Macomb County Community Mental Health Annual Assessment IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER DEMOGRAPHIC DATE OF ASSESSMENT TIME OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSED BY CONSUMER INFORMATION ADDRESS CITY ALTERNATE PHONE MI HOME PHONE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE DATE OF BIRTH MICHILD ID# Macomb MEDICAID IDENTIFIER AKA OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT CAN BE USED TO SEARCH FOR A CONSUMER MARITAL STATUS HISPANIC OR LATINO / LATINA ARAB AMERICAN / CHALDEAN RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 PRIMARY SPOKEN LANGUAGE RELIGION VETERAN STATUS PARENTAL STATUS (Child < 18) CHILD SERVED BY DHS FOR ABUSE/NEGLECT CHILD SERVED BY OTHER DHS PROGRAM REFERRAL SOURCE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAILING INFORMATION MAIL RECIPIENT MAIL RECIPIENT NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP GROUP HOME/RESIDENTIAL FACILITY MEDICAL INFORMATION CONSUMER HAS PRIMARY PHYSICIAN QHP LAST SEEN PHYSICIAN NAME Month Year PHONE CURRENT MEDICAL PROBLEMS CMHSP PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS DRUG Program: MACInitialIntake SOURCE INSTRUCTIONS Page 1 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER FINANCIAL INFORMATION STATUS OF ENTITLEMENTS (FUNDING SOURCE) FINANCIAL INFORMATION COMMERCIAL INSURANCE NON TAXABLE INCOME FIA MEDICARE SS CH SUPPORT MEDICAID (EXCEPT CHILD WAIVER) TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME HABILITATION SUPPORTS WAIVER TOTAL EARNED INCOME ADOPTION SUBSIDY TOTAL ANNUAL TAXABLE INCOME (Line 16-MI Income Tax) SDA, SSI, SSDI # OF DEPENDENTS (#CLAIMED ON INCOME TAX) MI CHILD PROGRAM MONTHLY MAX CHARGE MEDICAID CHILDREN'S WAIVER TOTAL FINANCIAL SITUATION UTILIZED ABW LAST REVIEW DATE MEDICAL INFORMATION RECIPIENT ID# MI CHILD ID# INSURANCE POLICIES TYPE POLICY HOLDER POLICY/CONTRACT # OTHER INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DTS. Deductible: Copay: GUARDIAN/PARENT PRIMARY GUARDIAN INFORMATION NAME TYPE OF GUARDIANSHIP ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP CITY STATE ZIP HOME PHONE WORK PHONE CO-GUARDIAN INFORMATION NAME TYPE OF GUARDIANSHIP ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP CITY STATE ZIP HOME PHONE WORK PHONE ADDITIONAL GUARDIAN NOTES FAMILY INFORMATION CHILD'S FIRST NAME AND LAST INITIAL ONLY AGE CHILD'S GENDER o o o o o M M M M M o o o o o WHO DOES THE CHILD LIVE WITH F F F F F BIOLOGICAL CHILD o o o o o Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes o o o o o BIOLOGICAL PARENT FIRST NAME AND LAST INITIAL ONLY No No No No No ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFORMATION RESIDENTIAL, EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT RESIDENTIAL LIVING ARRANGEMENT RESIDENTIAL LIVING ARRANGEMENT Program: MACInitialIntake NUMBER OF BEDS IN RESIDENTIAL SETTING Page 2 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB EDUCATION EDUCATION (HIGHEST LEVEL ATTENDED) SCHOOL NAME AND LOCATION NUMBER OF YEARS OF EDUCATION (e.g. 4 YEARS OF COLLEGE = 16) CURRENTLY IN TRAINING/EDUCATION? IF YES EMPLOYMENT STATUS EMPLOYMENT STATUS IF EMPLOYED, OCCUPATION MINIMUM WAGE FINANCIAL INFORMATION TOTAL ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS LEGAL CORRECTIONS RELATED STATUS o o o o o o Not under Jurisdiction Paroled from Prison Juvenile Detention Center Awaiting Trial Minor (under 18) Referred by Court Diverted from arrest or booking o o o o o o o In Prison In Jail Probation from Jail Court Supervision Awaiting Sentencing Arrested and Booked Refused to give any information DRUG COURT CLIENT o Yes o No INVOLVEMENT, PO, COURT DATE, OFFENSE ARREST HISTORY 6 MONTHS 5 YEARS TOTAL ARRESTS POSSESSION / SALES DUI / DWI NARRATIVE REASON FOR CONTINUING TREATMENT REASON FOR CONTINUED SERVICE BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT & HISTORY NARRATIVE Program: MACInitialIntake Page 3 of 15 GENDER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME DANGER TO SELF CASE # PAST o Ideation o Intent o Plan o None o Action SSN RISK ASSESSMENT CURRENT o Ideation o Intent o Plan o None o Action OTHERS o o o o o Ideation Intent Plan None Action o o o o o Ideation Intent Plan None Action PROPERTY o o o o o Ideation Intent Plan None Action o o o o o Ideation Intent Plan None Action DOB GENDER PLEASE EXPLAIN, OTHER SAFETY ISSUES SUPPORT NEEDS WORKSHEET Self - Care 0 = Does Independently 3 = Training 1 = Reminding 4 = Complete Assistance Eating Safetly uses utensils, cups Dressing Buttons, zippers, etc. Toileting Grooming/Hygiene Combs hair, shaves, teeth, menses care Bathing Safetly sets water temp, washes hair, body 2 = Observing/Guiding 0 1 2 3 4 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Receptive and Expressive Language Expresses basic needs o Yes o No o Yes o No o Yes o No o Yes o No o Yes o No Toileting, hunger, pain Answers simple questions How are you? Where is bathroom? Relates personal experience when asked What did you do today? Understands basic questions What is your name? Understands simple 1-2 step directions Stand up, put on your coat Program: MACInitialIntake Page 4 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER Mobility 0 = Does Independently 3 = Training 1 = Reminding 4 = Complete Assistance In-home transfers Bed to chair, chair to sofa, etc. Navigates essential areas of home Entrances, doorways, stairs, bathroom Neighbourhood mobility Navigates within 1-2 block radius, crosses local streets, goes to homes, stores, etc. Community mobility Drives/arranges public transportation to and from locations essential to basic needs 2 = Observing/Guiding 0 1 2 3 4 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Self - Direction 0 = Does Independently 3 = Training 1 = Reminding 4 = Complete Assistance Deciding what to eat Makes basic food choices Deciding what to wear Weather appropriate Structures time effectively Engages in daily routine Finds purposeful things to do Engages in hobbies, social groups, excercises Makes reasonable choices regarding long term plans Future living arrangements, work/school goals, etc. 2 = Observing/Guiding 0 1 2 3 4 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Capacity For Independent Living 0 = No Support Needed 3 = Needs Physical Assistance 1 = Needs Reminding 4 = Cannot Do Housekeeping Laundry, vacumming, light cleaning, dishes, trash removal Food preparation Can prepare simple meal, e.g. sanwich, cereal, etc. Budgeting and shopping Aware of personal income, costs, where to buy goods Home safety Careful about household dangers, knows what to do in case of fire/tornado, calls 911 Community and safety laws Avoids dangerous situations, follows traffic safety, respects laws and rights of others Travelling in Community Able to get to desired destination and return Appropriate community behavior Public behavior is appropriate diet, symptoms of illness and first aid Monitors and recognizes health and diet issues Knows health status, appropriate diet, symptoms of illness and first aid Medication Administration Caring for children Program: MACInitialIntake Page 5 of 15 2 = Needs Instruction 0 1 2 3 4 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER Economic Self - Sufficiency 0 = Does Independently 3 = Training 2 = Observing/Guiding 1 = Reminding 4 = Complete Assistance Maintains competitive employment Handling money/purchasing Paying bills/budgeting 0 1 2 3 4 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Information Sources o Self-Report o Family o Landlord o Roomate o Observation o Other: Conclusions/Formulations About Support Service Needs/Desires Identified CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS COMPONENTS OF CONSUMER'S CULTURAL IDENTITY IMPACT STRENGTHS NARRATIVE BARRIERS TO SERVICE NARRATIVE MENTAL STATUS GENERAL BEHAVIOR o Cooperative o Passive o Dramatic o Hostile o Agitated o Withdrawn o Restless o Guarded o Isolative o Other: SPEECH o Unremarkable o Pressured o Soft o Slurred o Loud o Immature o Delusions o Hallucinations PERCEPTIONS o Normal THOUGHT PROCESS o o o o Unremarkable Associations Grandiose Rumination o o o o Tangential Obsessive Circumstantial Loose o Delusions o Ideas of References o Paranoid MOOD o Normal o Angry o Apathetic Program: MACInitialIntake o Fearful o Anxious o Expansive Page 6 of 15 o Dysphonic o Euphoric IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER JUDGEMENT IF POOR, EXPLAIN IMPULSE CONTROL IF POOR, EXPLAIN INSIGHT SLEEP APPETITE MH TREATMENT HISTORY PSYCHIATRIC AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE HISTORY o Consumer Denies MH Treatment SA TREATMEN HISTORY o Consumer Denies SA Treatment o No Family History FAMILY HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE FAMILY MEMBER MI o o o o o o SA o o o o o o DIAGNOSIS (TEXT) o No Abuse History ABUSE HISTORY PHYSICAL ABUSE ONGOING PAST PS INVOLVEMENT CURRENT PS INVOLVEMENT PAST EVER REPORTED o Yes SEXUAL ABUSE o No o Yes NARRATIVE Program: MACInitialIntake Page 7 of 15 o No IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER ASAM DIMENSIONS Dimension 1: Alcohol Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential Dimension 2: Biomedical Conditions & Complications Dimension 3: Emotions/Behavioral Conditions and Complications Dimension 4: Readiness to Change Dimension 5: Relapse / Continued Use or Continued Problem Potential Dimension 6: Social support system or significant others increase the risk of personal conflict about alcohol or drug use ASAM RESULT Level 0.5: OMT: Level I: Level II.1: Level II.5: Level III.1: Level III.3: Level III.5: Level III.7: Level IV: COMMENTS SUBSTANCE ABUSE CHART Key Drug of Choice: 1 = First Choice - 10 = Last Choice Number of Days used in the Last 30 Days: 0 = Not Used; 1-29 = No. of Days; 30 = Daily Method Of Current Dosing: 1 = Oral; 2 = Smoking; 3 = Snorting; 4 = IV; 5 = Other TYPE OF DRUG AND NAME Alcohol Heroin Methadone Opiates Barbiturates Sedatives or Hypnotics Tranquilizers Benzodiazepines GHB, GBL Cocaine Crack Cocaine Methamphetamines Program: MACInitialIntake DRUG OF CHOICE AGE AT USE FIRST USE PROBLEMATIC USE INIT. RX 1) HEAVIEST AMOUNT CONSUMED AND WHEN 2) CURRENT CONSUMPTION 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) Page 8 of 15 DATE OF LAST USE NUMBER OF DAYS DRUG USED IN THE LAST 30 DAYS METHOD OF CURRENT DOSING IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN Methcathinone Hallucinogens PCP Marijuana/Hashish Ecstasy (MDMA, MDA) Ketamine Inhalants Antidepressants Over-the-counter Steroids Talwin and PBZ Other ICD-9 Axis II Axis III DSM-IV DIAGNOSIS DESCRIPTION Primary Secondary Tertiary SA Primary SA Secondary Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Tertiary Axis IV Axis V GENDER 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) Amphetamines Axis I DOB o o o o o Problem with primary support group Problem related to social environment Educational problems Occupational problems Housing problems CURRENT GAF o o o o o Economic problems Problem accessing healthcare Problem related to interaction with legal system Other psychological and environmental problems Behavioral/personality problems DATE DIAGNOSTIC SUMMARY DIAGNOSIS MADE BY LAST UPDATE CAFAS SCORE PECFAS SCORE SERVICE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (MI) Program: MACInitialIntake Page 9 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER SERVICE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADULTS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS (MUST SERVE) o A. Age 18 or over o B. Has a serious mental illness based upon ANY ONE of the following combinations: o A qualifying diagnosis and significant functional disability o A qualifying diagnosis and certain prior service utilization o A qualifying diagnosis and sufficient duration of the illness o A non-qualifying diagnosis AND functional impairment AND sufficient duration of illness AND prior service utilization o C. Substance use/abuse is not deemed to be the sole basis of psychiatric symptomatology or need for treatment QUALIFYING DIAGNOSIS o Schizophrenic Disorders (Paranoid, Shizoaffective, Undifferentiated, etc) o Major Depression o Bipolar Disorder o Psychosis NOS o Dementia with delusions, dementia with depressed mood and/or dementia with behavioral disturbance o Personality Disorder NON-QUALIFYING DIAGNOSIS o Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia o Dysthymic Disorder o Generalized Anxiety Disorder o Depersonalization Disorder o Conversion Disorder o Hypochondriasis o Dissociative Amnesia o Body Dysmorphic Disorder o Dissociative Fugue o Somatization Disorder o Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia o Anorexia Nervosa o Agoraphobia without history of Panic Disorder o Bulimia Disorder o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder o Post Traumatic Stress Disorder o Major Depression with 5th digit severity specifier of 1 or 2 (mild or moderate) or 5 (partial remission) or 6 (full remission) DEGREE OF DISABILITY o personal hygiene and self-care o self-direction o activities of daily living o learning and recreation o social transactions and interpersonal relationships In persons 55 or older, loss of functional capacity might also include: o loss of mobility o sensory impairment o physical stamina to perform activities of daily living or ability to communicate immediate needs as the result of medical conditions requiring professional supervision SUFFICIENT DURATION o six continuous months of illness, symptomatology, and/or dysfunction, or six cumulative months of sumptomatology/dysfunction in a 12 month period --OR-o based upon current condition and diagnosis, there is a reasonable expectation that the symptoms/impairments will continue for more than six months --OR-o prior history of a severe mental illness (e.g., full criteria not met during the past year but has been met at some previous time) with continued significant residual symptoms or impairments Program: MACInitialIntake Page 10 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER CERTAIN PRIOR SERVICE UTILIZATION o two or more admissions to a community psychiatric inpatient unit/facility in a calendar year --OR-o community psychiatric inpatient hospital days of care in a calendar year exceeding 30 days --OR-o state hospital utilization within the calendar year --OR-o utilization of 20 or more outpatient mental health visits in a calendar year DD PROXY MEASURES DD PROXY ASSESSMENT DATE NATURE OF SUPPORT SYSTEM STATUS OF EXISTING SUPPORT SYSTEM PREDOMINANT COMMUNICATION STYLE ASSISTANCE FOR INDEPENDENCE NEEDED Mobility Assistance (e.g. wheelchairs) o Yes o No Medication Administration (administering, observing, etc) o Yes o No Personal Assistance (bathing, dressing, etc) o Yes o No Household Assistance (cooking, shopping, etc) o Yes o No Community Assistance (transportation, money handling, etc) o Yes o No HEALTH STATUS (LEVEL OF ASSISTANCE NEEDED) VISION (BEYOND GLASSES) HEARING (BEYOND HEARING AID) OTHER PHYSICAL/MENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ASSISTANCE FOR ACCOMMODATING CHALLENGING BEHAVIORS o No Assistance Needed o Moderate Assistance Needed o Limited Assistance Needed o Extensive Assistance Needed COMMENTS CHALLENGING BEHAVIORS CHALLENGING BEHAVIORS ASSESSMENT DATE Program: MACInitialIntake Page 11 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER BEHAVIOR FREQUENCY For each behavior indicate how often the behavior occurs. Rate the behavior for the last year. Property Damage (Breaking windows, furniture, tearing clothes, careless smoking etc.) Fire Setting (Intentional) Self Injurious Behavior (Hitting head against wall, cutting/biting self, excessive fluid intake) Socially Inappropriate Undressing (Removing clothes in public when clearly inappropriate) Physical Violence (Violent episodes involving attacks on others) Inappropriate Sexual Behavior (Public masterbation, solicitation, touching, exposing self, etc.) Temper Tantrums (Emotional outbursts, shouting, rage, pounding, kicking walls, etc.) Distracting/Disruptive Behavior (Constant questioning, repetitive statments, plays TV/radio too loud etc.) Verbal Assaults (Use of offensive, threatening, profane, demeaning language toward others) Running Away (Planned intent and action that leads to leaving residence) Wandering Away (Unplanned leaving of residence due to confusion, etc.) Homicidal Threats or Gestures (Seriously stated verbal intention/physical overture toward killing someone) Suicidal Threat (Seriously states verbal intention/physical overture toward killing themself) Suicide Attempt Stealing Pica (Consumption of dangerous non-food items like paper, metal, dirt, etc.) NOTES Program: MACInitialIntake Page 12 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (DD) Service Eligibility Criteria for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (Must Serve) Strict adherence to the Mental Health Code definition of developmental disability: o A. If applied to an individual older than 5 years, a severe, chronic condition that meets ALL of the following requirements: o 1. Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments. o 2. Is manifested before the individual is 22 years old o 3. Is likely to continue indefinitely o 4. Results in SUBSTANTIAL FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS in 3 or more of the following areas of major life activity: o o o o o o o a. Self-care b. Receptive and expressive language c. Learning d. Mobility e. Self-Direction f. Capacity for independent living g. Economic self-sufficiency o 1) the individual has obtained SSI or SSD on the basis of a disability --OR-o 2) school testing establishes that the individual is EMI or SMI and has an IQ of 69 or lower --OR-o 3) a CMH psychologist confirms it through psychological testing o 5. o B. Reflects the individual's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services that are of a lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated. If applied to a minor from birth to age 5, a substantial developmental delay or a specific congenital or acquired condition with a high probability of resulting in developmental disability as defined above if services are not provided SERVICE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (CHILD) Service Eligibility Criteria for Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbance - Age 7-17 (Must Serve) o A. Qualifying Behavioral or Emotional Diagnosis/Disorder o B. Substantial Functional Impairment/Limitation of Major Life Activities o C. Sufficient Duration of Condition QUALIFYING DIAGNOSIS o 295 (all) Schizophrenia o 296 (all) Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder o 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder, when coexisting with one additional Axis I or Axis II diagnosis, not including alcohol or drug disorders, a developmental disorder or V code o 297 (all) Delusional Disorder, Shared Psychotic Disorder o 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder o 302.6 Gender Identity Disorder - Child o 302.85 Gender Identity Disorder - Adolescent o 312.8 Conduct Disorder o 313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder o 307.23 Tourette's Disorder o 307.7 Encopresis o 307.6 Enuresis o 314 (all) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Program: MACInitialIntake Page 13 of 15 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB OTHER HIGH PRIORITY DIAGNOSIS (not "must" serve, but serious consideration should be given when criteria are met for both substantial function impairment and sufficient duration) o 299.80 o o o o o o o o o o o o 300.02 300.21 300.01 300.22 300.23 300.29 300.30 307.1 307.50 307.51 309.21 309.81 Asberger's Disorder Anxiety Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia Agoraphobia (without History of Panic Disorder) Social Phobia Specific Phobia Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Anorexia Nervosa Eating Disorder NOS Bulemia Nervosa Separation Anxiety Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder SUBSTANTIAL FUNCTIONAL IMPAIRMENT o Two or more elevated scores (rated at 20 or 30) on the eight CAFAS sub-scales of the Child/Adolescent section below --AND-o 1) o 2) A total impairment score sum = to or > 50 on the following 8 sub-scales: School/Work Home Community Behavior towards others Moods/Emotions Self-Harmful Behavior Substance Use Thinking --OR-a total impairment score sum = to or > 40 on the following 5 sub-scales: Role performance Behavior towards others Moods/Self-Harm Substance Use Thinking SUFFICIENT DURATION OF CONDITION o evidence of six continuous months of illness, sumptomatology, or dysfunction --OR-o six cumulative months of symptomatology/dysfunction in a twelve month period --OR-o on the basis of a specific diagnosis (e.g., schizophrenia), disability is likely to continue for more than one year SERVICE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (IMH) Referral Criteria o o o o o o o Reside in Macomb County Infant residing with permanent primary caregiver Finances/resources inadequate for meeting basic needs First or second pregnancy Infant 0-18 months at time of admission No active substance/alcohol abuse No open protective service cases unless infant has not been removed, or if removed, reunification or adoption is imminent o Willingness to participate: acknowledgement of concern for self & baby's well-being Program: MACInitialIntake Page 14 of 15 GENDER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME CASE # SSN DOB GENDER Mark the Following Based on Level of Concern 1 = Some Concern 2 = Moderate Concern 3 = Great Concern 1 2 3 N/A o o o o o o o o o o o o Isolation Lack of car or access to bus route; inability to use public transportation; dependence on unreliable sources of transportation (people & vehicles) Lack of Social Support Adult relationships negative & stressful; no support from extended family & friends; lack of knowledge about availability of community services Parent / Infant Relationship is (or feared to be, if pregnant) Negative, unresponsive, harsh, dyssynchronous, or enmeshed RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTINUED TREATMENT NARRATIVE DISCHARGE PLANNING SIGNATURE Electronically Signed By Date SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE Electronically Signed By Date PSYCHIATRIST SIGNATURE Electronically Signed By Program: MACInitialIntake Date Page 15 of 15 20080618
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