Time Traveler Day Camp 2015 Leader Guide and Registration Packet Please register early!! Registration is first come, first serve. Maximum 135 scouts per camp, then the camp will be full and closed. Get your forms in early to get your first choice Camp! Ore-Ida Council Boy Scouts of America 8901 W. Franklin Road Boise, Idaho 83709 Phone: 208-376-4411 Fax: 208-376-4884 1 How to register 1- Complete Pack Registration Form •Provide email and phone numbers to ensure communication with camp staff. •All scouts must be registered with Ore-Ida Council prior to camp. •All scouts and adults must have the Annual BSA Health and Medical Form, 2014 printing, parts A and B filled out and turned in at registration. (see link) •One BSA registered adult must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) prior to camp. 2- Take Registration Form, Health Forms, and payment to Council Office •Registration is first come, first serve •Pack registration does not guarantee a placeholder for late registrants, even from the same pack •All payments must be made at the time of registration. No exceptions. •All scouts and adults must have a completed Health Form at time of registration. •One-day camps are for Cubs and Webelos. Two-day camps are WEBELOS only. Fees •One-day fees are $30 per scout before 5pm on April 8, 2015, and $35 thereafter. •Two-day fees are $45 per scout before 5pm on April 8, 2015, and $50 thereafter. •Gold Card packs receive a $5 discount per scout. •Fees are transferable, but not refundable. •Make checks payable to: BSA Important Information Tour and Activity Plan must be submitted to the scout office by each Pack, 21 days prior to camp. Camp fees include Camp t-shirt, participation patch and all materials for each scout. Additional Camp t-shirts for leaders are available for $10 and adults 2XL and up for $12 each. Please order early to ensure correct size. Questions? Contact the Camp Director for the camp you wish to attend. Please fill out forms completely before bringing them to the Council Office: Ore-Ida Council Boy Scouts of America 8901 W. Franklin Road, Boise, Idaho 83709 3 Who may attend Day Camp? All Scouts must be registered with the Ore-Ida Council, Boy Scouts of America and submit a completed current BSA Health and Medical Record, parts A and B only (see link) at registration. If you are unsure whether a Scout is registered, contact the Scout Office at 376-4411. All volunteers must complete the BSA Health and Medical Record form, parts A and B only (see link), and one BSA registered adult must complete Youth Protection Training prior to camp (see link.) Volunteers are welcome and needed to run a successful camp. Pack Leaders, Den Leaders, Parents, Guardians, adult family members and mature youth are encouraged to volunteer! We highly encourage all adults to take the online Youth Protection Training prior to attending camp. Please contact the camp director for more details. A wristband will be provided at check-in to all adults for identification purposes. Choose a Camp Your pack may choose to attend ANY camp. Consider the date and location to determine which is best for your boys and leadership. One-day camps are designed for Tiger, Wolves, Bears and Webelos scouts. Two-day camps are designed for Webelos only. Bear Cubs who will become Webelos during the summer may attend the two-day camps. Camps fill quickly, so sign up early to get the camp you want. Camps will be full and closed at 135 scouts. Attending Walking Scouts Leaders 1-10————————2 11-15———————-3 16-20———————-4 21-25———————-5 26-30———————-6 **Pack registration is not a placeholder for late registrants, even from the same pack.** Camps will close at 135 scouts. Pack Number Everything at camp is organized by pack number. You will need your pack number to register, pick up t-shirts and to check in at camp. Please be sure that everyone attending camp knows your pack number. Pack Contact Person We highly recommend that someone in your pack be First Contact Person— in charge of collecting health forms, receiving and passing along information, and attending camp orientation. This person needs to be a reliable adult with an e-mail address and phone number. Please provide a Second Contact, so camp staff can ensure your pack receives important information and reminders. What about Webelos Woods? If you are a WEBELOS Leader, check out Webelos Woods! Day camp and Webelos woods will compliment each other. You can go to both and get a whole new set of achievements!!! How exciting is that? 4 What is a Walking Leader? A walking leader is an adult who walks from station to station, staying with the scouts during the day at camp. Your duty is to directly supervise your boys at camp, including: - Check in yourself and your scouts at the Registration area. Verify attendance and make sure all forms are complete and accurate. For 2-day camps, you must verify attendance BOTH days - Enforce the buddy system - Provide discipline for your pack - Escort your scouts to each station, and assist with activities - Keep track of possible achievements for each boy (a list will be provided for each pack) - Plan transportation to and from camp - Supervise your scouts during lunchtime - Communicate with Camp Staff - Help the scouts keep track of their belongings - Be cheerful with all types of personalities you will meet during the day :) Each pack must have 2 adults (18+) for up to 10 scouts, and one additional adult for each additional 1-5 scouts. Den Chiefs do not qualify as walking leaders, but we would love to see them at camp. One adult must be registered as a leader and have completed Youth Protection Training (see link.) THANK YOU for your time and positive attitude! Fees Camp fees paid before April 8, 2015 are $30.00 for one-day camps, and $45.00 for two-day camps. After April 8th, fees go to $35 (1-day) and $50 (2-day). Gold card Packs will receive a $5 discount per scout. Fees are charged at the end of the business day. All payments are due at the time of registration. Fees include a camp t-shirt, camp participation patch, and all materials for the boys. We only purchase enough materials for paying Scouts. There will not be enough for adults or others to make the projects. There is no fee for volunteers, but camp tshirts are available for $10, and adults 2XL and up for $12 each. Please order at time of registration to ensure the correct size is available. Refund Policy It is the policy of the Ore-Ida Council that all fees are transferable, but not refundable. Changes must be made 5 business days prior to your camp or the camp you wish to attend. The Council must commit financial resources to make Day Camp possible. Therefore, you are expected to attend camp on the date you selected. 5 Forms, Forms, Forms Health and Medical Record— EVERYONE at camp (scouts, parents, leaders, volunteers, etc) must complete a current BSA Health and Medical Record form, parts A and B (see link.) The doctor’s physical and insurance card are NOT required. This is a National BSA Standard Requirement. Youth Volunteers/Den Chiefs (under age 18) must have a parent/guardian’s signature on their completed form. In the event of an emergency, we need these forms to give to medical personnel. Even if you have a Health and Medical Record on file at the Scout office or with your Pack, we need to have an additional copy at camp. Photocopies are acceptable. All Health and Medical Record forms are returned at the end of camp, or destroyed. Medical Awareness This box on the registration form is to inform Camp Staff of any conditions we need to know about (medications at camp, life-threatening allergies, ADD/ADHD, autism, other health conditions, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.) Please write “Yes” in the box and we will check the Health and Medical Record form for more information. Sudden conditions, such as a broken bone in a cast , can be added at camp. ALL medications at camp need to be in the original containers, labeled with name and pack number, to turn over to the Health Officer at check-in. The Health Officer will dispense medications as required. For legal and safety reasons, Pack leaders are not allowed to dispense medications. Rescue inhalers and Epi-pens may remain with walking leaders, but must be reported to the Health Officer. We want your scouts and leaders to be safe and healthy at camp. Two-Deep Leadership- Two-deep leadership on all outings is required. Two registered adult leaders, or one registered leader and a parent of a participating Scout or other adult, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips and outings. Youth Protection Training— One BSA registered adult must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) prior to camp (see link.) We highly encourage all adults to take the online Youth Protection Training prior to attending camp. Tour and Activity Plan— Each Pack must submit a Tour and Activity Plan to the Scout Office, 21 days prior to camp (see Link.) You can file the Tour and Activity Plan early, so do it now! Only one plan is required per Pack, even if you arrive in separate vehicles. A copy of the approved Tour and Activity Plan must accompany your Pack at camp. Label ALL belongings with Name and Pack number 6 Transportation Transportation is the responsibility of each Pack. Whether you plan to carpool or meet at camp, please follow these guidelines so everyone arrives safely: Make sure everyone knows what your Pack’s plan is, especially for 2-day camps. Parents, Leaders and Scouts need to know where to meet, what time and how they are getting home. Use caution and stay alert in Risk Zones (entrances, exits and parking areas) All Scouts and volunteers must wear seat belts when riding in any vehicle. If your child cannot fasten their own seat belt, you must inform the driver. Scouts are not allowed to travel in the backs of trucks or campers. File your Tour and Activity Plan early to the Scout Office Orientation Meeting Adults who are going to camp must attend orientation meeting. You will meet Camp staff, learn about the camp you are attending, ask questions and pick up camp tshirts for your Pack. Please attend the correct orientation for the Camp you are attending. See the 2015 Day Camp Schedule for details. Arriving at Camp Check-in begins at 8:30 am. Please arrive on time. Opening Ceremonies will be promptly at the time specified for your camp. A gathering activity will be available for the scouts. 1. When you locate the check-in area, designate one adult to check in your Pack. This person will: A. Verify Scouts’ attendance. Scouts without completed forms and payment cannot stay at camp. B. Verify Leaders’ attendance. If adults attending are different than the adults listed on the original registration form, they must have a completed Health and Medical Record form, and one must be a BSA registered adult and have completed Youth Protection Training. Please bring forms already filled out. C. —All adults will be required to wear a wristband to show that they are checked in. —EVERYONE must check-in with camp staff. Even if you are a parent dropping off a forgotten lunch (or something else) you must come to the check-in area first. We will assist you in finding your scout. Please respect this policy. Camper safety is top priority. 2. The other adults can proceed to the gathering area with the scouts. Each Pack will be put into groups to visit each station. Larger packs may be split into two groups, and smaller packs may be combined with other packs to keep the groups balanced. This is one reason why additional leaders are needed. 7 What to Bring • Camp T-shirt, this is the uniform at camp • Refillable water bottle • Sturdy shoes that can get wet • NO open toed shoes, flip flops or crocs • Sack lunch and something to store it in • Sunscreen • Bug Spray • Hat (recommended) • Rain gear (watch the weather forecast, and be prepared) • Backpack, so boys can carry their own belongings • Pencil or Pen • Spending money for the Trading Post • A Positive Attitude Please Leave at Home • Pets • Pocket Knives • Electronic devices (ipods, MP3 players, youth cell phones, hand held games, etc) • Matches, lighters or fireworks • Unregistered youth, young children or siblings not working at camp In addition, each group may find it helpful to pile backpacks, water bottles, etc. in a wagon to take from station to station. This is optional. The Buddy System Please enforce the Buddy System at camp! No boy is allowed to go anywhere without another Scout or Buddy, this includes the restroom and the Trading Post. Please discuss the Buddy System with your scouts and all leaders before coming to camp. This will help keep your group together and safe. Lunch and Drinking Water Everyone will need to bring their own lunch and cold storage. We suggest sack lunches that can be kept in a cooler until lunchtime. You will have plenty of time for lunch, so please leave coolers in your car. Feel free to bring camp chairs and shade pop-ups to create your own shade area. Some (not all) camps have covered areas, which you are also welcome to use. Everyone should bring a refillable water bottle, labeled with your name and Pack number. Refill stations will be available throughout each camp. Your Pack can choose where you eat lunch, but each Pack should stay together. Please supervise your scouts. They may visit the trading post, restrooms, etc. using the buddy system. Practice ‘Leave No Trace’ and take your trash to the dumpster or your car. Not all camps have trash facilities, so please ‘haul it in, haul it out.’ THANK YOU!! 8 Early Departure The Camp Director must sign out EVERYONE who needs to leave EARLY. Early is considered any time before closing ceremonies. The adult picking up a scout must be listed in the early release section of the Health and Medical form, or the boy cannot be released. Volunteers need to sign out with the Camp Director, so we know who is still there, and if replacements are needed. Trading Post Each camp will have a Trading Post where snack foods, candy, cold drinks, snow cones, camp t-shirts and Scout Souvenirs can be purchased. What do the scouts LEARN at The Trading Post??? They learn decision-making skills, responsibility, honesty, budgeting, math, integrity, delayed gratification, time-management, and so much more! The Trading Post is an important and exciting part of camp for the scouts! We recommend that every scout have money to spend at the Trading Post. Proceeds from the Trading Post help keep the costs of camp down. Recommended spending money is $15. Phones and other Electronic Distractions The Camp Director will have a phone available for emergencies only. All adults are expected to leave their personal cell phones off and refrain from use while at camp. Scouts bringing cell phones will be asked to leave them with their Walking Leaders while at camp. Please leave all other electronic devices at home. Restrooms & Port-a-Potties when Nature Calls All locations have port-a-potties available for your use. All scouts must use the Buddy System when visiting these facilities. The facilities are in plain view of camp and can be accessed any time. Praise and Discipline When you see a boy do something good, praise him openly in front of the group. When you see a boy behaving inappropriately, pull him aside and talk to him about his behavior. Make sure you are out of earshot, but within sight of others. Please do not belittle or embarrass him. If he continues to misbehave, contact the Camp Director. Remember to maintain 2-deep leadership at all times. Water + Dirt = Mud If there is any source of water, the scouts will most likely find it and get wet. Water and dirt make mud. The scouts will be doing a variety of activities that could include sweating, getting dirty and coming home stinky. They will also have a wonderful time! So, have the shower ready :) 9 Medicine and First Aid ALL medications at camp need to be in the original containers, labeled with name and pack number, to turn over to the Health Officer at check-in. Rescue inhalers and Epi-pens may remain with walking leaders, but must be reported to the Health Officer. Report ALL injuries to the Camp Health Officer, no matter how small they may be. The Health Officer can be found at the First Aid Station in the Trading Post area. NEVER send a boy to the First Aid Station alone. Use the Buddy System at all times at camp. Emergency Procedures Listen for 3 blasts on the horn. It is the signal for emergency. Gather at the gathering area and specific instructions will be given. Severe Weather Electrical Storm: Stay away from trees and buildings, take scouts quickly to your cars. Severe Rain or Hail: Take cover in nearest shelter or take scouts to your cars and wait for directions from Camp Director. Winds: Stay away from trees and get into an open area. If your camp cannot take place because of severe weather, camp staff will do their best to contact you with a change of date or location. This is one reason it is important to have accurate and legible information on your Pack Registration form. Lost Boy Send an adult to contact Camp Director Search in the most likely places: restrooms, vehicles, trading post, etc. Follow the directions of the Camp Director Health Emergencies Stop life-threatening dangers to keep victim from further harm Notify Camp Health Officer and Camp Director immediately Contact parents/guardians Child Abuse Separate victim from abuser Notify Camp Director immediately LINKS to make your life easier: Youth Protection Training: http://www.scouting.org/Training/youthprotection.aspx Health and Medical Record form: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf Tour and Activity Plan Online: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/healthandsafety/tourplanfaq.aspx Tour and Activity Plan Paper Form: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-014.pdf 10 2015 Day Camp Schedule Camp Program Dates Days Checkin Time End Time Camp Director #1 Cub & Web May 29 Fri Optimist Park, Elmcrest & 5th North, Mountain Home 8:30 3:30 Karen Crossley 447-9681 [email protected] May 7st 7-8pm 1150 N. 8th E, Mt Home #2 Cub & Web May 30 Sat Nampa South LDS Stake Center 7809 Deer Flat Rd. Nampa 8:30 3:30 Jayne Heaps 466-4618 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa *#3* Web Only June 2-3 TuesWed Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Michele Trowell 467-4032 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #4 Cub & Web June 4 Thurs LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise #5 Cub & Web June 5 Fri LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise #6 Cub & Web June 6 Sat LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise #7 Cub & Web June 8 Mon LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise #8 Cub & Web June 9 Tues LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise #9 Cub & Web June 10 Wed LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Stephanie 828-399-1270 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 3800 Grand Forest, Boise *#10 Web Only June 11-12 ThursFri Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Michele Trowell 467-4032 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #11 Cub & Web June 12 Fri Montgomery Farm 668 Sugar Ave, Ontario 8:30 3:30 Jan Partin 899-7304 [email protected] May 13th 7:00pm Montgomery Farm #12 Cub & Web June 13 Sat LDS Stake Center Grounds 980 W. Central Rd, Emmett 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove #13 Cub & Web June 13 Sat Montgomery Farm 668 Sugar Ave, Ontario 8:30 3:30 Jan Partin 899-7304 [email protected] May 13th 7:00pm Montgomery Farm #14 Cub & Web June 16 Tues Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Debbie Hyer 412-0130 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #15 Cub & Web June 17 Wed Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Debbie Hyer 412-0130 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #16 Cub & Web June 18 Thurs Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove #17 Cub & Web June 19 Fri LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove #18 Cub & Web June 20 Sat Nampa South LDS Stake Center 7809 Deer Flat Rd. Nampa 8:30 3:30 Debbie Hyer 412-0130 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #19 Cub & Web June Sat Zim’s Hot Springs 2995 Zims Road, New Meadows 8:30 3:30 Jan Partin 899-7304 [email protected] May 7th 7:00pm 400 Elo Road, McCall #20 Cub & Web June 23 Tues LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove #21 Cub & Web June 24 Wed LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove #22 Cub & Web June 25 Thurs Nampa South LDS Stake Center 7809 Deer Flat Rd. Nampa 8:30 3:30 Jayne Heaps 466-4618 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa *#23 Web Only June 26-27 Fri-Sat LDS Stake Center Grounds 3700 S.Maple Grove Rd, Boise 8:30 3:30 Michele Trowell 467-4032 [email protected] May 14th 6-7pm 1500 Smith Ave, Nampa #24 Cub & Web June 30 Tues Curtis Park, entrance at 14230 Channel Rd, Caldwell 8:30 3:30 Sherri Dowdle 841-7105 [email protected] May 7st 6-7pm 190 S.Locust Grove, Boise 20 Location Orientation & T-shirt Pick-up Steps to Success Preparing for Day Camp January • Attend Pow Wow class for details about camp • Distribute and collect Health and Medical Record forms. Make a copy for day camp, keep original. You can do this step in September :) for next year! • Decide a date for camp • Decide which adult leaders or parents will attend camp 2 adults for first 10 scouts, 1 more adult for 11-15, 1 more adult for 16-20, etc. Gather names and Health and Medical Record forms for all adults • Collect payments and sizes for adults purchasing a t-shirt • Gather names, Health and Medical Record forms, t-shirt sizes, and payment for all scouts February Register for camp early! • Bring registration form listing all scouts and leaders, all Health and Medical Record forms for youth and adults and full payment to BSA Ore-Ida Council Office Ore-Ida Council Boy Scouts of America, 8901 W. Franklin Road, Boise, Idaho 83709 April • Confirm which adult leaders or parents are attending camp. Gather Health and Medical Record forms for all adults. • File Tour and Activity Plan May • Attend Day Camp Orientation, and pick up t-shirts, go to the correct orientation for your camp. Check the 2015 Day Camp Schedule for details. • Contact your Camp Director with any changes in scouts or leaders attending camp Check the weather, Bring a Lunch, Be Prepared, and Get Excited!!! **Camp registration will be capped at 135 scouts maximum!** Pack registration does not guarantee a placeholder for late registrants, even from the same pack. <<Double Check>> Have you: -Provided and e-mail and phone number for your pack contact person? (YOU!) -Registered all the scouts in your pack? -Recruited enough adult leaders to supervise at camp? -Is at least one leader a BSA registered adult with Youth Protection Training? -Collected all Health and Medical Record Forms for scouts and adults? -Submitted your Tour and Activity Plan? -Added Camp Orientation to your calendar? 12 Camp Number Pack Number Fill out form completely Please PRINT Clearly First Contact Person_________________________________ position __________________________ Email _____________________________________________ cell phone_________________________ Second Contact_____________________________________ position___________________________ Email_____________________________________________ cell phone_________________________ Two Adult Walking Leaders for up to 10 scouts. Add One Leader for every 5 additional scouts. *BSA registered adults must be Youth Protection Trained (YPT)* Medical Name (first and last) Aware Please PRINT clearly BSA Registered Adult 1 Adult 2 YPT Date _____ Shirt size Only if purchasing Only if purchasing Scout 1 Scout 2 Scout 3 Scout 4 T-Shirt Sizes Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XL Adult 2XL and up - $12.00 Until April 8, 2014 One-Day Camp - $30 Two-Day Camp - $45 $_____ x ____# of boys = $_______ After April 8, 2014 One-Day Camp - $35 Two-Day Camp - $50 $_____ x ____# of boys = $_______ Scout 5 Gold Card Discount $5.00 x _____# of boys = ($______) Scout 6 Additional Camp T-Shirts Scout 7 $10.00 x ____# of shirts = $_______ $12.00 x ____# of shirts = $_______ Scout 8 Scout 9 Scout 10 **All Fees and Health Forms must be turned in at registration** Total Fees Paid $________________ ____________ Date ______________ Transaction # Medical Name (first and last) Shirt Size Aware Adult 3 Only if purchasing Scout 11 Scout 12 Scout 13 Scout 14 Scout 15 Adult 4 Only if purchasing Scout 16 Scout 17 Scout 18 For Office Use Only Scout 19 Scout 20 Adult 5 Only if purchasing Scout 21 Scout 22 Scout 23 Scout 24 Scout 25 Adult 6 Scout 26 Scout 27 Scout 28 Scout 29 Scout 30 Only if purchasing T-Shirt Size: A YM Part A: Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization High-adventure base participants: Full name: _________________________________________ Expedition/crew No.:________________________________ DOB: _________________________________________ Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization I understand that participation in Scouting activities involves the risk of personal injury, including death, due to the physical, mental, and emotional challenges in the activities offered. Information about those activities may be obtained from the venue, activity coordinators, or your local council. I also understand that participation in these activities is entirely voluntary and requires participants to follow instructions and abide by all applicable rules and the standards of conduct. In case of an emergency involving me or my child, I understand that efforts will be made to contact the individual listed as the emergency contact person by the medical provider and/or adult leader. In the event that this person cannot be reached, permission is hereby given to the medical provider selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for me or my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose protected health information to the adult in charge, camp medical staff, camp management, and/or any physician or health-care provider involved in providing medical care to the participant. Protected Health Information/ Confidential Health Information (PHI/CHI) under the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, 45 C.F.R. §§160.103, 164.501, etc. seq., as amended from time to time, includes examination findings, test results, and treatment provided for purposes of medical evaluation of the participant, follow-up and communication with the participant’s parents or guardian, and/or determination of the participant’s ability to continue in the program activities. (If applicable) I have carefully considered the risk involved and hereby give my informed consent for my child to participate in all activities offered in the program. I further authorize the sharing of the information on this form with any BSA volunteers or professionals who need to know of medical conditions that may require special consideration in conducting Scouting activities. or staff position:____________________________________ With appreciation of the dangers and risks associated with programs and activities, on my own behalf and/or on behalf of my child, I hereby fully and completely release and waive any and all claims for personal injury, death, or loss that may arise against the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with any program or activity. I also hereby assign and grant to the local council and the Boy Scouts of America, as well as their authorized representatives, the right and permission to use and publish the photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings made of me or my child at all Scouting activities, and I hereby release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all liability from such use and publication. I further authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and/or distribution of said photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the BSA, and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing. ! NOTE: Due to the nature of programs and activities, the Boy Scouts of America and local councils cannot continually monitor compliance of program participants or any limitations imposed upon them by parents or medical providers. However, so that leaders can be as familiar as possible with any limitations, list any restrictions imposed on a child participant in connection with programs or activities below. List participant restrictions, if any: ! None ________________________________________________________ I understand that, if any information I/we have provided is found to be inaccurate, it may limit and/or eliminate the opportunity for participation in any event or activity. If I am participating at Philmont, Philmont Training Center, Northern Tier, Florida Sea Base, or the Summit Bechtel Reserve, I have also read and understand the supplemental risk advisories, including height and weight requirements and restrictions, and understand that the participant will not be allowed to participate in applicable high-adventure programs if those requirements are not met. The participant has permission to engage in all high-adventure activities described, except as specifically noted by me or the health-care provider. If the participant is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian’s signature is required. Participant’s signature:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Parent/guardian signature for youth:______________________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ (If participant is under the age of 18) Second parent/guardian signature for youth:_______________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ (If required; for example, California) Complete this section for youth participants only: Adults Authorized to Take to and From Events: You must designate at least one adult. Please include a telephone number. Name: _______________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________ Adults NOT Authorized to Take Youth To and From Events: Name: _______________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________ 680-001 2014 Printing B Part B: General Information/Health History High-adventure base participants: Full name: _________________________________________ Expedition/crew No.:________________________________ DOB: _________________________________________ or staff position:____________________________________ Age:____________________________ Gender:_________________________ Height (inches):___________________________ Weight (lbs.):_____________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________ State:___________________________ ZIP code:_______________ Telephone:_______________________________ Unit leader:_________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile phone:__________________________________________ Council Name/No.:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit No.:_____________________ Health/Accident Insurance Company:__________________________________________________ Policy No.:____________________________________________________ ! Please attach a photocopy of both sides of the insurance card. If you do not have medical insurance, enter “none” above. ! In case of emergency, notify the person below: Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Relationship:____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Home phone:________________________ Other phone:__________________________ Alternate contact name:_____________________________________________________________ Alternate’s phone:_______________________________________________ Health History Do you currently have or have you ever been treated for any of the following? Yes No Condition Diabetes Explain Last HbA1c percentage and date: Hypertension (high blood pressure) Adult or congenital heart disease/heart attack/chest pain (angina)/heart murmur/coronary artery disease. Any heart surgery or procedure. Explain all “yes” answers. Family history of heart disease or any sudden heartrelated death of a family member before age 50. Stroke/TIA Asthma Last attack date: Lung/respiratory disease COPD Ear/eyes/nose/sinus problems Muscular/skeletal condition/muscle or bone issues Head injury/concussion Altitude sickness Psychiatric/psychological or emotional difficulties Behavioral/neurological disorders Blood disorders/sickle cell disease Fainting spells and dizziness Kidney disease Seizures Last seizure date: Abdominal/stomach/digestive problems Thyroid disease Excessive fatigue Obstructive sleep apnea/sleep disorders CPAP: Yes £ List all surgeries and hospitalizations Last surgery date: No £ List any other medical conditions not covered above 680-001 2014 Printing B Part B: General Information/Health History High-adventure base participants: Full name: _________________________________________ Expedition/crew No.:________________________________ DOB: _________________________________________ or staff position:____________________________________ Allergies/Medications Are you allergic to or do you have any adverse reaction to any of the following? Yes No Allergies or Reactions Explain Yes No Allergies or Reactions Medication Plants Food Insect bites/stings Explain List all medications currently used, including any over-the-counter medications. CHECK HERE IF NO MEDICATIONS ARE ROUTINELY TAKEN. IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS NEEDED, PLEASE INDICATE ON A SEPARATE SHEET AND ATTACH. Medication YES NO Dose Frequency Reason Non-prescription medication administration is authorized with these exceptions:_______________________________________________ Administration of the above medications is approved for youth by: _______________________________________________________________________ /________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature MD/DO, NP, or PA signature (if your state requires signature) Bring enough medications in sufficient quantities and in the original containers. Make sure that they are NOT expired, including inhalers and EpiPens. You SHOULD NOT STOP taking any maintenance medication unless instructed to do so by your doctor. ! ! Immunization The following immunizations are recommended by the BSA. Tetanus immunization is required and must have been received within the last 10 years. If you had the disease, check the disease column and list the date. If immunized, check yes and provide the year received. Yes No Had Disease Immunization Tetanus Pertussis Diphtheria Measles/mumps/rubella Polio Chicken Pox Hepatitis A Date(s) Please list any additional information about your medical history: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX Review for camp or special activity. Reviewed by:_____________________________________________ Hepatitis B Date:____________________________________________________ Meningitis Further approval required: Influenza Reason:_________________________________________________ Other (i.e., HIB) Approved by:_____________________________________________ Exemption to immunizations (form required) Date:____________________________________________________ Yes No 680-001 2014 Printing
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