Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat journal homepage: Bursting mechanism in a time-delayed oscillator with slowly varying external forcing Yue Yu a,b, Hongji Tang b, Xiujing Han a, Qinsheng Bi a,⇑ a b Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, PR China Faculty of Science, Nantong University, Nantong 226007, PR China a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 15 March 2013 Received in revised form 10 August 2013 Accepted 11 August 2013 Available online 30 August 2013 Keywords: Bursting oscillations Time delay Duffing oscillator External forcing Bifurcation mechanism a b s t r a c t This paper investigates the generation of complex bursting patterns in the Duffing oscillator with time-delayed feedback. We present the bursting patterns, including symmetric fold–fold bursting and symmetric Hopf–Hopf bursting when periodic forcing changes slowly. We make an analysis of the system bifurcations and dynamics as a function of the delayed feedback and the periodic forcing. We calculate the conditions of fold bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation as well as its stability related to external forcing and delay. We also identify two regimes of bursting depending on the magnitude of the delay itself and the strength of time delayed coupling in the model. Our results show that the dynamics of bursters in delayed system are quite different from those in systems without any delay. In particular, delay can be used as a tuning parameter to modulate dynamics of bursting corresponding to the different type. Furthermore, we use transformed phase space analysis to explore the evolution details of the delayed bursting behavior. Also some numerical simulations are included to illustrate the validity of our study. Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. 1. Introduction The studies of bursting or mixed-mode oscillations have received great attention recently in modeling realistic neuronal networks, physics, mechanics and engineering systems and so on [1–5]. Bursting oscillations are waveforms that consist of alternating small and large amplitude excursions. Mathematically, the generation of bursting oscillations is often associated with fast and slow subsystems simultaneously [6,7]. Traditionally bursting oscillations can be created by the system switching between the coexisting attractors of the fast subsystem corresponding to the slow current. We call a system in downstate when variables exhibit small amplitude. Then the effect of two time scales may lead the system to up-state state, in which variables behave in large amplitude. Most of the related papers focused on analyzing dynamics of bursting oscillations. Lewis and Rinzel [8] and Izhikevich [9] first gave a complete classification of different types of bursters. Their fast-slow dynamics analysis has become a well-accepted approach to study bursting. In addition, the geometrical bifurcation analysis is also used to investigate the generation or transition of bursting modes in the single neuron and bifurcation mechanism for synchronized bursting of two-cell systems [10–12]. Simo and Woafo [13] presented the bursting oscillations in a system consisting of a double-well magnetically coupled electrical oscillator. Shorten and Wall [14] studied bursting in a Hodgkin–Huxley type of neuronal model and its transition to other models. Bertram et al. [15] studied bursting behavior in the Chay-Cook model with two-parameter analysis. In Refs. [16,17], bifurcation mechanism of bursting has also been studied by the unfolding and normal form theory. ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 511 88791110; fax: +86 511 88797815. E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Bi). 1007-5704/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. 1176 Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 These results attempt to propose methods to uncover the bifurcation mechanism of transition between down-state and upstate. So far, the analysis and classification of bursting are mainly concentrated on systems without any delay. However, it is very useful that systems involve delays which can be in the description of the real world more explicitly [18,19]. Thus, time-delay has become an important tool for describing and controlling various nonlinear phenomena in numerous and diverse fields [20–25]. Although much is known about bursting phenomena and delayed systems, little is known about the relationship between them, as well as how time delay could affect bursting oscillations, the mechanism of which still need to be investigated. Here we consider the well-known Duffing oscillator [26–28] with negative linear stiffness and linear time delay driven by a slowly periodically varying external forcing, expressed in the form of €x þ x_ x þ x3 þ Axs ¼ k sinðxtÞ; ð1Þ where k > 0 is the forcing amplitude, 0 < x 1 is the forcing frequency, xs ¼ xðt sÞ is a time delay. A means gain coefficient about the delay. If A > 0, it means a positive delayed feedback, and negative feedback if A < 0. Because two time scales evolve in the vector field, bursting oscillations in different forms, can be observed. The dynamic behaviors and mechanism of the system are explained by local divergence. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, an analysis of the bifurcations and dynamics is obtained as a function of the linear delayed state feedback and the external periodic forcing. In Sections 3 and 4, bursting phenomena (symmetric fold/fold bursting, symmetric sup-Hopf/sup-Hopf bursting) and the effects of some parameters including time delay on different bursting are discussed. Investigations of occurrence and mechanism of certain bursting dynamics are also presented. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. Bifurcation analysis System (1) can be reduced to the non-delay system with external excitation at s ¼ 0. For x 1, the external excitation varies more slowly than the rest variables in the system. Periodic bursting and chaotic bursting, i.e. a series of spikes which are periodically or chaotically interspersed with the spiking period and quiescence behavior in multiscale systems have been studied more. Here, we concentrate on bursters under the condition of s–0. In this case, the properties of bursting are influenced by the delay. At first, we shall analyze the bifurcation behavior of the equation of (1). For x 1, considering k sinðxtÞ as a control parameter d, given by the following delay-differential equation (DDE): €x þ x_ x þ x3 þ Axs ¼ d ð2Þ System (2) can easily be converted into (3) x_ ¼ y y_ ¼ €x ¼ y þ x x3 Axs þ d ð3Þ Denoting the equilibrium points as ðx0 ; y0 Þ, obviously y0 ¼ 0, x0 is decided by the equation x x3 Ax þ d ¼ 0; i:e: x3 þ ð1 AÞx þ d ¼ 0 2 ð4Þ 3 The root discriminant of (4) is D ¼ 81d 12ð1 AÞ , which gives the results: for D < 0, there are three equilibrium points; for D ¼ 0, there are two equilibrium points; otherwise D > 0, there is one and only equilibrium point in DDE. Particularly taking A ¼ 0, d ¼ 0, three equilibrium points are E0 ¼ ð0; 0Þ and E ¼ ð1; 0Þ. For the chosen values of the parameters, E0 is a saddle and E are stable focuses, implying the non-delayed system is bi-stable. To get a clear idea of the distribution of equilibrium points of DDE, we plot the curve of equilibrium points related to equation of (4) with respect to d, for fixed values A ¼ 0:5 and A ¼ 0:5 in Fig. 1, while the equilibrium points for other values can be derived accordingly. One should be Fig. 1. Curve of equilibrium points in DDE related to Eq. (4) with respect to d, solid points mean fold bifurcation points, and hollow points mean equilibrium points when d ¼ 1. (a) A ¼ 0:5. (b) A ¼ 0:5. Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 1177 noticed on the curve of equilibrium points when d reaches its boundaries of two sides, the corresponding equilibriums are labeled in hollow points, which will be referred later. Fold bifurcation. The condition D ¼ 81d2 12ð1 AÞ3 ¼ 0 corresponds to the critical transition of the number of equilibrium points, implying fold bifurcation occurs. Therefore, the critical condition for fold bifurcation can be expressed in the form FB : 81d2 12ð1 AÞ3 ¼ 0; ð5Þ Fig. 2(a) illustrates the fold bifurcation curve on the plane of ðd; AÞ, which is independent of time lag s. For example, at A ¼ 0:5, we can obtain the fold bifurcation points F1ð0:5; 0:136Þ and F2ð0:5; 0:136Þ, while at A ¼ 0:5, we can obtain the fold bifurcation points FF1ð0:5; 0:707Þ and FF2ð0:5; 0:707Þ. As shown in Fig. 1, when d increases from 1 to 1, the equilibriums appear or disappear by a fold bifurcation of equilibrium points on the plane of ðd; xÞ. Then shifting the coordinates so that the stationary solution is at the origin and linearization of system (2) results in €x þ x_ x þ Axs ¼ 0 ð6Þ The characteristic equation, obtained by substituting xðtÞ ¼ expðktÞ into (6), is DðkÞ ¼ k2 þ k þ Aeks 1 ¼ 0 ð7Þ Steady state bifurcation. Obviously, if A ¼ 1, (7) has a zero root. Thus, one expects a steady state bifurcation to occur and is independent of s. To ensure that the root k ¼ 0 is a simple root of (7), we differentiate (7) with respect to k and obtain dD ¼ Aseks þ 2k þ 1 dk ð8Þ It is easy to see that dDð0Þ=dk ¼ 0 only if s ¼ A1 ¼ 1 s . So excluding this value s , k ¼ 0 is only a simple root of (7). In order to determine the crossing direction of characteristic root through the k ¼ 0, we calculate: dk 1 j ¼ > 0ðor < 0Þ; if dA A¼1 1 s s < s or ðs > s Þ ð9Þ Therefore, excluding the special case s ¼ s , the trivial equilibrium point of DDE undergoes a steady state bifurcation at A ¼ 1. Hopf bifurcation and its direction. When the eigenvalues associated with equilibrium points pass across the imaginary axis, Hopf bifurcation may occur. Hopf bifurcation curves on the plane of ðA; sÞ are obtained by substituting k ¼ iw into (7), where w is real, yield w2 þ wi þ Aewsi 1 ¼ 0 ð10Þ Separating the real and imaginary parts to yield ( w2 þ 1 ¼ A cosðwsÞ w ¼ A sinðwsÞ ð11Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Eliminating s from (11), we have ffiw4 þ 3w2 þ 1 A2 ¼ 0. By simple calculations, we obtain w2 ¼ 12 ð3 5 þ 4A2 Þ: For pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 w2 > 0, only w2 ¼ 12 ð3 þ 5 þ 4A Þ can be reserved and yields A > 1. Moreover, noting that cosðwsÞ > 0, w2 þ 1 > 0, we obtain A > 1 and the following prescription for calculation of the bifurcation values about the time delay, s¼ i 1h ð1Þ w 2np þ sin ; where n ¼ 0; 1; 2 . . . w A ð12Þ Fig. 2. (a) Curves of fold bifurcation in DDE related to Eq. (5) on the plane of ðA; dÞ. (b) Curve of Hopf bifurcation in DDE related to Eq. (10) on the plane of ðA; sÞ. 1178 Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 Differentiating the characteristic Eq. (7) with respect to dðRekÞ ds ! Ae k ¼ Re sAeks þ 2k þ 1 ks s and A, for k ¼ iw, we have 3w2 >0 ð13Þ dðRekÞ eks w2 ð1 þ s þ sw2 Þ ¼ Re ¼ >0 2 k s dA k¼iw 2k þ 1 Ase Að1 sw2 Þ þ ð2w þ swÞ2 k¼iw ð14Þ k¼iw k¼iw ¼ ð1 s 2 w2 Þ þ ð2w þ swÞ2 Formula (13) and (14) imply the DDE obeys the sufficient condition of the Hopf bifurcation theorem and undergoes a sequence of Hopf bifurcation on the critical stability boundaries which is given by Eq. (12). Fig. 2(b) illustrates a Hopf bifurcation curve defined by Eq. (10) for n ¼ 0, relevant for the dynamics near the stationary solution on the plane of ðA; sÞ. Furthermore, from analysis above, the region r is the stable region and there is a stable focus (seen in Fig. 3(a)). When s increases till crossing the critical value defined by equation of (10) to unstable region s, a pair of eigenvalues will cross the imaginary axis and system (2) occurs Hopf bifurcation, i.e., a family of periodic solutions bifurcate from the equilibrium point (seen in Fig. 3(b)). 3. Point–point burster in the delayed system In this section, we first analyze the bursting phenomena in DDE at A < 1. With the variation of slow variable quantity, the behavior of bursting oscillations is much more complex than usual limit cycle, as the occurrence of them usually is associated with the bifurcation of the equilibrium points nearby. The fold/fold bursting is firstly defined in Ref. [29]. In the following, the burster shown in Fig. 5 is point–point hysteresis loop of focus–focus type as the corresponding up-state and downstate are both stable focuses. The transitions between the up-state and down-state occur via fold bifurcations. Moreover, we will explain the evolution of bursting oscillations of this type with the perturbations of some parameters including the delay. 3.1. Symmetric fold/fold bursting In all this paper, we have limited the study to different two dimensional subspaces of the initial conditions. In this way, we take initial conditions corresponding to linear functions of time, i.e. xðtÞ ¼ x0 þ l0 t, where ðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ ð1; 1Þ and l0 ¼ 2, in the initial interval ½s; 0. For A < 1, we fix A ¼ 0:5, k ¼ 1, s ¼ 0:6, x ¼ 0:005, we can investigate the dynamical behaviors in DDE. For x 1, d changes slowly. Based on the analysis above, when choosing appropriate value of k related for A, there is a transition via fold bifurcation with the change of d periodically. The phase portrait as well as the time series is presented in Fig. 4, from which one may find the trajectories of the burster with symmetric structure oscillate between two parts associated with the two equilibrium points via fold bifurcation. And then the concept of transformed phase space should be used to analyze oscillating behaviors of the system. Traditionally, phase portraits can be used to describe the relationship between different variables with the variation of time. For example, the trajectory of an oscillator can be written in the form of ðx; yÞ ¼ ðxðtÞ; yðtÞÞ. However, the bursting phenomena above can be derived from the generalized autonomous system of (2), implying that the slow variable term d ¼ k sinðxtÞ is regarded as one independent variable term. When d changes periodically with the variation of time t, the projection of (2) may be expressed in the form of ðd; xÞ (or ðd; yÞ). On this generalized phase space, mechanism of bursting can be explored. As shown in Fig. 5, we overlay the transformed portrait with the curve of equilibrium points in Fig 1(a). From the transformed phase space, the associated bifurcation mechanism can be described explicitly. When d changes from 1, the trajectory starting at equilibrium point E1, moves strictly along the equilibrium curve which is in the attraction domain of the up attractor, until fold bifurcation point F1. At that point, the trajectory of the system falls into the attraction domain of the low attractor. So, the trajectory jumps to the low piece of equilibrium curve towards E2. For slow passage effect, the fast variable x spends much passage converging to the equilibrium curve. This procedure lasts until the trajectory arrives at point E2. Fig. 3. Phase diagrams of DDE related to Eq. (1) for k ¼ 0. (a) A ¼ 1:5, s ¼ 0:4. (b) A ¼ 1:5, s ¼ 0:75. Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 1179 Fig. 4. Diagrams related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 0:5, other parameters: ðs; k; xÞ ¼ ð0:6; 1; 0:005Þ. (a) Portrait phase. (b) Time series. (c) The enlargement of (b). Fig. 5. Transformed phase diagram related to Eq. (1) on the plane of ðd; xÞ corresponding to Fig. 5, where the equilibrium curve of DDE shown in Fig. 1(a) is superimposed. When d changes from 1 to 1, similar dynamics take place for the symmetric structure of DDE. The trajectory tracks back onto the attraction domain of the up attractor and bursting behavior occurs at fold point F2. Sum to all, the system (2) depends on the slow variable d which controls transitions of the system. When the slow variable d moves up slowly, the trajectory tracks along the curve of the equilibrium points in down-state. However, if the increasing rate of fast variables cannot be slow enough to agree with d, the solution starts to oscillate in large amplitude. If the delayed oscillator does not have a limit cycle, we refer to such a burster as ‘symmetric fold/fold bursting’ of point–point type. 3.2. Effects of gain coefficient and time delay on this type of burster We have investigated the dynamical mechanism of the fold bursting above. Obviously, bursting oscillations are created since slow variable passes through values of the fold bifurcation. Only when forcing amplitude is greater than value of fold 1180 Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 Fig. 6. Diagrams related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 0:5, other parameters: ðs; k; xÞ ¼ ð0:6; 1; 0:005Þ. (a) Portrait phase. (b) Transformed phase diagram on the plane of ðd; xÞ, where the equilibrium curve of DDE shown in Fig. 1(b) is also superimposed. Fig. 7. Diagrams related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 0:5, other parameters: ðs; k; xÞ ¼ ð6; 1; 0:005Þ. (a) Portrait phase. (b) Transformed phase diagram on the plane of ðd; xÞ. (c) Time series. (d) The enlargement of (c). bifurcation, this burster can appear. In the following, we focus on the effects of gain coefficient and time delay on this burster. First, the effect of gain coefficient is considered. Here, we plot the burster at A ¼ 0:5 in Fig. 6 where other parameters are the same as A ¼ 0:5. We can contrast their equilibrium curves and fold bifurcation points in Fig. 1. By comparison, we would like to point out that gain coefficient A affects the amplitude of equilibrium curve and the critical values of fold bifurcation. Thus the waveforms at A ¼ 0:5, have larger amplitude and keep much more time in down-state than ones at A ¼ 0:5. Second, we turn to the effect of the time delay on this bursting. Basing on the analysis in second section, we can find fold bifurcation occurs which is independent of s. This indicates that such bursters will not lose its stability with varying of s and a considerable large delay could still stabilize the bursting solution. Fig. 7 shows graphs of the burster fixed at s ¼ 6, A ¼ 0:5, k ¼ 1, where the interval of delay s ¼ 6 is much more than the original one of s ¼ 0:6. Bursting trajectories with symmetric structure can also be presented, where the numerical results agree well with the analytical ones above. In particular, the oscillations in down-state along the equilibrium curve is only controlled by the slow variable of d. So it can be seen in Fig. 7(b), even if s increases so much, the bursting solution still has similar form of structure and nearly plots identical trajectory in down-state in comparison with Fig. 5. We would like to point out that the time delay will not affect the occurrence of the fold bursting but it can be used to regulate its amplitude in up-state. This ‘twisted’ bursting generated by the delay are shown in Fig. 7(d). The frequency of the fold bursting will not be affected by the delay and is still equal to forcing frequency. Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 1181 Fig. 8. Diagrams related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 1:5, other parameters: ðs; k; xÞ ¼ ð0:9; 4; 0:005Þ. (a) Phase portrait. (b) Time series. (c) The enlargement of (b). 4. Cycle-point burster in the delayed system Further increase of the parameter of A > 1, may lead to disappearance of the fold bifurcation in equilibrium points. Meanwhile, if we modulate the delay, the supercritical Hopf bifurcation occurs and causes another type of bursting. Oscillations of this type in down-state (rest) lose stability via Hopf bifurcation and approach to the limit cycle attractor which is called upstate (spiking). After that, the spiking shrinks to a point also via Hopf bifurcation. Transitions between the up-state and the down-state occur via supercritical Hopf bifurcations. In the following, we illustrate the bursting mechanism of this type. 4.1. Symmetric Hopf/Hopf bursting For A ¼ 1:5, s ¼ 0:8, x ¼ 0:005, k ¼ 4, another different type of bursting is plotted in Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8, the burster is the connection of two parts of oscillations between equilibrium points with symmetric funnel structure via Hopf bifurcation. We can observe the critical value of Hopf bifurcation from Fig. 2(b) in the delay-differential equation. The transformed phase portrait is presented in Fig. 9 to investigate the mechanism. When d changes from 1, the trajectory starting at equilibrium point Eþ , moves almost along with the equilibrium curve which is in down-state, until it arrives at point H2 . At that point, supercritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation occurs, leading the trajectory to vibrate approximately according to the limit cycle attractor, which belongs to up-state. Then the up-state loses stability at H1 also via supercritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation, i.e., the limit cycle attractor corresponding to up-state shrinks to the equilibrium point of E . Similar situation takes place with the increase of d from 1 to 1. Let us continue to elaborate. The mechanism of this symmetric Hopf bursting can be explained as follows: the delayed system is controlled by the slowly periodic excitation term of d. The trajectory tracks along the curve of equilibrium points which is corresponding to the down-state. Due to slow passage effect, the fast variable y (or x) diverges from down-state and starts to oscillate with large amplitude via Hopf bifurcation caused by the delay. Then system goes into up-state. With the increase of time, the slow variable d continues changing and passes through the other Hopf bifurcation point in the symmetric position and opposite direction. This provokes that the fast variable x (or y) shrinks to the related equilibrium point thereby completing half the bursting loop. The vector field of DDE is invariant under the coordinate transformation of ðx; yÞ ! ðx; yÞ, which leads to a symmetric transition behavior, finishing the whole bursting loop. In this case, the DDE undergoes the switches between periodic limit cycle attractors and shrinking to one point via sup-Hopf bifurcations, we refer to such a burster as ‘symmetric sup-Hopf/sup-Hopf’ bursting of Cycle-point type. 1182 Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 Fig. 9. Transformed phase diagram related to Eq. (1) on the plane of ðd; yÞ corresponding to Fig. 9, where H1 , H2 are Hopf bifurcation points and Eþ , E are equilibrium points corresponding to d ¼ 4. Fig. 10. Diagrams related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 1:5, other parameters: ðs; k; xÞ ¼ ð0:9; 40; 0:005Þ. (a) Phase portrait. (b) Transformed phase diagram on the plane of ðd; yÞ corresponding to (a). Fig. 11. Phase portraits related to Eq. (1) for A ¼ 1:5, k ¼ 4, x ¼ 0:005. (a) s ¼ 0:2. (b) s ¼ 0:6. (c) s ¼ 0:95. (d) s ¼ 1:2. Y. Yu et al. / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 19 (2014) 1175–1184 1183 4.2. Effects of forcing amplitude and time delay on this type of burster We have investigated the dynamical mechanism of Hopf/Hopf bursting above. Obviously, bursting oscillations are created since system (2) occurs Hopf bifurcation on the space of ðA; sÞ. So only when A > 1 and s satisfy the critical condition of Hopf bifurcation, this burster appears. Then we focus on the effects of forcing amplitude and time delay on this burster. First, the effect of forcing amplitude is considered. As described by the previous section, this type of burster is mainly concerned with the occurrence of super-Hopf bifurcation for some fixed value of d. This indicates that such burster will not lose its stability with an increasing of k, when A and s satisfy the condition of Hopf bifurcation. A moderate large forcing amplitude could still stabilize the bursting solution. Here, we plot the bursters at k ¼ 40 in Fig. 10(a), where other parameters are the same with k ¼ 4. We can compare their transformed phases (between Fig. 10(b) and Fig. 9), which show their dynamical behaviors have similar structures. And the forcing amplitude can be large enough to affect the position of the equilibrium points on both sides. So waveforms at k ¼ 40 have larger amplitude in the horizontal and vertical directions. Second, we turn to the effect of time delay on this bursting. Basing on the analysis in the previous section, we can find Hopf bifurcation is concerned with time delay. If the value of the delay s cannot pass through the critical value of Hopf bifurcation, trajectory of the burster cannot be found either. By the numerical simulation in Fig. 11(a) and (b), we can see that when s ¼ 0:2 or s ¼ 0:6, the solution does not have obvious bursting trajectories. The examples show roughly the time delay can be used as a control parameter to change the occurrence of bursters of this type in delayed system. Consistently with the intuition, when A > 1, fixing other parameters, there is a domain of the values of s away from zero such that the bursting solution is stable (in Fig. 11(c)), when s is in this domain and it is unstable for s leading to chaotic bursting (in Fig. 11(d)), when s is above this domain. Numerical evidence shows that for such parameters of A > 1, k and s, the delayed system is still symmetric with the bursting dynamics. 5. Conclusions Duffing oscillator with a linear delayed feedback and slowly varying external periodic force may exhibit different bursting oscillations for the order gap existing between the frequency of the excitation and the natural frequency. We adopt the analytical approach by describing the external forcing as slow variable and combining this bifurcation analysis of the generalized autonomous system. Two types of bursters are obtained and their mechanism is discussed, which shows that bifurcation forms play important role to the structures of these bursters. The bursting oscillations to be studied here are different from the usual. They are influenced by both external forcing and time delay. When A < 1, the symmetric fold/fold burster related to the two symmetric equilibriums appears and is caused by the fold bifurcation, which leads the transition between up-state and down-state. When A > 1, the symmetric Hopf/Hopf burster can be observed by modulating the delay, in which two limit cycles caused by the Hopf bifurcation related to the two equilibriums interact with each other. Furthermore, we deal with the effect of some parameters including time delay on dynamics of different bursters. The occurrence of the fold bifurcation bursting does not depend on the magnitude of the time delay. But the Hopf bifurcation bursting depends critically on the magnitude of the delay. The time delay could be used as a tuning parameter to change the dynamical behaviors of different bursters in different ways. Simulation results verify our results and indicate methods used here are reliable and rather simple analysis techniques for bursting phenomena in delay-differential equations. It should be interesting to study bursting dynamics in systems with larger number of delays, or possibly with an additive or multiplicative noise that might play some important role, and we will discuss those problems in the next work. Acknowledgements The authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that helped to improve the presentation of the paper. The authors are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21276115 and 11202085) and the Rearch Foundation for Advanced Talents of Jiangsu University (Grant Nos. 11JDG065 and 11JDG075). References [1] Rinzel J, Ermentrout GB. In: Koch C, Segev I, editors. 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