~ OLYMPIA ATHLETICS ITINERARY OYERYIEW (ATIACH c:::£E: SCHOOL ft ACTIVITIES CHECK IF OVERNIGHT DISTRICT OFF-CAMPUS TRIP REQUEST DETAILS) P>:l TYPE OF EVENT (PARADE, CONTEST, RETREAT, MEET, TEAM CAMP, ETC.) t~ srDJ\ PERSON(S,j~HARG~ # STUDENTS M: ADULTS ACCOMPANYING (UST NAMES-ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGE IF NEEDED) RE UIRED: ONE PER 10 STUDENTS DAY TRIP lONE PER 6 STUDENTS 0 F~ CELL PHONE CONTACT 3Cc>O' IGHT q \"b. 'l! # TEACHER CHAPERONES M~ ( # PARENT M: ADD'L CONTACT PHONE F: , Sc~L Bus """"-I CHARTER MOTEL HOTEL TRANSPORTATION HOUSING INDMDUAL FOOD OTHER < a, J. (v(:\Ches) CHAPERONES Y PHONE @ DESTINAnON , .... .'"-- -. F'!' FERRY PRlYATE VEHICLE DoRM PRIVATE HOME Bus OTHER MI ~ n ~ • \'1'L~. "llfE-\. - tll.1VeL, OTHER .. . . SPECIFY: Com te..W GROUP MEALS MEALS UfOI.1 OTHER • •• BUILDING BUDGET ACCOUNT # STUDENT BoDY ACCOUNT # nQ cl<- '-1-0 Eo l) . . .... INDIVIDUAL $ A '> e. 0 4;1<> $~~. $ IS IS.OO \ DO STUDENT OTHER (SPECIFY) 0(0) 0000 .. I WILL ACQUIRE A PERMlSSION SLIP FOR EACH STUDENT: LEAVE ONE COPY W/OFFICE; $ $'2I1S.00 • RETAIN ORIGINAL FOR TRIP. I HAVE HAD MY CURRENT PARTICIPANT LIST REVIEWED FOR HEALTH CONCERNS AND HAVE ANY NEEDED EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS. I HAVE BEEN TRAINED BY THE SCHOOL NURSE TO ADMINISTER MEDICATIONS. I HAVE A FIRST AID KIT FOR EVERY VEHICLE. .. .. ,. SCHOOL NURSE IS AWARE OF TRIP AND HAS REVIEWED STUDENT LIST FOR HEALTH CONCERNS c:\users\dcrawford\desktop\aa . • off-campus trip request. docx September 2012 .. . ft MEDICATIONS ... PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. . .-' .. ..•.. - Mooberry Relays Tentative Itinerary April 24~ - 25~, 2015 ORS track team Friday, April 24th 2:45 PM - Leave OHS in bus 5:30 PM - Stop in Ellensburg for dinner 8:45 PM - Arrive at Whitworth College to sleep in Ballet 10:45 PM - All athletes in ballet loft ready for bed loft Saturday, April 25th 7:30 AM - Breakfast in Whitworth Dining commons 9:00 AM - leave for meet at Rogers High School 5:00 PM - Depart after conclusion of track meet 7:00 PM - Stop in Ellensburg for dinner 11:00 PM - Arrive back at OHS During all portions of the trip, athletes will be directly supervised by coaches, and when stopped for dinner in Ellensburg athletes will stay in groups of at least three, begin allowed thirty-five minutes to obtain food from several restaurants within a three block radius. Ol)m1piaJljgh School to Whitworth University - Google Maps •• https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Olympia+High+School. +North+Str ... 14. Turn right onto W Hawthorne Rd 30 It @ Whitworth University 300 West Hawthorne Road. Spokane. WA 99251 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. Vou must obey all signs or notices regarding your route. 20f2 2/21201512:15 PM ... OATIS DESTINATION 4/24-4/25 S okane, WA Academic Field Trip Supervision Plan Detail Plan for direct supervision of students during each phase of requested activity-add additional sheets if needed. Program/Activity Schedule (if multiple days, list by day): 4/24 -- Depart in school bus at 3:00 PM and drive to Spokane to stay overnight at Whitworth University (see itinerary) 4/25 -- Attend 52nd annual Mooberry Relays Track Meet at Rogers High School in Spokane and drive back to Olympia (see itinerary) Supervision During Transportation: There will be 5 coaches on the bus, abiding by the overnight 7:1 athlete:adult ratio, and we will all be riding together Supervision During Program/Activity: At the track meet all athletes will remain on the Rogers High School campus with coaches for the entire meet, competing at their scheduled time. If overnight, detail plan for supervision during non-activity time (transitions, meals, evening, night, etc.): We will be stopping for dinner in Ellensburg, and all athletes will be purchasing dinner from several restaurants within two blocks of the bus to which coaches will be supervising -- we will allow 40 minutes for dinner and athletes will be expected back at the bus. We will be arriving at Whitworth University at about 9:00 PM, at which point Jesse Stevick will take athletes on a brief tour of the campus and for a light workout, and then athletes and coaches will all be sleeping in the same ballet loft in the Whitworth Field / / House, so there will be supervision throughout the night. The next morning we will all travel together to the track meet at 9:00 AM, stopping at a grocery store for breakfast and lunch items. Athletes will have 15 minutes to purchase food and then be back on the bus. After the track meet we will all travel together in a bus to a restaurant and eat dinner together, before embarking back to Olympia no tho p:\jorm5\field trip academic supervision plandocx ••
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