Sunday Worship Service: 10:30am (Coffee hour starts at 10.) April Mission of the Month: Our Saviour’s Housing (OSH) Sandy Aslaksen Prayer Requests Dan Sedgeman Fern Johnson Shar Hauer Doug Robinson Nancy Pederson Pastor Janet Richard Erickson Kay Knutson Ed Lewis Kamara Togbah Larry Pray Marlin Wogstad Norm Fonss Jeanne’s sister Janet; and the people of Nigeria and Liberia How to Reach Us Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church 2315 Chicago Ave, Mpls MN 55404 Phone : 612-871-2967 Pastor: Laurie A. Eaton option 3 Music Director: Mary Preus option 6 Minister of Faith Formation: Martha Schwehn Bardwell option 4 Business Manager: Diane Palmer option 5 Office Manager: Deborah Smith option 7 OSCS Executive Director: Sandra Aslaksen AIM 612-871-5900, option 1 The Sentinel – Vol LIIII, No. 3 (Mar 27, 2015) -- is published by Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Our Saviour’s Community Services is a social services agency dedicated to addressing needs in our Phillips neighborhood. Our Saviour’s Housing is one of these programs. Maybe you know the work of Our Saviour’s Housing because you have served a meal at our shelter. If this is true, thank you! For many meal providers this is a powerfully positive experience. But there is so much more that we do, beyond meals… Our Saviour’s Housing provides shelter, comfort, hope and community for people who are homeless. We operate a 40-bed emergency shelter, transitional housing and permanent supportive housing for single adult men and women. Our staff works together to provide services that offer dignity and hope. Over 650 people each year find the encouragement and hope they need to get into more traditional, permanent housing. What is special about OSH is its focus on increasing skills. The programs of OSH do much more than address homelessness. We build capable, involved community members. In this way, we work to improve lives. This is illustrated well in Tim’s story: Pathway to Positivity. Always cheerful with a smile on his face, Tim exudes hopefulness. With a lot to look forward to in coming months, he has good reason. But that wasn’t always the case. Tim’s journey into homelessness is not uncommon. He had a home and a job. He lost the job. Then he lost the home. Of course, not everyone who loses a job becomes homeless. But without a support network to catch the fallout, it’s a lot more likely. For an entire year, Tim moved in and out of different shelters. Then, something unexpected happened. In June of 2013, Tim was visiting the downtown library when he met Derek. As shelter manager, Derek told him about OSH. Tim had been through the system before, but he immediately knew there was something different about OSH. He says, “For Derek to not know me and to suggest I come here was encouraging.” Hospitality – Guest Speaker Apr 29 – Hospitality/Children’s Activity The Youth Group meets each week, either with the adults or as a separate group. Tim stayed at OSH’s Emergency Shelter for 60 days, appreciating the clean, structured environment that allowed him to focus on his priorities–the main one, of course, being to find stable, affordable housing. On August 16, 2013, Tim took a major step towards his goal. To learn more about Tim’s path to housing, find his story on our website. To make a contribution, please write "OSH" on your pew envelope or the memo line of your check. To volunteer, please email [email protected]. Daily Work Steps to Success Benefit Luncheon – May 13 Maryellen Skan Do you love success stories? If so, mark your calendar for Daily Work’s Steps to Success Luncheon on Wednesday, May 13 from 12:00 – 1:00pm. at the Midpointe Event Center in the midway area of St. Paul (415 Pascal St. N.) If you’ve been hearing about Daily Work and want to know more, or you have been seeking a new opportunity to make a difference with your time, talent, or treasure, this is the event to attend. The event is free but there will be a request for support. Registration and details at the Daily Work website ( or contact Maryellen (612-6237805 or [email protected]). Stay “Connected” in April Nancy Johnson Join us for Wednesday Connections on Wednesday evenings -- supper at 5:30pm and choir at 7:30pm. Here are the 6:30pm events planned so far for each date: Apr 1and 8 – No Wednesday Connections Apr 15 – Godly Play: Knowing Jesus in a New Way Hospitality Apr 22 – Godly Play: Knowing Jesus in a New Way Business Manager Diane Palmer An Anniversary to Celebrate! Pastor Laurie Eaton Diane Palmer joined the staff at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church on March 5, 2005. Hired by Pastor Hans Lee for 8 hours a week to support Gayle Lamb, a church volunteer who was doing the book work for the church, Diane’s initial task was to create financial reports from the recording and bill-paying that Gayle was handling. Ten years later, Diane is still with us, and my how things have changed! It wasn’t long before Diane’s role expanded to Bookkeeper, and an additional two hours per week. Her first impression of Our Saviour’s? “It was a mess!” She came on just as OSLC was in the midst of an audit and separating financially from Our Saviour’s Outreach Ministries (now Our Saviour’s Community Services). In her first 6 months she worked with auditors and an additional accountant just to get the financials straightened out. It was a financially challenging time for Our Saviour’s and we were often crunched for cash. Diane was responsible for financial reports and payroll, and the existing Office Manager was handling the bills. From Diane’s spot she could see lots of money slipping out the door in the form of late fees and interest payments, so she offered to take on the bill paying as well. It wasn’t long before the Office Manager left, and unfortunately it was right about the time Pastor Hans had planned to be away on a month long family trip to Europe. The Office Manager was gone, the Custodial position was “shaky” and Pastor Hans about to travel. Diane was promoted to Business Manager, increasing her hours to 30 hours per week and adding property management and expenses to her role. She kept the ship afloat while Pastor Hans was away, working 5 days a week in his absence. Over time Diane learned to manage the cash flow situation and developed strong relationships with vendors and service providers for building maintenance. Money was still tight though, and when Pastor Hans Lee took a new call, Diane’s hours were reduced to her current 22 hours per week. Looking back over these ten years, Diane gives thanks to God for the challenges she has faced at Our Saviour’s. The work has been challenging, but she has learned a lot and finds the challenges rewarding. She values the flexibility she has in her job to manage the work that needs to be done and to take on outside work using her accounting skills as time allows. It is deeply satisfying to Diane to hear compliments from outside vendors who comment that this building is well cared for. Diane, with a lot of hard work and a steady sense of humor, you have helped to guide this congregation to a place of financial stability and strong relationships with service providers. You admit you’ve learned a lot during your time here (“More than I ever wanted to know!”) and we are grateful that you rose to the challenge. I’ve heard you say more than once, and I can’t help but agree, “I think the Lord brought me to Our Saviour’s.” Thanks be to God for your good work. Holy Week April 2 -- Maundy Thursday Worship (7:00pm) April 3 – Good Friday Procession (noon; meet in foyer of Center for Changing Lives, end at Our Saviour’s) Good Friday Worship (7:00pm) April 4 – Easter Vigil (7:00pm) *** Easter Sunday (Apr 5) 9:00am – Easter Breakfast 10:30am – Festival Worship *** Our New Members – Welcome! Martha Schwehn Bardwell Over the last several months, we have had 29 adult newcomers participate in Living Questions. They have shared their wonderings, stories, time, and gifts with us in so many ways--our congregation is already so enriched by their presence. We get to welcome them officially as new members at the Easter Vigil service on April 4. We will all celebrate and shout "Hallelujah" together! Below are short bios (and for email subscribers, the photos.) Or, follow this link for the bios and photos combined: .html (Photos are courtesy Paul Rogers, our photographer extraordinaire. Web content is courtesy Bill Rowe, our geek extraordinaire. Thank you, Paul and Bill!) Allyson Green. Allyson is new to Minneapolis, having moved to work with the Campus Kitchen program at Augsburg College this fall. Though she's still proud to be a cheese head from Baraboo, WI, she's been doing community outreach, environmental education, environmental justice, and public health work in Appalachia and various corners of the Midwest since graduating from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI in 2008. She lives down the street from Our Saviour's, so stop by to share good food and conversation on the porch this summer! (Allyson is sponsored by Sarah Lindley.) Anton Moore. I'm a fun loving people person who has just found and introduced God into my life!!!! With the introduction to God I also got engaged to a beautiful lady named Monica Smith, with whom I can't wait to share the rest of my life with !!!!! Progress and Prosperity is all I await. (Anton is sponsored by David Scheie.) Monica Smith. Monica was born in Milwaukee, WI and moved to Minneapolis when she was 4 years old. She enjoys walking around Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet. She loves going to church, especially for worship and for socializing with people. at St. Olaf College, and in June the two are expecting their first child. Levi plays the viola and teaches orchestra at Champlin Park High School. (Levi is sponsored by Joel Abrahamson.) Bob Hybben. Bob Hybben first came to Our Saviour's two years ago when he began dating Suzanne Burke. By day, he works as the Director of Program Operations for the Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation. By night, he enjoys writing poetry and exploring his hometown of Minneapolis. (Bob is sponsored by John Thurow. ) Iman Mefleh. The daughter of a Lebanese immigrant and a Duluth Swede/Norwegian, Iman hails from South Minneapolis and went to Frenchimmersion/Ojibwe/Lakota elementary school across the street from OSLC. A language teacher, and now a farmer, she owns and operates two farm-based businesses with her husband Joe (You Betcha Kimchi and Growing Lots Urban Farm) from their urban farm plot in the Seward neighborhood. She practices and teaches yoga, and has an uncommon love of winter. (Iman is sponsored by Deb Swenson-Klatt.) Dani Dommer. Dani grew up in Red Wing, MN, and became a Cobber at Concordia College, Moorhead. After going to physical therapy school at University of Minnesota, she is now working at Abbott Northwestern as a NeuroRehab PT - loving her work. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring the outdoors and is now looking forward to becoming more involved at Our Saviors. (Dani is sponsored by Alison Douglas.) Erik Hall. I am a science teacher at Rush City High School. I am married to Laura Robinson Hall. I have enjoyed attending Our Saviour's for the past few years and am really excited to become a member of the congregation. (Erik is sponsored by Paul Rogers.) Grant Stevensen. Grant is as passionate about social justice as he is about being outdoors on a motorcycle or canoeing or walking the dog. He's also got a funny sense of humor and he loves to sing. (Grant is sponsored by Dan Sedgeman.) Karen Stevensen. Karen likes throwing pots on the wheel, riding on the back of Grant's motorcycle and playing outside. Hiking, scuba diving and photography are also passions she enjoys. (Karen is sponsored by Rachel Ackland.) Hannah Bolt. Hannah grew up in Champlin, MN and now lives with her husband Levi in Northeast Minneapolis. She currently stays busy working as a federal appellate law clerk, singing in the VocalEssence chorus, and growing a human who's due to emerge around June 23. Fun fact: Hannah once won a phone-in contest on Radio AAHS by correctly identifying "gold" as the top Olympic medal. (Hannah is sponsored by Dorea Ruggles.) Levi Comstock. Levi Comstock is happy to be living in Minnesota for the third time, punctuated by brief stints in Ohio, Indiana, and Massachusetts. He met his wife, Hannah Bolt, singing in the German Jazz Choir Joe Silberschmidt. Joe was born in Stoughton, Wisconsin and grew up in Saint Anthony, Minnesota. After graduating college at UW-Madison in 2008, he has spent the past 6 years working at Southwest High School in Minneapolis, tutoring and mentoring students in a variety of subjects. Between running a farm and a kimchi business with his wife Iman in the summers, he still manages to play drums in a few bands in town. (Joe is sponsored by Dan SwensonKlatt.) Jay and Toni Squires. After becoming empty nesters Jay and Toni recently moved to St. Paul from Andover where they had lived for 25 years. Jay is an attorney at Rupp, Anderson, Squires and Waldspurger in Minneapolis. Outside of work Jay and Toni enjoy traveling, attending local theatre productions, running, biking and spending time with their adult children Emily, Ellen and Connor. (Jay is sponsored by Jim Unglaube. Toni is sponsored by LaRue Unglaube.) Joanna Ulgenes. Joanna was born and raised in Montana, and came to MN for college at Concordia College in Moorhead. Currently she works as a nurse down the street at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. In her spare time, she enjoys adventures and traveling. (Joanna is sponsored by Shar Hauer.) Julia Hubbard. Julia grew up on the front range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and later moved out to Washington State to attend Gonzaga University in Spokane. She recently returned from a year of global service in Malaysia with the Young Adults in Global Mission program through the ELCA and is a current St. Joseph the Worker living in an old Convent. Whenever she can, she tries to be outside, and is so happy to welcome this spring! Let her know if you'd like to join her on an outdoor adventure! (Julia is sponsored by Maggie Wells.) Kathy Furey. What a question – Who am I? Kind of like, why did God make me? To love him, serve him and I forgot the rest from the Baltimore Catechism from way back in second grade at Sacred Heart in Duluth where I spent my first 10 years; then on to St. Mark's in St. Paul – my introduction to uniforms – I still love wearing a uniform-the simplicity of it. On Dayton Ave near St. Thomas, I discovered daily Mass – 6:15 at St. Mark's and several to choose from at St. Thomas. Kind of a nutty Catholic – discovered scripture in 7th grade and was bored out of my gourd when we moved to a small town in NW MN – no Catholic school – just biweekly hour long, insubstantial classes so headed out to a Benedictine boarding school in Crookston for 9th grade. I found I loved the rhythm of the place and the music. Also met my soon to be husband, John, there back in 1968. Who am I – oldest of 9, now 8, mom, gramma, midwife, friend, neighbor, Catholic, Oblate (3rd order Benedictine) and soon to be associate Lutheran. Competent working on the vulnerable part. Cabrini member since '81 – assorted roles there including preaching and singing. In 2011 I moved to Minneapolis after ~40 years in MacGroveland-(St Paul) sold my house and now live in a little condo 12 blocks south of here – only 2 miles from work, HCMC. and since then have been living in Minneapolis working for a college access program as part of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. I work as a liaison between the Office of Higher Ed and Andersen United Community School in Midtown, teaching and advising students on careers and postsecondary education. (Mark is sponsored by Eric Kehrberg.) Rachel Johnson. I'm really excited to be officially joining the ELCA, especially as part of OSLC! Originally I'm from Nebraska, but arrived here in Minnesota via St. Olaf College. Last year I was a Young Adult in Global Mission serving migrants and refugees in Mexico City. Currently, I am a St. Joseph Worker in Minneapolis with Catholic Charities, working with people experiencing homelessness. After this year of service ends, I will be exploring options to keep doing social justice work and stay in the Twin Cities! (Rachel is sponsored by Mary Thurow ) Ric and Randi Anaya and their children, Manolo and Maria. Ricardo was raised in Wisconsin and moved to Minneapolis to attend college. He has worked for Urban Homeworks for the past 6 years and is a Minneapolis Firefighter. Randi was raised in Fergus Falls, MN and moved to Minneapolis to attend college where she met Ricardo. They were married in 2008 and have Manolo (3 years), Maria (will be 2 in June), and are expecting their third baby in May. (Randi is sponsored by Lee Johnson and Ric is sponsored by David Scheie. ) Kelly Sve. I enjoy being active, I swim regularly, ski in the winter, play tennis and kayak in the summer. I also love cooking, trying new restaurants and DIY projects. I am a psychotherapist, I work full time at a women's chemical dependency treatment center, providing educational and therapy services to family members of women in treatment, I also have a small private practice. (Kelly is sponsored by Christine Anderson.) Rico Morales. Ricardo "Rico" Morales is a Broadcast Journalist reporting for KFAI, Fresh Air Inc. a community radio station in Minneapolis. He also volunteers to assist others with housing needs and serves as a technical advisor for computer hardware and software solutions for Normandale Housing Services. Rico also is a member of the community oven group at Our Saviour's Lutheran and assists with starting, tending, and maintaining the oven fire. Rico can be found several times throughout the week at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Normandale House, and other properties in the area cleaning the sidewalks and property of litter, weeds, and other tasks. (Rico is sponsored by Bill Rowe.) Mark Forsberg. Originally from Maple Grove, MN, I am a 2008 St. Olaf graduate among many others in the congregation. After 27 months as a volunteer in Peace Corps Guatemala, I moved back to Minnesota Sam Baker. Sam is from Oshkosh, WI; working as actuarial student for a life insurance company; financial math master’s degree; interested in investments/quantitative finance; sci-fi/Star Trek I started out at Our Saviour's as a Mary Preus "groupie" then stayed for the liturgy. This is such a welcoming community! Thank you all! (Kathy is sponsored by Jacqueline Moren.) nerd; loves classic/horror/foreign/drama movies. My daily gay agenda is becoming a better husband to Zac, my spouse of 7 months. (Sam is sponsored by Steve Lindley.) Zac Baker. Born to a Southern Baptist missionary family in Columbia, SC, I found a safe space to reconcile my faith and sexuality at the University of South Carolina LCM. I am currently the Communications and Graphic Design Coordinator at ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, and I enjoy ballroom dance, Sondheim lyrics, cooking, and crocheting. (Zac is sponsored by Jared Brandell.) Samantha Heaton. Samantha lives in Minnetonka with her husband, William, and works as an attorney. She grew up in the ELCA in Indiana, but really developed her love of God, theology and liturgy while studying religion at St. Olaf College and Emory University. She's thrilled to join such an engaged and passionate community of faith. (Samantha is sponsored by Marki Wogstad-Hansen.) Scottie Osthus. Scottie grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He has a degree in Geography from Valparaiso University, and Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota, and currently works as a counselor at Apple Valley High School. Some of his very favorite things are running, baking cakes, the national park system, RAGBRAI, and the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". (Scottie is sponsored by Mark Smith.) Tezra Osthus. Tezra grew up in Minnesota and Michigan. She went to college at Valparaiso and grad school at the University of Michigan. She spends her days working at the non-profit NPH USA, fundraising for children who have been orphaned or abandoned in Latin America. She lived at NPH's home in Honduras for 1.5 years after college. When she's not working, she enjoys playing outside, cooking, and eating ice cream. (Tezra is sponsored by Susan Olsen.) Lectionary Texts for Home Devotions Mar 29 (Passion-Palm Sunday): Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16; Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31: 9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 or Mark 15:1-39 [ 40-47] Apr 5 (Easter): Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43; Mark 16:1-8 or John 20:1-18 Apr 12: Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31 Apr 19: Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48 Apr 26: Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:10-11-18 Announcements Easter Breakfast – The youth will be serving an Easter Breakfast on Sunday, April 5, starting at 9:00am and serving until 10:00am. A variety of egg dishes will be served, along with fruit, muffins and juice. A freewill donation is requested and all proceeds will go towards their trip to Detroit for the ELCA Youth Gathering in July. Their goal is to raise $1000. A Thrivent Action team has been formed and will help provide funds for the food served and for decorations. No Sunday School on Easter. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday, April 5. Please join us for the Easter Breakfast (see above.) Choir. No choir April 1. On April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Choir meets at 6:15pm in the Hospitality Center. Then – although there is no Wednesday Connections on Apr 8 – Choir will meet that night at 7:00pm (note the earlier start time.) The last choir meeting of the year will be May 13. CES Volunteer Opportunities. Contact Maryellen with questions or to sign up for either or both dates (612-6237805 or [email protected]). Saturday, April 4; 9am – 11am. Pack Groceries for delivery. Meet at CES. Thursday, April 9; 9am – 11am. Top & Deliver. Meet at CES, pack perishables into pre-packed grocery bags, and then deliver the food directly to the door of clients at Ebenezer Towers. Next Sentinel Deadline is Monday, April 27. April at Our Saviour’s Wed Apr 1 Thu Apr 2 Fri Apr 3 Sat Apr 4 ELC Spring Break all week 10:00am Bible Study (CR) 12:45 – 2:15pm Staff Meeting (CR) No Wednesday Connections Good Friday; Office is Closed 6:30 – 7:30am Men's Breakfast @ Butter 12:00 – 1:00pm Good Friday Procession (Ctr for Changing Lives) 7:00 – 8:00pm Good Friday Service Easter Vigil 10:00 – 2:00pm Easter Sunday 9:00 – 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am (TENTATIVE) rehearsal for Vigil (S) Easter Vigil Service – Receiving of New Members Easter Breakfast Altar is Dressed Worship (S) Mon Apr 6 Office Closed Tue Apr 7 7:00 – 9:00pm Church Council (CR) Wed Apr 8 10:00am 12:45 – 2:15pm Bible Study (CR) Staff Meeting (CR) No Wednesday Connections 7:00pm Choir (S) 6:30 – 7:30pm Facilities Mgt Group (CR) Fri Apr 10 Office Closed Sat Apr 11 9:00 – 12:00pm Sun Apr 12 6:00 – 7:30pm OSCS Board Mtg (CR) Tue Apr 14 6:30 – 8:00pm MCFF Mtg (offsite) Wed Apr 15 10:00am 12:45 – 2:15pm 4:30 – 6:30pm Bible Study (CR) Staff Meeting (CR) Property Committee (CR) Maundy Thursday 5:45 – 7:00pm Altar Guild prep (S) 6:15pm Choir 7:00 – 8:00pm Maundy Thursday Service 7:00pm Sun Apr 5 Mon Apr 13 9:00 – 10:00am 10:00am 10:30am 12:30 – 1:45pm Second Saturday Work Day (areas TBA) Topic: "Hospitality" (education for all ages) (HC) Hospitality Worship (S) Joint Confirm. (CLC) Wednesday Connections 5:30 – 6:30pm Community Meal (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Adult Topic: "Hospitality" (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Godly Play (GP) 7:30 – 8:30pm Choir (S) Thu Apr 16 10:30 – 1:30pm Fri Apr 17 Office Closed 8:00 – 3:00pm Sat Apr 18 9:00 – 12:00pm 12:00 – 5:00pm Sun Apr 19 9:00 – 10:00am 9:00 – 10:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30 – 1:30pm 3:00 – 4:00pm (TENTATIVE) private meeting (HC, K) OSCS event (HC, K) Communion Bread Baking (K) Altar Guild Anniversary Celebration Prep (HC) Adult Forum: Guest Speaker discusses "Hospitality" (HC) Education (all ages) Hospitality Worship (S) Altar Guild 60th Anniv Celeb (HC, K) Caritas' Benefit for OSCS (Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church) Mon Apr 20 9:00 – 11:00am Archives Committee (basement) Wed Apr 22 10:00am 12:45 – 2:15pm Bible Study (CR) Staff Meeting (CR) Wednesday Connections 5:30 – 6:30pm Community Meal (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Adult Topic: "Hospitality" -- guest speaker (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Godly Play (GP) 7:30 – 8:30pm Choir (S) Fri Apr 24 Office Closed Sat Apr 25 ISAIAH Core Team Retreat (TENTATIVE -- offsite) 10:00 – 2:00pm Altar Guild Retreat (K, HC) Wed Apr 29 9:00 – 10:00am Mon Apr 27 Adult Forum: “Hospitality” (HC) 9:00 – 10:00am Education (all ages) 10:00am Hospitality 10:30am Worship (S) After Worship– (TENTATIVE) Theater Grp Lunch (HC) 11:30 – 1:30pm Finance Comm Mtg (CR) 12:30 – 1:45pm Joint Confirmation (CLC) Sentinel Deadline Tue Apr 28 6:00 – 7:30pm Sun Apr 26 OSCS Exec Com Mtg (CR) 10:00am 12:45 – 2:15pm Bible Study (CR) Staff Meeting (CR) Wednesday Connections 5:30 – 6:30pm Community Meal (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Adult Topic: "Hospitality" (HC) 6:30 – 7:30pm Activity for Children 7:30 – 8:30pm Choir (S)
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