2000 O`Block Road, Pittsburgh, Pa 15239

2000 O’Block Road,
Pittsburgh, Pa 15239
(Holiday Park - Plum Borough)
April 26, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Parish Office: ................................... 412-795-3388
Website: ............................................ www.ourladyofjoy.org
Email Address: ................................. [email protected]
Religious Education Office: ............ 412-795-4389
Father Albert L. Zapf, Pastor
Mr. Gregory Callaghan, Pastoral Associate
Father Ladis J. Cizik, In Residence
St. Vincent Benedictine Monks, Sunday Assistance
Saturday Evening: ........................................... 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: ........... 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 Noon
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: ........ 8:30 a.m.
Thursday: ...................................................... 12:00 Noon
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
OF THE SICK …… Call Parish Office for appointment.
New parishioners are asked to register by calling the parish office.
Parish Mission Statement
Our Lady of Joy Parish is a Catholic community of faith dedicated to Mary, the
cause of our joy. We are centered in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit
and nourished by the Eucharist. We are a welcoming family, striving to see Christ
in all and responding to the needs of the members of our parish and community.
Called to act in faith, hope and love we seek to become a visible presence of Christ
in the world.
Reflecting on God’s Word
All of creation has the power to lay down its life. The yearly seasons lay down the bounty of their harvest, and daily
our own lives pour forth their energy into tasks and labors—all a laying down. Most people want to be and are generous. Most people want to forgive. Most people want to be patient, to sacrifice for the sake of love, to give back
what is received. Most people want to give of themselves for the happiness of others, to do service for the community, to donate blood, to be able to forgo their own way for the sake of harmony, to be courageous even at great cost.
All of creation also has the power to take up life again. Springtime returns; each morning we instinctively awaken to
another day; weakened bodies heal. We also have the power to take up life. We seek relationships of love; we desire
to enflesh that love with children. We work hard; we long to be creative; we strive to be good; we seek to create harmony and peace. We hunger for a relationship with our God. And we succeed more often than not. We do have a
God-given power to take up new life. It is our God’s command to us. That dual rhythm of laying down and taking
up is but the echo of the Lord Jesus and how he chose to live among us. It was his Father’s command to him, bred in
his bones and in his spirit, and it is a command that continues to show itself in our lives. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis
From the Pastor
April 27 - May 3, 2015
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Chorale - 7pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Prayer Shawl - 9am
• Bible Discussion - 9:20am
• Lectio Divina - 6:45pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• All Hearts Afire - 9:45am
• Bereavement - 7pm
• Separated & Divorced - 7pm
• Pastoral Approach to Behavioral
Services talk with Father Hal
Baily- 7pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Adoration & Divine Mercy - 3pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Lectio Divina - 9:15am
• Pre Marriage Class - 7pm
Today we celebrate the second of 2 First Holy
Communions. Congratulations to the children,
their families and friends, and to Mrs. Jane
Siatkosky as well as the teachers who have
worked with great faith and joy to teach and lead the children to this important
day as shepherds in their class rooms.
The past few weeks we have heard about the letter from Bishop David Zubik,
with respect to his spiritual plan ‘On Mission for The Church Alive! ‘
What are the goals of ‘On Mission for The Church Alive!’?
• Pre Marriage Class - 9am
• Sacrament of Penance - 5pm 5:30pm
• Vigil Mass - 6pm
• Sunday Masses - 8:30am, 10am
and 12 Noon
• Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10am
• Blue Knights & Little Flowers—
Jesus the GOOD SHEPHERD is the subject
in today’s Gospel of St. John. We hear His
voice as his sheep and we come to follow him
as best we can. The Good Shepherd protects, cares for, and is concerned with his
sheep. Jesus makes reference to his own
Death and Resurrection using words such as:
IT UP AGAIN.’ The Shepherd leads his entire
Growth in the Church of Pittsburgh through evangelization – making sure
our parishes are welcoming centers of hospitality and outreach, especially
to the poor and alienated.
To help our parishes, schools and religious education programs become
more fully alive in worship, service and catechesis.
To ensure our health care ministry and college campus ministry for the
To offer more vibrant liturgies and effective faith formation programs to
attract people and pass on the faith.
To challenge us to be excited about our faith!
These are the overall goals, and it is the Bishop’s plan that every parish be a
part of this endeavor. We will pray weekly for the success of bringing the message of God’s Word to those who do not know the Lord, or who have known
God in the past and who have dimmed in the enthusiasm of their faith.
This week, on May 1, 2015, I begin my 4th year as pastor here at OLOJ. God
bless you and may you enjoy the spring and the Pirates. Fr. Al Z+
APRIL 26, 2015
May Crowning
The month of May is traditionally known as the
month of Our Lady. To honor the Blessed Virgin
parishes often process and crown an image of the
Blessed Virgin Mary with flowers. May Crowning
at Our Lady of Joy will be on Sunday, May 3 at the
10am Mass (note time change). The crown of
flowers represents our prayers. This often is referred to as “May Crowning.”
This rite offers the Church a chance to reflect on Mary’s important role in the
history of salvation and to learn reverence for our Blessed Mother.
Pre-Marriage Class
The next weekend for our Marriage Preparation Program will be May 1 & 2,
2015. Couples must attend both the Friday evening session 7:00pm - 10:15pm
and the Saturday morning session 9:00am-1:00pm to complete the diocesan
requirements for marriage instruction. To register call the Parish Office.
Pre-Baptism Class
A class is required for any new parent(s) wishing to have their baby baptized at
Our Lady of Joy Parish. The class will be offered at 7:00pm in the Father
Marchukonis Hall on May 6, 2015. Call the Parish Office at 412-795-3388 to
register for the class.
Bereavement Ministry
Our bereavement ministry will have a seven-week grief support series beginning Wednesday, April 8 from 7-8:30pm. We will meet in classroom 2 downstairs in the Father Marchukonis Hall. Our support group is for those who have
lost a loved one and are seeking the company of others in their time of
need. We will meet every Wednesday through May 20. All are welcome. If
you or someone you know might be interested please call Liz Bachtel at 724
337 0049 or the religious education office at 412 795 4389 for more information or to register.
Bereavement Ministry Speaker
Our bereavement ministry will have a guest speaker Joe Walko on Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm in classroom 2 downstairs. Joe’s wife Debbie of our parish passed away in 2012 at age 45, leaving behind her husband and two
young sons. Grief is universal yet everyone’s response is different and
unique. Joe was helped by many and wants to share his experiences in the
hope of helping others who are hurting. All are welcome to join us. Please call
Liz Bachtel at 724 337-0049 for any additional information.
A Pastoral Approach to Behavioral Services
Father Hal Baily will talk about a pastoral approach to helping people who are
experiencing depression, stress, anxiety, fears, bipolar, paranoia, schizophrenia and other health issues using the Sacraments and Sacramental's. He will
talk about how we as Catholics can reach out and support people with mental
health issues in a charitable way.
Today’s Readings
First Reading — There is no salvation through anyone else (Acts 4:812).
Psalm — The stone rejected by the
builders has become the cornerstone
(Psalm 118).
Second Reading — See what love
the Father has bestowed on us that
we may be called the children of God
(1 John 3:1-2).
Gospel — The good shepherd lays
down his life for the sheep (John
Reading for the Week
Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3;
43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10
Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7;
Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps
67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3,
21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20
Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab;
Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn
1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24;
Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4;
Jn 14:7-14
Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28,
30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8
Altar Candles
An Altar Candle burns in Loving
Memory of Robert Pitkivitch,
requested by Nancy & Glenn Bowser.
An Altar Candle also burns for the
Special Intention of Gene.
Father Hal has over 40 years experience in health care and campus ministry
and as a contract Chaplain for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County
and with Pennsylvania. He is also instrumental in introducing the Mental Health
First Aid program throughout our diocese.
You are invited to join Father Hal at Our Lady of Joy Parish, Wednesday evening, April 29 at 7pm. Please call the Our Lady of Joy Religious Education Office at 412-795-4389 to register.
This Week’s
Priest’s Private Mass Intentions
Monday - April 27
8:30 am Josephine, Edward &
Barton Duva (Family)
Tuesday - April 28
8:30 am Wayne Schraeder
(Martina & Judy Reisdorf)
Wednesday - April 29
8:30 am Florence Besselman
(Marge Brown)
Saturday - May 2
6:00 pm Living & Deceased of the
Manganello & Zarichnak
Families (June & Frank)
Sunday - May 3
8:30 am Henry Hrabolowski
(Wife & Children)
10:00 am For all the People of the
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society will be collecting non – perishable food every weekend
of May for Plum Food Pantry. Please leave in vestibule of Church and it will be
gathered and taken to Plum Food Bank every weekend.
Holy Name Society will have its next scheduled meeting on May 10 at 11am in
Room 2 of Father Marchukonis Hall. If interested in becoming a member or
learning more about the Holy Name Society please feel free to attend our
Respect for Life
12 Noon Maria Roup
People Concerned for the Unborn Child will be in the back of church on the
weekend of May 9 & 10 with their beautiful Rose pins for you to purchase.
Won’t you stop by and support this worthy cause?
In Memoriam
In your charity please pray for the
repose of the soul of Mary Jane
DiSalvio, mother of Marianne Reid
and Louis Petrich, husband of
Marlene Petrich.
May their soul and the souls of all the
faithfully departed rest in peace.
The Separated and Divorced Ministry meets every Wednesday at 7pm in
Room 1 in the Father Marchukonis Hall. All persons going through separation
or divorce are welcome to attend. It is not necessary to attend all sessions as
they are independent topics each week. If you are interested please call Greg
Callaghan at the rectory (412) 795-3388 or email Karen Dolan at
[email protected]. April 29, Session 10 - “Forgiveness”
Spring is finally here and so is The
Christian Ladies of Joy Spring Luncheon. The date is May 17,2015 and the
place is Jaden's Banquet Center.
Doors will open at 1:00pm to preview
the basket raffles with lunch being
served at 2:00pm. Tickets are just
$25.00/pp which includes a delicious
lunch and wonderful entertainment. Tickets may be purchased after Masses
on May 2 -3 and May 9-10 2015. To preorder tickets please contact T Taylor
@ 412-793-6022 or J LaSpada @ 412-795-5228. Tickets are limited. Order
yours today so you will not disappointed. Hope to see you there!
Friday - May 1
8:30 am William Mahan
(Val Laylock & Jane
Parish Share Total
Separated and Divorced Ministry
Christian Ladies of Joy Spring Luncheon
Thursday - April 30
(Note time change)
8:30 am Cel Morris
(Loretta Koval)
Last Week’s
Sunday Collection
Respect for Life Baby Shower
Keep the date open on Thursday May 21. You surely will want to join the gathering. We will have the baby shower sponsored by CCD and Respect Life
Committee. The shower will begin at 7:30 pm in the Father Marchukonis Hall.
Come and bring your gifts and enjoy some fun, food and games.
Protecting God’s Children
All volunteers in all ministries here at Our Lady of Joy are required to obtain
the proper clearances AND attend the Protecting God’s Children Workshop.
This is necessary for any volunteer 18 or older. We will be holding a class
here at Our Lady of Joy in the Father Marchukonis Hall on Monday, May 4
from 6:00-9:00pm. Please contact the Religious Education Office to register at
412-795-4389. There is no fee for the class. It is a one-time three hour class.
Other local upcoming classes will be held at: St. Bernadette Monroeville, Saturday, May 23, Our Lady of Victory in Harwick, Wednesday, May 27.
APRIL 26, 2015
World War II Veterans
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ There is a free bus trip planned for Pittsburgh area WWII
and Korean War veterans to Washington, DC to see their
Parish Picnic at “Idlewild Park and Soak Zone”
national memorial on Tuesday, May 5. There are several
Our Lady of Joy is going to
departure locations, including Miracle Mile parking lot in
have a parish picnic at
Monroeville at 6:30am. The bus will return between 8:30-9
Idlewild Park and Soak Zone
pm. Boxed lunches, dinners and drinks are proon Saturday, May 30. This is
vided. Wheelchairs will be available if requested. Seating
a first time event that will
is reserved for WWII and Korean War veterans; we regret
hopefully become an annual
that we can't accommodate family or friends. A registered
event for our parish communurse will be on each bus. Call Lydian 724 709 3614 to
nity, all depending upon the
register. There is a flyer in the back of church.
response we receive. All-day
tickets cost $20, but the par▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
ish will pay $5 for every ticket
purchased, which means the cost to parishioners and
Appeal for Catechists/Aides/ Fall 2015
It is not too soon to consider volunteering for the Fall of
their guests is $15/person. Normally an all-day ticket
would cost $42. Tickets can be purchased at the rectory 2015 to help as a CCD aide or catechist. Do you have a
want/knack to work with children? Are you kind and comand will be given out at the park entrance. Tickets will
passionate? Consider calling the Religious Education Ofonly be reserved when they are paid for. Once you
purchase your ticket we will not be able to refund money fice at 412-795-4389 to become a part of this educational
ministry. The teaching material is already mapped out for
as we have to place the order in advance. All ticket
you with lesson plans, activities and crafts. We pray you
money must be received at the rectory by Friday, May
consider helping out with this special ministry
22 in order to reserve a ticket.
The parish has reservations for a pavilion with no limit to
the amount of people wanting to attend the picnic. The
parish is paying $5 for each ticket to help defray the cost
for food, so the parish will NOT be providing any
food, but will provide a limited supply of lemonade/
water/tea at the pavilion. All those participating in the
picnic will be responsible for bringing or purchasing food
items. We anticipate that this will be a great day for family fun and developing parish community. May God continue to bless Our Lady of Joy Parish, see you on the
water slides!!!!!!!
Christmas Shoebox
It's time for another month of collections for the Christmas
Shoebox Program. For the month of MAY, we are suggesting donations of BARS OF SOAP and WASH
CLOTHS. Also, for those of you who are saving empty
shoeboxes, we ask that you only save the boxes with separate lids - not the flip top boxes. Please deposit your donated items in the Christmas Shoebox COLLECTION BOX
in the back of Church.
CCD Students: Registration 2015-16
If your child is new to the CCD program you may register
by stopping in the Religious Education Office to fill out
forms. All new registrations need to be registered members of the parish, will need a copy of the child’s baptismal
certificate, will need to complete the form choosing your
child’s class time and day, fill out an emergency contact
form and new registration form.
If your child is returning next year please turn in your updated Registration papers which were handed out at CCD.
These papers are required so your child has a space in the
CCD program. If you have any questions please call the
Religious Education Office at 412-795-4389.
The Young Adult Disciples Rally
Calling all young adults! You’re invited to begin a journey
of greater discipleship at The Young Adult Disciples Rally
to be held on Saturday, May 23, at 1:00pm at Saint Bernadette Parish in Monroeville. The event will be sponsored
by Saint Bernadette and North American Martyrs Parishes.
Speakers and worship leaders include Pete Burak, director
The Youthful Spirit
of the young adult discipleship group, Father Joe Freedy,
Our Lady of Joy would like to thank the members of our
the vocation director for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and
children’s choir, The Youthful Spirit. The Youthful Spirit
consists of wonderful students between the grades 3-8 who Mary Castner, a contemporary Christian music artist.
There will also be a 5:00pm mass and a social following at
desire to serve the church, develop their singing voices,
6:00 PM. The event will be an opportunity for praise and
musicality, and develop a deeper understanding of their
spiritual strength. They meet every other Monday from 5:45 worship, prayer and formation with other young adults,
ages 18 to 38, from the Western Pennsylvania area. For
-6:45pm. As a parent, If you would like to have your children experience these things, have them join the Youthful online and mail-in registration, visit www.stbrnadet.org .
The suggested donations are $10.00 per young adult,
Spirit next year. Contact Jim Mousseau at mu$15.00 for a pair and $5.00 for a student (includes meal).
[email protected] or call 412.793.0567.