LESSON TITLE: Balancing the Energy Equation One Step at a Time! Grade Level: Suggested 2-5 Delivery Mode: Classroom Time Allotted: 30 minutes # Of Participants: Class size: 10-30 Life Skill/General Health: Weight maintenance, and Learning a variety of ways to increase physical activity during the day Character Focus: Self-Responsibility and Self-Discipline Integrated Curriculum Concepts: • Language Arts: Active Listening, Sharing Experiences, and Information • Math: Counting, Balancing Equations, and Converting steps to miles • Science: Learn calorie intake vs. calorie expenditure • Social Studies: Developing self-help skills Key Concepts: • Importance of physical activity • Keeping calorie intake and expenditure balanced What you need for the Lesson: • Balancing the Energy Equation One Step at a Time! • Pedometer (Optional) Learning/Follow up Activity: • Class Discussion • Pepto’s Place: Where Every Serving is Organwise! (Optional) Getting Ready: • Read and familiarize yourself with the book and lesson plan. Note to Helper: • The more animated you make the story and the more genuine your reaction is to how “smart” the students are, the more engaged the students will be. • Depending on group size, you may wish to have them gather around in a reading area as you read aloud and show illustrations. BALANCING THE ENERGY EQUATION ONE STEP AT A TIME! H ARDBACK BOOK PAGE 1 OF 3 Lesson Plan: What you Say: Today we are going to focus on the importance of physical activity and what can be done to make sure you are getting enough daily exercise. Make sure you listen up because I am going to ask some questions when I am finished reading. Sir Rebrum simplifies information for his friends by telling them there is an energy equation for maintaining a healthy weight. What two things make up this equation? (ANSWER: Balancing the food you eat with the physical activity that you do) What burns the stored energy in your body? (ANSWER: Physical activity or simply, MOVING!) What you Do: Start reading book (with ENTHUSIASM!) What Participants Do: Sit quietly and listen while teacher reads the book. Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by their hands to answer the raising hands. question. Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by their hands to answer the raising hands. question. If you balance the food you eat (calories you Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by take in) with the physical activity (calories their hands to answer the raising hands. your burn), what will happen to your weight? question. (ANSWER: It will stay the same) A lifestyle of an unbalanced energy equation Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by can lead to more than just a weight problem. their hands to answer the raising hands. What are some other health problems that question. can be linked to being overweight? (ANSWER: Heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, etc.) What tool does Madame Muscle find on the Internet that counts the number of steps a person takes? (ANSWER: Pedometer) Approximately how many steps equals one mile? (ANSWER: 2,000 steps) What were some ways Madame Muscle suggests that Calci can increase her daily steps? (ANSWER: Walk instead of being driven, volunteer to run errands in class, walk at recess instead of sitting & talking, pace the floor while talking on phone, march in place while chatting with friends on the Internet) Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by their hands to answer the raising hands. question. Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by their hands to answer the raising hands. question. Call on students who have raised Respond and answer questions by their hands to answer the raising hands. question. BALANCING THE ENERGY EQUATION ONE STEP AT A TIME! H ARDBACK BOOK PAGE 2 OF 3 Suggested Optional Follow up Activities: • Pepto’s Place – Where Every Portion Size is OrganWise! Hardback book • Pepto’s Place – Where Every Portion Size is OrganWise! Activity book • Calci’s Big Race Video • Extreme Couch Potato Video • H2Ohhh! Video • OrganWise Guy/Gal BALANCING THE ENERGY EQUATION ONE STEP AT A TIME! H ARDBACK BOOK PAGE 3 OF 3 Balancing the Energy Equation One Step at a Time Suggested 6-week lesson plan Materials: 1. Balancing the Energy Equation (5 copies if available) 2. The OrganWise Guys Step Counting Book (1/student) 3. 3-5 WISERCISE! 4. OWG Shorts DVD 5. Pedometer – try an online store like: http://www.pedometersusa.com/view-allpedometers.html?gclid=CNT-qvH-lKkCFQjs7Qod-B0gcw or contact a local business/hospital or insurance company to see if they will donate pedometers to the program. 6. OWG Gal/Guy Doll " " " " Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( " 1" Week 1: FOCUS - Introducing Balancing the Energy Equation One Step at A Time (25+ minutes) Students should take turns reading from Balancing the Energy Equation One Step at a Time (BEE) book in front of the class. This gives them the opportunity to practice reading in front of a group, sharpen their leadership skills and take ownership of the lesson. " (20 minutes) Pass out the pedometers and step counting books. Instruct students on how to set up their pedometers and how to set a baseline for counting their steps. From this point on, each morning have kids write down their total number of steps for the day. (5 minutes) Play clip of OWG Shorts! – “OrganWise Cadence.” Have students write down the number of steps they got from participating. " Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 2" Week 2: FOCUS - Balancing the Equation (5 minutes) Use OWGal/OWGuy to see how quickly students can recall the character’s names and functions. " (10 minutes) Establish a baseline. Have each student total his or her steps from the past week to establish a baseline. Create a chart like the one on page 18 of BEE and have each child estimate the numbers of miles they walked each day. (25+ minutes) Show the picture on page 6 of the Eat More/Move Less Scale. " Review the information about ‘balancing the equation’ on pages 5-9 without showing them the list. Discuss the following points: 1. Kids are less active today than they were in years past. Let’s make a list of the reasons why. (Have the kids list reasons and write the list on the board.) 2. Remind kids that there are 2 reasons for that; personal choice and environment (BEE p 9). a. On a sheet of paper have each child make a list of the things they have a personal choice about. Have kids share ideas and write that list on the board. b. Add a column on the board and brainstorm a list of things that need to be changed in the environment of your town. 3. Have each student write down a goal for the number of steps they want to complete this next week. Remind them of the things they can control in their environment. Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 3" Week 3: Focus - Solving a Big Problem (10 minutes) WISERCISE! Zero in on Nutrition Facts (page 41) " (20 minutes) Review pages 3-4 of BEE book. Have students define: • Overweight • Sedentary • Chronic Disease • Obesity • Heart disease • Stroke • Diabetes " (15 minutes) Pretend that you work for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and you are researching trends in adult obesity. Copy and distribute a copy of the chart on page 8 of this lesson plan (Obesity Trends Among US Adults - 2009) to each student and ask the following questions: • • • • How many states have 15%-19% obesity? Why do you think it might be so low in those states? What percent category contains the most states? How many states are in that range? Locate your state on the chart. What is the percent? Extra credit/At home: Write a brief letter to the Governor of your state telling them why you think obesity is a problem and give them some ideas of how you can change that in your state (review the ideas from last weeks’ brainstorming session on things in the environment that need to be changed). Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 4" Week 4: FOCUS - Helping Each Other (10+ minutes) Have students color in the footprint for every mile they’ve walked so far in the Step Counting book. (20 minutes) Review pages 21-29 in the BEE book. Have the kids brainstorm ways to get more steps in every day and then pass out a blank sheet to each child. Have them write down a goal for each day this week. (Remind everyone that we are all in different places on our exercise journey.) Take 5 minutes to set goals for next week. (Use form on page 9 of the lesson plan.) Examples: • Take the elevator instead of the steps • Ask my parents to park further from the store when we go shopping • Get the mail out of the mailbox • Clear the table after dinner (many trips) " (10 minutes) Choose either the “Physical Activity Word Search” and/or “Physical Activity Word Scramble” activity sheet (pages 10 and 11). 1. ugnrnni_____________________ 2. atg________________________ 3. miingsmw__________________ Unscramble the physical activities. 4. isnent_____________________ 5. folg_______________________ _ 6. unegls_____________________ 7. uup-hpss____________________ 8. sput-is____________________ 9. piacguk jsnmj_______________ 10. kispngip___________________ Running Jumping Basketball Baseball Rope climbing Kickball Tennis Swimming Rock climbing Weigh lifting 11. aooltlfb____________________ Word Search! Find the PE Favorites !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: 12. balalesb___________________ 13. eccosr_____________________ 14. kbblalseta__________________ 15. meprjupo___________________ !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: (2 minutes) OWG Shorts – Limit Your TV, Hardy’s Marching Band " Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 5" Week 5: FOCUS - The Other Side of the Equation We’ve focused most of our lessons on the exercise part of the equation but we wanted to take some time this week to talk about the other side of the scale: Eating! (25+ minutes) Review page 5-6 in the BEE book. Remind the kids that we all burn calories every day so the goal is not to get too focused on calories but to think about how much we eat compared to how much we move. For example, the average kid burns 50 calories for every 30 minutes of moderate walking (demonstrate moderate walking). Write the following items on the board with their corresponding calories: Donut – 200 Cheese pizza – 230 12 oz soda – 155 calories Chips – 130 calories Small French fries at fast food place – 230 calories Candy bar – 200 calories Water – 0 calories Apple – 95 calories Orange – 62 calories Low-fat string cheese – 70 calories Carrot sticks – 30 calories " So if you burn 50 calories for every 30 minutes of walking, how long would you have to walk to burn off the calories of these foods? Go through several items on the list (or if time permits, each item) and write the time beside each one. Ask the following question: Which is a better choice for a snack if we are going to balance the energy equation? Carrot sticks or chips? Water or soda? (Choose several items.) Make sure that you emphasize that it’s not about counting calories but understanding that we need to make good food choices and move more if we want to balance the equation. (5 minutes) Update Step Counting Book and set goals for next week. (10 minutes, if time permits) – WISERCISE! Nutrition Through the Grapevine (page 45) Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 6" " Week 6: FOCUS - Putting it All Together (10 minutes) Have students calculate their total steps from each week. Create a chart and add the total number of steps for each individual student and the total number of steps for the class as a whole. Calculate how many miles the class walked in 6 weeks. (25 minutes) This lesson is designed for the older students to focus on being a leader to the younger students in their school. In this lesson, students will perform a couple of WISERCISE! warm-ups from pages 5-7 in the WISERCISE manual. (After each one, point out that character education, physiology and nutrition information is woven throughout each warm-up.) Then students get into small groups of two or three and write a new cadence that would be appropriate for students in the first or second grade. Be sure to focus on how these smart lifestyle choices help to ‘balance the energy equation.’ Make copies of the warm-up template to distribute (page 12). (5 minutes) Have students perform their WISERCISE cadence in front of the class as a group. Taking it home. Print off a physical activity calendar for each child and have him/her take it home in order to get the whole family involved in balancing the energy equation with physical activity (see page 13)! !"#$%&'()*&+%,%+#)-"'.+ Record your number of minutes and type of physical activity each day! M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Walk! Jog! !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: ! Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 7" Obesity!Trends!Among!US!Adults!(2009)! ! No! Less!than! 10%A14%! 15%A19%! 20%A24%! 25%A29%! Data! 10%! ! ! ! Colorado! Alaska! Arizona! ! ! ! Washington! California! Delaware! D.C! ! ! ! ! Conneticut! Florida! ! ! ! ! Hawaii! Georgia! ! ! ! ! Idaho! Illinois! ! ! ! ! Massachusetts! Indiana! ! ! ! ! Minnesota! Iowa! ! ! ! ! Montana! Kansas! ! ! ! ! New!Jersey! Maine! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! New!York! Oregon! Rhode!Island! Utah! Vermont! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Virginia! Wyoming! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Maryland! Michigan! Nebraska! Nevada! New! Hampshire! New!Mexico! North! Carolina! North! Dakota! Ohio! Pennsylvania! South! Carolina! South! Dakota! Texas! Washington! Wisconsin! 30%!or! more! Alabama! Arkansas! Kentucky! Louisiana! Mississippi! Missouri! Oklahoma! Tennessee! West! Virgina! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! from!the!CDC:!http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html! ! ! ! ! ! ! Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 8" Setting Goals to Increase My Steps Each Day Write down a goal activity that you can do each day to increase your steps: Monday: ______________________________________________________ Tuesday:_______________________________________________________ Wednesday: ___________________________________________________ Thursday:_____________________________________________________ Friday:_________________________________________________________ Saturday:_______________________________________________________ Sunday:________________________________________________________ Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 9" Running Jumping Basketball Baseball Rope climbing Kickball Tennis Swimming Rock climbing Weigh lifting Word Search! Find the PE Favorites !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 10" 1. ugnrnni_____________________ 2. atg________________________ 3. miingsmw__________________ Unscramble the physical activities. 4. isnent_____________________ 5. folg_______________________ _ 6. unegls_____________________ 7. uup-hpss____________________ 8. sput-is____________________ 9. piacguk jsnmj_______________ 10. kispngip___________________ 11. aooltlfb____________________ 12. balalesb___________________ 13. eccosr_____________________ 14. kbblalseta__________________ 15. meprjupo___________________ !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 11" Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 12" !"#$%&'()*&+%,%+#)-"'.+ Record your number of minutes and type of physical activity each day! M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Walk! Jog! !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,0$()1$(22$(3#1$4"(&(43#&,$(&#$&#'+,3#$3&(1#5(&6,$78$!"#$%&'()*+,#$-./,$9)4:$;22$&+'"3,$&#,#&<#1: Balancing(the(Energy(Equation(One(Step(at(a(Time!( ( 13"
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