Be part of Organics in Manitoba
foster healthy viable farms, the foundation of a vibrant organic sector. To work for a
Our To
diversified organic production system in Manitoba that provides for local food security,
Vision: enhances export opportunities and contributes to sustainable economic development.
MOA brings together and represents the multiple stakeholders within organics in Manitoba, to promote
organic production, business and trade. Members bring forward issues and solutions, vote, and stay informed
about organics with our monthly e-newsletter and Magazine.
Be part of Organics in Manitoba
We welcome organic consumers,
researchers, inspectors, educators,
and individuals as Friends of
Learn what is happening in organic Manitoba and contribute to
the discussion.
CERTIFIED ORGANIC: free membership
Corporate Member $250
Farmers and Processors, your certified
organic status entitles you to a free
membership in MOA. Learn about
advances in organics and build
marketing relationships. Have your say
on the organic matters that affect your
business. Donations to support our
work are welcome. Register your
membership to get onto our mailing list
and receive your newsletter and
Does your business depend on
organics? We invite buyers, retailers,
associations and certifiers to become
corporate members of MOA. Build
relationships and meet leading organic
thinkers in Manitoba. Support projects
which increase production and build
the organic sector. Corporate
members receive advertising discounts
in our publications and get their voice
Donations are essential to the on-going development and effectiveness of Manitoba’s
organic sector. In return, our Sponsors are recognized on the MOA website and
promoted at MOA events and booths.
Please contact us for more information on how to become an Organic Sponsor.
YES, I want to be part of the
Name: _______________________________________________
Business/Farm Name: __________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Town: ________________________________________________
Province: _____________________________________________
Postal Code: __________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
_______ $50 Friend of Organic annual membership
_______ free Certified Organic membership
Please list your certifier___________________
_______ $250 Corporate annual membership
_______ add $15 and send me a paper copy of the
quarterly Organic Manitoba magazine.
_______ Please contact me with more information
about Organic Sponsorship.
$ ______Total:
Please make cheques payable to Manitoba
Organic Alliance and send to:
Manitoba Organic Alliance
484 Hanover St.
Steinbach, MB R5G 0H2
Email: ________________________________________________
Website: __________________________________________
For more information: (204)-546- 2099