The British Community Committee Diary of Events APRIL 2015 MARCH Tuesday 31st Tuesday 31st APRIL 2015 Thursday 2nd SJCP SMCP Friday 3rd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th SJCP SGACP SJCP SMV SJCP Saturday 4th SMV Sunday 5th SMV Sunday 5th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th SJCP AFGB BSP Wednesday 8th Wednesday 8th BCWA SGACP Friday 10th AFGB Penance Service at 20.00 The Bishop of Europe, the Rt Revd Robert Innes will preside at a special Holy Week service of Holy Communion for all clergy and people of the Diocese of Europe, followed by light luncheon. RSVP to Roberta Vellvé ([email protected]) Holy Thursday at 20.00 Full details of services for Holy Week and Easter on Good Friday Stations of the Cross at 12noon and Liturgy at 8:00pm Good Friday evening service at 8pm at St.Mark’s. Confessions Holy Saturday from 11:30am -12:30 & 5:00 - 6:00pm, or by appointment. Easter Vigil at 21.00 Meditative Prayer Stations for Easter at St.Mark’s. 10am – 6pm. Children are also welcome. 9am Book of Common Prayer communion service. 10.30am Easter Celebration followed by Bring & Share Lunch. Easter day 9:30am, 11:00am; 12:30pm & 6:30pm Musée du Luxembourg : Visite-conférence of The Tudors at 14.30 The Annual Spring Concert at BSP , Croissy sur Seine, starting at 7.30. Themed "Top of the Classical Pops" the orchestra and choirs and diverse small ensembles will guide us through well known pieces from Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern era. Interval refreshments, tombola, card sale. Free entry. Finish by 9.15. Visit to Roland Garros (Members, family & friends) CONCERT - Franz Schubert: Schwanengesang, with Adrian Shaw & Timothy End (piano) at St George's Anglican Church, 7 rue Auguste Vacquerie,75116 Paris at 19.30. Admission free. Brasserie Mollard, 115, rue St Lazare, 75008 Paris : AGM to be followed by the presentation of Major Jolivet’s private collection of uniforms of the Royal Guards and lunch from 11.00 Friday 10th to Sunday12th IP « The Roaring 20’s » in the Salle de Fetes, 3 quai Voltaire, 78230 Le Pecq. Tickets 20€ or 15€. Reservations Saturday 11th LP Mendelssohn, Hymn of Praise Op. 52 (Lobgesang) with Lux Perpetua, the choir of the American Church in Paris and the Association Symphonique de Paris at the American Church in Paris at 19.30 Book Sale from 10 - 12:30pm on the parvis. 9am Prayer meeting. AGM after morning service at St.Mark’s. 09.15 - Traditional worship (Holy Communion or Morning Prayer) 11.00 - Morning worship with Holy Communion (and activities for children and youth) 18.00 - Informal worship “The World of the Paris Boogie Speakeasy” with Andrew Lyndon-Skegg, at the Hotel le Manoir France-Ameriques, 9 avenue Franklin Roosevelt 75008 Paris. Tickets 40€/25€/15€/5€ Sunday 12th Sunday 12th Sunday 12th SJCP SMV SMCP Monday 13th ESU Wednesday 15th Wednesday 15th FBCCI AFE Thursday 16th CIMA Thursday 16th IMechE ‘Tour de Finance’ at the British Embassy from 18.30 to 20.30. Collège des Écossais, 65 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris : Le Grand Tour : artistes, architects, mécènes écossais dans l’Europe du XVIIIe siècle, a talk by Clarisse Godard-Desmarets from 17.30. At 19.30 Andrew Miskin FCMA CGMA MIET CEng, Vice President CIMA, will speak at the St James Club, 75116 Paris. Non-CIMA 27€ Please contact: [email protected] The British Engineering Institutions in Paris hold a joint Institutions Social Event on the third Thursday of every month in Carr’s Bar and Restaurant in Paris from Thursday 16th PADFAS Sunday 19th SMV Monday 20th to Friday 24th Tuesday 21st Thursday 23rd Thursday 23rd Thursday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th SAC BCC ABRSM BCWA BCiP IMechE DCTG Monday 27th to Thursday 30th MAY Monday 11th FBCCI Sunday 17th SMCP Monday 18th Tuesday 19th ESU RAFA Thursday 21st IMechE Thursday 21st PADFAS Sunday 24th SMCP Sunday 24th LP SAC JUNE Wednesday 3rd RSSG Saturday 6th Thursday 11th SGCP FBC Monday 15th Thursday 18th BCC IMechE Tuesday 30th CIMA JULY Thursday 9th AUGUST Sunday 30th 19:00 onwards. Contemporary Art and the Old Masters; Lessons Learned and Rejected by Ben Street at the Theatre du Ranelagh at 14.00 Third Sunday Service at St.Mark’s with Mike Taylor of the London School of Theology/Resonance France. Week 1 - Easter Holiday Tennis Camp The AGM and April Quarterly Meeting will take place at the British Embassy. Deadline for entry to June Theory exams. Walk through the 3rd rrondissement (Members, family & friends) A dinner with guest speaker Richard Ashworth, MEP for South-East England. A joint visit to the ONERA Wind Tunnel. 25th April at 14h30 DC's first annual Fund raising Matinée Théâtrale. Théâtre de Nesle. for info call me or mail [email protected] Week 2 – Easter Holiday Tennis Camp COBCOE Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony at Chartered Accountants Hall, Moorgate Place, London EC2. Reception 6.45, dinner 7.30, Carriages 11pm 09.15 - Traditional worship (Holy Communion or Morning Prayer) 11.00 - Morning worship with Holy Communion (and activities for children and youth) 18.00 -Informal worship Alastair Lack, “The English Country House” in the Salon of the Mairie du 7ème “Wings Appeal” concert at 20h30 at Notre Dame du Liban church 17, rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris. Tickets: 20€ - 10€ (Students, children). Full details on programme and transport on Programme: Mendelssohn: “Fingal's Cave” and Symphony No.5 “Reformation” Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Alto. The concert will also mark the presence on his 93rd birthday of RAFA-Ile de France's Vice-Chairman, Bernard de LECLUSE, one of the few remaining Forces Français Libres (FFL) Spitfire pilots who fought in World War II and still an active member of RAFA Ile de France. The British Engineering Institutions in Paris hold a joint Institutions Social Event on the third Thursday of every month in Carr’s Bar and Restaurant in Paris from 19:00 onwards. Paris Boogie Speakeasy and the Jazz Age in France. By Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs, at the Theatre du Ranelagh at 14.00 09.15 - Traditional worship (Holy Communion or Morning Prayer) 11.00 - Morning worship with Holy Communion (and activities for children and youth) 18.00 -Informal worship Dvorak, Mass in D major Opus 86 with Lux Perpetua and the Brighton Chamber Choir at the American Church in Paris at 17h. AGM and Summer Cocktail Party at the British Embassy The 200th Anniversary of The Battle of Waterloo Book Sale. Further details TBA. A conference involving students, lawyers, academics and others on The Magna Carta and the declaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen : past and present and future in London. Magna Carta Cocktail Party at the Ecole Militare, everyone is most welcome. The British Engineering Institutions in Paris hold a joint Institutions Social Event on the third Thursday of every month in Carr’s Bar and Restaurant in Paris from 19:00 onwards. 19.15h, Club St James, 43 ave Bugeaud, 75116 Paris: Alan Thomson, Chairman Hays, will make a presentation on Risk management. Cost (non CIMA) 27€. Further details contact [email protected] RSSG Golf at St Germain en Laye. PWS Summer Picnic in the Tuileries. Find us on Facebook: or visit our website: SEPTEMBER Thursday 3rd to Monday 7th th Friday 25 and Saturday 26th DECEMBER Saturday 12th RBL The Pedal to Paris FBC ABAF Bike ride from London to Paris Biennial Conference. PWS Christmas Party at the Royal British Legion, 28 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris. Find us on Facebook: or visit our website: AQUITAINE + DORDOGNE + GIRONDE + LOT ET GARONNE APRIL Sunday Services Thursday 2nd Sunday 5th CdA SSAFA CdA There will be services in English in many churches around the Chaplaincy. Please see the services page of the website for more information: Leeds University Swing Band, Salle de la Fontaine, 47330 Castillonnès, Lot et Garonne. Contact : [email protected] Easter Day services in English throughout Aquitaine in Dordogne, Gironde, et Lot et Garonne. Please see the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine website for more details: Friday 17th Ox Uni SWFB The Oxford University Society, South West France Branch. A wine-tasting in the Lot-et-Garonne. Enquiries to [email protected] BRITTANY, NORMANDY and PAYS DE LA LOIRE APRIL Thursday 16th France Nord RNA Lunch at La Bretagne, 10 place Carnot, 35300, Fougeres Details from [email protected] AUGUST 2nd,4th,6th, 8th OdB 5th and 7th OdB ‘Cosi Fan Tutte’ by W.A. Mozart reservations ‘The Bear’ and ‘Facade’ by Sir William Walton. Reservations BORDEAUX APRIL Wednesday 8th Friday 10th Wednesday 15th Friday 17th BBC BBC BBC Ox Uni S WFB Golf at Margaux Jazz and dinner Bordeaux Visit to Smurfit paper mill Biganos Wine-tasting on Friday 17th April in the Lot-et-Garonne. Enquiries to [email protected] Saturday 18th Thursday 23rd MAY Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th MAY Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th APRIL BBC BBC Bowling Gujan Mestras St George’s Day Lunch Cancer Support Open Day and Plant Sales at Le Mas, 46330 BLARS. For further details please France phone 05 65 30 53 99 CHARENTE + LIMOUSIN + LANGUEDOC + CORREZE Cancer Support Open Day and Plant Sales at Le Mas, 46330 BLARS. For further details please France phone 05 65 30 53 99 NORD – PAS DE CALAIS Friday 3rd Good Friday Sunday 5th Easter Day Sunday 12th Thursday 16th Sunday 19thl Sunday 26th Christ Church Lille Christ Church Lille Christ Church Lille France Nord RNA Christ Church Lille Christ Church Lille 12noon – 15.00 Watch with Christ 20.00hrs - Meditations round the Cross 10.30 - All Age Worship & Family Communion Service. Followed by Easter Egg Hunt & Bring & Share Lunch 18.30 Evening Prayer & Praise with Holy Communion followed by supper after service 10.30 - Holy Communion 18.30 - Evening Prayer & Praise Lunch at La Bretagne, 10 place Carnot, 35300, Fougeres Details from [email protected] 09.15 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30 Morning Prayer 18.30 Evening Prayer & Praise - followed by a supper after service 10.30 Holy Communion 18.30 Evening Prayer & Praise with holy Communion followed by supper JUNE Saturday 6th RBL 71st Anniversary of the landings. Bayeux Commonwealth cemetery at 14.00 PROVENCE – COTE D’AZUR RHONE-ALPES APRIL Tuesday 2nd Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd GV-Aix-les-B ACL ACL Monthly meeting Maunday Thursday - 20.30 service at church venue Good Friday Walk near Rontolon, with prayer and meditation at three crosses en route Easter Sunday Family Communion Service Business lunch : guest speaker Dr Roger Barker, Institute of Directors head of corporate governance ; subject: Direction and Control of the Modern organisation Poets’ Corner Monthly meeting Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer Sunday 5th Wednesday 8th ACL FIBA-Lyon Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Sunday 12th Sunday 19th Sunday 26th Wednesday 29th AFGB-Lyon WPNG-Lyon ACL ACL ACL AFGB-Lyon Wednesday 29th AFGB-Lyon Talk in English by Brian Page : Jacquard and the computer Thursday 30th AFGB-Lyon Book Circle : Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey Thursday 7th GV-Aix-les-B Monthly meeting : Patchwork Thursday 7th WPNG-Lyon Monthly meeting Saturday 23rd GV-Aix-les-B Tree planting ceremony at Queen Victoria statue RSCDS Lyon A demonstration of Scottish Dancing will take place at St Galmier in the afternoon. For further information Scrabble in English MAY JUNE Sunday 21st [email protected] 29/03/2015 With thanks to Mme Beryl Jones, MBE by whom this Diary was originally created British Community Committee Diary: Abbreviations ABAF Association of British Accountants in France ABRSM ACC Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Anglican Chaplaincy in Caen ACE-Normandy Amicale Culturelle Européenne [email protected] AFE Association Franco-Ecossaise AFGB-Paris Association France – Grande-Bretagne AFGB-Lyon ALSE AUEF BAAM BA-Monaco BBC BC BCC BCF BCiP Association France – Grande-Bretagne : Lyon & Rhône Alumni of LSE in France Alumni of the University of Edinburgh in France British Association of the Alpes-Maritimes British Association of Monaco Bordeaux British Community British Council British Community Committee of France The British Charitable Fund [email protected] British Conservatives in Paris and BCWA B Emb BFF BGiFC British & Commonwealth Women’s Association British Embassy British Freemasons in France [email protected] British Guides in Foreign Countries your_interest.aspx BSLISGL British Section of the Lycées International de St-Germain-en-Laye BL (1916) BRFC BSPS BSO CCB Lille CCC CLE The British Luncheon (1916) British Rugby Football Club British School of Paris Society British Scouting Overseas [email protected] Centre Culturel Britannique Chantilly Cricket Club CC-Lille Chap-Aq CIMA CMSF CS Christ Church Lille Anglican Chaplaincy of Aquitaine Chartered Institute of Management Accountants The Clan Macleod Society of France Cancer Support France CSF CSOP CTCC DCTC ECCP EFC The Caledonian Society of France Cambridge Society of Paris Chateau de Thoiry Cricket Club Dear Conjunction Theatre Company [email protected] English Cathedral Choir of Paris Elizabeth Finn Care ELIC La Souterraine ENVOL ESMG-Lyon ESU English Library and Information Centre E.N.VOL (Equipes Nouvelles de Volontaires) [email protected] English-Speaking Mothers’ Group, Lyon The English-Speaking Union, France FBCCI Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry FIBA-Lyon FOG GVALB HBH HTCML ICE IET Franco-British International Business Association, Lyon Friends of British Guiding in Ile de France [email protected] Grapevine - Aix-les-Bains Hertford British Hospital Corporation – The Charity Holy Trinity Church, Maisons Lafitte Institution of Civil Engineers – French Local Association Institution of Engineering & Technology I Mech E Institution of Mechanical Engineers IOD IP IS-Lille LPiF LRC LAC-Lyon LC-Lille LP OG OUS OUS SW PADFAS PWS RAD RAFA RAFA-Lyon RBL RBL-Lyon RLT RNA Nord RNVA RSCDS-Paris RSCDS-Lyon RSCMF RSSG SA SB SAC SDM SGACP SJRCC SKP SLL SLCF SMCV SMC SOS HELP SPACC SPRINT SSAFA The Institute of Directors, France International Players International Singers, Lille Métropole The Labour Party in France Les Rosbifs et Crêpes Lyon Anglican Church Lille Cricket Lux Perpetua Open Gardens. The Oxford University Society Oxford University Society South West France Paris Decorative & Fine Arts Society Paris Welsh Society Royal Academy of Dance Royal Air Forces Association [email protected] Royal Air Forces Association, Lyon Jubilee branch [email protected] Royal British Legion Royal British Legion , Lyon Liberation branch [email protected] Riviera Life TV Royal Naval Association – France Nord Branch Royal Naval Volunteer Association [email protected] Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Paris branch RSCDS Lyon Branch/Scottish Chanterelle The Royal School of Church Music in France The Royal Society of St George The Salvation Army Sunny Bank Association and Charity, Cannes Standard Athletic Club Scottish Dance Group of Monaco St George’s Anglican Church, Paris St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church The Scots Kirk, Paris Sète-Lorient-Londres White Horses Charity St Luke’s Church, Fontainebleau St Mark’s Church, Versailles St Michael’s Church, Paris SOS HELP St Peter’s Anglican Church, Chantilly S.P.R.I.N.T. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Help TBP Tower Bridge Paris TEL (Quillan, Aude) The English Library Toc H UCL ULIP WLP WPNG Toc H Association UCL France Alumni The University of London Institute in Paris What Larks Production Women’s Professional Networking Group.Lyon [email protected]
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