Committee.
The Office of the Secretary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America advises that the
most direct way for a Synod Assembly to address a concern or request to the churchwide
unit is through the three following steps:
1. Passage of a resolution;
2. Resolution is then referred by the Synod Council to the Executive Committee of the Church
3. Resolution is subsequently referred to the appropriate unit or units by the Executive Committee of the Church Council.
The Office of the Secretary discourages the passage of memorials to the Churchwide Assembly. Memorials represent a cumbersome process that takes many months or perhaps more
than a year to get to the Churchwide Assembly. The Churchwide Assembly is then confronted
with the hundreds of memorials from the 65 synods and does not have time to give adequate
consideration to any one of them in detail. Some topics are, however, more appropriately addressed through memorials.
All memorials addressed to the Churchwide Assembly and all resolutions addressed to the
Church Council or to churchwide units and boards, by way of the council’s Executive Committee, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the ELCA for recording and disposition.
Reference and Counsel Committee
The Rev. Tom Welch, Chair
Di Bernklau
David Johnson
The Rev. Dayle Askey
Mikey Sedlock
Crystal Larsen-O’Connor
Carole Halvorson
Bethesda, Eugene
Zoar, Canby
Hope, Heppner
Creator, Clackamas
Hope, Klamath Falls
Milwaukie, Milwaukie
Zion, La Grande
Elections Committee
The Rev. Jeff Olsgaard, Chair
Sonia Krissie
Michael Dupuis
Gary Reuter
ELCA Churchwide Representative
The Rev. Susan Engh
Salt and Light, Portland
Gloria Dei, Coos Bay
Christ the Good Shepherd, Salem
Trinity, McMinnville
Director, Leadership for Mission/Candidacy , ELCA
Office Assistance
Michelle Guillory
Faith, Junction City
Neil Bryant
Nativity, Bend
Mary Shultz
Faith, North Bend
Registration/On-Site Volunteers
Margie Antico
Fred and Penny Greb
Sara Gross Samuelson
St. James, Portland
St. Luke, Portland
Creator, Clackamas
Worship and Hospitality
The High Desert Cluster
Thank you to all who have helped and given of their time, talent, and energy to make this
event a joyful gathering to the glory of God!
… to Pacific Office Automation for the use of a copier during synod assembly. For help with
your church’s office equipment needs, call: 503-641-2000 in the Portland area, 541-747-9396
in the Eugene/Springfield area, or 1-800-213-4621.
… to our display table exhibitors for enriching our assembly experience.