OTAGO RURAL FIRE AUTHORITY INCIDENT/NEAR MISS REGISTER ORFA ID ORFA Health & Safety Officer: Steph Rotarangi Emergency Contact No: 026 240 9536 MIN ORFA Health & Safety Officer: Ian Rietveld Emergency Contact No: 026 268 8522 RF Instructions: Enter HSE info into this register. Allocate ORFA ID. File original form into HSE Reporting folder and send copy to Steph. Action. Update. Close. NM ASSESS THE RISK IDENTIFY THE RISKS RISK ORFA WHER ID E DATE IDENTIFIE D RISK ASSESSM ENT RISK TYPE PRIORI TY Minor Risk Form/Hazard Form Near Miss CONTROL AND MANAGE THE RISK ACTIONS (ELIMINATE, ISOLATE, MINIMISE) BUDGE T ASSIGN ED TO REPOR T BY REVIE W DATE MINOR HARM Ash and sand in eye at Waldronville fire Correct PPE needs to be worn (goggles were in the gear bag). 11Dec14: SR sent safety alert around crews reminding them to wear PPE. SR has checked hazard register and no update is required. Also Michele to arrange audit of VRFF first aid kits (check for saline wash). Crews to check first aid kits and check if there are any saline eye washes available for crews. 15May15 I have sent the following email to the DPRFO's requesting this information. I am needing you to contact your fire forces and get a stocktake of their 1st aid kits. What I require so that I can complete the health and safety register is the following information: 1. Name of the fire force 2. Number of kits the fire force have 3. Location of each kit – e.g. what vehicle, depot or person 4. Itemised contents including number of items and expiry date This should be pretty easy to do I have attached a sample form that can be used for this job. I need this information before I can accurately update the report and make any recommendations. Wakari VRFF have returned their 1st aid kits list and there are some items that need replacing. The eye wash I can purchase this from Blackwood Protector. I am going to make contact with South Island Medical Supplies who I have dealt with previously to also give me a quote on the eye wash solution and the items expired. My two recommendations are: Min001 Wakari 15Oct14 Physical Bodily Harm H 1 Update the Wakari VRFF kits and purchase eye wash for the Dean Street Store and the two vehicles. 2 Once all the VRFF's have returned their 1st aid kits lists then we either get a 1st aid provider to update or we do it ourselves Min002 Wakari 4Feb15 Physical Bodily Harm M 17Feb2015: Clyde have made it standard procedure to cut cable ties flush before issuing hose. Min003 Clyde 22Apr2015 Physical Bodily Harm M Area is now clear of hazards Cut hand on cable ties when operating pump. Michele L 31Jan15 30Jun15 Nil Pets S 31Mar15 Nil Pete S 30Apr15 Closed 17Feb 15 Closed 22Apr 15 $500 Cut hand resulting from splinter NEAR MISSES Aircraft and water working around ground crews and risk of water being dropped on crews. When responding to fire call, lost traction while crossing sloped paddock on fire NM001 NM002 Outram Waitaki 5Nov2014 20Dec2014 Physical Physical Equipment Bodily Harm Risk of losing traction offroad M E 8Nov14: Aircraft training undertaken with ORFA crews. 11Dec14: Was discussed at debrief and added to action register. ICs to always ensure better communications between ground crew and aerial crews. Firefighters suggest new tyres but inspections suggest high level of modification of vehicle has led to axle weight issues. Assign to $5,000 As per RF006 Graeme S Steph R 31Jan15 30Jun15 Closed 22Apr 15 Assigned to RF006 ground Crossing airstrip at Makarora NM003 Makarora 10Feb15 Possibility of branches coming off tree in windy conditions HAZARD AND RISK REPORTING Physical Equipment Environment al NM004 Hawea 16Jan2015 Physical Environment al Vehicle fumes in workshop while reversing in and departing and risk of inhaling fumes. RF001 Clyde 23Oct2014 Vehicle Fumes RF006 for action. An ORFA staff vehicle drove over to the Makarora hanger but crossed runway when plane was landing. Firefighters, staff, contractors and public are at risk. Bodily Harm VH Bodily Harm H Personal on Fireground were warned and topic was covered in Debrief. Potential hazardous areas identified on the fireground should be taped off wherever practical to do so. Training on this topic to be covered in Crew Leader Incident Ground Safety Course. Bodily Harm L Poles sticking out of the back wall of station and risk of someone walking into them. RF002 Waitaki 30Oct14 RF003 Wakari 8Nov14 Physical Bodily Harm L Equipment Bodily Harm H L Roller door off chain and spring broken and risk of door falling on someone. Trip hazard when getting around appliance and on/off the pump deck due to generator storage RF004 Wakari 20Oct14 Physical Risk of trip, slip and fall RF005 Teviot Valley 10Dec14 Physical Risk of trip, slip and fall M RF006 Waitaki 20Dec14 Physical Equipment Risk of losing traction offroad E Chemical Skin, Eye and Environmental hazard Working at night without torches Off road traction in Waitaki6211 Firetrol containers unknown history RF007 Clyde RF008 RF009 Kakanui Kakanui 3Oct14 VH Stability of Kakanui9111 Drivers not yielding to emergency services causing slow response and driver frustration 15Jan15 3Feb15 Physical Equipment Physical Equipment Nil Risk of losing control Driving risk to firefighters and public E VH Be aware of fumes and potential for hazard. Keep office and toilet doors shut. Shut off engines straight away. Keep workshop doors open. 30Oct14: Use of a road cone when hose drying is taking place and remove when hose not drying Ideas include: Install outside hose drying facility. Final action is all hose to be cleaned and dried at Clyde Depot. 10Nov2014: Murray Munroe from Otago Door Services rang and asked to further check doors. Done and advised report needs to go to DCC Property Services. 27Nov2014: Rang both Otago Door Services and DCC and asked for update. A New Door would eliminate the hazard and we have asked DCC to consider this. In the meantime erect signs on pillars next to doors until problem/hazard solved. 29Apr2015: Firefighters returned from job at 2116 hrs and door would not close. They had to wait an hour for door technician to arrive. 17Oct14: Graeme S liaised with Kevin M and inspected the site/hazard. The Fire Force has minimised this hazard by moving the appliance outside the station before climbing in and out of pump deck. 21Dec2014: Pete Scarlet and Michele Lindsay are looking into supplying torches for all VRFF 8Jan2015: Torches purchased and issued to all ORFA firefighters as standard issue. 11Jan15: Crews notified that WAIT6211 not to be used off road 18Feb15: Fit for purpose water carrier has been approved for purchase. 8Apr15: WAIT6211 K0 10Dec14: SR investigated further but was unable to find records of purchase or maintenance. 19Dec14: PS and IR successfully decanted 20 L containers into tank. Goods store cleaned and now only stores foam. 15Jan2015: Only named drivers and speeds do not exceed legal limits. 17Feb15: SR meet with Kakanui and discussed the issue. Crew agreed to named drivers only and formed road use. Not exceeding any speed limits. 18Feb15: Fit for purpose water carrier has been approved for purchase. 28Feb15: SR reviewed driving policy which is good but implementation is weak in the driver section. DPRFOs to action driver assessments over the winter months and follow up with driver training as necessary. 10Apr15: PS to create a form for VRFF 30Apr15: DPRFO’s to take Forms, study guides, and policy to their VRFF’s and explain what is required. Forms to be filled in by current drivers, signed that they have read and understood the driving policy, read the ERD study guide, signed by the controller that they have assessed their understanding and their driving skills, and final sign off by the DPRFO for that VRFF.(by 31st May 2015) Add this information to our training database so we have a record of these drivers and which appliances they are authorised to drive. Nil Nil 31May15 Assigned to RF015 Pete S 11May15 Closed 11May 15 31Jan15 Closed 24Oct 14 Jamie C Pete S Nil Graeme S 31Jan15 Closed 17Dec 14 Nil Graeme S 31Jan15 30Jun15 Graeme S 20Oct14 Closed 10Dec 14 Pete S 31Jan14 Closed 8Jan15 Steph R 30Jun15 Pete S 31Jan15 Closed 19Dec 14 Steph R Pete S 30Jun15 30Jun15 Nil $4,050 $110,000 Nil $110,000 $15,000 RF010 Kakanui 15Feb15 Physical Bodily Harm H RF011 Kakanui 8Feb15 Physical Bodily Harm Psychosocial VH RF012 RFRT 11Feb15 Physical Bodily Harm H RF013 All 25Mar15 Physical Bodily Harm VH Environment al Physical Risk of trip, slip. Risk of vehicle falling, Traffic risk M Physical Risk of vehicle hitting aircraft whilst crossing airstrip H Risk of vehicle hitting firefighters if not seen H (30th June 2015) An ERD course and assessment is to be constructed and rolled out across the region starting with Fulltime staff and moving through to all Authorised drivers. (Starting July 2015 continue over next 3yrs) Currency training is to be recorded via the training night forms and VRFF incident logs. (31st May) 5 yearly revalidations and assessments for Driver Qualifications will be implemented. (starting 2020) 15Feb15: Tim Bell reattached and tightened seat belt and checked all others in vehicles. SR to add to next safety alert. 8Feb15: Firefighters have recommended appropriate signage and SR to check all depots. However signage may not be effective alone. All responding units to consider leaving a firefighter outside of the cab until clear of doors. SR to add to next safety alert. 26Mar15: Discussed at team meeting and decided the issue is wider and needs to be addressed as part of ‘qualified chainsaw operators’. 26Mar15: Discussed at team meeting and decided chainsaw operators need to be assessed, recorded and current. x Qualified operators to be identified. x Remove chainsaws from vehicles if not needed. x Appropriate safety gear to be provided. x A policy is to be developed x An external trainer is to be approached for training. Ian to arrange for this. x Jamie to develop a list of competent/ qualified chainsaw operators for the RIMT. x Voluntary Rural Fire Forces are to be informed of the Chainsaw issues. DPRFOs to advise which vehicles need chainsaws removed. Ian has actioned for CODC crews. Crew leader training to be provided as this will train responders to carry out good size up and safety briefings. Traffic management training to be considered Traffic management training should be considered. Good incident size up, and safety briefing before crew go to work. Send safety alert out highlight the risk and notify the procedure for accessing the appliance shed at Makarora. All vehicles must go around the edge of the airstrip and cross at the end. All vehicles must have hazard and/or emergency beacons activated whilst on airstrip. 23Apr15: JC draft safety alert 29Apr15: SR made a submission to QLDC LTP for new depot 20Apr15: JC suggests provide Hi Vis vests to VRFF who do MVA at night and make sure they are trained to wear them. Hi Vis provided, firefighters more visible. 1May15: SR questions all firefighters? Are reflective strips on PPE overalls adequate? To discuss at team meeting 4 May 2015. Vehicle accident caused by Ice on road. M M Seat belt strap came detached. Children in vicinity of fire station while vehicle exiting, potential for serious injury to child. Embers being held in chainsaw chaps Chainsaw equipment on some ORFA appliances and staff vehicles. Users of equipment have no training and/or currency records. MVA, car down steep bank, unstable ground and vehicle unstable. RF014 Glenorch y 15Oct14 Vehicles crossing airstrip and near miss of this event. RF015 Makarora 25Feb15 Working at night on public highway with no hi vis vests RF016 Kingston 20Apr15 RF017 Kingston RF018 Glenorch y 23Apr15 Physical Environment al Physical Equipment Environment al Physical Equipment RF019 Makarora 22Apr15 Physical Vehicle accident caused by Ice on road. Risk of tow equipment failing and hitting person Physical Risk of trailers coming off if in correctly hitched. Icy Roads on call outs. 20Apr15 Icy/Snowy Roads on call outs. Using snig chains and tow strops to secure and move vehicles at MVA's. L Differing Tow Ball and Tow Hitch sizing. RF020 All Otago 21Mar15 H Nil Steph R 30Jun15 $500 Steph R 30Jun15 $2500 Jamie C 29May15 $4000 Jamie C 29May15 $5000 Jamie C 29May15 Jamie C 29May 15 Jamie C 30Jun15 Make sure driver skill level is appropriate for the conditions. Consider training. Link to RF009 and SR to issue safety alert. Jamie C 30Jun15 Assigned to RF009 Make sure driver skill level is appropriate for the conditions. Consider training. Link to RF009 and SR to issue safety alert. Jamie C 30Jun15 Assigned to RF009 Jamie C 30Jun15 Jamie C 15May15 Get equipment rated or removed. Training required. Safety alert issued. Update driving policy. Consider standardising all ORFA equipment. Check DOC SOP. Standardise all ORFA trailers and Hitch's Update driver policy, Training for trailer users, Paint Tow balls different colours. Assigned to RF013
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