S AFETY C OURSES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2014 Workplace Safety Courses Your Place or Ours? we’re nuts about safety! Dates to Remember Western Conference on Safety, Vancouver BC April 20-21, 2015 National Day of Mourning April 28, 2015 North America Occupational Safety & Health Week May 3-9, 2015 BC Safety Committee Conference Nov. 16—17, 2015 Langley, BC GST Extra On All Fees Health & Safety Committee Training: OUR MOST POPULAR COURSE Ideal for new & current safety committee members. All committee members need to understand what a health and safety committee does, what their role is (and is not!), and how to get great results. If your committee wants to be more effective, then this course is THE place to start. Safety Training for Supervisors Bonus: Participants who complete this course receive a personalized wall certificate. Length:1 day On-Site Course Fee:$1595/Course for up to 12 people each additional person costs $9.95 OR Scheduled Course Fee: From $195 per person A MUST-HAVE COURSE accident investigations, MSI’s and more. FOR EVERY SUPERVISOR Promoting workers to supervisory positions is a great idea but they need to be trained in their responsibility and accountability for the safety of their workers, and in the techniques used to promote safe work practices. In this course supervisors learn the fundamentals that will help them provide a workplace that encourages safety and productivity. Includes Regulatory requirements for supervisors, due diligence, safety programs, safety inspections, Bonus: Participants who complete this course receive a personalized wall certificate. Length:1 day On-Site Course Fee:$1595/Course for up to 12 people each additional person costs $9.95 OR Scheduled Course Fee: From $265 per person W W W . P AC I F I C S A F E T Y C E N T E R . C O M O C C U PAT I O N A L S AF E T Y C O U R S E S Joint Health & Safety Committee Training Level 2—Advanced- TAKE YOUR SAFETY COMMITTEE TO THE NEXT LEVEL Building on the Level 1 Course, this program provides more of the tools and skills needed by safety committees. An interactive session using workshops and group discussions. Lots of opportunity to discuss your specific safety challenges. Perfect ses- Accident/Incident Investigation Course DISCOVER THE REASONS occurring and what to do to ACCIDENTS ARE HAPPENING prevent them, then this course is This is a great course for safety committee members, supervisors or anyone who is required to conduct or review accidents in the workplace. It will help you understand the true causes of accidents which is essential if you want to prevent future similar accidents. If you have ever found yourself wondering why accidents keep Due Diligence All courses, times and descriptions are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any course due to unseen circumstances or low enrollments. Liability is limited to a refund of course fees only. Please make any travel arrangements with this in mind. sion for experienced safety committee members. Bring your challenging questions to this course! Bonus: Participants who complete this course receive a personalized wall certificate. Length:1 day Fee:$1595/Course for up to 12 people each additional person costs $9.95 Maximum:18 people for you. Bonus: Participants who complete this course receive a personalized wall certificate. Length:1 day On-Site Course Fee:$1595/Course for up to 12 people each additional person costs $9.95 OR Scheduled Course Fee: From 265 per person AN EYE OPENER FOR personal liability and improve worksite safety. SUPERVISORS & MANAGERS Bonus: Participants who complete this Supervisors, managers or safety people need to be aware of the profound legal safety responsibilities and liabilities that surround their jobs. This course examines the reality of legal accountability and its impact on supervisors, managers and senior management. It presents strategies and recommendations to recognize and reduce course receive a personalized wall certificate. Length:3 hours Fee:$845 Course for up to 12 people each additional person costs $9.95 Maximum:24 people GST Extra On All Fees To Register: Pacific Safety Center Ltd 2158—20800 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 2W3 Ph. 604-233-1842 www.pacificsafetycenter.com [email protected] April 20-21, 2015 Vancouver BC W W W . P AC I F I C S A F E T Y C E N T E R . C O M
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